ExxonMobil VPQ Review Form
ExxonMobil VPQ Review Form
ExxonMobil VPQ Review Form
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Questionnaire
0 IMO No: 0
MSC Enter Y, N,
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Question
Chapter or N/A
1 Vessel name? >
2 Vessel IMO number? >
3 Is an industry report lodged with OCIMF SIRE? 1
4 Is an industry report lodged with the CDI database? 1
5 Is an up-to-date copy of the "Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (VPQ)" available from SIRE? 1
6 Is an up-to-date copy of the "Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (VPQ)" available from the CDI database? 1
Is the vessel in full compliance with all applicable international conventions, laws, regulations and/or other requirements of the
7 2
country of vessel registry, and of the countries of the ports and/or places to which the vessel may be ordered?
8 Does vessel have ISM Certification? 2
9 Does the ISM system meet the guidance contained in ICS Guide to ISM Implementation? 2
Are the Procedures Manuals covering Safety, Navigation, Cargo Handling, Pollution Prevention and Mooring being maintained
10 2
onboard for the use of the vessel's crew?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF - Recommendations for Equipment Employed in the Mooring of
11 2
Ships at Single Point Moorings, 3rd Edition, 1993?
12 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO-Safety of Life at Sea - Consolidated Edition, 1997 and Amendments? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
13 2
Watchkeeping, (STCW'95)-1996 Edition?
14 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) ICS - Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations - 3rd Edition, 1989? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF - Guidelines for the Control of Drugs and Alcohol On Board Ships
15 2
(2nd Edition, 1995)?
16 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) ICS Bridge Procedures Guide 3rd Edition 1998? 2
17 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1993? 2
18 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - Ships Routing, 7th Edition and supplements? 2
19 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines - 2nd Edition, 1997? 2
20 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF - Effective Mooring - 1st Edition, 1989? 2
21 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO- MARPOL 73/78 Consolidated Edition (1997) and Amendments? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF/ICS - International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
22 2
(ISGOTT) -4th Edition, 1996?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF/ICS - Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers - Retention of Oil Residues
23 2
on Board - 4th Edition, 1994?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF/ICS - Prevention of Oil Spillage's Through Cargo Pumproom Sea
24 2
Valves - 2nd Edition, 1991?
25 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) OCIMF/ICS - Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum) - 3rd Edition, 1997? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) Oil Transfer Procedures (Ship Specific - as per U.S. Coast Guard
26 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying
27 2
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk - IBC Code - 1998 Edition?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying
28 2
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk - BCH Code - 1993 Edition?
29 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) ICS - Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals) - (when published)? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
30 2
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk - IGC Code - 1993 Edition and Amendment?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
31 2
Gases in Bulk - Gas Code - 1993 Edition?
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) IMO - Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk - EG Code -
32 2
1976 Edition + Supplement 1980?
33 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) ICS Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas) - 2nd Edition, 1995? 2
34 Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) ICS Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Gas) - 2nd Edition, 1994? 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) SIGTTO - Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and in Terminals,
35 2
Does the vessel have available (or the equivalent of) SIGTTO Introduction to the design and manufacture of cargo system
36 2
pressure valves on board gas carriers?
37 Does the Master have sufficient and appropriate general experience as Master or Chief Officer? 3
If recently promoted, does each Master have maneuvering experience as Chief Officer or as supernumerary on the same vessel
38 3
or a class of vessels having the same or similar handling characteristics?
If recently promoted, has each Master attended an approved ship handling simulator course at an installation capable of
39 3
simulating the maneuvering characteristics of such a vessel?
40 Do all the officers in charge of cargo and/or bunker oil handling operations have conversational proficiency in English? 3
41 Do all officers possess valid certificates/licenses appropriate to their rank and/or position on the vessel, and intended trade? 3
42 Do all these valid certificates/licenses include Dangerous Cargo Endorsements as specified in STCW/BCH/IBC/IGC? 3
43 Is the vessel in compliance with it's Safe Manning Certificate? 3
For Vessels >16kDWT. Does the vessel have a minimum manning level consisting of at least one Master and three licensed Deck
44 3
Officers and at least one Chief Engineer and two licensed Assistant Engineers?
For Vessels <16kDWT. Does the vessel have a minimum manning level consisting of at least one Master and two licensed Deck
45 3
Officers and at least one Chief Engineer and one licensed Assistant Engineer?
Other manning arrangements may be considered following a review by IMT on a case-by-case basis. This will include a review of
46 crew competence/experience, conditions of service, leave rotation, equipment, and procedures. Does Owner wish IMT to conduct 3
this review?
Do the procedures include provisions for monitoring and controlling maximum hours worked and fatigue reduction?
47 3
Does the owner warrant that the vessel operates under an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy which meets or exceeds the standards
48 3
set out in the OCIMF publication "Guidelines for the Control of Drugs and Alcohol On Board Ships" (2nd Edition, 1995)?
49 Does the owner have an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy blanket declaration on file with IMT? 3
50 Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy define alcohol impairment as a blood alcohol content of 40mg/100ml or greater? 3
51 Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy contain provision for drug testing which includes unannounced testing for all officers? 3
52 Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy contain provision for alcohol testing which includes unannounced testing for all officers? 3
Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy contain provision for drug testing which includes routine medical examinations for all
53 3
Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy contain provision for alcohol testing which includes routine medical examinations for all
54 3
Does the Drug and Alcohol abuse policy provide for all officers to be tested at least once a year through the combined program of
55 3
unannounced testing and routine medical examinations?
56 Will Owner/operator agree to the ExxonMobil Alcohol and Drug Abuse charter party clause? 3
57 Is the navigational equipment on the vessel in good working order? 4
58 Is the vessel fitted with a magnetic compass off-course alarm? 4 (T/C)
59 Is the vessel fitted with a bridge events recorder? 4
60 Is the vessel equipped with all statutory navigational equipment? 4
61 Is the vessel fitted with a wind speed and direction indicator? 4
62 Is the vessel fitted with a dual axis Doppler log? 4 (T/C)
63 Is the vessel fitted with a rate of turn indicator? 4 (T/C)
Alternative means of measuring vessel movement may be acceptable and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Do you wish
64 4
IMT to conduct this review?
65 Is the vessel fitted with a magnetic compass? 4
66 Is the vessel fitted with a gyro compass? 4
67 Is the vessel fitted with facilities to take visual compass bearings? 4
68 Is the vessel fitted with at least one (1) radar with a true north feature? 4
69 Is the vessel fitted with at least two (2) radars, at least one of which to have true north feature? 4
70 Is one radar fitted with electronic tracking/plotting facilities? 4
99 Does the passage plan include a review of all relevant information pertaining to the voyage leg (Appraisal)? 4
Does the passage plan include a detailed written plan prepared with items such as danger areas, tidal data, waypoints, etc.
100 4
highlighted on the voyage charts (Planning)?
Does the passage plan include a process to ensure the Bridge Team reviews the plan and controls are in place to ensure it is
101 4
safely executed (Execution) ?
Does the passage plan enable the Bridge Team to use all available means to monitor the passage including the actions of the
102 4
pilot and review against the plan (Monitoring)?
103 Have the Master and deck officers undergone a recognized industry training course in Bridge Team (Resource) Management? 4
104 Can the vessel demonstrate that two independent types of navigational data are employed to verify vessel position? 4
Does the vessel maintain a record of magnetic compass deviations and gyro
105 4
compass error to enable corrections of bearings/courses to "true" readings?
106 Is vessel fitted with weather fax capability? 4 (T/C)
107 Have all Deck Officers using the electronic chart system undergone a documented training program? 4
Do all crew members working in hazardous areas use personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate to the operations being
108 5
conducted and the risk involved?
Are the pilot ladders as per SOLAS Chapter V, regulation 17 and the IMO Recommendation on Arrangements for Embarking and
109 5
Disembarking Pilots in Very Large Ships, adopted by the Resolution A426 (XI) 1979 - Required Boarding Arrangements?
Do the Emergency Procedures cover, as a minimum, action to be taken in the event of collision, grounding, fire and explosion,
110 5
and also gas releases from gas ships and toxic vapour releases from chemical carriers?
Can the vessel demonstrate documented procedures for the safe entry into dangerous or enclosed spaces, such as cargo
111 5
pumprooms or cargo tanks, with, as a minimum, an "Entry Permit" system as described in ISGOTT?
Does the vessel have on board a documented system or procedure to sample for flammable atmospheres at frequent intervals in
112 all ballast tanks, cofferdams, or other such spaces within the hazardous zones of the vessel where explosive vapours can 5
113 Is the frequency of such atmosphere testing clearly stated within the vessel safety management system? 5
114 Is a fixed atmosphere monitoring system with recorder fitted to conduct such testing? 5
115 Is portable atmosphere monitoring equipment used for such sampling? 5
116 Are records of monitoring these spaces maintained? 5
117 Is safe access provided for connection/disconnection of transfer hoses/arms? 5
Is equipment no longer active (e.g., obsolete or has been replaced) clearly and permanently marked and isolated, or removed if it
118 5
presents a hazard or could adversely affect the safe operation of the vessel?
Have IMT been provided with office and after hours telephone numbers and details of their shore emergency response
119 6
organization to facilitate operator/charterer communications in the event of a vessel casualty or escape of cargo?
120 Does the vessel have on board records verifying annual pressure testing of the cargo system including valves? 6
Is the vessel fitted with a continuous deck edge fishplate that encloses the main deck area, from bow to stern, such that escape of
121 6 (T/C)
cargo or bunker oil tanks contents will be contained?
Has a transverse fishplate been fitted, aft of the last cargo tank, to prevent the flow of cargo around the poop/accommodation
122 6
deck area?
123 Is there an accommodation bulkhead negating the need for a transverse fishplate? 6
124 Does the vessel have deck edge fishplates of at least 25 cm high, gradually rising to 40 cm in the after sections? 6
125 Does the vessel have a transverse fishplate of at least 40 cm? 6
126 Are deck dump valves with loop seals into the slop tanks provided? 6 (T/C)
127 Does the vessel have deck edge fishplates of at least 10 cm high, gradually rising to 25 cm in the after sections? 6
Do the cargo and bunker manifolds and all service and storage oil tank vents and hydraulic machinery have spill containment
128 6
arrangements with a means of draining or removing oil from the enclosed deck area/containment?
129 Are these spill containment arrangements a permanent construction? 6
130 Are all flanged connections requiring bolts fully bolted at all times? 6
Are all open-ended cargo, bunker or ballast pipework and unused manifolds blanked and fully bolted (or capped in the case of
131 6
small diameter lines)?
132 Are any blank flanges fitted on the vessel of sufficient strength for the certified line pressure? 6
133 Can all scupper plugs be tightly sealed? 6
134 Are all scupper plugs of a mechanical type? 6 (T/C)
135 Is the pollution control equipment available in accordance with the OPRC Convention 1990 6
136 Does the pollution control equipment include sorbents to clean up oil spilled on deck? 6
137 Are non-sparking hand scoops, shovels and buckets available to clean up oil spilled on deck? 6
138 Are containers suitable for holding recovered waste available to clean up oil spilled on deck? 6
139 Does the pollution control equipment include emulsifiers for deck cleaning to clean up oil spilled on deck? 6
140 Is protective clothing available for use when cleaning up oil spilled on deck? 6
141 Are two (2) non-sparking portable pumps with hoses in good operating condition available to clean up oil spilled on deck? 6
142 Are at least two valves fitted on each cargo seachest? 6
Is a system to monitor the integrity of the space between the sea valves for product leakage and sea valve integrity fitted?
143 6
144 Is the seachest isolated from the cargo system by a spool piece or blank? 6
145 Are blank flanges fitted on all cargo related overboard discharge lines? 6
146 Are double block valves fitted on all cargo related overboard discharge lines? 6
147 If double block valves are fitted, is there a system to monitor the integrity of the space between the valves? 6
Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Oil, associated products/chemicals, LNG &
148 6
149 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Noxious Liquid Substances? 6
150 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Sewage? 6
151 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Dangerous Goods? 6
152 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Garbage? 6
Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Ballast water (including the transfer of
153 6
Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Cargo Vapour and Engine Exhaust
154 6
155 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Halons and CFCs? 6
156 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Noise? 6
157 Does the vessel owner have in place an Environmental Policy covering pollution from Anti-Fouling Paints e.g. TBTs? 6
Does the vessel owner use the guidelines issued by the International Chamber of Shipping "Shipping and the Environment - a
158 6
Code of Practice" as a reference?
159 Does the vessel comply with the provisions of Marpol Regulation 13G(3)? 7
Is vessel required to undertake an enhanced survey program under the provisions of either Marpol Regulation 13G, or
160 7
classification society rules, (ESP notation)?
161 Is the documentation referred to in Marpol Regulation 13G(3) sections (b) and (c) on board and available for inspection? 7
162 Has an enhanced special survey as per Regulation 13G in Annex I to 1973/78 MARPOL Convention been completed? 7
163 Are the anodes fitted in ballast and cargo tanks for corrosion control made of a non-sparking material, such as zinc? 7
164 Are aluminium anodes fitted in either ballast or cargo tanks for corrosion control? 7 (T/C)
Does the vessel have on board documentation showing maximum loading rates, venting capacities and maximum permissible
165 8
pressure and vacuum each tank can withstand?
166 Are Material Safety Data Sheets for all products being handled displayed? 8
167 Is a copy of the USCG Data Guide aboard? 8
168 Is vessel fitted with a cargo pumproom? 8
Do the cargo pumps have emergency stops located in the CCR, at the manifold, and just outside the pumproom entrance (if
169 8 (T/C)
vessel is fitted with a cargo pumproom)? (Ref: OCIMF An Information Paper on Pumproom safety - September 1993)
170 Are the centrifugal cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with bearing high temperature alarms? 8
171 Are the centrifugal cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with bearing high temperature trips? 8
172 Are the centrifugal cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with casing high temperature alarms? 8
173 Are the centrifugal cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with casing high temperature trips? 8
174 Are the cargo pump drive shaft bulkhead glands located in a pumproom fitted with alarms? 8
175 Are the cargo pump drive shaft bulkhead glands located in a pumproom fitted with trips? 8
176 Are the rotary positive displacement cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with bearing high temperature alarms? 8
177 Are the rotary positive displacement cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with bearing high temperature trips? 8
178 Are the rotary positive displacement cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with casing high temperature alarms? 8
179 Are the rotary positive displacement cargo pumps located in a pumproom fitted with casing high temperature trips? 8
180 Does vessel carry cargoes with flash points below 60degC? 8
181 Is a detailed and documented cargo-handling plan prepared and available for every cargo or ballast operation undertaken? 8
182 Does vessel have appropriate logbook(s) on board containing an up-to-date record of events? 8
Has operator determined whether there are any possible conditions of cargo and/or ballast operations where IMO stability criteria
183 8
are not satisfied?
Does the vessel have large undivided tanks in which liquid free surface may affect vessel stability, (such as double hull, double
184 8
sides, and OBOs, without a continuous longitudinal bulkhead in the cargo tanks, and/or with "U" shaped ballast tanks)?
Do the operating instructions indicate the number of tanks which may be slack and still satisfy IMO stability criteria under all
185 8
possible conditions of liquid (cargo and/or ballast) transfer?
186 Are operating instructions understandable to the officer-in-charge of transfer operations? 8
187 Do operating instructions require extensive mathematical calculations by the officer-in-charge? 8
Do the operating instructions illustrate corrective actions to be taken by the officer-in-charge in case of departure from planned
188 8
values, and in case of emergency situations, such as negative stability causing an angle of loll?
Are the operating instructions prominently displayed in the approved trim and stability booklet, at the cargo/ballast transfer control
189 8
station, and in any computer software by which stability calculations are performed?
Is the vessel provided with a cargo computer, or equivalent, to enable stability calculations to be made, prior to and at any stage
190 8
of the cargo operation?
191 Is a cargo computer, or equivalent, fitted to calculate hull stresses? 8 (T/C)
192 Has the operator ensured that the cargo computer program has been independently verified? 8 (T/C)
193 Has the cargo computer program been class approved? 8 (T/C)
194 Is the vessel fitted with bilge alarms in pumprooms? 8 (T/C)
195 Is a fixed system capable of continuously monitoring for flammable atmosphere in cargo pumprooms fitted? 8 (T/C)
Is the fixed flammable atmosphere monitoring system fitted with an alarm to indicate the presence of significant concentrations of
196 8
flammable vapour?
Are the sensors/sampling points for monitoring flammable atmospheres distributed throughout pumprooms. Ref: OCIMF An
197 8 (T/C)
Information Paper on Pumproom Safety (September 1993)?
198 Are pressure gauges fitted outboard of cargo manifold valves? 8
199 Does the vessel have portable cargo hoses? 8
Is there appropriate documentation for the vessel's portable hoses showing that prior to each use they are inspected to ensure
200 8
they are free of kinks or any other material defects?
Does the vessel have on board appropriate documentation for the vessel's portable hoses showing that all hoses are pressure
201 8
tested annually to design working pressure?
Does the vessel have on board appropriate documentation for the vessel's portable hoses showing that all hoses are retired in
202 8
accordance with manufacturer's instructions?
Does the vessel have on board appropriate documentation for the vessel's portable hoses showing that all hoses have flange
203 8
markings which match certificates for ease of identification?
204 Is the cargo tank venting through approved systems that expel vapours clear of the tank deck area in accordance with ISGOTT? 8
Can the vessel undertake cargo operations under controlled venting and restricted gauging techniques; that is, the vessel has
205 8 (T/C)
facilities to enable venting of tank atmospheres and ullage monitoring without need to open hatches/ullage ports?
Is the vessel fitted with a vapour recovery system complying with OCIMF "Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and
206 8 (T/C)
Associated Equipment"?
Are vessel personnel conducting cargo operations familiar with the safety implications of the use of the fitted vapour recovery
207 8
208 Is an Automatic Tank Level Gauging System Fitted? 8
209 Are Independent High Level Alarms Fitted to Cargo Tanks
210 Are the independent high level alarms in good operating condition? 8
211 Are the bunker tank independent high level alarms utilized during bunkering operations? 8
212 Are the cargo and slop tank independent alarms utilized during all cargo transfer operations? 8
213 Does the vessel have a sampling device for use via the vapour locks? 8
Are the vapour locks independently calibrated and certified so that measurements taken through them can be used with the
214 8
vessel's original ullage tables?
Is the use of portable measuring equipment, including sonic tapes and measuring devices, when loading products in non-inerted
215 tanks in accordance with the precautions to prevent electrostatic ignition recommended in ISGOTT (Fourth Edition), section 7.4 8
including figure 7.1 and Table 7-2?
216 Are sounding pipes fitted in cargo tanks? 8
217 Are sounding pipes in cargo tanks constructed so as to extend the full depth of the tank? 8
218 Are sounding pipes in cargo tanks effectively bonded? 8
219 Are sounding pipes in cargo tanks perforated? 8
220 Does the vessel carry portable gas detection equipment - 2 x Explosimeters? 8
221 Does the vessel carry portable gas detection equipment - 2 x Oxygen Analysers? 8
222 Does the vessel carry Toxic Gas detectors or Analysers suitable for the range of products being carried? 8
223 Are the detector tubes, where used, within manufacturer's stated expiry date? 8
224 Does the vessel carry one MSA tankscope (or equivalent) for measuring hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere? 8
225 Does the vessel carry two MSA tankscopes (or equivalent) for measuring hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere? 8
226 Are personal multiple gas detecting alarm units used by each person working in a dangerous space or a hazardous area? 8
227 Are the toxic gas detectors for measuring H2S certified specifically for use in air? 8
228 Are the toxic gas detectors for measuring H2S certified specifically for use in an inert gas atmosphere? 8
Does the vessel have on board records of tests to show that all gas detection equipment (fixed and portable) is routinely
229 8
Are appropriate span/calibration gas, maintenance kits and batteries carried to enable the equipment performance to be checked
230 8
and kept in a fully operational condition?
Do all vessel's cargo manifolds, valves, bunkering connections and related equipment meet the requirements of OCIMF
231 Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment. (Gas and Chemical Carriers should meet applicable 8 (T/C)
industry standards)?
232 Are the cargo manifolds and associated valves and reducers fabricated of steel? 8 (T/C)
233 Are cargo manifolds and associated valves and reducers fabricated from Ductile iron? 8 (T/C)
234 Are tanks stainless steel? 8
235 Are tanks fully coated with a coating suitable for the range of products intended to be carried? 8
236 Are cargo tank coating condition records maintained on board showing status of coating condition in each tank? 8
237 Are cargo tanks that are used for carrying aviation grade kerosene free of copper, zinc, cadmium and their alloys? 8 (T/C)
Does the vessel have on board documented maintenance procedures and test records that relate to critical systems. Critical
238 8
systems include the cargo pumps, piping, valves, inert gas system and cargo instrumentation?
239 Does the IGS comply with the provisions of Regulation 62 of SOLAS II - 2 regardless of the building date? 9
Is the inert gas system fitted, maintained in full working order, with a record/log of maintenance accomplished including tests of
240 9
safety devices?
Are there documented maintenance procedures and test records for the inert gas scrubber, blowers, deck seal, P/V breakers,
241 9
pumps, fittings and instrumentation?
242 Is the inert gas system operated per a detailed manual approved by the vessel's Classification Society? 9
243 Does the vessel carry the publication IMO - Inert Gas Systems - 3rd Edition 1990 or its equivalent? 9
Does the vessel comply with cargo tank pressure/vacuum protection provisions of Regulation 59 of SOLAS II-2 regardless of the
244 9
building date?
Is the vessel equipped with at least one independent pressure/vacuum valve on each tank capable of venting at the maximum
245 9 (T/C)
tank rate during loading, discharging and ballasting?
246 Does the vessel carry the publication IMO - Crude Oil Washing System - 2nd Edition 1983 or its equivalent? 9
If Vessel size is 46-75 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 8 wires, with a breaking strength of 35 m tons and winch holding
250 10
capacity of 25 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 76-100 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 8 wires, with a breaking strength of 70 m tons and winch holding
251 10
capacity of 40 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 76-100 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 10 wires, with a breaking strength of 55 m tons and winch holding
252 10
capacity of 30 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 76-100 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 12 wires, with a breaking strength of 50 m tons and winch holding
253 10
capacity of 30 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 101-140 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 8 wires, with a breaking strength of 80 m tons and winch holding
254 10
capacity of 45 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 101-140 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 10 wires, with a breaking strength of 65 m tons and winch holding
255 10
capacity of 35 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 101-140 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 12 wires, with a breaking strength of 50 m tons and winch holding
256 10
capacity of 30 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 141-160 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 8 wires, with a breaking strength of 85 m tons and winch holding
257 10
capacity of 50 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 141-160 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 10 wires, with a breaking strength of 70 m tons and winch holding
258 10
capacity of 40 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 141-160 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 12 wires, with a breaking strength of 55 m tons and winch holding
259 10
capacity of 30 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 161-250 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 10 wires, with a breaking strength of 85 m tons and winch holding
260 10
capacity of 50 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 161-250 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 12 wires, with a breaking strength of 70 m tons and winch holding
261 10
capacity of 40 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 251-400 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 12 wires, with a breaking strength of 85 m tons and winch holding
262 10
capacity of 50 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 251-400 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 14 wires, with a breaking strength of 80 m tons and winch holding
263 10
capacity of 45 mt tons?
If Vessel size is 251-400 kdwt does Vessel have a minimum of 16 wires, with a breaking strength of 70 m tons and winch holding
264 10
capacity of 40 mt tons?
If Vessel size is Below 2 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
265 minimum number of 6 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 90 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 2-3 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a minimum
266 number of 6 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 105 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring lines X 10
(line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 3.1-4 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
267 minimum number of 6 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 125 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 4.1-5 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
268 minimum number of 6 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 150 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 5.1-15 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
269 minimum number of 8 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 220 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 15.1-20 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
270 minimum number of 10 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 320 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
If Vessel size is 20.1-45 kdwt does Vessel have an efficient mooring system to securely maintain position at a terminal with a
271 minimum number of 10 lines providing a mooring retention of at least 360 Tonnes. Where mooring retention = number of mooring 10
lines X (line breaking strength or winch brake holding capacity)?
272 Are synthetic mooring tails fitted to mooring wires? 10
273 Are the synthetic mooring tails connected to the wire with Mandel or Tonsberg type shackles? 10
Do synthetic mooring tails meet OCIMF guidelines; i.e. maximum length 11 metres, minimum breaking strength 125% of the
274 breaking strength of the wire to which they are attached, or if tails are made from nylon, minimum breaking strength 137% of 10
275 Does the vessel have additional synthetic mooring ropes to supplement the mooring wires? 10
276 Are all the mooring wires fitted on self-stowing mooring winch drums? 10
277 Are all the synthetic mooring lines fitted on self-stowing mooring winch drums? 10
278 Are the self-stowing winches split drum type? 10
279 Are the mooring wires and synthetic lines reeled on their drums in the direction which enhances brake holding power? 10
Is the vessel outfitted for mooring at SPMs with equipment in accordance with OCIMF guidelines (refer to Appendix A of OCIMF
280 10
Mooring Equipment Guidelines)?
281 Are all the mooring ropes, wires, winches, brakes, tails and shackles in good condition? 10
Are the winch brake holding capacities at the rendering point tested annually and the proper setting recorded. For example, a tag,
282 stating the proper torque, attached to a screw brake and provision of a torque wrench for proper setting in service, (See OCIMF 10
"Mooring Equipment Guidelines")?
283 Are certificates listing the breaking strength of each wire and rope kept on board? 10
Do the mooring winches, lines and fittings (all part of the critical systems) have documented maintenance procedures and test
284 10
If the vessel size is up to 16 kDWT is the hose lifting equipment capable of adequately handling the anticipated range of
285 10
equipment with a minimum of SWL 1 to 5 ton?
If the vessel size is 16-60 kDWT is the hose lifting equipment capable of adequately handling the anticipated range of equipment
286 10
with a minimum of SWL 10 ton?
If the vessel size is 60-160 kDWT is the hose lifting equipment capable of adequately handling the anticipated range of equipment
287 10
with a minimum of SWL 15 ton?
If the vessel size is above 160 kDWT is the hose lifting equipment capable of adequately handling the anticipated range of
288 10
equipment with a minimum of SWL 20 ton?
Is the vessel supplied with sufficient portable VHF/UHF intrinsically safe mobile units for use by key personnel involved with deck
289 11
290 Is the vessel fitted with satellite communications? 11 (T/C)
291 Is the vessel fitted with a cargo control room sited in the safe area? 11
292 Is the vessel fitted with a VHF radio telephone in the cargo control room? 11
293 Is the vessel fitted with bilge alarms in the engine room? 12 (T/C)
294 Does one of the steering systems operate in the event of power failure? 12
Does the vessel comply with SOLAS Chapter II-1 Regulation 29, Para. 16 and Para. 20 even if the GRT is below the SOLAS
295 12 (T/C)
296 Is the vessel fitted with a main and an auxiliary steering system including two independent steering motors and hydraulic pumps? 12
297 Is all vessel equipment and areas properly maintained, clean, painted, and in good fabric condition? 13
298 Is all vessel equipment in good working order? 13
299 Does the vessel have MARPOL Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT)? T/C (7)
Does the vessel have a continuous longitudinal bulkhead in the cargo tanks in addition to the longitudinal bulkheads forming the
300 T/C (8)
cargo block?
301 Can vessel handle at least 3 (THREE) grades of cargo whilst maintaining double valve segregation between grades? T/C (8)
302 Is the vessel equipped with at least 3 (THREE) main cargo pumps? T/C (8)
303 Are cargo pumps reciprocating? T/C (8)
304 Can the vessel maintain, at the manifold during discharge, pump rated discharge capacity? T/C (8)
Do cargo manifolds, bunker connections and lifting equipment meet OCIMF "Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and
305 T/C (8)
Associated Equipment"?
306 Does Vapour recovery meet OCIMF "Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment"? T/C (8)
307 Are cargo valves on the manifold, seachest and pumproom bulkhead steel? T/C (8)
308 Are cargo valves on the manifold, seachest and pumproom bulkhead ductile iron? T/C (8)
309 Are cargo valves on the manifold, seachest and pumproom bulkhead Gate valves? T/C (8)
310 Do butterfly valves, where fitted at the manifold, have valve disc locking arrangements fitted to lock in the open position? T/C (8)
311 Are pressure gauges fitted , port and starboard, in each manifold connection outboard of the manifold valve? T/C (8)
312 Are the pressure gauges fitted at the manifold tested annually and a test record maintained on board? T/C (8)
313 Are the slop tanks fitted with heating coils? T/C
314 Is the vessel capable of loading cargoes at 72 oC? T/C
Is vessel fitted with a heating medium capable of raising the temperature of the cargo to a maximum of 57 oC and maintaining this
315 temperature throughout the loaded passage and discharge (the rate of temperature rise required will not be more than 4 oC per T/C
Does vessel have a fixed system to monitor for flammable atmospheres in the cargo pumproom(s)), cofferdams and other spaces
316 adjacent to the cargo block. (For example - ballast spaces on double side and/or double bottom vessels where explosive vapours T/C
may accumulate.)?
317 Are sensors fitted at the top and bottom of the pumproom? T/C
318 Is a fixed system to monitor for H2S fitted T/C
Can ballast tanks in double side and/or double bottoms be inerted and purged with air in the event flammable gases are detected
319 T/C
in their atmosphere.
Doe the vessel have a cargo control room (CCR) with centralised cargo pump control, valve operation and remote tank level
320 T/C
gauges and alarms?
321 Are tank level measuring devices installed in all cargo, slop and bunker tanks with remote readout in the CCR? T/C
322 Are independent high level alarms installed in all cargo, slop and bunker tanks with remote alarms in the CCR? T/C
323 Is a class approved cargo computer fitted to calculate hull stresses and vessel stability? T/C
324 Does the cargo computer provide a warning (alarm) of unstable or potentially unstable conditions? T/C
325 Are cargo tank vapour locks, properly calibrated, certified and capable of drawing liquid samples fitted? T/C
326 Are at least 2 (TWO) portable electronic measuring tapes included in the vessel's outfit? T/C
327 Is the vessel fitted with IGS? T/C (9)
328 Will vessel carry cargoes with flash points LESS than 60 deg C? T/C (9)
329 Will vessel carry heated cargoes? T/C (9)
330 Is vessel fitted with closed chocks? T/C
Is vessel outfitted with equipment required for mooring at single point moorings. [OCIMF guidelines may be used for determining
331 these requirements, i.e. Size and number of chocks. Size, number and type of chain stoppers. Other information is provided in T/C
OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines 2nd Edition (1997)]?
332 Is vessel fitted with emergency towing capability? T/C
333 Is an impressed current cathodic protection system installed? T/C
334 Is vessel dry-docked for hull inspection every 2.5 years? T/C
335 Is the use of high strength steel limited to no more than 30% of the vessel's steel weight? T/C
Has a structural analysis been carried out by a recognized Classification Society. (The analysis should incorporate a fatigue
336 T/C
analysis that takes into account the anticipated trading pattern of the vessel)/
337 Is a means of safe and easy access for inspection of ballast tank internal coating and surfaces provided? T/C
338 Are horizontal flats at 4/6 metre increments used? T/C
339 Are stringers or oversized longitudinals, with guard rails, at the same spacing provided? T/C
0 IMO No: 0
Please provide answers to the following additional questions
(if completing electronically please place answers in the cell in column D) Units
340 Vessel name?
341 Vessel IMO number?
342 What is the winch brake holding capacity (BHC)? mt
343 Name of Commercial Manager company
344 Name of Technical Manager company
345 Scantling DWT mt
346 Scantling draft m
347 Height of manifold above waterline at summer draft m
348 TPC Immersion at Summer Draft mt
349 Height of manifold above waterline at max. freeboard m
350 Minimum airdraft in ballast condition m
351 Distance to center of manifolds - from Stern m
352 Distance from spring line to center of manifolds - FWD m
353 Distance from spring line to center of manifolds - AFT m
354 Is helicopter landing area located Port or Starboard?
How many continuous longitudinal bulkheads are there in the cargo area - including double hull wing tank
356 How many continuous longitudinal bulkheads are there in the bottom ballast tanks?
If no COT or no WBT continuous longitudinal bulkhead, total number of tanks that can be slack with GM>
0.15 m and WBTs at 2% to 5% fill level
358 Vessel's P&I Club
359 Propulsion engine type
360 Propulsion engine rating bhp
361 Propulsion engine maker
362 Highest grade propoulsion fuel (e.g. IF-380)
363 Highest grade auxilliary fuel (e.g. IF-380, MDO, MGO)
364 Bow Thruster Rating bhp
365 Stern Thruster Rating bhp
366 For lightering, lowest sustainable speed knots
367 For lightering, Barred speed range(s), if any knots
368 Cruising range at maximum horsepower miles
400 What type of material is the cargo seachests' valves made from?
401 Date of last pressure test of cargo piping and valves
402 Pumping capacity of Light petroleum viscosity (less than 320 SSU at 100 deg F) bbls/hr
403 Pumping capacity of Medium petroleum viscosity (320 to 3200 SSU at 100 deg F) bbls/hr
404 Pumping capacity of Heavy petroleum viscosity (greater than 3200 SSU at 100 deg F) bbls/hr
405 Derrick boom length m
Reach outboard from deck edge
407 Manufacturer of Inert Gas System
408 Type and total number of fixed tank cleaning machines
409 Full cycle time of fixed tank cleaning machines min
410 How many tank cleaning machines can be operated simultaneously?
411 Synthetic line circumference cm
Does the vessel comply with OCIMF "Recommendations for Equipment Employed in the Mooring of Ships at
Single Point Moorings"
Bow Chocks Dimensions
mm x mm
414 How many bitts forward of the manifold on the port side?
415 Anchor Holding Capacity mt
Number of messenger lines
417 Length of messenger lines m
418 Diameter of messenger lines mm
Number of VHF radio sets
420 Number of VHF channels per set
421 Locations of VHF extension control sets
422 Number of UHF walkie-talkies
423 How often do the Deck Officers attend radar refresher training?
Dates of full compliance with the ISM code - Company
425 Dates of full compliance with the ISM code - Vessel
426 Nationality and licenses of officers
427 Total Number of Deck Officers (including Master)
428 Total Number of Engineer Officers (Including Chief Engineer)
429 Nationality of Radio Officer, if embarked
0 IMO No: 0
MSC Enter Y, N,
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Question
Chapter or N/A
1 Vessel name? >
2 Vessel IMO number? >
Are all ship to ship transfers conducted per the ICS/OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum -
3 14
latest edition)?
Are all ship to ship transfers conducted per the ICS/OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied
4 14
Gases - latest edition)?
5 Does the Master have previous experience in open ocean lightering operations? 14
6 Do the deck officers have previous experience in open ocean lightering operations? 14
Only respond to questions 7 - 38 if vessel is Suezmax/VLCC/ULCC for lightering in the Gulf of
Is vessel manned with minimum of Master, four deck officers or three deck officers and a cargo
7 14
handling port captain and seven deck hands for mooring?
8 Is engine room manned during mooring, lightering and unmooring? 14
9 Has vessel a means to measure vessel speed with display(s) on the navigation bridge? 14
10 Can the vessel manoeuvre and maintain speed of 5.5 knots? 14
11 Is the vessel fitted with Inmarsat (Voice and Telex)? 14
Is the vessel provided with six intrinsically safe UHF walkie-talkie tranceivers, or six intrinsically safe
12 14
VHF walkie-talkie tranceivers, the latter with all international and US marine channels?
Is the vessel fitted with three fixed independent VHF sets, two on the navigation bridge and one in
13 14
the cargo control room? All three sets are to be equipped with all international and U.S.channels.
Does the vessel have a helicopter landing area meeting standards within ICS Guide to Helicopter
14 14
Ship Operations?
15 Is vessel fitted with closed fairleads on the starboard side? 14
Are two closed fairleads on starboard side located within approximately 35 metres forward and aft of
16 the centre of the cargo manifold with associated mooring bollards and leads to winches as per 14
OCIMF "Ship to Ship Transfer Guide" and "Mooring Equipment Guidelines"?
17 Does vessel have thirteen shackles (356 metres) of anchor chain each side? 14
18 Are synthetic mooring tails for each mooring wire connected with Tonsberg or Mandel shackles? 14
19 Do synthetic mooring tails meet OCIMF guidelines (a maximum length of 11 metres)? 14
20 Does the vessel maintain four spare synthetic mooring tails? 14
Does the vessel have four messenger lines of 40mm diameter, minimum length 200 metres with 1.8
21 14
metre eye splice at each end, and one shackle per messenger line?
22 Are the messenger lines constructed of a braided or plait polyester or polyester/propylene mix? 14
Are a minimum of five closed chocks and three bollards available at the starboard side forward
23 14
mooring station to accommodate a total of eight headlines?
Are a minimum of four closed chocks and two bollards available at the starboard side aft (poopdeck)
24 14
mooring station to accommodate a total of six sternlines?
25 Does the waterline to manifold height exceed 23 metres? 14
26 Does the vessel have a waterline to manifold height below 22 metres? 14
27 Is the centre of manifold to bridge distance less than 91 metres? 14
28 Does the vessel have a cargo control room? 14
29 Can the vessel simultaneously discharge cargo and load ballast with double valve segregation? 14
30 Does the vessel have three main cargo pumps? 14
31 Does the vessel have a loading/discharge hull stress computer? 14
32 Does the vessel have calibrated and certified vapour locks with sonic tapes? 14
Is a deck officer in the cargo control room at all times during cargo, ballast or COW operations and at
33 14
the manifold during hose handling?
Can the vessel provide four snubbing ropes of minimum 20mm diameter and 20m length for hose
34 14
handling at the manifold?
Can the vessel provide, ready at the manifold, appropriate tools, gaskets, nuts and bolts of sufficient
35 14
size, quality and quantity for cargo hose connecting and disconnecting?
36 Are engine order telegraph and steering controls fitted on the starboard bridge wing? 14
37 Does the vessel have a cellular phone contract with Petrcom, USA (Offshore U.S. Gulf Cell)? 14
Does the vessel have midship cranes with a lifting capacity of 15 tons and a 7 metre outboard reach
38 14
from ship's hull?
Only respond to questions 39 - 47 if vessel is VLCC/ULCC for lightering in the Gulf of Thailand 14
Are there a minimum of three line handlers under the direction of a deck officer provided at each of
39 14
two mooring stations both forward and aft?
40 Does freeboard exceed 22 metres? 14
41 Is vessel able to manoeuvre and maintain speed at or below five and a half knots? 14
42 Are a minimum of two wires displayed both forward and aft? 14
43 Do all wires have synthetic tails? 14
44 Are the tails connected to the wires with Tonsberg or Mandal shackles? 14
Does the vessel have four messenger lines, two forward and two aft, each a minimum of 100 meters
45 14
long x 30mm dia?
46 Does the vessel's freeboard exceed 16.5 metres? 14
47 Are fairleads/bitts fitted within 10 metres fore and aft of the cargo manifolds? 14
0 IMO No: 0
MSC Enter Y, N,
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Question
Chapter or N/A
1 Vessel name? >
2 Vessel IMO number? >
3 Are chemical safety data sheets available for all products on board? 15
4 Are there written procedures for cleaning and emission control of the cargo system? 15
5 Are all cargoes carried listed on the ship's certificate of fitness? 15
When new chemicals are carried is a review of handling procedures carried out by the company safety officer and any change in
6 15
procedures communicated to the vessel?
7 Do officers and crew attend chemical handling training courses? 15
8 Can officers and crew demonstrate familiarity with carriage requirements for chemical products? 15
9 Do officers and crew receive medical screening on a regular basis? 15
10 Are independent high level alarms fitted on all cargo tanks? 15
11 Is the pumproom bilge system operable from outside the pumproom? 15
12 Is appropriate personal protective equipment provided for all crew members? 15
13 Is appropriate personal protective equipment utilised by all crew members? 15
Are showers provided, easily accessible on deck, capable of operating in all ambient conditions likely to be encountered and
14 15
available at all times?
Are eye baths, easily accessible on deck, capable of operating in all ambient conditions likely to be encountered and available at
15 15
all times?
Does vessel carry emergency procedures that cover, as a minimum, action to be taken in the event of chemical spill and
16 15
0 IMO No: 0
MSC Enter Y, N,
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Question
Chapter or N/A
1 Vessel name? >
2 Vessel IMO number? >
3 Does the vessel have a Certificate of Fitness to carry cargoes other than liquefied gases? 16
4 Do officers and crew attend LPG safety/handling training courses? 16
5 Can officers and crew demonstrate familiarity with carriage requirements for liquefied gases? 16
6 Is an Emergency Shut Down (ESD) pendant cable for the shore operator provided? 16
7 Do officers and crew attend LPG safety/handling training courses? 16
8 Are cargo related alarms, trips and ESD system covered by a routine testing program with records maintained onboard? 16
9 Are the Tank/Line Relief Valves included in the routine testing and recording program? 16
10 Are the Air Locks for CCR and Motor Rooms included in the routine testing and recording program? 16
11 Are the liquid collecting line or vent riser included in the routine testing and recording program? 16
12 Is the tank High Level included in the routine testing and recording program? 16
13 Are all cargo monitoring instrumentation routinely tested and calibrated with records kept? 16
14 Are all liquid cargo pipelines free of expansion bellows? 16
15 Are all liquid cargo pipelines constructed with flanged connections? 16
16 Are all liquid cargo pipelines free from screwed (threaded) couplings? 16
17 Can cargo segregation be achieved without risk of liquid to vapour crossover? 16
18 Is inert gas system piping completely independent and segregated from the cargo system? 16
19 Are liquid spill containment arrangements appropriate for the range of cargoes carried? 16
20 Are liquid spill containment arrangements suitable for low temperature cargoes; where applicable? 16
0 IMO No: 0
MSC Enter Y, N,
Supplemental Vessel Particulars Question
Chapter or N/A
1 Vessel name? >
2 Vessel IMO number? >
Does the Master have a minimum of two years (equivalent) experience in OBO/O/O design vessels, including one year
3 17
(equivalent) operating in "wet" service?
Does the Chief Officer have a minimum of two years (equivalent) experience in OBO/O/O design vessels, including one year
4 17
(equivalent) operating in "wet" service?
5 Are hatch cover seals gas tight? 17
6 Are records of hatch cover seal replacement, maintenance and testing kept on board? 17
7 Are tunnels fitted? 17
8 Are tunnels monitored for flammable vapours throughout the voyage and a log of atmosphere testing maintained? 17
9 Are operators documented procedures for the changeover from dry to wet service provided? 17
10 Do the operators procedures for change from dry to wet service include the proving of lines, p/v valves and ancillary equipment? 17