Classroom Visitation Form
Classroom Visitation Form
Classroom Visitation Form
School Date
Teacher Subject
Grade/Course Consultant
Target Area for Improvement from Last Observation
Understand how students develop? Have a clear understanding of teacher role in student
learning? Demonstrate subject knowledge? (1)
Use “Best Practices”? Use targeted re-teaching? Open to discussing the “learning curve” in
teacher delivery? Well planned blend of whole group/small group/individual instruction? (2)
Make connections outside of the text? Use differentiated instruction? Connect and apply
learning to real-life experiences? (3)
Move around the classroom during instruction? Disciplined learning environment? Lessons
show signs of pre-planning? (1)
Management allows for successful lesson delivery? Adjust based on students? Alter
instruction settings to capture student interest? Know appropriate strats and techniques? (2)
Encourage student inquiry and higher level thinking? Assess individuals as well as whole
class? Actively engage students to assist in their own learning process? (3)
Have objectives posted and referenced? Tie the purpose of lesson into the standards? State
goal at the start of each lesson? (1)
Additional Information
Use a hook
Area of improvement to motivate?
targeted for next Strive to engage student in overt time on task? Restate goal
throughout lesson? Foster student’s cognitive capacity and respect for learning? (2)
Comments Seek out others to perfect their teaching style? Consistently achieve most goals? Review
prior lesson to tie learning together? (3)
Understand the TSR, ATU, and other curriculum materials? Participate in professional
development opportunities? Use formative and summative assessments? (1)
Red Flag/s Work collaboratively with other professionals? Evaluate class and school progress towards
student learning? Use strategies from PD? Use student data to plan lessons? (2)
Use practices from schools PD? Reflect on their classroom practices in relation to student
achievement? Enhance their teaching skills to improve student achievement? (3)