Adjective Order Exercises
Adjective Order Exercises
Adjective Order Exercises
Englis h metal
Complete the following sentences using the correct adjective order. Use commas between the adjectives if you have three or more.
Maria has """""" """""""" """"""""" """""""" hair. blac#) beauti!ul) thic# saw the """"""" """""""" """""""" table this morning. wooden) ugliest) round She loo#s so elegant in her """""""" """"""" """""""" coat. wool) talian) long 'hat is the """"""""" """""""" """"""""" sculpture in this museum. metal) most unusual) modern 'hey bought a lot o! """""""" """""""" """""""" !urniture on the trip. ndian) anti*ue) interesting
1. At home there is a __________________table in the dining room. (beautiful, wooden, square) 2. I was offered_____________ring by my husband. (gold, a/n, unusual) 3. y grandmother has !nitted______________sweater for me. (woolen, new, ni"e, a) #. I saw____________mo$ie with friends at home. (a/n, Ameri"an, old, interesting) %. It may rain & 'here are_____________"louds floating in the air. (bla"!, big, rain, many) (. It was su"h_____________day that we de"ided to go out for a wal!. (sunny, lo$ely, "ool, a) ). y daughter has_______________hair. (bla"!, long, beautiful) *. +ast wee!, I $isited____________$illage in a remote ,la"e. (little, "harming, a/n, old) -. 'he gallery e.hibited mainly______________,aintings. (old, /ren"h, strange) 10. 1ohn was gi$en________________!itten by his sister. (little, a/n, adorable, bla"!) 11. It started to rain so I o,ened________________umbrella. (red and yellow, a/n, enormous) 12. I inherited _____________house built in 1*(0. (old, ,i"turesque, a/n) 13. _______________"ar was ,ar!ed o,,osite my house. (Italian, blue, slee!, a/n)
ewrite the following phrases using the correct adjective order. Use commas between the adjectives if you have three or more adjectives.
1 warm each a sandy eautiful
3 a%n teacher intelligent #art&time likea le 4 alloon A #lastic red hot&air huge 5A asement a#artment fully&furnished lovely lack #edigree friendly o" square metal
A dog
! strange small A
1. beautiful Japanese car a/n old 2. big wooden rectangular tables Some 3. small cake A round delicious 4. strong rapper black French short the !. watch gold m modern "aluable oung
#. carpet new $hinese charming red their small %. old black big one $anadian bo& '. small necklace sil"er charming a/n (. pro"erb $hinese interesting short a/n
Basic types of adjectives and the correct order for using them.
O!"#"O# $"%E A&E
How old or young someone or something is? old, young, adolescent, new, ancient...
What is the shape?
O "&"#
)A*E "A(
!U !O$E
What do you think How big or about something? small is it? pretty, ugly, silly, small, tiny, smart, easy, large, fun... enormous, big...
What colour is it? Where is it from? What is it made of? What is it used for? British, Chinese, French, Brazilian, western, lunar... silver, gold, racing car!, copper, wood, football field! plastic, cotton... frying pan!
Confident !mart intelligent cle"er !illy funny #ice lo"ely cute !weet $enerous Honest %riendly !hy &uiet 'utgoing (olite rude
yakin !mart cerdas pintar )onyol lucu *agus indah lucu manis dermawan jujur ramah !hy tenang ramah !opan kasar