John Crane Mechanical Series 5600
John Crane Mechanical Series 5600
John Crane Mechanical Series 5600
These instructions are for the installation and operation of a seal as used in
rotating equipment and will help to avoid danger and increase reliability. The
information required may change with other types of equipment or installation
These instructions must be read in conjunction with the Generic Instruction
Manual and the instruction manuals for both the pump and any ancillary
equipment. If the seal is to be used for an application other than that originally
intended or outside the recommended performance limits, John Crane must
be contacted before its installation and use. Any warranty may be affected
1-5610Q by improper handling, installation, or use of this seal. Contact John Crane
for information as to exclusive product warranty and limitations of liability.
If questions or problems arise, contact your local John Crane Sales/Service
Mechanical Seal Engineer or the original equipment manufacturer, as appropriate. John Crane
mechanical seals are precision products and must be handled appropriately.
Take particular care to avoid damage to lapped sealing faces and to flexible
sealing rings. Do not excessively compress the seal before or during
Rotating Mating Ring Rotating Mating Ring
0.05 mm FIM 0.08 mm FIM 1. Before starting the installation, please ensure the following instructions are
Rotating Seal Head Rotating Seal Head read carefully.
1.6uM Ra ( turned ) 2. Remove the seal from its packaging, inspect for any damage, and wipe
Shaft to Housing Concentricity 0.15mm FIM max.
BORE Shaft End Float Axial** 0.08 mm FIM 0.13 mm FIM clean.
Shaft or Sleeve Ovality 0.05 mm 3. The pump equipment should be clean and meet the criteria outlined in the
Housing to Shaft Runout 0.05 mm FIM 0.08 mm FIM pre-installation checks above.
4. Lubricate the shaft/sleeve using soft hand soap/water solution, glycerine
1. Check seal chamber dimensions and finishes. 3. Determine squareness of seal chamber face to shaft. * API requires <0.5 µm/mm of chamber bore, FIM. or silicone grease.
** If an alternative figure is stated on a general arrangement drawing then the 5. Slide the seal on to the shaft and rotate until the flush port is in a suitable
MOUNT drawing should take precedence position for equipment piping.
ON SEAL 6. Slide the cartridge over the seal chamber studs until the gasket abuts
CHAMBER FACE Table 2 - Surface Finish against the seal chamber face.
7. Fit nuts, with suitable washers, and equally tighten to the torque levels
Seal Type Value
recommended by the pump manufacturer.
Shaft / Sleeve 1.6 μm Ra ( turned )
8. Ensure the shaft is in its working position and evenly tighten the collar
Stuffing box face <12.5 μm Ra ( machined ) drive screws using the Allen key provided, which secures the cartridge
Note sleeve to the shaft. Recommended torque values for seals are given in
BY HAND. NOTE MEASUREMENT TURN SHAFT BY HAND AND NOTE Remove all set screw burrs and sharp edges that could damage the sleeve ‘O’ Table 4. Remove setting clips and store for use in seal removal.
ON DIAL INDICATOR ring during fitting. If the measured dimensions exceed the values given, correct the
equipment to meet the specifications before installing the seal. If the seal is installed
2. Measure axial end play. 4. Measure shaft runout. on a shaft sleeve, the sleeve must be liquid and pressure-tight through its bore.
9. Turn the shaft by hand to ensure free rotation with no shaft binding. Table 3 - Recommended Lubricants
10. Complete the required piping to the seal. ELASTOMER LUBRICANT
Fluoroelastomer Mineral-Hydrocarbon Oils, Silicone
Note (i.e. Viton™) Grease (Chloride Free) Glycerine
Take care not to use excess sealant or PTFE tape when making circulation Ethylene Propylene Glycerine, Silicone Grease (Chloride Free) Europe North America Latin America
pipework connections. Unused tapped connections must be correctly plugged Slough, UK Morton Grove São Paulo, Brazil
Perfluoroelastomer Mineral-Hydrocarbon Oils, Silicon Grease
before seal operation. Tel: +44-1753-224000 Tel: +1-847-967-2400 Tel: +55-11-3371-2500
(Chloride Free), Glycerine
Note Fax: +44-1753-224224 Fax: +1-847-967-3915 Fax: +55-11-3371-2599
Unused tapped connections must be correctly Always use a lubricant that is compatible with your machinery and product.
ATTENTION Use lubricant sparingly, only enough to install seal with ease. Viton is a Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific
plugged before seal operation.
registered trademark of DuPont. Dubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore
Tel: +971-481-27800 Tel: +65-6512-5200
Table 4 - Set Screw Torques* Fax: +971-488-62830 Fax: +65-6512-5233
The values given below are the recommended maximum torques for standard
hardened stainless steel set screws.
If the products featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or
Metric Seals Inch Seals
hazardous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior
Seal Size Screw Torque Screw Torque to their selection and use. In the interest of continuous development, John
Size Size
Crane Companies reserve the right to alter designs and specifications without
Nm lbf. ft Nm lbf. ft
prior notice. ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Certified. Details available on request.
Up to 0480 M5 3.5 2.6 10-32 UNC 3.0 2.2
0500 to 1206 M6 7.0 5.2 1/4-20 UNC 8.0 5.8
1250 and above M8 15.0 11.0 5/16-18 UNC 15.0 11.0 ©2008 John Crane Print 09/08
*If an alternative figure is stated on the general arrangement drawing then the
drawing takes precedence ISOCertified. Details available on request.