ICICI Bank's CRM Initiatives
ICICI Bank's CRM Initiatives
ICICI Bank's CRM Initiatives
The bank has over 550 branches, a network of 2025 T!s, multi"le call centres, Internet banking an# mobile banking. Its customers often use multi"le channels, an# the$ are increasingl$ turning to electronic banking o"tions. Business from the Internet. T!s an# other electronic channels now com"rises more than 50 "er cent of all transactions. In the "rocess of making its business grow to this level, ICICI Bank has #istinguishe# itself from other banks through its relationshi" with customers. The Tera#ata solution focuses on a C%! "latform. Information from
various legac$ an# transaction s$stems is fe# into a single enter"rise calle# wi#e #ata warehouse. This allows the bank to generate a single view of its customers. The warehouse has the ca"abilit$ to integrate #ata from multi"le sources com"rising &racle an# flat files. The Behaviour '("lorer enables "rofiling of customers an# )uer$ing on various "arameters. These enable the bank staff create suitable cam"aigns for targeting in#ivi#ual customers on the basis of their re)uirements. The logistics in the s$stem have also le# to other benefits like interactive re"orts, unearthing cross*selling o""ortunities as well as fin#ing out about the channel usage un#ertaken b$ a segment. The #ata access was facilitate# through the use of Cognos +ower Cubes.
The Benefits of C%! Customers usage pattern ICICI,s C%! #ata warehouse integrates #ata from multi"le sources an# enables users to fin# out about the customer,s various transactions "ertaining to savings accounts, cre#it car#s, fi(e# #e"osits, etc. The warehouse also gives in#ications regar#ing the customer,s channel usage. New product development nal$sis at ICICI gui#e "ro#uct #evelo"ment an# marketing cam"aigns through Behaviour '("lorer, whereb$ customer "rofiling can be un#ertaken b$ using ad hoc )ueries. The "ro#ucts thus create# take into account the customer,s nee#s an# #esires, enabling the bank to satisf$ customers through better "ersonali-ation an# customi-ation of services. Central data management The initial im"lementation of C%! allowe# ICICI to anal$se its customer #atabase, which inclu#es information from eight se"arate o"erations s$stems inclu#ing retail banking, bon#s, fi(e# #e"osits, retail consumer loans, cre#it car#s, custo#ial services, online share tra#ing an# T!.
Some Noteworthy CRM Initiatives of ICICI Bank Mobile !Ms Customers of ICICI Bank can access their bank accounts through mobile T!s. These T!s are ke"t in vans an# "arke# at locations that have a T! high traffic of bank customers such as the commercial areas in a cit$ or u"market resi#ential areas ICICI Bank now "rovi#es stan#ar# facilities through T! vans. Chan#igarh an# various "laces in .erala #uring s"ecifie# timings. !able " Mumbai Mobile #an !imings /.00 am to 10.00 am $ocations 0unction of 1ehru %oa# an# !.&. %oa#, near %am tem"le, 2ile +arle 11.00 am to 12.00 noon 1.00 "m to 2.00 "m 3.30 "m to 5.00 "m 3'4 &"".0.5. !arriott 6otel, 0uhu 7okhan#wala Circle, n#heri 354 &utsi#e 2asanth 8agar, 120 ft. %oa#, 6akur 2illage, .han#ivali 3'4 Bulk %eposits The ICICI Bank,s Bulk 9e"osit T!s enable customers to #e"osit large T!s, which are able to acce"t This facilit$ has been trie# at !umbai,
onl$ 30 notes at a time, these T!s allow the #e"osit of huge amounts. The
The bulk #e"osit facilit$ can be availe# of b$ select customers who nee# to #e"osit huge amounts of cash. ICICI Bank issues a s"ecial car# calle# the ;9e"osit &nl$ Car#, to facilitate this service. This car# allows for #e"osit transactions onl$. The service is further facilitate# b$ the "rovision of s"ecial bags at T!s in which a customer can "ut his mone$. fter the #e"osit sli" is fille#, the bag can be inserte# in the sli" is then generate# b$ the business banking segment. !Ms for the visually challenged ICICI Bank has launche# T!s with s"ecial voice*gui#e# s$stems, which T!s without an$ hel". The T!. The transaction
ICICI Bank also has cash "ick*u" service for business customers un#er the
<ack on the terminal enables hea#"hones to be connecte# to it an# voice comman#s enable the customer to transact business. Customers ma$ choose a suitable language to get voice comman#s. fter the language selection is T! car# is inserte# in the #one, the customer is gui#e# to ensure that the the ke$"a#.
right slot an# thereafter, gui#ance is "rovi#e# for entering the +I1 b$ using raise# button is "rovi#e# on number 5 to enable users to i#entif$ the numbers easil$ through touch. The slot for cash collection has such raise# ;"i"s, that enable eas$ i#entification through touch.
&ther Services through !Ms "art from the usual transactions involving the bank, some other services can also be availe# of b$ ICICI Bank customers. These inclu#e= +re"ai# mobile recharge Bu$ing an# renewing Internet "acks 3such as those of T T Internet service "rovi#er an# 8if$4. !aking #onations for Tiru"ati Tirumala 9evasthanams, 1ath#wara tem"le an# 8hri !ata 2aishno#evi shrine. !utual fun# transactions, an# Bill "a$ments Mobile phone as a #irtual 'allet The mobile "hone has been transforme# into a virtual wallet > a new innovation in mobile commerce. &n 8e"tember 1/, 2005, Bank an# 2I8 irtel, ICICI announce# the launch of mCh) > a revolutionar$ new irtel customers an# ICICI irtel !obile In#icom
service > which is a cre#it car# using the mobile "hone. This is the first mobile*to*mobile "a$ment o"tion which enables Bank 2isa car#hol#ers to "a$ for their "urchases with their
"hones. The service has eliminate# the nee# for carr$ing "h$sical cash for making a "urchase an# also the "roblems associate# with the "oint of sale 3+&84 terminal since the mobile "hone services as a secure +&8 an# a "a$ment mechanism.
Social (vents ICICI Bank organi-e# the largest #omestic invitational amateur golf event for 611 3high*net*worth in#ivi#uals4 customers. banking #ivision "artici"ating in the event. Mobile Banking Benefits !obile banking enables the customer to avail of man$ facilities b$ <ust sen#ing an 8!8. These facilities, which are currentl$ offere# free of cost, are as follows= 7ocating T! 7ocating branch 7ocating #ro" bo( lert facilities like salar$ cre#it, account #ebit?cre#it, che)ue bounce, etc., an# @ueries on banking, car#s an# #emat account This nation*wi#e golf tournament ha# over one lakh high*net*worth clients of ICICI Bank,s "rivate