1-Research Methods and Legal Writing
1-Research Methods and Legal Writing
1-Research Methods and Legal Writing
What is Research? Meaning and Objectives Research methods vis a vis Research Methodology Legal Research - Meaning, scope and purpose. Relation between law and society ypes!"inds# $octrinal and %on-$octrinal &empirical'( )pplied, *undamental( Library research, *ield research and laboratory research, analytical, descriptive, conceptual( +articipatory and %on,+articipatory( -omparative, historical, statistical, critical, socio-legal( Mono disciplinary and trans disciplinary( .uasidisciplinary, inter-disciplinary &multi- disciplinary' research( /uantitative and .ualitative, one time and longitudinal, clinical or diagnostic research( Research *or legal re*orm
Research $esign 0arious 1teps in Research# Research +rocess Research +roblem# 2denti*ication and 3ormulation 4ypothesis 5se o* Library 5se o* Modern echnology! -omputer )ssisted Research ools and echni.ues *or -ollection o* $ata
o o o
o o o o o
5se o* $eductive and 2nductive Methods in Research +reparation o* Research Report and Writing o* Research report 7udgeting o* Research 8thical and Legal 2ssues# +lagiarism and -opyright 0iolation
8ssentials o* 9ood Legal Writing 1tructured Legal Writing# Organi:ation o* Legal Materials 3raming o* Write 5p# Research /uestion, itle, 2denti*ying relevant areas o* law, 2denti*ying Literature and -ase Laws, )nalysis, $iscussion, Recommendations and -onclusion 1ources o* )uthority ;inds# 2n*ormative, +ersuasive( Writing *or 2ndividual +urposes( Writing *or )cademic +urpose( Writing *or -ourt +urposes# 7rie*s, +laints etc.( Writing *or +ublication# reviews, articles, boo"s etc.( 6udicial writing -itation, Re*erence and 3ootnoting 8diting and +roo* reading Writing o* Research +roposal $issertation! hesis Writing
Suggested Re dings<
1 Suggested Readings are not exhaustive. Need to be supplemented with additional readings.
<. 7ruce L. 7erg, /ualitative Research Methods 3or &London, )llyn and 7acon, =>><'.
=. -.R. ;othari, Research Methodology# Methods and $elhi# Wiley 8astern Ltd., <?@A'.
B. $ennis +. 3orcese and 1tephen Richer &ed.', 1tages o* 1ocial Research , -ontemporary +erspectives &%ew 6ersey # +rentice 4all 2nc., 8nglewood -li**s,<?C>'. D. 3rederic -harles 4ic"s, Materials and Methods in Legal Research &Lawyers -ooperative +ublishing, %ew Eor"'. A. 9oode and 4all, Methods in 1ocial Research &1ingapore # Mac9raw 4ill 7oo" -o., <?@A'. F. 4arvard Law Review )ssociation, he 7lueboo"# 5ni*orm system o* -itation &4arvard Law Review, 4arvard'. C. 6anathan )nderson, hesis and )ssignment Writing &Wiley 8astern Ltd., %ew $elhi'. @. 6ohan 9altung, heory )nd Methods o* 1ocial Research &London# 9eorge )llen G 5nwin Ltd., <?C>'. ?. Leon 3estinger &ed.', Research Methods in 7ehavioral 1ciences &4olt, Rinehart and Winston, %ew Eor", <?AB'. <>. +auline 0. Eoung, 1cienti*ic 1ocial 1urveys and Research &%ew $elhi # +rentice 4all o* 2ndia +vt. Ltd., <?@D'. <<. 1. ;. 0erma and )*:al 0ani, Legal Research and Methodology, 2L2, %ew $elhi 1ellti:, 6ahoda et.al., Research Methods in 1ocial Relations &4olt, Rinehart and Winston, %ew Eor", <?FD'. <=. 0ijay ;. 9upta, $ecision Ma"ing 2n he 1upreme -ourt o* 2ndia &) 6urimetric 1tudy' , )lternatives in 6udicial Research &$elhi # ;averi 7oo"s, <??A'.