NASA Space Shuttle STS-64 Press Kit
NASA Space Shuttle STS-64 Press Kit
NASA Space Shuttle STS-64 Press Kit
The NASA insignia design for space shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other
official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the
form of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which we
do not anticipate, it will be publicly announced.
Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE) 37
Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC) 38
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) 39
Radiation Monitoring Experiment-III (RME-III) 41
Military Applications of Ship Tracks (MAST) 42
Leading the STS-64 crew will be Mission Commander Richard (Dick) N. Richards who will be making his
fourth flight. Pilot for the mission is L. Blaine Hammond Jr. who is making his second flight. The four
mission specialists aboard Discovery are Jerry M. Linenger who will be making his first flight; Susan J.
Helms who will be making her second flight; Carl J. Meade, who will be making his third flight; and Mark
C. Lee, who will be making his third flight.
Launch of Discovery currently is scheduled for no earlier than September 9, 1994, at 4:30 p.m. EDT. The
planned mission duration is 8 days, 20 hours, 11 minutes. An on-time launch on September 9 would
produce a landing at 12:41 p.m. EDT on September 18, 1994 at the Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle
Landing Facility.
The STS-64 mission will see the first flight of the Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE) payload.
The LITE is primarily a technology test. Discovery will carry a laboratory laser into space, point it toward
the Earth and beam narrow pulses of laser light through the atmosphere. The LITE will use a telescope to
measure the laser's light as it is reflected from clouds, the suspended particles in the air and from the
Earth's surface. This is the first time this type of laser system -- called a lidar -- has flown in space for
atmospheric studies. Engineers will use information from LITE in the development of future remote-
sensing instruments, including elements of NASA's Earth Observing System, a series of environmental
satellites scheduled to begin launching in 1998.
The LITE will collect atmospheric data and will provide an opportunity to collect valuable information
about the Earth's atmosphere -- crucial for a better understanding of our climate. Information gained from
LITE can help explain the impact of human activity on the atmosphere as well as provide a new tool for
improved measurements of clouds, particles in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface.
On the fifth day of the STS-64 mission, Helms will use the Shuttle's mechanical arm to deploy the Shuttle
Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy-201 (SPARTAN- 201) payload. For 40 hours, Spartan-
201 will fly free of the Shuttle and study the acceleration and velocity of the solar wind and measure
aspects of the Sun's corona. The corona is difficult to study because it is so dim relative to the rest of the
Sun. On Flight Day seven, the Shuttle will rendezvous with SPARTAN-201 after which it will be retrieved
and stowed in Discovery's cargo bay for return to Earth.
Discovery's cargo bay also will carry the Robot Operated Processing System (ROMPS) payload which is
the first U.S. robotics system to be used in space. ROMPS will advance microgravity processing by using a
robot to transport a variety of semiconductors from the storage racks to halogen lamp furnaces where their
crystal structures are reformed in heating and cooling cycles. The purpose of ROMPS is to utilize the
microgravity environment to develop commercially valuable methods of processing semiconductor
materials. Another objective of the ROMPS program is to advance automation and robotics for material
processing in ways that can lower the costs of developing and manufacturing semiconductors.
STS-64 crew members Mark Lee and Carl Meade will perform a six-and-a-half hour spacewalk on flight
day eight of the mission to evaluate the Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER); several spacewalking
tools; and an Electronic Cuff Checklist developed to allow spacewalkers greater and easier access to
information. SAFER is a small, self-contained, propulsive backpack device that can provide free-flying
The STS-64 mission will see the continuation of NASA's Get Away Special (GAS) experiments program.
The project gives an individual a chance to perform experiments in space on a Shuttle mission. On STS-64,
U.S. universities and high schools and several foreign countries are flying experiments.
The Shuttle Plume Impingement Flight Experiment (SPIFEX) payload will study the characteristics and
behavior of exhaust plumes from Discovery's Reaction Control System (RCS) thrusters during the mission.
SPIFEX, when picked up by Discovery's mechanical arm, is a 33-foot long extension for the arm with a
package of instruments that will measure the near-field, transition and far-field effects of thruster plumes.
The plume information gathered by the experiment will assist planners in understanding the potential
effects of thruster plumes on large space structures, such as the Russian Space Agency's Mir Space Station,
and the International Space Station, during future Shuttle docking and rendezvous operations.
Research on the development and differentiation of a major food crop family that provides half of the
world's calorie intake from plants, is the subject of the second Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC-2)
experiment on STS-64. Microgravity research on orchard grass, which is part of the plant family that
includes wheat, rice and corn, possibly will provide critical insights into the reproductive biology of the
world's major food crops.
The Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE) being flown is a major study of how flames spread in a
microgravity environment. Conducting the flame spreading experiment in microgravity removes buoyant
air motion caused by gravity, commonly observed as "hot gases rising." Comparing microgravity results
with test results obtained in normal gravity on Earth (1g) provides detailed information about how air
motion affects flame spreading. The SSCE results will contribute to improvements in fire safety equipment
and practices both on Earth and in spacecraft.
Three Department of Defense sponsored experiments will be flown during the STS-64 mission. The Air
Force Maui Optical System (AMOS) is an electrical- optical facility on the Hawaiian island of Maui. The
AMOS facility tracks the orbiter as it flies over the area and records signatures from thruster firings, water
dumps or the phenomena of "Shuttle glow." The information obtained by AMOS is used to calibrate the
infrared and optical sensors at the facility. The Military Applications of Ship Tracks (MAST) experiment
on STS-64 is part of a five-year research program designed to characterize how effluents from ship stacks
can affect cloud properties in the immediate vicinity. These effects are seen visually as a bright line in
clouds corresponding to the track of the ship. The Radiation Monitoring Equipment-III (RME-III)
measures ionizing radiation exposure to the crew within the orbiter cabin. RME-III measures gamma ray,
electron, neutron and proton radiation and calculates in real time exposure in RADS-tissue equivalent. The
hand-held instrument is stored in a middeck locker during flight except for when the crew activates it and
replaces the memory module every two days.
The STS-64 crew will take on the role of teacher as they educate students in the United States and other
countries about mission objectives. Using the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-II (SAREX-II),
astronauts aboard Discovery will discuss with students what it is like to live and work in space.
STS-64 will be the 19th flight of Space Shuttle Discovery and the 64th flight of the Space Shuttle System.
NASA television is now available through a new satellite system. NASA programming can now be
accessed on Spacenet-2, Transponder 5, located at 69 degrees West longitude; frequency 3880.0 MHz,
audio 6.8 MHz.
The schedule for television transmissions from the orbiter and for mission briefings will be available
during the mission at Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.; Dryden
Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.; Johnson Space Center, Houston and NASA Headquarters,
Washington, D.C. The television schedule will be updated to reflect changes dictated by mission
Status Reports
Status reports on countdown and mission progress, on-orbit activities and landing operations will be
produced by the appropriate NASA newscenter.
A mission press briefing schedule will be issued prior to launch. During the mission, status briefings by a
Flight Director or Mission Operations representative and when appropriate, representatives from the
payload team, will occur at least once per day. The updated NASA television schedule will indicate when
mission briefings are planned.
x Abort-To-Orbit (ATO) -- Partial loss of main engine thrust late enough to permit reaching a minimal
105-nautical mile orbit with orbital maneuvering system engines.
x Abort-Once-Around (AOA) -- Earlier main engine shutdown with the capability to allow one orbit
around before landing at White Sands Space Harbor, N.M.
x Trans-Atlantic Abort Landing (TAL) -- Loss of one or more main engines midway through powered
flight would force a landing at either Zaragoza, Spain; Moron, Spain; or Ben Guerir, Morocco.
x Return-To-Launch-Site (RTLS) -- Early shutdown of one or more engines, and without enough energy
to reach Zaragoza, would result in a pitch around and thrust back toward KSC until within gliding
distance of the Shuttle Landing Facility.
STS-64 contingency landing sites are the Kennedy Space Center, White Sands, Zaragoza, Moron and Ben
1. All maneuvers are recalculated in real time and the burn values are frequently updated during the
mission. Also, some burns may not be needed and could be deleted in real time.
2. The trim burns are engine firings by Discovery to precisely set up observations by LITE.
3. From SP 201 release through grapple, the engine firings are for separation, station keeping and
rendezvous with the SPARTAN. The final phase of rendezvous begins with the TI (Terminal Phase
Initiation) burn and culminates in Commander Dick Richards manually flying Discovery to within 40
feet of SPARTAN for capture using the mechanical arm.
4. The HITE and CIRC burns are performed to circularize Discovery's orbit and improve landing
Middeck Payloads:
x A technology test of first space-based lidar or "optical radar" for studying the atmosphere;
x Atmospheric measurements of clouds and airborne dust will be taken to demonstrate the LITE lidar
x International ground science team will take supporting measurements at approximately 50 ground
sites in approximately 20 countries;
x Five international aircraft will fly underneath LITE making measurements over broad geographical
regions, to include Europe, the Southwest United States, the Caribbean, South America and the South
x Technology goal: To test the ability of lidar technology to operate in space and to verify its usefulness
in studying the Earth's atmosphere and climate change.
The LITE mission is primarily a technology test. The Space Shuttle will carry a laboratory laser into
space, point it toward the Earth and beam narrow pulses of laser light through the atmosphere. LITE will
use a telescope to measure the laser's light as it is reflected from clouds, suspended particles in the air and
from the Earth's surface. Project engineers will closely monitor the performance and health of LITE's
hardware. This is the first time this type of laser system -- called a lidar -- has flown in space for
atmospheric studies. Engineers will use information from LITE in the development of future remote-
sensing instruments, including elements of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS), a series of
environmental satellites scheduled to begin launching in 1998.
The LITE mission will collect atmospheric data. LITE will provide an opportunity to collect valuable
information about the Earth's atmosphere, crucial for a better understanding of our climate. Having this
first lidar in space allows for rapid, efficient and accurate global coverage. During the nine days of the
mission, more than 46 hours of information will be gathered. Information gained from LITE can help
explain the impact of human activity on the atmosphere as well as provide a new tool for improved
measurements of clouds, particles in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface.
LITE will be supported by a worldwide science team. This team's measurements are an essential part of
the LITE experiment because they will confirm the measurements taken from space. Information from the
LITE flyovers will be verified by comparing it to results from similar measurements using airborne and
ground-based instruments at more than 50 sites around the world. These instruments will measure very
nearly the same vertical columns of air, clouds, and suspended particles that LITE will examine from
Lidar is a remote sensing technique that can be used to study clouds and aerosols (suspended particles) in
the atmosphere. By sending out short pulses of laser light and detecting the portion reflected back to the
instrument by the atmosphere, the instrument can obtain very high vertical and horizontal resolution.
NASA's Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology developed LITE as part of its initiative to explore
applications of space-based lidar and to gain experience for future systems. NASA's Office of Mission to
Planet Earth is supporting the data collection and development of the sensor as part of its exploration of
new remote-sensing techniques for environmental studies.
The LITE mission is the first to use lasers in space for study of the Earth's atmospheric environment. Using
the Space Shuttle as a platform, LITE will provide information to help us better understand our climate
system. An important objective of the program is to validate the instrument design principles in such areas
as laser performance, thermal control, and autonomous operations and to gain experience in commanding
the instrument on orbit.
The LITE instrument will be mounted to a pallet inside the open payload bay of Discovery, which will
orbit "upside- down" (with the bay pointed toward Earth). Discovery will fly at a relatively low altitude
(about 160 miles or 260 kilometers), so that each downward-pointing lidar pulse is dispersed as little as
possible on its way down through the atmosphere.
Over its nine-day mission, LITE will collect atmospheric information during ten 4-1/2 hour sessions, for a
total of 45 hours. In addition, five 15-minute "snapshots" will be performed over specific target sites.
LITE's observing targets include clouds, particles in the atmosphere, the planetary boundary layer (where
the atmosphere meets the Earth's surface), density and temperature in the upper atmosphere and the Earth's
During those periods, the returning lidar signals collected by LITE's telescope will be converted to digital
data, which will be stored on tape and simultaneously transmitted down to investigators on the ground.
At one point during the mission, the Shuttle will execute roll and pitch maneuvers to change the angle at
which the lidar reflects off its targets below. These tests will be useful to engineers designing future lidar
instruments that can scan from side to side or front to back instead of holding to a fixed, downward-
looking point of view.
Space Shuttle Discovery, orbiting at an inclination of 57 degrees to the equator, will pass over 25,000 miles
of the Earth’s surface with each revolution. The LITE instrument will be able to collect data for a wide
range of geographic and atmospheric settings, including remote areas like the open ocean, in a very short
period of time.
Technological Focus
Because LITE is the first mission of its kind, the primary focus of the mission is to test the technological
hardware. Scientists and engineers want to verify that the entire system works as planned in orbit, for
example, that the laser and telescope remain aligned, that the built-in cooling system can handle the heat
produced by a powerful lidar instrument and that the signals and noises are measured as expected. The
Space Shuttle is an ideal "platform" for conducting this kind of technology test. It provides the opportunity
to fly a heavy, multi-purpose instrument without building a dedicated satellite. Once the practical utility of
lidar in space is demonstrated, the lessons learned during the LITE mission can be applied to designing
future, operational systems that are lighter in weight, use less spacecraft power and are more capable.
Lidar, an acronym for "light detection and ranging," is similar to the radar commonly used to track
everything from airplanes in flight to thunderstorms. It can be thought of as an "optical radar." Instead of
bouncing radio waves off its target, lidar uses short pulses of laser light. Some of that light reflects off tiny
particles in the atmosphere, called aerosols, then back to a telescope aligned with the laser. By precisely
timing the lidar "echo," and by measuring how much laser light is received by the telescope, scientists can
accurately determine the location, distribution and nature of the particles. The result is a revolutionary new
tool for studying constituents in the atmosphere, from cloud droplets to industrial emissions, that are
difficult to detect by other means.
Most remote-sensing satellites, including the ones used to produce our daily weather forecasts, rely on
passive sensing. They simply measure the amount of solar radiation, visible light or other wavelengths,
reflected, not emitted, back to the satellite from the atmosphere, clouds, oceans or solid land. Lidar, which
uses a laser, is an active sensor. It provides better vertical resolution than passive sensors due to the short
length of laser pulses and the use of more direct data-analysis methods.
A lidar also carries its own light source, allowing it to operate during orbital day or night. Passive
instruments have restrictions on their sensing due to their reliance on an external source of light such as the
Sun or Moon. Lidar can transmit light pulses continuously.
Lasers also produce a tight, coherent beam that spreads very little as it travels from its source, compared to
ordinary light. From its orbital altitude, LITE's laser beam would spread to only about 975 feet (300
meters) wide at the surface -- almost the size of three football fields. This allows the LITE instrument to
measure a very small, narrowly defined column of the atmosphere with each pulse. A space- based lidar
offers another great advantage in its ability to penetrate thin or broken clouds to "see" through to the
troposphere, the lower part of the atmosphere where weather systems form and where most satellite remote
sensors have difficulty seeing.
From its vantage point above the atmosphere, LITE's extremely accurate laser will flash very short pulses
of light directly downward, ten times every second. These pulses, lasting less than 30 billionths of a second
each, will be in three wavelengths corresponding to ultraviolet, infrared and visible green light. Because
the wavelengths are precisely known, and because LITE's telescope is designed to filter out other types of
radiation, the signals returning to the Space Shuttle after reflecting off small airborne water or ice droplets
and aerosols (suspended particles) are easy to identify. Timing the returned signal pinpoints the particle's
altitude to within an accuracy of approximately 50 feet (15 meters).
LITE's science mission takes in a variety of phenomena in widespread geographic areas. Targets include
the organization of clouds in the western Pacific, cloud decks off the coasts of California and Peru, smoke
plumes from biomass fires in South America and Africa and the transport of desert dust from the Sahara.
The science team will study lower-atmosphere aerosols over the Amazon rain forest, gravity waves over
the Andes Mountains in South America, and the reflection properties of desert surfaces in the United
States, Africa and China.
The LITE instrument will take up to five 15-minute "snapshots" over target areas selected for scientific
interest or to support validation observations. Numerous airborne and ground-based lidars will make
measurements at the same time under the path of the Shuttle. These "ground- truth" data provide a standard
against which LITE data can be compared for accuracy.
The ground-based and aircraft lidars will collect similar data to what the Shuttle is attempting but from a
lower perspective. A lidar at the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., for example, will take upward-
looking data at the exact time the Space Shuttle is passing overhead. Among the other "snapshot" targets
are sites in Europe, Australia and the Sahara desert (to observe desert dust). This collection of ground-truth
data will be performed jointly by five U.S., Canadian and European aircraft.
Eventually, lidar instruments could be flown on permanently orbiting satellites to provide continuous
global data. While LITE will collect data on a wide range of aerosols, from dust particles in the
stratosphere to cloud droplets, future lidar instruments could be tailored to specific purposes. While one
instrument studied clouds, another could track urban smog or desert dust storms.
Perhaps the greatest value of early space-based lidars is the unprecedented accuracy with which they can
measure clouds on a global scale. Information on clouds is critical to improving computer models of global
climate. Current remote-sensing satellites leave large gaps in our understanding of how clouds reflect and
absorb solar energy, and how heat and moisture are exchanged between the air, ocean and land. Only by
gathering more accurate information can scientists improve their models to the point where they can
confidently predict the behavior of the real atmosphere, and tell how the environment is being affected by
human activity.
The LITE payload is the culmination of the cooperative efforts of NASA Headquarters, several NASA
centers and their support contractors. Langley Research Center provided overall project management for
the design and development of the LITE instrument; Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.,
provided the Spacelab Enhanced MDM Pallet (EMP) and High Data Rate Recorder; Johnson Space Center,
Houston, Texas, provided overall mission management as well as the OASIS-1 and the interface hardware
between the EMP and the experiment; and Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., and Kennedy
Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla., provided test integration facilities and personnel.
Overall LITE program management and funding are provided by NASA Headquarters through the offices
of Advanced Concepts and Technology, Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications and Mission to
Planet Earth.
Receiver Assembly
The receiver includes a one-meter telescope (approximately 3.25 feet) and an aft optics package. The
telescope collects laser light reflected from the atmosphere and brings it to focus in the aft optics. The aft
optics will separate the return signal into its three color components. The 532 nanometer (visible green)
and 355 nanometer (ultraviolet) detectors are photomultiplier tubes, while the 1064 nanometer (infrared)
detector is a silicon avalanche photodiode.
An existing NASA telescope, which was an engineering model of the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
from Goddard Space Flight Center that flew in 1968, will be used as the lidar receiver. The use of this
existing hardware will save NASA an estimated $8 million.
Boresight Assembly
The boresight assembly consists of a two-axis motor-driven prism. Its purpose is to align the laser beam to
the telescope field-of-view so that both point to the same column of atmosphere.
The LTM consists of two flash lamp-pumped, Q-switched Neodymium YAG lasers which emit
simultaneously at the three harmonically related wavelengths of 1064 nanometers, 532 nanometers, and
355 nanometers. The two-laser system provides redundancy in case one laser fails. Only one laser operates
at a time.
Support Instrumentation
OASIS-1 recorder
The OASIS-1 will measure and internally record accelerations, acoustic loads, strains temperatures,
thermal flux and pressures during the launch, ascent, on orbit, descent, and landing phases of the LITE
Camera Assembly
A special modified 35-mm camera will photograph daytime cloud cover and ground tracks every 20
seconds to help interpret the lidar data.
The LITE instrument is mounted on an orthogrid platform which is attached to the Spacelab pallet by 52
struts. The orthogrid is a support platform for the instrument subsystems and is designed to be immune to
thermal deformations which could affect optical alignment.
Instrument Controller
The Instrument Controller handles all command and data interfaces of the LITE instrument. All subsystems
can be commanded and controlled via the controller. Health and status of the LITE instrument are
monitored and transferred to the Spacelab's Smart Flexible Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. The controller
software consists of over 18 real-time tasks that perform all commands and data interfaces for the
controller as well as independent operations.
The LITE payload will transmit a laser beam directly from the Space Shuttle payload bay to the Earth's
surface. Using criteria provided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on the safe use of
lasers, NASA calculated the amount of laser-generated energy that might reach the ground and compared it
to ANSI-determined safe levels of exposures.
The study found that observers attempting to view the Shuttle with the naked eye are not at risk of eye
injury, nor are observers using ordinary binoculars or small telescopes (up to approximately six inches in
diameter). However, there is a remote possibility that telescopes larger than six inches in diameter could
collect enough energy to expose the observer to levels higher than ANSI's Maximum Permissible Exposure
for one of the laser's three wavelengths (532 nanometers). Therefore, observers should not attempt to
view the Shuttle through telescopes larger than six inches.
Capturing images electronically does not present a hazard to the observer, but highly sensitive photo-
electronic detectors could possibly be damaged.
The Spartan project is managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center for the Office of Space Science,
Washington, D.C. The Spartan Project Manager is Frank Collins; Goddard Space Flight Center Mission
Manager is Craig Tooley; Goddard Principal Investigator is Dr. Richard Fisher and Dr. John Kohl is from
the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.
Spartan-201 will study the acceleration and velocity of the solar wind and measure aspects of the Sun's
corona. Results should suggest solutions to the questions of coronal and solar wind physics with dramatic
Spartan-201 is an orbiting spacecraft that is deployed by the Space Shuttle and retrieved on the same
mission. After deployment, it is completely autonomous, providing its own battery power, pointing system
and recorder for capturing data. While on orbit, Spartan executes a pre-programmed science mission.
The Spartan program has evolved using sounding rocket-class instruments to perform the scientific studies.
This carrier system provides a significant increase in observing time compared to sounding rockets. The
Spartan carriers are reusable and can accommodate a variety of scientific instruments on a low-cost per
flight basis.
Spartan-201 Science
The Spartan-201 will look for evidence to explain how the solar wind is generated by the Sun. The solar
atmosphere constantly ejects electrons, protons and heavy ions from the outer layer, continuously
impacting the Earth. The solar wind fills interplanetary space and sweeps by the Earth at nearly one million
miles per hour (1.6 million km/hour). The wind often gusts, transmitting disturbances from the Sun that
frequently disrupt navigation, communications and electric power distribution systems on Earth.
The solar wind originates in the corona, the outermost atmosphere of the Sun. Spartan-201 carries two
separate telescopes to study the corona. One telescope, the White Light Coronagraph (WLC), measures the
density distribution of electrons making up the corona. The other telescope, the Ultraviolet Coronal
Spectrometer (UVCS), investigates the temperatures and distributions of protons and hydrogen atoms
through the same layers of the corona.
The corona is difficult to study in view of its relatively dim light in comparison to the Sun's total
luminance. The white light corona can be viewed from Earth only during times of solar eclipse, which
strongly reduces the brightness of the scattered sunlight. The ultraviolet radiation is never available to
ground-based astronomers.
A comparison of the white light and ultraviolet data sets allows scientists to measure the electron and
proton temperatures and densities in the solar corona and yields new evidence on bulk flows in the corona.
These data sets also permit scientists to test specific theories on how the corona is heated to its million-
degree temperature.
The UVCS telescope was built by scientists from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge,
Mass. The WLC telescope was developed by the High Altitude Observatory of the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., and is maintained and managed by the Goddard Space Flight
Center where the Spartan carrier structure was built. After the individual elements of the Spartan system
are developed and completed by the respective investigator, the experiments are checked by engineers at
Goddard. Finally, Goddard engineers integrate the payloads and perform system checks.
The dual-telescope science payload is mounted aboard the Spartan carrier. When the Shuttle is on orbit and
the payload bay doors are open, a crew member uses the robot arm to lift Spartan from the payload bay and
release it over the side of the Shuttle. It is deployed from the Shuttle so that it can operate independently,
turning and pointing at the Sun, while leaving the orbiter free for other activities. Additionally, because the
Spartan and Shuttle become separated, the Spartan is able to view the Sun clear of any contamination
which might be generated by Shuttle thruster firings.
Spartan is designed to self-operate as much as possible. The Shuttle crew has little interaction with the
satellite other than releasing it and recapturing it.
For approximately 40 hours, Spartan-20l's instruments observe the Sun as the Space Shuttle paces it from
behind. About four hours prior to the scheduled retrieval, the Shuttle performs engine firings allowing it to
close on Spartan-201, eventually passing directly below it before a crew member manually flies the final
few hundred feet (approximately 100 meters) to allow the satellite to be grasped by the robot arm. Once
caught by the arm, Spartan- 201 is stowed back in the cargo bay to be returned to Earth.
The Spartan program was conceived in the mid-1970s and developed by the Special Payloads Division,
Goddard Space Flight Center, and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., to extend the
capabilities of sounding rocket-class science experiments by making use of the Space Shuttle.
The telescopes on Spartan-201 have flown three times previously on sounding rockets. In June 1985, a
Spartan mission successfully carried an x-ray telescope aboard STS-51G. Another carrier, Spartan Halley,
was on board Shuttle Mission STS-51L. In April 1993, Spartan-201 was flown aboard the Space Shuttle
Discovery on mission STS-56.
Spartan-201 Statistics
ROMPS is the first U.S. robotics system to be used in space. ROMPS will advance microgravity
processing by using a robot to transport each of a large variety of semiconductors from the storage racks to
halogen lamp furnaces where their crystal structures are re-formed in heating and cooling cycles. ROMPS
is contained in two Space Shuttle sidewall mounted Get Away Special (GAS) cans, one containing the
robot, furnaces and samples; the other containing control electronics. The Hitchhiker avionics system
provides ROMPS with power, ground commands and telemetry. The ROMPS samples will be analyzed on
the ground after the Shuttle mission, and the results will be used to define materials and processing for
planned reflights of ROMPS on future Shuttle missions.
ROMPS Mission Manager is Lloyd Purves, Goddard Space Flight Center; Principal Investigator is Dr. Tim
Anderson, University of Florida; Principal Investigator is Dr. Eric Cole, George Mason University; Co-
Principal Investigator is Kevin Jones, University of Florida. ROMPS is managed for NASA by the
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
ROMPS Summary
The purpose of ROMPS is to utilize the microgravity environment to develop commercially valuable
methods of processing semiconductor materials. Microgravity processing can reduce semiconductor crystal
irregularities caused by convection and sedimentation. Microgravity also can improve crystal structure by
permitting containerless processing. Improved crystal structure will increase the performance of many
types of semiconductors. A long-term ROMPS objective is to develop microgravity-processed
semiconductor devices with sufficient performance advantages so that they can be competitively produced
in space. There is also a more immediate objective of using microgravity processing to better understand
the behavior of semiconductor crystal structures. This better understanding can improve the quality of
ground processed semiconductors.
Another objective of the ROMPS program is to advance automation and robotics for material processing in
ways that can lower the costs of developing and manufacturing semiconductors. The added cost of
operations in space creates a need for in-space materials processing to have more advanced automation and
robotics than are normally considered for ground operations. For example, an efficient long term space
facility for materials processing not only needs to have robotic materials processing, but the assembly,
servicing and upgrading of the facility also needs to be done by robotics. This higher level of automation
and robotics needed for in-space materials processing can be applied to improve the operational
efficiencies of ground based semiconductor laboratories and production facilities. The current robotic
design of ROMPS permits it to address a variety of commercial objectives in materials processing and
automation technology as summarized in Table 1.
ROMPS is sponsored by the NASA Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology (OACT) as part of its
mission to develop commercially relevant techniques for in-space materials processing. The ROMPS
project is being carried out by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and two NASA sponsored Centers
for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDSs). The CCDSs are the Consortium for Commercial
Crystal Growth at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York, and the Space Automation and Robotics
Center (SpARC) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
GSFC is providing its experience with autonomous space flight technology, space robotics and the
HH/GAS system. GSFC also is managing the project and developing the ROMPS mechanisms. The two
CCDSs are supported by OACT and are contributing the technical expertise and commercial linkages they
have in their respective areas of responsibility. SpARC is developing the ROMPS control system, and the
Clarkson CCDS is leading the materials processing work. The bulk of the Clarkson CCDS work is being
done by its University of Florida (UF) member. The George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax, Va., is a
co-Principal Investigator with UF.
Industry interest in ROMPS is shown by nine industry partners identified in Table 1 teaming with the two
CCDSs and GMU. Industry involvement with regard to materials being processed includes donation of
samples and substrates, analyzing results, developing returned samples into commercial products and
funding. SpARC is collaborating with two companies whose automation products are being used for
The ROMPS flight hardware will be contained in a pair of GAS Cans mounted on the HH-G Carrier. One
GAS Can is designated the Processing Can and consists of a full size GAS Can with a five inch extension.
This GAS Can will house the samples, sample storage racks, robot, two furnaces, and some electronics. A
second, smaller GAS Can is called the System Controller Can and will house the control electronics and
Hitchhiker interface. Each GAS can will be pressurized to one atmosphere using dry nitrogen.
The HH system will provide the ROMPS GAS Cans with power and ground links for telemetry and
commands. The HH configuration allows ground monitoring and control of in- space processing, return of
the samples to ground and reflight of the ROMPS system with new samples and modified processing
The ROMPS furnaces have tungsten halogen lamps and elliptical reflectors. There are two identical
furnaces to provide lamp redundancy, and they are mounted to the GAS Can lid. This configuration will
conductively couple to the radiator to reject the furnace power of potentially 250 watts. Each furnace is
about 6.5 in. diameter x 8.0 in. long and weighs less than 5 lbs. The furnaces also provide a mechanical and
electrical interface to the sample pallets. This mechanical interface, consisting of two tapered pins, serves
to align a pallet with respect to the lamp focus. The electrical interface is for the calibration pallets which
are equipped with sensors to measure lamp output.
Each sample pallet has a sample holder which is sealed so that samples can be heated to a vapor phase
without causing contamination. Sample materials, substrates, environments inside sealed sample holders,
processing times and temperatures can be varied for each sample, thus allowing a wide range of materials
research to be conducted using the same equipment.
The ROMPS robot will transfer each of approximately 150 sample pallets from its storage location to a
processing furnace and back to its storage location. The robot has three degrees of freedom and a gripper.
The robot's three positional axes (elevation, azimuth, radial) and the gripper will be position-controlled and
force limited. Each robot axis incorporates a brushless DC motor drive, incremental position encoder,
The accuracy of the three positioning axes at the tool tip is 10.020 in. ROMPS can accommodate robot
positioning inaccuracies of up to about 10.200 in., using a compliance device on the robot, guides and
tapers on pallets and objects that the pallets contact. The robot will grip a support to provide extra stiffness
during launch and descent. When in this position the robot harnessing also will be held taut for minimum
The robot support structure attaches to the GAS Can lid. The robot assembly lower plate, on which is
mounted the majority of the GAS Can electronics, will be snubbed to the canister side walls. For heat
transfer, the robot will conductively couple to the upper radiator lid and radiatively couple to the lid and
GAS Can interior.
The processor GAS Can also contains electronics for power control, motor power and furnace control. The
Power Controller interfaces with the Hitchhiker and the ROMPS subsystems. The Power Controller
provides the first level of Hitchhiker to ROMPS power-line filters, the fusing for safety power distribution
to ROMPS subsystems, and the power distribution for safety interlocks and experiment operation. The
motor control provides the power for the servo motor and switching to direct this power to whichever one
of the four motors is selected by the System Controller. The furnace controller provides the power going to
the furnace lamps and controls this power to a level specified by a digital input signal from the ROMPS
System Controller.
The ROMPS System Controller in a separate half height GAS can interfaces with the HH avionics and
controls all experiment operations. Control functions include robot servo control, furnace profile control,
and command and telemetry formatting and control. The Systems Controller also monitors the sensors and
the conditions of other subsystems, and it formats telemetry to provide housekeeping data to the ground
ROMPS will be commanded from the ground. The System Controller contains a predetermined program
for autonomous experiment operation once initiated by the proper ground commands. The first part of this
predetermined program is a power up sequence to test the experiment subsystems. Upon successful testing,
the experiment will execute the preprogrammed sequence of experiment samples. The gripper will be
positioned to take the appropriate sample from the storage rack and position it in the furnace. After the
annealing process, the sample is returned to its position in the rack and the next sample will be processed.
To get the lowest possible microgravity levels, the samples will be processed during crew rest periods
when Shuttle vibrations will be at a minimum. Because of the number of samples and the possibility of
lengthy heating times for certain samples, it is expected that processing will extend over more than one
crew rest period. Thus the stored processing sequence will have automatic shutdowns scheduled for the
end of each crew rest period. Ground command will restart the processing at the beginning of the next crew
rest period. This occurs until all samples have been processed.
Thus, the processing will be basically autonomous with ground control used to monitor progress and
intervene if unexpected situations develop. The System Controller will monitor outputs from temperature,
position, force, and current sensors, as well as telemeter them to the ground station. The System Controller
will stop the experiment if it detects problems or receives a command from the ground operator. If
anomalies occur, the ground crew will diagnose the problem, develop alternate procedures, send up new
command sequences, and reinitiate processing.
GAS remains a viable avenue for individuals and organizations to conduct experiments in space. Prior to
this flight, GAS has flown 107 payloads. On STS-64, U.S. universities and high schools and several
foreign countries are flying experiments. Following is a brief description of each:
Customer: Sierra College, Rocklin, Calif.
Customer: Dr. Kevin Ramirez
Payload Manager: Mike Dobeck
G-178 is from Sierra College. The objective of this experiment is to take ozone measurements of the
Earth's upper atmosphere in the ultraviolet (UV) 200 nanometer to 400 nanometer spectral range using a
Charge Coupled Device (CCD)-based spectrometer. A CCD photographic camera also will fly as part of
the experiment and provide target verification for the spectrometer.
Customer: The Kinkaid School, Houston, Texas and Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Customer: Glen A. Ballard
Payload Manager: Tumkur Raghuram
Since it flew the world's first ten Get Away Special (GAS) experiments in the first GAS payload aboard
Columbia in 1982, Utah State University (USU) has maintained an academic program designed to allow
many individual students and other educational organizations to participate in a GAS space engineering
and microgravity science program. Under this program, the university has flown 22 student GAS
experiments to date in canisters G-001, G-004, G-008, G-010 and G-518.
On the present mission, the four experiments described below are being flown in their own individual
spacepaks, one of which is of a new aluminum Isogrid construction. In addition, the payload will contain
popcorn kernels and radish seeds in separate Ziploc bags as an experiment by Edith Bowen Elementary
School located on the USU campus. After the flight, the students will pop and taste the popcorn. The
radishes will be grown and compared with a similar sample maintained in 1 g. The purpose of this
experiment is to foster interest in the space sciences among a younger generation.
Spacepak 1: Distillation Experiment. The objective of this experiment, which is a joint endeavor
between the Kinkaid School and USU, is to separate a mixture of two common organic liquids,
trichlorotrifluoroethane and chloroform, in microgravity by distillation. These liquids have boiling points
of 47 degrees C (116 degrees F) and 61.2 degrees C (140 degrees F) respectively. An aluminum chamber
containing the liquids will be heated to 53 degrees C (127 degrees F) after a solenoid opens a ball valve
connecting the chamber to another aluminum collection chamber. A temperature sensitive switch will be
used to maintain the distillation temperature. Results of the spaceborne experiment likely will not be
identical to those from a 1 g reference run, and the reasons for the differences will be explored.
Spacepak 2: Float Zone Instability Experiment (FZIE). FZIE is an experiment investigating convective
instabilities in float zone geometries. The primary goal of the experiment is to verify the Plateau Instability
Limit, which theorizes that in zero gravity a fluid cylinder is unstable when the ratio of length to radius
exceeds two degrees. This will be accomplished by melting four independent liquid wax bridges with
Spacepak 3: This spacepak contains all the batteries needed to power the individual experiment spacepaks.
Spacepak 4: Pachamama. The objective of this experiment is to study the effects of microgravity on the
photosynthetic ability of the plant lichen. An aluminum air-tight chamber will hold the lichen. The control
system will heat the water reservoir to 10 degrees C (50 degrees F), and then each sample will be
rehydrated. Temperatures within the measuring chamber will be varied with Peltier heating/cooling chips.
Four incandescent light bulbs used for growth lighting then will be turned on to start photosynthesis. The
data acquisition will begin after a suitable time for rehydration and will be done through a pair of
photometric sensors. Measurements will be made at five different temperatures to characterize the
temperature response of the organism.
Spacepak 5: Bubble Interferometer Experiment. The objectives of this experiment are to: a) observe the
formation of bubbles in a microgravity environment, b) look for evidence of drainage in the bubble after it
has been formed, c) look for interference bands due to bubble wall thickness gradients and, d) observe
surface tension induced motions on the bubble surface. Bubbles will be formed from a mixture of Dow
Corning 704 diffusion pump oil and FC-430 surfactant. The critical bubble blowing sequences will be
recorded by an 8 mm camera, while ancillary data, i.e. temperatures, will be stored digitally in an EPROM
(an erasable programmable read-only memory chip).
Bubbles will be blown with the help of two linear actuators and an air pump. The camera will record the
bubble blowing sequence. A fluorescent lamp is used to provide lighting during the filming sequence. A
small incandescent lamp is used to heat the bubble surface. The heating is not uniform and causes a
gradient in the surface tension. This induced surface tension gradient will cause movement of the material
on the bubble surface.
Customer: Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, Va.
Customer: Dr. Gene Carter
Payload Manager: Joy Young
This experiment is intended to record visually how sound affects dust particles in near-zero gravity,
hopefully contributing to a better understanding of acoustics.
The NORSTAR (Norfolk Public Schools Science and Technology Advanced Research) consists of high
school students from Norfolk Public Schools. The program was designed to provide a learning experience
for high school students while building a working experiment to fly on the Space Shuttle. The NORSTAR
experiment is unique because it remains a student-designed, student-run experiment. Education is the main
program objective.
The G-325 acoustical experiments will be conducted in a 5- cubic-foot GAS canister. Two 21-inch clear
acrylic tubes will be suspended from a box containing two titanium tweeters (high frequency speakers). A
separate function generator will be connected to each tweeter to supply the sound and an amplifier will
amplify the sound. Inside each test chamber there will be approximately five grams of cork dust as a
medium to visualize the modal patterns created by acoustic standing waves at resonances of the test
chambers. Different patterns will be formed as the frequency range from 6000 to 7499 Hz runs through
Test Chamber 1. A frequency range from 7500 to 9000 Hz will be run through Test Chamber 2. In the
microgravity environment of space, the cork particles will be free to move without the constraints of
gravity and will form
Although the primary object of the NORSTAR GAS-325 project is to study acoustical standing wave
modal patterns on a space available basis, there also will be 60 small passive benign experiments placed in
a sealed container in the GAS canister. These have been contributed by middle and elementary school
classes to more widely share the excitement of space experimentation. The passive experiments will fall
primarily into the physical sciences category and will seek to discover and/or measure the effects of space
and microgravity on prepared samples.
Customer: Beijing Institute of Environmental Testing, Beijing, China
Payload Manager: Ke Shouquan
Three experiments submitted by three different students will be carried out on G-417. One of the student
experiments was organized and sponsored by the American Association for the Promotion of Science in
China and the Chinese Society of Astronautics. The Beijing Institute of Satellite Environmental
Engineering designed and developed the payload.
Experiment #1, the Reproduction of Parameciums, will study the effects of microgravity on the
reproduction of insects. Experiment #2 will study contact between oil and water droplets for investigating
the effect of microgravity on surface interaction of different kinds of liquids. Experiment #3 involves
conducting a general survey of surface interaction of solids and liquids under microgravity conditions.
Customer: The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies, Inc. (SJAC), Tokyo, Japan
Customer: N. Tateyama
Payload Manager: Takemasa Koreki
This experiment will investigate the formation of superconducting material and the boiling phenomenon
under microgravity and the absence of convection. There will be two experiments carried out:
1. Formation of Silicon-Lead (Si-Pb) Alloy: To investigate the formation of superconducting alloy (not
mixable on the ground). Each sample, in a platinum crucible located inside a quartz ampoule (small
glass container), will be heated in a furnace up to 1450 degrees C (2640 degrees F) for 25 minutes.
2. Boiling Experiment: To observe the bubble formation when an organic solvent (Freon 113) is boiling
under microgravity and the absence of convection. The organic solvent in a small sealed vessel is
heated and boiled. The behavior of bubbles formed while boiling is observed and recorded using a
video system.
This payload was flown on board STS-57 in June 1993. Some of the experiments at that time were not
continued until the final sequence because of inadequate battery capacity. Scientists are eager to pursue the
space experiments which were not completed on the STS-57 flight.
This experiment will investigate the crystallization or the formation of materials under microgravity and
the absence of convection. Two kinds of experiments will be carried out:
1. Crystal growth of 3-Selenic-Niobium (NbSe3) from the vapor phase. To investigate the process of the
crystal growth from the vapor phase of the one-dimensional electric conducting material, each sample
in a quartz ampoule will be heated in a temperature gradient furnace up to 900 degrees C (1650
degrees F) for 20 minutes. At the high temperature end of the furnace, NbSe3 will be vaporized and
crystallized at the other (lower temperature) end of the furnace.
2. Crystal growth of the optoelectronic crystal by the diffusion method. To investigate the diffusion
process of the optoelectronic crystal growth from the saturated solution. Two organic solvents
(potassium-hydrogen-phosphate KH2PO4 and ethanol C2H5OH) are separated into two chambers by a
partition wall. In space, when the partition wall is removed, the optoelectronic crystal will be grown.
The process of the crystal growth will be observed for 24 hours using a video system intermittently.
Customer: The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies, Inc.
(SJAC), Tokyo, Japan
Customer: N. Tateyama
Payload Manager: Takemasa Koreki
An electrophoresis (the movement of suspended particles through a fluid or gel under the action of an
electromotive force applied to electrodes in contact with the suspension) has a number of important
advantages for the separation and isolation of cells or biologically active materials. Therefore, the
electrophoresis is being studied, particularly in the area of drug manufacturing for
biological/biotechnological products.
In microgravity, the effects of sedimentation, buoyancy and thermal convection, all of which involve
differences in density, will decrease. In this experiment, a mixture of the samples will be separated by free-
flow electrophoresis in a microgravity environment. Free-flow electrophoresis is a continuous
electrophoretic separation method, using a carrier solution which is flowing as a thin liquid film under
laminar conditions through the separation chamber. The direction of the flow of the carrier solution (linear
flow velocity) is perpendicular to the direction of an electrical field. The samples are separated by this
electrical field according to their different electrophoretic mobility or their different isoelectric point and
are migrating in the form of narrow zones to the end of the separation chamber. The phenomena of this
separation are observed by a video camera above the separation chamber and recorded by video cassette
recorders. Results of this separation will be compared to results obtained on the Earth's surface.
Customer: European Space Agency/ESTEC FTD, The Netherlands
Customer: Manfred Trischberger
Payload Manager: Andre Robelet
G-485 was developed by Crisa (Spain) under the auspices of the In-Orbit Technology Demonstration
Program of the European Space Agency. The payload is designed to test the feasibility of depositing
different materials in a microgravity and vacuum environment. To do this, the payload is being flown in a
GAS canister with a Motorized Door Assembly (MDA).
Once in orbit, the MDA is opened, the vacuum gauge measures the chamber environment and the
experiment sequence starts. The evaporation sources are operated sequentially and, upon completion, the
MDA is closed, and the experiment chamber kept under vacuum until de-integration to protect the
substrates from contamination.
Customer: Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Customer: Lawrence R. Thomas
Payload Manager: James Houston
The Orbiter Stability Experiment (OSE) was designed originally to evaluate the Space Shuttle as a platform
for imaging the Sun in x-rays and extreme ultraviolet light. Although the Spacelab instrument that was
being planned at that time was never funded for development, the OSE in its two previous flights has
provided valuable information on the performance of the orbiter's high-frequency stability, that is, the
steadiness with which it is oriented in space. Steadiness is measured by observing the position of the Sun
with high precision optical sensors mounted rigidly on the top of a GAS canister. The measurements are
made 60 times a second, and the location of the Sun is determined relative to the Orbiter to a small fraction
of an arc second.
These data tell about the angular vibration produced by small thruster firings and human activity in the
Orbiter cabin. Additional information has been obtained on the accuracy with which a GAS canister can be
installed and aligned relative to the orbiter's structure. Such information is useful to other experimenters
who are planning to fly instruments requiring accurate pointing by the Shuttle.
The OSE was designed and built by Goddard's Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics, Code 680,
using funds provided by the Director's Discretionary Fund and with several major flight components lent
by the Engineering Directorate, Code 700, and the Suborbital Projects and Operations Directorate, Code
800. The instrument manager is James Houston, and principal electronics technician is Thomas B.
Plummer. Werner M. Neupert is principal investigator.
This will be the third flight of the instrument, previously flown on STS-40 and STS-60. As a GAS payload,
the experiment is not able to request solar pointing by the Shuttle, but in two previous flights,
experimenters were able to take advantage of solar pointing carried out as part of the Shuttle's timeline for
engineering tests.
In addition to the vibration measurements that are planned, the OSE also carries a passive experiment to
evaluate the effects of radiation on photographic film. That experiment was developed and provided by Dr.
Ernest Hammond of Morgan State University. The GAS container also carries seeds provided by students
in the NASA Scientific Knowledge for Indian Learning and Leadership (SKILL) program for 9th through
12th grade high school students. The seeds will be used to study the effects of radiation and zero gravity on
germination and growth. This program is administered by the South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology, collaborators in this NASA-funded program.
The Get Away Special payload QUESTS-2 is a materials science payload funded by the Canadian Space
Agency and is a re- flight of G-521 flown in September 1992.
The QUESTS payload consists of 15 furnaces, a computer control system, a data acquisition system and
batteries. There are two types of furnaces: temperature-gradient (for directional crystal growth studies) and
constant-temperature (for metal diffusion studies).
The Queen's University experiment involves eight samples: Two are eutectics (alloy composition having
lowest melting point), and six are for Ostwald ripening (how the size distribution of droplets of one metal
changes with time).
In the original QUESTS project, the two Queen's University eutectic specimens produced startling results,
namely, the spacing between the "rods" of one material was found to be unaltered in zero-gravity, despite
claims to the contrary of other workers in the U.S. and Europe. The antimony- magnesium specimens to be
flown on QUESTS-2 will provide data on the growth behavior of roddy-type eutectics. Scientists hope that
this data will be used to develop models to predict the microstructure of eutectics likely to be present when
processing eutectic materials in space vehicles such as the International Space Station and Mir.
An immiscible alloy is one in which two components do not mix in the molten state, and droplets of one
metal are formed in the melt of the other metal. In Ostwald ripening, the distribution of size of the droplets
changes - the smaller droplets will become smaller over time, while the larger droplets become larger (i.e.
the distribution "ripens"). On Earth, two mechanisms are responsible: Marangoni (surface-tension driven)
convection and diffusion, in which the smaller droplets start to become smaller over time as they slowly
dissolve and the material diffuses, while the larger droplets become larger as the dissolved material comes
out of the large droplets.
The QUESTS-2 experiment is designed to develop a better understanding of droplet growth in liquid-liquid
systems by adding particles of a third material to constrain the motion due to surface tension forces, while
the microgravity will eliminate gravity-driven settling. Aluminum-indium and aluminum-bismuth are the
two alloys to be studied.
Metal-matrix composites offer excellent mechanical properties which, when combined with light weight
and stiffness, make them a suitable material for applications demanding high performance. Most metal-
matrix composites are reinforced with randomly-oriented, high-strength fibers, which are either
mechanically mixed in the metal powder or in the molten alloy.
The strength of these meta-matrix composites can be improved further by aligning the fibers in the same
direction, accomplished by directional solidification (from one end) alloys such as aluminum-nickel, which
produce strong fibers of NiAl3 in a matrix of aluminum. However, composites produced on Earth contain
many defects, and depending on the growth rate, the shape of the fibers can be round or long. Scientists
believe that the gravity-driven flow of the melt on Earth may be responsible for these phenomena.
Composite material grown in zero-gravity should be more uniform than that grown on Earth.
This company currently is developing a range of new materials for use in the next generation of high
performance, fuel-efficient aircraft. High-strength fibers or particles of one material are added to the melt
of a second, lighter weight metal. Because the densities of the two components are quite different, one
component settles to the bottom because of gravity, and the mixing is uneven. In addition, further
unevenness in the mixing can occur from thermally-induced flow in the melt. This uneven mixing leads to
degraded material properties.
The Shuttle tests allow the separation of the gravitational and non-gravitational effects. Using the Shuttle,
"ideal" samples of materials can be made in the microgravity environment. These materials will be used as
benchmarks to compare with materials produced on Earth and to gain an understanding of the various
phenomena which can degrade product quality and their respective importance.
In the QUESTS-2 experiments, aluminum is used as a model system. Samples of aluminum reinforced with
various materials are to be melted then solidified, both on Earth and on the Shuttle. The distribution of the
reinforcing material is to be compared to gain an understanding of the process and the relative importance
of the various phenomena influencing the properties.
SAFER, designed and developed by the Johnson Space Center in a team project led by the Automation and
Robotics Division, is a small, self-contained, propulsive backpack device that can provide free-flying
mobility for a spacewalker in an emergency. It is designed for self-rescue use by a spacewalker in the event
the Shuttle is unable or unavailable to retrieve a detached, drifting crew member. Examples of such times
may include a mission where the Shuttle is docked to the Russian Mir Space Station or to the International
Space Station.
SAFER is attached to the spacesuit's Portable Life Support System backpack, and is, in essence, a scaled-
down, miniature version of the Manned Maneuvering Unit propulsion backpack flown aboard Shuttle
missions in 1984. It is designed for emergency use only, but without built- in backup systems. SAFER's
propulsion is provided by 24 fixed- position thrusters that expel nitrogen gas and have a thrust of .8 lbs.
each. Stowed in the crew cabin for launch and landing, SAFER's nitrogen supply can be recharged in orbit
from the Shuttle's nitrogen system. SAFER's three-pound supply of nitrogen can provide a ten-foot-per-
second change in velocity for the operator before it is exhausted. Its attitude control system includes an
automatic attitude hold and six degrees of freedom. A 28-volt battery pack for SAFER can be replaced in
For STS-64, first Lee, and then Meade, will evaluate SAFER through four test sequences: A SAFER
familiarization, a system engineering evaluation, a rescue demonstration, and a flight qualities evaluation.
The SAFER flight operations will be conducted without a tether attached to the Shuttle. The familiarization
will have the SAFER spacewalker perform several short single-axis translation and then rotation
commands. They will be performed first with the unit's automatic attitude hold "on" and again with the
attitude hold "off". Next, the spacewalker will fly a square trajectory within the Shuttle payload bay,
recording the percent of nitrogen used both before and after the maneuver to compare the actual use with
what had been predicted.
For the engineering evaluation, the spacewalker will fly several short translation commands, for example, a
one- second thrust forward, five seconds of coasting, and a one- second braking thrust. The same type of
command will be done for rotations as well, and a data recorder in the SAFER will retain all measurements
of the unit's performance for study on the ground after the mission.
The self-rescue demonstration will have one spacewalker-- standing in a foot restraint at the end of
Discovery's mechanical arm--impart a series of rotations to the SAFER spacewalker. The SAFER
spacewalker will then activate the unit's automatic attitude hold system to stop the rotation and fly back to
the end of the arm, which will have slowly been backed away. The rotations will not exceed a speed of 30
degrees per second, a rate well below the design capability of SAFER.
The flight qualities evaluation will have the spacewalker fly a precision trajectory that will follow the
Shuttle's bent mechanical arm. Next, he will fly a precision approach from the elbow of the arm to the aft
flight deck windows of the Shuttle, establishing a hover one foot away from the windows.
Between each test sequence, SAFER will be recharged with nitrogen from the Shuttle's nitrogen supply via
a SAFER Recharge Station mounted in the forward portion of the cargo bay. In addition, before the unit is
switched from Lee to Meade, the SAFER battery will be changed.
Throughout the spacewalk, Lee and Meade will evaluate several new and some improved spacewalking
tools. These include quick-release tether hooks and wrist tethers, push- button portable foot restraints, a
rigid tether, modified handrails and an articulating portable foot restraint. Except for the articulating
portable foot restraint, which will have specific time scheduled for its evaluation, these tools will be
evaluated by the spacewalkers as they use them to work on the SAFER tests.
One new piece of spacewalking equipment to be worn and evaluated by both Lee and Meade is called the
Electronic Cuff Checklist (ECC).
The Electronic Cuff Checklist, developed by the Johnson Space Center's Crew and Thermal Systems
Division, attaches to the lower arm of a spacesuit and can hold more than 500 pages of information,
including graphics and even photographs, to display on a 3-by-4-inch screen. Roughly the same size as the
current printed checklist, the two-and- a-half-pound, battery-powered unit is an inch deep at its thickest
The standard checklist currently worn by spacewalkers is a printed notebook, usually 25-50 pages long,
worn on the cuff of the spacesuit during a spacewalk. It normally contains only a small amount of critical
information, such as emergency spacesuit operations. The Electronic Cuff Checklist would allow
spacewalkers to have quick, easy access to much more information that will be useful as work in space
becomes more complex, such as during the Hubble Space Telescope servicing spacewalks.
The Electronic Cuff Checklist also has the capability to be altered during a flight. Information can be
loaded into the checklist on orbit from a laptop computer carried on the Shuttle.
The unit's flat screen has a resolution roughly equivalent to that of a standard television set -- 320 by 240
pixels -- that may give it the ability to display graphics and photographs. The screen is divided into six
different touch-sensitive buttons that allow instant access to various categories of information. It is
designed for easy operation when wearing bulky spacesuit gloves. A touch and hold feature built into the
checklist allows ready access to special functions, including an emergency page. The checklist also
includes a mission elapsed time clock and a spacewalk elapsed time clock.
The checklist has about two megabytes of memory, is powered by standard AA batteries and can operate
up to 12 hours on one battery pack.
On STS-64, Lee and Meade each will wear the Electronic Cuff Checklist on the left arm of his spacesuit
and a standard, printed checklist on the right arm. The electronic checklist will include the information on
the printed checklist plus additional information, including the spacewalk timeline and complete SAFER
evaluation procedures. The electronic checklist will be evaluated in parallel with the other spacewalk
operations on its size, weight, viewability, accessibility of information, attachment to the suit and general
operation. In addition, after the spacewalk is completed, new pages of information will be transferred to the
unit from the laptop computer aboard Discovery to test that capability.
SPIFEX, when picked up by Discovery's mechanical arm, is a 33-foot long extension for the arm with a
package of instruments that will measure the near-field, transition and far-field effects of thruster plumes.
The plume information gathered by the experiment will assist planners in understanding the potential
effects of thruster plumes on large space structures, such as the Russian Space Agency's Mir Space Station
and the International Space Station, during future Shuttle docking and rendezvous operations.
During STS-64, SPIFEX will be moved by a series of complex mechanical arm maneuvers to take
measurements of 86 separate test firings of the Shuttle's RCS thrusters at 60 different locations. The
majority of locations will have SPIFEX either above the nose of Discovery, in front of the nose, or at the
rear of the spacecraft near the left Orbital Maneuvering System pod. Operations of the experiment are
scheduled on four different flight days of the mission and are planned to gather a total of 12 to 14 hours of
data during the flight.
In addition to the thruster plume data, a Get-Away Special canister in Discovery's cargo bay will contain
cold gas that will be released during the SPIFEX operations to fine-tune the experiment's instruments. Most
of the SPIFEX data will be recorded aboard Discovery on a laptop computer for analysis after landing.
Some data, however, may be transmitted immediately to ground scientists.
The SPIFEX instruments are comprised of three basic systems: A Load Measurement System; a Plume
Impingement Characterization System; and a Position and Orientation Verification System. The load
measurements will obtain information on the pressures that might be imparted by the jet plumes to delicate
structures such as solar arrays, while the characterization measurements will detail the concentrations of
contaminants from exhaust plumes. All of the operations will be done at a variety of distances from and
orientations to the Shuttle steering jets. The primary crew member for SPIFEX mechanical arm operations
will be Susan Helms, although the experiment will require two additional crewmembers during each data
take -- one to operate the laptop computer and another to perform the jet firings.
This is the seventh of eight Space Shuttle flights planned for the SSCE. During the STS-64 mission, a
small sample of PMMA, or Plexiglas, will be burned in a mixture of 50 percent oxygen and 50 percent
nitrogen at twice normal atmospheric pressure.
After the mission, comparisons of burning behavior in microgravity and normal gravity will be made by
engineers and scientists at NASA's Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, and by Principal Investigator,
Professor Altenkirch and his team at Mississippi State University. In addition, Professor Altenkirch will
compare the test results with a complex computer simulation of flame spreading, which he and his students
have developed from over a decade of research in this field.
The results of earlier flights of the SSCE have been published in scientific literature. Those data resulted in
the modification of the theoretical flame spreading simulation, particularly in the description of how the
fuel is vaporized by the flame before burning.
The SSCE experiment is sponsored by NASA's Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications
and is managed by the Lewis Research Center.
Orchard grass, the subject of BRIC-2, provides an ideal subject for studying and understanding food crops
as part of an environmental system of food production and waste recycling for long duration space
missions, the International Space Station and as part of the ecology of Earth.
On STS-64, for the first time, basic microgravity research on a member of the grass family will be
performed. Leaf cultures will be grown in a fixed nutrient "soil" as opposed to having to be placed in
suspension. Leaf sections will be split providing for excellent research controls and statistical analysis.
Finally, a fixed number of the seeds will develop fully and will be germinated and grown to full plants for
further research. All portions of the orchard grass, such as leaf, veins, etc., will be analyzed to understand
the development and life cycle of the plant.
The principal scientist for this experiment is Dr. Robert Conger, Department of Plant and Soil Science
from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. For Dr. Conger's research, orchard grass leaf segments will
be placed in a special nutrient broth in petri dishes in a BRIC 100 canister. The experiment will be sealed
and housed in the mid-deck of the Space Shuttle. The experiment is passive and requires no in-flight
manipulation. It does require immediate removal from the Shuttle after landing to assess the effects of
microgravity on the reproductive and regeneration systems of the plants before the effects of full gravity
are reestablished.
BRIC experiments are sponsored by NASA's Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications
(OLMSA) Small Payloads Program, and are designed to examine the effects of microgravity on a wide
range of physiological processes in higher order plants and arthropod animals, such as insects, spiders,
centipedes and crustaceans.
Shuttle Commander Dick Richards (KB5SIW), pilot Blaine Hammond Jr., (KC5HBS) and mission
specialist Jerry Linenger (KC5HBR) will talk with students in 10 schools in the U.S. and New Zealand
using "ham radio."
Students in the following schools will have the opportunity to talk directly to orbiting astronauts for
approximately 4 to 8 minutes:
The radio contacts are part of the SAREX (Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment) project, a joint effort by
NASA, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), and the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
The project, which has flown on 14 previous Shuttle missions, is designed to encourage public
participation in the space program and to support the conduct of educational initiatives through a program
to demonstrate the effectiveness of communications between the Shuttle and low- cost ground stations
using amateur radio voice and digital techniques.
Information about orbital elements, contact times, frequencies and crew operating schedules will be
available during the mission from NASA, ARRL (Steve Mansfield, 203/666-1541) and AMSAT (Frank
Bauer, 301/ 286-8496). AMSAT will provide information bulletins for interested parties on Internet and
amateur packet radio. The ARRL bulletin board system (BBS) number is (203) 688-0578.
The ARRL ham radio station (W1AW) will include SAREX information in its regular voice and teletype
Mission information will be available online from the Johnson Space Center computer bulletin board (8 N
1 1200 baud): dial (713) 244-5625. BBS information is available from the Goddard Space Flight Center
amateur radio club via Internet. The address is:
The amateur radio station at the Goddard Space Flight Center, (WA3NAN), will operate during the
mission, providing SAREX information, retransmitting live Shuttle air-to-ground audio, and retransmitting
some of the SAREX school group contacts.
Note: The astronauts will not favor any one of the above frequencies. Therefore, the ability to talk with an
astronaut depends on selecting one of the above frequencies chosen by the astronaut.
The Goddard Space Flight Center amateur radio club planned HF operating frequencies are:
The hand-held instrument is stored in a mid-deck locker during flight except for when the crew activates it
and replaces the memory module every two days. RME-III will be activated by the crew as soon as
possible after they achieve orbit, and it will operate throughout the mission. A crew member will enter the
correct mission elapsed time upon activation. RME-III is sponsored by the Department of Defense in
cooperation with NASA.
STS064-S-002 -- The crewmembers assigned to the STS-64 mission include: astronaut Richard N.
Richards (center front), mission commander; L. Blaine Hammond Jr., (front left) pilot and Susan J. Helms
(front right) mission specialists. On the back row, from left to right are: Mark C. Lee, Jerry M. Linenger
and Carl J. Meade, all mission specialists. All but Lee and Meade are wearing launch and entry suits. Lee
and Meade are wearing extravehicular activity units (EMU).
No copyright is asserted for this photograph. If a recognizable person appears in the photo, use for
commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the
endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in
any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this photograph is used in
advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.
Richards graduated from Riverview Gardens High School, St. Louis, in 1964. He received a bachelor's degree in
chemical engineering from the University of Missouri in 1969 and received a master's degree in aeronautical systems
from the University of West Florida in 1970. Richards graduated from the Naval Test Pilot School, Patuxent River,
Md., in 1976.
After joining NASA, Richards first Shuttle flight was as pilot of STS-28, a Department of Defense-dedicated mission
in August 1989. He next flew as commander of STS-41, a mission that deployed the Ulysses probe to study the Sun's
polar regions, in October 1990. His third flight was as commander of STS-50, the first flight of the United States
Microgravity Payload.
Richards has logged more than 22 days and 22 hours in space, and more than 5,100 hours flying time in over 16
different types of aircraft.
L. BLAINE HAMMOND Jr., 42, Col., USAF, will serve as pilot. Selected as an astronaut in 1984, Hammond
considers St. Louis, Mo., his hometown and will be making his second space flight.
Hammond graduated from Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo., in 1969. He received a bachelor's degree in
engineering science and mathematics from the Air Force Academy in 1973 and a master's degree in engineering
science and mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1974.
Hammond, as an Air Force pilot and instructor pilot, attended the Empire Test Pilot School, Boscombe Down,
England, in 1981. He later served as a test pilot at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., before being assigned as an
instructor at the Air Force Test Pilot School, where he was serving when selected by NASA.
Hammond's first Shuttle flight was as pilot of STS-39 in May 1991, the first unclassified Department of Defense-
dedicated mission that collected data on atmospheric infrared and ultraviolet phenomena as well as in support of the
Strategic Defense Initiative Office.
Hammond has logged more than 199 hours in space and more than 4,200 hours flying time in 15 different types of U.S.
aircraft and 10 types of British aircraft.
J. M. (JERRY) LINENGER, 39, M.D., Ph.D., Cdr., Medical Corps, USN, will serve as Mission Specialist 1 (MS1).
Selected as an astronaut in 1992, Linenger considers Eastpointe, Mich., and Coronado, Calif., his hometowns and will
be making his first space flight.
Linenger graduated from East Detroit High School, Eastpointe, Mich., in 1973; received a bachelor's degree in
bioscience from the Naval Academy in 1977; received a doctorate in medicine from Wayne State University in 1981;
received a master's degree in systems management from the University of Southern California in 1988; received a
master of public health degree in health policy from the University of North Carolina in 1989; and received a doctorate
in epidemiology from the University of North Carolina in 1989.
Linenger completed his surgical internship at Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif., and aerospace medicine
training at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola, Fla. He first served as a Naval flight surgeon at Cubi
Point, Republic of the Philippines, and was later assigned as medical advisor to the commander, Naval Air Forces, U.S.
Pacific Fleet, in San Diego. After receiving a doctorate in epidemiology, he served as a research principal investigator
at the Naval Health Research Center, where he was assigned when selected by NASA.
Helms graduated from Parkrose Senior High School, Portland, Or., in 1976; received a bachelor's degree in
aeronautical engineering from the Air Force Academy in 1980; and received a master's degree in aeronautics and
astronautics from Stanford University in 1985.
Prior to her selection by NASA, Helms' work in the Air Force included lead engineer for F-15 weapons separation at
the Air Force Armament Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.; assistant professor of aeronautics at the Air Force
Academy; graduate of the Air Force Test Pilot School as a flight test engineer in 1988; and service as a flight test
engineer and Air Force Exchange Officer with the Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment, Canadian Armed Forces
Base, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. At the time of her selection, Helms was managing the development of a CF-18
Flight Control System Simulation for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Helms' first flight was as a mission specialist on STS-54 in January 1993, a mission that deployed a NASA Tracking
and Data Relay Satellite and operated the Diffuse X-Ray Spectrometer, gathering X-ray astronomy data to explore the
origins of the Milky Way galaxy.
Helms has logged more than 143 hours in space and has flown in more than 30 different types of aircraft as a flight test
CARL J. MEADE, 43, Col., USAF, will serve as Mission Specialist 3 (MS3). Selected as an astronaut in 1985, Meade
will be making his third space flight.
Meade graduated from Randolph High School, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, in 1968; received a bachelor's degree
with honors in electronics engineering from the University of Texas in 1973; and received a master's degree in
electronics engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 1975.
Meade was a distinguished graduate of undergraduate pilot training at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, and later
graduated from the Air Force Test Pilot School, receiving the Lichen-Tittle Award as the Outstanding Test Pilot of the
class. He was then assigned to the 6510th Test Wing, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., serving in a variety of research,
development and test programs. In 1985, he was assigned as a test pilot instructor at the Air Force Test Pilot School,
where he was serving at the time of his selection by NASA.
Meade's first space flight was as a mission specialist on STS-38 in November 1990, a Department of Defense-
dedicated mission. He next flew as a mission specialist on STS-50 in June 1992, a mission that carried the first United
States Microgravity Laboratory.
Meade has logged more than 449 hours in space and more than 4,300 hours flying time in 27 different types of aircraft.
MARK C. LEE, 42, Col., USAF, will serve as Mission Specialist 4 (MS4). Selected as an astronaut in May 1984, Lee
considers Viroqua, Wisc., his hometown and will be making his third space flight.
Lee graduated from Viroqua High School in 1970; received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Air Force
Academy in 1974; and received a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1980.
Lee completed Air Force pilot training at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, and served at Okinawa Air Base, Japan,
flying F-4s. Later, he served as the operations support manager in the Airborne Warning and Control System at
Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. In 1982, he upgraded to fly the F-16, assigned as executive officer for the 388th
Tactical Fighter Wing Commander for Operations at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Lee's first space flight was as a mission specialist on STS- 30 in May 1989, a mission that launched the Magellan
planetary probe to map Venus. Lee next flew as the payload commander and a mission specialist on STS-47 in
September 1992, a cooperative Spacelab mission between the U.S. and Japan. Lee has logged more than 288 hours in
orbit and more than 3,500 hours flying time in various aircraft.
02/03/94 - -2/11/94
STS-65 STS-51
07/08/94 0 07/23/94 09/12/93 - 09/22/93
STS-62 STS-56
03/04/94 - 03/18/94 04/08/83 - 04/17/93
STS-58 STS-53
10/18/93 - 11/01/93 12/02/92 - 12/09/92
STS-55 STS-42
04/26/93 - 05/06/93 01/22/92 - 01/30/92
STS-52 STS-48
10/22/92 - 11/01/92 09/12/91 - 09/18/91
STS-50 STS-39 STS-46
06/25/92 - 07/09/92 04/28/91 - 05/06/91 07/31/92 - 08/08/92
STS-40 STS-41 STS-45
06/05/91 - 06/14/91 10/06/90 - 10/10/90 03/24/92 - 04/02/92
STS-35 STS-51L STS-31 STS-44
12/02/90 - 12/10/90 01/28/86 04/24/90 - 04/29/90 11/24/91 - 12/01/91
STS-32 STS-61A STS-33 STS-43
01/09/90 - 01/20/90 10/30/85 - 11/06/85 11/22/89 - 11/27/89 08/02/91 - 08/11/91
STS-28 STS-51F STS-29 STS-37
08/08/89 - 08/13/89 07/29/85 - 08/06/85 03/13/89 - 03/18/89 04/05/91 - 04/11/91
STS-61C STS-51B STS-26 STS-38
01/12/86 - 01/18/86 04/29/85 - 05/06/85 09/29/88 - 10/03/88 11/15/90 - 11/20/90
STS-9 STS-41G STS-51-I STS-36 STS-59
11/28/83 - 12/08/83 10/05/84 - 10/13/84 08/27/85 - 09/03/85 02/28/90 - 03/04/90 04/09/94 - 04/20/94
STS-5 STS-41C STS-51G STS-34 STS-61
11/11/82 - 11/16/82 04/06/84 - 04/13/84 06/17/85 - 06/24/85 10/18/89 - 10/23/89 12/02/93 - 12/13/93
STS-4 STS-41B STS-51D STS-30 STS-57
06/27/82 - 07/04/82 02/03/84 - 02/11/84 04/12/85 - 04/19/85 05/04/89 - 05/08/89 06/21/93 - 07/01/93
STS-3 STS-8 STS-51C STS-27 STS-54
03/22/82 - 03/30/82 08/30/83 - 09/05/83 01/24/85 - 01/27/85 12/02/88 - 12/06/88 01/13/93 - 01/19/93
STS-2 STS-7 STS-51A STS-61B STS-47
11/12/81 - 11/14/81 06/18/83 - 06/24/83 11/08/84 - 11/16/84 11/26/85 - 12/03/85 09/12/92 - 09/20/92
STS-1 STS-6 STS-41D STS-51J STS-49
04/12/81 - 04/14/81 04/04/83 - 04/09/83 08/30/84 - 09/05/84 10/03/85 - 10/07/85 05/07/92 - 05/16/92