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User's Guide

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Swiss Army Knife for Process Engineers

Users Guide

Sakpe Copyright 2010 Agustn Gonnet Lestard Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR


Trademark notice
AspenTech, Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS are registered trademarks of Aspen Technologies Inc. Microsoft, Excel, Windows, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe and Adobe Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Plate-Pak and MisterMesh are trademarks or registered trademarks of ACS Industries, LP. KOCH-GLITSCH, FLEXICHEVRON and DEMISTER are registered trademarks of KochGlitsch, LP.

Copyright notice
Some icons used are creation of Mark James (Silk icon set) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. For more information, visit http://www.famfamfam.com. The installer was created with Inno Setup, a free installer for Windows programs developed by Jordan Rusell. For more information, visit http://www.jrsoftware.org.

Warning Please read carefully before using this software:

The data and information within Sakpe has been obtained from a wide variety of literature sources. While reasonable care has been exercised in the collection of data and testing of this software, the author of this software disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of the data or calculations contained therein. The results of calculations obtained from this software yield approximate results, which will not always be suitable for every application. The software is designed for use by trained professional personnel and is not a substitute for sound professional judgment. It is the sole responsibility of the user to validate the data presented by Sakpe and to determine whether the results of this program are accurate and suitable for any specific purpose. No guarantee of accuracy or fitness for any purpose is expressed or implied. The author and contributors strongly recommends that the data be checked against other sources and/or methods before use and application. Sakpe's author shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages incurred through use of the data or calculations.

1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 About Sakpe ................................................................................................................................................ 6 About this manual ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Donations...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Program installation.................................................................................................................................. 8 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Accessing the modules .......................................................................................................................... 10 Available languages ................................................................................................................................ 13 General user interface information ................................................................................................... 14 Equipment Modules ..................................................................................................................................... 15 SepRate ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 CompPower................................................................................................................................................ 20 PumpPower ................................................................................................................................................ 21 VesselSize.................................................................................................................................................... 22 Piping ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 GasDrop....................................................................................................................................................... 24 LiqDrop ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 TwoSize ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Pressure Relief ................................................................................................................................................ 27 GasPSV ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 LiqPSV .......................................................................................................................................................... 28 SteamPSV .................................................................................................................................................... 29

1. Introduction
1.1. About Sakpe
Sakpe is a program aimed at process engineers, especially at those professionals working on the conceptual and basic engineering phase of Oil & Gas related projects. Consisting of several modules and gadgets, this Swiss Army Knife for Process Engineers is not intended to replace powerful simulators such as Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS. Its purpose is instead to perform everyday calculations which are usually done by hand or using worksheets in an easier and more efficient way. The main goal of this application is to perform preliminary calculations. It should not be used in the advanced phases (i.e. detail engineering) of a project. It should only be used in the early phases of a project, when an approximate sizing is required.

1.2. About this manual

The purpose of this manual is to give the user a detailed explanation of the modules and components that make up Sakpe. At the end of it you will also find some bibliographic references. The following concepts will be used throughout this Users Guide: Module Gadget Part of the program able to perform a relatively complex calculation. Part of the program able to perform a simple calculation.

The program comes with an integrated help system. When running the program, just leave the mouse pointer over any text box or menu and wait for a few seconds: an information bubble about that specific will pop up. In case you have any doubt and you are not able to find the answer neither in this manual nor on the help system, dont hesitate in contacting me via e-mail to the following address: contact@sakpe.com.ar.

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In case you have any suggestion, comment or critic or you find any bug or error, we would be pleased to hear it. Please contact through the e-mail address just mentioned.

1.3. Donations
This program is being developed as a hobby and can be obtained free of charge. Nevertheless, if you would like to express your appreciation for the time and the resources the author spent in developing this software, you can securely make a donation with your credit or debit card by visiting the donation webpage (http://sakpe.com.ar/donate.html). This money will be used to cover the costs of hosting the web page. Thank you in advance! In case you decide to make a donation, you can donate as much as you want (all donations are welcome), but just in case you have no idea how much to donate, we have the following suggestions: Students: Nothing! Just invite your friends some cold beers with that money! Consultants or professionals: USD 50.00 Small and medium-sized companies: USD 100-200 Big-sized companies: USD 500-1000

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2. Installation
2.1. Requirements
The program requires a computer with at least the following specifications: Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Windows 98 SE, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. RAM Memory: Disk Space: Other requirements: Microsoft Windows requirements. 2 Mb. for Sakpe program files. Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime. Aspen HYSYS 3.2 or newer, including a valid license, is required in case you want to import stream properties to some of the gadget which support this feature. Otherwise it is not required! Microsoft Excel 98 or newer is required in case you want to print the results or save the results to a .xls file. Adobe Reader is required to read the Users Manual, which is provided in PDF format. This program can be easily downloaded and free of cost from http://www.adobe.com.

2.2. Program installation

In order to install the program, follow these steps: Insert the installation CD and execute the program setup.exe, located in the root directory of the CD. Select the language to be used by the installation program. Carefully read the license. In case you accept it, click the corresponding button to continue. You must accept it in order to install the program. In case you do not accept the license, you will not be able to continue the installation. Select the folder where you want the program to be installed.

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After the installation has finished, click on the Start menu and select the program from the Sakpe program group.

The first time you start the application, English will be used. In case you want to use the program in one of the other supported languages, click on the Options > Languages menu to select one of the available languages.

NOTE: This program requires Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime being installed on your system in order to be executed. In case you receive an error message the first time you run the program, notifying this component is missing, please install the .NET 4.0 runtime, which can be obtained free of charge from the Microsoft web site.

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3. Overview
3.1. Accessing the modules
The first time you start the program you will see the following screen:

Screenshot 1 - Main Screen

Using the program is quite simple. The different modules and gadgets are distributed throughout the menus, organized in different categories. More than one module or gadget may be run simultaneously. A detailed explanation of each of the modules and gadgets is available in chapters 4-7. The following list describes the main functions of each of the available menus: Equipment: Tools for sizing equipment. o SepRate: This is the most advanced module of the program and it can be used both in Rating mode, for calculating the capacity of existing separators, and in Sizing mode, for sizing new separators. It is able to rate and size vertical Page 10

and horizontal separators, including horizontal separators with a boot, both for two-phase (gas-oil) and three-phase (gas-oil-water) service, with different mist extractor configurations (horizontal and vertical). This module is also able to size gravity-settling separators, i.e. separators without any mist extractor, such as Knock-Out Drums (Flare Separators). The calculation is based on the guidelines presented on Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook (7th Edition), GPSA Engineering Data Book (12th Edition), API Specification 12J (7th Edition) and API Standard 521 (5th Edition). o CompPower: This module is used for calculating the power requirements (brake power) of multistage reciprocating compressors according to the calculation method specified on the GPSA Engineers Data Book (12th Edition). The discharge temperature of each stage is taken into consideration and the number of stages may be specified or automatically calculated. o PumpPower: This simple gadget will calculate the power required by a centrifugal pump. o VesselSize: This module is able to size a cylindrical vessel, by selecting its diameter and height/length from a list of standard values. After having selected the dimensions or the required volume, the minimum required wall thickness may be estimated, based on ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 (3rd Edition). Finally, and after selecting which type of heads the tank will have, the total weight of it (both empty and full of liquid) can be estimated. o ExpSize: This gadget can calculate the required volume of an expansion tank installed on a line, taking into consideration the change of density of the fluid circulating inside the line and the piping geometry. o TankSize: This gadget can browses through several standard oil-storage tanks (based on API Specification 12D, 10th Edition), showing their dimensions and capacities. Piping: Tools for sizing piping. o GasDrop: This module is able to perform several calculations for gas lines, such as determining the inlet or outlet pressure and the flow rate. Several gasflow equations are available (Weymouth, Panhandle and AGA among others).

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Furthermore the module includes a comprehensive list of fittings and accessories and a list of the most commonly used piping in the O&G industry. o LiqDrop: Equivalent to the GasDrop module but for liquid lines, this module has exactly the same calculation tools and characteristics. The pressure drop is calculated using the Moody method. o TwoSize: This module is able to size de required internal diameter for a twophase line based on API Recommended Practice 14E (5th Edition). o PumpNPSH: This module is used to calculate the available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) for centrifugal and reciprocating pump installations. The interface is similar to that of the LiqDrop module and both the standard piping and the fittings databases are available. o GasValve: This module is able to calculate the flow coefficient (CV) for a gas service control valve. o LiqValve: This module is able to calculate the flow coefficient (CV) for a liquid service control valve. Pressure Relief: Tools for sizing pressure safety/relief valves. o GasPSV: This module is able to calculate the minimum required orifice size of gas-relieving pressure safety Valves (PSVs) and rupture discs (RDs), based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). When calculating the area of a PSV, the standard orifice designation is also informed o LiqPSV: Similar to the GasPSV module but for liquid-relieving pressure relief valves. The calculation is also based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). o SteamPSV: Similar to the GasPSV module but for steam-relieving pressure safety Valves. The calculation is also based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). o HeaderRate: This module is able estimate the gas capacity of a flare-header in function of its diameter, according to the gas properties and the desired Mach number.

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Tools: Some other tools that might come handy. o Unit Converter: Convert between different units. The most commonly used units in the industry are available. o o Interpolator: Having a pair of X-Y points, inter/extrapolate a third one. Steam Table: Obtain, for a given pressure, the saturation temperature for water steam. The same can be done inversely. o Typical Piping: Fast reference of standard piping used for general hydrocarbon service, including internal diameter, schedule and Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) as by ASME B16.5.

Options: Customize your preferences. o o o Default Units: Select the default units. Predefined unit sets are available. Iteration: Specify the error to be tolerated in iteration algorithms. Languages: Select the language used in the program.

Windows: This menu lists all the currently open windows within Sakpe. Help: Access the Users Manual and general information. o o o Users Manual: Access the Users Manual in PDF format. Donate: Access the donations web page. About: Displays information about the program.

3.2. Available languages

The user-interface is available in the following languages: English: fully supported (user-interface, help system, users manual) Spanish: partially supported (user-interface, help system) Portuguese: partially supported (user-interface)

The first time the program is executed, English will be used by default. In order to select another language, select the menu Options > Language and select the desired one. The program must be closed and re-opened for the changes to have effect. In case a partially supported language is selected, some messages or help tips will be displayed in the default language, i.e. in English.

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3.3. General user interface information

In order to make the program usability as easy as possible, the following visual guides are used in all the modules and gadgets of the program: The decimal separator unit recognized by the program is the one specified on Windows Control Panel, regardless of the language being used by Sakpe. Underlined text identifies a link. You can click it to get a new window with more options about the parameter/variable. The mouse cursor changes to a hand when you move it over the text:

Variables marked in bold are results and will be automatically calculated by the program. Although the text cannot be edited, the units can be changed:

Variables marked in grey font are not required in the current mode and its value should not be specified:

The units of any value which has already been typed in can be changed at any time by just clicking the unit combo box and selecting a new unit:

In order to obtain help about a specific field, just click over the text input box and leave the mouse cursor still at that position. After a short moment information about that topic will automatically pop up:

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4. Equipment Modules
4.1. SepRate
This is the most powerful module of the program. The module can be run in two modes: Rating mode, used to calculate the capacity of an existing mode, and in sizing mode. This mode, called Design Assistant mode, is basically an internal algorithm that loops throughout all the standard sizes, using some default values which will be later discussed, and outputting the results obtained from the Rating mode. Since there is no unique solution to the question of which separator type or size is the best for a given service, the Design Assistant mode is useful for making a first approach. After a preliminary size has been chosen, further tuning is normally required in order to reach an optimum design.

Screenshot 2 - SepRate Main Screen

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Running SepRate in Design mode: 1. Be sure that the module is running in Rating mode. The mode can be selected from the drop box available on the top-left corner of the window. 2. Select the type of separator you want to rate. 3. Complete the required gas properties. In case the gas compressibility is unknown, it might be roughly estimated by clicking on the Estimate button. 4. Complete the liquid properties. In case you are rating a two-phase separator, only the light liquid properties will be available. In case you are rating a three-phase, both the light and the heavy liquid properties must be completed. 5. Specify all the other required dimensions (diameter, height/length, effective length and/or boot dimensions if applicable, etc.), the operating temperature and pressure. If you want to use a standard size, click on the menu Options > Select Standard Size and select both a standard diameter and height/length. In case the H/ or the L/ ratio is smaller than 3 of bigger than 6, a warning sign will be showed in the corresponding text box.

Screenshot 3 - Selecting a standard size. Here the L/ ratio smaller than 3.

6. Choose the Normal Liquid Level (NLL) and the Interface Normal Liquid Level (INLL), in case you are rating a three-phase separator. The residence time must also be specified, only for the light liquid in the case of two-phase vessels, or for both the light and the heavy liquid in the case of three-phase vessels. 7. Select the mist extractor type and click on Mist Extractor to specify its Souder-Brown Equation k value and its geometry parameters. Further clicking on the Mist Extractor k link will pop up a window with a list of typical k values used by several manufacturers. Page 16

8. In case you are designing a separator without mist extractor, i.e. a Knock-Out Drum, you should also click on Mist Extractor to specify the droplet diameter and the terminal velocity/vertical velocity ratio used in the case of vertical KODs. 9. To calculate the capacity click on the Rate Separator button. The calculated capacities will appear in the three corresponding text boxes: Gas Flow Rate, Light Flow Rate and in the case of three-phase separators also the Heavy Flow Rate. 10. By clicking on the Liquid Levels and Nozzles tab, it is also possible to calculate the surge (time required at design capacity for the vessel to increase the liquid level from NLL to HLL) and the hold-up time (time required at design capacity for the vessel to decrease the level from NLL to LLL). These calculations may be done for both liquid phases. On this same tab is possible to see the recommended nozzle connections. 11. Each case can be saved by clicking on the menu Case > Save. Similarly, to load a previously calculated case, click on Case > Load. Only the information used under the Rating mode is saved on the file, i.e. the information entered on the Design Wizard window will not be saved. 12. On the other hand, in case you want to export the calculation to an Excel file, you can fill in some information related to the project. The program allows the user to export all the information to completely customizable Excel worksheets. This has de advantage that several templates can be used, for example, one for each client. To do so, click on Options > Export to Excel. 13. The additional information that will be exported (such as information related to the project, the date and the author) can be entered by clicking on the Options > Configure Print Label menu. 14. Clicking on the Messages and Warnings tab will show some extra information about the calculation, such as assumptions made and intermediate calculated values. Exporting to Excel - Important Information: When exporting to Excel, the program will first prompt you to specify a file, which will be used as template. This file is required and it is not possible to continue the exporting process without one. Once it has been selected, all the fields between brackets, such as {TEMP}, {D}, etc., will be replaced with the specified and calculated values. For values which have a dimension associated to it, the fields with the -U refer to the unit. For example, if the Page 17

specified temperature is 50C, {T-T} will be replaced by the word Temperature, {T} will be replaced by the temperature (for example, 50) and {T-U} will be replaced with its respective unit (C). To see which fields can be exported, please refer to the file SepRate.xls, which is provided as an example. The file is located inside the Templates folder, in the same the folder where the program has been installed. Running SepRate in Design Wizard mode: If you want to design a separator, the Design Wizard mode should be used. What this mode actually does is automatically filling the size and the liquid levels of the separator for several standard configurations, calculating the capacity in each case and collecting all the information on a list. When running in this mode, the dimensions (diameter and height/length) and the liquid levels (NLL and INLL) will be filled in automatically by the program for each calculated size and do not require being filled in. The following assumptions are made by the program when iterating in this mode: Type: Vertical, two-phase Vertical, three-phase Horizontal, two-phase Vertical, three-phase NLL 30% H 30% H 50% 50% INLL --15% H --25%

Regarding the mist extractor, the following dimensions and distances are assumed: Separator Type ME Type: Vertical - Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Assumptions: MIST EXTRACTOR = VESSEL WMIST EXTRACTOR = VESSEL HMIST EXTRACTOR = 0.6 VESSEL XMIST EXTRACTOR TOP SHELL = 0.25 VESSEL WMIST EXTRACTOR = 0.5 WAVAILABLE LMIST EXTRACTOR = 0.5 WAVAILABLE Horizontal Vertical WMIST EXTRACTOR = VESSEL 6

The following diagrams represent the above mentioned distances: Page 18

The following is a screenshot of how the Design Wizard would display the results after having iterated for the possible sizes for a two-phase vertical separator with a horizontal mist extractor:

Screenshot 4 - SepRate Design Wizard - Vertical Separator w/Horizontal Mist Extractor

In this example, several sizes were found which could satisfy the desired flow rates. The different separators are ordered according to size. The Qgas and the Qliq columns show the relationship between the required capacity and the rated capacity for a specific size, expressed in percentage. The Status column shows an OK sign when that both values are bigger than 100%. In the case of three-phase separators, the Qliq represents the total liquid flow. Take into consideration that in the case of horizontal separators, or in the case of vertical separators with liquid flow rates which are considerably different, it is possible that a separator with a rated capacity (Qliq) below 100% might be able to reach the required capacities by adjusting the liquid levels, i.e. by increasing or decreasing the interface liquid level. This tool should only be used for a preliminary sizing. Although the first separator with an OK label is usually a good option, it is not necessarily the best one and further adjustments should be manually performed.

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4.2. CompPower
This module will estimate the power required by a reciprocating compressor, using the method recommended on the GPSA Engineering Data Book (12th Edition). For more information about the method, please refer to the aforementioned source, page 13-10.

Screenshot 5 - CompPower screen

If you want to calculate the power of a compressor given the number of stages, enable the Fixed check box. After entering all the required parameters, including the number of stages, just press the Calculate button. Information about each compression stage will be shown on the right panel. In case the Fixed option has not been checked, the number of stages will be automatically calculated as follows: 1. 2. The number of stages is assumed to be 1 and the brake power is calculated. In case the estimated outlet pressure reaches 150C, then the number of stages is increased by one. Thus, the compression ratio decreases, as does the outlet temperature.

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The compressibility factor can be estimated for each stage by selecting the corresponding box. This is done according to the method detailed on GPSA Engineering Data Book (12th Edition), page 17-4.


The procedure is repeated, until the outlet temperature of every compression stage is smaller than 150C.


Information about the iteration process will be shown on the right panel. The total number of stages will be displayed on the corresponding text box.

6. 7.

The case might be saved and previously saved cases might be loaded. It is also possible to export the calculated compressor to a fully customizable Excel worksheet. The process is similar to the one used when exporting information from SepRate. In this case, the template provided is called CompPower.xls. The file is located in the Excel Templates folder, within the folder where the program has been installed, and is provided as an example.


Since the outlet temperature of each step is estimated by assuming ideal conditions and by neglecting the effects of internal friction, this value will be lower than the value observed in reality. This tool is only intended for making a preliminary sizing of compressors. A compressor manufacturer should be contacted in case detailed sizing is required.

4.3. PumpPower
This simple but very frequently used gadget allows you to calculate the power required by a centrifugal pump. After entering the flow rate, the head (or both the suction and discharge pressures) and the overall efficiency, just press the corresponding button to calculate required the shaft power. The efficiency of centrifugal pumps is usually provided by the manufacturer. By default a value of 70% is assumed, which in most cases is an acceptable and conservative first estimation.

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4.4. VesselSize
This module is able to estimate the following parameters related to cylindrical small and medium-sized vessels (up to 66 for the diameter and 22 ft for the height/length), both horizontal and vertical: 1. Estimate the dimensions of a vessel, given a required volume, or calculate the volume, given its diameter and length/height. Note that the calculated length/height does not take into consideration the volume of the heads. 2. Estimate the required wall thickness based on ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1. The calculation takes into consideration the mechanical properties of the wall material, which must be specified. This is only a first estimation in order to roughly calculate the weight of the vessel and should in no way replace a detailed mechanical calculation in full accordance with the ASME Code. 3. Estimate the weight of the vessel, both empty and when full if fluid. This calculation takes into consideration the weight of the body and of both heads. The calculation should be performed in that order: first specify or calculate the dimensions, then calculate the wall thickness and finally estimate the weight.

Screenshot 6 VesselSize screen

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Step 1 Dimensions: Here you have the option of whether selecting a standard size for both the diameter and the length or entering custom dimensions. The volume of the vessel (without considering both heads) and the L/D ratio will be displayed. Step 2 Thickness: In this step you will be able to specify some some mechanical properties of the vessel, such as the MAWP, the allowable stress, the joint efficiency and the corrosion tolerance. Regarding the allowable stress, by clicking on the Allowable Stress link you will be able to select from a list of some commonly used materials. After clicking on the button, the minimum required thickness will be calculated. This thickness is based on the method described on the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. Take into consideration that this applet is only meant to estimate the weight of the vessel. In no way should this applet replace a thorough mechanical calculation according to the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. Step 3 Weight: Finally, after selecting the type of heads and the density of the fluid that will be contained by the vessel, the total weight (both empty and full) is calculated.

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5. Piping
5.1. GasDrop
This module is able to calculate the inlet pressure, the outlet pressure or the flow rate for a line with gas service. In the following screenshot the required input parameters are shown. One of the three possible output values (inlet pressure, outlet pressure or flow rate) will be calculated, being the others required.

Screenshot 7 GasDrop screen

A standard internal diameter can be chosen by clicking on the Diameter link. Similarly, the roughness of the pipe materials most commonly used can be selected by clicking on the Roughness link. Regarding the fittings and valves, a list of the ones most commonly used can be accessed by clicking on the Fittings and Valves link. The values used are expressed in equivalent length of pipe per diameter (L / D). Once all the variables have been entered and the equation has been selected, the unknown value will be calculated after clicking on the Calculate button. Some extra information such as the inlet and outlet velocities and the Reynolds number will also be displayed. Page 24

The case can be saved for loading it some other time by clicking on the corresponding button. It is also possible to print a calculation report or to export the information to an Excel sheet. A template for this is located in the Templates folder, in the same folder where the program has been installed. The functionality of this feature is similar to the one described for the SepRate module. The following equations are available: Weymouth, AGA Fully Turbulent, Panhandle A, Panhandle B, Oliphant and Spitzglass. For more information on the equations and on which scenario each should be applied, refer to GPSA Engineering Data Book (12th Edition).

5.2. LiqDrop
This module is the twin brother of the GasDrop module but for performing calculations with line service lines.

Screenshot 8 LiqDrop screen

After entering the information required and selecting the calculation method, the selected variable will be calculated. This module has the same calculation methods as GasDrop with the addition of one: the minimal internal diameter can be calculated. This diameter is

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calculated after a velocity has been entered. Some usually values for the average velocity (sometimes called economic velocity) can be accessed by clicking on the Velocity link. Similarly to the GasDrop module, the results can be loaded, saved, printed an exported to an Excel flowsheet. The calculation is done by using the Bernoulli and the Darcy-Weisbach equations, and the Darcy friction factor (f) is calculated with the Swamee-Jain equation. These equations can be found in any fluid mechanics textbook.

5.3. TwoSize
The purpose of this module is to calculate the minimum required diameter for a two-phase service line based on the API Recommended Practice 14E (5th Edition).

Screenshot 9 TwoSize screen

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6. Pressure Relief
6.1. GasPSV
This module is able to calculate the minimum required orifice size of gas-relieving pressure safety Valves (PSVs) and rupture discs (RDs), based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). When calculating the area of a PSV, the standard orifice designation is also informed. Notice: This module sizes relief valves based on API RP 520 Part I (7th Edition) and is provided as a complement to it. It is not intended to replace a detailed calculation in full accordance with this standard. We remind you that this software is not endorsed by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The algorithm used to calculate the minimum required area depends on the type of valve (conventional, balanced, pilot-operated or rupture disc) and on the type of flow (critical or subcritical). First the critical back-pressure is calculated in order to determine whether critical or subcritical flow takes place. Afterwards and depending on the type of flow, the area is calculated according to the following steps:

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Critical Flow 1. If a conventional PSV was selected, the back-pressure is checked to be smaller than 10% of the set pressure. 2. If a balanced PSV was selected, the backpressure is checked to be smaller than 50% of the set pressure. 3. A warning is displayed if the accumulation exceeds the values required by the ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1. 4. The C coefficient is calculated. 5. The Kb, Kc and Kd coefficients are calculated. 6. The minimum required area is calculated. 7. A standard orifice is selected.

Subcritical Flow 1. If a conventional PSV was selected, the back-pressure is checked to be smaller than 10% of the set pressure. 2. If a balanced PSV was selected, the backpressure is checked to be smaller than 50% of the set pressure. 3. A warning is displayed if the accumulation exceeds the values required by the ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1. 4. The C coefficient is calculated. 5. If a balanced PSV was selected, the user is asked for the Kb coefficient. Both the Kc and Kd coefficients are calculated. 6. If a non-balanced PSV was selected, the F2, Kc and Kd coefficients are calculated. 7. The minimum required area is calculated. The total discharge pressure takes into consideration the allowed overpressure. 8. A standard orifice is selected.

All the used formulas can be obtained from the API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). This standard can be purchased online at http://www.api.org/Standards/.

6.2. LiqPSV
This module is able to calculate the minimum required orifice size (area and designation letter) of liquid-relieving Pressure Relief Valves (PSVs) based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). When calculating the area of a PSV, the standard orifice designation is also informed. Notice: This module sizes relief valves based on API RP 520 Part I (7th Edition) and is provided as a complement to it. It is not intended to replace a detailed calculation in full accordance with this standard. We remind you that this software is not endorsed by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

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The algorithm used to calculate the minimum required area depends on whether the PSV needs capacity certification as required by ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1. The following table summarizes both methods: Steam-relieving PSV 1. The coefficients Kd, Kw and Kc are calculated. 2. The coefficient Kv, which accounts for viscosity effects and depends on the size of the orifice, is calculated for the smallest standard orifice, i.e. a D orifice. 3. The minimum required area of the orifice is calculated. 4. In case the calculated orifice is bigger than the one assumed in step 2, the procedure is repeated but using the next standard orifice. 5. Steps 1-4 are repeated iteratively until step 4 is fulfilled. All the used formulas can be obtained from the API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). This standard can be purchased online at http://www.api.org/Standards/.

6.3. SteamPSV
This module is able to calculate the minimum required orifice size (area and designation letter) of steam-relieving Pressure Relief Valves (PSVs) based on API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). When calculating the area of a PSV, the standard orifice designation is also informed. Notice: This module sizes relief valves based on API RP 520 Part I (7th Edition) and is provided as a complement to it. It is not intended to replace a detailed calculation in full accordance with this standard. We remind you that this software is not endorsed by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

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The algorithm used to calculate the minimum required area depends on whether the PSV needs capacity certification as required by ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1. The following table summarizes both methods: With capacity certification 1. The coefficients Kd, Kb, Kc and Kn are calculated. 2. The minimum required area of the orifice is calculated. 3. In case the calculated orifice is bigger than the one assumed in step 2, the procedure is repeated but using the next standard orifice. 4. Steps 1-4 are repeated iteratively until step 4 is fulfilled. All the used formulas can be obtained from the API Recommended Practice 520 Part I (7th Edition). This standard can be purchased online at http://www.api.org/Standards/. 1. 2. Without capacity certification

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