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Curriculum Specifications Year 4

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LEARNING OUTCOMES %"&i's iden!i*/ !he $asic needs )* h"#ans. NOTES Teache g"ides &"&i's !) c)nc'"de !ha! !he $asic needs )* h"#ans a e *))d+ ai + (a!e and she'!e . VOCABULARY basic needs 0 keperluan asas breat 0 nafas

LEARNING OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Living Things have Basic Needs 1.1 Unde s!anding !ha! %"&i's vie( vide) !ha! sh)(s va i)"s h"#ans have $asic *))!age e'a!ed !) !he $asic needs )* needs. h"#ans+ e.g. a, a child / family taking drinks and a balanced diet, $, movement of the chest of a sleeping baby, c, different types of houses. Based )n !he vide) &"&i's disc"ss !he $asic needs )* h"#ans+ e.g. a, food, $, water, c, air, d, shelter. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! humans need to eat / to drink to help them grow and stay healthy, humans need air to breathe, humans need to protect themselves from danger, sun and rain. %"&i's disc"ss and e.&'ain (ha! (i'' ha&&en !) h"#ans i* !he e is n) *))d+ (a!e + ai and she'!e .

breat e 0 bernafas b!n"a#$% 0 banglo &#at 0 rumah pangsa !t 0 pondok #$n" $!se 0 rumah panjang '$(e'ent 0 pergerakan terrace $!se 0 rumah teres s e#ter 0 tempat perlindungan ba#anced diet 0 makanan seimbang

give eas)ns (h/ h"#ans need *))d+ (a!e + ai and she'!e .


Unde s!anding !ha!

%"&i's 2ee& &e!s s"ch as ha#s!e s )


Re#ind &"&i's !)

$#es 0 lubang

ani#a's have $asic needs.

chic2s. %"&i's )$se ve and ec) d (ha! !he/ d) 2ee& !hei &e!s a'ive and hea'!h/. %"&i's disc"ss (h/ ha#s!e s ) chic2s a e 2e&! in a cage and n)! in an ai !igh!+ c)ve ed c)n!aine . Based )n !hei ec) ds &"&i's disc"ss !he $asic needs )* ani#a's. %"&i's disc"ss !ha!a, ani#a's need !) ea! 3 d in2 !) he'& !he# g )( and !) s!a/ hea'!h/+ $, ani#a's need ai !) $ ea!he+ c, ani#a's need !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# dange + s"n and ain. %"&i's s!"d/ &ic!" es ) vide) and desc i$e di**e en! !/&es )* she'!e s *) ani#a's s"ch as nes!s+ caves and h)'es.

iden!i*/ !he $asic needs )* ani#a's.

hand'e ani#a's (i!h ca e. Teache g"ides &"&i's !) c)nc'"de !ha! ani#a's4 $asic needs a e *))d+ (a!e + ai and she'!e .

ca"e 0 sangkar c$ntainer 0 bekas re&erence 0 rujukan air ti" t 0 kedap udara

give eas)ns (h/ ani#a's need *))d+ (a!e + ai and she'!e .

desc i$e !/&es )* she'!e s *) ani#a's. These ac!ivi!ies (i'' !a2e a$)"! !() (ee2s. c$nditi$n 0 keadaan si'i#ar 0 serupa %atered 0 disiram s!n#i" t0 cahaya matahari

1.5 Unde s!anding !ha! &'an!s have $asic needs.

%"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies !) sh)( !he $asic needs )* &'an!s $/ c)#&a ing si#i'a $a'sa# &'an!s 2e&! in di**e en! c)ndi!i)nsa, 1 (a!e ed+ 1 (i!h)"! (a!e + $, 1 2e&! )"!d)) + 1 2e&! in a !igh! &'as!ic $ag+ c, 1 2e&! )"! d)) and 1 2e&! in a da 2 c"&$)a d. %"&i's )$se ve and ec) d !hei dai'/ )$se va!i)ns. Based )n !hei ec) ds &"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! !he $asic needs )* &'an!s a e (a!e + ai and s"n'igh!.

%"&i's Iden!i*/ !he $asic needs )* &'an!s.

1. 1.1

Living Things "nde g) Li*e % )cesses Ana'/sing 'i*e & )cesses %"&i's "se !hei hands !) *ee' !he


s%eat 0 peluh

!ha! h"#ans "nde g).

#)ve#en! )* !hei ches!s as !he/ $ ea!he. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! !he #)ve#en! )* !he ches! is d"e !) $ ea!hing. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! (hen !he/ inha'e !he/ !a2e in ai and (hen !he/ e.ha'e !he/ give )"! ai . %"&i's ga!he in*) #a!i)n and disc"ss !ha!a, inha'ed ai has #) e )./gen !han e.ha'ed ai + $, e.ha'ed ai has #) e ca $)n di).ide !han inha'ed ai . %"&i's )$se ve #)de' ) vie( vide) )* h"#an $)d/ !) see !ha! !he '"ng is a $ ea!hing ) gan *) h"#an and !) iden!i*/ !he &assage )* ai #)ve#en! (hen h"#an $ ea!hes. %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!/ !) c)"n! !he n"#$e )* ches! #)ve#en!s in a #in"!e (hen !he/ a e $ ea!hing and ec) d !hei *indings. %"&i's c)#&a e !hei g )"& *indings and c)nc'"de !ha! n)! eve /)ne has !he sa#e a!e )* $ ea!hing. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! h"#ans e.c e!e and de*eca!e. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! (hen h"#ansa, e.c e!e !he/ & )d"ce " ine+ s(ea! and (a!e + $, de*eca!e !he/ & )d"ce *aeces. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! h"#ans e.c e!e and de*eca!e !) ge! id )* (as!e #a!e ia's * )# !hei $)dies. %"&i's disc"ss !) in*e !he e**ec! )n hea'!h i* h"#ans d) n)! e.c e!e ) de*eca!e. %"&i's vie( vide) ) ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies

e.&'ain !ha! h"#ans $ ea!he.

sti'!#i 0 rangsangan s!r(i(a# 0 kemandirian

desc i$e (ha! inha'e is. desc i$e (ha! e.ha'e is. di**e en!ia!e !he ai !ha! (e inha'e and !he ai !ha! (e e.ha'e.

!rine 0 air kencing %aste )r$d!ct 0 bahan buangan

s!a!e !ha! h"#ans "se '"ngs !) $ ea!he. iden!i*/ !he &assage )* ai d" ing $ ea!hing. c)nc'"de !ha! n)! a'' individ"a's have !he sa#e a!e )* $ ea!hing.

%"&i's 6"s! need !) 2n)( !he #ain ) gans inv)'ved in $ ea!hing+ e.g. a, n)se+ $, #)"!h+ c, (ind &i&e+ d, '"ngs. Teache e.&'ains !ha! !he a!e )* $ ea!hing #eans !he n"#$e )* ches! #)ve#en!s in a &e i)d )* !i#e.

s!a!e !ha! h"#ans e.c e!e and de*eca!e. s!a!e !he & )d"c!s )* h"#an e.c e!i)n. s!a!e !he & )d"c! )* h"#an de*eca!i)n. give eas)ns (h/ h"#ans need !) e.c e!e and de*eca!e.

s!a!e !ha! h"#ans es&)nd !) s!i#"'i.

D) n)! "se $)i'ing (a!e .

!) sh)( h"#an es&)nds !) s!i#"'i+ e.g. when touching a glass of hot water. %"&i's disc"ss !) in*e !ha! h"#ans es&)nd !) s!i#"'i !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# dange ) *) s" viva'. %"&i's d a( *a#i'/ ! ees )* !hei *a#i'ies *) !h ee gene a!i)ns. %"&i's c)#&a e each )!he 4s diag a# and c)nc'"de !ha! h"#ans & )d"ce )**s& ing * )# )ne gene a!i)n !) an)!he . %"&i's disc"ss (ha! (i'' ha&&en i* h"#ans d) n)! e& )d"ce. 1.1 Being a(a e !ha! ce !ain $ehavi)" can dis!" $ 'i*e & )cesses. %"&i's disc"ss !) iden!i*/ $ad ha$i!s in h"#ans+ e.g. a, s#)2ing+ $, d in2ing a'c)h)'+ c, !a2ing d "gs. %"&i's '))2 a! &ic!" es ) vide) )* a s#)2e 4s and disc"ss !he e**ec!s )* s#)2ing )n '"ngs. %"&i's (a!ch de#)ns! a!i)n $/ !eache !) )$se ve !he ha #*"' s"$s!ances & )d"ced (hen a ciga e!!e is $eing $" ned. %"&i's 'is!en !) a !a'2 )n s#)2ing and hea'!h given $/ a hea'!h )**ice . %"&i's d a( &)s!e s a$)"! !he e**ec!s )* s#)2ing )n hea'!h. %"&i's vie( vide) !) see !he e**ec!s )* d "gs and a'c)h)' )n h"#ans in !e #s )* !he e**ec!s )* de'a/ing a &e s)n4s es&)nse !) s!i#"'i+ e.g. a, ability to walk in straight line, $, delayed reaction of a drunken driver or a driver high on drug can cause accident. %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies !) disc)" age s#)2ing+ d "gs !a2ing and a'c)h)' d in2ing a#)ng !hei &ee s.

give eas)ns (h/ h"#ans es&)nd !) s!i#"'i.

s!a!e !ha! h"#ans e& )d"ce.

& edic! (ha! (i'' ha&&en i* h"#ans d) n)! e& )d"ce.

%"&i's give e.a#&'es )* ha$i!s !ha! $ ing ha # !) h"#an 'i*e & )cesses.

s'$*er 0 perokok a&&ect 0 memberi kesan e&&ect 0 akibat dr!n*en 0 mabuk

s!a!e !he e**ec!s )* s#)2ing )n '"ngs.

de#a+ 0 melambatkan ca!se 0 menyebabkab dr!" 0 dadah S"gges!ed !)&ics *) !he !a'2a, S#)2ing and 7ea'!h. $, 7)( s#)2ing a**ec!s 7ea'!h. a#c$ $# 0 minuman keras )eers 0 rakan sebaya

e.&'ain !ha! !a2ing d "gs and a'c)h)' can de'a/ a &e s)n4s es&)nse !) s!i#"'i.

&a !ici&a!e in a ca#&aign !) disc)" age s#)2ing+ d "gs !a2ing

and a'c)h)' d in2ing a#)ng !hei &ee s. 1.5 Ana'/sing !he 'i*e & )cesses !ha! ani#a's "nde g). %"&i's )$se ve ani#a's in science ga den !) c)nc'"de !ha! ani#a's de*eca!e and e.c e!e. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! ani#a's e.c e!e and de*eca!e !) ge! id )* (as!e & )d"c!s * )# !hei $)dies. %"&i's disc"ss !) in*e !he e**ec!s )n hea'!h i* ani#a's d) n)! e.c e!e and de*eca!e. %"&i's '))2 a! #)de's ) 'ive s&eci#ens !) see !he $ ea!hing s! "c!" es )*a, $i d+ $, *ish+ c, g assh)&&e + d, c a$+ e, * )g+ *, #)n2e/. Based )n !he vie(ing )* vide) 3 #)de's 3 'ive s&eci#ens &"&i's c)nc'"de !ha! $ ea!hing s! "c!" es *) ani#a's #a/ $e di**e en!. %"&i's vie( vide) sh)(ing ani#a's giving $i !h and chic2s ha!ching * )# eggs. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! ani#a's e& )d"ce. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! s)#e ani#a's give $i !h and s)#e 'a/ eggs. %"&i's disc"ss !) c'assi*/ ani#a's in!) !h)se !ha! 'a/ eggs and !h)se !ha! give $i !h !) !hei /)"ng. %"&i's )$se ve ani#a's s"ch as $"!!e *'/+ * )g+ ha#s!e ) chic2en * )# $i !h3eggs !) ad"'!. %"&i's ec) d !he changes in si8e3*) # a! !he di**e en! s!ages )* !he 'i*e c/c'es. Based )n !hei )$se va!i)ns and ec) ds &"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! ani#a's #a/ have di**e en! 'i*e c/c'es. *) s!a!e !ha! ani#a's $ ea!he. iden!i*/ !he $ ea!hing s! "c!" es di**e en! !/&es )* ani#a's #a/ $e di**e en!. %"&i's s!a!e !ha! ani#a's e.c e!e. s!a!e !ha! ani#a's de*eca!e. give eas)ns (h/ ani#a's need !) e.c e!e and de*eca!e. "i(e birt beranak 0

"rass $))er 0 belalang atc 0 menetas

#a+ e""s 0 bertelur #i&e c+c#e 0 kitar hidup $cc!r 0 berlaku sta"e : peringkat

The $ ea!hing s! "c!" es inv)'ved a e '"ngs 9#)n2e/ and $i d,+ ! achea s! "c!" e 9g assh)&&e ,+ '"ng $))2s 9c a$,+ gi''s 9*ish,+ and #)is! s2in 9* )g,. %"&i's d) n)! have !) 2n)( !he na#e )* !hese $ ea!hing s! "c!" es.

s!a!e !ha! $ ea!hing s! "c!" es *) di**e en! !/&es )* ani#a's #a/ $e di**e en!. s!a!e !ha! ani#a's e& )d"ce.

state t at s$'e ani'a#s "i(e birt and s$'e #a+ e""s, c#assi&+ ani'a#s acc$rdin" t$ t e %a+ t e+ re)r$d!ce, desc i$e !he 'i*e c/c'es )* di**e en! ani#a's. Rec) ds can $e in !he *) # )* d a(ings+ #eas" e#en!s ) desc i&!i)ns+ e!c.

c)nc'"de !ha! ani#a's #a/ have di**e en! 'i*e c/c'es.

%"&i's #a2e a sc a& $))2 )n ea' ani#a's as i#agina / &e!s+ e.g. a, tiger, $, whale, c, lizard, d, pangolin, e, bat, *, worm, g) snake, e!c. %"&i's #a/ ( i!e d a( ) &as!e &ic!" es )n !hei sc a& $))2s !) !e'' a$)"! !hei &e!s+ e.g. a, what pupils have to do to keep their pets alive and healthy, $, suitable home for their pets, c, food for their pets, d, how their pets protect themselves from enemies, e, how their pets take care of their young, *, life processes of their pets. 1.; Unde s!anding !he 'i*e & )cesses !ha! &'an!s "nde g). %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies !) s!"d/ h)( &'an!s es&)nd !) s!i#"'i+ e.g. a, (a!e + $, s"n'igh!+ c, !)"ch+ d, g avi!/. %"&i's )$se ve and ec) d !hei *indings. Based )n !he a$)ve ac!ivi!ies &"&i's disc"ss !) iden!i*/ !he &a !s )* &'an!s !ha! es&)nd !) s!i#"'i+ a) roots respond to water and gravity, b) shoots respond to sunlight, c) certain leaflets respond to touch. iden!i*/ !he &a ! )* &'an! !ha! es&)nds !) (a!e . iden!i*/ !he &a ! )* &'an! !ha! es&)nds !) g avi!/. iden!i*/ !he &a ! )* &'an! !ha! es&)nds !) s"n'igh!. iden!i*/ !he &a ! )* &'an! !ha! es&)nds !) !)"ch. s!a!e !ha! &'an!s e& )d"ce. %"&i's s!a!e !ha! &'an!s es&)nd !) s!i#"'i.

This sc a& $))2 & )6ec! can $e in! )d"ced a! !he $eginning )* !he !)&ic. %"&i's add !hei *indings in!) !hei sc a& $))2s as !he/ 'ea n a$)"! ani#a's. This ac!ivi!/ is !) he'& &"&i's "nde s!and !he 'i*e & )cesses and !he s" viva' )* ani#a's. I! a's) enc)" ages &"&i's !) *ind )"! #) e a$)"! ani#a's !ha! in!e es! !he#.

-ater #ett!ce 0 kiambang br+) +##!' 0 setawar e.tinct 0 pupus s $$t 0 pucuk #ea&#ets 0 anak daun +$!n" )#ant 0 anak pokok )arent )#ant 0 pokok induk s)$res 0 spora s!c*er 0 sulur / anak pokok ste' c!ttin" 0 keratan batang !nder"r$!nd ste'

%"&i's )$se ve< a, $eg)nia &'an!s 3 $ /)&h/''"# !ha! have /)"ng &'an!s g )(ing * )# !he 'eaves+

$, $anana ! ees !ha! have /)"ng &'an!s g )(ing a )"nd !he &a en! &'an!s+ c, (a!e 'e!!"ce !ha! have /)"ng &'an!s a!!ached !) &a en! &'an!s. %"&i's ca / )"! disc"ssi)n $ased )n !hei )$se va!i)ns !ha! &'an!s e& )d"ce. %"&i's (a!ch &ic!" es 3 vie( vide) and disc"ss !ha! &'an!s e& )d"ce !) ens" e !he s" viva' )* !hei s&ecies. %"&i's disc"ss and & edic! (ha! (i'' ha&&en !) !he () 'd i* &'an!s d) n)! e& )d"ce+ e.g. no food supply for man and certain animals. %"&i's s!"d/ 'ive s&eci#ens 3 vie( vide) !) *ind )"! !he va i)"s (a/s &'an!s e& )d"ce+ e.g. a, through seeds 0 $a'sa#+ c) n and d" ian+ $, through spores 0 *e n and #"sh ))#+ c, through suckers 0 $anana and &inea&&'e+ d, through stem cutting 0 hi$isc"s+ )se and !a&i)ca+ e, through leaves 0 $ /&h/''"# and $eg)nia+ *, through underground stem 0 &)!a!)+ )ni)n+ ginge and 'i'/. e.&'ain (h/ &'an!s need !) e& )d"ce. & edic! (ha! (i'' ha&&en !) !he () 'd i* &'an!s d) n)! e& )d"ce.

0 batang bawah tanah ta)i$ca )#ant 0 pokok ubi kayu '!s r$$' 0 cendawan &ern 0 paku-pakis (ari$!s 0 pelbagai c$rn 0 jagung dis)ersa# 0 pencaran s)#ittin" 0 letupan #$(e"rass 0 kemuncup ens!re 0 memastikan e.&'ain !he va i)"s (a/s &'an!s e& )d"ce. re#ati$ns i) 0 hubungan &#a'e $& t e &$rest 0 semarak api s $rea : meranti

5. 5.1

Ani#a's and &'an!s & )!ec! Unde s!anding !ha! ani#a's have s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# dange .

!he#se'ves %"&i's !)"ch ani#a's s"ch as ga den snai's ) #i''i&edes and )$se ve h)( !he/ eac! !) dange .

%"&i's iden!i*/ s&ecia' cha ac!e is!ics )* ani#a's !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# dange .

Re#ind &"&i's n)! !) h" ! ani#a's and &"! !he# $ac2 !) (he e !he/ (e e !a2en.

c!r# !) 0 menggulung 'i##i)ede 0 ulat gonggok

%"&i's desc i$e (ha! !he/ )$se ve and give eas)ns *) !he ani#a'4s $ehavi)" + e.g. millipede curls up to protect itself from danger. %"&i's '))2 a! 'ive s&eci#en ) c)''ec! in*) #a!i)n $/ '))2ing a! &ic!" es ) vie(ing vide) )* va i)"s ani#a's !) iden!i*/ !he cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" )* ani#a's !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# dange + e.g. a, pangolins have hard scales to protect themselves from enemies, $, bed bugs have bad smell to repel enemies, c, chameleons have the ability to change skin colour according to the surrounding, d, scorpions have stings to protect themselves from enemies. %"&i's & esen! !hei *indings !) !he c'ass. 5.1 Unde s!anding !ha! ani#a's have s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# e.! e#e (ea!he . %"&i's vie( vide) )* ani#a's !ha! 'ive in ve / h)! ) c)'d (ea!he .

iden!i*/ s&ecia' $ehavi)" )* ani#a's !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# dange .

centi)ede 0 lipan be a(i$!r 0 perlakuan !rt 0 cedera

desc i$e h)( !he s&ecia' cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" )* ani#a's he'& !) & )!ec! !he# * )# dange .

)an"$#in 0 tenggiling sca#e 0 sisik bed b!" 0 pijatkeras c a'e#e$n 0 sesumpah stin" : sengat

%"&i's iden!i*/ s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" )* ani#a's !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# ve / h)! ) c)'d (ea!he . desc i$e h)( s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" )* ani#a's he'& !) & )!ec! !he# * )# ve / h)! ) c)'d (ea!he .

r in$cer$!s 0 badak sumbu e.tre'e %eat er 0 cuaca melampau re"i$n 0 kawasan t ic* &!r 0 bulu tebal s)eci&ic c aracteristics 0 cirri-ciri khas !')s 0 bonggol 'i'$sa 0 semalu #ate. 0 susu getah &ine air 0 bulu halus itc iness 0 kegatalan %a##$%in" 0

%"&i's 'is! !he s&ecia' cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" )* ani#a's and desc i$e h)( !hese cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" he'& !) & )!ec! !he# * )# ve / h)! ) c)'d (ea!he + e.g. a) rhinoceros keep their bodies cool by wallowing in mud holes, b) polar bear have thick fur to enable them to live in very cold weather, c) camels have humps on their backs to store food and water to enable them to survive in deserts. %"&i's & esen! !hei *indings !) !he c'ass.

berkubang 5.5 Unde s!anding !ha! ani#a's have s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics and $ehavi)" !) ena$'e !he# !) s" vive. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! ani#a's need !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# ene#ies and e.! e#e (ea!he c)ndi!i)ns !) ena$'e !he# !) s" vive. %"&i's design a #)de' )* an i#agina / ani#a' !ha! can & )!ec! i!se'* * )# i!s ene#/ and e.! e#e (ea!he c)ndi!i)ns. %"&i's $"i'd !hei #)de's and 6"s!i*/ (h/ #)de's a e $"i'! (i!h ce !ain cha ac!e is!ics. 5.; Unde s!anding !ha! &'an!s have s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# ene#ies. %"&i's '))2 a! &ic!" es 3 vie( vide) )* va i)"s &'an!s !) iden!i*/ s&ecia' cha ac!e is!ics !ha! & )!ec! !hese &'an!s * )# !hei ene#ies. %"&i's 'is! !he s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s. %"&i's desc i$e h)( !hese cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s he'& !) & )!ec! !he# * )# ene#ies+ e.g. a, mimosas close their leaflets when touched, $, papaya leaves produce latex to prevent them from being eaten, c, pineapple plants have thorns to protect themselves, d, bamboos have very fine hairs that can cause itchiness. %"&i's & esen! !hei *indings !) !he c'ass. %"&i's ec)gni8e !he need *) ani#a's !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# ene#ies and e.! e#e (ea!he c)ndi!i)ns. #a2e a #)de' )* an i#agina / ani#a' !ha! can s" vive $)!h e.! e#e (ea!he and ene#ies. give eas)ns (h/ #)de's a e $"i'! in s"ch (a/s. Teache enc)" age &"&i's !) "se ec/c'ed #a!e ia's 3 )$6ec!s. e.cessi(e 0 berlebihan

%"&i's identi&+ t e s)eci&ic c aracteristics $& )#ants t at )r$tect t e' &r$' ene'ies, describe $% t e s)eci&ic c aracteristics $& )#ants e#) t$ )r$tect t e' &r$' ene'ies,

5.= Unde s!anding !ha! &'an!s have s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics !) & )!ec! !he#se'ves * )# d / egi)n and s! )ng (ind.

%"&i's vie( vide) !) iden!i*/ &'an!s !ha! can $e *)"nd in+ e.g. a, dry region, $, area with strong winds.

%"&i's give e.a#&'es )* &'an!s *)"nd in ve / d / egi)n. iden!i*/ s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# e.cessive ')ss )* (a!e .

%"&i's c)''ec! and in!e & e! da!a !) sh)( h)( s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s he'& !) & )!ec! !he# * )#+ e.g. a, excessive loss of water, $, strong winds. %"&i's ca / )"! an ac!ivi!/ !) sh)( (hich &'an! can s" vive in d / egi)n+ e.g. the following plants are kept without water for a week, a, a &)!!ed $a'sa# &'an!+ $, a &)!!ed chi''/ &'an!+ c, a &)!!ed cac!"s &'an!. Based )n !hei *indings &"&i's #a2e c)nc'"si)n (hich &'an! can s" vive in d / egi)n.

desc i$e h)( s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s he'& !he# !) s" vive in d / egi)n. give e.a#&'es )* &'an!s *)"nd in s! )ng (ind a ea. iden!i*/ s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s !ha! & )!ec! !he# * )# s! )ng (inds. desc i$e h)( s&eci*ic cha ac!e is!ics )* &'an!s he'& !he# !) s" vive in s! )ng (inds.



SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES P!)i#s c$')are $b2ects $& di&&erent s a)es s!c as a s3!are and a rectan"#e and "!ess % ic $b2ect as a bi""er area4 e,", LEARNING OUTCOMES P!)i#s c$')are a s3!are and a rectan"#e and "!ess % ic $b2ect as a bi""er area, NOTES S!""ested 'eas!rin" t$$#s5 a6 r!#er $& di&&erent #en"t s4 VOCABULARY 'eas!re'ent 0 ukuran #en"t 0 panjang

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Meas" e#en! 1,1 Understandin" t e 'eas!re'ent $& #en"t ,

a6 a s3!are 7 4cm . 4cm 6 b6 a rectan"#e 7 8cm . 9cm 6 P!)i#s c$n&ir' t eir "!esses b+ &i##in" t e 4cm . 4cm s3!are and 8cm . 9c' rectan"#e %it 1cm . 1cm cards and c$!nt t e n!'ber $& 1cm . 1cm cards !sed, carr+ $!t a test t$ c$n&ir' t eir "!esses,

b6 'eas!rin" ta)e4 c6 strin".


0 lebar

ei" t 0 tinggi circ!'&erence 0 lilitan ar' s)an 0 depa "ra) ic $r"aniser 0 penyusun grafik

P!)i#s disc!ss t$ state t e re#ati$ns i) bet%een t e n!'ber $& 1cm . 1cm s3!ares and t e #en"t and %idt $& t e ab$(e s3!are and rectan"#e, P!)i#s disc!ss t e standard !nit &$r area in 'etric s+ste'4 e,", a6 s3!are mm4 b6 s3!are cm, c6 s3!are m, d6 s3!are Km. P!)i#s ca#c!#ate t e area $& an+ "i(en s3!are and rectan"#e in t e 'etric s+ste', 1.1 Unde s!anding h)( !) ca'c"'a!e a ea.

state t at5 area = length x width

ca#c!#ate 0 hitung standard !nit 0 unit piawai

state t e standard !nit &$r area in t e 'etric s+ste',

ca#c!#ate t e area $& a "i(en s a)e in t e 'etric s+ste',

Use 1cm . 1cm s>"a e ca ds. Teache acce&!s an/ ideas given $/ !he &"&i's. 1cm 1cm ;cm




Unde s!anding h)( !) #eas" e !he v)'"#e )* s)'id.

%"&i's c)#&a e 1 di**e en! )$6ec!s s"ch as a c"$e and a c"$)id and g"ess (hich )$6ec! has a $igge v)'"#e+ e.g. a, a c"$e 9 ;cm . ;cm . ;cm,+ $, a c"$)id 9 ?cm . ;cm . 1cm,. %"&i's c)n*i # !hei g"esses $/ *i''ing !he ;cm . ;cm . ;cm c"$e and ?cm . ;cm . 1cm c"$)id (i!h 1cm . 1cm . 1cm c"$es and c)"n! !he n"#$e )* 1cm . 1cm . 1cm c"$es "sed. %"&i's disc"ss !) s!a!e !he e'a!i)nshi& $e!(een !he n"#$e )* 1c# . 1c# . 1c# c"$es and !he 'eng!h+ (id!h and heigh! )* !he a$)ve c"$e and c"$)id. %"&i's disc"ss !he s!anda d "ni! *) v)'"#e )* s)'id in #e! ic s/s!e#+ e.g. a, c!bic ''4 b6 c!bic c'4 c6 c!bic ', %"&i's ca'c"'a!e !he v)'"#es )* an/ given c"$es and c"$)ids in !he #e! ic s/s!e#.

%"&i's c)#&a e a c"$e and a c"$)id and g"ess (hich )ne has a $igge v)'"#e.

ca / )"! a !es! !) c)n*i # !hei g"esses.

1cm Use a c"$e and a c"$)id (i!h !he sa#e v)'"#e. 1cm 1cm 1cm ;cm ;cm

($#!'e 0 isipadu s$#id 0 pepejal c!be 0 kiub c!b$id 0 kuboid

;cm s!a!e !ha!< volume length x width x height

s!a!e !he s!anda d "ni! *) v)'"#e )* s)'ids in !he #e! ic s/s!e#. ?cm

ca'c"'a!e !he v)'"#es )* c"$es and c"$)ids $ased )n !he #eas" e#en!s !a2en in !he #e! ic s/s!e#. ;cm 1cm


Unde s!anding h)( !) #eas" e v)'"#e )* 'i>"id.

P!)i#s disc!ss t e di&&erent %a+s t at can be !sed t$ 'eas!re t e ($#!'e $& a #i3!id s!c as !sin" c!)4 t e ca) $& a b$tt#e4 bea*er and 'eas!rin" c+#inder, P!)i#s disc!ss t e standard !nit &$r

P!)i#s state t e di&&erent %a+s t$ 'eas!re t e ($#!'e $& a #i3!id, state t e standard !nit &$r

#i3!ids 0 cecair bea*er 0 bikar 'eas!rin" c+#inder 0 silinder penyukat

($#!'e $& #i3!id in 'etric s+ste'4 e,", a6 'i##i#iter 7ml64 b6 #iter 7l6, P!)i#s c $$se t e a))r$)riate t$$# &$r 'eas!rin" t e ($#!'e $& a #i3!id, P!)i#s disc!ss t e c$rrect tec ni3!es t$ ta*e readin"s4 e,", a6 taking the reading at the lowest part of the meniscus. b6 eyes must be at the same level as the lowest part of the meniscus. P!)i#s carr+ $!t acti(ities t$ 'eas!re t e ($#!'es $& #i3!ids !sin" t e c$rrect tec ni3!es, P!)i#s rec$rd 'eas!re'ent in a "ra) ic $r"aniser, 1.= Unde s!anding h)( !) #eas" e #ass. P!)i#s st!d+ #e(er ba#ance and disc!ss t at it can be !sed t$ 'eas!re 'ass $& (ari$!s $b2ects, P!)i#s disc!ss t e standard !nit &$r 'ass in 'etric s+ste'4 e,", a6 'i##i"ra' 7mg64 b6 "ra' 7g64 c6 :i#$"ra' 7Kg6, P!)i#s !se t$$#s t$ 'eas!re t e 'asses $& (ari$!s $b2ects s!c as b$$*s4 )enci# cases $r sc $$# ba"s, P!)i#s rec$rd t e 'eas!re'ents in a "ra) ic $r"aniser,

($#!'e $& #i3!ids in t e 'etric s+ste', Gi(e )!)i#s di&&erent ($#!'es $& %ater and a##$% t e' t$ tr+ t$ 'eas!re ($#!'es !sin" di&&erent t$$#s4 e,", beaker or measuring cylinders of different sizes.

'enisc!s 0 meniskus

c $$se t e a))r$)riate 'eas!rin" t$$#s t$ 'eas!re t e ($#!'e $& #i3!id,

'eas!re t e ($#!'e $& a #i3!id !sin" t e c$rrect tec ni3!e, rec$rd t e ($#!'e 'eas!red in t e 'etric s+ste' !nit, #e(er ba#ance 0 neraca tuas c$')ressi$n ba#ance 0 neraca mampatan 'ass 0 jisim

P!)i#s state t$$#s &$r 'eas!rin" 'ass, state t e standard !nit &$r 'ass in t e 'etric s+ste',

'eas!re t e 'ass $& an $b2ect !sin" t e c$rrect tec ni3!e, rec$rd t e 'eas!re'ent !sin" t e 'etric s+ste', !ni&$r'#+ re)eated 0 berulang secara seragam s%in" 0 ayunan


Unde s!anding h)( !) #eas" e !i#e.

P!)i#s "at er in&$r'ati$n ab$!t di&&erent %a+s t$ 'eas!re ti'e, P!)i#s disc!ss and c$nc#!de t at a )r$cess t at re)eats !ni&$r'#+ can be !sed t$ 'eas!re ti'e,

P!)i#s identi&+ di&&erent %a+s t$ 'eas!re ti'e,

P!)i#s $bser(e t e &$##$%in" )r$cesses4 a) the swinging of a pendulum, b) water dripping, c) pulse. P!)i#s disc!ss % + t e ab$(e )r$cesses can be !sed t$ 'eas!re ti'e, P!)i#s disc!ss t e standard !nit &$r ti'e in 'etric s+ste'4 e,", a6 second, b6 minute, c6 hour. P!)i#s disc!ss t$ c $$se and !se a))r$)riate t$$#s and !nits t$ 'eas!re ti'e, P!)i#s 'eas!re t e ti'e ta*en t$ carr+ $!t certain acti(ities !sin" t e c$rrect t$$#s and a))r$)riate !nits, P!)i#s rec$rd t e 'eas!re'ent in a))r$)riate standard !nit in a "ra) ic $r"aniser, 1.A Rea'ising !he i#&) !ance )* "sing s!anda d "ni!s. P!)i#s are s $%n a )iece $& )#a+d$!" 'ade ear#ier b+ teac er and as* t$ )re)are t eir $%n )#a+d$!" !sin" t e "i(en reci)e, /ased $n t e "i(en reci)e )!)i#s disc!ss % at t$$#s t$ !se &$r 'eas!rin" t e in"redients and $% t$ 'eas!re, P!)i#s 'a*e t e )#a+d$!" b+ 'eas!rin" t e in"redients !sin" t e 'eas!rin" t$$#s and !nits t at t e+ a(e c $sen, P!)i#s &ee# t e te.t!re $& t e d$!" and "i(e reas$ns &$r an+ di&&erence in t eir d$!" as c$')ared t$ t e )#a+d$!" )re)ared b+ t e teac er,

state t at )r$cesses t at re)eat !ni&$r'#+ can be !sed t$ 'eas!re ti'e,

)end!#!' 0 bandul %ater dri))in" 0 titisan air )!#se rate 0 kadar denyutan nadi

state t e standard !nit &$r ti'e in 'etric s+ste',

identi&+ t$$#s &$r 'eas!rin" ti'e,

'eas!re ti'e !sin" a))r$)riate t$$#s, rec$rd t e ti'e 'eas!red in t e standard !nit,

P!)i#s c $$se and !se t e a))r$)riate t$$#s t$ 'eas!re t e ($#!'es $& #i3!ids and 'asses $& t e in"redients in a reci)e,

Teac er !se t e &$##$%in" reci)e t$ 'a*e t e )#a+d$!" , 4;; 4;; 1<; 1;; $i#4 = " &#$!r4 " &ine sa#t4 '# %ater4 '# c$$*in" teas)$$n &$$d c$#$!rin",


0 adunan

te.t!re 0 tekstur acc!rac+ 0 ketepatan *nead 0 uli in"redient 0 bahan 'i.t!re : campuran

"i(e reas$ns &$r an+ di&&erences in t e d$!" )re)ared b+ )!)i#s !sin" t e "i(en reci)e,

Met $d: 1, 0iss$#(e sa#t in %ater,

P!)i#s c$nc#!de t at standard !nits are needed &$r acc!rac+ and c$nsistenc+,

c$nc#!de t e need &$r !sin" standard !nit,

9, Mi. a## in"redients in a b$%#, >, :nead t e 'i.t!re int$ a d$!" , Gi(e t e &$##$%in" reci)e t$ )!)i#s &$r t e' t$ 'a*e s$'e )#a+d$!" , 1 b$%# $& &#$!r4 9 c!)s $& &ine sa#t4 = "#ass $& %ater4 ? c!) $& c$$*in" $i#4 a )inc $& &$$d c$#$!rin", Teac er )re)ares a &e% c!)s and b$%#s $& (ari$!s si@es, Let t e )!)i#s c $$se t e c!) and b$%# t at t e+ are "$in" t$ !se &$r 'eas!rin" t e in"redients, Met $d: 1, 0iss$#(e sa#t in %ater, 9, Mi. a## in"redients in a b$%#, >, :nead t e 'i.t!re int$ a d$!" ,



1. 1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES % )&e !ies )* Ma!e ia's Unde s!anding !he & )&e !ies )* #a!e ia's.

SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES P!)i#s are "i(en (ari$!s $b2ects 'ade $& %$$d4 )#astic4 'eta#4 "#ass $r r!bber and "r$!) t e' acc$rdin" t$ t e 'ateria#s t e+ are 'ade $&, P!)i#s test $b2ects 'ade $& %$$d4 )#astic4 'eta#4 "#ass $r r!bber t$ &ind $!t i& t e+5 a) conduct electricity, b) conduct heat, c) float on water, d) absorb water, e) can be stretched, &6 allow light to pass through. %"&i's ec) d !hei *indings in a g a&hic ) ganise . 0isc!ss % at c$nd!ct$r and ins!#at$r are, /ased $n t e "ra) ic $r"aniser4 )!)i#s c$nc#!de t at a "$$d eat c$nd!ct$r is a#s$ a "$$d e#ectric c$nd!ct$r, P!)i#s carr+ $!t acti(ities t$ test di&&erent 'ateria#s s!c as "#ass4 %$$d4 r!bber4 'eta# and )#astic t$ &ind $!t t eir abi#ities t$ a##$% #i" t t$ )ass t r$!" , /ased $n t e ab$(e acti(ities )!)i#s c#assi&+ 'ateria#s int$ > cate"$ries4 e,", a6 transparent material that allows most light to pass through, b6 translucent material that allows some light to pass through, c6 opaque material that does not allows any light to pass through. %"&i's s!"d/ and disc"ss !he "ses )* ! ans&a en!+ ! ans'"cen! and )&a>"e #a!e ia's.

LEARNING OUTCOMES P!)i#s c#assi&+ $b2ects int$ "r$!)s acc$rdin" t$ t e 'ateria#s t e+ are 'ade $&, identi&+ 'ateria#s t c$nd!ct e#ectricit+, identi&+ 'ateria#s t c$nd!ct eat, identi&+ 'ateria#s t %ater, identi&+ 'ateria#s t %ater, identi&+ 'ateria#s t stretc ed, identi&+ 'ateria#s t #i" t t$ )ass t r$!" at at at &#$at $n at abs$rb at can be at a##$% ,

NOTES Teache & )vides va i)"s )$6ec!s s"ch as ())den "'e + #e!a' s&))n+ c')!h+ &a&e + c)in+ &iece )* 'ea!he + "$$e $and+ g'ass &'a!e+ c) 2 and #a $'e. Ac!ivi!ies can $e ca ied )"! "sing s!a!i)n #e!h)d. G a&hic ) ganise in !he *) # )* a !a$'e is as sh)(n $e')(())d #e!a' C)nd"c! e'ec! ici!/ C)nd"c! hea! C')a! )n (a!e A$s) $ (a!e Can $e s! e!ched A'')( 'igh! !) &ass !h )"gh B..

VOCABULARY 'ateria# 0 bahan c$nd!ct$r 0 pengalir ins!#at$r 0 penebat 'eta# 0 logam eat 0 haba &#$at 0 terapung abs$rb 0 menyerap stretc : regang

state % at a c$nd!ct$r is, state % at an ins!#at$r is, c$nc#!de t at a "$$d c$nd!ct$r $& eat is a#s$ a "$$d c$nd!ct$r $& e#ectricit+, c'assi*/ #a!e ia's $ased )n !hei a$i'i!ies !) a'')( 'igh! !) &ass !h )"gh. s!a!e (ha! a ! ans&a en! #a!e ia' is. s!a!e (ha! a ! ans'"cen! #a!e ia' is. s!a!e (ha! a )&a>"e #a!e ia' is.

S!""ested $b2ects are "#ass4 b$$*4 )a)er4 %ind$% )ane4 t$%e#4 and*erc ie&4 tiss!e )a)er4 trans)arenc+ s eet4 tracin" )a)er4 etc.

'is! !he "ses )* ! ans&a en!+ ! ans'"cen! and )&a>"e #a!e ia's.


A&&'/ing !he 2n)('edge )* & )&e !ies )* #a!e ia's in eve /da/ 'i*e.

%"&i's )$se ve #)de's ) vie( vide) !) see !he s! "c!" e )* a &)'/s!/ ene c)n!aine ) !he #)s *'as2 !) "nde s!and h)( !he/ () 2. %"&i's disc"ss and s"gges! (a/s !) 2ee& !hings c)'d+ e.g. keeping cold drinks for picnic. %"&i's disc"ss and s"gges! (a/s !) 2ee& !hings h)!+ e.g. keeping hot drinks for picnic. %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies !) !es! !hei s"gges!i)ns. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !he $es! (a/ !) 2ee& !hings h)! ) !) 2ee& !ings c))'.


s"gges! (a/s !) 2ee& !hings c)'d. s"gges! (a/s !) 2ee& !hings h)!.

Teache can & )vide #a!e ia's needed s"ch as sa( d"s!+ &)'/s!/ ene+ ca d$)a d $).es )* di**e en! si8es+ &'as!ic $ag+ c)!!)n ())'+ c)c)n"! h"s2+ c')!h+ !)(e'+ !iss"e &a&e and ne(s&a&e .

c$#d 0 sejuk

design an e**ec!ive (a/ !) 2ee& !hings h)! ) !) 2ee& !hings c)'d.


S/n!hesising !he 2n)('edge a$)"! "ses )* #a!e ia's $ased )n !hei & )&e !ies.

%"&i's s!"d/ )$6ec!s and 'is! !he #a!e ia's !ha! !hese )$6ec!s a e #ade )*. %"&i's s"gges! eas)ns (h/ !he #a!e ia's a e "sed !) #a2e !he )$6ec!s. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! di**e en! #a!e ia's have di**e en! & )&e !ies (hich a e !a2en in!) c)nside a!i)n (hen ch))sing #a!e ia's !) #a2e an )$6ec!+ e.g. metal and glass are used to make a pair of glasses. %"&i's design an )$6ec! *) a s&eci*ic &" &)se "sing !he #a!e ia's )* !hei ch)ice and 6"s!i*/ (h/ !he/ ch))se !he #a!e ia's.

%"&i's 'is! )$6ec!s and !he #a!e ia's !ha! !he/ a e #ade )*. give eas)ns (h/ &a !ic"'a #a!e ia's a e "sed !) #a2e an )$6ec!. s!a!e !ha! #a!e ia's a e ch)sen !) #a2e an )$6ec! $ased )n !hei & )&e !ies.

G"ide &"&i's !) ) ganise in*) #a!i)n in a !a$'e s"ch as<

O$6ec! Ma!e ia' #e!a' g'ass % )&e !ies ha d+ s! )ng ! ans&a en!

a &ai )* g'asses

design an )$6ec! *) a s&eci*ic &" &)se and give eas)ns (h/ ce !ain #a!e ia's a e "sed !) #a2e i!.

Teache g"ides &"&i's !) design an )$6ec!+ e.g. use a tin lid and a wooden ruler to make a frying pan.


Dn)(ing !he i#&) !ance

%"&i's )$se ve and c'assi*/ )$6ec!s


'anA'ade 0 bahan

)* e"se+ ed"ce and ec/c'e )* #a!e ia's.

a )"nd !he# in!)< a, )$6ec!s #ade )* na!" a' #a!e ia's+ e.g. wood, soil, metal, leather, cotton, fur, rubber and silk. $, )$6ec!s #ade )* #an:#ade #a!e ia's+ e.g. plastic and synthetic cloth. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! #an:#ade #a!e ia's c)#e * )# na!" a' #a!e ia's. %"&i's c)nc'"de !ha! (e need !) c)nse ve #a!e ia's $eca"se #an:#ade #a!e ia's and na!" a' #a!e ia's a e 'i#i!ed and #a/ $e "sed "& i* !he e is n) e**) ! !) c)nse ve !he#. %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies a$)"! e"sing+ ed"cing and ec/c'ing )* #a!e ia's !h )"gh)"! !he /ea .

give e.a#&'es )* na!" a' #a!e ia's. give e.a#&'es )* #an:#ade #a!e ia's.

buatan re!se 0 guna semula rec+c#e 0 kitar semula red!ce 0 mengurangkan %$$d 0 kayu

s!a!e !ha! #an:#ade #a!e ia's c)#e * )# na!" a' #a!e ia's. give eas)ns (h/ #a!e ia's need !) $e c)nse ved.

'eta# 0 logam c$tt$n 0 kapas r!bber 0 getah si#* : sutera #eat er : kulit

& ac!ise e"sing+ ed"cing and ec/c'ing !) c)nse ve #a!e ia's. r!st : karat


Unde s!anding !ha! s)#e #a!e ia's can "s!.

%"&i's )$se ve a "s!/ nai' and a nai' (i!h)"! "s! and !e'' !he di**e ences. %"&i's )$se ve )$6ec!s a )"nd !he sch))' and c'assi*/ )$6ec!s as< a, rusty+ $, non-rusty. %"&i's disc"ss !) c)nc'"de !ha! )$6ec!s #ade )* i )n can "s!. %"&i's ca / )"! ac!ivi!ies !) inves!iga!e *ac!) s !ha! ca"se "s!ing+ e.g. presence of air and water.

%"&i's di**e en!ia!e $e!(een a "s!/ )$6ec! and n)n: "s!/ )$6ec!. iden!i*/ )$6ec!s !ha! can "s!.

c)nc'"de !ha! )$6ec!s #ade * )# i )n can "s!. design a *ai !es! !) *ind )"! (ha! *ac!) s ca"se "s!ing $/ deciding (ha! !) change+ (ha! !) )$se ve and (ha! !) 2ee& !he sa#e. ca / )"! !he !es! and ec) d !he )$se va!i)ns.

1.@ Unde s!anding !ha! "s!ing can $e & even!ed.

%"&i's )$se ve )$6ec!s a )"nd !he sch))' c)#&)"nd and s"gges! di**e en!

%"&i's s!a!e !he di**e en! (a/s !)

"rease : gris

(a/s !) & even! "s!ing. %"&i's disc"ss and c)nc'"de !ha! "s!ing can $e av)ided $/ & even!ing i )n * )# c)#ing in!) c)n!ac! (i!h ai and (a!e $/ c)a!ing i )n (i!h &ain!+ )i'+ g ease ) n)n: "s!ing #a!e ia's. %"&i's disc"ss !he advan!ages )* & even!ing "s!ing.

& even! )$6ec!s * )# "s!ing. e.&'ain h)( !hese (a/s can & even! "s!ing.

e.&'ain (h/ i! is necessa / !) & even! "s!ing.





1. 1.1

The S)'a S/s!e# Unde s!anding !he S)'a S/s!e#.

%"&i's s!"d/ a #)de' ) vie( si#"'a!i)n )* !he S)'a S/s!e#. %"&i's disc"ss !he c)ns!i!"en!s )* !he S)'a S/s!e#. %"&i's si#"'a!e !) de#)ns! a!e !he e'a!ive dis!ance )* !he &'ane!s in !he S)'a S/s!e#. %"&i's disc"ss !ha! a'' !he &'ane!s in !he S)'a S/s!e# #)ve a )"nd !he S"n.

%"&i's 'is! !he c)ns!i!"en!s )* !he S)'a S/s!e#. 'is! !he &'ane!s in !he S)'a S/s!e# in se>"ence. s!a!e !ha! &'ane!s #)ve a )"nd !he S"n.

The c)ns!i!"en!s )* !he S)'a S/s!e# a e Me c" /+ Ven"s+ Ea !h+ Ma s+ Sa!" n+ Ne&!"ne+ U an"s+ J"&i!e + %'"!)+ na!" a' sa!e''i!es+ #e!e) s+ c)#e!s and as!e )ids.

S$#ar S+ste' 0 !istem !uria Merc!r+ 0 "tarid Ven!s 0 #uhrah Eart 0 $umi

Mars 0 %arikh B!)iter 0 %usytari Sat!rn 0 #uhal Uran!s 0 "ranus Ne)t!ne : &eptun P#!t$ : 'luto

1.1 Unde s!anding !he e'a!ive si8e and dis!ance $e!(een !he Ea !h+ !he M))n and !he S"n.

%"&i's c)#&a e !he si8e )* a sag)+ a g'ass #a $'e and a $as2e! $a'' !) sh)( !he e'a!ive si8e )* !he M))n+ !he Ea !h and !he S"n. %"&i's disc"ss !) es!i#a!e h)( #an/ !i#es !he S"n is $igge !han !he Ea !h and h)( #an/ !i#es !he Ea !h is $igge !han !he M))n. %"&i's ga!he in*) #a!i)n !) es!i#a!e h)( *a !he S"n is * )# !he Ea !h e'a!ive !) !he dis!ance )* !he M))n * )# !he Ea !h. %"&i's disc"ss and c)nc'"de !ha! !he dis!ance * )# !he Ea !h !) !he S"n is ;EE !i#e !he dis!ance * )# !he Ea !h !) !he M))n. %"&i's si#"'a!e 3 $"i'd #)de' !) sh)( !he e'a!ive si8e and dis!ance )* !he S"n and !he M))n * )# !he Ea !h.

%"&i's s!a!e !he si8e )* !he S"n e'a!ive !) !he si8e )* !he Ea !h. s!a!e !he si8e )* !he Ea !h e'a!ive !) !he si8e )* !he M))n.

The a!i) )* si8e< M))n Ea !h S"n 1 ; ;EE

sa"$ 0 sagu s!))$rt #i(es 0 menyokong hidupan absence $& %ater 0 ketiadaan air absence $& air 0 ketiadaan udara

s!a!e !he e'a!ive dis!ance * )# !he Ea !h !) !he S"n c)#&a ed !) !he e'a!ive dis!ance * )# !he Ea !h !) !he M))n.


A&& ecia!ing !he &e *ec! &'ace#en! )* !he &'ane! Ea !h in !he S)'a S/s!e#.

%"&i's ga!he in*) #a!i)n a$)"! &'ane!s in !he S)'a S/s!e#. %"&i's disc"ss h)( !he dis!ance )* a &'ane! * )# !he S"n a**ec!s h)( h)! )

%"&i's s!a!e (h/ ce !ain &'ane!s a e n)! c)nd"cive *) 'iving !hings.

c)'d i! is. %"&i's disc"ss !) e'a!e h)( h)! ) c)'d a &'ane! is !) i!s a$i'i!/ !) s"&&) ! 'i*e. %"&i's disc"ss !) & edic! (ha! (i'' ha&&en i* !he Ea !h is &'aced #"ch nea e ) *a !he * )# !he S"n. %"&i's disc"ss )!he *ac!) s !ha! a**ec! a &'ane!4s a$i'i!/ !) s"&&) ! 'ives+ e.g. absence of water and absence of air. & edic! (ha! (i'' ha&&en i* !he Ea !h is &'aced #"ch nea e ) *a !he * )# !he S"n. c)nc'"de !ha! !he Ea !h is !he )n'/ &'ane! in !he S)'a S/s!e# !ha! has 'iving !hings.

1. 1.1

SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES %"&i's !es! !hei a$i'i!ies+ e.g. a, try to memorise a telephone number LEARNING OUTCOMES %"&i's s!a!e !ha! !he e a e 'i#i!a!i)ns !) h"#an4s a$i'i!ies !) d) !hings. NOTES VOCABULARY 'e'$rise 0 mengingat

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Techn)')g/ Unde s!anding !he i#&) !ance )* !echn)')g/ in eve /da/ 'i*e.

and then try to memorise another ( telephone numbers without writing them down, $, try to jump as high as possible and touch the ceiling, c, try to read the same writing from different distances. %"&i's disc"ss !he 'i#i! )* !hei a$i'i!ies. %"&i's vie( vide) !) see h)( !echn)')g/ a e "sed !) )ve c)#e h"#an4s 'i#i!a!i)ns. %"&i's disc"ss and give )!he e.a#&'es )* h"#an4s 'i#i!a!i)ns and (a/s !) )ve c)#e !he#+ e.g. a, unable to see the fine details on an object. )his can be overcome by using magnifying glass or microscope, $, unable to speak loud enough for someone far away to hear. )his can be overcome by using microphone, megaphone or telephone, c, unable to walk for long distance. )his can be overcome by riding a bicycle or traveling by car, train, ship or aeroplane. iden!i*/ devices "sed !) )ve c)#e h"#an4s 'i#i!a!i)ns. e.&'ain h)( ce !ain devices a e "sed !) )ve c)#e h"#an4s 'i#i!a!i)ns. Teache can "se vide) !ha! sh)(s !he "se )* va i)"s !echn)')gies s"ch as< a, #ic )s" ge /+ $, hea ing aids+ c, #e!a' de!ec!) + d, nigh! visi)n g)gg'e+ e, F: a/.

de(ice 0 alat abi#ities 0 keupayaan #i'itati$n 0 had keupayaan 'a"ni&+in" "#ass 0 kanta pembesar $(erc$'e 0 mengatasi


Unde s!anding !he deve')&#en! )* !echn)')g/.

%"&i's ga!he in*) #a!i)n and c ea!e *)'i) a$)"! !he deve')&#en! )* !echn)')g/ in !he *ie'ds )*+ a, c)##"nica!i)n+ $, ! ans&) !a!i)n+ c, ag ic"'!" e+ d, c)ns! "c!i)n+ e.g. in communication the

%"&i's give e.a#&'es )* deve')&#en! )* !echn)')g/.

c$''!nicati$n 0 komunikasi trans)$rtati$n 0 pengangkutan a"ric!#t!re 0 pertanian c$nstr!cti$n 0

development of technology from smoke signal to drum, telephone, walkietalkie, cell phone and teleconferencing. %"&i's give eas)ns )n !he needs !) inn)va!e ) inven! devices *) !he $e!!e #en! )* #an2ind. 1.5 S/n!hesising h)( !echn)')g/ can $e "sed !) s)'ve & )$'e#s. %"&i's disc"ss and 'is! !he & )$'e#s !ha! !he/ enc)"n!e in eve /da/ 'i*e. %"&i's ca / )"! $ ains!) #ing sessi)n )n h)( !) s)'ve !he & )$'e#s iden!i*ied. %"&i's design and #a2e devices !) s)'ve !he & )$'e#s iden!i*ied. %"&i's & esen! !hei inn)va!i)ns !) !he c'ass.

pembinaan inn$(ate 0 mencipta ec)gnise !he needs !) inn)va!e ) inven! devices *) !he $e!!e #en! )* #an2ind. better'ent 0 kebaikan 'an*ind 0 manusia sejagat % )$'e#s s"gges!ed #a/ $e si#&'e s"ch as< a, ')sing &ensi' ) &en * )# !i#e !) !i#e+ $, d"s! *'/ing a )"nd (hi'e c'eaning !he $'ac2$)a d. Teache advises &"&i's !) design devices !ha! a e eas/ !) #a2e. Enc)" age &"&i's !) "se ec/c'ed #a!e ia's (hen #a2ing devices. enc$!nter 0 hadapi

%"&i's iden!i*/ & )$'e#s !he/ enc)"n!e in !hei dai'/ 'i*e. gene a!e ideas !) s)'ve !he & )$'e#s iden!i*ied. design a device !) s)'ve !he & )$'e# iden!i*ied. de#)ns! a!e h)( !he device inven!ed can $e "sed !) s)'ve !he & )$'e# iden!i*ied.

1.; Ana'/sing !ha! !echn)')g/ can $ene*i! #an2ind i* "sed (ise'/.

%"&i's disc"ss and 'is! !he advan!ages and disadvan!ages )* !echn)')g/ !) #an2ind. %"&i's h)'d de$a!es )n !)&ics e'a!ed !) !echn)')g/. %"&i's #a2e a c)nc'"si)n * )# !he de$a!e !ha! !echn)')g/ can $ene*i! #an2ind i* "sed (ise'/.

%"&i's s!a!e !ha! !echn)')g/ has advan!ages and disadvan!ages.

S"gges!ed !)&ics *) de$a!ea, Techn)')g/ can $e ha #*"' !) #an2ind. $, Techn)')g/ i#& )ves >"a'i!/ )* 'i*e.

bene&it 0 menafaat %ise#+ 0 secara bijaksana

c)nc'"de !ha! !echn)')g/ can $ene*i! #an2ind i* "sed (ise'/.

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