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Modified: 07-Jun-2013 Type: FAQ

Document 436771.1

FAQ - Understanding the ATP Results and the Availability Window of the Sales Order Form (Doc ID 436771.1)

In this Document Purpose Questions and Answers How Can I Drill Into ATP Availability Results to Understand ATP Scheduling Date? Example -Why can't I ship my sales order today when I have enough on-hand? How Can We Avoid The Error: Scheduling Failed. Cannot Meet Request Date or Latest Acceptable Date: Material Available Date (DD-MON-YY) Why is Discrete Job Or PO Supply Available Today, But Not Available for ATP On the Next Day? Can I build and ship an ATO Today? ATP Returns results of today + 1 day for item I can build in 1 hour and ship today. How can I ship it today, when I cannot schedule the order? How are the results calculated for the On-Hand and Reservable in Availability Window? Closed, Canceled, or Wrong Quantity Sales orders showing up in the ATP Supply/Demand and keeping me from scheduling orders. How can I fix this? For ATP/CTP Based On Planning Output, How can I get Date for Buy Items in the same way I get Dates for Make Items? For ATP/CTP based on Planning Output - How are Dates Influenced by Lead Times, ATP Rules and Planning Time Fence? How Can I Setup Calendars To Ship to Customers Only On Certain Days Of The Week? How Can I Setup Carrier Transit Calendar and Customer Receiving Calendar? Where can I get more information about the error messages that are displayed in the ATP Availability window? Why do we get the message 'Try ATP again later'? How can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily OR How to Use /File/Export in Oracle Applications? How Can I Setup /File/Export OR /File/Export Fails To Open as an XLS Type File? References

Oracle Order Management - Version 11.5.9 to 12.0 [Release 11.5 to 12.0] Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version 11.5.9 to 12.0 [Release 11.5 to 12] Information in this document applies to any platform. FORM:OEXOEORD.FMB - Sales Orders FORM:MSCOSCWB.FMB - ATP Inquiry


Due to many questions about the ATP Date Results in the Availability Window in Order Management, the Advanced Resolution team for ATP has produced this FAQ to help users and engineers unde questions. This will show how to get into the details of the results and explain several of the common questions and issues encountered in ATP and related Data Collections functionality. This note will be updated as we find more common issues that may be useful to address in this format.


How Can I Drill Into ATP Availability Results to Understand ATP Scheduling Date?
Key Points:

Drill to the ATP Details Screen and check Pegging Details - take a screen shot You must drill to the ATP Supply/Demand to find out what ATP considered for supply and demand in scheduling the order MRP: Calculate Supply/Demand = Yes is required for ATP to return these details. MSC: Enable ATP Summary Mode - No - When using Summary mode for collected data, then we cannot display the Supply/Demand or Horizontal Plan since Summary does not store Review the Example below which shows navigation and details to access this view. ATP Supply/Demand will only show supply and demand that was considered to schedule the order. Future supply and demand past the Available Date returned in the Availability window is N ATP Horizontal Plan is also helpful to see view of supply and demand Be sure to expand this from period to daily buckets to see the details If you rt-click on the item name, then you can hide the graph and also Copy Horizontal Plan and then paste into spreadsheet for review. For ATP Based On Collected Data Results seen in this screen can be verified in the Collections Workbench (View Collected Data) Only order lines with Scheduled Ship Date will appear in this screen. For ATP/CTP Based on Planning Data Results seen in this screen can be verified in the ASCP Planner Workbench (for your ATP Plan) Please note that ATP will honor Reschedule and Cancel messages in the plan output. To avoid these messages, you will have to firm the supply in source application (PO or WIP) Check the ATP Rule being used for the item and understand the Infinite Supply Time Fence setting If you use a Lead Time setting like Total Lead Time,. then review the item setups ATP Supply / Demand does NOT show the current sales order line in the results because we are checking availability of this line. Customers will sometimes use entered sales order line to check availability of an item -This is wrong - use ATP Inquiry to check availability which includes all supplies and demands fo Next Steps: Review the example below and other parts of this note for a helpful guide to investigating and understanding the results Several other Questions in this note will explain behaviors under certain conditions If you are having trouble understanding you results after reviewing this information and require assistance from support, then we need to see all the details of the ATP results Screen shot of the Availability results Screen shot of the pegging results /File /Export of the ATP Supply /Demand to verify date for all lines and columns /File /Export of the Workbench information (Collections Workbench OR Planner Workbench) Screen shot of the ATP Rule used for this item Provide Item Lead Time setups if these influence the ATP results. ATO Items setups can be printed for review using SQL in BomExplode.zip in Note 565926.1

Example -Why can't I ship my sales order today when I have enough on-hand?


The first screen shot show the ATP results and the following will show more detailed steps to review the results.



Document 436771.1

The first screen shot show the ATP results and the following will show more detailed steps to review the results.

Here we make the point - do NOT use the Inventory Supply/Demand screen to try and understand the ATP results. ATP Results come from the MSC tables, and not the regular Transaction tables of Inventory, OM, PO, WIP, etc which are used for the Inventory Supply/Demand screen Data Collections is the process that updates the data in the MSC tables. ATP processes for new Sales orders or canceled Sales Orders will also update the MSC tables to keep ATP results in synch when new demand is placed via a sales order. The ATP Details screen will display pegging information. To allow access to rt-click functionality in the pegging window and see further information required to investigate the issue, you must -- Note that this can have performance implications, but when trying to debug ATP results, this is required. Set at the User Level is usually the best solution.




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IF using 'ATP Based On Collected Data', then the results are coming from data that is in the Collections Workbench (View Collected Data menu option) AND IF using 'ATP/CTP Based on Planning Output', then the results of the ASCP Plan are where the ATP results are coming from to populate the ATP Details and produce the Supply/Demand picture workbenches can show data that is not being used for ATP.




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The Supply/Demand here will show how ATP arrived at the results in the Availability Window and which demands are taking the supply that could be used today. Since ATP is First-Come/First Served, it will not be able to schedule the order for today, unless steps are taken. See the next question - for a discussion of the possibilities. Also since the Supply/Demand window is small and displays only 5 lines, there will be times when many lines exist and using /File /Export to generate a TSV file which can be viewed in MS Excel is How can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily? if you are not familiar with this process.

How Can We Avoid The Error: Scheduling Failed. Cannot Meet Request Date or Latest Acceptable Date: Material Available Date (DD-MON-YY)
You can get this error when attempting to schedule a Sales Order Line, OR in the Availability Window for ATP in the sales order line, you will see the "Cannot meet request date or Latest Acceptable date" Latest Acceptable Date is populated via Defaulting Rules and can be setup at: A> Order Header Level (Latest Schedule Limit) - which will be passed to the order line as Latest Acceptable Date OR B> Order line level (Latest Acceptable Date) You can view Latest Acceptable Date in the Shipping Tab by using /Folder/Show Field to reveal the column If you have setup at the header level, then in the Other Tab, you can show field Latest Schedule Limit Typically, this is a date that is far into the future to prevent the scheduling faillure....

This DOES NOT MEAN that you will get today's date on a sales order, but it does mean that you will get a schedule date in the future, usually the infinite supply time fence date which is defined You will likely still see an "error" different than before, which is "Unable to meet the request quantity" Below is an example of Defaulting rule setup in our Internal Instance and how it effects the LAD in the sales order line.




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Why is Discrete Job Or PO Supply Available Today, But Not Available for ATP On the Next Day?
In ATP Based on Collected Data, it is necessary to create supplies to satisfy Sales Order demand that is scheduled at the Infinite Supply Time Fence date BEFORE the next day. Otherwise, when you move forward in time to the next day, this demand is now INSIDE the Infinite Time Fence and can consume any expected supplies. Note 883278.1 has been created to provide a detailed scenario and explanation of how ATP works for this scenario.

Can I build and ship an ATO Today? ATP Returns results of today + 1 day for item I can build in 1 hour and ship today.
ATP is a DAY level scheduling engine, so this is not possible under the current design. Typical ATO for this scenario. ATO which has components that are stocked on hand. ATO has routing that has short work time (e.g. After Routing lead time calculation and Rollup - Leadtime shows ZERO Fixed LT and 0.125 Variable LT) When ATO is configured for build of 1 item, and job is created, the job completes in just over 1 hour. ATP Schedule Date results are the same if using ATP Based on Planning Output or ATP Based on Collected Data. Example 1: Order QTY = 1 - ATP detects Variable LT and since it schedules by the DAY, it must consider this as using a full day, so the results show that Order will be satisfied on SYSDATE + 1

Example 2: Order QTY = 50 - ATP calculates the Variable LT accurately, by "hours", but there is partial day used at end of this calcuation, so this partial day at end of calculation is rounded to a full Order will be satisfied on SYSDATE + 10 days based on leadtime, resource availability, and MFG calendar working days. An Enhancment 7711440 has been entered to allow ATP to consider this and be able to return a schedule date of today for these type of short build ATO models.




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How can I ship it today, when I cannot schedule the order?

There are two options: ATP Override and Unscheduling Other Orders make inventory avaiable for this order. ATP Override Continuing with the example used above, we will show how to use ATP Override, which is the fastest way to get the order shipped. Set the profile OM: Authorize ATP Override at the Site or User Level to allow the functionality

In the Shipping tab, the user can use / Folder / Show Field (or rt-click mouse as shown below) and reveal the ATP Override field




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Then the field will be available in the Shipping Tab of the order line. And any schedule date may be entered by the user.

Unschedule Other Orders Order lines in the future, which are taking up supply, can be Unscheduled, using /Tools/Scheduling - then choose Unschedule Then the order line for today can be scheduled. Then the unscheduled lines can be scheduled again. Why does ATP Based on Planning Data does not see PO Supplies in the ATP Plan and returns Infinite Supply Quantity today? We are using ATP based on Planning Data We have Buy Item with leadtimes setup to 0 for all pre-processing, processing and post-processing leadtime There is not any on hand quantity for this item. PO supplies are due today and also in the next fiew days in the ATP Plan results. Since we source from many different suppliers, we do not have sourcing rules setup for the item. Check ATP and ATP Components are setup to Material Only We have ATP rule setup for 180 days user defined. ATP returns result that item is available in Infinite Supply quantity of 10 billion today and ATP Pegging does not see the PO supplies we have in the ASCP Plan. Why does ATP not see these PO supplies? ANSWER: When you use planning data and have the setups defined above, ATP will try to plan for the item, and when you have no leadtimes, then ATP determines that the item is available today - im check for any supplies that may be coming in for the item. You need to setup a reasonable leadtime for the item to reflect reality and then it will search the supply chain for any expected supplies. If you do NOT have Sourcing defined, then ATP will not find a supplier, so it will return the Infinite Supply quantity of 10 billion. If you have Sourcing defined, then ATP will return the Supplier from the Sourcing rule in the ATP Pegging results. Both examples below would be considered valid results - Key setup needed is leadtime to get correct results. Example #1 - Customer on base release code of 11.5.10 (Rollup #1 - from 2005) and see today returned, and no reference to PO's expected:




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Example #2 - Internal test with Sourcing which shows you can procure from supplier today and ship tomorrow - in this case, there was not PO supply due on request date Note this test was conducted against the latest ATP code from Aug-2009 Rollup #26.

How are the results calculated for the On-Hand and Reservable in Availability Window?

ALL subinventories are used to display the On Hand Qty seen in the Availability window. OM calls an Inventory private API to display this information. This is the design so that the user has c make decisions based on this knowledge. The Qty Reservable is also called by OM using a standard Inventory private API for Hard Reserved quantities. In this example, the quantities were reserved using / Tools / Scheduling / Reserve

This means that both these fields are displaying data that may not be consistent with ATP data in the MSC tables, The example below shows how the data in the Availability Window could be diff window.

ATP Supply/Demand window, it will show the line(s) with Order Type = On Hand quantity based on the following: 1. ATP based on Collected Data - ATP-able subinventories as defined in Inventory / Setup / Organizations / Subinventories 2. ATP/CTP based on Planning Data - All inventories included in the ASCP Plan Options / Organizations Tab - Subinventories button. This means that if there is a Nettable subinventory th subinventory that is included in the plan could will as available in the ATP Supply/Demand window results unless you explicitly remove that sub inventory from the plan options of your ATP pla




Document 436771.1

Closed, Canceled, or Wrong Quantity Sales orders showing up in the ATP Supply/Demand and keeping me from scheduling orders. How can I fix this?
This issue has been reported in several ways and is always difficult to duplicate:

1. The order line has been deleted. This can be prevented in Order Management by using setups to not allow order lines to be deleted. Companies that are not using ATP may find that they user should not allow this to occur and should instead use Cancel functionality for any sales order line that is no longer required. 2. The Order line in ATP Supply/Demand results has the wrong quantity. This is reported when user changes line quantity on a scheduled line and ATP is not notified. To avoid this issu Unschedule BEFORE changing any line quantities. Then Schedule the order line again after changing the quantity.

As an example, with auto-scheduling turned on, order is entered for 100 and ATP Supply/Demand shows that 40 is available now. User changes quantity from 100 to 40 and enters new line 3. The Order Line has been canceled, but still shows in the ATP Supply/Demand Results. The difficulty usually encountered with this issue, is that customers do not know how to duplicate the issue. For example, in internal testing, the issue was not duplicated when the following steps were performed. Item has 200 on hand and created 3 sales orders for an item totaling 190. Then canceled one sales order for 150 each, Then created a new sales order for 100 each and ATP was fine... it had been updated correctly for the canceled order and I was able to schedule the new order. This is the way it is suppose ATP is notified so that the ATP results for the next order are correctly calculated. 4. The Order Line has been Shipped and Closed, but still shows in the ATP Supply/Demand Results. When the order is shipped, then ATP is NOT notified of this change automatically data collections is run, so the ATP results will still be correct. Running Data Collections with Net Change or Complete will update the data for both sales orders and on hand quantities and update the data. Problems reported are that it appears that the on hand IS updated, but the Closed Sales order remains in the system. 5. New issue discovered where a few Closed Sales Order lines are seen in the output for ATP and in the Collections Workbench. This issue happened shortly after upgrade to 12 orders. Discovery and resolution are discussed in Note 1338781.1 Solution:

1. Best Solution: For Distributed installations where APS Suite is on a separate server: Run Data Collections from Advanced Supply Chain Planner with a Targeted Refresh and Sales Orders set to ex collections types for performance reasons) - Set parameter Purge Previously Collected Data = No so that Collection Method parameter gives option for Targeted Refresh OR IF not using ASCP and a Centralized installation where APS suite is not deployed on a separate server, THEN run ATP Data Collections with Sales order parameter set to Compl Note: This step will mean that ATP will not be available during part of the Data Collections processing cycle


2. For Customers on EBS 12.1.3 - See Upgrade/Install ALERT for EBS 12.1.3 For Customers Using ATP Data Collections and ATP Based On Collected Data Note 1511936.1



Document 436771.1

2. For Customers on EBS 12.1.3 - See Upgrade/Install ALERT for EBS 12.1.3 For Customers Using ATP Data Collections and ATP Based On Collected Data Note 1511936.1

3. IMPORTANT: Is the Database version been upgraded to 10g? IF Yes, THEN it is very important that the latest Data Collections Rollup patch be applied!! We have observed that 10g treats data collections objects like Snapshots much differently than 9i RDBMS and this has forced code changes. Minimum rollup patch level for Collections is Rollup #18. Check Note 252108.1 - and see section Collections Cumulative Patch List - and see the SQL in the note to determine which is the late Sales Orders and other data by having the customer apply the latest Data Collection rollup patch.

4. Possible Solution: As above, run Data Collections, but use Net Change Refresh for the parameters instead of Complete Refresh. Note: ATP will still be available when you use this option, so it us usually the preferred options for running data collections. This solution has been known not to work, even though it should work... and if this occurs, then a Complete Refresh as described in #1 above is the only solution: Reasons why a Net Change of Data Collections may not work: 1. The profile MSC: Sales Order Offset Days is not set properly. This profile is used in Net Change Collections UNLESS you are on 11.5.10 and have applied the last Collections Rollup pat Priority Patches for the APS Suite. To setup the profile properly, it should be setup in a value that exceeds the earliest Schedule Ship Date for an unshipped Sales Order that exists on the system. Example: If today is 01-Jun-2007 and the order that was shipped had a Scheduled Ship Date of 01-Mar-2007 and the profile was not set to greater than 92, this closed order would be update correctly. 2. The Data Collections code level is old and changes updates to the code are not on the system. For instance, if Note 278055.1 has not been followed after the installation of d patches for Data Collections is not applied OR IF customer has been live for a long time without problems and code level is old. In Data Collections base release, code level o 115.228.11510.13 and the latest released version as of 01-Jun-2007 is 115.228.11510.62 - almost 60 revisions higher. Applying the latest Collections Rollup patch from Note 223026.1 3. The profile MRP: Consume MPS = Yes and the Planning Manager is not running. NAV: Material Planner / Setup / Planning Manager to see if the planning manager is running normally interval = 00:00:30 , the default setting, then message should be posted in the form with today's date and time stamp of every 1 - 3 minutes under normal operations. 4. The Interface Trip Stop process errored and did not complete the transaction processing, so that updating of some tables was not completed and demand or supply still exists in relate require a data fix. Only possible interim is to attempt Complete Refresh of Data Collections and then proceed to work with the Inventory support team to get a data fix, possible patch 5. OM code is older and did not properly call the MRP API to relieve the sales order demand on the planning side of the application. $ONT_TOP/patch/115/sql/OEXUSCHB.pls is one of the routines. In base release of, the version is 115.153.11510.13 and OM regularly releases Cumulative (rollup) patches for their code. As of Dec-2010 the latest version is 115.1 patch 10273104

For ATP/CTP Based On Planning Output, How can I get Date for Buy Items in the same way I get Dates for Make Items?
This scenario is for the following conditions: Profile INV: Capable to Promise = ATP/CTP Based on Planning Output All items using ATP Rule with User-Defined Time Fence Days > than lead times to Make or Buy the items Key Setup Points:

1. ATP rule is setup Infinite Supply using User Defined Time Fence of X days where X is greater than leadtime of the purchased item. 2. Check ATP set to Material Only and ATP Components must be set to Material Only in the Order Management tab of the Organization Items form. 1. Setting ATP Components - Material Only is not an intuitive setup for Buy items since they generally do not have a BOM. This is the setup that tells ATP code to search the supply items. 2. In this case, it will look at the supplier availability. 3. Note: Item should NOT have a BOM defined. 3. Sourcing Rule for this item in the Assignment Set assigned to the ASCP Plan checked for ATP, and also in profile MSC: ATP Assignment Set 4. Item exists in the ASCP ATP Plan results 5. If ASL and Supply Capacity is setup for an item, then it will be considered during ATP calculation. Details of this Example: 1. Purchased item has an ATP Rule with User Defined Time Fence = 120 days 2. Item DG-ATP-Buy has only 4 days processing leadtime. In general, Total Leadtime must be less than 120 days (Pre-processing + Processing + Post-processing Leadtime) Item ATP Setup See that Check ATP and ATP Components are both set to Material Only in the Organization Items screen Note: This setup may result in error:

A P P I N V 0 5 4 2 1-A T PC o m p o n e n t sm u s tb es e tt o" N o "w h e nP i c kC o m p o n e n t si ss e tt o" N o " ,A s s e m b l eT oO r d e r=" N o " ,a n dW I PS u p p l yT y p ei sn o tP h a n t o m

This error will only occur when INV: Capable to Promise = ATP Based on Collected Data, Check your profile, as this setup is valid only for ATP/CTP based on Planning Data

ATP Inquiry Details - when the setups are complete and the item exists in the ATP plan




Document 436771.1

ATP Results when the setups are complete and the item exists in the ATP plan

Example of the data returned IF Item has setup with only Check ATP Material Only (ATP Components NULL) OR




OR Item does NOT exist in the ATP plan (and therefore ATP calculation reverts to ATP Based On Collected Data) OR ATP based on Collected Data Note: The Infinite Time Fence date is always calculated using Org Mfg calendars since this is an Item-org setting. SO IF you have an ASL or other leadtime value that needs to be considered for ATP date, then using ATP Components = Material Only is required.

Document 436771.1

ATP Results show the infinite supply time fence from the ATP Rule - in this example - 120 days (uses Org Mfg calendar)

Example of results that are considered normal for a Finished Good item where Check ATP and ATP Components are setup for Material Only These are the results that customer wants to see for the Buy type items as well as the Make items and why this question was answered. In this example, the ATP Date of 15-APR-2008 is based on Leadtime to Make 150 of this item when Variable Leadtime is conputed along with Manufacturing Leadtime and Lot Size in the Orga




Document 436771.1

ATP Results for Transfer From Sourcing Showing the Full Supply Chain Note 1512629.1 GOP - How To Setup and See Full Pegging And Understand Dates for ATP When Using Transfering From Another Org

For ATP/CTP based on Planning Output - How are Dates Influenced by Lead Times, ATP Rules and Planning Time Fence?
We have published new note (29-NOV-2012) which helps explain how ATP calculates dates. Why is ATP Pegging Showing Infinite Supply Date Before The Ship Date in ATP Pegging Details and How Does Planning Time Fence Influence ATP Dates? (Doc ID 1508335.1)

How Can I Setup Calendars To Ship to Customers Only On Certain Days Of The Week? How Can I Setup Carrier Transit Calendar and Customer Receiving Calendar?
Update 09-Dec-2009 -Basic Transit Times Setup from Warehouse to Customer - Note 262124.1 has been revised and enhanced.

Update 07-Sep-2009 - Internal Sales Orders - we have enhanced and updated Note 251449.1 which deals with Internal Sales Orders and setup and processing of Internal Requistions, should be reviewed for any functionality relating to Internal Sales Orders. It will also point back to these documents in cases where Sales Order will involve the complexity of using specific Calendar for different parts of the ATP process. Key Setups for Internal Sale Updated 15-Dec-2008 - New sections (10 and 11) added to this answer and the PDF file to show setups for Carrier Transit Calendar and Customer Receiving Calendar. Also shows the difference between Order Date Type Schedule and Arrival (the type of Request Date used when scheduling)

The Users Guide discusses this and the application allows for setup of a calendar with assignment type of Shipping/Customer, which seems logical, but is not the correct setup for this require logged to enable this functionality, but there are methods currently available in the application to setup this requirement. Key Concepts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Available in 11.5.10 and above Shipping Calendars are for Shipping FROM, not Shipping to [Customers], so the setup is based on the Organization where the order will be Shipping FROM. It is possible to setup for different shipping days in a single organization using different carriers, ship methods and calendars as noted below in Summary of Setup Steps - #3 This functionality is available for ATP using EITHER INV: Capable to Promise = ATP Based on Collected Data OR ATP/CTP Based on planning data

Click here to download the PDF File for Detailed Screen Shots - 436771.1_Shipping_to_Specific_Customers_on_Specific_Days.pdf Summary of the Setup Steps from in the PDF file Check Note 417249.1 - Shipping Calendar Is Being Ignored At Ship Confirm - Make sure that you are not exposed to this 11.5.10 bug for Shipping 1. Profile settings at the Site Level: a. MSC: Use Shipping/Receiving Calendars. = Yes b. INV: Capable to Promise = ATP Based on Collected Data ORATP/CTP Based on planning data. c. Note: If using Distributed/Decentralized installation where Transactional Instance (ERP Source) and Planning Instance (APS Destination) are separate databases, then you need to s 2. Setup the Calendar for required days Example: Tuesday and Friday as active days for this example. Setup different calendars to model the different requirements for shipping. 3. Setup of Freight Carriers and Ship Methods and assign to organizations Example: Yellow Freight used in this example Note: If you have same carrier shipping to different customers on different days, then you need to setup different carrier codes: Examples: Yellow Freight-Mon-Wed (ships from org on Mon and Wed) Yellow Freight-Tue-Thu Yellow Freight-Wed-Fri 4. Create the Calendar Assignment for the Organization / Shipping / Carrier 5. Assign Ship Method to Customer 6. Setup Regions 7. Assign Transit Times to Region a. This can also be setup for specific Customer instead of a Region 8. Run Data Collections and ASCP ATP Plan. 9. Enter Sales orders and observe results 10. Using Carrier Transit Calendar / Customer Receiving Calendar 11. Order Date Type - Arrival

Where can I get more information about the error messages that are displayed in the ATP Availability window?
The Users Guide - Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User s Guide - Release 11i - Part No. B10512-03 - June 2004 has a Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting- which addresses many of the ATP errors including Try ATP again later. Summary Concurrent program is running. Try ATP later Invalid ATP rule or No ATP rule defined Unable to meet the request quantity



Unable to find a calendar date No APS instance defined. Set APS instance and run collections Wrong Check ATP setup for product family item and member item One of the group elements or mandatory components failed INV: Capable to Promise must be same at source and destination ATP processing error Cannot meet request date or latest acceptable date ATP not applicable No Sources This item is not collected. Please run Data Collection No Assignment Set Plan not found. ATP is calculated using collected data

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Additionally more troubleshooting tips for common problems and some SQL queries to investigate certain errors is included in this Chapter of the Users Guide To get the latest version of the users guide, see Note 118086.1 APS Documentation for 11.5 and 12.0

Why do we get the message 'Try ATP again later'?

This is standard requirement when running Targeted or Complete Refresh of Data Collections. During time when the sales order and customer tables are being refresh during the ODS load, then we cannot provide ATP results. The only way to avoid this entirely is to run Data Collections with Net Change Refresh. Customers Running ATP Data Collections from Order Management Application: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. We shutdown ATP for the entire Data Collections process when parameter Sales Orders - Complete Refresh 2. When running with parameters Collection Type - Complete Refresh Sales Orders - Net Change , Then we have limited downtime during the ODS Load phase when we are doing TRANFORM KEYS* processing 3. When running both parameters with Net Change, then no ATP downtime would be experienced.

Customers Running ASCP Data Collections: --------------------------------------------------1. Net Change Collections - ATP is never down during Net Change data collections 2. Complete shutdown of ATPwhen: 1. Running Targeted Refresh with Sales Order Parameter = Yes 2. Running Complete Refresh Data Collections with Sales Order Parameter Set = Yes and using ODS ATP (ATP Based on Collected Data) 3. Running Continous Collections where threshold is reached for Sales Orders which triggers the Targeted refresh of sales orders and using ATP Based On Collected Data

Note: Running Complete Refresh of Data Collections with default parameters will have Sales Order Parameter = No. this means that the Sales Orders are collected in Net Chan This is by design to limit downtime and for performance reasons. Unless you experience problems with sales order information in ASCP or ATP, then we do not recommend running a complete refresh (or Targeted Refresh) of sales orders. 3. To minimize downtime we have code designed so that during ODS Load - TRANSFORM KEYS* process, we will shutdown ATP IF: 1. Complete Refresh with default parameters (which means sales orders is No) 2. Complete Refresh setting with Sales Orders Parameter = Yes AND when using PDS ATP (INV: Capable To Promise = ATP/CTP based on Planning output) 4. Targeted Refresh- Yes for the following parameters: 1. Customers/Supplier/Orgs 2. Items 3. Sourcing Rules 4. Sales Orders 5. Continuous Collectionswhere threshold is reached for any of the following entities, which will trigger Targeted Refresh of those entities 1. Customers/Supplier/Orgs 2. Items 3. Sourcing Rules 4. Sales Orders * TRANSFORM KEYS is the process that insures we maintain unique ID's for key entities when collecting from Multiple instances and is part of the base design of Data Collections and ASCP. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We set the value of MSC_APPS_INSTANCES.SO_TBL_STATUS = 2 during this downtime and change it back to 1 when the processing is finished. Ref Bug 2605884 and Bug 5727196 / 5883296 For 11.5.10, these enhancements to minimize downtime were introduced in Data Collections Rollup #18 -patch 5743081 and higher For R12.0, this functionality was included starting in 12.0.3 and above For R12.1.x, this functionality is forward ported via Bug 9385005 For customers on VCP, and, there is a one-off patch available - Patch 9385005 - Password from Support is required Fix is included in VCP and above More information on these patches available in Note 746824.1 ALSO SEE - Upgrade/Install ALERT for EBS 12.1.3 For Customers Using ATP Data Collections and ATP Based On Collected Data Note 1511936.1

How can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily OR How to Use /File/Export in Oracle Applications?

This slide shows how to use / File / Export to create a TSV file of the screen output and then shows some setup to make viewing and using the file as a spreadsheet easy. This is very effective, since once the spreadsheet is setup, you can also add the ATP Horizontal Plan to the same spreadsheet and then also add screen shots showing the ATP results and have a co




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IF the file automatically opens in IE, then you can manipulate there before saving.

If the TSV file opens in IE as a spreadsheet Then you can save the File as an XLS file




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IF the file is saved to your local disc before you open it, then you can find the file, and then use rt-click / Open With and choose Excel ( or choose program to associate with Excel or see below to se

How Can I Setup /File/Export OR /File/Export Fails To Open as an XLS Type File?

Set up TSV file types to default to Excel. In Windows Explorer (NOT your Browser), use / Tools / Folder Options as shown below to setup the default file type to recognise a RSV file as a Ex properly then the next time you use /File/Export it should open in the browser and look like a spreadsheet and you should be able to Save As a spreadsheet. IF you are having problems getting /File/Export to work properly, check the following Notes: Note.427555.1 - File > Export via IE- Browser Closes After Tool Bar Completion Note.414616.1 - Forms Export Process Crashes Internet Explorer 7 and 6 Note 357667.1 - Export Of Records Errors And Displays No Result




Document 436771.1

NOTE:746824.1 - 12.x - Latest Patches and Installation Requirements for Value Chain Planning (aka APS Advanced Planning & Scheduling) NOTE:1338781.1 - ATP Results and Pegging In ATP Details Contains Demand Of Closed Order Lines NOTE:1508335.1 - Why is ATP Pegging Showing Infinite Supply Date Before The Ship Date in ATP Pegging Details and How Does Planning Time Fence Influence ATP Dates? BUG:7711440 - NEED TO BUILD AND SHIP ATO MODEL TODAY, CANNOT SCHEDULE TO SHIP TODAY BUG:9385005 - FP: 11510-12.1:ATP UNAVAILABLE DURING NET CHANGE AND CONTINUOUS COLLECTIONS NOTE:118086.1 - Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling 11i and R12 Product Documentation NOTE:1512629.1 - GOP - How To Setup and See Full Pegging And Understand Dates for ATP When Using Transfering From Another Org NOTE:427555.1 - File > Export via IE- Browser Closes After Tool Bar Completion NOTE:883278.1 - Why is Discrete Job Or PO Supply Available Today, But Not Available for ATP On the Next Day? BUG:5727196 - ATP NOT AVAILABLE WHEN CONTINUOUS COLLECTION OR STANDARD NET CHANGE REFRESH NOTE:223026.1 - List of High Priority Patches for the Value Chain Planning (aka APS - Advanced Planning & Scheduling) Applications NOTE:1511936.1 - Upgrade/Install ALERT for EBS 12.1.3 For Customers Using ATP Data Collections and ATP Based On Collected Data NOTE:251449.1 - Internal Sales Orders - Intransit Lead Times Setup Steps for ATP and ASCP Planning NOTE:252108.1 - How to Determine the Latest APS/VCP Patch Applied to the System NOTE:262124.1 - Set Up Delivery (Transit) Lead Times For ATPable OR Non-ATP Items To Ship To Customers NOTE:278055.1 - Advanced Planning and Scheduling - Requirements for 11.5.10 / Family Pack J NOTE:357667.1 - Export Of Records Errors And Displays No Result NOTE:122372.1 - Getting ATP Debug Files - The ATP Session Files NOTE:414616.1 - Forms Export Process Crashes Internet Explorer 7 and 6 NOTE:417249.1 - Shipping Calendar is Being Ignored at Ship Confirm



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