APG CustomerFeedback
APG CustomerFeedback
APG CustomerFeedback
As one of the measurements of the performance of the quality management system, the organization shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements. The methods for obtaining and using this information shall be determined. The ISO/TC176 guidance document on terminology (ISO/TC176/SC2/N526R) emphasizes that monitor means to observe, supervise, keep under review; measure or test at intervals. It is important for auditors to recognize that there is no specific requirement in ISO 9001 clause 8.2.1 for the organization to perform formal customer satisfaction surveys, or other measurements of customer satisfaction, though this could of course be a useful tool in monitoring customer perceptions. It is therefore important that the organization tries to see things from the customers perspective, and monitors the customers perceptions; measurement of customer satisfaction may be appropriate in some situations, but it is not a direct requirement of the standard. NOTE: In addition to these specific references to the customer feedback process, there are a number of indirect references throughout the whole of the standard, which the auditor needs to take into account. Examples include feedback as part of the design and development process, process validation and others.
3.1) Prior to the audit of the customer feedback process (preparation stage)
The auditor needs to be aware of the specific characteristics of the organizations products that are likely to impact customer satisfaction. Throughout the audit the auditor should be alert for indications that may suggest customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction which could serve as input into the audit of the customer feedback process. Good sources of such information may include, for example: Goods returned by the customer; Warranty claims; Revised invoices; Credit notes; Articles in the media; Consumer websites; Direct observation of, or communication with, the customer (for example in a service organization).
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Often complaints are the only spontaneous feedback received from customers, and these should be analysed for any trends, key concerns, impacts etc. It must be stressed, however, that customer complaints can not be the only input for monitoring customer perceptions. Also, the auditor should avoid reaching conclusions only by looking at specific individual complaints - these should always be put in the context of their overall impact on the QMS. c) How reliable is the information? In an ideal world, the organization would monitor the perceptions of all customers, but the costs of doing so might be prohibitive. Therefore it is necessary to verify the criteria the organization has used for any sampling of its customers, to ensure that this is representative, and reflects the risks both to the organization and its customers.
The auditor should seek to verify the information provided by comparing with other evidence obtained during the course of the audit (see 3.1). In some cases it may be appropriate for the auditor to verify information directly with the organizations customers, though a certain diplomacy will be required when doing this
d) How is the data analyzed? Simply collecting data on customer perceptions is not sufficient the auditor must follow the process through, to check how the data is analyzed (see ISO 9001 clause 8.4), and what conclusions are made with respect to the effectiveness of the QMS. o Are there any trends? o Is the situation stable, improving, or deteriorating? o Are customer needs and expectations changing? Although it is not a requirement of ISO 9001, it may be appropriate to ask the organization about industry comparisons, or benchmarking activities, in order to put customer feedback into perspective e) How does the information generated by this process feedback into the QMS as a whole? Organizations should be using the results of the customer feedback process to trigger corrective and/or preventive actions and as one of the overall measures of the QMS performance. The way in which these processes interact should also be subject to audit. The auditor should be able to recognize that the output from the customer feedback process forms an important input into other QMS process, such as data analysis, management review and continual improvement processes. An auditor who strives to add value will try to ensure that the organization recognizes the benefits a sound customer feedback process can bring, and will encourage (but can not require) the organization to think beyond simply meeting the requirements of the standard
f) What are the links to other QMS processes? The auditor should recognize that the customer feedback process has important links and interfaces with several other QMS process that include, but are not limited to the following clauses of the standard: o 5.6 Management review o 7.5.2 Process validation o 7.2.3 Customer communication o 7.3.6 Design and development validation o 7.3.7 Design and development changes
For further information on the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group, please refer to the paper: Introduction to the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group Feedback from users will be used by the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group to determine whether additional guidance documents should be developed, or if these current ones should be revised. Comments on the papers or presentations can be sent to the following email address: charles.corrie@bsigroup.com .
ISO & IAF 2009 All rights reserved www.iaf.nu; www.iso.org/tc176/ISO9001AuditingPracticesGroup
The other ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group papers and presentations may be downloaded from the web sites:
www.iaf.nu www.iso.org/tc176/ISO9001AuditingPracticesGroup
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