2007-03 Lodgeroom
2007-03 Lodgeroom
2007-03 Lodgeroom
brought to you by
Volume 2 - Issue 3
March 2007
After Katrina
Before Katrina Today
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
2 22 22
Magnolia Lodge #120
Biloxi, Mississippi
Before Katrina, After Katrina
and the lodge today.
Published by: Willam McElligott, P.M.,
United Grand Lodge of England
R. Theron Dunn,
Grand Lodge of California F&AM
Due and timely notice:
Neither the editors, publishers or writers of this magazine represent
themselves as speaking FOR any Grand Lodge or official body.
The material presented in this publication is intended solely for
informational purposes. The opinions presented herein are solely
those of the authors, editors and publishers.
In the February issue, we accidentally published an article
on the Chamber of Reflection prior to receiving permission,
and have since received permission from Wr.Br. Helio L.
Da Costa Jr. Our sincere thanks for his understanding and
kind permission.
Questions or Comments:
Volume 2 - Issue 3 - March 2007
Featured Articles
Ressurection of a Lodge By R. Theron Dunn .............. 3
A History of Magnolia Lodge #120 ........................ 3
Pythagorean Tradition and Masonry
By Maurizio Nicosia................................................... 4
A Short History of Dispensationalism
By John Nelson Darby............................................... 4
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with Translation
By H. L. Haywood...................................................... 5
Freemasonry and Rome......................................... 13
Philosophia By Wr. Giovanni Lombardo ...................... 14
Religious Leaders Speak:
Why am I a Freemason? ............................... 15
Why Freemasonry? By R. Theron Dunn .................... 15
Regular Features
Between The Pillars ................................................. 2
Tim Bryce On...
Masonic Renaissance .............................................. 16
Alas, Br. Ford .......................................................... 16
Are We Reading the Signs?.................................... 17
Fighting City Hall ................................................... 17
Featured Publication - Masonic Magazine........... 22
Other Masonic Publications .................................. 23
Masonic Humor ..................................................... 47
Valuable Links to Masonic Works ........................ 48
The Last Word ....................................................... 48
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By R. Theron Dunn
Just over two years ago,
Hurricane Katrina ripped
thought the Gulf of
Mexico, coming ashore in
Louisianna. It was a
Category Five Hurricane,
that quickly diminished to
a tropical depression, but not before it killed many
hundreds of people and caused million of dollars
in property damage.
Among the victims of that hurricane were the
brothers of Magnolia Lodge #120 in Biloxi,
Mississippi. In my travels, I have had the
opportunity to meet two brothers from that lodge,
one, Br. Spencer Sergent, who is the Secretary of
Riverside Lodge and was initiated, passed and
raised there, and Wr. Jimmie Rodriguez, who is
a past master of Magnolia #120.
After the hurricane passed through, the brethren
gathered themselves up and returned to discover
the damage that Katrina had wrought on thier
lodge. The red brick building had survived, but
the roof had been severely damaged, the windows
of the third floor were gone, and the lodgeroom
was destroyed.
The pillars, which were the heart of the lodge, a
gilded gift from a brother, hand carved and
donated to the lodge almost a hundred years
ago,were also severely damaged. The cover of this
issue shows those pillars before the hurricane,
immediately after the hurricane, and the pillars
as they are today, restored to their glory.
In the history, the storm damage, and the
restoration of the lodge, one can find a metaphor
for our ancient and honorable fraternity. We have
weatherd many
storms in four
hundred years, and
come out stronger
after each.
This month, we share
the history of this
lodge and images of
its restoration, so that
you can share the experience with them. And so
it is with freemasonry, through the good and the
bad, by sharing the work we draw strength and
Last month, we talked about Prince Hall
Freemasonry, its history, and about masonic
recognition. Recognizing our Prince Hall brethren
is one of the issues that not only divides us, but
unites us. Masonry talks about taking good men
and making them better, and part of the way we
make good men better is in working together
toward common goals. As we struggle to do what
is right, we are truly acting as masons.
The pillars are symbols of the duality of nature,
the spirit and the material, which freemasonry
helps us join, forming the trinity, or the divine
monad of unity. As our brothers in Biloxi pulled
themselves out of the wreckage of the storm, they
came together to aid and assist each other. They
came together through the lodge, even amidst the
destruction they worked to rebuild the lodge.
Today, we see men coming to the lodges.
They are seeking meaning, they are
seeking to be part of something greater
than themselves. They are seeking
brotherhood. Freemasonry offers all those
things, all we have to do is BE there for
these men, as freemsaonry was for us.
Together, we can restore the temple.
Between The
An Editorial
...By the Exercise of
Brotherly Love...
Renewal, Rebirth,
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
3 33 33
Ressurection of a Lodge
Continued on Page 26 - History
The building in the foreground was the...
History of
Magnolia Lodge
Biloxi, MS.
Magnolia Lodge No. 120 was chartered by the
Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi on
February 4, 1850, and has continued active since
that date. At the of the charter and establishment
of the lodge at Biloxi, the town of its domicile
was a small fishing village with shell roads and
frame buildings, but a citizenship with
determination and stability.
The State of Mississippi was then comparatively
young and Harrison County had been established
less than a decade.
Masonry in Mississippi at that time, however,
was in the expansion period, along with other
activities of the young and growing State. Charles
Scott was the Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge for the 1850, and during his year
of service 19 new lodges were chartered in the
State, being numbered from 106 to 124,
inclusive, thus showing a rapid growth and
expansion in the state. Since Masons have
manifested a sustained interest in the liberal
education for the masses of the people, this
excerpt from the annual address of Grand Master
Scott in the year 1851 is interesting:
A spirit of improvement is abroad in the
land. The political and moral worlds are in
agitation. Literature and Science have taken
up their march and wonderful are the
developments of the age. The governments
of the earth are awakened to a lively and
practical sense of the importance and value
of mental culture. Austria, Russia, Germany,
France, England and many of the United
States have embarked on the magnanimous
By R. Theron Dunn
Hurricane Katrina
wreaked havoc on the
United States in 2005.
Millions of dollars in
direct damage, hundreds
of lives lost, property
destroyed and lives
ruined. A category five hurricane, Katrina came
ashore in Biloxi, Mississippi on August 29th,
2005 with sustained winds of 140 plus miles per
Katrina drove a 25-foot wall of water over the
beaches of southern Mississippi and into the
towns along U.S. Highway 90 Monday, after it
came ashore at Buras, Louisiana, as a Category 4
hurricane. (View the video of waves claiming
Mississippi shores -- 3:11)
Katrina destroyed "every one" of the casinos that
raked in a half-million dollars per day to state
coffers, Barbour said. And he said there was
"enormous damage" to Belvoir, the Biloxi home
of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, which
survived Camille with little damage.
"There were 10- and 20-block areas where there
was nothing -- not one home standing," he said.
Many of the state's waterfront casinos are along
U.S. Highway 90, which was underwater Tuesday.
Eastbound lanes of Interstate 10 between Gulfport
and Biloxi were also impassable because of debris
dumped on the road by the storm. One of the
properties damaged in this disaster was that of
Magnolia Lodge #120 in Biloxi, Mississippi. This
lodge is known for many things, and one of the
distinguishing elements of Magnolia lodge are
its pillars. Hand carved by Brother T.J. Rossell a
skilled crasftmen engaged in the woodworking
business. The officers pillars, the altar, and the
East Side of the building
North side of the building
Continued on Page 24 - Ressurection
brazen pillars were all built by him an 1902.
Brother Joe Dowling who was employed by
Rossel at the time personally assisted in their
Their original staining and bronzing were done
by Brother Ed. Suter, one of the most skilled men
in that line that Biloxi has ever produced.
The Brazen Pillars are especially beautiful, and
we believe them to be the most ornate and
attractive of many in the state., and are distinctive
of the brotherly love and affection that pervades
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
4 44 44
Pythagorean Tradition and
By Maurizio Nicosia
Rare are those inhabitants of oriental Sicily aware
that their genetic code continues to be Greek;
likewise few are those, within the Masonic body,
aware that mind and heart of freemasonry is still of
a Pythagorean nature. In the viaticum that
freemasonry shows to the initiated, Pythagorean is
the beginning, or the rational base of knowledge
and Pythagorean as well is the destination, which
in the metarational overcoming of the duality, of
space and time, and therefore of what exists between
life and death, has its own point of arrival
The same origin also has what connects heart and
mind, the sense of measure that the Pythagorean
tradition prescribes in thinking, feeling, and
. Just like whoever could see what today
remains from ancient Greece in modern Sicily,
that is to say ruins of temples amongst
unauthorized modern buildings, it is likewise easy
to ascertain what of effectively Pythagorean still
remains in freemasonry of today.
But within some crucial symbols of the Masonic
viaticum, like the pentalpha, whose conscience
would seems by now to have been lost
, still
intact and well within, the Pythagorean spirit do
pulsates. The relationship between Pythagorism
and freemasonry runs therefore on the thin thread
of analogy, of the ideal and spiritual affinity
founded on the persistence of an initiation that
shows in the regeneration the conclusion of the
viaticum. It will suffice to name Reghini
those people that with better transparency
solicited to practise the Pythagorean conclusion
of the Masonic viaticum.
Each other relationship that is not of analogy and
affinity, be it deep as it may, even if postulating
filiations or derivations of different nature, should
be cautiously set among the dreams, the wishes
and the utopias, to an abysmal distance from the
down-to-earth facts.
It would be first of all very arduous and deceptive
to postulate the close continuity of the
Pythagorean tradition upon times, at least of the
initiatic Order kind, when sources like Cicero,
Diogenes Laertius and Porphirius
, to mention
some authoritative examples of ancient age,
already testify the fading of it.
The modern historiography still debates the
matter of continuity of Pythagorism after the
tragedy of Crotone
, but from the silence that
winds the society in the Alexandrinian age it is
impossible to draw proofs and documents.
If however we mean for tradition not much the
documented uninterrupted initiatic
transmission, but rather an historical
transmission and revival of the Pythagorean
rhizome, or even an initiatory teaching that
transcends the erosion of time and his motion
toward the forgetfulness in virtue of a conquered
perennity, then it appears evident that the
Pythagorean tradition is a karsic river that plunges
and surfaces with rhapsodical flow in parallel
with the Platonism, with which it shares the
fortunes and often the identity
Wherever Pythagorism surfaces, like an oasis it
buds a sapiential literature, sometimes even
, in the shade of a re-composition of
the disjecta membra that translates itself in
Continued on Page 31 - Pythagorean
A Short
History of
By John Nelson Darby
Within Christian
f u n d a me n t a l i s m,
millennialism, or a
belief in a prophesied
end times, can be
divided into three
- a-millennialism: a belief that Christ
currently rules on earth, a belief that grew
after Emperor Constantine gave his
official sanction to the Christian faith;
- historicism: a beliefcommon until the
nineteenth centurythat the prophecies
of Revelation are being worked out
slowly through history since the time of
the Ascension; and
- futurism, or pre-millennialism: a belief
that the drama of the book of Revelation
refers to a brief period of time at the end
of this age. Among pre-millennialists
there is a further split between pre-
tribulationists and post-tribulationists.
All these beliefs are founded on interpretations
of Bible passages, with an emphasis on the
Revelation of St. John the Divine and the
prophecies of Daniel.
The earliest reference to a post-tribulation rapture
is found in the General Epistle of Barnabus.
subsequent writers, such as Daniel Whitby in
1703, promoting versions of post-millennialism,
the rapture teaching was not developed by any
except a few Roman Catholic theologians until
the 1800s, or if it was, its impact or influence is
Examples are easily found within early
Protestant writings of a belief that the Pope was
the embodiment and personification of the spirit
of Antichrist, and that the Roman Church
represented the Mother of Harlots of Rev. xvii.
To combat this, Roman Catholic theologians
developed an interpretation of prophetic
interpretationfuturism counter to that held
within Protestantism.
Rather than viewing the drama of the book of
Revelation spiritually and historically, they would
consign it all to a brief period of time at the end of
the age. As early as 1580, a Jesuit priest, Francisco
de Ribera, in a book that was a mixture of a-
millennialism, historicism and futurism, first
taught that the events contained in the book of
Revelation were to take place during the three and
a half year reign of the Antichrist at the end of the
age. Ribera appears to be responsible for this
system of prophetic interpretation of which the
secret rapture has now become an integral part.
Manuel Lacunza Y Daz (July 19, 1731 - June 17
1801) also wrote about prophecy from a futurist
viewpoint in The Coming of Messiah in Glory
and Majesty.
Completed in 1790, it was placed
on the Vaticans Index of Forbidden Books in
1824. While the pre-tribulation rapture idea is
not found here, Lacunza taught that Jesus returns
not once, but twice, and at the first stage of
His return He raptures His Church so they can
escape the reign of the future Antichrist.
Edward Irving (1792-1834), a leading figure of
the Catholic Apostolic Church of England, and
Minister of the Caledonian Church, Regent
Square, translated Lacunzas book into English,
publishing it in London in 1827. Although Irving
disagreed with Lacunzas views, the futurist
interpretation of prophecythat much of the
Continued on Page 39 - Dispensationalism
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
5 55 55
Grand Lodge); Grand Masters existed in
fact but not in name and presided at one
meeting of a congregation only. Many of
our present usages may be traced in their
original form to this manuscript.
Reprinted from an editorial by Bro. H.L. Haywood
in the September 1923 edition of The Builder
Additional notes
The following description of the original MS. may
be interesting to many readers:
It is written on vellum, is in a good state of
preservation, and is protected by its original
binding of two oak covers, at a former period
secured by a clasp, the ends of which only remain.
Its height is 4 3/8 inches, by 3 3/8 inches in width.
On the first folio, which is fastened down to the
inside of the wood cover, are three portions of
writing by modern hands. The first has been
considerably obliterated, but the word war is
still visible. The second, quite legible, is William
K. The third, in the neat hand of Sir Frederick
Madden, Knt., Keeper of the MSS. in the British
Museum, shows how it came into the library of
that institution by a memoranda stating it was
Purchd of Mrs. Caroline Baker, 14th Oct., 1859.
On fol. 2 is written, in a large bold hand, Jno.
Fenn, 1786, and engrossed across the leaf is
Printing in Germany, 1548. In England, 1471,
Robert Crowe, MDCCLXXXI. There is also the
British Museum press mark, 199g, in pencil.
The verso fol. 2 is stamped with an impression
of the Museum book mark.
On fol. 3 is the number of the MS., viz, 23,198,
inscribed by the Museum officer
whose duty it is to number the books.
There is also, in the same bold hand
as that of Jno. Fenns name on fol. 2,
The Seven Sciences. Geometry. A
History of Masonry. Its Articles,
Points, &c.
The verso of fol. 3 is blank, and the
MS. itself commences on fol. 4.
The book extends over 34 folios, i.e.,
68 pages, and concludes on fol. 38,
six lines down.
Fol. 39 again bears the Museum
stamp, after which a leaf of the
vellum has been cut out, or the side
of a smaller leaf left, so that the
binding threads should retain a firm
hold. It has also been written upon,
but the words are obliterated by
rubbing; yet there are still sufficient
marks left to enable any one to
distinguish the name William K.
in a diamond-shaped border.
Fol. 39b. has some traces of writing,
but they are wholly illegible, and the
same holds good with regard to fol.
40, which latter is fastened down to
the wooden cover at the end.
The History and Articles of
Freemasonry are not put forward as
entirely new to Freemasons. Various
versions of them are to be found in our public
libraries, and, during the last hundred and fifty
years, in print. The Editors friend, J.O. Halliwell,
Esq., printed a Poem on Masonry, which has the
same common features, and sets forth much of
the same history; but until the present book
appeared, there was no prose work of such
undoubted antiquity, know to be in existence, on
the subject. It is this special circumstance that
called forth the present publication, and that the
same might go out to the world as near as possible
to the original, has been one of the chief reasons
for introducing it in its existing form.
Excerpted from the preface to the original 1861
edition. A side by side comparison of the original
and contemporary language starts on the next
by Bro. H.L. Haywood
Next to the Regius the oldest manuscript is that
known as the Cooke. It was published by R.
Spencer, London, 1861 and was edited by Mr.
Matthew Cooke, hence the name. In the British
Museums catalogue it is listed as Additional
M.S. 23,198, and has been dated by Hughan at
1450 or thereabouts, an estimate in
which most of the specialists have
concurred. Dr. Begemann believed the
document to have been compiled and
written in the southeastern portion of
the western Midlands, say, in
Gloucestershire or Oxfordshire,
possibly also in southeast
Worcestershire or southwest
Warwickshire. The Book of Charges
which forms the second part of the
document is certainly of the 14th
century, the historical or first part, of
quite the beginning of the 15th.
(A.Q.C. IX, page 18)
The Cooke MS. was most certainly in
the hands of Mr. George Payne, when
in his second term as Grand Master in
1720 he compiled the General
Regulations, and which Anderson
included in his own version of the
Constitutions published in 1723.
Anderson himself evidently made use
of lines 901-960 of the MS.
The Lodge Quatuor Coronati reprinted
the Cooke in facsimile in Vol. II of its
Antigrapha in 1890, and included
therewith a Commentary by George
William Speth which is, in my own
amateur opinion, an even more brilliant
piece of work than Gould s
Commentary on the Regius. Some of
Speths conclusions are of permanent
value. I paraphrase his findings in my own words:
The M.S. is a transcript of a yet older
document and was written by a Mason. There
were several versions of the Charges to a
Mason in circulation at the time. The MS. is
in two parts, the former of which is an
attempt at a history of the Craft, the latter
of which is a version of the Charges. Of this
portion Speth writes that it is far and away
the earliest, best and purest version of the
Old Charges which we possess. The MS.
mentions nine articles, and these evidently
were legal enforcements at the time; the nine
points given were probably not legally
binding but were morally so.
Congregations of Masons were held here
and there but no General Assembly (or
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript
with Translation
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
6 66 66
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with translation
Page 1 of 8
THonkyd be god
our glorious
ffadir and fo|un|
der and former of heuen
and of erthe and of all
thygis that in hym is
that he wolde foche|s|aue of
his glorius god hed for to
make |s|o mony thyngis of d
uers vertu for mankynd.
ffor he mader all thyngis for
to be abedient & |s|oget to man
ffor all thyngis that ben come|s|
tible of hol|s|ome nature he
ordeyned hit for manys |s|usty
na|n|s. And all to be hath yif
to man wittys and cony|n|g
of dy|ver|s thyngys and craft
tys by the whiche we may
trauayle in this worlde to [20]
gete |wit| our lyuyg to make
diuers thingys to goddis ple
|s|ans and also for our e|s|e and
profyt. The whiche thingis
if I |s|cholde reher|s|e hem hit
wre to longe to telle and to
wryte. Wherfor I woll leue.
but I |s|chall |s|chew you |s|ome
that is to |s|ey ho and in what
wyse the |s|ciens of Gemetry
fir|s|te be ganne and who |wer|
the founders therof and of
othur craftis mo as hit is no
tid in |the| bybill and in othur |s|tories.
How and in what ma
ner |th|at this worthy
|s|ciens of Gemetry be gan I
wole tell you as I sayde bi
fore. ye |s|chall undirstonde
|that| |ther| ben vi|i| |liberall |s|ciens
by the whiche vi|i| all |s|ciens
and craftis in the world were
fyr|s|te founde. and in especiall
for he is causer of all. |that| is to
sey |the| |s|ciens of Gemetry of all
other that be. the whiche v|i|i sci
ens ben called thus. as for the
fir|s|t |that| is called fundament
of sciens his name is gra|mmer|
he techith a man ry|g|thfully to
|s|peke and to write truly. The
|s|econde is rethorik. and he te
chith a man to |s|peke formabe
ly and fayre. The thrid is
dioletic|us|. and |that| |s|ciens techith
a man to discerne the trowthe
fro |the| fals and comenly it is
tellid art or |s|ophstry. The fourth
ys callid ar|s|metryk |the| whiche
techeth a man the crafte of
nowmbers for to rekyn and
to make a coun|t| of all th|y|ge
The ffte Gemetry the which
techith a man all the met|t|
and me|s|u|r|s and ponderat|o|n
of wy|g|htis of all mans craf|t|
The. vi. is musi|k| that techith
a man the crafte of |s|ong in
notys of voys and organ &
trompe and harp and of all
othur |p|teynyng to hem. The
vi|i| is a|s|tronomy that techith
man |the| cours of the |s|onne
and of |the| moune and of ot|her|
|s|terrys & planetys of heuen.
OWr entent is princi
pally to trete of fyrst
fundacion of |the| worthe |s|cy|en|s
of Gemetry and we were
|the| founders |ther| of as I seyde
by fore there ben vi|i| liberall
|s|cyens |that| is to |s|ay vi|i| |s|ciens or
craftys that ben fre in hem
selfe the whiche vi|i|. lyuen
only by Gemetry. And Ge
metry is as moche to |s|ey
as the me|s|ure of the erth
Et sic dici|t| a geo |ge| q|ui|n |R| ter
a latine & metro|n| quod |e|
men|s|ura. U|na| Gemetria. i,
mens|u|r terre uel terra|rum|.
that is to |s|ay in englische that
Gemetria is I |s|eyd of geo |that| is
in gru. erthe, and metro|n| |that| is
to |s|ey me|s|ure. And thus is |this|
nam of Gemetria c|om|pounyd
as is|s|eyd the me|s|ur of |the| erthe.
MErvile ye not that I
|s|eyd that all |s|ciens lyu|e|
all only by the |s|ciens of Geme
try. ffor there is none artifici|-|
all ne honcrafte that is wro|g|th
by manys hond bot hit is
wrou|g|ght by Gemetry. and a
notabull cau|s|e. for if a man
worche |wit| his hondis he wor
chyth |wit| so|m|e ma|nner| tole and
|ther| is none in|s|trument of ma|-|
teriall thingis in this worlde
but hit come of |the| kynde of
erthe and to erthe hit wole
turne a yen. and ther is n|one|
in|s|trument |that| is to |s|ay a tole
to wirche |wit| but hit hath
some p|ro|op|r|orcion more or la|s||s|e
And some proporcion is me|s|ure
the tole er the in|s|trment
is erthe. And Gemetry is
|s|aid the me|s|ure of erth|e| Whe|re|
fore I may |s|ey |that| men lyuen
all by Gemetry. ffor all
men here in this worlde lyue
by |the| labour of her hondys.
MOny mo pbacions I
wole telle yow why |that|
Gemetry is the |s|ciens |that| all re
sonable m|e|n lyue by. but I
Thanked be God,
our glorius
father and found-
er and former of Heaven
and of earth and of all
things that in him is,
that he would vouchsafe, of
his glorious God-head, for to
make so many things of di
vers virtue for mankind;
for He made all things for
to be obedient and subject to man,
for all things that are comes
tible of wholsome nature he
ordained it for mans suste-
nance. And also he hath given
to man wits and cunning
of divers things, and crafts,
by the which we may
travel in this world to
get with our living to make
divers things to Gods plea-
sure, and also for our ease and
profit. The which things
if I should rehearse them it
were too long to tell, and to
write. Wherefore I will leave (them),
but I shall shew you some,
that is to say how, and in what
wise, the science of Geometry
first began, and who were
the founders thereof, and of
other crafts more, as it is noted
in the Bible and in other stories.
How and in what man-
ner that this worthy
science of geometry began, I
will tell you, as I said be-
fore. Ye shall understand
that there be 7 liberal sciences,
by the which 7 all sciences
and crafts, in the world, were
first found, and in espwciall
for he is causer of all, that is to
say the science of geometry of all
other that be, the which 7 sci-
ences are called thus. As for the
first, that is called [the] fundament
of science, his name is grammar,
he teacheth a man rightfully to
speak and to write truly. The
second is rhetoric, and he teach-
eth a man to speak formab-
ly and fair. The third is
dialecticus, and that science teacheth
a man to discern the truth
from the false, and commonly it is
called art or sophistry. The fourth
is called arithmetic, the which
teacheth a man the craft of
numbers, for to reckon and
to make account of all things.
The fifth [is] geometry, the which
teacheth a man all the metcon,
and measures, and ponderacion,
of weights of all mans craft.
The 6th is music, that teacheth
a man the craft of song, in
notes of voice and organ,
and trumpet, and harp, and of all
others pertaining to them. The
7th is astronomy, that teacheth
man the course of the sun,
and of the moon, and of other
stars and planets of heaven.
Our intent is princi-
pally to treat of [the] first
foundation of the worthy science
of geometry, and we were
the foundes thereof, as I said
before. There are 7 liberal
sciences, that is to say, 7 sciences, or
crafts, that are free in them-
selves, the which 7 live
only by geometry. And geo-
metry is as much to say
as the measure of the earth,
Et sic dicitur a geo ge quin R ter
a latin et metron quod est
mensura. Una Geometria in
mensura terra vel terrarum,
that is to say in English, that
gemetria is, I said, of geo that is
in gru, earth, and metron, that is
to say measure, and thus is this
name of Gemetria comounded
and is said [to be] the measure of the
Marvel ye not that I
said, that all sciences live
all only, by the science of geome-
try, for there is none [of them] artifici-
al. No handicraft that is wrought
by mans hand but it is
wrought by geometry, and a
notable cause, for if a man
work with his hands he wor-
keth with some manner [of] tool, and
there is none instrument, of ma-
terial things, in this world
but it come[s] of the kind of
earth, and to earth it will
turn again, and there is none
instrument, that is to say a tool
to work with, but it hath
some proportion, more or less.
And proportion is measure,
the tool, or the instrument,
is earth. And geometry is
said [to be] the measure of [the] earth,
fore, I may say that men live
all by geometry, for all
men here in this world live
by the labour of their hands.
Many more probations I
will tell you, why that
geometry is the science that all rea-
sonable men live by, but I
Continued on Next Page
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leue hit at |this| tyme for |the| l|o|ge
|pro|ce|s||s|e of wrytyng. And now
I woll|prp|cede forthe|r| on me ma
ter. ye |s|chall under|s|tonde |that|
amonge all |the| craftys of |the|
worlde of mannes crafte
ma|s|onry hath the mo|s|te no
tabilite and mo|s|te |par|te of |this|
|s|ciens Gemetry as hit is
notid and |s|eyd in |s|toriall
as in the bybyll and in the
ma|s||ter| of |s|tories. And in poli/cronico
a cronycle |pri|nyd and in the
|s|tories |that| is named Beda
De Imagine m|un|di & Isodo|rus|
ethomologia|rum|. Methodius
epus & marti|rus|. And ot|her|
meny mo |s|eyd |that| ma|s|on|r|y is
principall of Gemetry as
me thenkyth hit may well
be |s|ayd for hit was |the| first
that was foundon as hit is
notid in the bybull in |the| first
boke of Genesis in the iii|i|
chap|ter|. And al|s|o all the doc
tours afor|s|ayde acordeth |ther| to
And |s||u|me of hem |s|eythe hit
more openly and playnly
ry|g|t as his |s|eithe in the by
bull Gene|s|is
ADam is line linyalle
|s|one de|s|cendyng doun|e|
the vi|i| age of adam byfore
noes flode |ther| was a ma|n| |that|
was clepyd lameth the
whiche hadde i|i| wyffes |the|
on hyght ada & a nother
|s|ella by the fyr|s|t wyffe |th|at
hyght ada |he| be gate i|i| |s|onys
|that| one hyght Jobel and the o|ther|
height juball. The elder |s|one
Jobell he was the fists ma|n| [170]
|that| e|ver| found gemetry and
ma|s|onry. and he made how
|s|is & namyd in |the| bybull
Pa|ter| habitantci|um| in tento|-|
ris atq|ue| pasto|rum| That is to
|s|ay fader of men dwellyng
in tentis |that| is dwellyng
how|s|is. A. he was Cayin is
ma|s||ter| ma|s|on and go|ver|nor
of all his werkys whan
he made |the| Cite of Enoch
that was the fir|s|te Cite
that was the fir|s|t Cite |th|at
e|ver| was made and |that| made
Kayme Adam is |s|one. |an|d
yaf to his owne |s|one. Enoch
and yaff the Cyte the n|am|e
of his |s|one and kallyd hit
Enoch. and now hit is
callyd Effraym and |ther| wa|s|
|s|ciens of Gemetry and ma
|s|onri fyr|s|t occupied and
c|on|trenyd for a |s|ciens and
for a crafte and |s|o we may
|s|ey |that| hit was cav|s|e & f|un|
dacion of all craftys and
|s|ciens. And al|s|o |this| ma|n|
Jobell was called Pa|ter|
THe mas|ter| of |s|tories
|s|eith and beda de yma
gyna m|un|di policronicon &
other mo |s|eyn that he wa|s|
|th|e first that made de|per|ce|s|on
of lond |that| e|ver|y man myght
knowe his owne grounde
and labou|re| the|re| on as for
his owne. And also he de
|par|tid flockes of |s|chepe |that|
e|ver|y man myght know hi|s|
owne |s|chepe and |s|o we may
|s|ey that he was the fir|s|t
founder of |that| |sciens. And his
brother Juball. or tuball
was founder of my|s|yke &
|s|ong as pictogoras |s|eyth
in policronycon and the
|s|ame |s|eythe ylodou|re| in his
ethemologi|i| in the v|i| boke
there he |s|eythe that he was
|the| fir|s|t foundere of my|s|yke
and |s|ong and of organ &
trompe and he founde |th|at
|s|ciens by the |s|oune of pon/deracion
of his brotheris hamers |that|
was tubalcaym.
Sothely as |the| bybull
|s|eyth in the chapitre
|that| is to |s|ey the iii|i| of Gene|s|
|that| he |s|eyth lameth gate apon
his other wiffe |that| height |s|ella
a |s|one & a do|ou|c|ter| |the| names of
th|em| were clepid tubalcaym
|that| was |the| |s|one. & his doghter
hight neema & as the poli
cronycon |s|eyth |that| |s|ome men
|s|ey |that| |s|che was noes wyffe
YE |s|chul|le| under|s|tonde
|that| |th|is |s|one tubalcaym
was founder of |s|mythis
craft and o|ther| craft of
meteil |that| is to |s|ey of eyron
of braffe of golde & of |s|il|ver|
as |s|ome docturs |s|eyn & his
|s|ys|ter| neema was fynder of
we|ver|scraft. for by fore |that| time
was no cloth weuyn but
they did spynne yerne and
knytte hit & made h|em| |s|uch|e|
clothyng as they couthe
but as |the| woman neema
founde |the| craft of weuyng
& |ther|fore hit was kalled wo
menys craft. and |th|es ii|i|
brotheryn afore|s|ayd had know
lyche |that| god wold take ven
gans for |s|ynne o|ther| by fyre
leave it, at this time, for the long
process of writing. And now
I will proceed further on my matter.
Ye shall understand that
among all the crafts of the
world, of mans craft,
Masonry hath the most notabil-
ity and most part of this
science, geometry, as it is
noted and said in history,
as in the Bible, and in the
master of history. And in [the]
a chronicle printed, and in the
histories that is named Bede.
De Imagine Mundi; et Isodorus
Ethomolegiarum. Methodius,
Episcopus et Martiris, and others,
many more, said that masonry is
principal of geometry, as
me thinketh it may well
be said, for it was the first
that was founded, as it is
noted in the Bible, in the first
book of Genesis in the 4th
chapter; and also all the doc-
tors aforesaid accordeth thereto,
and some of them saith it
more openly, and plainly,
right as it saith in the Bi
ble, Genesis.
Adams line lineal
son, descending down
the 7th age of Adam before
Noahs flood, there was a man that
was named Lamech the
which had 2 wives, the
one hight Adah, and another
Zillah; by the first wife, that
hight Adah, he begat 2 sons
that one hight Jabal, and the other
hight Jubal. The elder son,
Jabal, he was the first man
that ever found geometry and
Masonry, and he made houses,
and [is] named in the Bible
Pater habitancium in tento-
ris atque pastorum, that is to
say, father of men dwelling
in tents, that is, dwelling
houses. And he was Cains
master mason, and governor
of all his works, when
he made the city of Enock,
that was the first city;
That was the first city that
ever was made, and that made
Cain, Adams son, and
gave to his own son Enock,
and gave the city the name
of his son, and called it
Enock. And now it is
called Ephraim, and there was
[the] science of Geometry, and ma-
sonry, first occupied, and
contrenid, for a science and
for a craft, and so we may
say that it was [the] cause and foun-
dation of all crafts, and
sciences, and also this man,
Jaball, was called pater
The master of stories
saith, and Bede, De Im-
agine Mundi, {the] Policronicon, and
other more say that he was
the first that made depercession
of land, that every man might
know his own ground,
and labour thereon, as for
his own. And also he de-
parted flocks of sheep, that
every man might know his
own sheep, and so we may
say that he was the first
founder of that science. And his
brother Jubal, or Tubal,
was [the] founder of music and
song, as Pythagoras saith
in [the] Policronicon and the
same saith Isodore in his
Ethemologies, in the 6th book,
there he saith that he was
the first founder of music,
and song, and of organ and
trumpet, and he found that
science by the sound of pon-/deration
of his brother s hammers, that
was Tubal Cain.
Soothly as the Bible
saith in the chapter,
that is to say, the 4th of Genesis,
that he saith Lamech begot upon
his other wife, that hight Zillah,
a son and a daughter, the names of
them were called Tubal Cain,
that was the son, and his daughter [was]
called Naamah, and as the Poli-
cronicon saith, that some men
say that she was Noahs wife:
whether it be so, or no, we affirm/ it not.
Ye shall understand
that this son Tubal Cain
was [the] founder of smiths
craft, and of other crafts of
metal, that is to say, of iron,
of brass, of gold, and of silver,
as some doctors say, and his
sister Naamah was finder of
weavers-craft, for before that time
was no cloth woven, but
they did spin yarn and
knit it, and made them such
clothing as they could,
but as the woman Naamah
found the craft of weaving,
and therefore it was called wo-
mens craft, and these 3
brethren, aforesaid, had know-
ledge that God would take ven-
geance for sin, either by fire,
Continued on Next Page
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or watir and they had gre|ter|
care how they my|s|t do to
|s|aue |the| |s|ciens that |th|ey fo|un|de
and |th|ey toke her con|s|el|le|
to gedyr & by all her wit|ts
|th|ey |s|eyde |that| were. i|i| ma|ner| of
|s|tonn of |s|uche |ver|tu |that| |the| one
wolde ne|ver| brenne & |that| |s|to|ne|
is callyd marbyll. & |that| o|ther| sto|ne|
|that| woll not |s|ynke in wa|ter|. &
|that| stone is named la|tr|us. and
|s|o |th|ey deuy|s|yed to wryte all
|the| |s|ciens |that| |th|ey had ffounde in
this i|i| |s|tonys if |that| god wol|de|
take vengns by fyre |that| |the|
marbyll |s|cholde not bren|ne|
And yf god |s|ende vengans
by wa|ter||that| |th|e o|ther| |s|cholde not
droune. & so |th|ey prayed |ther|
elder brother jobell |that| wold
make i|i|. pillers of |th|es. i|i|
|s|tones |that| is to |s|ey of marb|yll|
and of la|tr|us and |that| he wold
write in the i|i|. pylers al|l|
|the| |s|ciens & craf|ts| |that| al|l| |th|ey
had founde. and |s|o he did
and |ther|for we may |s|ey |that|
he was mo|s|t co|nn|yng in
|s|ciens for he fyr|s|t bygan
& |per|formed the end by for
noes flode.
KYndly knowyng of
|that| venganns |that| god
wolde |s|end whether hit
|s|cholde be bi fyre or by wa|ter|
the bretherne hadde hit n|ot|
by a ma|ner| of a |pro|phecy they
wi|s|t |that| god wold |s|end one |ther|
of. and |ther| for thei writen
he|re| |s|ciens in |the|. i|i|. pilers
of |s|tone. And |s||u|me men |s|ey
|that| |th|ey writen in |the|. |s|tonis
all |th|e. vi|i| |s|ciens. but as
|th|ey in here mynde |that| a ven
ganns |s|cholde come. And
to hit was |that| god |s|entd ven
ganns |s|o |that| |ther| come |s|uche
a flode |th|at al|le| |the| worl was
drowned. and al|le| men w|er|
dede |ther| in |s|aue. vii|i|. |per|sonis
And |that| was noe and his
wyffe. and his ii|i|. sonys &
here wyffes. of whiche. ii|i|
sones a|ll| |the| world cam of.
and here namys were na
myd in this ma|ner|. Sem. Cam.
& Japhet. And |this| flode was
kalled noes flode ffor he &
his children were |s|auyed |ther|
in. And af|ter| this flode many
yeres as |the| cronycle telleth
thes. i|i| pillers were founde
& as |the| polycronicon |s|eyth |that|
a grete clerke |that| callede puto|-|/goras
|f|onde |that| one and hermes |the|
philisophre fonde |that| other. &
thei tought forthe |the| |s|ciens |that|
thei fonde |ther| y wryten.
Every cronycle and |s|to
riall and meny other
clerkys and the bybull in |pri|nci
pall wittenes of the makyn|ge|
of the toure of babilon and hit
is writen in |the| bibull Gene|sis
Cap|ter| |x| wo |that| Cam noes
|s|one gate nembrothe and he
war a myghty man apon |the|
erthe and he war a stron|ge|
man like a Gyant and he w|as|
a grete Kyng. and the bygyn
yn|ge| of his kyngdom was
trew kyngd|om| of babilon and
arach. and archad. & talan &
the lond if |s|ennare. And this
same CamNemroth be gan |the| towre
of babilon and he taught and
he taught to his werkemwn |the|
crafte of ma|s|uri and he had
|wit| h|ym| mony ma|s|onys mo |th||an|
|x|l |th|ou|s|and. and he louyd &
chere|s|ched them well. and hit
is wryten in policronicon and
in |the| mas|ter| of |s|tories and in
other |s|tories mo. and |this| a part
wytnes bybull in the |s|ame
|x|. chap|ter| he |s|eyth |that| a
|s|ure |that| was nye kynne to
CamNembrothe yede owt of |the| londe
|s|enare and he bylled the Cie
Nunyve and plateas and o|ther|
mo |th|us he |s|eyth. De tra illa
& de |s|ennare egreffus est a|s|u|re|
& edificauit Nunyven & pla|-|
teas ciuiya|te| & cale & Jesu q|o|q|z|
in|ter| nunyven & hec |est| Ciuita|s|
Re|s|on wolde |that| we |s|chold
tell opunly how & in
what ma|ner| that |the| charges
of ma|s|oncraft was fyr|s|t fo|un|
dyd & ho yaf fir|s|t |the| name
to hit of ma|s|onri and ye
|s|chyll knaw well |that| hit told
and writen in policronicon &
in methodus ep|iscopu|s and mar|ter|
|that| a|s|ur |that| was a worthy lord
of |s|ennare |s|ende to nembroth
|the| kynge to |s|ende h|ym| ma|s|ons
and workemen of craft |that| myght
helpe hym to make his Cite
|that| he was in wyll to make.
And nembroth |s|ende h|ym| |xxx|
C. of masons. And whan |th|ey
|s|cholde go & |s|ende h|em| forth. he
callyd hem by for h|ym| and |s|eyd
to hem ye mo|s|t go to my co
|s|yn a|s|ure to helpe h|ym| to bilde
or water, and they had greater
care how they might do to
save the sciences that they [had] found,
and they took their counsel
together and, by all their witts,
they said that [there] were 2 manner of
stone[s] of such virtue that the one
would never burn, and that stone
is called marble, and that the other stone
that will not sink in water and
that stone is named latres, and
so they devised to write all
the sciences that they had found in
these 2 stones, [so that] if that God would
take vengeance, by fire, that the
marble should not burn.
And if God sent vengeance,
by water, that the other should not
drown, and so they prayed their
elder brother Jabal that [he] would
make 2 pillars of these 2
stones, that is to say of marble
and of latres, and that he would
write in the 2 pillars all
the science[s], and crafts, that all they
had found, and so he did
and, therefore, we may say that
he was most cunning in
science, for he first began
and performed the before
Noahs flood.
Kindly knowing of
that vengeance, that God
would send, whether it
should be by fire, or by water,
the brethren had it not
by a manner of a prophecy, they
wist that God would send one there-
of, and therefore they wrote
their science[s] in the 2 pillars
of stone, and some men say
that they wrote in the stones
all the 7 science[s], but as
they [had] in their mind[s] that a ven-
geance should come. And
so it was that God sent ven-
geance so that there came such
a flood that all the world was
drowned, and all men were
dead therein, save 8 persons,
And that was Noah, and his
wife, and his three sons, and
their wives, of which 3
sons all the world came of,
and their names were na-
med in this manner, Shem, Ham,
and Japhet. And this flood was
called Noahs flood, for he, and
his children, were saved there-
in. And after this flood many
years, as the chronicle telleth,
these 2 pillars were found,
and as the Pilicronicon saith, that
a great clerk that [was] called Pythag/
found that one, and Hermes, the
philosopher, found that other, and
they taught forth the sciences that
they found therein written.
Every chronicle, and his-
tory, and many other
clerks, and the Bible in princi-
pal, witnesses of the making
of the tower of Babel, and it
is written in the Bible, Genesis
Chapter x., how that Ham, Noahs
son begot Nimrod, and he
waxed a mighty man upon the
earth, and he waxed a strong
man, like a giant, and he was
a great king. And the begin-
ning of his kingdom was [that of the]
true kingdom of Babylon, and
Arach, and Archad, and Calan, and
the land of Sennare. And this
same Nimrod began the tower
of Babylon . . . and
he taught to his workmen the
craft of measures, and he had
with him many masons, more than
40 thousand. And he loved and
cherished them well. And it
is written in [the] Policronicon, and
in the master of stories, and in
other stories more, and this in part
witnesseth [the] Bible, in the same
x. chapter [of Genesis,] where he saith
that A-
sur, that was nigh [of] kin to
Nimrod, [and] went out of the land of
Senare and he built the city [of]
Nineveh, and Plateas, and other
more, this he saith de tra illa
et de Sennare egressus est Asur,
et edificavit Nineven et Plateas
civitatum et Cale et Jesu quoque,
inter Nineven et hoec est Civitas
Reason would that we should
tell openly how, and in
what manner, that the charges
of mason-craft was first found-
ed and who gave first the name
of it of masonry. And ye
shall know well that it [is] told
and written in [the] Policronicon and
in Methodius episcopus and Martyrus
that Asure, that was a worthy lord
of Sennare, sent to Nimrod
the king, to send him masons
and workmen of craft that might
help him to make his city
that he was in will to make.
And Nimrod sent him 30 [380]
hunred of masons. And when they
should go and [he should] send them
forth he
called them before him and said
to themYe must go to my cou-
sin Asur, to help him to build
Continued on Next Page
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a cyte but loke |that| ye be well
go|uer|nyd and I |s|chall yeue
yov a charge |pro|fitable for
you & me.
WHen ye come to |that| lord
loke |that| ye be trewe to
hym lyke as ye wolde be to
me. and truly do your labour
and craft and takyt re|s|on|-|
abull your mede |ther|for as ye
may de|s|erue and al|s|o |that| ye
loue to gedyr as ye were
bre|th|eryn and holde to gedyr
truly. & he |that| hath most c|on||yn|g
teche hit to hys felaw and
louke ye go|uer|ne you ayen|s|t
yowr lord and a monge
yowr selfe. |that| I may haue
worchyppe and thonke for
me |s|endyng and techyng
you the crafte. and |th|ey re|s|/ceyuyd
the charge of h|ym| |that| was here
mai|s||ter| and here lorde. and
wente forthe to a|s|ure. &
bilde the cite of nunyve in
|the| count|r|e of plateas and o|ther|
Cites mo |that| men call cale
and Jesen |that| is a gret Cite
bi twene Cale and nunyve
And in this ma|ner| |the| craft
of ma|s|onry was fyr|s|t |pre|fer
ryd & chargyd hit for a |s|ci|en|s.
ELders |that| we|re| bi for us
of ma|s|ons had te|s|e
charges wryten to hem as
we haue now in owr char
gys of |the| |s|tory of Enclidnis
as we have |s|eyn hem writ|en|
in latyn & in Fre|s|nche bothe
but ho |that| Enclyd come to ge|-|
metry re|s|on wolde we
|s|cholde telle yow as hit is
notid in the hybull & in other
|s|tories. In |xii| Capitl|or| Gene|sis|
he tellith how |that| abrah|am| com to
the lond of Canan and owre
lord aperyd to h|ym| and |s|eyd I
|s|chall geue this lond to |th|i
|s|eed. but |ther| |s|yll a grete hun|ger|
in |that| lond. And abraham toke
|s|ara his wiff |wit| him and
yed in to Egypte in pylgre|-|
mage whyle |the| hunger du
red he wolde hyde |ther|. And A
brah|am| as |the| cronycull |s|eyth
he was a wy|s|e man and a
grete clerk. And covthe all
|the|vi|i| |s|ciens. and taughte
the egypeyans |the| |sciens of
Gemetry. And this worthy
clerk Enclidnis was his
clerke and lerned of hym.
And he yaue |the| fir|s|te name
of Gemetry all be |that| hit
was ocupied bifor hit had
no name of gemetry. But
hit is |s|eyd of ylodour Ethe
mologia|rum| in |the| v. boke. Ethe
mologia|rum| Cap|itolo| pmo. |s|eyth
|that| Enclyde was on of |the| fir|s|t
founders of Gemetry &
he yaue hit name. ffor |in|
his tyme ther was a wa
ter in |that| lond of Egypt |that|
is callyd Nilo and hit flowid
|so| ferre in to |the| londe |that| men
myght not dwelle |ther|in
THen this worthi
clerke Enclide taught
hem to make grete wallys
and diches to holde owt |the|
watyr. and he by Gemet
me|s|ured |the| londe and de|par|
tyd hit in dy|ver|s |par|tys. &
mad e|ver|y man to clo|s|e his
awne |par|te |wit| walles and
diches an |the|en hit be c|am|e
a plentuos c|on|untre of all
ma|ner| of freute and of yon|ge|
peple of men and women
that |ther| was |s|o myche pepull
of yonge frute |that| they couth
not well lyue. And |the| lordys
of the countre drew hem to
gedyr and made a councell
how they myght helpe her
childeryn |that| had no lyflode
c|om|potente & abull for to fyn|de|
hem selfe and here childron
for |th|ey had |s|o many. and
a mong hem all in councell
was |this| worthy clerke Encli
dnis and when he |s|a|we| |th|at
all they cou|th|e not btynge
a bout this mater. he |s|eyd
to hem woll ye take y|our| |s|on|ys|
in go|uer|nanns & I |s|chall tec|he|
hen |s|uche a sciens |that| they
|s|chall iyue ther by |j|entel
manly vnder condicion |that|
ye wyll be |s|wore to me to
|per|fourme the go|uer|na|nn|s |that|
I |s|chall |s|ette you too and
hem bothe and the kyng
of |the| londe and all |the| lordys
by one a|ss|ent gra|un|tyd |ther| too.
REson wolde |that| e|uer|y m|an|
woulde graunte to |that|
thyng |that| were |pro|fetable to h|im|
|s|elf. and they toke here |s|o
nys to enclide to go|uer|ne
hem at his owne wylle &
he taught to hem the craft
Masonry and yaf hit |th|e
name of Gemetry by cav|s|e
of |the| |par|tyng of |the| grounde |that|
he had taught to |the| peple
in the time of |the| makyng
of |the| wallys and diches a
for |s|ayd to claw|s|e out |the|
a city; but look [to it] that ye be well
governed, and I shall give
you a charge profitable for
you and me.
When ye come to that lord
look that ye be true to
him like as ye would be to
me, and truly do your labour
and craft, and take reason-
able your meed therefore as ye
may deserve, and also that ye
love together as ye were
brethren, and hold together
truly; and he that hath most cunning
teach it to his fellow; and
look ye govern you against
your lord and among
yourselves, that I may have
worship and thanks for
my sending, and teaching,
you the craft. and they re-/ceived
the charge of him that was their
master and their lord, and
went forth to Asur, and
built the city of Ninevah, in
the country of Plateas, and other
cities more that men call Cale
and Jesen, that is a great city
between Cale and Nineveh.
And in this manner the craft
of masonry was first prefer-
red and charged it for a science.
Elders that were before us,
of masons, had these
charges written to them as
we have now in our char-
ges of the story of Euclid,
as we have seen them written
in Latin and in French both;
but how that Euclid came to [the
knowledge of]
geometry reason would we
should tell you as it is
noted in the Bible and in other
stories. In the twelfth chapter of Genesis
he telleth how that Abraham came to
the Land of Canaan, and our
Lord appeared to him and said, I
shall give this land to thy
seed; but there fell a great hunger
in that land, and Abraham took
Sarah, his wife, with him and
went into Egypt in pilgrim-
age, [and] while the hunger [en]dur-
ed he would bide there. And A-
braham, as the chronicle saith,
he was a wise man and a
great clerk, and couthe all
the 7 science[s] and taught
the Egyptians the science of
geometry. And thid worthy
clerk, Euclid, was his
clerk and learned of him.
And he gave the first name
of geometry, all be that it
was occupied before it had
no name of geometry. But
it is said of Isodour, Ethe-
mologiarum, in the 5th booke Ethe-
molegiarum, capitolo primo, saith
that Euclid was one of the first
founders of geometry, and
he gave it [that] name, for in
his time that was a wa- [there]
ter in that land of Egypt that
is called [the] Nile, and it flowed
so far into the land that men
might not dwell therein.
Then this worthy
clerk, Euclid, taught
them to make great walls
and ditches to holde out the
water; and he, by geometry,
measured the land, and depar-
ted it in divers parts, and
made every man close his
own part with walls and
ditches, and then it became
a plenteous country of all
manner of fruit and of young
people, of men and women,
that there was so much people
of young fruit that they could
not well live. And the lords
of the country drew them [selves] to-
gether and made a council
how they might help their
children that had no livelihood,
competent and able, for to find
themselves and their children
for thy had so many. And
among them all in council
was this worthy clerk Euclid,
and when he saw that
all they could not bring
about this matter he said
to them-Will ye take your sons
in governance, and I shall teach
them such science that they
shall live thereby gentle-
manly, under condition that
ye will be sworn to me to
perform the governance that
I shall set you to and
them both. And the king
of the land and all the lords,
by one assent, granted thereto.
Reason would that every man
would grant to that
thing that were profitable to him-
self, and they took their sons
to Euclid to govern
them at his own will, and
he taught to them the craft,
Masonry, and gave it the
name of geometry, because
of the parting of the ground that
he had taught to the people,
in the time of the making
of the walls and ditches a-
foresaid, to close out the
Continued on Next Page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
10 10 10 10 10
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with translation
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watyr. & I|s|odor |s|eyth in his
Ethemolegies |that| Enclide
callith the craft Gemetrya
And |ther| this worthye clerke
yaf hit name and taught
hitt the lordis |s|onys of |the|
londe |that| he had in his tech|in|g
And he yaf h|em| a charge |that|
they scholde calle here eche
other ffelowe & no nother
wise by cav|s|e |that| they were
all of one crafte & of one
gentyll berthe bore & lor|ds|
|s|onys. And also he |that| we|re|
most of c|on|nyng scholde be
go|uer|nour of |the| werke and
scholde be callyd mais|ter| &
other charges mo |that| ben
wryten in |the| boke of char
gys. And |s|o they wrought
|with| lordys of |the| lond & made
cities and tounys ca|s|telis
& templis and lordis placis.
WHat tyme |that |the| chil
dren of i|s|rl dwellid
|in| egypte they lernyd |the|
craft of masonry. And
afturward |th|ey were
dryuen ont of Egypte |th|ey
come in to |th|e lond of bihest
and is now callyd ierl|e|m
and hit was ocupied & char
gys y holde. And |the| mak|yn|g
of |s|alomonis tempull |that|
Kyng Dauid be gan. k|yn|g
dauid louyd well ma|s|ons
and he yaf hem ry|g|t nye
as |th|ey be nowe. And at |the|
makyng of |the| temple in
|s|alomonis tyme as hit
is seyd in |the| bibull in |the|
ii|i| boke of Regu in |ter|cio
Reg|um| Cap|itolo| quinto. That
Salomon had iii|i|. score
thow|s|and masons at
his werke. And |the| kyngi|s|
|s|one of Tyry was |his| ma|s||ter|
ma|s|en. And other crony
clos hit is |s|eyd & in olde
bokys of ma|s|onry that
Salomon c|on|firmed |the| char
gys |that| dauid has fadir had
yeue to ma|s|ons. And |s|alo
mon hym |s|elf taught h|em|
here maners byt lityll
differans fro the maners
that now ben u|s|yd. And fro
thens |this| worthy |s|ciens
was brought |in to fraunce
And in to many o|ther| regi|on|s
SUmtyme ther w|as|
a worthye kyng in
ffrauns |that| was clepyd Ca
rolus |s|c|undu|s |that| ys to |s|ey
Charlys |the| |s|ecunde. And |this|
Charlys was elyte kyng
of ffrauns by the grace of
god & by lynage also. And
|s|u|mm|e men |s|ey |that| he was
elite by fortune ||the| whiche
is fals as by cronycle he
was of |the| kynges blode
Royal. And |this| |s|ame kyng
Charlys was a ma|s|on
bi for |that| he was kyng. And
af|ter| |that| he was kyng he louyd
ma|s|ons & cher|s|chid them
and yaf hem chargys and
ma|ner|ys at his deui|s|e |the| which|e|
|s||um| ben yet u|s|ed in fraunce
and he ordeynyd that |th|ey
|s|cholde haue a |s|emly onys
in |the| yere and come and
|s|peke to gedyr and for to be
reuled by ma|s|ters & felows
of thynges a my|ss|e.
ANd |s||oo|ne af|ter| |that| come
|s|eynt ad habell in to Englond
and he c|on||uer|tyd |s|eynt Albon
to cristendome. And |s|eynt
Albon lovyd well ma|s|ons
and he yaf hem fyr|s|t he|re|
charges & maners fyr|s|t
in Englond. And he or
deyned c|on|uenyent to pay
for |the| trauayle. And af|ter|
|theat| was a worthy kyn|ge|
in Englond |that| was callyd
Athelstone and his yong
est |s|one lovyd well the
|s|ciens of Gemetry. and
he wy|s|t well|that| hand craft
had the practyke of |the |s|ci
ens of Gemetry to well
as masons wherefore he
drewe hym |to| c|on|sell and ler
nyd practyke of |that| |s|ciens
to his |s|peculatyf. For of |s|pec
culatyfe he was a ma|s||ter|
and he lovyd well ma
|s|onry and ma|s|ons. And
he bicome a mason hym
|s|elfe. And he yaf hem charg|es|
and names as hit is now
vsyd id Englond. and in
othere countries. And he
ordyned |that| |th|ey |s|chulde haue
re|s|onabull pay. And pur
cha|s|ed a fre patent of |the| k|y|ng
that they |s|choulde make a
|s|embly whan thei |s|awe re|-|
|s|onably tyme a c|u| to gedir to
he|re| counsel|le| of |the| whiche
Charges manors & |s|emble
as is write and taught |in| |th|e
boke of our charges wher
for I leue hit at this tyme.
GOod men for this
cau|s|e and |this| man|er|
ma|s|onry toke fir|s|te begyn|-|
nyng. hit befyll |s||um|tyme
water, and Isodore saith, in his
Ethemologies, that Euclid
calleth the craft geometry;
and there was this worthy clerk
gave it name, and taught
it the lords sons of the
land that he had in his teaching.
And he gave them a charge that
they should call here each
other fellow, and no other-
wise, because that they were
all of one craft, and of one
gentle birth born, and lords
sons. And also he that were
most of cunning should be
governor of the work, and
should be called master, and
other charges more that are
written in the book of char-
ges. And so they wrought
with lords of the land, and made
cities and towns, castles
and temples, and lords palaces.
What time that the chil-
drewn of Israel dwelt
in Egypt they learned the
craft of masonry. And
afterward, [when] they were
driven out of Egypt, they
came into the land of behest,
and is now called Jerusalem,
and it was occupied and char-
ges there hel. And the making
of Solomons temple that
king David began. (King
David loved well masons,
and he gave them right nigh
as they be now.) And at the
making of the temple in
Solomons time as it
is said in te Bible, in the
3rd book of Regum in tercio
Regum capitolo quinto, that
Solomon had 4 score
thousand masons at
his work. And the kings
son, of Tyre, was his master
Mason. And [in] other chroni-
cles it is said, and in old
books of masonry, that
Solomon confirmed the char-
ges that David, his father, had
given to masons. And Solo-
mon himself taught them
there manners [with] but little [their ?]
difference from the manners
that now are used. And from
thence this worthy science
was brought into France
and into many other regions
Sometime there was
a worthy king in
France that was called Ca-
rolus secundus, that is to say,
Charles the Second, and this
Charles was elected king
of France, by the grace of
God and by lineage also. And
some men say that he was
elected by fortune, the which
is false, as by [the] chronicle he
was of the kings blood
royal. And this same King,
Charles, was a mason
before that he was king, and
after that he was king he loved
Masons and cherished them,
and gave them charges and
manners at his device, [of] the which
some are yet used in France;
and he ordained that they
should have [an] assembly once
in the year, and come and
speak together, and for to be
ruled by masters and fellows
of all things amiss.
And soon after that came
Saint Adhabell into England,
and converted Saint Alban
to Christianity. And Saint
Alban loved well masons,
and he gave them first their
charges and manners first
in England. And he or-
dained convenient [times] to pay
for the travail. And after
that was a worthy king
in England that was called
Athelstan, and his young-
est son loved well the
science of geometry, and
he wist well that hand-craft
had the practice of the sci
ence of geometry so well
as masons, wherefore he
drew him to council and learn-
ed [the] practice of that science
to his speculative, for of specu-
lative he was a master,
and he loved well mason-
ry and masons. And
he became a mason him-
self, and he gave them charges
and names as it is now
used in England, and in
other countries. And he
ordained that they shouuld have
reasonable pay and purchas-
ed a free patent of the king
that they should make [an] assem-
bly when they saw a reason-
able time and come together to
their councillors of which
charges, manners, and assembly,
as it is written and taught in the
book of our charges, wherefore
I leave it at this time.
Good men for this
cause and this manner
Masonry took [its] first begin-
ning. It befel sometime[s]
Continued on Next Page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
11 11 11 11 11
|that| grete lordis had not |s|o
grete po|s||s| e|s||s|ions |that| they
myghte not a vaunce here
fre bigeton childeryn for
|th|ey had so many. Therefore
they toke coun|s|ell howe |th|ey
my|g|t here childeryn ava|n|ce
and ordeyn hem one|s|tly to
lyue. And |s|ende af|ter| wy|s|e
mai|s|ters of |the| worthy |s|ci
ens of Gemetry |that| |they| thorou
here wy|s|dome |s|chold ordey/ne
hem |s||um| hone|s|t lyuyng
Then on of them |that| had |the|
name whiche was callyd
Englet |that| was most |s|otell
& wi|s|e founder ordeyned
and art and callyd hit ma
|s|onry. and so |with| his art ho
nestly he tho|g|t |the| childeren
of get lordis bi |the| pray
er of |the| fathers and |the| fre
will of here children. |the|
wiche when thei tau|g|t |with|
hie Cure bi a |s|erteyn ty|me|
|th|ey were not all ilyke ab/ull
for to take of |the| for|s|eyde art
Wherefore |the| for|s|ayde mai|s||ter|
Englet ordeynet thei were
pa|s||s|ing of conyng |s|chold
be pa|s||s|ing honoured. And
ded to call |the| c|on|nyn|ger| mai|s|ter|
for to enforme |the| la|s||s|e of c|on|
nyng ma|s|ters of |the| wiche
were callyd ma|s|ters of no
bilite of witte and c|on|nyng
maundid |that| thei |that| were la|s||s|e
of witte |s|chold not be callyd
|s|eruan|ter| ner |s|ogett but felau
ffor nobilite of here gentyll
nlode. In this ma|n|e|r| was |the|
for|s|ayde art begunne |i|n |the|
lond of Egypte by |the| for|s|ayde
mai|s||ter| Englat & so hit went
fro lond to londe and fro k|yn|g
dome to kyngdome af|ter| |that| ma|-|
ny yeris in |the| tyme of kyng
adhel|s|tone wiche was |s|um
tyme kynge of Englonde bi
his co|un|n|s|el|ler| and other gre|ter|
lordys of |the| lond bi c|om|yn
a|s||s|ent for grete defavt y
fennde amon|ger| ma|s|ons |th|ei
ordeyned a certayne reule
a mongys hom on tyme of
|the| yere or in ii|i| yere as nede
were to |the| kyn|g| and gret
lordys of |the| londe and all |the|
comente fro |pr|oynce to |pr|o|yn|ce
and fro co|u|ntre to co|u|ntre
c|on|gregacions |s|cholde be made
by mai|s|ters of all mai|s||ter|s
ma|s|ons and felaus in the
for|s|ayd art. And |s|o at |s|uche
c|on|gregac|o|ns they |that| be mad
ma|s|ters |s|chold be examined
of |the| articuls af|ter| writen. &
be ran|s|akyd whether thei be
abull and kunnyn|g| to |the| |pr|
fyte of |the| lordys hem to serue
and to |the| honour of |the| for|s|aid
art and more o|uer| they |s|chulde
receyue here charge |that| they
|s|chuld well and trewly di|s|
pende |the| goodys of here lordis
and as well |the| lowi|s|t as |the|
hie|s|t for they ben her lordys
for |the| tyme of whom |h|ei take
here pay for here cervyce
and for here trauayle. The
fir|s|te article ys this |that| e|uer|y
mai|s||ter| of |th|is art |s|chulde be
wy|s||s|e and trewe to |the| lord |that| he
|s|eruyth di|s|pendyng his godis
trule as he wolde his awne
were di|s|pendyd. and not yefe
more pay to no ma|s|on than
he wot he may di|s|erue af|ter| |the|
derthe of korne & vytayl in |the|
c|o|ntry no fauour |with| stond|y|g
for e|uer|y ma|n| to be rewardyd
af|ter| his trauayle. The se|c|nd
article is this |that| e|uer|y ma|s||ter|
of |this| art |s|cholde be warned
by fore to cum to his cogrega|t|
|that| thei com dewly but yf thei
may a|s||s|cu|s|yd by |s|ume ma|ner|
cause. But ne|uer|le|s||s|e if |th|ey
be founde rebell at |s|uche c|on|
gregacions or fauty in eny
ma|ner| harme of here lordys
and reprene of this art thei
|s|chulde not be excu|s|yd in no
ma|ner|e out take |per|ell of dethe
and thow they be in |per|yll of
dethe they |s|call warne |the|
mai|s||ter| |that| is pryncipall of |the|
gederyng of his de|s||s|e|s|e. |the|
article is this |that| no ma|s||ter|
take noprentes for la|s||s|e terme
than vi|i| yer at |the| le|s|t. by
caus|e| whi |s|uche as ben |with| |i|
la|s||s|e terme may not |pro|fitely
come to his art. nor abull
to serue truly his lorde to
take as a mason |s|chulde
take. The iii|i| article is |this|
|that| no ma|s||ter| for no |pro|fyte take
no prentis for to be lernyd
that is bore of bonde blode
fore bi cau|s|e of his lorde to
whom he is bonde woll tak|e|
hym as he well may fro
his art & lede hym |with| h|ym| out
of his logge or out of his
place |that| he worchyth in for
his felaus |per|auen|ter| wold help
hym and debte for h|ym|. and
thereoff man|s|laughter my|g|t
ry|s|e hit is forbede. And also
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with translation
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that great lords had not so
great possessions that they
might not advance their
free begotten children, for
thet had so many, therefore
they took counsel how they
might their children advance
and ordain them honestly to
live. And [they] sent after wise
masters of the worthy sci-
ence of geometry that they, through
their wisdom, should ordain
them some honest living.
Then one of them, that had the
name which was called
Englet, that was most subtle
and wise founder, ordained
an art and called it Ma-
sonry, and so with his art, hon-
estly, he taught the children
of great lords, by the pray-
er of the fathers and the free-
will of their children, the
which when they [were] taught with
high care, by a certain time,
they were not all alike able
for to take of the [a]foresaid art
wherefore the [a]foresaid master,
Englet, ordained [that] they [who] were
passing of cunning should
be passing honured, and
ded to call the cunninger master
for to inform the less of cun-
ning masters, of the which
were called masters, of no-
bility of wit and cunning
of that art. Nevertheless they com-
manded that they that were less
of wit should not be called
servant, nor subject, but fellow,
for nobility of their gentle
blood. In this manner was the
[a]foresaid art begun in the
land of Egypt, by the [a]foresaid
master Englet, and so it went
from land to land, and from king-
dom to kingdom. After that, ma-
ny years, in the time of King-
Athelstan, which was some
time king of England, by
his councillors, and other greater
lords of the land, by common
assent, for great default
found among masons, they
ordained a certain rule
amongst them: one time of
the year, or in 3 years as need
were to the king and great
lords of the land, and all the
comonalty, from province to province,
and from country to country,
congregations should be made,
by masters, of all masters,
Masons, and fellows in the
[a]foresaid art, and so, at such
congregations, they that be made
masters should be examined,
of the articles after written, and
be ransacked whether they be
able and cunning to the pro-
fit of the lords [having] them to serve
and to the honour of the [a]foresaid
art. And, moreover, they should
receive their charge that they
should well and truly dis-
pend the goods of their lords,
as well the lowest as the
highest, for they be their lords,
for the time, of whom they take
their pay for their service
and for their travail. The
first Article is this,That every
master of this art should be
wise and true to the lord that he
serveth, dispending his goods
truly as he would his own
were dispensed, and not give
more pay to no mason than
he wot he may deserve, after the
dearth of corn and victual in the
country, no favour withstanding,
for every man to be rewarded
after his travail. The second
Article is this,That every master
of this art should be warned,
before, to come to his congregation,
that they come duly, but if they
may [be] excused by some manner [of]
cause. But, nevertheless, if they
be found rebel[lious] at such con-
gregations, or faulty in any
manner [of] harm of their lords,
and reproof of this art, they
should not be excused in no
manner [with]out taking peril of death,
and though they be in peril
of death, they shall warn the
master that is principal of the
gathering of his decease. The
[third] Article is this,That no master
take no [ap]prentice for [a] less term
than 7 year[s] at the least, be-
cause such as be within [a]
less term may not, profitably,
come to his art nor able
to serve, truly, his lord [and] to
take as a mason should
take. The 4th Article is this,
That no master, for no profit, take
no [ap]prentice, for to be learned,
that is born of bond blood,
for, because of his lord, to
whom he is bond, will take
him as he well may, from
his art and lead him, with him, out
of his lodge, or out of his
place, that he worketh in, for
his fellows, peradventure, would help
him and debate for him, and
thereof manslaughter might
[a]rise, it is forbid[den.] And also
Continued on Next Page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
12 12 12 12 12
for a nother cau|s|e of his art
hit toke begynnyng of grete
lordis children frely beget|yn|
as hit is |i|seyd bi for. The
v. article is thys |that| no ma|s|ter|
yef more to his prentis in
tyme of his prenti|s|hode for
no |pro|phite to be take than he
note well he may di|s||s|erue
of |the| lorde |that| he |s|eruith |nor| not
|s|o moche |that| |the| lorde of |the| place
|that| he is taught |i|nne may
haue |s|um |pro|fyte bi his te|-|
chyng. The v|i|. article is
this |that| no ma|s||ter| for no coue
ty|s|e ne|r| |pro|fite take no p|re|n
tis to teche |that| is un|per|fyte |that|
is to |s|ey havyng eny ma|ym|
for |the| whiche he may not
trewely worche as hym
ought for to do. The vi|i|.
article is this |that| np mai|s||ter| be
y founde wittyngly or help
or |pro|cure to be maynte|ner| &
|s|u|s|tey|ner| any comyn ny|g|twal
ker to robbe bi the whiche
ma|ner| of ny|g|twalkin|g|
thei may not fulfyll |ther| day|s|
werke and traueyell thorow
|the|c|on|dicion he|r| felaus my|g|t
be made wrowthe. The vii|i|
article is this |that| yf hit befall
|that| any ma|s|on |that| be |per|fyte and
c|on|nyng come for to |s|eche
werke and fynde any vn|per|fit
and vnkunnyng worchyng
|the| ma|s||ter| of |the| place |s|chall re
ceyue |the| |per|fite and do a wey |the|
vn|per|fite to |the| |pro|fite of his lord
The ix. article is this |th|at
no mai|s||ter| |s|chall supplant
a nother for hit is |s|eyd in |the|
art of ma|s|onry |that| no man
|s|cholde make ende |s|o well
of werke bigonne bi a no
ther to |the| |pro|fite of his lorde
as he bigan hit for to end
hit bi his maters or to wh|om|e
he |s|cheweth his maters.
This councell ys made bi dy
uers lordis & mai|s|ters of
dyvers |pro|vynces and di|uer|s
c|on|gregacions of ma|s|onry
and hit is to wyte |that| who |that|
covetyth for to come to the
|s|tate of |that| for|s|eyd art hit be
hoveth hem fyrst |pri|ncypally
to god and holy chyrche &
all halowis and his mas|ter|
and his felowis as his a|wn|e
brotheryn. The |s|econde poynt
he mo|s|t fulfylle his dayes
werke truly |that| he takyth for
his pay. The. ii|i|. |point| he can
hele the councell of his felo|ws|
in logge and in chambere
and in e|uer|y place |ther| as ma|s||on|s
beth. The iii|i|. poynt |that| he be
no di|s||s|eyver of |the| for|s|eyd art
ne do no |pre|iudice ne |s|u|s|teyne
none articles ayen|s|t |the| art
ne a yen|s|t none of |the| art
but he |s|chall |s|u|s|teyne hit
in all honovre in as moche
as he may. The. v. poynt
whan he schall take his
pay |that| he take hit mekely
as the tyme ys ordeynyd bi
the mai|s||ter| to be done and |that|
he fulfylle the accepcions
of trauayle and of his re|s|t
y ordeyned and |s|ette by |the|
mai|s||ter|. The. v|i|. poynt yf
eny di|s|corde |s|chall be bitwe
ne hym & his felows he
|s|chall a bey hym mekely &
be stylle at |the| byddyng of
his ma|s||ter| or of |the| wardeyne
of his ma|s||ter| in his ma|s||ter|s
absens to |the| holy day fo|-|
lowyng and |that| he accorde
then at |the| di|s|pocion of his
felaus and not upon |the| wer
keday for lettyng of here
werke and |pro|fyte of his lord
The. vi|i|. poynt |that| he covet
not |the| wyfe ne |the| doughter
of his ma|s|ters no|ther| of his
felaws but yf hit be in ma|-|
tuge nor holde c|on|cubines
for dy|s|cord |that| my|g|t fall a
monges them. The. vii|i|
poynt yf hit befalle hym
ffor to be wardeyne vndyr
his ma|s||ter| |that| he be trewe mene
bitwene his ma|s||ter| & his
felaws and |that| he be be|s|y in
the ab|s|ence of his ma|s||ter| to
|the| honor of his ma|s||ter| and |pro||-
fit to |the| lorde |that he |s|erueth
The. iX. poynt yf he be wy|s|er
and |s|otellere |th|an his felawe
worchyng |with| hym in his
logge or in eny other place
and he |per||s|eyue hit |that| he |s|chold
lefe the stone |that| he worchyt a|-|
pon for defawte of c|on|nyng
and can teche hym and a
mende |the| |s|tone he |s|chall en/forme
hym and helpe h|im| |that| the more
loue may encre|s|e among h|em|
and |that| |the| werke of |the| lorde be not
lo|s|t. Whan the ma|s||ter| and |the| fe
lawes be for warned ben y
come to |s|uche c|on|gregac|on|ns
if nede be |the| Schereffe of |the|
countre or the mayer of |the|
Cyte or alderman of |the| town|e|
in wyche the c|on|gregac|on|s ys
hold|en| |s|chall be felaw and so
ciat to |the| ma|s||ter| of the c|on|gre
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with translation
Page 7 of 8
for another cause of his art,
it took beginning of great
lords children, freely begotten,
as it is said before. The
5th Article is this,That no master
give more to his [ap]prentice in
time of his [ap]prenticehood, for
no profit to be take[n], than he
note[s] well he may deserve
of the lord that he serveth, nor not
so much that the lord, of the place
that he is taught in, may
have some profit of his teach-
ing. The 6th Article is
this,That no master for no coveteous-
ness, nor profit, take no [ap]pren-
tice to teach that is imperfect, that
is to say, having any maim
for the which he may not
truly work as he
ought for to do. The 7th
Article is this,That no master be
found wittingly, or help
or procure. to be [a] maintainer and
sustainer [of] any common night wal-
ker to rob, by the which
manner of night-walking
they may not fulfil their days
work and travail, [and] through
the condition their fellows might
be made wroth. The 8th
Article is this,That if it befal
that any mason that be perfect, and
cunning, come for to seek
work and find an imperfect
and uncunning working,
the master of the place shall re-
ceive the perfect, and do away the
imperfect, to the profit of his lord.
The 9th Article is this,That
no master shall supplant
another for it is said, in the
art of masonry, that no man
should make end so well
of work begun by ano-
ther, to the profit of his lord,
as he [that] began it, for to end
it by his matters, or to whom
he sheweth his matters.
This council is made by di-
vers lords and masters of
divers provinces and divers
congregations of masonry
and it is, to wit, that who that
coveteth for to come to the
state of the [a]foresaid art it be-
hoveth them first, principally,
to God and holy church, and
all-halows, and his master
and his fellows as his own
brethren. The second Point,
He must fulfil his days
work truly that he taketh for
his pay. The 3rd [Point].That he can
hele the counsel of his fellows
in lodge, and in chamber,
and in every place there as Masons
be. The 4th Point,That he be
no deceiver of the [a]foresaid art,
nor do no prejudice, nor sustain
no articles, against the art,
nor against none of the art,
but he shall sustain it
in all honour, inasmuch
as he may. The 5th Point,
When he shall take his
pay, that he take it meekly,
as the time is ordained by
the master to be done, and that
he fulfil the acceptations
of travail, and of rest,
ordained and set by the
master. The 6th Point,If
any discord shall be be-
tween him and his fellows he
shall obey him meekly, and
be still at the bidding of
his master, or of the warden
of his master, in his masters
absence, to the holy-day follow-
ing, and that he accord
then at the disposition of his
fellows, anot upon the work-
day for letting of their
work and profit of his lord.
The 7th Point,That he covet
not the wife, not the daughter,
of his masters, neither of his
fellows, but if it be in mar-
riage, nor hold concubines,
for discord that might fall a-
mongst them. The 8th
Point,If it befal him
for to be warden under
his master, that he be true mean
between his master and his
fellows, and that he be busy in
the absence of his master to
the honour of his master and pro-
fit of the lord that he serveth.
The 9th Point,If he be wiser,
and subtler than his fellow
working with him in his
lodge, or any other place,
and he perceive it that he should
leave the stone that he worketh up-
on, for default of cunning,
and can teach him and a-
mend the stone, he shall in-/form
him and help him, that the more
love may increase among them,
and that the work of the lord be not
lost. When the master and the fel-
lows be forewarned [and] are
come to such congregations,
if need be, the Sheriff of the
Country, or the Mayor of the
City, or Alderman of the Town,
in which the congregations is
holden, shall be fellow, and [as] soci-
ate, to the master of the congre-
Continued on Next Page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
13 13 13 13 13
The Matthew Cooke Manuscript with translation
Page 8 of 8
gation, in help of him, against re-
bels and [for the] up-bearing the right
of the realm. At the first begin-
ning new men, that never were
charged before, be charged
in this manner,That [they] should
never be thieves, nor thieves
maintainers, and that [they] should
truly fulfil their days
work, and travail, for their
pay that they shall take of
their lord, and [a] true account
give to their fellows, in things
that be to be accounted of
them, and to hear, and them
love as themselves. And they
shall be true to the King
of England, and to the realm,
and that they keep, with all their
might, and all the Articles
aforesaid. After that it shall
be enquired if any master, or
fellow, that is warned, have
broke[n] any Article beforesaid,
the which, if they have done,
gacion in helpe of h|ym| ayenst re
belles and vpberyng |the| ry|g|t
of the reme. At |the| fyrst beg|yn|
nyng new men |that| ne|uer| we|re|
chargyd bi fore beth charged
in |th|is manere that |s|chold
neuer be theuys nor |th|euys
meynteners and |that| |s|chuld
tryuly fulfyll he|re| dayes
werke and truayle for he|re|
pay that |th|ey |s|chull take of
here lord and trewe a coun|t|
yeue to here felaus in th|yn|
gys |that| be to be a countyd of
hem and to here and hem
loue as hem |s|elfe and they
|s|chall be trew to the kynge
of englond and to the reme
and that they kepe |with| all |ther|
my|g|t and all the articles
a for |s|ayd. Af|ter| that hit |s|chall
be enqueryd if ony ma|s||ter| or
felaw that is y warnyd haue
y broke ony article be for|s|ayd
the whiche if they haue done
Continued on Page 41 - Rome
hit schall be de termyned |ther|.
Therefore hit is to wyte if
eny ma|s||ter| or felawe that is
warnyd bifore to come to
|s|uche c|on|gregac|on|ns and be
rebell and woll not come or
els haue tre|s|pa|s||s|ed a yen|s|t
any article befor|s|ayd if hit
may be |pro|uyd he |s|chall for|-|
|s|were his ma|s|onri and |s|chal
no more v|s|e his craft. Thehe may be
founde worchyn|ge|
he |s|chall |pri||s|on h|im| & take all
his godys |in| to |the| kynges hond
tyll his |gra|ce be |gra|ntyd h|im| & y |s|che
wed for |this| cau|s|e |pri|ncipally w|her|
|th|es c|on|gregat|on|ns ben y ordeyned
that as well the lowist as
as the hie|s|t |s|chuld be well
and trewely y |s|eruyd in
his art bifore|s|ayd thorow
owt all the kyngdom of
Englond. Amen |s|o mote
hit be
it shall be determined there.
Therefore, it is to wit, if
any master, or fellow, that is
warned before to come to
such congregations and be
rebell[ious], and will not come, or
else have trespassed against
any Article beforesaid, if it
may be proved, he shall for-
swear his Masonry and shall
no more use his craft; in which
he may be found working,
he shall [im]prison him and take all
his goods into the kings hand
till his grace be granted him and shew-
ed. For this cause, principally, where
these congregations ordained
that as well the lowest, as
the highest, should be well
and truly served in
his art, beforesaid, through-
out all the kingdom of
Amen: So Mote it be.
Freemasonry and Rome
Does the Roman Catholic Church Allow Her
Members to Join Freemasonry?
The answer to the question, are Roman Catholics
allowed to join Freemasonry, is not a simple one.
Canon Law does not prohibit it but the Sacred
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does.1
. The solution to this dilemma is not within the
sphere of Freemasonry. Freemasonry, not being a
religion, continues to welcome all men who
subscribe to a belief in a supreme being.
Rome on Freemasonry: 1738 Condemnation of
the Society, Lodges, Conventicles of LIBERI
MURATORI, or Freemasons, under pain of
excommunication to be incurred ipso facto, and
absolution from it being reserved for the Supreme
Pontiff, except at point of death.
Bull, In Eminenti, Pope Clement XII, April
28 1738.
1918 Those who join a Masonic sect or other
societies of the same sort, which plot against
the Church or against legitimate civil
authority, incur ipso facto an
excommunication simply reserved to the
Holy See.
Canon 2335 of The Code of Canon Law,
promulgated 27 May 1917; effective 19 May
1918. [1963 LoCCN: 63-22295]
1974 Many Bishops have asked this Sacred
Congregation about the extent and
interpretation of Canon 2335 of the Code of
Canon Law which prohibits Catholics 2 .,
under pain of excommunication, to join
masonic associations, or similar
associations... Taking particular cases into
consideration, it is essential to remember
that the penal law has to be interpreted in a
restrictive sense. For this reason one can
certainly point out, and follow, the opinion
of those writers who maintain that Canon
2335 affects only those Catholics who are
members of associations which indeed
conspire against the Church.
Cardinal Franjo Seper, Prefect of the Sacred
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Correspondence to Cardinal John Krol 19
July, 1974.
1981 The Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, on 19th July 1974,
wrote a letter to some Bishops Conferences,
for their attention only, concerning the
interpretation of Can. 2335, which forbids
Catholics under pain of excommunication
from enrolling in the Masonic sect and other
associations of the same type:
Most excellent sir, many Bishops have sought
to know from this Congregation what the
weight and interpretation of Can. 2335 is,
which forbids under pain of
excommunication Catholics from enrolling
in Masonic associations and other
(associations) of the same sort.
In the course of a longer examination of this
question, the Holy See has many times
consulted BishopsConferences on matters of
particular interest, in order to know better the
nature of these associations and their present-
day birth and also the opinion of the Bishops.
The great divergence of responses, however,
which evidences different situations in each
nation does not allow the Holy See to change
the general legislation hitherto in force, which
therefore remains in vigour until a new canon
law from the competent Pontifical Commission
of the Code of Canon Law for the recognition
of public law comes into force.
But in considering particular cases we must
keep before our eyes the fact that penal law
is to undergo strict interpretation. Therefore
the opinion can safely be taught and applied
of those authors who hold that the
aforementioned canon 2335 concerns only
those Catholics who enrol in associations
which really do plot against the Church.
However, the prohibition remains in all cases
on clerics, religious and also members of
secular instituted from enrolling in any
masonic associations.
Yours, connected in the Lord [etc.]
Because the above-cited letter, after being made
public, made possible false and captious
interpretations, this Congregation, without
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
14 14 14 14 14
Continued on Page 43 - Philosophia
sentiment, and we fully understand because the book is
on the right side.
The staff, or the sceptre, is an axial symbol,
thus alluding to the axis mundi which ties up
any creature to the Supreme Being. In a certain
way it evokes the plumb, which is symbol of
virtue and justice. It urges us to cultivate
good feelings, to behave us at the highest
levels of morality; the left side is therefore
the proper one.
The staff pierces some clouds, that are
seemingly hiding the heaven. In the past, man
al-ways thought heaven is the siege of God.
Ancient Greeks believed that Zeus and the other
gods dwelled on the edge of mount Olympus, which
clouds hid; in Jesus speeches there are many ref-erences
to the Kingdom of Heaven. The divine siege was put in the
loft, far from earth. In ancient Latin, heaven is clum, because clat, i. e. it hides the house of God.
Another axial symbol is the Hindu sutratma, that is, the rosary. In the Bhagavad-Gita man reads:
Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.
Bro. Gunon comments upon
it as follows: It is Atma which, like a thread (sutra), penetrates and ties together all the
worlds, while at the same time also being the breath which, according to other texts, sustains
them and keeps them in existence, and without which they could have any reality or exist in any
way Each world, or each state of existence, can be represented by a sphere through which the
thread passes diametrically in such a way to form the axis joining the two poles of the sphere;
thus, it can be seen that strictly speaking the axis of this world is only a portion of the axis of
universal manifestation itself in its entirety, and it is in this way that the effective continuity of
all states in-cluded in manifestation is established.
The staff therefore highlights the existing link between man and the Supreme Being, who can be
known through Philosophia.
Incidentally, Middle Ages idea of philosophy
was different from the present one. This word
embraced the whole secular knowledge, thus
including the scientific one, but excluding the
theol-ogys domain. Man also thought
knowledge was a means to gain wisdom, that
is, the art of life.
* * *
In the middle of the bas-relief there is a ladder
with nine steps. If the book and the staf f sym-
bolize the goals that initiates have to gain, that
is, knowledge of the immanent and of the
transcen-dent, respectively, the ladder points
at the means: man has to gain knowledge
progressively, by layers (the steps), so it urges
him to be perseverant.
Number nine is thoughtful. Comedys Paradise
is figured as being formed by nine heavens; nine
are the angelic hierarchies;
in Vita Nova Dante
affirms to have seen Beatrice for the first time
when he was nine years old, and still after nine
years for the second time.
Incidentally, let me
recall that Dante was member of Fedeli
dAmore, an initiatory society then existing in
Italy and France.
Beatrice is symbol of the philosophy. Dante
therefore means that after nine years from his
by Wr. Giovanni
In the cathedral of
Notre Dame in Paris,
France, there can be
seen a bas-relief which
is commonly known as Philosophia
It is possible the stonemasons were influenced
by Boethiuss De consolatione philosophi,
which was written while he was imprisoned by
. In fact, the bas-relief s image is
close to the woman that Boethius describes in
his philosophical essay:
While I was thus mutely pondering within
myself, and recording my sorrowful
complainings with my pen, it seemed to me
that there appeared above my head a woman
of a countenance exceeding venerable. Her
eyes were bright as fire, and of a more than
human keenness; her complexion was lively,
her vigour showed no trace of enfeeblement;
and yet her years were right full, and she
plainly seemed not of our age and time.
Her stature was difficult to judge. At one
moment it exceeded not the common height,
at another her forehead seemed to strike the
sky; and whenever she raised her head
higher, she began to pierce within the very
heavens, and to baffle the eyes of them that
looked upon her. Her garments were of an
imperishable fabric, wrought with the finest
threads and of the most delicate workman-
ship; and these, as her own lips afterwards
assured me, she had herself woven with her
own hands. The beauty of this vesture had
been somewhat tarnished by age and neglect,
and wore that dingy look which marble
contracts from exposure. On the lower-most
edge was inwoven the Greek letter: [Greek:
P], on the topmost the letter: [Greek: Th],
and between the two were to be seen steps,
like a staircase, from the lower to the upper
letter. This robe, moreover, had been torn by
the hands of violent persons, who had each
snatched away what he could clutch.
We are aware that esotericism is not a doctrine,
but rather a method, so I strove to take Masonic
teachings out of the picture: here are my thoughts.
* * *
In the bas-relief, the woman is sitting on a stone
armchair. The stone alludes to the Natures
strength, firmness, which are the moral virtues
of any profane who is seeking after Light.
She holds a book in her right hand and a staff, or
a sceptre, in the left one. The right side is that of
the reason, while the left one is that of the
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
15 15 15 15 15
Religious Leaders Speak:
Why am I a Freemason?
Religious men of many faiths have spoken in
favour of Freemasonry. These Christian leaders
have been proud to claim membership in
Rev. Charles T. Aikens, who served as President
of the Lutheran Synod of Eastern Pennsylvania.
Bishop James Freeman, the Episcopal Bishop of
Washington, D.C., who first conceived and began
construction of the National Cathedral.
Bishop William F. Anderson, one of the most
important leaders of the Methodist Church.
Rev. Lansing Burrows, American Civil War hero
and Secretary of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Rev. James C. Baker, who created the Wesley
William R. White, who served as President of
Baylor University, and was Secretary of the
Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist
Rev. Hugh I. Evans, who served as national head
of the Presbyterian Church.
The following quotations are a small selection of
statements made by recognized religious leaders.
I have had the privilege of being a member
of many organizations, but none outside of
my church has meant more to me than
All masons obligate themselves to help, aid
and assist the poor, the distressed, the widows
and orphans. Nor is charity restricted to
fellow masons only, but extended to all. It
shares the common bonds of race as children
of one great Creator, and seeks to unite men
of every race, color, sect and opinion.
Masonry practices the Golden Rule and
seeks always to eliminate divisive forces
which build walls between people.
It is no secret that Masons love and revere
the Bible. Nor is it a secret that Masonry
helped to preserve it in the darkest age of
the church when infidelity sought to destroy
it. The Bible meets Masons with its sacred
message at every step of progress in its
various degrees.
Dr. James P. Wesberry
Former Executive Director and Editor of
the Southern Baptist Publication Sunday
Masonry... a fraternity blessed by God
by Rev. Fr. Ranhilio C. Aquino
When I attended one of your ceremonies, I was
very pleased to see that faith in God plays a
central role in your fraternity. I noted with great
joy that in your ceremonies you give Gods word
a position of honor. This, for me, was certainly
an encouraging sign. But, of course, the physical
presence of the Bible in your ceremonies is not
enough. What is more important is Gods word
in your lives, in your actions, in your decisions.
This holds true for all men, including us priests;
for we may be surrounded by the physical
trappings of religion, but we could have very
unreligious, unholy and uncharitable decisions
and dispositions towards others. No, it is not
enough to give the Bible the marks of honor and
respect. Its by far more important to make the
divine precepts it contains and the norms for
checking the acceptability of our decisions and
Next, I would like to make it exceedingly clear
that, as far as the Catholic Church is concerned,
it is not true that one religion is as good as another.
That, my brothers and sisters, was exactly one of
the fears the Church in the past had about
Masonry, for to say that one religion is as good as
another would be some sort of religious
indifferentism. As a professor of Law, I myself
would advocate that sects be given equal status
before the law.
But as far as we Catholics are concernedand
now I speak as a Catholic, what was clearly
enunciated in the second Vatican Council as part
of the dogmatic constitution of the Catholic
Church is this: There subsist in the Roman
Catholic Church the elements of the true church
of Jesus Christ. This means, it is true that one
religious sect is as good as any other. If we are
sincere Catholics, then we must profess our faith
that in the Catholic Church subsist the elements
of the true Church of Jesus Christ. My third point
is, Religion cannot and should never be a
secondary issue. All other issues are, in fact,
secondary to religion. Religion should be the
primary governing and determinative issue.
But, my brothers and sisters, we cannot go back
to the old days of bigotry towards others. It is, in
fact unchristian to assume a position Im better
than all the rest. It is, indeed, presumptuous to
consider ourselves wise and all the rest dumb.
Rather, in the face of the truth of Jesus Christ,
we should have the humility that allows us to
open to others, to dialogue with them, to be
hospitable to them.
If the masonic fraternity is, above all, a fraternity
that welcomes all men, well and good. If it is a
Continued on Page 46 - Why
Why Freemasonry?
By. R. Theron Dunn
Why Freemasonry? That
is the questions that some
O.F. F.ensive folks ask,
just before going on to
make ludicrous and
outlandish claims against
this ancient and honorable
The better question is: WHY NOT Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a fraternity of honorable men,
dedicated to g-d, country, family and society. We
come together, in the sight of g-d, calling on Him
to bless our actions and to keep us in brotherly
love, and that every moral and social virtue
cement us together.
What is Masonry, though? It is simply a fraternity
of men with a faith in g-d... in that sense, it is a
religious institution, in that it requires of all its
adherents a faith in g-d. Pretty simple, yes?
Well, in truth, yes! There are always those
that insist on seeing the glass half full, or
seeing the worst in men, the worst in actions,
the basest of intentions in the most noble of
men because of their own personal failings.
It is the nay sayers, the ones that see the
wor l d t hr ough a gl ass dar kl y t hat cast
aspersions on freemasonry.
Masons are honorable men that seek, in fraternal
association with like minded men to improve
themselves AND the society in which they exist.
High minded words and intentions, to be sure,
but how does Masonry achieve these goals?
There are several levels of answer to this question,
but I will try to endeavor to explain what I see
and what I understand from the fraternity, what
it gives to me, as a way of answering that
One of the issues that those opposed to Masonry
raise is that Masonry has no particular set of ethics
or morality, given that a part of our mission
statement is that we take good men, and though
the inculcation of the principles of Freemasonry,
make them better men. So lets take a look at
character and principles.
One the simplest level, masonry teaches us those
great moral and social virtues that were instilled
Continued on Page 48 - Freemasonry
Tim Bryce On...
By Wr. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do
not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand
Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with
all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in
Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except
Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Article reprinted with permission of the author and Lodgeroom
International. Please forward me a copy of the publication when
it is produced.
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
If there is anything constant in life, it is
- Bryces Law
The word Renaissance is French for rebirth
and refers to the intellectual and economic
changes that occurred in Europe from the
fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries.
During this time, Europe emer ged from the
economic stagnation of the Middle Ages and
experienced a time of financial growth. More
importantly, the Renaissance was an age in which
artistic, social, scientific, and political thought
turned in new directions.
This is precisely what is beginning to happen in
Freemasonry. Brothers from around the world
are beginning to challenge our policies and
procedures, master the basics of Freemasonry and
prepare for tomorrows light. I see such discourse
as healthy and highly productive.
Ive always been amazed by those Brothers who
cannot think of Freemasonry beyond the four
walls of their own Lodge. The concept of Lodges
working together, Districts working together, or
even whole Jurisdictions working together is a
foreign concept to many Brothers. This disturbs
me greatly as I believe Freemasonry should be a
universal concept, but we are not quite there yet.
It is also no secret that we have our share of
Our membership is in decline.
Our financial resources are dwindling
Members are not well schooled in the tenets
of our fraternity.
Apathy grows.
Do we pretend that these problems do not exist
and hope they will simply go away? They wont.
Where is our resolve? As far as Im concerned,
there is nothing here that we cannot overcome
given the right direction and support of each other.
Communications, cooperation, and teamwork is
vital for our success.
A new generation of Masons are emerging who
have unbridled ener gy and are looking for new
ways to improve the fraternity. It would be wrong
if we turned a deaf ear to our younger Brothers
and dismissed their ideas out-of-hand; we must
learn to listen to them, for they are our future.
Let me give you an example, I know of a Craft
Lodge in the U.S. Northwest that was foundedby
younger Masons who grew weary of the tired
tedium and incessant politics of older Lodges.
Consequently, they requested, and were
subsequently granted, dispensation to start their
own Lodge where they admirably follow Masonic
ritual and decorum, but also provide a forum to
enjoy Brotherhood.
The ranks of this new Lodge is swelling while
membership in the older Lodges is dwindling.
This tells me two things: change is inevitable,
and; Freemasonry is still appealing to younger
people for the same reasons as their predecessors,
but they do not want to fall into a rut.
Like it or not, Masonic Renaissance has already
begun. It was inevitable; it represents change
which is a natural part of life. And frankly, it
couldnt come soon enough as many Lodges are
beginning to close their doors.
Keep the Faith!
Alas, Brother
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
Bro. Gerald R. Ford
38th President of the
United States
As you know, we lost
Brother Gerald Ford last
month. His passing
represents a significant
milestone in the history of
Freemasonry as he was
the last U.S. President
who was a Freemason. In addition to Bro. Ford,
there were six U.S. Presidents in the 20th century
who were raised to the sublime degree of Master
Mason, including:
Theodore Roosevelt
Matinecock Lodge No. 806 F.& A.M.
Oyster Bay, NY
26th President (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft
initiated Occasional Lodge
Cincinnati, OH;
affiliated Kilwinning Lodge No. 356 F.& A.M,
Cincinnati, OH
27th President (1909-1913)
Warren G. Harding
Marion Lodge No. 70 F.& A.M.
Marion, OH
29th President (1921 to 1923)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Holland Lodge No. 8 F.& A.M.
New York, NY
32nd President (1933-1945)
Harry S. Truman, PGM
Belton Lodge No. 450 A.F.& A.M., MO
33rd President (1945-1953)
Gerald R. Ford
Malta Lodge No. 465 F.& A.M.
Grand Rapids, MI
38th President (19741977)
As I listened to the eulogies during Bro. Fords
funeral and the commentaries by newscasters, I
heard him frequently described as good and
decent, honorable, and a common man who rose
to the occasion under extraordinary circumstances.
Our Brother from Michigan was a man who faced
the television cameras on more than one occasion
and did what he believed was morally right, not
necessarily what was politically correct. Such
decisions ultimately cost him the 1976 presidential
election but endeared him to a nation.
One has to wonder where he picked up these
good and decent traits. Was it his church? The
Boy Scouts? On the gridiron at the University of
Michigan or in the Navy during World War II?
As Masons, we like to believe we influenced his
life and shaped his character as well. And
hopefully we did.
Two things strike me with his passing though.
First, there are no other Presidential candidates
on the horizon with Masonic credentials. The
last two were Sens. Robert Dole and Jack Kemp
Continued on Next Page
Tim Bryce On...
By Wr. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do
not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand
Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with
all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in
Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except
Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Article reprinted with permission of the author and Lodgeroom
International. Please forward me a copy of the publication when
it is produced.
(who ran against Pres. Clinton in 1996). This
suggests to me that the Masons are no longer
considered a group with any influence or sway.
If this is true, this represents a significant turning
point in our fraternity.
The second point that disturbs me is that good and
decent are no longer considered valued attributes
for success in life. I do not believe the social fabric
of the United States or elsewhere will permit a good
and decent man to succeed anymore. Success now
depends on political wrangling, as opposed to truth,
dedication and integrity.
In other words, we are expected to behave like
old ladies spreading gossip and innuendo instead
of acting like men and Masons. We are now
besieged with cowards who hide in the shadows
and practice the art of character assassination.
I believe we have seen the end of politicians with
moral fortitude as exemplified by Bro. Ford (for
the countrys sake, I hope I am wrong). On the
surface, it doesnt appear the lack of honor and
integrity has an adverse affect on a political
resume anymore.
Perhaps the country simply doesnt care. To me,
this moral decay represents danger signs of the
passing of Freemasonry, not just Bro. Ford. Now
is the time for Masons to renew their faith in the
obligations and tenets of the fraternity, and show
that good and decent are not irrelevant attributes.
We can only do this by example and demanding
such from our leaders.
Keep the Faith!
Are We Reading
The Signs?
by Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, FL, USA
If there is anything constant in life, it is
change. - Bryces Law
It is no secret that membership in Freemasonry
is either stagnating or in decline in most
jurisdictions. Some Grand Lodges pay attention
to our membership numbers, others do not. But I
contend there are other important indicators we
should be paying attention to; namely,
membership and participation in the allied and
appendent bodies of Freemasonry.
Attendance in our youth or ganizations (DeMolay,
Rainbow, Jobs Daughters) are deteriorating. In
Florida for example, just 30 years ago we had
vibrant youth organizations; today they are few
and far between. The Order of the Eastern Star
and clubs like the High Twelve are also
diminishing. Their members are getting older,
grayer, and are not being replaced by new people.
The Scottish and York Rite bodies are still reeling
from the Shrines decision a few years ago to
bypass these groups in order to join the Shrine.
True, they have organized many one-day classes,
but their numbers continue to drop. And even the
Shrine is still experiencing membership
problems; so much so, there are whisperings to
negate the prerequisite of being a Mason to join
the Shrine.
We could look at the decline of these fine
organizations and blame it on bad management,
and perhaps we would be right, but I believe the
problem is more fundamental than this; that the
real problem is our failure to adapt to changing
times. Following World War II, Masonic
institutions experienced considerable growth
during the 1950s and 1960s, our go-go years.
But our growth was arrested in the 1980s and
began to decline thereafter. The go-go years
may have been great for membership but I feel
this is when the fraternity began to stagnate. We
had our way so long that we didnt see any need
for change and developed an attitude that nothing
was wrong. In short, we became complacent. This
attitude is probably the single biggest reason for
the declining state of the fraternity today.
The reality is that the interests of people today
have changed; they are not the same as back in
the 1950s and 1960s. For example, I cant begin
to tell you how many people have observed the
dress and ceremonies of groups like DeMolay,
Jobs Daughters, Eastern Star, etc. and told me it
was old fashioned and cornball. They giggle
and say the costumes and dress are something
out of the 1940s, certainly not something they
want to be associated with.
Their activities appear trivial if not totally
meaningless. The point is, regardless of the noble
intentions of these fine or ganizations, people
perceive them as archaic. What is needed is a
face lift. There is nothing wrong with the purpose
and lessons inculcated by these institutions, but
rather, it is the facade that needs to be updated.
For example, are the capes worn by some of our
youth organizations really necessary? Couldnt
something more contemporary be devised?
Advertisers have long understood the need for
maintaining a contemporary image to sell
products. This is why we have seen subtle changes
over the years in familiar icons such as Aunt
Jemimah, Betty Crocker, and the woman in the
Columbia Pictures logo. Either get with the times
or fall into obscurity.
Unfortunately, this is what is happening to our
allied and appendant bodies; they need to either
reinvent their image or fall behind. And Blue
Lodges, representing the bedrock of Freemasonry,
better be paying attention to all of this as well,
less they face the same fate.
I dont know why, but the old-guard of the
fraternity resists any form of change. Perhaps it
is a sign of senility. Nonetheless, changes are in
the offing if the fraternity and its satellite
organizations are to survive. But the younger
members are growing weary of fighting with the
old-guard over changes.
So much so, there is a clever movement underfoot
not to even to try to change existing lodges but,
instead, to create totally new Lodges who are
unencumbered by change and chart a new and
imaginative course for Freemasonry.
Understandably, these new Lodges are attracting
the younger members.
So much so, that the older Lodges are withering
and dying on the vine. It is unfortunate that such
an approach is necessary, but the reality is that our
older members tend to resist any form of change,
leaving no other choice for our younger members.
Frankly, I cannot argue with the logic of this move.
Bottom-line: We either evolve or face extinction.
Keep the Faith
Part I
If anything in life is constant, it is change.
- Bryces Law
You cant fight city hall has been a part of our
Tim Bryce On...
By Wr. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do
not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand
Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with
all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in
Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except
Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Article reprinted with permission of the author and Lodgeroom
International. Please forward me a copy of the publication when
it is produced.
vernacular for many years. Basically, it is an
admission that it is futile to fight the powers in
charge, consequently people resign themselves
to either live within the system or move on.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are moving on in
Freemasonry. As a small example, I recently
received an e-mail from a young Mason who is
resigning from the fraternity. I asked him why he
was leaving and he enumerated four reasons:
* I just grew tired of the same routine.
* Some treated me like I didnt have
anything to contribute; like an idiot.
* I couldnt support the next 2-3 people
coming into the Master s chair.
* There is no meat to the Masonic
organization any longer.
This typifies the frustration younger Masons are
feeling about the current state of the fraternity.
As a result, we are witnessing polarization in the
Lodge room and elsewhere; Old-Guard versus
New-Guard, Lodge versus Lodge, District versus
District, Grand Jurisdiction versus Grand
Jurisdiction. I saw this same phenomenon
occurring in the computer field during the 1980s
with the proliferation of PCs. During this time,
the old-guard maintained the mainframe
computers while the young-guard was infatuated
with the new technology. The sad thing was that
both parties served a vital purpose, but neither
party had any use for the other. Inevitably, the
new-guard ultimately won out as the old-guard
eventually retired. This left a void in technical
expertise for the mainframes and companies
This same phenomenon is occurring in the
fraternity as younger members feel powerless
against the current regimes in Blue Lodges and
Grand Lodges. Whereas the old-guard is content
with the status quo, younger members are looking
for more substance and fellowship in the
fraternity. And the two parties are not working
together. The major difference here though is that
Freemasonry is a volunteer organization and one
becomes a member for life. Consequently, the old-
guard maintains a stranglehold on the fraternity.
This does not sit well with the younger members
who are now looking for further light through
other venues.
In my article, Are We Reading the Signs? I
described how some younger members are
starting new Lodges that are unencumbered with
an old-guard mentality. The ritual work of these
new Lodges is excellent, they just spend less time
reading the bills and more time on fellowship.
As a result, younger members are flocking to the
new Lodges, leaving the older Lodges to die on
the vine.
As another example, consider The Rite of the
Rose Cross of Gold which was started three years
ago as another venue for Masons to practice their
craft and enjoy some fellowship. According to
Rose Cross organizers, the group was or ganized
with the permission of the Grand Lodge of
Georgia. As part of their membership
requirements, a person had to be a Master Mason
and a member of both the Scottish and York Rites
(this was done to appease all of the various parties
involved). Unfortunately, something went awry
over time; the Grand Lodge requested a list of
their members and, from it, unceremoniously
expelled all of its members from the fraternity
without the benefit of a Masonic trial. To this
day, organizers are at a loss as to why their
membership was expelled, but this did not deter
the members who subsequently went on to
establish The United Grand Lodge of America of
Accepted Free-Masons (UGLofA) on December
27th, 2005.
If you read the web pages of the Rose Cross and
UGLofA you have to wonder what all the hubbub
was about. On the surface it appears their intent
is noble and their activities harmless. Further,
there is no mention of their activities on the Grand
Lodge of Georgia web site. Nonetheless, the Rose
Cross continued their activities without the
support of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. So much
so, they started additional chapters in Georgia
and Alabama. Organizers claim the Grand Lodge
is continuing their policy of expelling members
joining these new chapters (also without Masonic
trial). Now, the Grand Master of Alabama is
becoming concerned with their activities and is
questioning why there is a problem in Georgia.
According to a Rose Cross organizer, We are
offering a high quality organization that provides
excellent Masonic education and fun social
activities. All we are doing is giving the people
what they want.
Im not taking sides on the issue in this article,
but am merely noting the phenomenon. Frankly,
we shouldnt be surprised by this activity as it
represents a classic example of the growing rift
emerging between the old-guard and the young-
guard. One can only wonder if we will see more
of this in the near future.
As Masons, we are taught that if we do not like
the current system, we should work from within
to improve it. Unfortunately, legislation is often
torpedoed before it even gets to a vote. If it doesnt
conform to the current policies, it is often
stonewalled or sabotaged before it gets to the
floor. There are even stories of character
assassination of authors of proposed legislation.
This is unsettling to younger Masons who,
instead, are opting to change the fraternity not
from within, but from without. The Rose Cross
episode is but one example of this.
These are strange and awkward times for
Freemasonry. We now live in an era of highly
charged politics where distrust, contempt, back
stabbing, and a lack of cooperation is the norm
as opposed to the exception. This leads to such
things as censorship and political machines with
agendas. For an institution that is theoretically
devoid of politics, it is political wrangling that is
disrupting the harmony and moral fabric of the
When I joined the fraternity, I was taught that
every Brother was allowed to have their say, right
or wrong, and allow the Craft to decide.
Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case.
And frankly, we shouldnt be surprised by all of
this as man is a political animal by nature. What
is disturbing is the rift that is ensuing. Regardless
of our age, I always naively believed we were all
on the same team.
Today, Grand Lodges are demanding blind faith
in the judgment of its officers. They recognize
that most people are unthinking and prefer to be
told what to do and how to vote. Such abdication
of the thinking process naturally results in a
Theory X dictatorial form of management which
several Grand jurisdictions are currently
experiencing. Blind faith is fine if you do not care,
but unacceptable if you do. True, we should
respect our leaders, but I do not believe
Freemasonry should prohibit free-thought or free-
Further, people do not want to sit in Lodge if there
is going to be constant bickering and back-biting.
Life is hectic enough without adding another level
of contention. People want to leave such problems
behind. If they cannot find harmony in their
fortress of solitude, the Lodge, they simply will
not attend anymore (and many are doing just that).
It is very disheartening to describe a scenario
where young and old Masons are at odds with
each other. The old-guard should mentor the new,
but be smart enough not to resist change simply
because thats the way we have done it for
Tim Bryce On...
By Wr. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do
not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand
Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with
all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in
Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except
Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Article reprinted with permission of the author and Lodgeroom
International. Please forward me a copy of the publication when
it is produced.
years. Change is a natural part of life; change is
constant. But change for the sake of change is
rediculous. There has to be an intelligent reason
for implementing change. And this can only
happen if we are allowed to discuss matters
openly, rationally, and respectfully. It would seem
on the surface that censoring our younger Masons
is a smart stalling tactic. In reality, it accelerates
the change process by bringing the subject to a
boiling point. Let us all hope that cooler heads
prevail on both sides and Freemasonry survives
well into the future.
Down in Florida, the Department of Motor
Vehicles offers license plates to Save the
Manatees, Whales, Wild Dolphins, Sea Turtles,
Florida Panther, etc. Let us hope we will never
need a Save the Masons plate.
Keep the Faith.
Part II
Pessimist: The optimist who didnt arrive.
- Bro. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
Polar Star Lodge No. 79 A.F.& A.M.,
St. Louis, MO
In my last article entitled, Fighting City Hall, Id
one Brother drop me a note that I was too
pessimistic; that I was describing the rift between
the old-guard and the young-guard with broad
strokes. He contended the problems I was
describing was geographical in nature and unique
to Dixie (the southern United States). While I
admit I talked in generalities with a couple of
specific examples, I received numerous e-mails
from Brothers around the world who supported
my argument. No, I do not believe the problem is
unique to Dixie but, rather, a universal problem
facing all jurisdictions.
The following is a sampling of the e-mails I
received. The identities of the authors have been
omitted to protect their anonymity.
I enjoyed your Fighting City Hall article. A
similar situation occurred in Manitoba recently
when the Grand Lodge library was being
renovated. The Grand Librarian was relieved after
trying to bring our antiquated library up to date.
The changes he was trying to implement were
considered too radical.
I have contacts in England and they tell me the
same thing is going on there - Lodges are forming
underground regardless of permission from Grand
Lodge! Imagine that!
While our Grand Lodge is very much a forward
thinking organization, some of our Blue Lodges,
Scottish and York Rite, and Shrines all suffer from
one or more of the maladies brought forward in
your article.
There is an old saying that you catch more flies
with sugar than with vinegar. Sounds like some
Masons are up against a well entrenched group
of men who like the climate at the top of the
mountain and most likely will pick their
successors. But there are forward looking men in
the crowd as well.
Im now speaking from personal experience, and
giving wise council. Be a diplomat, lead them in
the direction you want them to go, and let them
take the credit, feed their ego if that is what it
takes. Rivalry only hurts our craft. Abe Lincoln
may have said it first, A house divided can not
stand. A Johnny Reb by the name of Allen
Roberts also used those words.
We are going through a similar situation here in
New Brunswick. A real power struggle between
the Grand Master and wannebe power brokers
who brag they can elect or deny an of fice to
anybody they choose. There is a movement
underfoot to keep the Deputy Grand Master from
reaching the Grand East and theyre trying every
dirty trick in the book.
City Hall can be taken on. City Hall can be forced
to obey the rules the same as everyone else. It
just needs someone to have the intestinal fortitude
to take them on.
I have been reading your recent articles with much
interest. Our fraternity has contributed so much to
freedom and change within our society. It is
distressing that it now seems to have adopted some
of the methods it has resisted throughout history.
Sad to say but the future does not look bright.
One of the things I discovered as a Past Master
of my lodge in Albuquerque was that you can have
fun in lodge and keep all the tenants of Masonry
intact. Once you start having fun, the grouches
either leave or start enjoying lodge. I shut one
old grouch up when my Chaplin called and said
he had been driving over eight hours direct from
Denver Colorado (440 miles) and still had to drive
home to change clothes to attend lodge and,
therefore, would be a little late.
This would have resulted in him driving another
70 miles. 35 miles past the lodge and then 35
miles back, then an additional 35 miles home after
lodge. He said he was in shorts and flip flops. I
told him to just stop by the lodge, no matter how
he was dressed. He attended and wore the
Chaplains robe. The old grouch complained to
me how the Chaplain was dressed and I told the
grouch that I would rather have the man and his
heart in lodge, than to have his cold fancy suit in
lodge. Sometimes you need to bend to the wind
like a tree as opposed to breaking a limb off by
being too rigid.
I dont know if I fit in with the old guard and
know I dont fit in with the new ones. Im 49
years old and been a Mason for 27 years.
Ive not attended lodge in my hometown in years.
When I first transferred down here, I attended every
meeting. Still, I was treated like an outsider and
had no fellowship at all. Same ole, same ole. Eat a
snack (alone), open lodge, read the minutes, bills,
take up a collection, close lodge and go home.
No one has ever called me or had any contact
with me. Frankly, they couldn t care less if I
attended the meetings or not. Im not one of the
homegrown nor influential men at the lodge.
My wife asked my why I keep paying my dues
every year but dont go to lodge. She was really
disappointed when not one single Lodge nor a
Brother Mason even give us any info to relocate
to their area. Much less an offer to help.
We are still planning on relocating to the
mountains this spring. I will go to the nearest
lodge wherever we move and just hope that I fit
in and people will receive me with a warm
welcome and not a cold shoulder like they have
I just finished reading your article, Fighting City
Tim Bryce On...
By Wr. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry
NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do
not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand
Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with
all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in
Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except
Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Article reprinted with permission of the author and Lodgeroom
International. Please forward me a copy of the publication when
it is produced.
Hall. First, you had a good analogy between the
mainframe and PC mentality. Where I work, that
battle rages on. Anyway, getting to the subject at
hand, it is a very nasty battle but one that must
be ended. Ours is an organization based very
deeply in tradition. That is what makes it so
appealing in many respects. However, we can
keep our identity while adjusting to the changing
I joined DeMolay in 1972. I joined Masonry in
1978. I was a junior officer for two years before I
left the line and discontinued attending due to
the pompous attitudes and demanding manner of
our predecessors. I would not leave the fraternity
due to my belief and commitment to it. This was
not always the case with some members. I simply
waited until a time when I felt the attitudes were
better. I served as Worshipful Master in the
1990s. Being in my 30s, I still did not get the
respect of some of the older Past Masters that
the office should dictate.
I have subsequently served as a District Education
Officer and District Deputy Grand Master. The
Past Masters who were troublesome to me and
other youthful Masters have moved on. Some have
moved out of the state. Some have demitted to
more accommodating Lodges for their needs.
Others just quit coming. Those of us who remain
use these members as an example of how not to
treat the younger members. Unkind as it seems,
we must use them as a benchmark to understand
what will work and, more importantly, what is
detrimental. We now have a very good flow of
young members and a young line. We are trying
to set the example that everyone is vital and no
thought or idea is unwelcome.
I am a new secretary at my Lodge, where we have
had our share of thats the way we have always
done it and where various agendas have been
carried out in the ten years since I became a
Mason. We will see a bit of this in the next few
months as we debate legislation to come up at
Grand Lodge, and various factions battle it out.
You are right about the statements against
individuals we saw that in the Grand Masters
election two or three years ago.
All Lodges face problems of retention, especially
of young members and while we have 430 or so
members, we have the same problem at our
Lodge. Our expenses continue to rise.
I look forward to more of your writing. It is good,
and it is needed.
I fully agree with the statements about the old
guard. I was raised a Master Mason in my Lodge
in the early 1990s and became Tyler shortly
thereafter. I remained at that post for nine years.
While I was a member of this Lodge, I saw several
ways that we could have made ourselves more
visible and ways of gaining new members.
However, the old guard didnt want to make
any changes. After awhile I gave up and obtained
a dual membership with another Lodge. After a
year, I dropped my membership with my mother
Lodge. My current Lodge is very active in town
and continues to grow. Im proud to be a member,
knowing they are open to new ideas and in
working closely with the community.
I remember a situation a couple of years ago where
our Lodge was notified of a Brother from New
York who was dying of brain cancer. His daughter
contacted the Lodge and told the Master that he
wished he could sit in Lodge one last time before
passing. Our Worshipful Master contacted the
Brother s home Lodge and received an e-mail
from the Secretary who extended fraternal
greetings to the Brother and a brief report on the
Lodges activities. The Master then took two other
Lodge Brothers to visit the dying Brother at his
home (he was bedridden).
To his credit, the Master went to the Brother,
closed the bedroom door for privacy, and opened
Lodge. Although the Brother was very sick, he
perked up noticeably. The Master read the note
from his home Lodge, talked with the Brother
and asked if he had a message for his home Lodge
(which the Master dutifully conveyed). The
attending Brothers then closed the Lodge, thanked
the daughter (who was outside), and left.
Two weeks later the Brother passed away. Shortly
thereafter, the Master received a note from the
daughter thanking him for visiting her father and
commented that although she didnt know what
the group had done, her father s disposition had
picked up as a result of the visit. She was grateful
for the groups efforts.
When the Worshipful Master reported the visit
in Lodge, many of the old guard were appalled
that the Master had opened a Lodge without
dispensation from the Grand Lodge, that it was
most irregular. I dont know, I saw it as a very
kind and Masonic act. I just wish I had gone with
the Master.
Ive been away from our Lodge for several years.
I never felt welcome. I came in as my friend was
Worshipful Master. I was full of ideas to bring
some life into the Lodge. Well, there was a lot of
political nonsense. It wrecked the agenda of my
friend as Master. I stopped attending Lodge.
While a realist, I felt that too many Brothers were
not acting like the Masonic ideal.
Ive been a Master Mason for over 27 years and
almost resigned because of being ignored and
made to feel unwelcome.
The one time that Ive asked the lodge for any help
was when I wrote to dozens of different lodges
from Georgia to Pennsylvania and everywhere in-
between, only asking general questions about their
area because we were thinking of relocating. A
few lodges responded but I never heard anything
else from them. I also wrote to many individual
Brothers, but I did not get a reply.
When we first moved here, I attended lodge every
time it was open. During lodge, the policemen
would all sit together, longtime friends would sit
together, most of the time, I sat alone.
In my article True Masonry, I differentiated how
Brothers interpret Freemasonry; some see it as a
noble society based on Brotherly love and
affection, and there are others who see it as
nothing more than a club governed by rules and
regulations. True, rules and regulations are
needed in any organization to maintain order but
there are those who would sacrifice the spirit by
which this great fraternity was created to serve a
particular political agenda. Make no mistake, the
rift between young and old in Freemasonry is
about control and who possesses the correct
interpretation of Freemasonry.
Some say I am being too pessimistic about the
fraternity. Frankly, I think I am a realist who is
smart enough to know you cannot treat a patient
unless he knows he is sick. No, I am most
definitely not a pessimist. To paraphrase Bro.
Clemens, I am an optimist who hasnt arrived.
Keep the Faith.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
21 21 21 21 21
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Featured Magazine
of the Month
The Working Tools is published monthly by Corsig Publishing & Cory
Sigler, It is not af filiated with any Grand Lodge. Letters or inquiries
should be directed to Cory Sigler, Editor, at E-mail: Cor-sig3@yahoo.com
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1- Masonry in the News
2- Essay- The Crafts real problem
3- Knights Templars
4- Famous Mason- Sir Christopher Wren
5- Fraternalism in America- The Daughters
of the American Revolution
7- What Comes to Mind with Brother
8- Masonic Publications- GL of Quebec The
Rough Ashlar
9- Short Talk Bulletin- The Color Blue
10- Bugsport
50 pages of Masonic News & Education
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23 23 23 23 23
The California Freemason is published six times
Other Masonic
Publications of Interest
Masonic Quarterly Magazine is the official
publication of the United Grand Lodge of England
Published by Grand Lodge Publications Limited
for the United Grand Lodge of England,
Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London,
General enquiries info@mqmagazine.co.uk
The International Masonic Research Society
Phylaxis Magazine
Phylaxis magazine is published quarterly by the
Phylaxis society. The First Quarter issue covers
diverse issues, including the Man of the Year.
In this issue, we feature an article about two Texas
Masons, one of whom marries a woman of color,
and the other who struggled for purity of the blood
of the white race. We have an excellent review of
the recognition process in Ontario, Canada.
We have a heated debate about the actual date
the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
was established, and the new president of the
Phylaxis Society urges Prince Hall Masons to
correct the errors in their history perpetuated by
those who may not have our interests at heart.
annually by the Grand Lodge of California. It may
be downloaded free by going to:
The name of the Society is pronounced fill a [as
in a-bate] lay thess with the accent on the third
syllable - lay. It is derived from two Greek words,
philos and alethes. It means lover of truth. The
Philalethes Society was founded on October 1,
1928, by a group of Masonic Students. It was
designed for Freemasons desirous of seeking and
spreading Masonic light. In 1946 The Philalethes
Magazine was established to publish articles by
and for its members. And to this day publishes 6
times a year. The sole purpose of this Research
Society is to act as a clearing house for Masonic
knowledge. It exchanges ideas, researches
problems confronting Freemasonry, and passes
them along to the Masonic world.
Its membership consists of Members and 40
Fellows who are Master Masons in good standing
in a Regular Masonic Lodge anywhere in the
world. Today the Society has members within
185 Regular Grand Lodges. More information
about the Society can be found at http://
There are many lessons of vast importance contained in
the Entered Apprentice Degree of Freemasonry.
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Continued from Page 3
The Altar and the VSL
The East The West
The North The South Continued onNext Page
the lodge.
The following photo essay includes pictures that
were taken by the brothers in Magnolia Lodge.
We will start with images of the lodge building
and lodgeroom taken in the days following
Katrinas arrival.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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25 25 25 25 25
Continued from Page 3
East Side of the Building Looking
at the Third Floor
North Side of the Building
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26 26 26 26 26
enterprise of public instruction.
The charter members were: Robert Southerland,
Daniel Goss, John Brown, Wiley C. Edwards, T.
N. Gregory, Bacot, W. G. Kendal, W. H.
Morris, and J. W. Cleary.
But from this small beginning MAGNOLIA
LODGE joined the healthy stride and at the end
of the first year of activity, reported a membership
of 22. They were:
W. H. Cleaveland, W.M.
Daniel Goss, S.W.
J. L. Henley, J.W.
Steven Fatherel, S.D.
Geo. Reeves, J. D.
John B. Pradat and T. Louis E. Pradat, Secy
Geo. C. Morgan, S.& T.
John Brown, W. C.
and brothers: J. Foretich, F. C. Edwards, G.
Gengoness, J. Desportes, E. Pradat, R.Seal, John
W. Laurie, C. J. Adams, M. J. Howard, Benj.
Ferrel, Lemuel Thompson, J. W. Farnal, A. W.
We hardly deem it advisable to undertake to
comment individually on these early Masons at
Biloxi, but to one familiar with land titles in this
city and familiar with the establishment of the
early families here the list at once impresses him
that who early took up the work of MAGNOLIA
LODGE were land owners and builders of Biloxi.
The First Decade
Unfortunately the early history of the Lodge, so
far as reflected by minutes, is forever lost due to
fires which destroyed the records. We have even
been unable to find the first meeting place of the
Lodge. Therefore, we must content ourselves with
that evidence we can glean from the bare returns
made to the Grand Lodge of the State of
Mississippi each year, and it resolves itself largely
into the meaning of names in the history of Biloxi.
The membership increased from its 22 at the end
of the first year to 61 in the year 1860. On the
roster of the year 1861, we find names who were
truly patriarchs of Biloxi. Among them we find
Desportes, Balius, Elder, Lundry, Haven Krohn,
Meaut, Quave, Ramsey, Reeves
Seemore,Scarborough,Bradford,Taylor, and
others. These families were prominent in the early
development of both , the city of Biloxi, and
Harrison County.
The Civil War Period
The meager reports for the war period show that
from 1860 to 1866 the membership of the Lodge
Continued from Page 3
dropped from 61 members, down to 25, and the
return shows three blank spaces in the list of
officers for the Lodge that year, thus giving mute
testimony of the disintegrating influence of that
tragic period of the war between the States and
showing without question that the Masons as
citizens took their share of the burden and suffered
their share of the consequences.
The list of Biloxi Masons lost in that war
unfortunately in not available to us. We feel that
quotation at this point from the Grand Master,
W. S. Pattons address in 1966 will convey a true
picture of the status of masonry as a whole in the
State at that time and Biloxi appears to have been
an average lodge, we think it is the best evidence
of the frame of mind, the
courage and determination of
the members of this Lodge
at that period:
The scenes of the
struggle can never be
erased from the memory of
those who witnessed them.
The grief of the widow and
orphans, parents and friends, the towns and
homes laid in ruins, the blighted prospects
of so many thousands reduced from affluence
to poverty, the desolate fields, and above all
the many helpless women and children made
homeless, and thrown upon the charity of a
cold unthinking world.
The age in which we live has great reason to
expect much from us, and it is our duty as
Mason to use all means in our power in
allaying all sectional strife, and to bring
about that peace and harmony characteristic
of our order which promotes brotherly love
and charity to all men.
The Darkest Days
By the year 1875 the membership had climbed
back to 36 in number and the list of officers of
the Lodge at the time certainly shows that the
Lodge was then back on a sound footing. The
officers that year were men who were outstanding
in the growth of the City of Biloxi from the Civil
War period up to the turn of the century.
We still have no record, however, of the detailed
activity of the Lodge during this period. Old
timers say that about the year 1887 the Lodge
apparently reached a rather low ebb and the
withdrawal of the charter was threatened. The
newly elected Master of the Lodge, Lyman Holley
along with Louis Holley, John Hahn, John
Morrison, Dr. Pelez, Caleb Burton, John Bradford
and possibly a few others got together and made
a determined stand to turn the tide.
Dr. Perez and Caleb Burton went around with a
lantern and got several members out of bed and
finally got a quorum together. They acted on the
applications of several masons who had moved into
the community, among whom were W. A. White.
Among the local men initiated about that time
were Lopez, Dukate, Meaut, G. Edward Park and
others. This seemed to be a turning point that
brought the Lodge from its lowest ebb in its entire
history. These men all became active Masons and
meant a great deal to the growth of the Lodge.
The First Lodge Hall Built
Soon after receiving its Charter the Lodge
undertook to secure a permanent home, and on
April 12, 1851, Gaspard Didier deeded to the
Masons of Magnolia Lodge of the State of
Mississippi, acting through
their principal officers,
Henry Cleveland, Worshipful
Master; Daniel Goos, Senior
Warden; John Henley, Junior
Warden; Louis Pradat,
Secretary, and John Pradat,
Treasurer, a parcel of land in
Biloxi, seventy-six feet front
on Washington Street, eighty
feet front on Main Street,
bounded South by Washington Street and West
by Main Street. The deed is recorded in Book 5
at page 513 of the deed records of Harrison
A few years later, with the aid of a loan from
Benjamin Holley on May 2, 1854, they erected a
frame, two story building, which served as their
home until they sold on February 27, 1889. It later
was torn down and the Methodist Church was
erected there about 1908 and served as the home
of that congregation until 1948. It is now a
furniture store.
Building the Present Temple
About 1905 the membership, with the experience
of the several fires behind them and the
inconvenience of moving about, determined to
erect a permanent home. For several years they
had talked about building. Finally they appointed
a committee to select a lot or site.
T. H. Gleason and Buck Chinn were chosen from
the Lodge they select the lot or site and then to
report. The committee reported that three lots
were available. One was the lot on Lameuse Street
where the Elks Club now stands. The other was
a vacant lot at the northeast corner of Fayard and
Howard Avenue, and the third was the site of the
present building.
They selected the present site at Main and
Howard Avenue. At that time it had a small bakery
on the lot which brought $10.00 rent per month
and the Lodge went along several years with that
little rental and such money as it could get from
the members in dues and finally paid for the lot.
Continued on Next Page - History
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27 27 27 27 27
Finally at one meeting Brother McIntyre said,
Whats the use to keep talking, lets build. The
suggestion met with a determined response from
the membership. They decided to erect a building
for about $17,000.00.
They got the bonds, most of them being
subscribed, and bids were asked. But the best
bid by contract obtainable for the completion of
the walls and roof and the Lodge room was
$23,000.00. The other bids were much higher.
They finally decided to build the building with
the cooperation of the members and the use of
labor by the day.
They appointed a building committee,
consisting of Lyman Bradford, L. R. Bowen,
W. K. M. Dukate and William Gorenflo. T. H.
Gleason was appointed chairman and to
supervise the construction.
Giles Harkness, a member of the Lodge, who at
the time was engaged in building work and
handled the construction, suggested that,
regardless of what else was done, a good
foundation should be laid. So approximately
$5,000.00 of the money was spent on the
foundation of the Building. It is deep and wide
and permanent.
Getting the bonds subscribed and getting them
paid for were two different things, so the work
progressed as they were able to get cash for the
bonds from the members and others who had
subscribed for them. With constant effort,
however, they were able to progress at quite
regular working time. A day to day progress report
on the building in handwriting of Bro. Gleason
is in the possession of the Lodge and is an
interesting commentary on the building problems.
Two years were consumed in the construction of
the building, many members of the Lodge giving
liberally of their time, as well as their means, in
order to complete it.
The Grand Lodge Lays the Corner Stone
The corner stone was laid on June 24 1911 with an
elaborate ceremony by J.S. Brooks, Grand Master,
and J.W. Hicks, Grand Lecturer, and members of
the Lodge serving as proteam grand officers.
The news item carried in the Biloxi Herald gives
the full account:
The cornerstone of the Masonic Temple,
which is to be erected at the corner of Main
Street and Howard Avenue, which was laid
Saturday when the Mississippi Grand Lodge
convened here, with Grand Master Dr. S.
Brooks, of Lola, Mississippi, as Master of
Ceremonies with the following acting
members of the Grand Lodge:
H.T. Howard, Deputy Grand Master; L.R.
Bowen, Senior Warden; W.G. Grayson,
Junior Warden; J.L. Jondan, Chaplain, J.W.
Hicks, Grand Lecturer; H.J. Meaut, Grand
Secretary; William Gorenflo, Grand
Treasurer; E.L. Suter, Senior Deacon; O.G.
Swetman, S.D.; J.C.Tyler, J.D.; Joseph W.
Ott, J.D.; S.E. Cowan and W.W. Syfan,
Stewards; General S. W. Ferguson, Grand
Marshal; P. Yurgensen, Grand Sword Bearer;
G.A. Harkness, Grand Architect; F. Colmer,
Bearer of the Holy Writings; W. K. M.
Dukate, Bearer of the Book of Constitution;
George W. Oneal. Bearer of Oil; Fred
Dorhauer, Bearer of Wine; J.J. Lemon,
Bearer of Corn; W.W. Robeson, Bearer of
Salt, H.V. Lizana, Tyler.
Dr. J.S. Brooks was introduced by General
S. W. Ferguson. After a prayer by Rev. J.L
Jordan, the Biloxi Herald Band, which
furnished music for the occasion, played
Nearer My God To Thee,and this was
followed by a song How Firm a
The following data and documents were
placed in the cornerstone:
The scriptures; a list of the officers for the
current year; a list of the names of those
comprising the acting grand lodge; roll of
building Lodge; roll of Coast Commandery
No. 19, Knights Templar; roll of Biloxi
Chapter, of Alexander council, and the order
of the Eastern Star; a list of the deputy grand
masters; a copy of the Biloxi Herald and
copy of the Biloxi Advertiser; a coin of the
realm. The trowel was then presented to Dr.
Brooks, the Grand Master. The symbolical
ceremony attending the placing of the corn,
wine, oil and salt on the cornerstone was
gone through. The corn representing
nourishment; the oil, joy; the wine,
refreshment; and the salt, consecration.
The implements of the craft were then placed
in the hands of the acting architect, G.A.
Harkness, after which Judge T. H. Gleason,
who is Worshipful Master, spoke on Masonry,
telling in beautiful language of its lofty aims,
its idealistic purposes and its good works.
General S. W. Ferguson spoke briefly on the
purpose and work of Masonry.
There followed then a magnificent banquet
in the building opposite, which was thrown
open for the occasion. A tempting array of
the choicest viands had been prepared by the
ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star and
the local and visiting Masons were soon
enjoying the bounteous repast which had
been prepared for them by the ladies and
many were the words of praise spoken
thereof. Besides the Grand Master, Dr.
Brooks, there were a number of visiting
Masons from Coast and other points.
The Temple Completed
Like all who labor long and well at a
commendable task, their thought and energy are
put into the job to be done and no thought is giving
to the reward. The effort was so great and the
sacrifice of the membership was such in building
that when the job was actually done they did not
even give it enough thought to note on the minutes
the actual date of moving into to the new building.
It was early in the year 1913 however, for it is
noted that at the November 4, 1912 meeting Bro.
Gleason, chairman of the Temple Committee
reported that the first and Lodge Room floors were
near completion, and on the first floor two of the
stores were rented. He reported again at the
December meeting that he had paid out to date
the sum of $13,364.20 and had sold $17,000
worth of bonds and thought the committee would
be about $1,200 short.
But at the February 1913 meeting we find the
glorious note that the Worshipful Master, O.G.
Swetman, desired to have the Builder of our
Templegive a talk on the subject of the Temple
and requested Bro. Bowen to present the builder
Bro. Gleason to the East, where he was met by
Brother H.T. Howard, Past Grand Master, who
Turning the Hiram Key
Only $31.00
To order this book, or any item featured in the Lodgeroom International Magazine,
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The Real Secrets of Freemasonry? Robert Lomas (co-author of The Hiram Key) has
finally tackled the big unanswered questions about The Brotherhood. What is the
purpose of Freemasonry? What do Masons gain from working its Rituals? Can anybody
benefit from the Spiritual Teachings of 'The Craft'. Are Masonic rituals simple moral
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journey through the mystical rituals of Freemasonry.
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - History
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
28 28 28 28 28
with a few well chosen words presented Brother
Gleason with a handsome watch from the
members of Magnolia Lodge. Bro. Gleason
responded and expressed his appreciation of the
confidence and esteem and the token from the
members of Magnolia Lodge.
So they were finally in the Temple, with the first
and third floors completed, but with the second
floor only roughly partitioned into three rooms
and hall. The third floor as then constituted had
two lodge rooms, kitchen, dining hall and
reception rooms.
Furniture of the Lodge
The Officers stations and other furniture of the
Lodge has an interesting history in that they were
not purchased from Paraphernalia House but were
wrought in the City of Biloxi, as individual
creative work by Brother T.J. Rossell a skilled
crasftmen engaged in the woodworking business.
The officers pillars, the altar, and the brazen
pillars were all built by him an 1902, soon after
the last fire, and have been in continues use by
the Lodge since that time. Brother Joe Dowling
who was employed by Rossel at the time
personally assisted in their construction.
Their original staining and bronzing were done
by Brother Ed. Suter, one of the most skilled men
in that line that Biloxi has ever produced.
The Brazen Pillars are especially beautiful, and
we believe them to be the most ornate and
attractive of many in the state.
The five matched officers chairs were also
produced in 1902 through Brother J.C. Clower,
who was engaged in the furniture business in the
city of Biloxi.
Interest in Schools - Cornerstones Laid
A most significant event in the life and growth of
any city is the provision of schools and plans for
the education of its citizenship. Magnolia Lodge
was able to participate in this notable event in
the City of Biloxi in 1898, in a most dramatic
way, when William Gorenflo, W.K.M. Dukate,
Laz Lopez, and Harry Howard, leading citizens
of the city at that time, and active members of
the Masonic Lodge, Harry T. Howard being the
then Master, donated three public schools to the
City. A resolution of the City Council invited
Magnolia Lodge, and the Grand Lodge of
Mississippi to lay the cornerstones of these
buildings, and the invitation was accepted.
The following day December 7, 1898 the Biloxi
Daily Herald carried a fine account of the
occasion, and we are indebted to Mr. Eugene P.
Wilkes, its present publisher, for the permeation
to use it. The story follows:
Yesterday was a day that should be long-
lived in memory of Biloxi and its people,
for it marked a certain progress in the
educational advancement of the city. With
all the impressiveness of the mysterious
Masonic ceremony the cornerstones of the
new school buildings were laid, and a
completeness of a rapid stride in the
progress of the city was known.
To an unthinking or simply curious person,
the day and the ceremonies were not up to
standard of circus parade, but to those
looking forward to a realization of the
material advancement of the community,
they were fraught with meaning, for it
demonstrated with unwavering certainty,
two things, that our people are in earnest
in their interest in and desire for the proper
education of their children, and that there
are generous, public spirited citizens, who
are willing to go give of their bounty, in a
way that means something, and something
that forces itself into the prosperity and
means something, and something that forces
itself into the prosperity and substantial
growth, not only of the community and
State, but to the welfare and continuity of
the Nation.
Grand Master Ex. Gov. J.M. Stone, who was
to conduct the ceremonies did not arrive until
10:45 on the morning train, and for this
reason there was a delay in the
commencement of the exercise, but start was
made about 12 oclock and the procession,
consisting of all the pupils of the public
schools in line with their teachers, and each
grade marked by a beautiful banner, began
the march to the West End School. The line
of march was out Howard Avenue, and the
sight of quite 500 children from girls and
boys almost grown in physical development
down to the lisping tots, to whom a complete
knowledge of the alphabet and numbers was
a wonderful achievement, was inspiring -not
the stirring of blood, like the tramp of
conquering armies, with flying banners and
rolling drums, but an appeal to the
gentleness and Christian part of the beings,
that temper and subdue the innate savagery
that sometimes seizes hold of us and runs
riot - that inspiration that sanctifies and
builds up the altar of home, and influences
us to show the best of our being.
The West End school building is a beautiful
modern structure, complete in every detail,
both as to architectural design and
continuous usefulness. This building was
given by Mr. and Mrs. L. Lopez, and even
when it has served its purpose and crumbled
into dust of ages it will be an ever living
monument to one on Biloxis best citizens and
his noble wife.
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - History
From West End the procession moved on to
Back Bay, where is a structure that will be a
mark maker in the life of every child who
lives to pass from careless childhood to the
responsibilities of age, and no child who
crosses the threshold of that building will
forget the names of the noble men who,
without price, gave to them the schoolhouse
that memory will ever keep in form - WM.
Gorenflo and W.K.M. Dukate.
From Back Bay the march back to the
Howard building was short, but none of the
interest had been lost. This building was the
gift of H.T. Howard, who has always
responded, and generously and often, without
the asking to the needs of Biloxi, and
wherever it may be, there is no city that has
been more thought of or more profusely
donated to than has Biloxi, and the name
Harry Howard, as he is lovingly called,
should be transmitted from generation to
generation as one of Biloxis most faithful
friends and noble citizens. This school
building is beautifully and centrally located,
and is constructed to meet every demand for
comfort and convenience.
After this cornerstone had been laid, the
ceremonies were concluded, and marching
t o t hei r hal l , t he Masons, who had
conducted the ceremonies, disbanded. Ex.
Gov. Stone was accompanied by Hon. J.L.
Power, the grand secretary of the Masons.
The day was beautiful and the ceremony
was in every respect imposing, instructive
and appreciated. All went well and work
was good.
The Grand Master Makes Mason at Sight
This incident of unusual interest occurred as
recalled personally by Brother L.R. Bowen who
related it at the 90th anniversary meeting. In the
year 1898 a number of the officers of the Grand
Lodge were in Biloxi for a Masonic occasion and
the local committee, as part of the entertainment,
tendered the visitors a boat ride to Ship Island.
The boat, the Julius Elbert, was furnished by
Brother L. Lopez, and the visitors and host
boarded the boat with picnic lunch and went to
Ship Island. The harbor at time was filled with a
number of ships engaged in transporting lumber.
The numerous sail boats were an interesting sight
but the large ocean steamers were unusual to the
visitors, for many of them had not had
opportunities to see them. Brother Bowen, a
licensed pilot, was acquainted with the captains
of the boats and obtained permission from Capt.
George Maddrell of a steamer from Liverpool to
let the visitors go on the boat and inspect it.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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The opportunity to thus invite the Masons aboard
seemed to furnish Maddrell a great deal of pleasure
and he greeted the Grand Master, as he boarded
the boat, saying, Gentleman, you are welcome to
the ship. I am sorry I cannot greet you as brothers.
It is my misfortune, but not my fault.
He then showed the visitors over the boat, invited
them to his own cabin and extended them every
courtesy. After they had completed the round and
spent a pleasant half hour or more on the ship,
brother Spinks, the Grand Master , turned to
Captain Maddrell and remarked, Did I
understand you to say that your not being able to
greet us as brothers was your misfortune, but not
your fault?
He replied, yes, I was reared in England and
early became a seafaring man and obtained my
license when I was barely twenty-one and have
had charge of ships since that time and have not
been in port at any time long enough to make
Brother Spinks replied, I will accept that as an
application, the mate on the vessel was a Mason
and close acquaintance of the Captain for a long
time and furnished satisfactory evidence
concerning him. Immediately a Master Mason
lodge was arranged in the cabin, proper lights
and working tools being readily accessible on the
ship and the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft
degrees were conferred during the forenoon and
the Master Mason degree in the afternoon. Capt.
Maddrell was so elated at his opportunity to
become a Mason that he come into Biloxi that
night with the party and made application for
membership and due course his name was
enrolled as a Mason of Magnolia Lodge.
Capt. Bowen told that he had cards from many
ports of the world. Thus it is seen by this incident
that Magnolia Lodge has had a traveling member
going to the far corners of the earth.
This event is officially recorded in the address of
Grand Master J. L. Spinks at 1896 convocation
of the Grand Lodge.
Magnolia Lodge to Host Meetings of Grand
Lodge of Mississippi
1897- The seventy-ninth Annual Communication
of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi was held in the
City Hall at Biloxi, on Thursday, February 11th,
A.D. 1897. It was called to order at 11 a.m. with
M.W. Grand Master James F. McCol presiding.
The proceedings of that year reveal that a pleasant
and harmonious session was held. A paragraph
from the Grand Master s address to the meeting
is interesting:
The thanks are due the Brethren of Biloxi
for their hospitality to the Grand Lodge.
This town is the oldest town in the State built
by white people. This town has been regarded
as the El Dorado of the Western Hemisphere,
a golden region supposed to surpass all others
in the richness of its varied productions. Here
was the first fortification erected by the French
on the soil of Mississippi, and being the seat
of Colonial Government, the seat of French
power and sovereignty in the state, as
represented by Royal Governors and
Viceregents, through whom the King of France
spoke to his subjects in this far-a-way quarter
of the world.
1903 Annual Grand Communication
The Grand Lodge came to Biloxi, again on Feb.
19, 1903, to hold its 85th Annual Communication.
Magnolias own members Harry T. Howard
concluded his year as Grand Master at that
meeting, and in his address expressed his great
pleasure in having the session in his home town.
His detailed report for the year showed he had
been very active during the year, traveling 8,059
miles in visiting Subordinate Lodges, laying
cornerstones and dedicating Masonic Temples in
Mississippi. He relates with pleasure his official
visit to his home Lodge Magnolia 120, and his
installing Bro. L.R. Bowen as Grand Marshall of
the Grand Lodge.
We note that Bro. E.J. Bowers, a prominent
coast attorney, who later served a long and
distinguished term in Congress from this
District, was a member of his Law
Committee. Evidently fearful of a shortage
of accommodations Bro. Howard, in his
address thanked Brother Niles, the then
Federal Judge, for postponing the February
term of the Federal Court in Biloxi until the
week following the Grand Lodge Meeting.
He also mentions the assistance of Bro. J.H.
Neville in the matter. At the close of the
meeting the following resolution was
unanimously adopted by a rising vote:
Resolved that the officers and members of
this Grand Lodge present their grateful
acknowledgments to our retiring Grand
Master Harry T. Howard, the members of
Magnolia Lodge, and the citizens of Biloxi
generally, for the kindness, courtesy and
generous hospitality extended to us during
the entire session of this very pleasant Grand
That the thanks of the Grand Lodge be and
are hereby extended our most obliging and
liberal Brother Dukate, for the use of his
splendid Theater Building as a place of
meeting during our stay in this pretty little
sea coast city. And that the thanks of this
Grand Lodge be and are hereby tendered Most
Worshipful Grand Master Harry T. Howard,
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - History
How Many Freemasons
Does it Take to Change a
To Order, go to:
for the amiable, efficient and impartial
manner in which he has conducted the duties
of his high office during the past year.
The officers of Magnolia Lodge at the time of
this meeting were:
L.R. Bowen, Master; J.C. Bradford, S. Warden;
G.W. Grayson, J. Warden; T.P. Dulion, Treasurer;
H.J. Meaut, Secretary; and R.B. Harrison, Tyler.
1950 Annual Grand Communication
We rejoice in having the Grand Lodge with us
again in February, 1950, the year of the 100th
Anniversary of Magnolia Lodge.
The Decade of The 1950s.
The Decade began with the Korean Conflict in
its height. The impact to the Lodge was a heavy
influx of military personnel in need of both
entering the Masonic Temple and advancing
through the degrees. Even after hostilities ceased
the demands on the Lodge officers continued at a
heavy workload.
Each Worshipful Master conducted an aggressive
program with able assistance from his staff and
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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many others in the Lodge. The results were a
significant increase in membership.
We also made considerable changes to the
Masonic building. We installed an elevator,
remodeled the kitchen and dining room and
purchased new office equipment.
Magnolia Lodge began the decade with a new
W.M., Elliott Foretich, and a full slate of officers.
Under his leadership, he promoted the celebration
of the 100th anniversary of the Lodge.
In October, 1958 the Lodge held a past Master
and Old Timers?Night. A gift was presented to
Bro. James Dowling, age 88; the oldest Lodge
member present. Gift was also given to Bro. W.
H. Bending of Gulfport Lodge. He was also 88
and one of the best-known Mason on the Gulf
Cost. Donald E. Riddle received a gift as the
youngest Mason present ( 23 years old ).
G. W. Scarborough was elected a W.M. and began
his leadership in January 1959. In a report
submitted to the Mississippi Grand Lodge in
September, it stated that our total membership
as of august 1959 was 669 members. The year
ended with a very heavy workload of degree work
in the Lodge.
The Decade of The 1960s
Throughout the decade Magnolia Lodge
increased membership to over 700 and later
decreased its membership with the
establishment of Fellowship Lodge N0. 630.
This was a period of time associated with the
Vietnam War and Keesler AFB played a major
role training Airman for duty in it.
Two hurricanes, Betsy in 1965 and Camille in
1969, struck the Gulf Cost and both damaged the
Lodge and damaged the city considerably.
In 1966 the Masonic Library was organized and
formed. For the next several years many Masons
and dependents of Masons contributed books and
funds to maintain the Library.
A great ceremony took place in March of 1968
when Magnolia Lodge officers and brothers
participated in laying the corner stone in the new
courthouse in Biloxi. We have documents
archived there.
It was a very active 10 years. A great many peoples
lives were changed because of their personal
involvement in Masonry. There were
good times and there were sad times.
The Temple sustained much damage
and in between hurricanes
considerable effort by brothers and
contractors kept the building in shape.
In August 1960, the Grand Master from
Pascagoula, Eli J. Smith, spoke and
explored the building of a new Lodge
in Vancleave, MS.
A motion was made and carried to
contribute funds for the new Lodge
building for Ezell Lodge N0. 426.
At the close of the year (1961), the
W.M. submitted a detailed report of
events and other considerations.
However, several facts and ideas need
to be stated. First, by the end of the
year the membership had grown to
714. Never before had the Lodge
exceeded 700. In conjunction with the
lager membership, the W.M. expressed
the idea of dividing Magnolia Lodge
by establishing another Lodge in the
The most significant happening in
1963 was the forming of the
Fellowship Lodge N0. 630 in Biloxi.
The leadership believed it in the best
interests of all members if two Lodges
would divide the present membership
to serve each half more efficiently. In
May the Grand Master James J. Brown
Continued from Previous Page
signed the certificate forming the Fellowship
Lodge N0. 630.
The Lodge work began in 1968 in earnest under
the leadership of the W.M. Russell Lunstrum. In
October Bro. Lunstrum received orders o deeply
overseas and trus could not complete his term. He
was presented a P.M. apron and lapel pin. A
testimonial was read about his accomplishment as
W.M.. Since it was so late in the year the decision
was made not to elect a fill-in for the W.M..
The Decade Of The 1970s
The decade began with the Country still involved
in the Vietnam War. Our W.M. was reelected after
serving in the war in 1968. On a patriotic note
we provided every school in Biloxi with a copy
the The Declaration of Independence in 1976.
Hurricane Frederick struck in September of 1979.
Fortunately, only slight damage happened to the
building and there was no report of major
assistance to our members.
We filled the decade with activaties. We remained
united through the end of the Vietnam War ,
assisted other Masons in their needs and provided
recognition to Masons and their families with
proper rites and ceremony.
The Decade Of The 1980s
Robert D. Nielsen became W.M. for 1985. Work
began in the Lodge as expected.
Hurricane Elena struck the coast on 2 September,
it caused severe damage to both the inside and
outside of the Temple. Most of the damage inside
was caused by water. Outside, 23 windows, the
roof and water tower for the A/C were severely
damaged. Repairs began immediately.
As an outgoing gesture to the W.M., the Lodge
made Robert D. Nielsen a life time member for
his dedication and extensive work on repairing
the Lodge from damage caused by Hurricane
Elena. Life memberships were grated also to
Lodge brothers Lunstrum and Blackmom for
devotion and labor to the Lodge.
The Decade Of The 1990s
The decade of the 90s contained period of growth
for the membership of the Magnolia Lodge as well
as devastation when hurricane George struck a
devastating blow that the temple required
extensive repairs. Restoration continued for many
months during the next year and into the year 2000.
The Lodge elected to have the 150th Anniversary
on 18 March 2000. ( This date would be change
to April or later.) Guests and speakers will be
invited. The G.M. will be the last person to speak.
We also are inviting The Mayors of Biloxi and
D?berville, The City Counsels and the
Board of Supervisors
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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biographical and historical memories, or in
To Rome first of all, with Nigidius Figulus
, the
Pythagorean friend of Cicero. Then with the
students of Plotinus, Porphirius and Jamblicus,
who graft the branch of Pythagorean gold upon
the fertile stem of platonism
. Eventually with
Apollonius of Tiana, the thaumaturge.
In the imperial age the tonalities of Pythagorism
tilt toward magic and hidden chromaticisms
and it would sometimes suffice to be labelled as
a mathematician for being banished from the
eternal city
A matrimony, that which happened between
exact and hidden sciences, that will constitute
the fulcrum of the philosophia naturalis and will
continue to exist until relatively recent times.
Another crucial breakthrough of the Renaissance:
the Pythagorean spring gushes out of the
confluence of the trade traditions which filtered
from the architectural yard, with the philological
and sapiential recovery of the Greek and Latin
While the architects ponder on the harmonic
to be used for tuning-up the
buildings to the universe, Pico della Mirandola
does not fail, in his nine hundred thesis, to
develop fourteen of them secundum
Mathematicam Pythagorae, and in the Heptaplus
he suggests a new graft of the branch of
Pythagorean gold on the Jewish wisdom
, a graft
that will be lovely nurtured by his principal
student of Christian cabbala, Johannes Reuchlin
If therefore Rome is decisive in the conjunctio
of Pythagoras and Plato, and in their mysterica
fermentation, a new and fertile equation betwee
Pythagorism and cabbala settles with Reuchlin
also if it reverses the relationship of it attributin
the supremacy to the doctrine of the sefirot
. It
is in this crucible that number and geometry again
arrive to maturation as hieroglyphics of the
universe, as cosmograms, sacred languages and
universal law at the same time: the cosmonomia.
Rome and the Renaissance: these therefore are
by and forth, the joints of the Pythagorean
tradition of utmost importance in the genesis and
development of speculative freemasonry, that
from the very operative masonry inherited some
legacies, the principal of which being the rigorous
cult of geometry as the invisible setting of sacred
and civic buildings, always celebrated in the
normative documents.
Not being able at the present time to draw at the
point of compass the harmonic skeleton of
architecture of the West, which however is often
only a sign, albeit quite strong, and not always
certain proof of a conscience of the Pythagorean
tradition, it is worthwhile to turn the eye to the
sources, and in first place to the constitutions
of masonry.
First of all the Poema Regius
, that doesnt affect
the fifth century and seems to ignore the existence
of Pythagoras. Euclides replaces it: in form of
prosthesis and of substitute, it embodies the
biographical silhouette of the philosopher of
Samo. It would seem, then, testimony of a removal
or of a disappearing, yet it is a text of paramount
importance, identifying freemasonry with
geometry since the beginning
In place of the easy smiles that the legendary story
of the Regius Poem could arise, one of his
conclusive points is to be meditated, guarded
within the section dedicated to the Art of the
Quatuor Coronati:
Gemetre the seventh syens hyt ysse, that con
deperte falshed from trewthe ywys
These bene the syens seven, whose useth hem
wel, he may han heven
While in the Carmick manuscript
, and in the
twelfth degree of the Rite of Perfection, to make
but a few examples, geometry is usually depicted
as the art of the measurement of surfaces,
the Regius attributes to geometry the power of
separating false from truth with certainty,
celebrating it as the discipline of the judgment.
The liberal arts reveal themselves as the seven
of Jacobs staircase, crowned by the
geometry, the seventh of them, since more
elevated than any other.
And this staircase that rises by degrees eventually
escapes to every measurement quite through the
geometry. Without the sense of measure how can
we be able to understand the incommensurable?
In the Regius, the rational base of the Pythagorean
viaticum as well as his metarational end, finds
both hinge and threshold within the geometry.
At the origin of all the liberal arts is, in the
Vth century Cooke manuscript
the geometry:
the call is meant, as in the Regius, to dignify the
science of constructions through a historical
mythical fabric that takes root in the Bible, and
identifies therefore in Iubal, one of the children
of Cain, the first mann bat euer found gemetry
and masonry.
The role of Pythagoras is essential: the
descendants of Adam raised two columns, fearing
that the anger of God would cancel the human
race and the aboriginal wisdom with a cataclysm,
and on those same columns they engraved all
sciences. After the deluge Pythagoras finds one
of the two columns and Hermes the other, and
they taught the sciences that found written onto
The legendary theme of the two columns of the
wisdom, that has travelled along at least as much
as the salomonic columns of the Masonic temple,
has the function of guaranteeing the continuity
of the transmission: the original wisdom has not
suffered censure with the deluge.
If in fact the base of the liberal arts is to be
considered subsequent to the confusion of the
languages that God generated after the attempt
of climbing the sky with the tower of Babel, this
would not represent anything sacred and could
not allow of having the sky, like the Regius
The principal and most known source of this
legend is Josephus Flavius
. But the Cooke
manuscript is the only text that, in the same way
as the Egyptian Mysteries of Jamblicus
, narrates
of the two primordial columns and assigns to
the nodal role of discoverer and
custodian of the original wisdom, thought side
by side with Hermes: signal as eloquent as ever
of the magistral role that the philosopher of Samo
had taken within the Masonic craft.
Naturally the two columns of wisdom had
somehow to be inserted in the historical and
mythical part of the 1723 Constitutions, a portion
which has certainly been written by Anderson
Although the Cooke manuscript has served him
as a canvas
, Anderson relegates the legendary
episode in the footnotes, and without mentioning
Pythagoras at all
, to whom he would seem to
Continued from Page 4
Continued on Next Page - Pythagorean
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destine the certainly more mar ginal role of
author of the 47th proposition of the first book
of Euclides, better known as the theorem of
Also in this case, however, an attentive reading
is worthwhile: The sublime Pythagoras revealed
itself author of the 47 proposition of Euclides
First Book, which if properly applied it constitutes
the base of the sacred, civil and military
The theorem of Pythagoras has been presented
like the foundation stone of all Masonry, and I
don t believe that in this case Anderson
exclusively refers to architecture. A literally
central role is in fact reserved to the Pythagorean
theorem within the opening frontispiece of the
Constitutions: it is situated between the two
protagonists, the duke of Montagu and the duke
of Wharton, just under the roll of the constitutions
that the former deliver to the latter, and in the
precise role of foundation, lined up to the floor
of architecture that frames the scene
The axiality and the parallelism that in the
andersonian frontispiece tie the Pythagorean
triangle par excellence to the constitutions of
masonry have a common vertex in the term right,
which in the English language designates both
the law, the rule, the canon, the equity and
therefore the justice, as well as, naturally, the
right-angled triangle.
For a British subject of the beginning of the XVIII
century the nearest association is possibly with
the Bill of rights, the paper of laws and liberties
approved in 1689. But in the English of the time
we will also find uses of the term which, slipping
on homophony, refer together to rectitude, justice
and the right-angled triangle, also to the rite.
And singularly the nearest examples to the time
of the andersonian Constitutions lead to the
Pythagorean sphere
, that is to the Orphic rites,
as mentioned in a history of philosophy of 1687,
and to Numa Pompilius, persistently associated
to Pythagoras by Cicero and by other authors.
This analogy brings therefore to the rectitude:
whatever is proportion and harmony within the
metaphysical and cosmogonal sphere it becomes,
like I said already with a neologism, cosmonomy
or universal law, and therefore it fully concerns
also the justice as the regulatory principle of ethics
and social moral: everything is One.
The concurrence dated at least from the times of
Aristotle, that certainly while Pythagorising in
writing the Nicomachaean Ethic declared that
the justice is the most important of the virtues.
Besides it is perfect because he who possesses it
can practice the virtue also toward the others
(V, 1) and the right is something of proportion
(V, 3).
Inigo Jones himself, an architect of the XVII
century celebrated by Anderson as Grand Master
Mason, and tenacious supporter of a Aristotelian
conception of the art being at the service of ethics,
closely associated harmony, proportion and
justice: Eurhythmics is the temperinge of the
proportion applied to ye matter as Equiti is to
Porphirius and Jamblicus as well insisted on the
equation between harmony and justice: it is
indeed to them that the connection between the
right-angled triangle and the justice is to be
In his Pythagorean life Jamblicus explains that
Pythagoras, wanting to show that the justice,
limited, equal and commensurable, also
dominates on the unequal, incommensurable and
boundless, and wanting at the same time to
indicate how justice is to be practiced, said that
justice resembles of that figure that alone in
geometry has boundless possibilities of
composition in forms which though being uneven
amongst themselves can admit a single
demonstration procedure for their squared
The justice thus finds a geometric correspondent
with the right-angled triangles, and most properly
in that triangle whose catheti are in the three
quarters relation: Pythagoras, says Jamblicus,
used to represent the political constitutions with
three lines combined in such a manner that they
should touch each other at the extremities: one
of the identified angles was a right angle, a line
was with the other in the relationship of 4:3, the
other line had five unities. If we consider the
relationships in which these lines and their
squares stay between them, we could delineate
the picture of the excellent political constitution.
3 8
The justice, in the initiatic Platonist
Pythagorean way, it is the individual and social
incarnation of the laws of the cosmos, the
attainment of the mastery of oneself in the
harmonic accord with the universe: the reached
The right-angled triangle 3-4-5 thus synthesizes
the political constitutions but, to judge from a
ritual published in the same year (1723) of the
andersonian Constitutions the right-angled
triangle is taken as a model, always according to
a comunitarian Pythagorean conception that
derives from Jamblicus
, also for the harmonic
relationship that must feed a right and perfect
What makes a just and perfect Lodge? A Master,
two Wardens, four Fellows, five Apprentices, with
Square, Compass, and Common Gudge
Enough being the fact that adding the two
Wardens to the Master we obtain the relationship
3-4-5. This is the context that gives sense to a
catechistic passage within the 12 degree of the
1783 Rite of Perfection, in which the judgment,
that was only briefly mentioned in the definition
of geometry of the Regius Poem, comes
overwhelmingly back upon the right-angled
triangle. After have asked the candidate to the
degree of Grand Master Architect what is the
geometry and why geometry is a hinge for
Freemasons, he is asked whether also the
trigonometry is a hinge for masons:
A. : Yes, Gr.d M.r Arch.t; that Science is
indispensable for the preceding .. the discovery
of this art we owe to Pythagoras trigonometry
is rather an attribute belonging to the great Arch.t
of the universe than a mason, and will make him
tremble, when he thinks that the great Arc.t of
the universe will Judge him by the same problem
of Pythagoras.
All our actions, put in Signs, will form a Triangle
of which 2 sides only will present themselves to
our Conscience, viz.t the Good and Evil. But the
great Arch.t of the universe will alone find the
Top by opening the angles of our hearts which is
only known to him.
It doesnt come as a surprise that Mackey, mindful
of the authority of foundation as assigned to the
right-angled triangle and to the justice within the
Masonic viaticum by the andersonian
Constitutions, would present the justice as the
corner stone on which alone the mason can
expect to erect a superstructure alike honorable
to himself and to the fraternity. 43 He knew well
that the lodge of the 31st degree of the Scottish
Rite, being decorated like a supreme court, is
crowned in the east with the Aristotelian
principles, justitia and equitas, together with
the Pythagorean tetractys.
The subtended and allusive Pythagorean filigree
of the symbolic freemasonry will appear on the
surface in all evidence as a consequence of the
publication of the catechisms in Masonry
: to the insinuations launched by
in 1730 the Grand Lodge of London
will answer in the same year with A Defence of
Masonry, an anonymous text aimed at
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demonstrating the conformity between the rites
and the principles of Freemasonry with the many
uses and ceremonies of the Ancient
and in
which it is often underlined the relationship with
the ancient society: Free-Masonry, as published
by the Dissector, is very nearly allied to the old
Pythagorean Disciple; from whence I am
persuaded it may in some Circumstances very
justly claim its Descent.
The principal points of contact between the
Pythagorean society and freemasonry are,
according to the anonymous author, the solemn
oath of observing silence
, the communication
through signs and words, and what the Dissector
calls the four principles of freemasonry, or point,
line, surface and solid,
being these the
arithmetic tetraktys geometrically transposed.
The Essenians, another example of affinity with
the Masonic viaticum according to the author of
A Defence of Masonry, are presented like a sort
of Pythagoreans of the Jewish world, while no
occasion is lost for underlining of how the
initiated to the Essenic sect should have professed
of pursuing the justice.
A Defence of Masonry boasts a rich and
documented bibliography on the Pythagorism:
from the Stromata of Clemens Alexandrinus to
the Life of Pythagoras of Diogenes Laertius, and
above all Porphirius and Jamblicus, with their
meaningful sentences on justice. Bibliography
that will become a constant point of reference,
thanks to the publication of this work inside the
andersonian Constitutions of 1738, for the
elaboration of the high degrees and of the Masonic
essays on the Pythagorism.
And decisive it is,
in this important work, the sapient reading of the
Hiram legend, written on the pattern already
utilized for the Virgils Golden bough.
But Pythagorism is not exclusive patrimony for
the freemasonry of Anderson times, and for not
mentioning the environment in which
Pythagorism develops
, fertile of publications,
relationships and characters, lets remain within
the entourage of the still young Grand Lodge of
The Andersonian frontispiece shows a picture of
Desaguliers, intimate friend of Newton, member
of the Royal Society, and propagator of Newtons
, while the duke of Montagu himself
was member of a society of physical studies. And
a neatly Newtonian breath blows upon the
overture of the andersonian history
Isaac Newton, charged with deism and wrongfully
associated to mechanism, intended to present his
work of theorist and researcher as a return to the
most genuine Pythagorism
. The fundamental
turn of the modern physics, as made by Newton
in his Principia mathematica, corresponds to an
explicit attempt of rediscovering the esoteric
appearance of the Pythagorean cosmology, as
hidden under the vulgar discourses of the music
of the spheres.
The most unusual aspect emer ged from the
Newton biography of Westfall is that the great
philosophus naturae, as he used to define
himself, though in fact that the fundamental
knowledge of the world, the so-called prisca
sapientia, had already been revealed by God to
the first men and engraved upon two pillars,
which were rediscovered after the universal flood
by Pythagoras and Hermes Trismegistus, whom
englobed that truth in their own esoteric
After the Cooke manuscript, Newton is the second
and the last, for what I know, to associate
Pythagoras and Hermes to the columns of wisdom:
perhaps his friend Desaguliers was the one to tell
him of that unusual story from the Masonic Cooke
manuscript. Perhaps, who knows, he showed it
to Desaguliers. And all this definitely tells us that
certainly we should enquire more about the
relationship between symbolic freemasonry and
the Royal Society.
For the moment we could limit ourselves to
ascertain that for Newton his law of universal
gravitation was not anything else other than the
most authentic rebirth of Pythagorism, and that
certainly he was not the only one to perceive in it
the unity of science and knowledge, of politics,
ethics, and religion, the exoteric and esoteric
dimension: the initiation. And he showed it with
the silence, Pythagorean indeed, with which he
wrapped the decades of his alchemical studies.
In these years the two physicians Witten and
Graham Green had developed the strings theory:
within the quarks, that is to say in the infinitely
small, some strings vibrates, each of which emits
a particular vibration, like a sound, analogous to
a B flat minor or to F sharp minor. If the theory
could finds confirmation beyond the mathematical
model, as Graham Green comments, this would
confirm the Pythagorean theory of the harmony
of the spheres. Once more the new frontiers of
science discover the pulsating perpetuity of
Pythagorism. In short: the universe has a
Pythagorean heart, just like freemasonry. I
sincerely hope that us as well will know how to
rediscover it.
1. From the Carmina Aurea: In all your
occupations, do lose the habit to act without
thinking first. Do, thus, what will not harm
you, and think well before acting (Versi
Aurei, Rome 1991, pp. 33 36).
2. Again from Carmina Aurea: And thus,
having left the body, you will ascend to the
free ether. You will be an immortal god,
incorruptible, invulnerable (ib., p. 36), a
sentence which makes open reference to the
way as indicated in Hirams legend. Reuchlin
clearly has the Carmina Aurea in mind when
so writes: to which other end does the
Cabbalist, that is to say Pythagoras, aims if
not to reconstitute as gods the souls of men?
(J. Reuchlin, De arte cabalistica (1516),
Venice 1995, p. 139). For what concerns the
relationship between Pythagorism and
cabbala in Reuchlin also see notes 16 and
17. For the pythagorean viaticum also see
M. Nicosia, The Strength of Light, or the Via
Regia, in www.zen-it.com/Lfortezzen.htm.
3 Still from Carmina Aurea: Measure of every
thing is the perfection (ib., p. 34). The
rational foundation of knowledge and the
sense of measure are pythagorically
fostered by Pico della Mirandola in his De
hominis dignitate: Lets consult the great
sage Pythagoras also he will first of all
command to us of not to be sitted upon the
bushel, that is to say of not depriving us of
that rational sense with which the soul
measures, judges and examines every thing
4 While in the XVII century masonry the
importance of the Pentalpha is testified by
the Moray seal, chosed as mason mark
after his 1641 initiation in the Edinburgh
Lodge (R. Stevenson, the Origin of
Freemasonry, Cambridge University Press
1998 5, p. 168 and following) a clear example
of the loosing of its pythagorean meaning is
the reading of the Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry, or of the Mackeys A Lexicon
of Freemasonry, wherein no mention is to be
Continued from Previolus Page
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found of the essential pythagorean
significance of the penthalpha. After having
warned the reader that the blazing star is not
to be confused with the five-pointed star,
though both pentagonal, of the former he
writes that it is symbol of the Divine
Providence, which today, whithin the
English ritual is emblem of prudence and
represents the sun (A. G. Mackey,
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1, ad vocem).
Of the latter, or five-pointed star he recalls
the connection with the Master s degree and
the five points of Brotherhood, and precises
that no explanation of it is given in our
lectures (that is to say the texts used for
Masonic instruction; A. G. Mackey, A
Lexicon of Freemasonry, 1869, ad vocem).
Concerning the relation of the pentagonal blazing
star dith the divive providence, that may
appear quite peculiar at first sight, a strange
pythagorising interface is the following:
Pico della Mirandola in his Conclusiones
nongentae, and particularly within the
Conclusiones secundum Mathematicam
Pythagorae, numero XIX, mysteriously
enumerates: Qui I, II, III, IV, V, XII, ordines
cognouerit, prouidentiae distributionem
execte tenebit (Who will know the 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 12 succession will precisely hold the
providence distribution). It is possible that
this Thesis be at the origin of the moral
reading of the pentalpha: in the pythagorean
tradition 12 is a pentagonal number just like
5. His studies, though somewhat hold as far as
historiography and philology are concerned,
exactly describe the experience which crowns
the initiatic viaticum and represent the
exception which confirms the present
situation. See A. Reghini, Le parole sacre e
di passo dei primi tra gradi e il massimo
mistero massonico: studio critico ed
iniziatico, Todi, c. 1922, Atanr, above all at
chapter V; id., Considerazioni sul rituale
dellapprendista libero muratore, containing
a note of the life and the masonic activity of
the author, by Giulio Parise, Genova, 1978,
Phoenix; id., Paganesimo, pitagorismo,
massoneria, by the Pythagorean Association,
Furnari, 1986; id., Numeri Sacri nella
tradizione pitagorica massonica, Roma 1947.
6. Cicero, in the translation to the platonist
Timeo, while remembering the extinction of
the ancient schola, introduces his friend
Nigidius Figulus as the restorator of the
pythagorean discipline in Rome: denique sic
iudico, post illos nobiles Pythagoreos,
quorum disciplina extincta est quodam modo,
cum aliquot saecla in Italia Siciaque viguisset,
hunc extilisse, qui illam renovaret (I, 1).
Diogene Laerzio mentions the last
Pythagoreans that Aristosseno managed to
get acquainted with before their
disappearance (Diogenes Laertius, Vitae,
VIII, 46). And Porphirius as well, though he
poses himself amongst the pythagorising
Platonists, is quite certain: After that the
Pythagoreans were struck by such a
catastrophe (the tragic occurrence of
Crotone), also their philosophy became
extinct (Porphirius, De vita Pythagorica,
7 Here the different opinions vary widely. Some
authors believe that there is not nor there
could be any continuity, while other maintain
that continuity has been assured by mean of
small communities. W. Burkert, for example,
affirms that the permanence of communities
practicing the pythagorean cult. Is by all
means not assured in Hellenistic times,
(Hellenistische Pseudopythagorica, in
Philologus, 105, 1961, pp. 16-43), while
H. Drries maintains exactly the contrary
(Pythagoreismus in Realenciclopdie, XXIV,
1963, p. 269: The thesis according to which
Pythagorism continued to survive within
small communities.. is based upon well
grounded reasons.
8. The process of pythagorising Platonism,
or of assimilation of Pythagorism finds one
of its protagonist in Jamblicus: while in
Alexandria he came into contact with
NeoPythagorism, centered upon the mystic
of numbers of Nicomacus of Cerasa, who
wrote an Introduction to Arithmetic. And
about this same work Jamblicus says we
discover, as a matter of fact, that Nicomacus,
in his Arithmetic Technics all teaches about
this theory according to Pythagoras though
(Jamblicus, On the Introduction to
Nicomacus arithmetic, 4).
9. Even the Golden Verses, that have been
attributed to Pythagoras and had great
fortunes at all times, have been written,
according to Pico, by Philolaos: those
golden poems that are to be found around
do not belong to Pythagoras as commonly
believed by even the most learned scholars
but to Philolaos instead (Pico della
Mirandola, Heptaplus, Italian trans. Of E.
Garin, Arktos, s.l., s.d., p. 3). In the 5th
century, therefore, the golden verses were still
attributed to Pythagoras, though Ierocle of
Alexandria said, in his Comment, that They
are not the memorable words of a single
individual, but rather the doctrine of the
entire pythagorean body. The period of
editing of the golden verses is very uncertain,
and can be placed between the IV bc and the
IV ac.
10. Apuleius and Cicero, amongst other, testify
about Nigidius Figulus. The former
remembers him as a magician and a diviner
( Equally, Fabius, having lost 500 dinars,
went to consult Nigidius; some little boys,
spellbound from Nigidius himself, pointed
out to him the place in which the purse with
a part of those moneys was buries and in
which way all the remaining money had been
scattered; one of those dinars was in the
possession of the philosopher Marcus Cato
also; Catone himself admitted of having
received it from his servant, amongst the
offers for the treasure of Apollo, Apuleius,
Apologia, 42). For Cicero see note 6. Cfr.
also A. Della Casa, Nigidio Figulo, Rome
The Roman Pythagorism would deserve a
specific treatment. Being now enough to
Continued from Previolus Page
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Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
35 35 35 35 35
remember that to stimulate the recovery of
the Pythagorism in the ciceronian times much
contributed the italic character of the society
and the relationships of Rome with Crotone,
not to mention the close affinity between
ethics and stoic and Pythagoric cosmology.
We dont have substantial testimonies on
Nigidius Figulus, but it is possible to
hypothesize that, if a society was constituted,
that same society extended or transferred
itself to Pompeii perhaps quite because of
the persecutions, a place in which a
monumental trace has remained within a
mosaic of the Insula I. Unfortunately I have
not been able until now to conclude the study
that would show the unusual tangency of
masonic symbols with the pythagorean
triple triangle, a emblem of recognition for
the society and symbol of health, that is to
say of regeneration.
11. Both Porphirius and Jamblicus will write a
biography of Pythagoras, decisive both for
the coming pythagorean surfacings.
Porphirius, defined famous philosopher by
Augustine of Ippona (De civitate Dei, XIX,
22), was a disciple of Plotinus as well as the
publisher for his Enneadi. Eusebius
remembers his familiarity with the platonist
and pythagorean texts: from those, this
allegorical interpretation of the mysteries of
the Greek begun, and he applied the same
method to the writings of the Hebrews
(Historia Ecclesiastica, VI, 19, 8). Synthetic
and clear in his pages was the pythagorean
journey: To free and liberate our intellect
once the intellect is so purified it rose
by degrees to the contemplation of the eternal
entities always of the same form
(Porphirius, De vita Pythagorica, 45-47).
Jamblicus wants to complete by mean of his
biography, the program of pythagorising
Platonism, conceived and lived as the true
and legitimate heir of the sacred fire of the
schola italica. Exactly corresponding to
Porphirius, is the testimony of Jamblicus on
the essence of the pythagorean practice:
once the mind is purified the assignment
is set of inspiring and participating it with
anything healthy and divine so that it
wouldnt lose heart at the time of separating
it from the body, neither it would dissuade
the look for the extraordinary splendor, when
it has been driven toward the incorporeal
entities, nor could it address itself to the
passions that nail and tighten the soul to the
body (Jamblicus, De vita Pythagorica, 228).
12. In the Roman tradition a tendency is visible
to qualify as pythagorean anything that
presents the least connection with
arithmology, magic, foretelling practices,
occultism, superstition (B. Centrone,
Introduzione ai Pitagorici, Bari, p. 164).
As a proof of the persistence within modern ages
of the alliance between mathematics and
hidden sciences, that is of what Ficino and
Pico would have called philosopia naturalis,
it is here enough mentioning the case of
Francesco Piccolomini (1520-1604), that
was fellow student in Padova with the future
Sixtus V, and for whom mathematics and
physics are but two of the four parts of magic,
together with cabbala and demonology. Cfr.
F. Secret, Les Kabbalistes Chrtiens de la
Renaissance, Milan 1985, p. 314.
13. Under Tiberius a senatus consultum banned
in 16 AD magi et mathematici. Cfr. U. Lugli,
La magia a Roma, Genoa 1989, p. 34.
Meaningful is Philostratos as well, Life of
Apollonius of Tiana. 4, 35 and following:
Nero didnt allow that philosophy was
practiced more than once the mantle of
the philosopher had been drawn into court...
14. The harmonic proportions, discovered
according to tradition by the same
Pythagoras, are founded upon the three
consonances inherent in the first four
numbers. In the pythagorean platonist
discipline, that involves metaphysical and
cosmogonal implications. The diapason, or
1:2, shows the relationship between the
immovable principle or deus absconditus
and the endless dyad, or between the One
and the manifold. In it are implicit already
the other two consonances and therefore it
constitutes the perfect harmony according to
Philolaus (6:12= 6:8 + 8:12 or 6:9 + 9:12).
In the diapente, or 2:3, the matter, or female
archetype, is correlated to three, an apparent
principle corresponding to the nous, or
intellectus, and to the masculine archetype.
In the diatessaron, or 3:4, the apparent
principle is in harmony with the formed
matter, the form enters into relationship with
the solid. The three consonances therefore
describe in their geometric and musical
development the emanation that from the
One proceeds to the manifold.
15. The graft, as sprung out of the cabalistic
interest of Pico, is founded upon the passages
of Numenius concerning Plato Attic Moses
and of the Pythagorean Ermippus, whom
testifies that Pythagoras many things
transferred in his own philosophy from the
Moses law (Pico Della Mirandola,
Heptaplus, op. cit., p. 3). Ermippus, perhaps
the first to affirm that the doctrine of
Pythagoras would derive from Traci and
Hebrews, was quoted by Josephus Flavius
who reinforced the same concept: it is
truthful affirmation that Pythagoras drew
greatly from the Jewish laws for his
philosophy (Josephus Flavius, The Works
of Flavius Josephus, vol. 4, Baker Book
House, 1983, p. 174).
It is evident that Pico has drawn the
information from Josephus Flavius, even if
he prefers to make it coming from a
presumed pythagorean source. The
Heptaplus has the objective to demonstrate
the priority of the Jewish tradition, drawn
from Genesis, and the unity of the traditions.
Picos De hominis dignitate proposes an ars
numerandi as a philosophical sapiential
method that finds its principle in the cabbala,
analogous to the pythagorean Platonical
philosophy: It will seem to you of hearing
Pythagoras and Plato.
16. Johannes Reuchlin (Kapnion in Greek),
German humanist (Pforzheim 1455- Bad
Liebenzell 1522). Came to Italy in 1498 as
envoy of the prince elector of the Palatinate.
He taught Greek and Jewish to Ingolstadt and
Tubingen and founded the studies of Jewish
in Germany, printing two manuals as well
(1506 and 1518). Together with Erasmus he
is the main representative of humanism in
Germany. As a Catholic priest, adversary of
the Reform, he was well renown for his
polemic against the anti-semite Jew J.
Pfefferkorn, which became the biggest
polemic between humanists and late
scholastics from whence the Epistolae
obscurorum virorum, a satirical pamphlet
against the late scholastic of the Dominicans
where born.
His principal cabalistical works are the De arte
cabalistica, and the De verbo mirifico. The
first turns the De peace fidei of Cusano in a
esoteric key, a work intended to show the
unity of the three monotheistic
Mediterranean traditions. Thus the three
protagonists of the De arte cabalistica
represents a cabalist, a pythagorean, and a
Islamic exoterist whose knowledge result,
in the course of the dialogue, as having the
same principle and foundation. On Reuchlin
and the Christian cabbala also see F. Secret,
Les Kabbalistes Chrtiens de la Renaissance,
Milan 1985, ch. IV. The translation in Italian
is at www.zen-it.com/Reuchlin.htm.
On the fortune of Reuchlin in England, and
therefore his possible influences on the
recovery of Pythagorism, it will be here
worthwhile to give some indications. John
Dee possessed all the books on the querelle
with the Dominicans in which Reuchlin was
involved, and that is: Geor gij Benigni
defensio Joh. Reuchlin, 4. col. 1518, Jacob
Hochstraten apology, seu libri duo contra
dialogum Benigni pro Reuchlino scriptum,
4. Col. 1518, Acta judiciorum inter Jacobum
Hochstraten& Joh. Reuchlin, 4. Hagenoae.
Thom. Anselm. 1518 (Cfr. John Dees
Library Catalogue, ed. by J. Roberts & A. G.
Watson, The London Bibliographical Society,
1990). But beyond John Dee, whose interest
for the cabala is well known, and to which
we owe the pythagorising Hieroglyphic
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Monad, Reuchlin was quite known to other
characters of Renaissance England. First and
foremost to Thomas More, whose admiration
for Reuchlin was such that he would define
him in his correspondence beloved E.
Surtz, Thomas Mores Friendship With John
Fisher, in Moreana, N. 15, 1967).
But Reuchlin was a model also amongst the
Aristotelians: the Aristotelianism of Everard
Digby tilted toward a mystical theology
deeply indebted to the cabalistic texts of the
German (Revival of Aristotelianism in the
16th, in the Cambridge history of English
and American Literature, Cambridge,
England: University Press, 1907-21). And it
is through Mythomystes of Henry Reynolds,
1632, that Pico and Reuchlin found an
English voice (Jacobean and Caroline
Criticism, ibid.).
1. Reuchlin, on the base of Picos Heptaplus
that indicates the origin of Pythagorism in the
Moses law and in the sources used by Pico
himself, that is Ermippus of Smirne and
Josephus Flavius, makes the Pythagorism
originating from the Jewish cabbala:
Pythagoras did not receive from the Greek
the excellence of his doctrine, but from the
same Jews. And therefore he could be correctly
called Cabalist also if he changed the name
of Cabbala in the Greek name of
philosophy (J. Reuchlin, De arte cabalistica,
Venice 1995, p. 70).
Scholem, a great scholar of cabbala, indicates
in the Pythagorism and in the Platonism the
origin of the cabbala: the sephirotic tree derives
from neopythagorean and stoic influences
(G. Scholem, Kabbalah, Jerusalem 1974, ed.
It. la cabala, Rome 1992, p. 34); the same
happens for the Sefer Yezirah, whose author
strove to make jewish those which were
non Jewish speculations (ibid., p. 35); as
for the birth of the Jewish cabbala, Scholem
places it in Provence between 1150 and 1200:
the Jewish versions of the neoplatonic
theories of the logos and of the divine Will, of
the emanation and of the soul, had the effect
of a powerful stimulus (ibid., p. 51); even
more precisely Scholem expressed himself a
little after: the cabbala, in his historical
meaning, could be defined as the product of
the interpenetration of the Jewish gnosticism
and the neoplatonism (ibid., p. 52).
18. The most remote masonic document is called
Regius because is contained in the Royal
Library of England, today preserved in the
British Museum. It is said also Halliwell Ms.
because in 1840 James O. Halliwell discovered
its masonic character and published it for the
first time. In precedence it had been listed as
A Poem of Moral Duties. To this Ms. is
usually attributed a date around 1390. The
integral text in Italian, accompanied by a brief
presentation, can be consulted in Rivista
Massonica, August 1973, N. 6, pp. 325 and
following, or in zen-it.com/regius.htm. The
transcription in modern English is in
www.zen-it.com/regiusen.htm. The original
version, in Chauser English, is to be found in
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19. This is the beginning: Hic incipiunt
Constituciones artis gemetrie secundum
Euclydem, or Here begin the constitutions
of the art of Geometry according to Euclid,
whom founded This craft of geometry in
Egypt land, where he taught.
20. Not only the description of the geometry is
amazing in the Regius: Rhetoric measureth
with ornate speech among, Arithmetic
sheweth one thing that is another.
21. The Carmick manuscript is originated around
1727 and is preserved at the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania. Henry S. Borneman described
it with care and furnished an exact transcript
of it in Early Freemasonry in Pennsylvania.
22. As in the twelfth degree of the Rite of
Perfection, the Grand Master Architect, in
H. A. Francken, Francken Manuscript 1783,
s.l. s.d., Kessinger, ISBN 1-56459-365-7, p.
110, in which however it is said that the
geometry measures surfaces, but no solids.
23. The seven steps staircase crowns as well the
24th degree of the Rite of Perfection, but the
relationship with the seven liberal arts has
disappeared. In the more recent rituals of the
30th degree of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, corresponding to the 24th degree
of the Rite of perfection, the septenary of the
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
37 37 37 37 37
liberal arts has been reintroduced. For a
reading of this degree in the more recent rituals
see M. Bizzarri, The Scottish Rites Staircase
of Mysteries of the 30th degree, in www.zen-
24. The Cooke manuscript had been compiled in
the first 30 years of the 15th century in ancient
English and translated for the first time in
Italian in E. Bonvicini, Massoneria antica,
Rome 1989, pp. 167-174. The pages 156-166
contains both the original version and that
done in modern English. Probably still in use
by the English Craft of the 17th century, it
contains a normative part divided into nine
articles and nine points preceded by a mythical
narration of the origins of masonry, a structure
that served as canvas to Pastor Anderson for
his 1723 Constitutions. Cfr. also R. F. Gould,
The Concise History of Freemasonry, 1920
2, p. 139.
25. The first city mentioned in the Bible is
Enoch , built by the homonym son of Cain.
Iubal is the father of all the performers of
lyre and flute (Gn, 4, 17-21). the exchange
could not be made by chance, and vice versa
creates a conjunction, as with the pythagorean
manner, of music and sciences of the
number, that is geometry and architecture.
26. This is the passage: after this flode many
yeres as be cronyclere tekketh thes ij pillers
were founde & as be polycronicon seyth bat
a grete clerke bat called pictogoras fonde bat
one and hermes be philisophre fonde bat other
& thei tought for the be sciens bat thei fonde
ber y-writen. (after many years from the
Deluge, as the Chronicle narrates, these two
pillars were found again and, as the
Polyecronicon puts it, a great scholar called
Pythagoras found one and Hermes, the
philosopher, found the other and they taught
the sciences that found written onto them).
27. In the Josephus Flavius narration are however
the children of Seth those to erect the two
columns, and not the children of Cain: they
were the inventors of the particular kind of
wisdom that concerns the celestial bodies and
their order. And not to loose their inventions
before they could be fairly known, according
to the prediction of Adam by which the world
must be destroyed a first time from the fire
and a second time from the violence and from
the mass of the water, they built two pillars:
one of bricks and the other of stone. They
engraved their discoveries on both, so that if
the pillar of bricks may be destroyed by the
flood, that of stone may remain. (Josephus
Flavius, Antiquitates, I 2, 8). Josephus adds
that the pillars were still to be seen in the land
of Siria.
28. In the version of Jamblicus the columns are
hermetic and both Pythagoras and Plato,
naturally, draws from them their wisdom:
The Egyptian writers, since they thought that
everything had been invented by Hermes, they
devoted to him their books. In fact Hermes is
the god of the wisdom and of the word.
Pythagoras, Plato, Democritus, Eudossus and
many others approached the Egyptian priests.
Their dogmas are to be found amongst the
Assyrians, the Egyptians and on the columns
devoted to Hermes. Pythagoras and Plato
became initiated to the philosophy studying
on the columns of Hermes, in Egypt; the
columns of Hermes in fact, are full of
wisdom. (Jamblicus, De Mysteriis
Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum et Assyriorum,
translation from the Latin version of M. Ficino,
1946, p. 15).
Also in the Cooke Ms Egypt plays a capital role
in the transmission of the masonic science:
In this way the aforesaid Art, as initiated in
the Land of Egypt, was propagated from Land
to Land, from Kingdom to Kingdom. Very
probable therefore that the Cooke ms. was
directly influenced by Jamblicuss De
Mysteriis , or indirectly, through an
intermediary source that I have not traced yet.
29. The theme of the columns of wisdom is
referred to by Zoroaster (Zoroaster, said the
founder of the science of the stars in Babylon,
has apparently raised 14 pillars, of which 7
of bronze and 7 of bricks, on which he had
engraved the liberal arts, so that to preserve
them for the use of the posterity in the
eventuality of another flood) or to Hermes
(al-Idris 1099-1166, who composed his
Geography while at the Norman court in Sicily
in 1154, who so reports: In Achimin
(Panopoli) a building is to be found called al-
Berba, that had been built by the glorious
Hermes before the deluge. He foresaw, by
virtue of his art, that the world would have
been destroyed by a catastrophe, And
therefore at first he raised walls of terrestrial
matter Afterward however he erected a
building from the hardest stone, so as to make
provision for the preservation of all the
sciences which are useful to man, and said:
in case a catastrophe of water occurs, the
buildings of soil will fall, but these will stay
and preserve the science from destruction.
When the deluge occurred, everything
happened like Hermes had foreseen). Cfr. J.
Lindsay, The Origins of Alchemy in graeco-
roman Egypt, London 1970, ed. it. Le origini
dellalchimia nellEgitto greco-romano, Rome
1984 pp. 120-21.
But Bernardus Trevisanus seems to polemize
with all those that associated Pythagoras to
Hermes in the recovery of the aboriginal
wisdom, once more correlated to the liberal
arts: this Hermes was the one of whom in
the Bible is written that after the deluge
entered the valley of Hebron and there he
found seven tables of marble-stone, and in
each of them there was printed one of the
seven Liberal Arts in principles; these tables
were engraved before the deluge by the Sages
of that period. They knew that the deluge
would have come on all earth and that
everything would have perished in it, and to
make the Arts survive they carved them unto
those marmoreal stones. Only the said Hermes
found these Tables that are the foundation of
all Arts and Sciences, and he was before the
ancient law. (B. Trevisanus, Filosofia dei
metalli, in R. and S. Piccolini, Biblioteca
alchemica, 1990, p. 20).
30. It is the conclusion of the deep analysis of L.
Vibert, PM Quatuor Coronati: the genesis of
the entire work appears thus to be what had
originally been designed as a history, that had
been undertaken by Anderson on his own
account; and that this history was written
during the period in which Montagu was in
charge, and was approved by the Grand
Lodge (L. Vibert, Introduzione, in J.
Anderson, Le costituzioni dei liberi muratori
1723, Foggia 1991, p. 47).
31. George Payne, Grand Master in 1718 and in
1720, when he installed the Duke of Montagu
that followed him, he exhibited the Cooke
manuscript, whose principal similar families
of manuscripts are the Plot, Grand lodge,
Sloane, Roberts and Spencer. Anderson had
at least a copy of it in vision.
32. In the second note, on the children of Set:
certain vestige of the antiquity testifies that
one of them, the devoted Enoch (that didnt
die but had been elevated alive in sky),
prophesied the conflagration of the Final
Judgment (as told by St. Judas) as well as the
Universal Deluge for the punishment of the
world. On this latter he built his two large
Columns (although some authors attribute it
to Set), one of stone and the other of bricks,
engraving then the Liberal Sciences, etc. The
column of stone stayed in Siria up to the time
of the Emperor Vespasian (J. Anderson, Le
costituzioni dei liberi muratori 1723,
translation in Italian edited by G. Lombardo,
Cosenza 2000, p. 5). The reference to Siria
clarifies that the source of Anderson is
Antiquitates of Josephus Flavius: see note
33. J. Anderson, quoted work, Italian translation
edited by G. Lombardo, Cosenza 2000, p. 14.
In note a short and not at all usual biography:
Pythagoras visited Egypt in the year of the
death of Thales, and sojourning there amongst
the priests for 22 years became experienced
in Geometry and in the Egyptian sciences, till
when he was imprisoned by Cambise king of
Persia and sent to Babylon, where he had
assiduous contacts with the Chaldean Magi
and the Babylonian Hebrews scholars, from
whom he acquired extraordinary knowledge
that made it famous in Greece and in Italy,
where afterward he reached full splendor and
died when Mordecai was Prime Minister of
state of Ahasuerus king of Persia, ten years
before that the Temple of Zerubbabel was
Continued from Previolus Page
Continued on Next Page - Pythagorean
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38 38 38 38 38
It is necessary to point out that while G.
Lombardo, translator of the Brenner edition,
reports the foundation of masonry to the
theorem of Pythagoras, in the translation
signed by Gamberini the foundation is
instead referred to the first book of Euclides
(J. Anderson, Le costituzioni dei liberi
muratori 1723, Foggia 1991). Consulted on
the matter, Lombardo has confirmed to me
that in the linguistic framework of Anderson
the reference is indeed to the Pythagorean
theorem, and not to the book of Euclides.
34. It is here to be added that the hands of the
dukes form a equilateral triangle. The
Constitutions therefore are situated between
the equilateral triangle and the right-angled
one, that is between heavens and earth, as
emanations of the divine laws. The equilateral
triangle and his half have been used as
compositive forms for the frontispiece, and
certainly for the principal figures.
The height of the two dukes is equal to four
triangles. The inclination of the leg and of the
hair of the duke of Montagu, of the left side
of the mantle and of the arm of the duke of
Wharton correspond to the angle of 30, that
is of the right-angled triangle equal to half of
the equilateral (that I will cal. 3). The
position assumed by the legs of the duke of
Montagu is equal to four forms 3, while the
position of his successor is for evident reasons
of deference reduced to a single form only.
On the same form has been built the
triangulation of the face of the duke of
Montagu and of his arm. The roll of the
Constitutions coincides with the height of the
equilateral triangle, while the compass that the
duke of Montagu hands to the duke of
Wharton points out the median of the opposite
side. As a matter of fact, we may conclude,
the behavior of the two dukes are to be
considered as conforming to the rectitude as
summarized in the right-angled triangle 3:
they are the right rectors of the Craft,
according to the law.
35. The use of right in the sense of rite is
attested by the Oxford, around the VIII
Century, in Stanley Hist. Philos. (1687) 405/
1: Being initiated into the Orphick
Solemnities, the Priest telling him, that they
who were initiated into those Rights and in
Prior Carm. Sec. 36: Numa the Rights of
strict Religion knew; (1700).
Interesting are as well the ulterior semantic
inflections in the field of architecture (1705
Addison Italy 390: What Miracles of
Architecture they would have left us, had they
only been instructed in the right way) and
above all of the literature, in the Lost Paradise
(1667 Milton P.L. ix. 352: But God left free
the Will, for what obeyes Reason, is free, and
Reason he made right).
36. It is an annotation to the side of the
nichomachean ethics (note to Vitruvius, LIV,
introduction), quoted in A. Ceruti Fusco, Inigo
Jones Vitruvius britannicus, Rimini 1985, p.
37. Jamblicus, De vita Pythagorica, XXX 179-
38. Ibid., 130-132. Principle of the justice is
therefore -Jamblicus concludes- the social
community, the equality and a strict union in
such a manner that everybody feels equally
as they would form one single body and a
single soul (ibid., 187). Also Reuchlin
synthesizes the political constitutions in the
triangle: If you dont think that it would be
possible to find the best part of these doctrines
amongst the disciples of Pythagoras, Then I
could reduce everything to mathematical
proportions: in fact 1 and 2 through a first
progression make 3, and here is the state, 3
times 3 makes 9, and here is the divinity, 3
times 4 makes 12 and this it is the private life
Therefore the state is a triangle, the private
life a square (J. Reuchlin, De arte cabalistica,
work mentioned, p. 136). On the lines of
Jamblicus, Mackey certainly expresses
himself when he affirms, in the chapter on
Pythagoras that The right angle was an
emblem of morality and justice. Jamblicus
is in fact quoted, together with Porphirius, to
support other points of the same chapter (A.
G. Mackey, A Lexicon of Freemasonry, work
mentioned, ad vocem).
39. The teaching comes down directly from
Porphirius, for whom the justice is the
supreme virtue and the supreme harmony, that
aims to the equilibrium between the other
virtues and sees that no one prevail in an
unilateral way. The justice is the heroic
viaticum: Nor however indiscriminately said
api all the souls that go toward the generation,
but only those that should conduct a life
according to justice and, after having
accomplished the deeds pleased to gods,
return again (Porphirius, De Antro
Nimpharum, Milan 1974, XIX).
40. Principle of justice is therefore the social
community, the equality and a strict union in
such a manner that everybody feels equally
as they would form a single body and a single
soul (Jamblicus, De vita Pythagorica, XXX,
41. A Masons Examination, published 11-13
April 1723 in The Flying-Post or Post-Master,
now collated in Early Masonic Cathechisms,
edited by Carr, 1963, p. 73.
42. H. A. Francken, Francken Manuscript 1783,
work mentioned, p. 110.
43. A. G. Mackey, A Lexicon of Freemasonry,
work mentioned, ad vocem. Mackey had been
conferred the 33 degree of the Scottish Rite.
44. The Lodge, styled a Supreme Tribunal, is
hung in white. There are ten gilded columns,
and the words Justitia and Equitas in the
East, as well as the Tetractys of Pythagoras
(C. T. McClenachan, 33, The Book Of The
Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of
Freemasonry: Containing Instructions In All
The Degrees, From The Third To The Thirty-
Third, And Last Degree Of The Rite, New
York, 1914, Macoy Publishing and Masonic
Supply Company). In the Rituals of the
Supreme Scottish Council of 1804 the
tetraktys is not mentioned. It appears in A.
Pike, Magnum Opus, 1857, p. XXXI, 1.
45. S. Prichard, Masonry Dissected being a
Universal and Genuine description of all its
Branches from the Original to this Present
Time. As it it delivered in the Constituted
Regular Lodges both in City and Country
, London 1730, printed for J. Wilford.
46. Prichard insinuates that we are dealing with
an imposture: but if after the Admission into
the Secrets of Masonry, any new Brother
should dislike their Proceedings, and reflect
upon himself for being so easily cajoled out
of his Money ; of all the Impositions that
have apperd amongst Mankind, none are
ridicolous as the Mistery of Masonry (S.
Prichard, Masonry Dissected , in Early
Masonic Cathechisms, work mentioned,
pages 160 and 170).
47. A Defense of Masonry, Occasiond by a
Pamphlet called Masonry Dissected. Printed
for J. Roberts, MDCCXXXII. The text was
publicized in the Daily Post of December 15
1730, while it shows the year 1731 on the
frontispiece (Cfr. the reproduction in AQC
XXVI, p. 240 and foll.). Gould attributed it
to Martin Clare, that prepared a discourse
concerning Prichard, as mentioned in the 1733
minutes of the Lodge 73 of Lincoln (R. F.
Gould, The Concise History of Freemasonry,
1920, p. 218). But Wonnacot has shown that
the identification of the discourse of Martin
Clare with the Defense of Masonry is not to
be taken for granted (AQC XXVIII, pp. 80-
86). That A Defence of Masonry was to be
considered the official answer to Prichard
is shown by its appearance within the
andersonian Constitutions of 1738. In the
same year the same document is included as
well in Smiths Pocket Companion for Free-
48. Ibid., chap. IV, p. 219.
49. A Defence of Masonry, in Early Masonic
Cathechisms, work mentioned, p. 216.
50. The Pythagorean silence will be one of the
leit-motiv of the masonic literature on the
society. Among the so many cases, the nearest
to 1730 is Ahiman Rezon: Thus, in the school
of Pythagoras, we find it was a rule that every
novitiate was to be silent for a time, and refrain
from speaking, unless when a question was
asked; to the end that the valuable secrets
which he had to communicate might be the
better preserved and valued.
51. Ibid., p. 217. In the note it is mentioned the
comment of Proclus to Euclides, which
become known in England through the preface
of John Dee to Euclides (Mathematical
Preface, in The Elements of Geometrie of the
most auncient Philosopher Euclide of Megara,
London 1570). Peter French has signalled
curious similarities between the Constitutions
of the Freemasons by James Anderson and
the Mathematicall Preface of John Dee. (P.
French, John Dee. The world of an Elizabethan
Magus, 1987, Ark edition, p. 161 in note).
52. A Defence of Masonry, in Early Masonic
Cathechisms, work mentioned, p. 218: But
before he (The initiate to the Essenians society,
note of the author) was receivd as an
establishd Member, he was first to bind
himself by solemn Obligation and Professions,
to do Justice; the cursive printing is
contained in the original text. The information
on the importance of Justice among the
Essenes, whose chief was styled Master of
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - Pythagorean
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
39 39 39 39 39
Justice, derive from Bell. Jud., 2, VIII, by
Josephus Flavius: these men conduct the
same style of life that among the Greek has
been ordered by Pythagoras.
53. The correlation postulated in A Defence of
Masonry will be resumed and capsized: Oliver
will dare to af firm with boldness that
Pythagoras was initiated in the Jewish system
of Freemasonry (Landmarks, vol. II, p. 412)
and Mackey, with similar boldness follows it:
Pythagoras derived much if not all of the
knowledge and the ceremonies with which he
clothed the esoteric school of his philosophy
from the Essenians (A. G. Mackey, A Lexicon
of Freemasonry, 1869 ad vocem Antiquity of
Masonry). In Mackey, Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry instead, precedent to the
Lexicon, Pythagoras is not quoted. On the
base of these presumed and bold correlations
that emphasize Josephus Flavius (see note 15)
a rich seam of fiction-masonry, today very
profitable, has been produced: The Hirams
key, a best-seller constructed by happily
transforming legends and masonic mythes in
a pseudo-historical story, brings to
exaggeration the boldness of Oliver and
Mackey, and happily tell tales of masonic
rituals compiled by Christ and the Essenes.
54. Some more news are necessarily to be added
here. Among the English Platonists, Henry
More certainly followed the pythagorising line
of Platonism, and had some influence on the
young Newton (see note 58). We would also
need to investigate upon Thomas Tryon, to
whom Alex Gordon devoted in 1871 a
biography by the eloquent title of: A
Pythagorean of the Seventeenth century. I
suppose that may be worthwhile reading
Tryons 1691 The Way to Health, that
evidently deals with the salus or pythagorean
ygeia, being this the goal of the initiatory
mystical exaltation. In 1657 an English edition
of the comment of Hierocles to the golden
Verses is published: J. Hall (of Grays Inn),
Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of
Pythagoras Englished by J. H., 1657.
Translation in English of Cocchis assay on
the Pythagorean Food: The Pythagorean diet,
of vegetables only, conducive to the
preservation of health, and the cure of
diseases. A discourse delivered at Florence,
in the month of August, 1743 by Antonio
Cocchi, Translated from the Italian.
London, printed for R. Dodsley, and sold by
M. Cooper, 1745. Five years later, Cocchis
assay would be translated in French, at
Geneva. Antonio Cocchi was initiated in the
Florentine Lodge of the English on August 4,
1732: he is the first Italian whose initiation to
masonry has been documented (Cfr . C.
Francovich, Storia della Massoneria in Italia
dalle origini alla Rivoluzione Francese.
Florence, 1974). He was the personal
physician of Theophilus Hastings, count of
Huntingdon. In the 40 he will be in London.
55. Dr. Desaguliers, who later became its
secretary for a long period of years, was the
father of the Grand Lodge System and was
one of Sir Isaac Newtons closest friends. A
Lodge largely composed of Royal Society
members met in a room belonging to the Royal
Society Club in London. At a time when
preachers thundered against these scientists,
when newspapers thundered against them,
street crowds hooted at them, and neither
Oxford nor Cambridge would admit science
courses, Masonic Lodges invited Royal
Society members in for lectures, many of
which were accompanied by scientific
demonstrations (H. L. Haywood,
Supplement to Mackeys Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry, Richmond, Vir ginia 1966,
Macoy Publishing, p. 1363).
As a experimenter of the Royal Society,
Desaguliers had the crucial role of popularizer
of the newtonian theories, and in 1734
published a course of experimental philosophy
often republished thereafter (J. T. Desaguliers,
A Course of Experimental Philosophy,
London, 1734. 2 vols. pp. Xii+ 463. XV+ 568.
78 plates). It is less known that Desaguliers
had a meaningful role at the origins of the
industrial revolution: with Daniel Niblet and
William Vreem he obtained by King George
exclusivity in 1720 for a patent of a steam
engine (Heating by Steam for various
Manufacturing Purposes, patent no. 420 of
1720). Extremely meaningful is the allegorical
poem in which the pastor presents the
newtonian system as a model of
government: J. T. Desaguliers, The
Newtonian System of the World, the Best
Model of Government, an Allegorical Poem.
Westminster: Printed by A. Campbell for J.
Roberts, 1728.
Still to him we owe the introduction to
newtonian philosophy (J. T. Desaguliers,
Introduction to Sir Isaac Newtons
philosophy) and the English translation of
Gravesandes introduction to the newtonian
philosophy (Mathematical elements of natural
philosophy confirmed by experiments: or an
introduction to Sir Isaac Newtons philosophy,
written in Latin by William Jamess
Gravesande; translated into English by J. T.
Desaguliers). He translated as well texts of
hydrostatics (Mariotte Edme., The Motion Of
Water And Other Fluids: Being a Treatise of
Hydrostaticks, Translated by J. T. Desaguliers)
and of mechanics of the fire of the French
author Gauger. His machines are to be found
at the museum of Physics of the University of
Coimbra and one of them, the Tribometer,
can also be admired at the cabinet of physics
of the Sapienza University in Rome.
56. It is enough reading the first lines for realizing
it: Adam, progenitor of the all of us, created
as a image of God, the Great Architect of the
Universe, must have had the Liberal Sciences,
particularly the Geometry, inscribed in his
heart; the principles of the latter, in fact, will
be still from the Fall in the same hearts of his
descendants, and with the passage of time will
be organized in duly manner according to the
method of the propositions, in conformity to
the laws of the proportion drawn from the
observation of the Mechanics. Accordingly,
the mechanical Arts have offered to the
scholars the possibility of synthesizing the
elements of Geometry into a Method, noble
Science that, distilled in this way, represent
Continued from Page 33
the foundation of all other Arts (particularly
of the Masonry and Architecture) and the rule
that establishes canons and applications.
With references to the principles of geometry,
so as to the propositions and finally to the
observation of the mechanics, these elements
were to be considered by the readers of that
period, akin to the newtonian Principia
mathematica, as articulated by propositions,
and to the mechanical developments that from
those derived.
57. Cfr. E. Garin, Rinascite e Rivoluzioni.
Movimenti Culturali dal XIV al XVIII secolo,
Bari 1975 (and 1992), p. XIV.
58. Quoted from P. Odifreddi, Pitagora, la
matematica dellarmonia, in La Stampa 7
May 1998, now collated in id., Il computer di
Dio, Turin 2000. Odifreddi has suggested to
me the Westfall as a source. Pythagoras is
mentioned by Newton in the general scholium
to the eighth proposition of the Principia
matematica of 1686. While mentioning it, he
makes reference as sources to Cicero,
Anaxagoras, Tales and above all to the sixth
chant of the Aeneid, well known for the
descent to the shades and the golden bought.
Only that in the sixth chant Pythagoras is not
mentioned. It is difficult to think that a material
error has occurred, especially when the
quotations are so circumstantial. In reality
Newton pythagorically reads the virgilian
descent to the Shades and the whole Aeneid,
and that would explain the insisted correlation
between the chant of the golden bought and
the Hiramite legend contained in A Defence
of masonry: a further signal of the
newtonianism of the English masonry of the
In the notes to the scholium, as translated into
English in 1729 by Andrew Motte, the passage
reads as follows: This was the opinion of the
Ancients. So Pythagoras, in Cicer. De Nat.
Deer. Lib. I. Thales, Anaxagoras, Virgil,
Georg. Lib. Iv. Ver. 220; and Aeneid lib. vi.
ver. 721. Philo Alleger, at the beginning of
lib. I. Aratus, in his Phaenom. at the
beginning. Newton had met, while reading
the keplerian Harmonia mundi (1619) a
fascinating revival of Pythagorism.
Continued on Next Page - Dispensationalism
endtimes scenario was yet to comeappears to
have been gaining popularity within Christian
communities at this time.
John Nelson Darby (November 18, 1800 - April
29, 1882) developed and organized futurism into
a system of prophetic teaching called
dispensationalism and is claimed to have originated
the secret rapture theory wherein Christ will
remove his true believers from this world without
warning. While Darby, an influential figure, if not
founder, of the original Plymouth Brethren,
an early proponent of a pre-tribulation rapture
doctrine, the influence on his views by Margaret
Macdonald (b. 1815, Port-Glasgow, Scotland) is
Continued from Page 4
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Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
40 40 40 40 40
An objective reading of Miss
Macdonalds vision does not appear to reveal any
reference to a pre-tribulation rapture.
It is known that Darby knew Miss Macdonald,
and her family,
and had visited them. He had
stayed with them for three days at or around the
time of Margarets revelation.
Congregationalist preacher Cyrus Ingerson
Scofield (1843-1921), influenced by Darby and
the Plymouth Brethren, wrote The Scofield
Reference Bible, a widely distributed and
influential text that promoted the teaching of the
Secret Rapture, gaining it wide acceptance.
Who first taught the pre-tribulation rapture is not
a question easily answered. Southern Baptist
evangelist, John L. Bray, recently wrote: Now I
have the Photostat copies of a book published in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1788 but written
in 1742-1744 in England, which taught the
pretribulation rapture before Lacunza.
A number
of authors, notably Grant Jeffrey,
have published
citations of several pre-Macdonald sources
describing a raptured Church and teaching the
pretribulation rapturesome written as early as
the second century.
Claims that Riberas writings influenced Lacunza,
Lacunza influenced Irving, Irving influenced
Darby, Darby influenced Scofield, Scofield and
Darby influenced D. L. Moody, and Moody
influenced the Pentecostal Movement have also
been the topic of much discussion. Because the
writings of these men did not always agree on
specifics, and because individual commentators
have had their own beliefs, the actual history of
dispensationalism and its many streams continues
to be a controversial subject.
1. Barnabas 13:3-6, 9: (3) And in the
beginning of the creation he makes
mention of the sabbath. And God made
in six days the works of his hands; and
he finished them on the seventh day, and
rested the seventh day, and sanctified it.
(4) Consider, my children, what that
signifies, he finished them in six days.
The meaning of it is this; that in six
thousand years the Lord God will bring
all things to an end. (5) For with him one
day is as a thousand years; as himself
testifieth, saying, Behold this day shall
be as a thousand years. Therefore
children, in six days, that is, in six
thousand years, that all things shall be
accomplished. (6) And what is that he
saith, And he rested the seventh day: he
meaneth this; that when his Son shall
come, and abolish the season of the
Wicked One, and judge the ungodly; and
shall change the sun and the moon and Continued on Next Page - Dispensationalism
Continued from Previous Page
the stars; and he shall gloriously rest in
that seventh day. -snip- (9) Lastly he saith
unto them; Your new moons and your
sabbaths I cannot bear them. Consider
what he means by it; the sabbaths, says
he, which ye now keep are not acceptable
unto me, but those which I have made;
when resting from all things I shall begin
the eighth day, that is, the beginning of
the other world. Lost Books of the Bible.
World Bible Publishing, 1926. Alpha
House. pp. 160-61
2. Francisco de Ribera (1537-1591), Francisci
Riberae presbyteri Societatis Iesv, et
sacrae theologiae doctoris, In librum
duodecim Prophetarum commentarij :
sensum eorundem prophetarum
historicum, & moralem, persaepe etiam
allegoricum complectentes ; cum qvatvor
copiosis indicibvs. Romae. : Ex
typographia Iacobi Tornerij., M.D.XC. 2v
; 40 ; Francisci Riberae ... in librum
duodecim Prophetarum commentarij, etc.
Salmanticae : Excudebat G. Foquel, 1587.
2 vol. ; fol. ; Francisci Riberae
Villacastinensis presbyteri Societatis
Iesu, doctorisq[ue] theologi in sacram b.
Ioannis Apostoli, & Euangelistae
Apocalypsin commentarij : Cum
quinq[ue] indicibus ... His adiuncti sunt
quinq[ue] libri de Templo, & de ijs quae
ad Templum pertine[n]t, ad multorum
locorum, tam Apocalypsis, quam
reliquorum librorum intelligentiam cum
primis vtiles. Salmanticae : Excudebat
Petrus Lassus., M.D. XCI. 2v in one, [8],
333, [41], 222, [34] p ; fol.
3. Manuel Lacunza Y Daz, The Coming of
Messiah in glory and majesty. By Juan
Josafat Ben-Ezra. Translated from the
Spanish, with a preliminary discourse by
E. Irving. (A critique of the work
composed by Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra,
entitled the Coming of Messiah in glory
and majesty, by M. R. P. Fr. Paul, of the
Conception, of the Order of the
Barefooted Carmelites.). London :
Thames Ditton [printed] : L. B. Seeley &
Son, 1827. 2 vol. ; 8o.
4. The Brethren movement had its beginning
in Dublin in 1825.
5. See Dave MacPherson, The incredible
cover-up : the true story on the pre-trib
rapture. Rev. and combined ed.
Plainfield, N.J. : Logos International,
c1975. xiii, 162 p., [2] leaves of plates :
ill. ; 21 cm.
6. See the Fry manuscript. The Fry
Collection of letters and tracts exists
among Christian Brethren on the Isle of
Wight, and is composed of material from
the personal effects of Benjamin Wills
Newton, a young Oxford don who was
involved in the foundation of the
Plymouth meeting in 1832 and who was
its leading figure in the period leading
up to the schism of 1845 in which he and
Darby were the main protagonists. Mr.
A. C. Fry was a member of the Open
Brethren. Cited in The Origins and Early
Development of the Plymouth Brethren.
Peter L. Embley Cheltenham : St. Pauls
College, August 1966.
7. He left a record of his opinion of them in
The Collected Writings of J. N. Darby,
Darby, John Nelson. Edited by William
Kelly. London : G. Morrish, [1867-1900?]
34 vol. ; 8o. vol. 6: 448-450.
8. C. I. Scofield, The Scofield Reference Bible
: the Holy Bible, containing the Old and
New Testaments : Authorized Version,
with a new system of connected topical
references to all the greater themes of
Scripture, with annotations, revised
marginal renderings, summaries,
definitions, and index : to which are
added helps at hard places, explanations
of seeming discrepancies, and a new
system of paragraphs / edited by C.I.
Scofield. New York : Oxford University
Press, American Branch ; London : Henry
Frowde, 1909. 1362, [12] leaves of plates
: 15 col. maps, col. plan ; 21cm. Includes
9. John L. Bray, Matthew 24 fulfilled.
Lakeland, Fla. : J. L. Bray, 1996. 304 p :
ill., maps ; 22 cm. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 286-293)
Matthew twenty-four fulfilled. Pages
294-304 blank for notes. Also see: The
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teaching and
The Origin of the Pre-Trib Rapture. Cited
on raptureready.com/rr-margaret-
mcdonald.html, 2004/03/19.
10. Grant R. Jeffrey, The signature of God :
astonishing Biblical discoveries London
: Marshall Pickering, 1998, xi, 275 p ;
22 cm ; Final warning Eugene, Or. :
Harvest House, c1996. 508 p. : ill. ; 18
11. For citations that Margaret Macdonald was
the originator of the concept, see Dave
MacPherson (b. c. 1933), Scholars Weigh
My Research, in which he claims to have
debunked the Darby origins of pre-
tribulationism. Also by Dave
MacPherson: The Unbelievable Pre-Trib
Origin. Heart of America Bible Society,
1973 ; The Late Great Pre-Trib Rapture.
Heart of America Bible Society, 1974 ;
The incredible cover-up : the true story
on the pre-trib rapture. Rev. and
combined ed. Plainfield, N.J. : Logos
International, c1975. xiii, 162 p., [2]
plates : ill. ; 21 cm. ; The great rapture
hoax. Fletcher, N.C. : New Puritan
Library, c1983. 210 p. ; 21 cm. ; Rapture?
New Puritan Library, 1987 ; The Rapture
Plot. Millennium III Publishers, 1994 ;
The Three Rs: Rapture, Revisionism,
Robbery. P.O.S.T., 1998.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
41 41 41 41 41
Francis Nigel Lee: Dave MacPherson, in
his various books, has made a major
contribution toward vindicating Historic
Christian Eschatology. The 1830
innovations of the disturbed Mar garet
Macdonald documented by
MacPhersonin part or in whole
immediately spread to Edward Irving and
his followers, then to J. N. Darby and
Plymouth Brethrenism, and were later
popularized by the dispensationalistic
Scofield Reference Bible, by Classic
Pentecostalism, and by latter -day
pretribulationists like J. F. Walvoord and
Hal Lindsey. J. Gordon Melton (editor):
According to the best scholarship
available, the pretribulation,
premillennial eschatology originated
among members of the Catholic Apostolic
Church as a result of a vision and
revelation to Margaret MacDonald. See
Dave MacPherson, The Unbelievable
Pre-Trib Origin. (Encyclopedia Of
American Religions, 1978).
Cf.: Roy A. Huebner, Precious Truths
Revived and Defended Through J. N. Darby,
Vol. 1. Present Truth Publishers, 1991:
claims that Darby first began to believe in
the pre-tribulation rapture and develop his
dispensational thinking while convalescing
from a riding accident during December
1826 and January 1827, providing evidence
that Darby was not influenced by Margaret
Macdonald, Lacunza, Edward Irving, or any
of the Irvingites.
Max S. Weremchuk, John Nelson Darby:
A Biography .Loizeaux Brothers, 1992:
Having read MacPhersons book I find
it impossible to make a just comparison
between what Miss MacDonald
prophesied and what Darby taught. It
appears that the wish was the
father of the idea. (p. 242).
Continued on Next Page - Answer
Continued from Previous Page
Continued from Page 13
prejudice to any future revision of the CIC,
confirms and declares the following:
1) The canonical rules, insofar as they pertain
to the question under consideration, are
in no way changed, and therefore retain
their full force.
2) Consequent l y, nei t her t he
excommuni cat i on not t he ot her
penalties provided are abrogated.
3) The elements in the above-mentioned
letter which concern the interpretation of the
canon in question are to be accepted (as was
the intention of the Sacred Congregation)
only as an appeal to general principles for
interpreting penal laws for the resolution of
cases involving individual people which can
fall under the judgment of the Ordinary of
the place. But it was not the intention of the
Sacred Congregation that the ability be
demanded from the Episcopal Conferences
of publicly bringing forth judgment of a
general character on the nature of masonic
associations which involves derogations
from the aforementioned rules.
Rome, from the Of fice of the Sacred Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, Feb. 17, 1981
1983 One who joins an association which
plots against the Church is to be punished
with a just penalty; one who promotes or
moderates such an association, however, is
to be punished with an interdict.
Canon 1374 of The Code of Canon Law; effective
27 November 1983. This replaced Canon 2335
of the 1917 codification.
1983 While the former excommunication of
Catholics who joined Masonic societies has
not been repeated in this Code, a sanction
can be imposed on those who join
associations that work against the Church,
and an interdict can be placed on those who
promote or run such groups. Whether
Masons fall within these strictures must now
be determined by authorities within the
particular churches.
Commentary to The Code of Canon Law; 27
November 1983.
1983 It has been asked whether there has
been any change in the Churchs decision in
regard to Masonic associations since the new
Code of Canon Law does not mention them
expressly, unlike the previous code.
This sacred congregation is in a position to
reply that this circumstance is due to an
editorial criterion which was followed also
in the case of other associations likewise
unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained
in wider categories.
Therefore, the Churchs negative judgment
in regard to Masonic associations remains
unchanged since their principles have always
been considered irreconcilable with the
doctrine of the Church and, therefore,
membership in them remains forbidden. The
faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations
are in a state of grave sin and may not receive
Holy Communion.
It is not within the competence of local
ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment
on the nature of Masonic associations which
would imply a derogation from what has been
decided above, and this in line with the
declaration of this sacred congregation
issued Feb. 17,1981.
In an audience granted to the undersigned
cardinal prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John
Paul II approved and ordered the publication
of this declaration which had been decided
in an ordinary meeting of this sacred
Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, Nov. 26, 1983
English translation from Latin. Joseph Cardinal
Ratzinger, Prefect. Father Jerome Hamer, O.P.,
Titular Archbishop of Lorium,
Secretary.Declaration of the Sacred
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; 26
November 1983.
2000 Below is the text of a letter from the Office
of the Archdiocesan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, dated September 15, 2000, to the
Masonic Service Bureau of North America:
Thank you for your inquiry of September 11,
2000 directed to Cardinal Mahoney, on
whose behalf I am replying. The question is
whether a practicing Catholic may join a
Masonic Lodge.
Unfortunately, the matter is too complex for
a straightforward yes or no answer. But
at least for Catholics in the United States, I
believe the answer is probably yes. Permit
me to explain this qualified response.
Your letter states that a members
allegiance to one God is all we require.
To the extent that this is an accurate
statement of the organizations beliefs and
teachings, and that its activities are
humanitarian and charitable in nature, there
is no reason to prevent a practicing Catholic
from joining.
Past history, of course, has muddied the
waters because earlier church law (prior to
November 27, 1983) specifically named
Masonic groups as a forbidden society
(canon 2335, 1917 Code). The dialogues
between Catholic and Masonic
representatives in the years since the Second
Vatican Council were generally very positive
and yet did not resolve questions or concerns
raised in certain parts of the world.
As a result, the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith in Rome issued a
statement one day before the new Code of
Canon Law took effect (November 26, 1983),
in which it held that since Masonic principles
were still contrary to the teachings of the
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
42 42 42 42 42
Church, Catholics would commit a grave sin
in belonging to Masonic associations and
so could not receive Holy Communion.
Because this declaration has not been
superseded by any further official statements,
the question keeps recurring about its
interpretation and application. There is no
agreement among the experts in church law
who have considered the matter.
Consequently one can only judge the
individual circumstances in light of the
principles that clearly do apply. These
principles are set forth in canons 1374 and
1364 of the 1983 Code, which forbid a
Catholic from joining an association which
plots against the Church and impose
penalties for heresy under certain conditions.
If a particular Masonic lodge truly
promoted heretical teaching or conspired
against the interests of the Church (Ronny
E. Jenkins, The Evolution of the Churchs
Prohibition Against Catholic Membership in
Freemasonry, The Jurist, 56 (1996), pg
735,) then a Catholic would be bound to
avoid membership.
The reason, then, I answer probably yes is
because I am unaware of any ideology or
practice by the local lodges that challenges
or subverts the doctrine and interests of the
Catholic Church. In the previous paragraph,
I have cited the article which best presents
the current state of the question. The 1974
newspaper clipping that you enclosed with
your letter probably refers to a letter written
by Cardinal Seper, then in charge of the same
doctrinal congregation mentioned above,
which was addressed to certain bishops. In
this letter one can see the movement at that
time from a blanket prohibition to the
application of a case-by-case judgment
whether a group did in fact conspire against
the Church. The history of the development
of the Churchs current law suggests that this
case-by-case approach is what canon 1374
on forbidden associations intends.
Please forgive this lengthy reply, but a
shorter one would not do justice to those
inquirers who are aware that the matter is
still controversial. I thank you for giving me
the opportunity to learn more about it myself,
and I close by asking Gods blessing on your
well-known endeavors to relieve human
suffering and assist the needy.
Rev. Thomas C. Anslow, C.M., J.C.L. Judicial
Vicar ~ Posted by Gene Goldman into
alt.freemasonry on September 15, 2001.
Freemasonry on Rome 1991. Bearing in mind
...the absence of mention of Freemasonry in the
1983 codification of canon law it would appear
that...a Catholic may join regular freemasonry but
ought to consult his bishop, through his parish
priest, not for permission to join but to ascertain
the nature of the jurisdiction concerned.
Although the Code of Canon Law does not
specifically prohibit a Catholic from joining
a masonic association, Cardinal Ratzinger
continues in his opposition. This has lead to
such situations as Archbishop Legaspi of
Cacares, the conservative President of the
Catholic Bishops Conference of the
Philippines, echoing Cardinal Ratzinger in
his March 1990 draft of Guidelines on
Membership in Free Masonic Association
while in the same period Archbishop
Talamayan of Tuguegarao is noted as giving
the address at a lodge installation meeting
and inviting freemasons to visit him. Note
that some eighty percent of the freemasons
in the Philippines are Roman Catholic. There
are many examples of prominent Catholics
associated with the Craft, too many to
mention here.
1. The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith is the title of the Vatican
department which in 1965, under Pope
Paul VI, took the place of the Holy Office
which had itself been established in 1908
in succession to the Inquisition. The
severe tribunal is said to have claimed
its last victim in 1813 and it had been
suppressed as such in Spain in 1834.
Thereafter its functions were restricted
to such matters as the detection of heresy
Continued from Previous Page
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in published works.^
2. References to Catholics and the Church
are to Roman Catholics and the Church
of Rome. While the Orthodox Catholic
Churches, in the main, also condemn
Freemasonry, several of the smaller
Catholic Churches such as the Old
Catholic Church have no official opinion
on Freemasonry
3. Latin text appended at
freemasonry. bcy. ca/ ant i -masonry/
4. Declaration on Masonic Associations
Quaesitum est
5. Cf.: AAS 73 (1981) pp240-241.
6. The Church of Rome and Freemasonry,
a paper presented in Quatuor Coronati
Lodge No. 2076 by Bro. Will Read on
May 9, 1991. The Quatuor Coronati
Lodge was founded in 1884 with the
objective of developing for brethren
everywhere an interest in research; to
encourage study of the many facets of
Freemasonry... (and)... to attract the
attention and to enlist the cooperation of
masonic scholars in all parts of the
world. (Transactions of the Quatuor
Coronati Lodge No. 2076; Volume 104
for the year 1991: ISBN 0 907655 21 1.)
There are many lessons of vast importance contained in
the Entered Apprentice Degree of Freemasonry. These
lessons are so important to the author of this book that he
has been so bold as to title the book, Everything I needed
to know about Freemasonry; I learned as an apprentice.
Worshipful Brother Stephen Dafoe is not a Freemason
who takes his craft lightly. He is often fond of saying,
We do not need more men in Masonry, but more
Masonry in men. Every page of this book reflects that
expression. The book is one mans reflection on the lessons
learned in that first degree and is a thorough examination
of the philosophy taught with each step, pace and gesture.
In so doing, Dafoe has not created a dry account of the
first degree, but rather a book that will inspire all
Freemasons to get back to the basics.
To Order this book or any item in this magazine, go to:
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
43 43 43 43 43
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - Philosophia
initiation he has reached a certain level, or degree, relevant to the knowledge or even to the
wisdom: the so-called Little Mysteries; after next nine years, the Poet completed his initiatory
path, gaining the Great Mysteries, relevant to metaphysics. Oddly, Italian literary critics refuse
this in-terpretation, thus inducing students to believe Dante was a precocious Latin lover!
The Tarots ninth Atouts is the Hermit: an old man who walks in the night, keeping a staff in his left
hand and a lamp in the right one.
The Hermit is a card of introspection and analysis. This is not a time for socializing; the card
suggests, instead, a wish for peace and solitude. Nor is it a time for action, discussion or decisions.
It is a time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent
during this time of withdrawal. But such times lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity. The
Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist: a true master mason, we
might say, who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.
* * *
The ladder lies on the womans
chest, on her heart, amid the
picture. Mrs. Therese Darel wrote
insightful words about the
symbolism of the heart, to be
considered as symbol of the
The Heart, in our
understanding, is the seat and
the preserver of cosmic life.
The religions that have made
a sacred symbol of the Heart
know this, as did the builders
of cathedrals who erected the
holy place at the heart of the
Temple. They also knew it,
who, the most ancient
traditions, in the most secret
rites, withdrew from
discursive imposed silence on
their brain to enter the
Sanctuary and there to raise
themselves beyond the relative
being to the Being of being.
This parallelism of the Temple
and the Heart brings us back to
the double mode of movement
which, on the one hand [vertical
mode], raises man beyond
himself and disengages him from
the process proper to
manifestation and, on the other
[horizontal or circular mode], has
him take part in this
manifestation in its entirety.
* * *
There is also another picture on which I would like to draw your attention. It is the 2
Atouts of the
Major Arcanes, the High Priestess, as depicted in the Waite-Smith version.
The Masonic influence is clear, although the context and the meaning of the card is different
from the Philosophias one. Anyway I found astonishing likenesses between the pictures, so one can
infer that they deliver the same message.
The High Priestess sits between Boaz and Jachin, the Masonic pillars. At her feet there is the
crescent. In Hermeticism, the moon is relative either to mind, if it is waxing, or to sex if it is waning.
The moon is at her feet: she has full control of
her emotions. A cross is embroidered on her suit,
amid her chest, thus stressing the heart as symbol
of the centre.
Her crown has two visors, that are
alike the horns of a ram. This is an
important feature. We know that in
alchemy mercury symbolizes the
mental activity, the communication,
the intelligence. There are two signs
which refer to it, as displayed below.
The former points at the vulgar
mercury, that is, the mental
the crescent is on to the
circumference; the latter, instead,
is symbol of the philosophical
mercury the crescent being
replaced by two horns.
By this term alchemists pointed at
the mental activity of the Adept
who casts out his thoughts for the
benefit of humankind. As an example, see the statue
of Moses, by Michelangelo, in St. Peters.
* * *
By studying the symbol of Philosophia, I gained
the following understanding: Freemasonrys aim
consists essentially in reaching balance. We are
taught to balance feelings and thoughts, as we
are reminded also by Boethius. His woman stays
between theora, and , prxis, that is, between
contemplation this being the true meaning
of the Greek word and action.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
44 44 44 44 44
Continued from Previous Page
fraternity by which character is built and moral
fiber strengthened, then it can only be a fraternity
blessed by God. If its members take their religious
duties with utmost seriousness and if, through
its light, they make religion the pole star of their
actions, the criterion of their decisions and the
standard by which their choices and options are
resolved, then Masonry can be a fraternity blessed
by God.
In a day of mistrust, suspicion,
discrimination, separation and even hatred,
Freemasonry removes the distance between
men. Friendship, morality, and brotherly
love are the hallmarks of our relationships.
There is a basic integrity in the Fraternity
so often lacking in many of lifes
relationships.... Let me quickly and
emphatically say that Freemasonry is not
and has never been a religion; however,
Freemasonry has always been a friend and
ally of religion. In 50 years as a minister
and as a Mason, I have found no conflict
between my masonic beliefs and the
Christian faith.
My Masonic activities have never interfered
with my loyalty to and my love for my
Church. Quite the contrary, my loyalty to
my Church has been strengthened by my
Masonic ties. Good Masons are good
Let no one say you cannot be a Christian
and a Mason at the same time. I know too
many who are both and proud to be both.
But we are proud, as Masons, that members
of all faiths have found value in the
Continued from Page 15
fraternity. Rabbi Seymour Atlas, holder of
some of the highest Masonic honors, writes
of what he finds in Masonry: I was brought
up in a religious home, a son of a Rabbi with
seven generations of Rabbis preceding me
... I am proud to be a Mason who believes in
the dignity of Gods children and opposes
hatred and bigotry, and stands for truth,
justice, kindness, integrity and righteousness
for all.
Bishop Carl J. Sanders
United Methodist Church
Why I am a Freemason
By The Reverend Louis R. Gant, 33
District Superintendent
The United Methodist Church
Are you a Mason? The question was asked by
the Master of the local lodge. We were about to
do a funeral service together. The answer was
easy: Yes. That same question has been asked,
and the same answer given many times in my
ministry. Until recently no one ever asked,
Why? That is a bit harder to answer. But let
me try... It was in a little East Texas town that I
first encountered a man who called himself a
As I observed his behavior in the community, it
was evident to me that he had something and
knew something that I wanted to have and know.
There was a behavior that seemed to supplement
his religious faith. As we talked, it was soon clear
that I wanted to become a part of that group of
men who called themselves Masons. There are
some things that I dont remember about that night
I took that first step toward a rich and rewarding
experience that has enhanced my life. But there
are some things that I will never forget. There
was a foundation of trust...trust in God as the
One to whom I could look for support and
counsel...trust in a Brother who could lead me in
my blindness to the light of understanding. I
discovered the reality of prayer as the place to
begin before undertaking any task. So I began
the journey that through the years was to lead me
to a new understanding of myself, my fellow
human beings and God.
On that journey I discovered that I was not
searching for some particular religious creed that
would set me apart from other people. I was in
fact discovering some great principles that would
enable me to live life at its very best. Principles
like faith... hope... charity... wisdom... beauty...
truth. I would discover that there is a universal
love and respect for all persons of all religious
creeds and beliefs. My Masonry would let me
stand with my Brothers as an equal no matter
what their theology or religious beliefs. While
Masonry has never been a religion for me, it has
set before me some very high moral and ethical
standards that have supported my religious
Continued on Next Page - Why
In The Freemason Bro. Eugen Lennhof wrote that
Freemasonry neither is, nor cannot be the Holy
Grails knights monastery. It is a society set up
by men for other men. Freemasons are es-sentially
builders, Golden Builders, as pointed out by
Tobias Churton in his homonymous book. We
read in the introduction:
So who are these Golden Builders
The title is
taken from Blakes extraordinary poem and
prophecy, Jerusalem (1804). Blakes Golden
Buiders are building the city of Golgonooza, built
from sacrifice of self (Golgotha)
and the basic
stuff and substance (ooze) that is visible life.
I am aware there will be always some people that
will judge it not enough and therefore will be
longing for reaching lofty heights. For me,
however, its quite much.
1. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius.
Roman statesman and philosopher, often
styled the last of the Romans, regarded
by tradition as a Christian martyr, born
at Rome in 480; was executed at Pavia
in 524 or 525. Descended from a consular
family, he was left an orphan at an early
age and was educated by the pious and
noble-minded Symmachus, whose
daughter, Rusticana, he married. As early
as 507 he was known as a learned man,
and as such was entrusted by King
Theodoric with several important
missions. He enjoyed the confidence of
the king, and as a patrician of Rome was
looked up to by the representatives of the
Roman nobility. When, however, his
enemies accused him of disloyalty to the
Ostrogothic king, alleging that he plotted
to restore Roman liberty, and added the
accusation of sacrilege (the practice of
astrology), neither his noble birth nor his
great popularity availed him. He was cast
into prison, condemned unheard, and
executed by order of Theodoric. During
his imprisonment, he reflected on the
instability of the favour of princes and
the inconstancy of the devotion of his
friends. These reflections suggested to
him the theme of his best-known
philosophical work, the De Consolatione
Philosophiae, Consolation of Philosophy.
2. Translated into English prose and verse
by H.R. James, M.A., Ch. Ch. Oxford,
Gutenberg Project.
3. Bhagavad-Gt VII, 7
4. R. Gunon, The Chain of worlds, in
Symbols of Sacred Science, Sophia
Perennis, Hillsdale, New York 2004, p.
5. The treatise De Coelesti Hierarchia,
which is ascribed to St. Denis the
Areopagite, and which exercised so
strong an influence upon the Scholastics,
treats at great length of the hierarchies
and orders of the angels. They are divided
into three ternaries: Angels, Archangels,
Virtues; Powers, Principalities,
Dominations; Throne, Cherubim and
6. Vita Nova I and II
7. T. Darel, Vers lUnit , July-August and
September-October 1926, quoted by R.
Gunon in Heart and Brain, in Symbols
of the Sacred Science, p. 407
8. cf. G. Lombardo, The Cross, Lodge Room
International Magazine, issue 09 2006
9. T. Churton, The Golden Builders, Boston
2005, p.xiv
10. Masonically, to smooth the rough ashlar
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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concern to my fellow human beings. It has
supported my personal faith and work as a
churchman. Let no one say you cannot be a
Christian and a Mason at the same time. I know
too many who are both and proud to be both. Ben
was...Don was...I am. I will always be glad that
one day in a little East Texas town....
What Freemasonry means to me
By The Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, 33
I recently received a letter in which the writer
asked: Why are you a fre emason? The question
caused me to think and reaffirm my feelings about
Masonry. At first I thought about my own
forebears. My grandfather was a mason for 50
years, my father for 50 years, and I have been a
mason for 60 years. This means that my tie with
Freemasonry extends back to 1869 when my
grandfather joined the masons. My feelings on
my first entrance into a masonic lodge are very
clear in memory. I was a young man and it was a
great thrill to kneel before the altar of the lodge
to become a freemason. This must have been the
same feeling my father and grandfather
experienced before me.
And it must also have been identical to the one
that many great leaders of America and the world
felt as they became masons. Prominent among
this select group are George Washington, Harry
Truman, and 12 other Presidents as well as
countless statesmen and benefactors of
humanity. So I found myself thinking: What
does Freemasonry mean to me?
Of course masons say that Freemasonry actually
begins in each individual masons heart. I take
this to mean a response to brotherhood and the
highest ideals. I recall the story of a man who
came to me once and said: I see that you are a
freemason. So am I.
As we talked, he told me of an experience he
had years ago. It seems that he joined the
masonic fraternity shortly after he became 21
years old. When he was stationed in the military,
he decided to attend various lodge meetings. On
his first visit to a lodge in a strange city, he was
a bit nervous. One thought was constantly in his
mind; could he pass the examination to show
that he was a mason?
As the committee was carefully examining his
credentials, one of the members looked him
squarely in the eye and said: Obviously you
know the ritual, so you can enter our lodge as a
Brother Mason. But I have one more question.
Where were you made a mason? With that he
told the young visitor to think about it because
when he knew the answer the examiner would
not have to hear it. He would see it in his eyes.
My friend told me that after a couple of minutes
a big smile came to his face and he looked at
the examiner, who said: Thats right, in your
heart. Through masonic teachings, good men
practice love and charity. As a fraternity they
spend millions of dollars... Freemasonry is not
a religion though, in my experience, masons
have predominately been religious men and, for
the most part, of the Christian faith.
Through Freemasonry, however, I have had
opportunity to break bread with good men of other
than my own Christian faith. Freemasonry does
not promote any one religious creed.
All masons believe in the Deity without
reservation. However, Masonry makes no
demands as to how a member thinks of the Great
Architect of the Universe. Freemasonry is, for all
its members, a supplement to good living which
has enhanced the lives of millions who have
entered its doors. Though it is not a religion, as
such, it supplements faith in God the Creator. It
is supporting of morality and virtue. Freemasonry
has no dogma or theology. It offers no sacraments.
It teaches that it is important for every man to
have a religion of his own choice and to be faithful
to it in thought and action.
As a result, men of different religions meet in
fellowship and brotherhood under the fatherhood
of God. I think that a good Mason is made even
more faithful to the tenets of his faith by his
membership in the lodge.
Freemasonry is much more than a social
organization. Through masonic teachings, good
men practice love and charity. As a Fraternity they
spend millions of dollars to support hospitals,
childhood language disorders clinics, and research
into problems that plague mans physical and
mental being. Whenever I visit a masonic hospital,
of which there are many, my eyes fill with tears.
As I see a youngster, who could not walk, now
able to get from one end of the corridor to the
other with the aid of an artificial leg, I am thrilled.
For a young person to have the opportunity to
become whole and productive is to me exciting
and wonderful. And this opportunity is given at
no cost to his or her family or the state.
Living is beautiful but sometimes life can be harsh
and cruel. Whenever or wherever people are in
need masons are there to help. From large
undertakings to the smallest of needs, masons are
always there, caring and serving. I have always
been interested as to why masons devote so much
time to their Fraternity. A good answer to this
question came from a Grand Master who once
told me that he enjoys his involvement because
it gives him another dimension to living.
The same answer is echoed by Brethren as they
meet in lodge rooms from one end of our Country
to the other and around the world. Many of my
best friends, associates, and fellow Christians are
Freemasons and good churchmen as well. In my
travels at home and abroad a goodly number of
Freemasons notice my masonic ring, which I
Continued on Next Page - Why
beliefs. It has also confirmed my duty to feed
the hungry, clothe the naked, and support the
widows and orphans.
While it is impressive to know the extent of
Masonrys charitable organ32wwizations and
agencies that work for healing and health (some
say we spend over $1 million a day), it is much
more impressive to see a child walk, or a child
see, or a child be nursed back to health from a
severe burn. Most would not have been able to
receive such help had it not been for the
benevolent concern of some masons. So I saw
duty acted out in deeds.
As I remember those early days working in the
lodge, I remember the care and support of those
fellow lodge members. They made me feel that I
was someone special about whom they really
cared. Across the years as I have moved to
different churches (some United Methodist
ministers move a lot), and visited in different
lodges in different places, that same feeling of
support and Brotherhood has been there.
Because of my position in the Church and
membership in the lodge, I have always felt
wanted and accepted. Thats a very special
feeling! While this great Country of ours has felt
the impact of leaders who have been masons,
much of what Masonry represents is seen in those
men who have lived the principles of Freemasonry
in their respective communities. On my journey I
have met some of them. One of them was Ben
LeNorman, whose honesty was known and
respected. He was an example to the youth of the
little town where he lived. That example brought
many a young man to knock on Masonrys door.
Another was Don Davis, whose compassion for
those who were hurting was unsurpassed. He
would give of his time and money so that a
crippled child might have dignity and health. He
was willing to reach out to help anyone who might
be hurting. No time was too valuable to give. No
distance was too far to fly or drive. No effort was
too great to make. When he heard the cry for help,
he was ready to respond.
These were good men who were better men
because they were masons. Neither of them will
have their names in the books of history, but they
will always be remembered by those whose lives
they touched. And the best thing is that you know
these men. Their names may be different, but they
are a part of every lodge and live in every corner
of this great land of ours. They are those who
believe that Masonry is not something to commit
to memory, it is something to live. You never hear
it in their boasting...you see it in their living.
So the question Why are you a Mason? can be
answered. It has allowed me to grow
personally...to serve my God...and to reach out in
Continued from Previous Page
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always wear. With pride they say: I, too, am a
Freemason. To me, Freemasonry is one form of
dedication to God and service to humanity. I too
was a Freemason in my heart and so I will remain.
I am proud of my involvement. I am proud to walk
in fraternal fellowship with my Brethren.
* * *
Why am I a Freemason? Simply because I
am proud to be a man who wants to keep the
moral standards of life at high level and
leave something behind so others will benefit.
Only as I, personally, become better, can I
help others to do the same. I was brought
up in a religious home, a son of a Rabbi with
seven generations of Rabbis preceding me;
and yet with this religious background, I felt
I could still derive much from and give much
to this Fraternity for the good and welfare
of mankind....
My experience has shown me that masons
are for the most part religious men. I am
proud to be a Mason and proud to be a part
of an organization that is devoted to helping
widows and orphans primarily, and also
those who are in need without question or
embarrassment.... I am proud to be a Mason
who believes in the dignity of Gods children
and opposes hatred and bigotry, and stands
for truth, justice, kindness, integrity and
righteousness for all.
Rabbi Seymour Atlas
Of course, he would be naive indeed who
would declare that what Masonry meant to
him it would necessarily mean to every other
Mason. The author does not know it all, or
anywhere near the all of Masonry; his book
might well be called What Masonry Means
To Me.
However, he claims to possess no
authority because of such studies; if he is
right in his conclusions, they are completely
valid to him alone.
I AND I ALONE, am responsible for my
own interpretations of masonic teachings.
Masonry does not proclaim any particular
techniques whereby the Builder shall
construct his spiritual edifice.
The writer knows that the masonic reader
should not and will not take what he has said
on authority;....
Lyn Perkins, Masonic writer
One of the usual errors regarding Masonry
and religion is the confusion on the part of
many non-Masons and a few masons that
Continued from Previous Page
Continued on Next Page - Freemasonry
in us by our parents: Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth,
Honor , Integrity, Charity, Faith, Family... in a
word, morals. But we KNOW these lessons upon
entering Masonry, else we would not be
candidates to join!
Principles are like lighthouses. They are
natural laws that cannot be broken. As Cecil
B. deMille observed:
It is impossible for us to break the law. We
Continued from Page 15
can only break ourselves against the law.
The principles I am referring to are NOT
esoteric, mysterious, or religious ideas.
There is not one principle taught (in
Freemasonry) that is unique to any specific
faith or religion These principles are a part
of most every major enduring religion, as
well as enduring social philosophies and
ethical systems.
They are self-evident and can easily be
validated by any individual. Its almost as if
these principles or natural laws are part of
the human condition, part of the human
consciousness, part of the human conscience.
They seem to exist in all human beings,
regardless of social conditioning and loyalty
to them, even though they might be submerged
or numbed by such conditions or disloyalty.
For instance:
Human dignity
Growth (personal and spiritual)
Nurturance (brotherhood), and
Principles are not practices. A practice is a
specific activity or action. A practice that works
in one circumstance will not necessarily work
in another, as parents who have tried to raise
a second child exactly like they did the first
can readily attest.
While practices are situationally specific,
principles are DEEP, fundamental truths that
have universal application. They apply to
individuals, to marriages, to families, to private
and public organizations of every kind. When
these truths are internalized into habits, they
empower people to create a wide variety of
practices to deal with different situations.
Principles are the territory. Values are the
maps. When we value correct principles, we
have truth a knowledge of things as they are.
~ The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People ~ by Stephen R. Covey
And here is the fundamental misunderstanding
that fanatical religious zealots who dislike
Freemasonry have: Freemasonry is not a religion,
it is a fraternal association that cleaves to basic
Masonry is a religion.
LeRoy C. Brandt, Ph.D., Pastor
Reformed Church
Delmar, New York
I like the statement which I have heard and
read many times, Masonry is religious but
Masonry is not a religion. Much of the
criticism of Masonry has come because some
of the masons have not understood this
statement. A few of the Craft have tried to
make it a religion and it was never meant to
be such. For example, we are not supposed
to admit to our degrees men who are not
already GOOD men. Masonry seeks to make
John W. Dowdy, D.D., Pastor
First Baptist Church
Guthrie, Oklahoma
A mason is a man who professes a faith in
God. As a man of faith, he uses the tools of
moral and ethical truths to serve mankind.
A mason binds himself to like-minded men
in a brotherhood that transcends all
religious, ethnic, social, cultural, and
educational differences.
In fellowship with his Brothers, a Mason
finds ways in which to serve his God, his
family, his fellowman, and his country. A
Mason is dedicated. He recognizes his
responsibility for justice, truth, charity,
enlightenment, freedom and liberty, honesty
and integrity in all aspects of human
endeavor. A Mason is such a man.
Rev. Jim Bilbrey, Ph.D.
ULC Congregation 60641
These quotes were posted into the newsgroup,
alt.freemasonry, by Bro. Eugene Goldman in
1999, or excerpted from Conscience and the
Craft, Questions on Religion and Freemasonry,:
Jim Tresner, Ph.D., 33, American Masonic
Review. Winter 1992, Vol. 2, No. 1.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
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principles of human existence. The principles
enumerated above are fundamental to human life,
regardless of where or how the humans live, or
what understanding they have of g-d.
These principles are like air, they are essential.
One way to quickly grasp the self-evident nature
of the principles is to simply consider the absurdity
of attempting to live an effective life based on their
opposites. No one is suggesting that is the case,
not even the Antimasonic fanatics suggest
Freemasonry is opposed to these basic principles.
Freemasonry accepts all good men with a faith in g-
d, however the MAN defines his understanding of
the deity. Freemasonry does not accept or reject any
religion, that is not the purpose of Freemasonry. The
PURPOSE is to take good men, remind them of the
fundamental principles of life, and show them a way
to inculcate those principles actively in their lives.
So what does masonry teach us? Well,
through allegory and symbols, masonry
encourages a man to contemplate on these
social virtues. A man in the first degree
is encouraged to keep silent on that
which should not be spoken of to a non
mason. What is it that we should not
speak? Simple secrets, matters that
a determined person could find in
any library and spread all over the
internet. So what purpose is served in keeping
secret that which is already public?
In a word, honor. Honor is a black and white thing,
you either are or are not an honorable man. At its
simplest, honor is keeping your word, no matter
how easy it is to break it, no matter that the secret
you keep is a well known one. Honor is that gift
a man gives himself... integrity when no one is
looking but the man himself.
This theme is a constant within Masonry, in each
degree, even as we build on this simple(!!)
concept into more complex concepts of the other
degrees. If a man does not honor himself, how
can he honor G-D or his family, or his society?
No, in truth, honor and integrity are the foundation
stones of masonry, upon which a moral edifice
may be erected.
Being a Mason, you are charged never to do
anything that would bring dishonor to our
honorable and ancient institution. That sounds
simple, but if compasses such things as not
speeding, even when no one is looking, not
cheating, when no one could possibly know,
telling the truth, even when it hurts.
Being a Mason means endeavoring in all your doings
to bring honor to the fraternity, by acting in such an
upright manner that no hint or stain of immorality
could attach to you or your actions. It means treating
everyone equally, morally and honestly.
Continued from Previous Page
Being a mason is more than just moral lessons,
though. Masonry teaches a man to act with justice,
temperance, fortitude, and prudence. It teaches a
man to be tolerant of the opinions and thoughts
of others... part of our obligation are not to injure
a brother in his person or good name.
Masonry teaches us to be better men by modeling
behavior. We set a standard of behavior for
ourselves, a standard that we strive to achieve,
circumscribing our desires, passions, prejudices
within reasonable bounds, toward our brothers,
our society and ourselves.
Masonic charity is a founding principle of the
fraternity. Not just to each other, but to society,
and all men in need. Through the Shrine
organizations and other activities, Masonry,
though not Acharity, donates over $750 MILLION
per year ... raised among ourselves. We are
charitable, though not a charity.
By being conscious of BEING Masons, and by
modeling the behavior of other good men, we
can become better men. By a faith in g-d,
and an awareness of the standards of
behaviors that He calls for in His volume
of sacred writings, we become better
Masonry is also about having fun.
We work together, we celebrate
together, and when a brother is
called home, he mourn together.
Masonry is about fellowship, and having a home
anywhere in the world that you go and a friend to
extend a helping hand if you need one.
Masonry is men in action with a faith in G-d, a
love of country and family, with big hearts.
For myself, I am a fifth generation Mason (at
least). My family fled Ireland during the potato
famine. They settled in Canada, since we could
not get into the United States at that time, living
there for ten years until we could legally
immigrate into the United States in Oklahoma.
My grandfather moved to California prior to the
outbreak of WWII, and joined Monrovia Lodge
in 1944.
I grew up surrounded by Masons, good, honorable
men all, and, after putting off joining for years
because I was just too busy, my grandfather,
James Wesley Dunn, died. And I was not yet a
Mason. Attending his Masonic service in his
lodge, I decided to stop waiting. Six months later,
I was initiated in Live Oak Lodge #61 in Oakland,
California, and have not regretted a moment since.
The best men I have ever met are Masons. Why
Freemasonry? Because it is the best men and the
most worthy group I have ever had the privledge
and honor to associate with.
So help me G-d.
Masonic Humor
Ways to Maintain A Healthy
Level Of Insanity .
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With
Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At
Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Dont
Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do
Something, Ask If They Want Fries with
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And
Label It In.
5. Put Decaf In The Cof fee Maker For 3 Weeks
. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their
Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks,
Write For Smuggling Diamonds
7. Finish All Your sentences with In
Accordance With The Prophecy.
8. Dont use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to
eat, with a serious face.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is
To Go.
12. Sing Along At The Opera.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The
Poems Dont Rhyme?
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work
Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.
15 Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends
You Cant Attend Their Party Because
Youre Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By
Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM,
Scream I Won!, I Won!
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running
Towards The Parking lot, Yelling Run
For Your Lives, Theyre Loose!!
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. Due To
The Economy, We Are Going To Have
To Let One Of You Go.
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng them, It s about me changi ng me.
Lodge r oom Int e r nat i onal Magaz i ne
48 48 48 48 48
Valuable Links To Masonic Works
If you have any links to Masonic works, please send them to us and we will
publish them here every month.
Ahimon Rezon
Ancient Charges
Book of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry (1884)
Book of the Words by Albert Pike
The Builder Magazine 1915 - 1930
Ceremonial Explanation of the Entered
Apprentice Degree
Ceremonial Explanation of the Fellowcraft
Concise History of Freemasonry
The Craftsman and Freemasons Guide; Corne-
lius Moore; 1851
David vs. Goliath?
The Dionysian Artificers
English Speculative Freemasonry
Focusing on What Matters Most
General Regulations Of Freemasonry
The History of Freemasonry; James William
Mitchell; 186?
Illustrations of Masonry, By One Of The Frater-
nity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years To The
Subject; Captain William Mor gan; 1826,
Initiation, Mystery and Salvation
Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry?
Landmarks and Old Charges
The Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry; Rob
Morris; 1852
The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry by Manly P. Hall
Masonry and Religion
The Masonic Manual, A Pocket Companion For
The Initiated; Robert Macoy; 1867
The Meaning Of Masonry by W.L. Wilmshurst
Misrepresentation of Freemasonry
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike
More Light
My Ideal Mason
Mysticism of The Royal Arch
Opinions on Speculative Masonry; James Creigh-
ton Odiorne; 1830
The Principles of Masonic Law; Albert Gallatin
Mackey; 1858
The Regius Manuscript
Richardsons Monitor of Free-Masonry; Jabez
Richardson; 1860
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly P.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry; Albert Gallatin
Mackey; 1869
Tales of a Masonic Life; Rob Morris; 1860
The Taxil Confessions
The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry, In
Twelve Lectures; George Oliver;1866
The Truth About Freemasonry
The Virginia Text Book; John Dove; 1866
Webbs Freemasons Monitor; Thomas Webb
Smith; 1865
[From Sports Illustrated, By Rick Reilly]
Marathon Father and Son
I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans.
Work nights to pay For their text messaging. Take
them to swimsuit shoots.
But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck.
Eighty-five times hes pushed his disabled son,
Rick, 26.2 miles in Marathons. Eight times hes
not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a Wheelchair
but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while
swimming and Pedaled him 112 miles in a seat on
the handlebarsall in the same day.
Dicks also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken
him on his back Mountain climbing and once
hauled him across the U.S. On a bike. Makes
Taking your son bowling look a little lame, right?
And what has Rick done for his father? Not much
except save his life.
This love story began in Winchester , Mass. , 43
years ago, when Rick Was strangled by the
umbilical cord during birth, leaving him Brain-
damaged and unable to control his limbs.
Hell be a vegetable the rest of his life; Dick
says doctors told him And his wife, Judy, when
Rick was nine months old. ``Put him in an
But the Hoyts werent buying it. They noticed the
way Ricks eyes Followed them around the room.
When Rick was 11 they took him to the
Engineering department at Tufts University and
asked if there was Anything to help the boy
communicate. No way, Dick says he was told.
Theres nothing going on in his brain.
Tell him a joke, Dick countered. They did. Rick
laughed. Turns out a Lot was going on in his brain.
Rigged up with a computer that allowed Him to
control the cursor by touching a switch with the
side of his Head, Rick was finally able to
communicate. First words? ``Go Bruins! And after
a high school classmate was paralyzed in an
accident and the School organized a charity run
for him, Rick pecked out, ``Dad, I want To do that.
Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described
porker who never ran More than a mile at a time,
going to push his son five miles? Still, he Tried.
Then it was me who was handicapped, Dick says.
I was sore For two weeks.
That day changed Ricks life. Dad, he typed,
when we were running, It felt like I wasnt
disabled anymore!
And that sentence changed Dicks life. He became
obsessed with giving Rick that feeling as often as
he could. He got into such hard-belly Shape that
he and Rick were ready to try the 1979 Boston
No way, Dick was told by a race official. The
Hoyts werent quite a Single runner, and they
werent quite a wheelchair competitor. For a few
Years Dick and Rick just joined the massive field
and ran anyway, then They found a way to get into
the race Officially: In 1983 they ran another
marathon so fast they made the Qualifying time
for Boston the following year.
Then somebody said, Hey, Dick, why not a
triathlon? Hows a guy who never learned to swim
and hadnt ridden a bike since he Was six going to
haul his 110-pound kid through a triathlon? Still,
Dick Tried.
Now theyve done 212 triathlons, including four
grueling 15-hour Ironmans in Hawaii . It must be
a buzzkill to be a 25-year-old stud Getting passed
by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy,
dont you Think?
Hey, Dick, why not see how youd do on your own?
No way, he says. Dick does it purely for the
awesome feeling he gets seeing Rick with A
cantaloupe smile as they run, swim and ride
together. This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and
Rick finished their 24th Boston Marathon, in
5,083rd place out of more than 20,000 starters.
Their best Time? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992
only 35 minutes off the world Record, which, in
case you dont keep track of these things, happens
to Be held by a guy who was not pushing another
man in a wheelchair at the Time.
No question about it, Rick types. My dad is the
Father of the Century. And Dick got something
else out of all this too. Two years ago he had a
Mild heart attack during a race. Doctors found that
one of his arteries Was 95% clogged. If you hadnt
been in such great shape, One doctor told him,
you probably wouldve died 15 years ago. So, in
a way, Dick and Rick saved each others life.
Rick, who has his own apartment (he gets home
care) and works in Boston, and Dick, retired from
the military and living in Holland, Mass., always
find ways to be together. They give speeches around
the country and compete in some backbreaking race
every weekend, including this Fathers Day.
That night, Rick will buy his dad dinner, but
the thing he really wants to give him is a gift
he can never buy.
The thing Id most like, Rick types, is that
my dad sit in the chair and I push
him once.