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Ec2306 Set2

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ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI-600 025 B.E/ B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, Oct/Nov 2013 Regulations-2008 Fifth Semester B.E.


1. (i) Write a MATLAB program to generate the CT and DT elementary signals and plot it.(50) (ii) Write and execute a MATLAB program to compute the 8-Point DFT of sequence x[n] ={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1}, Plot its Magnitude and Phase & Also verify it theoretically. (50)

2. (i) Write and execute MATLAB program to verify the Sampling Theorem for the given analog signal x(t)=sin(2ft). (50) (ii)Write and execute a MATLAB program, for Calculating the Impulse and Step Responses of a system described by the difference equation: y[n] = 0.5*x[n] + (2/5) y[n-1] + 1.5*x[n-1]; Also plot the Frequency Response of the same. (50)

3. Write a MATLAB program to calculate the Linear/circular convolution of x[n]={1,2,3,4} and h[n] = {4,3,2,1} in Time Domain and verify the same in frequency domain. (100)

4. Write and execute a MATLAB program to design a FIR Low pass and High pass Filter for fc=300Hz and the sampling frequency is fs=2000Hz. Use the window whose main lobe width is -43dB. Also plot the Magnitude Response and its poles locations. (100)

5. Write and execute a MATLAB program,for Design a FIR Low pass and High pass Filter for fc=800Hz and the sampling frequency is fs=4000Hz. Use the window whose main lobe width is -58dB. Also plot the Magnitude Response and its poles locations. (100)

6. Write and execute a MATLAB program to design a FIR Band pass filter with the pass band frequency of 50Hz -200Hz and stop band frequency of 450Hz-500Hz with the sampling frequency of fs=1KHz. Use the window whose main lobe width is -13dB. Also plot the Magnitude Response and its poles locations. (100)

7. Write and execute a MATLAB program to design a FIR Band stop filter for fc1=2500Hz and fc2=5000Hz with the sampling frequency of fs=10kHz. Use the windows whose main lobe width is -13dB and -32 db. Compare their performance. (100)

8. Write and execute a MATLAB program, to design a Butterworth Second order Recursive Low Pass filter with the cut off frequency of 150Hz and the sampling frequency of 1.3kHz Using both Impulse Invariant method and Bilinear Method. Also plot the Magnitude Response and its poles locations. (100)

9. Write a MATLAB Program to design a Butterworth filter for the following specifications. Determine the Order of the Filter and plot the poles in z domain. (100) j .0.891 H (e ) 1 0 0.2

H (e j )



10. Write a MATLAB Program to design a simple Butterworth high pass filter with the pass band frequency of 2kHz and the stop band frequency of 500Hz and sampling frequency of 8kHz. Design the filter in analog domain and transfer the coefficients to z domain using one to one mapping. Plot the Frequency Response and location of poles. (100)

11. Write a MATLAB Program to design a Butterworth Band pass filter with the pass band frequency of 200Hz-300Hz and the stop band frequency of 50Hz-450Hz and sampling frequency of 1kHz. Design the filter in analog domain and transfer the coefficients to z domain using Tustins mapping. Plot the Frequency Response and location of poles. (100)

12. Write a MATLAB Program to design a Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Passband frequency of 0-60Hz,Stopband frequency of 150-200Hz, Sampling frequency of1000Hz, Passband ripple at 3dB and Stopband attenuation at 60dB. Design the filter in analog domain and transfer the coefficients to z domain using one to one mapping. Plot the Frequency Response and location of poles. (100)

13. Write a MATLAB Program to design a Chebyshev Band pass filter with Passband frequency of 200-300Hz,Stopband frequency of 50-450Hz, Sampling frequency of 2000Hz, Passband ripple at 3dB and Stopband attenuation at 60dB. Design the filter in analog domain and transfer the coefficients to z domain using Tustins mapping. Plot the Frequency Response and location of poles. (100)

14. (i)Write a MATLAB Program to compute the convolution and m-fold decimation by polyphone decomposition. (50) (ii)Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to Generate a Square wave using TMS320C50. (50)

15. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to the Linear/circular convolution of the any two sequences. (100)

16. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to sample the input with desired sampling frequency fs = 1000hz using TMS320C50. (100)

17. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to design a 9 tap FIR Low pass Filter using TMS320C50. (100)

18. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to add/subtract/multiply/divide the given two numbers.

19. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to generate a Saw tooth wave/ Triangular wave using TMS320C50. (100)

20. Write and execute a DSP PROCESSOR program to generate a Sine wave/ Triangular wave using TMS320C50.

21. Write a MATLAB Program to compute FFT using radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm for the input x(n) =.{1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2} .also find and plot the magnitude and phase response .

22. Write a MATLAB Program to compute FFT using radix-2 DIF FFT algorithm for the input x(n) =.{1,2,1,2,1,,1,0,2} .also find and plot the magnitude and phase response .

MARK ALLOCATION: Aim/algorithms program Observation & Execution Result Viva Total







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