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Verbs, Which Are Not Used in Progressive/continuous Forms (State Verbs)

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Verbs, which are not used in progressive/continuous forms (state verbs) Not every verb can be used in progressive

form. We do not use verbs which express situations there. But we often use verbs which express actions (dynamic verbs) in progressive forms. The following verbs are not normally used in the progressive forms: agree be li!e hate hear imagine !now need prefer promise reali"e remember see. #ometimes verbs can be used in progressive forms when they have certain meanings. $n another meaning it is not possible to use them in progressive forms. Watch the following examples:

Verb feel (to have an opinion) feel (to feel sth.) have (to possess) have (to eat) see (to understand) see (to meet someone) thin! (to believe) thin! (to thin! about)

Simple Forms $ feel $ should go on holiday. &ow do you feel when you are on holiday' $ have a new computer. $ always have a cola for lunch. (h $ see.

Progressive Forms %%% &ow are you feeling today' %%% $ am having dinner right now. %%%

$ often see )andy at the $ am seeing *eter tonight. disco. $ thin! you should see a %%% doctor. $ have to thin! about it. $ am thin!ing about my girlfriend now.

Form of the going to-future We use a form of to be (am are or is) going to and the infinitive of the verb. to be (am, are, is) + going to + infinitive

Affirmative sentences Example $ am going to pla! handball. &e,she,it is going to pla! handball. We,you,they are going to pla! handball. "#$E -se am with % is with he she it and with all other pronouns are. We often use short forms in affirmative sentences in the going to%future: Negative sentences Example $ am not going to pla! handball. &e,she,it is not going to pla! handball. We,you,they are not going to pla! handball. "#$E We often use short forms in negative sentences in the going to% future.

Questions $n the going to%future we put the auxiliary (am are or is) before the sub.ect (/uxiliary % #ub.ect % going to % 0erb % 1est). Example &m $ going to pla! handball' %s he,she,it going to pla! handball' &re we,you,they going to pla! handball'

going to-future - Use The going to%future is one future tense. There are other future tenses li!e the will%future the*resent *rogressive the 2uture *rogressive,3ontinuous and the #imple *resent. We use the going to%future:

') planned actions in the future We are going to sing at the party. They are going to fl! to #outh /frica. () )ou are certain that sth* is going to happen in the future* 4oo! at this car5 $t is going to crash into the yellow one.

Form of the will-future We form the will%future with the auxiliary will and the infinitive of the verb. We use the the same form of the verb every time regardless the sub.ect. $n British 6nglish we sometimes use shall instead of will for the first persons ($,we). will + infinitive Affirmative sentences 6xample: &e will pla! football. "#$E short,contracted form in the will%future: &e+ll pla! football. Negative sentences 6xample: &e will not pla! football. "#$E short,contracted forms in the will%future: &e won+t pla! football. or &e+ll not pla! football.

Questions Example ,ill he pla! football' Will-future - Use The will%future is one future tense. There are other future tenses li!e the going to%future the*resent *rogressive the 2uture *rogressive,3ontinuous and the #imple *resent. We use the will%future: ') Future actions happen without the spea-er+s intention (birthda!, weather, etc*) The sun will shine tomorrow. *eter will be 78 next Tuesday. () Predictions, assumptions (% thin-, % hope, %+m sure, %+m afraid) $ thin! #ue will arrive in *aris at 9 pm. .) Spontaneous actions (not planned) &ang on5 $+ll have a word with you Adverbs of frequency alwa!s, usuall!, regularl!, normall!, often, sometimes, occasionall!, rarel!, seldom, never are adverbs of fre:uency. The position of these adverbs is: before the main verb

&dverb of fre/uenc! $ *eter )andy can has alwa!s usuall! sometimes

Verb get up pla! got at 9.;8. football on #undays. lots of homewor!.

after a form of to be am, are, is (was, were)

Verb #usan is

&dverb of fre/uenc! never late.

The adverbs often, usuall!, sometimes and occasionall! can go at the beginning of a sentence. Sometimes $ go swimming. #ften we surf the internet. #omtimes these adverbs are put at the end of the sentence. We read boo!s occasionall!.

0erund and %nfinitive (no difference in meaning)

,e use the 0erund or the %nfinitive after the following verbs begin continue hate li!e love prefer start &e began tal-ing. &e began to tal-. They continue smo-ing. They continue to smo-e. <o you hate wor-ing on #aturdays' <o you hate to wor- on #aturdays' $ li-e swimming. $ li-e to swim. #he loves painting. #he loves to paint. *at prefers wal-ing home. *at prefers to wal! home. They start singing. They start to sing.

,e use the 0erund or the %nfinitive after the following verbs* $here are two possible structures after these verbs* 0erund verb 1 2ing %nfinitive verb 1 person 1 to2infinitive advise They advise wal-ing to town. They advise us to wal- to town.

allow encourage permit

They do not allow smo-ing here. They do not allow us to smo-e here. They encourage doing the test. They encourage us to do the test. They do not permit smo-ing here. They do not permit us to smo-e here.

We use the following structures with the word recommend: They recommend wal-ing to town. They recommend that we wal- to town.


0erund and %nfinitive 2 difference in meaning

Some verbs have different meaning* (,hen used with 0erund or %nfinitive) 0E34"5 forget %"F%"%$%VE

&e=ll never forget spending so <on=t forget to spend money on the much money on his first computer. tic!ets.

0E34"5 go on 0o on reading the text.

%"F%"%$%VE 0o on to read the text.

0E34"5 mean


>ou have forgotten your homewor! $ meant to phone your mother but again. That means phoning your my mobile didn=t wor!. mother.

0E34"5 remember $ remember switching off the lights when $ went on holiday.

%"F%"%$%VE 3emember to switch off the lights when you go on holiday.

0E34"5 stop Stop reading the text.

%"F%"%$%VE Stop to read the text.

0E34"5 tr! Why don=t you tr! running after the dog'

%"F%"%$%VE $ tried to run after the dog but $ was too slow.

Use %ing form used as a noun Form infinitive + 2ing Exam les 0oing to parties is fun. $ en.oy reading. ?erund is sub.ect ?erund is ob.ect

$he %nfinitive with to the first after: the last the next ?agarin was the first to fl! in a spaceship. *eter was the last to watch the film. &e is the next to get his passport. $=m happy to be here. $t=s better not to smo-e.

after: ad.ectives

certain verbs (agree choose forget after: hope learn $ learn to drive a car. promise regret@ want A) @ /fter regret the to%infinitive is used when announcing bad news: We regret to inform you that the flight to )unich has been cancelled. $n other cases the ?erund is used. after: :uestion words $ don=t !now what to sa!. 3an you tell me how to get to the bus stop'


want,would li!e

$ want you to help me.

verb + ob.ect + to% infinitive "#$E666 $ want to help you.

$ helped my dad to clean the car.

$ want you to help me.

$he %nfinitive without to after auxiliaries/modals can could may might must mustn=t needn=t shall should will would after to do do $ don+t -now. &e can run very fast. /s a boy he could run very fast. $ ma! fl! to /frica this summer. $ might fl! to /frica this summer. $ must go now. >ou mustn+t smo-e here. >ou needn+t go. We shall sing a song. We should sing a song. #he will coo- a meal for his birthday. #he would coo- a meal for his birthday.

after the following expressions had better would rather would sooner why not why should we why should we not >ou had better clean up your room. #usan would rather study for her exam tomorrow. $ would sooner read a boo! than watch this film. ,h! not as- your neighbour for help' ,h! should we go by car' ,h! should we not go by car'

after verbs of perception 1 ob7ect (action has finished) feel hear notice see watch #he feels the rain fall on her face. $ heard !eter sing a song. )andy noticed the boy climb the tree. They saw him climb up the roof. &e watched the thieves steal a car.

after let 1 ob7ect #andy let her child go out alone. let )other let her daughter decide on her own. let=s 8et+s go for a wal! through the par!.

after ma-e 1 ob7ect ma!e #he made !eggy and "amantha clean the room.

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