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Wake Up and Live

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Wake Up and Live!

Wake Up and Live!

by Dorothea Brande
Originally published in 1936.

edited by Dr.

obert !. Worstell" e#eren(e Library

as part o# the $o %hunk &oursel#%'

Dorothea Brande

%able o# !ontents
Wake Up and Live! ................................................................................i Introduction ................................................................................. 1 Chapter 1 - Why Do We Fail? ..................................................... 8 Chapter 2 - he Will to Fail ...................................................... 1! Chapter ! - "icti#$ o% he Will to Fail .................................... 1& Chapter ' - he (e)ard$ o% Failure........................................... 2* Chapter + - (i,htin, the Direction ............................................ !Chapter * - he .y$te# in /peration ........................................ 'Chapter - - Warnin,$ and 0uali%ication$................................... +8 Chapter 8 - /n .avin, 1reath.................................................... *' Chapter & - he a$k /% he I#a,ination ................................ -2 Chapter 12 - /n Code$ and .tandard$ .......................................-* Chapter 11 - )elve Di$cipline$ ............................................... 8' Chapter 12 - 3nd he 1e$t o% Luck!........................................ 12* 34out the 5ditor.................................................................................111 3dditional 1ook$ Fro# the 5ditor6....................................................112 7ore (e$ource$ %or 8our U$e6.......................................................... 11! 1ook$ in the 9o hunk 8our$el% (e%erence Li4rary6............................................................................. 11'


Wake Up and Live!

W/ 853(. a,o I ca#e acro$$ a %or#ula %or $ucce$$ )hich ha$ revolutioni:ed #y li%e. It )a$ $o $i#ple; and $o o4viou$ once I had $een it; that I could hardly 4elieve it )a$ re$pon$i4le %or the #a,ical re$ult$ )hich %ollo)ed #y puttin, it into practice. he %ir$t thin, to con%e$$ i$ that t)o year$ a,o I )a$ a %ailure. /h; no4ody kne) it e<cept #e and tho$e )ho kne) #e )ell enou,h to $ee that I )a$ not doin, a tenth o% )hat could 4e e<pected o% #e. I held an intere$tin, po$ition; lived not too dull a li%e---yet there )a$ no dou4t in #y o)n #ind; at lea$t; that I had %ailed. What I )a$ doin, )a$ a $u4$titute activity %or )hat I had planned to do= and no #atter ho) in,eniou$ and neat the theorie$ )ere )hich I pre$ented to #y$el% to account %or #y lack o% $ucce$$; I kne) very )ell that there )a$ #ore )ork that I $hould 4e doin,; and 4etter )ork; and )ork #ore de#on$tra4ly #y o)n. /% cour$e I )a$ al)ay$ lookin, %or a )ay out o% #y i#pa$$e. 1ut )hen I actually had the ,ood %ortune to %ind it; I hardly 4elieved in #y o)n luck. 3t %ir$t I did not try to analy:e or e<plain it. For one thin,; the e%%ect$ o% u$in, the %or#ula )ere $o re#arka4le that I )a$ al#o$t on the ver,e o% 4ein, $uper$titiou$ a4out the #atter= it $ee#ed like #a,ic; and it doe$n>t do to in?uire too clo$ely into the rea$on$ %or a $pell or incantation! 7ore reali$tic than that; there )a$---at that ti#e--- $till a trace o% )arine$$ a4out #y attitude. I had tried to ,et out o% #y di%%icultie$ #any ti#e$ 4e%ore; had o%ten $ee#ed to 4e a4out to do $o; and then had %ound the# clo$in, in around #e a,ain a$ relentle$$ly a$ ever. 1ut the #ain rea$on %or #y takin, $o little ti#e to analy:e or e<plain the e%%ect$ o% the %or#ula a%ter I once 4e,an to u$e 1

Dorthea Brande

it con$i$tently )a$ that I )a$ #uch too 4u$y and havin, %ar too #uch %un. It )a$ enou,h to revel in the ea$e )ith )hich I did )ork hitherto i#po$$i4le %or #e; to $ee 4arrier$ I had thou,ht i#penetra4le #elt a)ay; to %eel the inertia and ti#idity )hich had 4ound #e %or year$ droppin, o%% like unlocked %etter$. For I had 4een year$ in #y deadlock= I had kno)n )hat I )anted to do; had e?uipped #y$el% %or #y pro%e$$ion---and ,ot no)here. 8et I had cho$en #y li%e )ork; )hich )a$ )ritin,; early; and had $tarted out )ith hi,h hope$. 7o$t o% the )ork I had %ini$hed had #et a %riendly reception. 1ut then )hen I tried to take the ne<t $tep and ,o onto a #ore #ature pha$e it )a$ a$ thou,h I had 4een turned to $tone. I %elt a$ i% I could not $tart. /% cour$e it ,oe$ )ithout $ayin, that I )a$ unhappy. @ot #i$era4ly and pain%ully unhappy; 4ut Au$t na,,ed at and depre$$ed 4y #y o)n ine%%ectuality. I 4u$ied #y$el% at editin,; $ince I $ee#ed doo#ed to %ail at the #ore creative $ide o% literature= and I never cea$ed harryin, #y$el%; con$ultin, teacher$ and analy$t$ and p$ycholo,i$t$ and phy$ician$ %or advice a$ to ho) to ,et out o% #y pit. I read and in?uired and thou,ht and )orried= I tried every $u,,e$tion %or relie%. @othin, )orked #ore than te#porarily. For a )hile I #i,ht en,a,e in %everi$h activity; 4ut never %or #ore than a )eek or t)o. hen the period o% action )ould $uddenly end; leavin, #e a$ %ar %ro# #y ,oal a$ ever; and each ti#e #ore deeply di$coura,ed. hen; 4et)een one #inute and the ne<t; I %ound the idea )hich $et #e %ree. hi$ ti#e I )a$ not con$ciou$ly lookin, %or it= I )a$ en,a,ed on a piece o% re$earch in ?uite another %ield. 1ut I ca#e acro$$ a $entence in the 4ook I )a$ readin,. BU73@ C5(./@3LI 8; 4y F. W. B. 7yer$; )hich )a$ $o illu#inatin, that I put the 4ook a$ide to con$ider all the idea$ $u,,e$ted in that one 2

Wake Up and Live!

penetratin, hypothe$i$. When I picked up the 4ook a,ain I )a$ a di%%erent per$on. 5very a$pect; attitude; relation o% #y li%e )a$ altered. 3t %ir$t; a$ I $ay; I did not reali:e that. I only kne); )ith increa$in, certainty %ro# day to day; that at la$t I had %ound a tali$#an %or counteractin, %ailure and inertia and di$coura,e#ent and that it )orked. hat )a$ ?uite enou,h %or #e! 7y hand$ and #y day$ )ere $o %ull that there )a$ no ti#e %or intro$pection. I did $o#eti#e$ drop o%% to $leep; a%ter doin, in a $hort )hile )hat once )ould have $ee#ed to #e a ,i,antic ta$k; thinkin,; like the old lady o% the nur$ery rhy#e; D hi$ i$ none o% I!D 1ut DID )a$ reapin, the re)ard$; 4eyond dou4t6 the 4ook$ I had )anted to )rite %or $o lon, and had $o a,oni:in,ly %ailed to )rite )ere %lo)in,; no); a$ %a$t a$ the )ord$ )ould ,o on paper; and $o %ar %ro# %eelin, drained 4y the activity; I )a$ continually %indin, ne) idea$ )hich had 4een hidden; a$ it )ere; 4ehind the )ork that had D4acked upD in #y #ind and #ade a 4arrier. Bere i$ the total a#ount o% )ritin, I )a$ a4le to do in the t)enty year$ 4e%ore I %ound #y %or#ula---the little )ritin, )hich I )a$ pain%ully; la4oriou$ly; prote$tin,ly a4le to do. For $a%ety>$ $ake I have over-e$ti#ated the ite#$ in each cla$$i%ication; $o a ,enerou$ e$ti#ate o% it co#e$ to thi$6 .eventeen $hort $torie$; t)enty 4ookrevie)$; hal% a do:en ne)$paper ite#$; one atte#pt at a novel; a4andoned le$$ than a third o% the )ay throu,h. 3n avera,e o% le$$ than t)o co#pleted piece$ o% )ork per year! For the t)o year$ a%ter #y #o#ent o% illu#ination; thi$ i$ the record6 hree 4ook$ Ethe %ir$t t)o in Au$t t)o )eek$ le$$ than the %ir$t year; and 4oth $ucce$$%ul in their di%%erent %ield$F; t)enty-%our article$; %our $hort $torie$; $eventyt)o lecture$; the $ca%%oldin, o% three #ore 4ook$= and innu#era4le letter$ o% con$ultation and pro%e$$ional advice $ent to all part$ o% the country.

Dorthea Brande

@or are tho$e 4y any #ean$ the only re$ult$ o% applyin, #y %or#ula. 3$ $oon a$ I di$covered ho) it )orked in the one #atter o% relea$in, #y ener,y %or )ritin,; I 4e,an to 4e curiou$ a$ to )hat el$e it #i,ht do %or #e; and to try actin, upon it in other %ield$ )here I had had trou4le. he tentativene$$ and ti#idity )hich had crippled #e in al#o$t every a$pect o% #y li%e dropped a)ay. Intervie)$; lecture$; en,a,e#ent$ )hich I had driven #y$el% to ,ivin, a,ain$t the ,rain every #inute; 4eca#e plea$ura4le e<perience$. /n the other hand; a do:en $tupid little e<ploitation$ o% #y$el% )hich I had allo)ed--al#o$t in a penitential $pirit---$o lon, a$ I )a$ in #y deadlock )ere ended then and there. I )a$ on ,ood ter#$ )ith #y$el% at la$t; no lon,er puni$hin, and e<hortin, and ruthle$$ly drivin, #y$el%; and $o no lon,er allo)in, #y$el% to 4e unnece$$arily 4ored and tired. 3lthou,h #y %or#ula had )orked )ith $uch $trikin, con$e?uence$ %or #e; I told very %e) o% #y %riend$ a4out it. In the al#o$t %atuou$ e,oti$# )hich I $ee# to $hare )ith ninety-nine percent o% #y %ello)$; I thou,ht #y ca$e )a$ uni?ue6 that no one had ever ,ot into ?uite $uch a $tate o% ine%%ectivene$$ 4e%ore; nor )ould 4e a4le to apply the %or#ula I u$ed $o $ucce$$%ully on their o)n di%%icultie$. Fro# ti#e to ti#e; no) that I )a$ no lon,er livin, in $uch a $tate o% $ie,e a$ #ade #e 4lind to all out$ide happenin,$; I did $ee indication$ here and there that another )a$ )a$tin, their li%e in #uch the $a#e )ay that I had )a$ted #ine= 4ut I had had the ,ood %ortune to e#er,e and $o; I thou,ht; )ould they; in ,ood ti#e. 5<cept %or chance I )ould never have thou,ht o% pu4licly o%%erin, the $i#ple pro,ra# )hich had helped #e $o= I #i,ht; indeed; never have reali:ed that to a ,reater or le$$ e<tent #o$t adult$ are livin, inade?uate live$ and $u%%erin, in con$e?uence. 1ut $o#e #onth$ a,o I )a$ a$ked to lecture to a ,roup o% 4ook$eller$; and the $u4Aect )hich )a$ tentatively ,iven #e )a$ D he Di%%icultie$ o% 1eco#in, a Writer.D @o) in #y %ir$t 4ook I had ,one '

Wake Up and Live!

into tho$e di%%icultie$ pretty thorou,hly= I had no de$ire to read a chapter %ro# an already pu4li$hed 4ook to an audience the #e#4er$ o% )hich )ere in a little 4etter )ay to have read the chapter than al#o$t any other ,roup )ould have 4een. 1e,innin, to prepare the lecture I could think o% nothin, %urther to add to the $u4Aect than to $ay %rankly that the #o$t di%%icult o% all ta$k$ %or a )riter )a$ learnin, to counteract their o)n inertia and co)ardice. .o; %earin, at %ir$t that #y talk )ould have $o#e)hat the $ound o% Dte$ti%yin, to ,raceD in an old%a$hioned prayer-#eetin,; I 4e,an to con$ider the $u4Aect and prepare #y $peech. he conclu$ion$ I ca#e are in thi$ 4ook6 that )e are victi#$ to a Will to Fail= that unle$$ )e $ee thi$ in ti#e and take action a,ain$t it )e die )ithout acco#pli$hin, our intention$= that there i$ a )ay o% counteractin, that Will )hich ,ive$ re$ult$ that $ee# like #a,ic. I ,ave #y lecture. What )a$ really $tartlin, to #e )a$ to $ee ho) it )a$ received. Until the note$; the letter$; the telephone-call$ 4e,an to co#e in; I had thou,ht the report o% ho) one per$on overca#e a dile##a #i,ht intere$t #any o% the audience #ildly and help t)o or three hearer$ )ho %ound the#$elve$ in $o#e)hat the $a#e pli,ht. 1ut it $ee#ed that #y audience; al#o$t to a #an; )a$ in the $tate I had de$cri4ed; that they all )ere lookin, %or help to ,et out o% it. I ,ave the lecture t)ice #ore= the re$ult$ )ere the $a#e. I )a$ %looded )ith #e$$a,e$; ?ue$tion$; and re?ue$t$ %or intervie)$. 1e$t o% all )ere three report$ )hich ca#e to #e )ithin t)o )eek$. hree o% #y hearer$ had not )aited %or a %uller e<po$ition; or taken it %or ,ranted that the %or#ula )ould not )ork %or the#; 4ut had put it into i##ediate practice. /ne had )ritten and $old a $tory )hich had haunted her %or year$; 4ut )hich had $ee#ed too e<traordinary to 4e likely to $ell. 3 #an had ,one ho#e and ?uietly ended the +

Dorthea Brande

e<ploitation o% hi#$el% 4y a te#pera#ental $i$ter; and had #ade arran,e#ent$ to re$u#e evenin, )ork in a line that he had a4andoned at hi$ $i$ter>$ in$i$tence= to hi$ a$toni$h#ent; hi$ $i$ter; once $he thorou,hly under$tood that he re%u$ed to 4e handicapped lon,er; had $ee#ed to )ake %ro# a lon, period o% peevi$h hypochondria and )a$ happier than $he had 4een in year$. he third ca$e )a$ too lon, and too per$onal to recount here; 4ut in #any )ay$ it )a$ the 4e$t o% the# all. Well; there )ere three per$on$; at lea$t; )ho %ound the %or#ula e%%icaciou$= and; like #e; each o% the# %ound $o#ethin, rather a)ein$pirin, a4out the re$ult$. We all live $o %ar 4elo) the po$$i4le level %or our live$ that )hen )e are $et %ree %ro# the thin,$ )hich ha#per u$ $o that )e #erely approach the potentialitie$ in our$elve$; )e $ee# to have 4een entirely tran$%i,ured. It i$ in co#pari$on )ith the haltin,; tentative; he$itant live$ )e let our$elve$ live that the %ull; nor#al li%e that i$ our$ 4y ri,ht $ee#$ to partake o% the de%initely $uper-nor#al. When that i$ $een; it i$ ea$y to di$cover that all #en and )o#en o% e%%ective live$; )hether $tate$#en; philo$opher$; arti$t$ or #en o% 4u$ine$$; u$e; $o#eti#e$ entirely uncon$ciou$ly; the $a#e #ental attitude in )hich to do their )ork that their le$$ %ortunate %ello)$ #u$t either %ind %or the#$elve$ or die )ithout di$coverin,. /cca$ionally; a$ the readin, o% 4io,raphie$ and auto4io,raphie$ $ho)$; enli,hten#ent co#e$ throu,h reli,ion; philo$ophy; or )holehearted ad#iration %or another= and the individual; althou,h o%ten %eelin, $till )eak in hi#$el%; i$ $u$tained 4y hi$ devotion; i$ o%ten capa4le o% %eat$ o% endurance; e%%ectivene$$ or ,eniu$ )hich cau$e u$ to #arvel at hi#. 1ut tho$e )ho are not 4orn )ith thi$ kno)led,e o% the )ay to induce the $tate in )hich $ucce$$%ul )ork i$ done; )ho do not learn it $o early that they cannot re#e#4er a ti#e )hen they did not kno) it; or )ho %or $o#e rea$on cannot %ind in reli,ion or philo$ophy the $tren,th that they need to counteract their o)n ine%%ectivene$$; can $till teach the#$elve$ 4y con$ciou$ e%%ort to

Wake Up and Live!

,et the 4e$t %ro# their live$. 3$ they do $o; #any other thin,$ )hich have pu::led the# 4eco#e clear. 1ut thi$ 4ook i$ not the hi$tory o% the ,ro)th o% an idea. It i$ intended to 4e a practical hand4ook %or tho$e )ho )ould like to e$cape %ro# %utility and 4e,in to live happily and )ell.

Dorthea Brande

!hapter 1 * Why Do We +ail,

WI B the ti#e and ener,y )e $pend in #akin, %ailure a certainty )e #i,ht have certain $ucce$$. 3 non$en$ical parado<? @o= %ortunately it i$ a $o4er; literal truth; one )hich hold$ a ,reat deal o% pro#i$e. .uppo$e a #an had an appoint#ent a hundred #ile$ north o% hi$ ho#e; and that i% he kept it he )ould 4e $ure o% havin, health; #uch happine$$; %air pro$perity; %or the re$t o% hi$ li%e. Be ha$ Au$t ti#e enou,h to ,et there; Au$t enou,h ,a$ in hi$ car. Be drive$ out; 4ut decide$ that it )ould 4e #ore %un to ,o t)enty-%ive #ile$ $outh 4e%ore $tartin, out in earne$t. hat i$ non$en$e! 8e$; i$n>t it? he ,a$ had nothin, to do )ith it= ti#e had no pre%erence a$ to ho) it )ould 4e $pent= the road ran north a$ )ell a$ $outh; yet he #i$$ed hi$ appoint#ent. @o); i% that #an told u$ that; a%ter all; he had ?uite enAoyed the drive in the )ron, direction; that in $o#e )ay$ he %ound it plea$anter to drive )ith no o4Aective than to try to keep a date; that he had had a touchin, ,li#p$e o% hi$ old ho#e 4y drivin, $outh; $hould )e prai$e hi# %or 4ein, properly philo$ophical a4out havin, lo$t hi$ opportunity? @o; )e $hould think he had acted like an i#4ecile. 5ven i% he had #i$$ed hi$ appoint#ent 4y ,ettin, into a daydrea# in )hich he drove auto#atically pa$t a road $i,n or t)o; )e $hould $till not a4$olve hi#. /r i% he had arrived too late %ro# havin, lo$t hi$ )ay )hen he #i,ht have looked up hi$ route on a ,ood #ap and %ailed to do $o 4e%ore $tartin,; )e #i,ht co##i$erate )ith hi#; 4ut )e $hould indict hi# %or 4ad Aud,#ent. 8

Wake Up and Live!

8et )hen it co#e$ to ,oin, $trai,ht to the appoint#ent$ )e #ake )ith our$elve$ and our o)n %ul%ill#ent )e all act very #uch like the hero o% thi$ $illy %a4le6 )e drive the )ron, )ay. We %ail )here )e #i,ht have $ucceeded 4y $pendin, the $a#e po)er and ti#e. Failure indicate$ that ener,y ha$ 4een poured into the )ron, channel. It take$ ener,y to %ail. @o) thi$ i$ $o#ethin, )hich )e $eldo# $ee at once. 1ecau$e )e co##only think o% %ailure a$ the conventional oppo$ite o% $ucce$$; )e continue to #ake %al$e antithe$e$ o% the ?ualitie$ )hich attend $ucce$$ and %ailure. .ucce$$ i$ 4racin,; active; alert= $o the typical attitude o% %ailure; )e 4elieve; #u$t 4e lethar,y; inertia; a $upine po$ition. rue enou,h= 4ut that doe$ not #ean that no ener,y i$ 4ein, u$ed. Let any p$ycholo,i$t tell you ho) #uch ener,y a #ature per$on #u$t e<pend to re$i$t #otion. 3 po)er%ul $tru,,le #u$t 4e )a,ed a,ain$t the %orce$ o% li%e and #ove#ent in order to re#ain inert; althou,h thi$ $tru,,le take$ place $o %ar 4eneath the $ur%ace o% our live$ that )e do not al)ay$ 4eco#e a)are o% it. Chy$ical inaction i$ no true $i,n that li%e-%orce i$ not 4ein, 4urned a)ay. .o even the idler i$ u$in, %uel )hile they drea#. When %ailure co#e$ a4out throu,h devotin, preciou$ hour$ to ti#e-killin, pur$uit$; )e can all $ee that ener,y i$ 4ein, diverted %ro# it$ proper channel. 1ut there are )ay$ o% killin, ti#e )hich do not look like di$$ipation. hey can $ee#; on the contrary; like con$cientiou$ and duti%ul hard )ork; they o%ten dra) prai$e and &

Dorthea Brande

approval %ro# onlooker$; and arou$e a $en$e o% co#placency in u$. It i$ only 4y lookin, #ore clo$ely; 4y di$coverin, that thi$ )ork ,et$ u$ no)here; that it 4oth tire$ u$ and leave$ u$ un$ati$%ied; that )e $ee here a,ain ener,y i$ 4ein, devoted to the pur$uit o% %ailure. 1ut )hy $hould thi$ 4e $o? Why; i%; )ith the $a#e ener,y )e #u$t u$e in any ca$e; )e #i,ht 4e $ucceedin,; do )e $o $eldo# live the live$ )e hoped and planned to live? Why do )e acco#pli$h $o little; and th)art our$elve$ $en$ele$$ly? Why; )hen )e $tart late; or run out o% ,a$ 4ecau$e o% carele$$ne$$; or #i$$ road-$i,n$ throu,h daydrea#in,; do )e think )e are 4ein, properly philo$ophical )hen )e ,ive our$elve$ and other$ e<cu$e$ %or %ailure )hich )ill not hold )ater? @o one truly con$ole$ the#$elve$ 4y con$iderin, that a 4ird in the hand i$ )orth t)o in the 4u$h; that to travel hope%ully i$ 4etter than to arrive; that hal%-a-loa% i$ 4etter than no 4read. .uch prover4$ are the cynical di$tillation o% e<perience; 4ut they are nothin, to live 4y. We deceive no one; althou,h our co#pro#i$e$ and e<cu$e$ are accepted 4y our %ello)$ a$ lon, a$ they are in the $a#e 4oat. he $ucce$$%ul #an or )o#an li$ten$ to $uch )hi$tlin, in the dark )ith a#u$e#ent and incredulity; privately concludin, that there i$ a ,reat deal o% hypocri$y loo$e in the )orld. hey have the 4e$t o% evidence that the re)ard$ o% )ell directed activity %ar $urpa$$ all the 4y-product$ o% %ailure; that one in%inite$i#al acco#pli$h#ent in reality i$ )orth a #ountain o% drea#$. 5ven a$ )e tell o% the co#pen$ation o% %ailure )e are not ?uite co#%orta4le. We do not truly 4elieve---althou,h our prover4$ $ound a$ thou,h )e did---that one #u$t choo$e either $ucce$$ or the ,ood li%e. We kno) that tho$e )ho $ucceed $ee the $a#e $un$et$; 4reathe the $a#e air; love and are loved no le$$ than %ailure$= and in addition they have $o#ethin, #ore6 the kno)led,e that they have cho$en to #ove in the direction o% li%e and ,ro)th in$tead o% ac?uie$cin, in death and decay. Bo)ever )e #ay talk; )e kno) that 5#er$on )a$ ri,ht )hen he )rote6 D.ucce$$ i$ con$titutional= depend$ on a plu$ condition o%


Wake Up and Live!

#ind and 4ody; on po)er o% )ork; on coura,e.D hen )hy do )e %ail? 5$pecially; )hy do )e )ork hard at %ailure? 1ecau$e; 4e$ide 4ein, creature$ $u4Aect to the Will to Live and the Will to Co)er; )e are driven 4y another )ill; the Will to Fail; or die. It i$ po$$i4le to ,et 4ack the ener,y that i$ no) ,oin, into %ailure and u$e it to healthy end$. here are certain %act$--- plain; univer$al; p$ycholo,ical truth$---)hich; )hen once $een; 4rin, u$ to de%inite conclu$ion$. Fro# tho$e conclu$ion$ )e can #ake a %or#ula on )hich to act. here i$ a $i#ple; practical procedure )hich )ill turn u$ around and $et our %ace$ in the ri,ht direction. It i$ the %or#ula; a$ )e have $aid; on )hich; con$ciou$ly or uncon$ciou$ly; every $ucce$$%ul per$on act$. he procedure i$ $i#ple; the %ir$t $tep$ o% puttin, it into practice $o ea$y that tho$e )ho pre%er to dra#ati:e their di%%icultie$ #ay re%u$e to 4elieve that anythin, $o unco#plicated could po$$i4ly help the#. /n the other hand; $ince it take$ little ti#e and $oon 4rin,$ it$ o)n evidence that; $i#ple or not; it$ con$e?uence$ are %re?uently a#a:in,; it $hould 4e )orth tryin,. 3 richer li%e; 4etter )ork; the e<perience o% $ucce$$ and it$ re)ard$6 tho$e end$ are $urely )orth one e<peri#ent in procedure. 3ll the e?uip#ent needed i$ i#a,ination and the )illin,ne$$ to di$tur4 old ha4it-pattern$ %or a )hile; to act a%ter a novel %a$hion lon, enou,h to %ini$h one piece o% )ork. Bo) lon, that period i$ )ill vary; o% cour$e; )ith the )ork to 4e acco#pli$hed; and )hether it i$ all dependent on one$el% or o% the un)ieldier type )hich the e<ecutive and ad#ini$trator kno); )here the %actor o% other hu#an te#pera#ent$ #u$t 4e taken into account.


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In any ca$e; $o#e re$ult$ %ro# the e<peri#ent )ill 4e $een at once. /%ten the$e %ir$t re$ult$ are $o a$toni$hin, that to enu#erate the# here #i,ht alienate reader$ o% a $o4er ha4it o% #ind. o hear o% the# 4e%ore co#in, to the# nor#ally )ould 4e like hearin, o% #iracle$; and $o#e o% the e%%ectivene$$ o% the pro,ra# #i,ht 4e lo$t 4y the intru$ion o% the very dou4t$ )e are out to 4ani$h. /nce #ore6 ho)ever re#arka4le the re$ult$; the proce$$ i$ $trai,ht%or)ard and unco#plicated. It i$ )orth tryin,; %or it ha$ )orked in hundred$ o% live$. It can )ork in any li%e that i$ not #ore truly dedicated to %ailure than to $ucce$$.


Wake Up and Live!

!hapter - * %he Will to +ail

F(/7 the di$ciple$ o% .chopenhauer and Freud; o% @iet:che and 3dler; )e have all 4eco#e conver$ant )ith $uch phra$e$ a$ the Will to Live and the Will to Co)er. he$e phra$e$; repre$entin,---$o#eti#e$ to the ver,e o% over$tate#ent---drive$ o% the or,ani$# to)ard$ %ul%ill#ent and ,ro)th; corre$pond to truth$ o% e<perience )ith )hich each o% u$ i$ %a#iliar. We have $een children $tru,,le to #ake the#$elve$ and their per$onalitie$ %elt= a$ youn, people )e have contended %or a chance to try our o)n e#er,in, %orce$= a%ter lon, illne$$ )e have %elt the tide o% returnin, $tren,th in our vein$. We kno) that any avera,e #an cau,ht in un%ortunate circu#$tance$ )ill put up )ith poverty; di$tre$$; hu#iliation )ith condition$ )hich an onlooker )ill $o#eti#e$ con$ider a$ #uch )or$e than death= and that only the pre$ence o% a )ill to continue livin, can account %or the tenacity )ith )hich a #an in $uch circu#$tance$ clin,$ to the #ere ri,ht to 4reathe and e<i$t. Further#ore; )e %ir$t e<perience and then later turn to reali:e the proce$$ o% ,ro)th in our$elve$. he individual; e#er,e$ %ro# childhood into adole$cence; %ro# adole$cence into #aturity= and at each o% the$e cri$i$ )e %ind that the activitie$ and intere$t$ o% the old period are 4ein, replaced 4y tho$e o% the ne); that @ature i$ preparin, the or,ani$# %or it$ ne) role in the )orld; i$ actually reconcilin, u$ to the ne) de#and$ on u$ 4y $ho)in, u$ plea$ure$ and re)ard$ in the onco#in, $tate )hich )ill replace tho$e )e #u$t a4andon. 1ut the idea o% another )ill; a counter-4alancin, )ill; the Will to Fail; the Will to Death; i$ not $o readily accepted. For a )hile it )a$ 1!

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one o% the tenet$ o% p$ychoanaly$i$; %or in$tance; that no individual could actually i#a,inatively enco#pa$$ the idea that he #i,ht cea$e to 4e. 5ven the death-drea#$ and $uicide threat$ o% deeply #or4id patient$ )ere held to 4e ,rounded $olely in idea$ o% reven,e6 the e<planation )a$ that the patient thou,ht o% hi#$el% a$ livin, on; invi$i4le; 4ut a4le to $ee the re#or$e and re,ret cau$ed 4y hi$ death in tho$e 4y )ho# he thou,ht hi#$el% ill-treated. Freud; indeed; analy:in, $hell-$hocked patient$ a%ter the War; i$$ued a #ono,raph in )hich he $tated that he had occa$ionally %ound drea#$ that indicated $incere death-)i$he$. hi$ #ono,raph i$ %ull o% $o#e o% the 4e$t o% Freud>$ $peculation$ and $u,,e$tion$= 4ut a$ %or the appearance in popular p$ycholo,ie$ o% the idea that there could lo,ically 4e a death)ard current runnin, throu,h our live$; it i$ a$ thou,h the the$i$ had never 4een $u,,e$ted. 8et death i$ a$ #uch a %act o% e<perience a$ 4irth and ,ro)th= and i% @ature prepare$ u$ %or each ne) pha$e o% li%e 4y clo$in, o%% old de$ire$ and openin, ne) vi$ta$; it doe$ not $ee# too di%%icult to think that )e are; al)ay$; 4ein, $lo)ly; ,ently reconciled to our eventual relin?ui$h#ent o% all )e hold dear a$ livin, creature$. 3nd )ithdra)al %ro# $tru,,le; a4andon#ent o% e%%ort; relea$in, o% de$ire and a#4ition )ould 4e nor#al #ove#ent$ in an or,ani$# )hich )a$ 4ein, ,ently )ooed a)ay %ro# it$ preoccupation )ith li%e. It i$ %or thi$ rea$on that )e are entitled to look upon the Will to Fail a$ a reality. @o); I% inertia; ti#orou$ne$$; $u4$titute activity; e%%ortle$$ e%%ort; ?uie$cence; and re$i,nation )ere %ound only at the end o% li%e; or )hen )e )ere drained 4y $ickne$$ or %ati,ue; i% they never handicapped u$ )hen )e $hould 4e in the %ull %lood o% our vital po)er$; there )ould 4e no rea$on at all %or attackin, thi$ Will to Fail a$ i% it )ere---a$ indeed it i$---the arch-ene#y o% all that i$ ,ood and 1'

Wake Up and Live!

e%%ective in u$. 1ut )hen it appear$ in youth or %ull #aturity it i$ a$ $y#pto#atic o% $o#ethin, )ron,---deeply; internally )ron,---)ith one>$ li%e a$ unti#ely dro)$ine$$ i$ $y#pto#atic o% ordinary 4odily ill health. 3nd i% it )ere ea$ily $een %or the 4lack-hearted villain it i$; )hen it arrive$ out o% it$ due ti#e; it )ould 4e ea$y to %i,ht. 1ut al#o$t al)ay$ )e are )ell )ithin it$ po)er 4e%ore )e do #ore than $u$pect rarely and va,uely that all i$ not a$ it $hould 4e )ith u$. We are $o accu$to#ed to $peak o% %ailure; %ru$tration; ti#idity; a$ ne,ative thin,$; that it i$ like 4ein, invited to %i,ht )ind#ill$ )hen )e are ur,ed to %i,ht the $y#pto#$ o% %ailure. In youth )e $eldo# reco,ni:e the $y#pto#= in our$elve$. We e<plain our reluctance to ,ettin, $tarted a$ the natural ti#idity o% the tyro= 4ut the reluctance $tay$; the year$ ,o; and )e )ake in di$#ay to %ind that )hat )a$ once a char#in, youth%ul di%%idence in u$ i$ no) $o#ethin, ?uite di%%erent; $ickly and repellent. /r )e %ind a convenient do#e$tic $ituation to 4ear the 4runt o% e<cu$in, u$ %or never havin, ,ot to )ork in earne$t. We could not leave thi$ or that relative lonely and de%en$ele$$. hen the %a#ily ,ro)$; $catter$; and )e are le%t alone; the $u4$titute activity at )hich )e had 4een $o 4u$y i$ taken re#or$ele$$ly a)ay %ro# u$; and )e are $ick and terri%ied at the idea o% turnin, 4ack to take up the lon, a4andoned plan$. /r )e have the 4e$t o% all rea$on$ %or not doin, a$ )ell a$ )e #i,ht. 7o$t o% u$ are under the nece$$ity o% choo$in, 4et)een )ork and $tarvation; and the e#ploy#ent )e )ere a4le to %ind )hen it )a$ i#perative that )e $hould 4e,in earnin, i$ not )ork %or )hich )e are ideally $uited. When #arria,e and the rai$in, o% a %a#ily have 4een undertaken; the nece$$ity i$ all the #ore ur,ent. We #i,ht 4e )illin, to )ait throu,h a %e) thin year$ i% no one 4ut our$elve$ )ould $u%%er; 4ut to a$k other$ to do $o take$ #ore $el%i$hne$$; and #ore coura,e; than #o$t o% u$ can #u$ter. 1+

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5$pecially in 3#erica; )here #arria,e$ %or love are the rule; #o$t youn, people $tart out on their #arried li%e )ith little #ore than their health; youth; and intelli,ence a$ capital. We are accu$to#ed to think o% the 5uropean idea o% a$kin, a dot; a do)er; %ro# the 4ride>$ %a#ily a$ $o#eho) i,no4le and #ercenary. 8et in$i$tin, on that little re$erve %und o% #oney )ith )hich to #eet the de#and$ o% e$ta4li$hin, a ne) hou$ehold ha$ #uch to reco##end it; and the %act that )e have no $uch cu$to# in thi$ country #ay 4e one rea$on )hy 3#erica; the #uch-vaunted Land o% /pportunity; can $ho) $o #any #en and )o#en o% #iddle a,e )a$tin, the#$elve$ in drud,ery; %illin, po$ition$ )hich 4rin, the# no Aoy; and lookin, %or)ard to a %uture )hich at it$ happie$t pro#i$e$ year$ o% #onotony; and at it$ )or$t the ni,ht#are o% poverty-ridden une#ploy#ent. hi$ nece$$ity to %all upon the %ir$t )ork )e can %ind i$ alone enou,h to e<plain )hy $o %e) o% u$ ever #ana,e to 4rin, our plan$ to %ruition. /%ten; at %ir$t; )e have a %ir# intention o% not lo$in, $i,ht o% our real ,oal; in $pite o% the %act that )e #u$t #ake a livin, at uncon,enial )ork. We plan to keep an eye on our a#4ition$; and to )ork at the# 4y hook or crook---evenin,$; )eekend$; on vacation$. 1ut the nine-to-%ive )ork i$ tirin, and e<actin,= it take$ $uper-hu#an $tren,th o% character to ,o on )orkin, alone )hen the re$t o% the )orld; i$ at play; and )hen )e have never had any evidence that )e $hould 4e $ucce$$%ul i% )e continued; any)ay. 3nd $o )ithout reali:in, it )e are $)ept into the current o% the Will to Fail. We are $till #ovin,; and )e do not $ee that our #otion i$ do)n $trea#. 7o$t o% u$ di$,ui$e our %ailure in pu4lic= )e di$,ui$e it #o$t $ucce$$%ully %ro# our$elve$. It i$ not hard to i,nore the %act that )e are doin, #uch le$$; than )e are a4le to do; very little o% )hat )e had planned even #ode$tly to acco#pli$h 4e%ore a certain a,e; and never; pro4a4ly; all that )e had hoped. /ne rea$on it i$ $o ea$y to deceive our$elve$ i$ that $o#e)here alon, the )ay )e $ee# $ilently to enter into a $ort o% ,entle#an>$ a,ree#ent )ith our %riend$ and 1*

Wake Up and Live!

ac?uaintance$. DDon>t #ention #y %ailure to #e;D )e tacitly plead; Dand I )ill never let the hint that you are not doin, ?uite all I $hould e<pect o% you cro$$ #y lip$.D hi$ tact%ul $ilence i$ $eldo# 4roken in youth or in the early #iddle year$. Until then; the convention i$ that at any #o#ent )e #ay ,et into our $tride. 3 little later and the $ilence i$ rela<ed. here co#e$ a ti#e )hen it i$ $a%e to $#ile rue%ully and ad#it that the hope$ )e )ent out to #eet the )orld )ith )ere too hi,h and #uch too ro$y; particularly tho$e hope$ )e had held %or our o)n per%or#ance. In the %i%tie$---and $o#eti#e$ earlier---it i$ u$ually $a%e enou,h to do a little di$ar#in, and $e#i-hu#orou$ ,ru#4lin,= a%ter all; %e) o% our conte#porarie$ are in a po$ition to $ay DWhy can>t you $tart no)?D 3nd yet $o#e o% the ,reate$t )ork in the )orld; #any o% the )orld>$ irreplacea4le #a$terpiece$; )ere done 4y #en and )o#en )ell pa$t )hat )e too $uper%icially con$ider their pri#e. .o )e $lip throu,h the )orld )ithout #akin, our contri4ution; )ithout di$coverin, all that there )a$ in u$ to do; )ithout u$in, the #o$t #inute %raction o% our a4ilitie$; either native or ac?uired. I% )e #ana,e to 4e %airly co#%orta4le; to ,et $o#e re$pect and ad#iration; a ta$te o% Da little 4rie% authorityD and $o#e love; )e think )e have #ade a ,ood 4ar,ain; )e ac?uie$ce in the Will to Fail. We even pride our$elve$ on our $hre)dne$$; not $u$pectin, ho) 4adly )e have 4een cheated; that )e have $ettled %or the co#pen$ation$ o% death; not the re)ard$ o% li%e. I% the ela4orate ,a#e that )e all play )ith our$elve$ and each other never ca#e to an end---never ran do)n %or a #o#ent $o that )e $uddenly $a) that it )a$ only a ,a#e a%ter all---the Will to Fail #i,ht ur,e u$ all ,ently do)nhill till )e ca#e to re$t at it$ %oot; and no one )ould drea# o% prote$tin,. 1ut the ,a#e ha$ $uch a )ay o% 4reakin, o%% $o#eti#e$; ri,ht at it$ #o$t a#u$in, $pot= and )e $uddenly )onder )hy )e are runnin, a4out like thi$; ho) )e happen to 4e playin, a)ay 1-

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at hide-and-$eek a$ i% our live$ depended on it; )hat 4eca#e o% the real li%e )e #eant to lead )hile )e have 4een o%% doin, nothin,; or 4u$y at the )ork that provide$ u$ )ith no #ore than our 4read and 4utter. .o#eti#e$ the #o#ent pa$$e$ and i$ %or,otten until lon, a%ter; i% ever re#e#4ered at all. 1ut $o#e o% u$ never %or,et it. I% )e ,o on )ith the ,a#e; it turn$ into a ni,ht#are; and ho) to )ake out o% it and ,et 4ack into reality 4eco#e$ our )hole preoccupation. hen $o#eti#e$ the ni,ht#are $ee#$ to deepen= )e try one turn a%ter another )hich look$ a$ i% it led to %reedo#; only to %ind our$elve$ 4ack in the #iddle o% 3lice>$ Lookin, 9la$$ 9arden 4e,innin, the hunt all over a,ain. 8et )e can e$cape= and a,ain; rather like 3lice; 4y $ee#in, at %ir$t to ,o 4ack)ard6 4y ad#ittin, that there #ay 4e a real Will to Fail; and ne<t; that )e #ay 4e it$ victi#$.


Wake Up and Live!

!hapter 3 * .i(ti/s o# %he Will to +ail

IF the Will to Fall announced it$ pre$ence )ith $y#pto#$ a$ uni%or# and un#i$taka4le a$ tho$e )hich indicate #ea$le$ or a 4ad cold; it )ould pro4a4ly have 4een eradicated; or a techni?ue %or co#4atin, it )ould have 4een )orked out; lon, a,o. 1ut un%ortunately it$ $y#pto#$ are varied and le,ion. I% you )ere to dra, a dinin,; dancin,; theater-,oin,; #iddle-a,ed #etropolitan play4oy a)ay %ro# hi$ #erry-,o-round and introduce hi# to an un$haven; ill-clad cracker-4o< philo$opher drea#in, in the $un; $ayin,; DI )ant you t)o to kno) each other= you have $o #uch in co##on;D you )ould 4e thou,ht #ad; yet you )ould 4e ri,ht. he drea#in, idler; the introvert; and the dancin, e<trovert---at the antipode$ %ro# the point o% vie) o% )orldly circu#$tance---are #otivated 4y the $a#e i#pul$e= uncon$ciou$ly they are 4oth tryin, to %ail. heir live$ have a co##on deno#inator. DDo not act a$ i% you had a thou$and year$ to live;D 7arcu$ 3ureliu$ )arned hi#$el% in hi$ #a<i#$. 3ll tho$e in the ,rip o% the Will to Fail act a$ i% they had a thou$and year$ 4e%ore the#. Whether they drea# or dance; they $pend their preciou$ hour$ a$ thou,h the $tore o% the# )ere ine<hau$ti4le. 1ut $ince there are a$ #any )ay$ o% %ailin, a$ there are divi$ion$ and $u4divi$ion$ o% the p$ycholo,ical type$; )e o%ten do not reco,ni:e the pre$ence o% the Will to Fail in other$ or in our$elve$. Bere are a %e) o% the innu#era4le )ay$ o% Dactin, a$ thou,h you had a thou$and year$ to liveD6


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here are; %or in$tance; tho$e )ho $leep %ro# t)o to $i< hour$ a day #ore than they need to $leep to keep in per%ect phy$ical health. In any individual ca$e; unle$$ the $leepin, hour$ %ar e<ceed the nor#al ?uota; it i$ very hard to 4e $ure one ha$ not to do )ith #erely an unu$ually lon, $leeper. 1ut )hen the note o% co#pul$ion enter$; one can 4e $ure o% havin, %ound a true victi# o% %ailure. ho$e )ho are 4ad-te#pered or only hal% alive i% an early 4edti#e #u$t 4e po$tponed; tho$e )ho an<iou$ly count each #ornin, the e<act nu#4er o% hour$ $pent in $leep the ni,ht 4e%ore; #ournin, incon$ola4ly any interruption; every hour o% in$o#nia; every unti#ely door4ell; are lookin, to $leep %or #ore than it$ nor#al re$torative %unction. When an adult e<tend$ even thi$; #akin, a nap or t)o a day a #atter o% routine; the dia,no$i$ 4eco#e$ $i#ple. @e<t; $till a#on, the incon$picuou$ %ailure$; the Dintrovert$;D are the )akin, $leeper$6 per$on$ )ho allo) $o#e activity to pa$$ 4e%ore the# al#o$t )ithout participation; or indul,e in ti#e-killin, pur$uit$ in )hich they take only the #o$t #inor and uncon$tructive part$6 the $olitaire-player$; the patholo,ical 4ook)or#$; the endle$$ cro$$)ord pu::ler$; the Ai,$a) pu::le contin,ent. he line 4et)een recreation and o4$e$$ion i$ not hard to $ee once )e kno) it i$ there. 5a$ie$t o% all to reco,ni:e a$ lover$ o% %ailure are the heavy drinker$. 3 volu#e could 4e )ritten on the#; 4ut too #any volu#e$ have. Where drinkin, i$ $o con$tant a$ to 4rin, on a )akin, $leep; or; deeper; a kind o% death in li%e; the pre$ence o% the Will to Fail i$ o4viou$ to any o4$erver. 1ut there are thou$and$ )ho $ho) the $y#pto#$ in $o %aint a %or# that they pa$$ al#o$t unnoticed6 all tho$e )ho drink kno)in, that it #ean$ a 4ad #ornin, the ne<t day; a va,ue and )oolly approach to every pro4le# until the e%%ect$ have pa$$ed o%%= tho$e to )ho# any drinkin, #ean$ phy$ical di$co#%ort; )hether acute or tri%lin,. 3nyone )ho ha$ learned to e<pect the$e con$e?uence$ and yet continue$ to lay hi#$el% open to the# $tand$ convicted o% the de$ire to handicap hi#$el%; at lea$t to that e<tent. It 22

Wake Up and Live!

#ake$ very little di%%erence )hat the drink in ?ue$tion #ay 4e. I% co%%ee di$tur4$ you; i% you cannot di,e$t #ilk; and you neverthele$$ continue to drink it; you #ay e$cape the di$approval )hich i$ #eted out to the hi,h4all drinker; 4ut you are in the $a#e cla$$. 3nd; plainly; un)i$e eatin, co#e$ under the $a#e head. urnin, to the active type; it #ay 4e $aid that the e<trovert$ )ho pur$ue %ailure a$ their pri#ary career %ind $o #any )ay$ o% doin, it that the atte#pt to ta4ulate the# all )ould 4e hopele$$. 1ut; a$ e<a#ple$; there are the relentle$$ #ovie- and theater-,oer$; the ni,htly dancer$; all tho$e )ho count the day lo$t )hich ha$ not a tea or dinner or cocktail party in it. . . @o; o% cour$e there i$ nothin, a,ain$t rela<ation and recreation )hen they are really called %or; a%ter a period o% contri4utory activity. 1ut tho$e )ho enter an o4Aection to thi$ cla$$i%ication too early and too an,rily; cryin, that one #u$t have recreation; ,ive the#$elve$ dead a)ay a$ $ettin, an a4nor#al value on relea$e. hen there are the hal%-and-hal% %ailure$; di%%icult to place; $uch a$ the e#4roiderer$ and knitter$; althou,h it i$ only %air to $ay here that $o#eti#e$ a li,ht ta$k callin, %or only #anual de<terity #ay ,o on )hile the #ind i$ u$e%ully en,a,ed in $olvin, a real pro4le#. Co#plete hone$ty )ith one$el% i$ all that i$ nece$$ary to di$cover )hether the rhyth#ical activity i$ 4ein, u$ed in one )ay or the other. I% a dull $tupor $et$ in; or i%; on the other hand; the )ork i$ Au$t ela4orate enou,h; call$ %or Au$t enou,h con$ciou$ attention $o that no auto#atic rhyth# can 4e e$ta4li$hed; then it i$ rare indeed that thi$ kind o% #otion can 4e put in the cate,ory o% true creative activity; or that o% 4ein, acce$$ory to creative action. 3$ to ai#le$$ conver$ationali$t$; )e can #ore ea$ily $ee other$ %all in that ,roup than that )e are included our$elve$. .o#eti#e$ )e are $tartled into reali:in, that )e have repeated the $a#e anecdote to the $a#e %riend and %or a %e) day$ ,o )arily. hat i$ a #inor $lip. @o 21

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re#ini$cent rin,; no %orced $#ile on our auditor>$ lip$ )ill $top u$ )hen )e are ha4itually #arkin, ti#e )ith )ord$ - )hen )e have the $a#e unevolvin, round o% topic$; the $a#e opinion$ to repeat #echanically; the $a#e hal%-ai#le$$ o4$ervation$ to #ake on the $a#e recurrin, $ituation$; the $a#e auto#atic indi,nation at the $a#e old a4u$e$; the $a#e illu$tration$ to prove the $a#e point$; and a %e) luke)ar# ar,u#ent$ to 4ol$ter up )hat #ay once have 4een opinion$ 4ut are no) $eldo# #ore than preAudice$. .o#eti#e$ )e ride a ver4al #anneri$# $o hard that a hearer o4Aect$ irrita4ly. E.u,,e$tion$ %or overco#in, $uch #anneri$#$ )ill 4e ,iven later= here )e are only con$iderin, the )ay in )hich they uncon$ciou$ly 4etray in u$ the pre$ence o% a Will to Fail.F It i$ pro4a4ly a ,reat piece o% luck to rou$e a %riend to thi$ e<tent. I% you learn )ith $hockin, $uddenne$$ that you are %orever $ayin, DI #ean;D D/% cour$e;D DI i#a,ine;D DDo you $ee?D D8ou kno);D D3$ a #atter o% %act;D you are likely to li$ten to your o)n voice %or a period and di$cover that not only do the$e ta, )ord$ occur over and over in your conver$ation; 4ut that there i$ nothin, particularly %re$h or valua4le a4out the idea$ they have $erved to e#4elli$h. Bere; a$ in the other cate,orie$; it i$ very ea$y to $ee that there i$ $o#ethin, )ron, )hen one #eet$ ,ro$$ e<a#ple$ o% the di%%iculty= an hy$terical talker i$ o4viou$ly #entally ill. 1ut that there are $u4tler %or#$ o% the $a#e trou4le; o%ten hidden %or year$ 4ecau$e )e do our repeatin, to con$tantly chan,in, audience$; $eldo# da)n$ on u$. here are $till #ore o4$cure and unnoticea4le )ay$ o% %allin, victi# to the Will to Fail; )ay$ to )hich introvert$ and e<trovert$ are al#o$t e?ually $u$cepti4le. Con$ider the innu#era4le per$on$; %or in$tance; )ho deli4erately undertake )ork )hich call$ %or only a $#all part o% their a4ilitie$ and trainin,; and )ho then drive the#$elve$ relentle$$ly; e<hau$tin, the#$elve$ over u$ele$$ detail$. here are the 22

Wake Up and Live!

taker$ o% eternal po$t-,raduate cour$e$; turnin, up on the ca#pu$ year a%ter year like $o #any Flyin, Dutch#en. here are the DdevotedD dau,hter$ and $on$ and #other$ and )ive$ E%ather$ are $eldo# %ound here; %or $o#e rea$on; althou,h there #ay 4e an occa$ional hu$4andF )ho pour out their live$ into the live$ o% other adult$; 4ut )ho$e o%%erin,; $ince they have never truly developed )hat )a$ #o$t valua4le in the#$elve$; add$ no richne$$ and only uni#portant co#%ort to the o4Aect$ o% their D$el%-$acri%ice.D here are tho$e )ho undertake a ta$k kno)n 4y the# to 4e 4eyond their po)er$; or en,a,e in a $peciou$ Dre$earchD pro4le#6 there i$ a #an in @e) 8ork; %or e<a#ple; )ho ha$ 4een ,atherin, 4io,raphical detail$ a4out an o4$cure Italian $tate$#an $ince hi$ $opho#ore year in colle,e. hi$ p$eudo-4io,rapher i$ no) in hi$ late %ortie$; and not one )ord o% that de%initive Li%e ha$ 4een )ritten. Cerhap$ the ,reate$t cla$$ o% all tho$e )ho$e ,oal i$ %ailure i$ that o% the Univer$al Char#er$. When you %ind your$el% in the pre$ence o% #ore char# than the $ituation call$ %or; you are $a%e in $ayin, to your$el%; D3h; a %ailure!D hi$ i$ no diatri4e a,ain$t ,enuine )ar#-heartedne$$; a,ain$t %riendline$$; or true $)eetne$$ o% character. We are talkin, no) a4out the Barold .ki#pole$ o% the )orld; a4out the caAolin,; )in$o#e adult; either #an or )o#an; )ho in$i$t$ on 4ein, accepted 4y hi$ or her conte#porarie$ a$ Au$t a ,reat; 4i,; deli,ht%ul child---irre$pon$i4le; perhap$; not very thou,ht%ul; 4ut $o e<ceedin,ly lova4le; even to $tran,er$! here are the )hi#$ical tea$e$ and the hu#orou$ co#plainer$; and i% they are ,ood to look at; ?uick)itted or a#u$in,; they are #ore likely than not to 4e $ucce$$%ul in arou$in, a #o#entary indul,ence; a tolerant tenderne$$. It i$ only in retro$pect that one reali:e$ there )a$ no valid rea$on %or the #o#ent>$ e#otion. 3 healthy adult doe$ not need the tenderne$$ or indul,ence o% every ca$ual ac?uaintance. 5<cept %or a ,uilty con$cience; no one )ould ever drea# o% #akin, a play %or thi$ 2!

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kind o% re$pon$e. he$e victi#$ are under the hard nece$$ity o% )orkin, at char# a$ convict$ )ork at $tone-cru$hin,= they #u$t ,o on 4ein, #ore and #ore char#in, to o%%$et their )anin, attraction$; or %ace the truth---ad#it that they have not ade?uately di$char,ed their re$pon$i4ilitie$. 3$ lon, a$ their inade?uacy i$ never $een e<cept #irrored in the indul,ent eye$ o% another they can ,o on )ithout ad#ittin, the %act that they are %ailin,. .o on they ,o; cheatin, their )ay throu,h li%e---unle$$ 4y ,ood %ortune they can co#e to $ee )ho really $u%%er$ #o$t %ro# the e<erci$e o% their char#. .o there are all the$e )ay$; and innu#era4le other$; o% %illin, one>$ ti#e )ith $ee#in,ly purpo$ele$$ activity; or a %al$ely purpo$e%ul routine; and they are all the re$ult o% $u4#ittin, to the Will to Fail. For; re#e#4er; the$e activitie$ are only apparently purpo$ele$$. here i$ in every ca$e a deep intention; )hich #ay 4e $tated in #any )ay$. We #ay $ay that the #o$t o4viou$ intention i$ to 4e,uile the )orld into 4elievin, that )e are livin, up to our %ulle$t capacity. hi$ i$ particularly true o% tho$e ca$e$ )here the out)ard li%e i$ %ull o% a thou$and little #atter$; or one 4i, Ao4 o% drud,ery con$cientiou$ly done. @o one; $urely; could a$k u$ to do #ore than )e are doin,? 3re )e not plainly $o 4u$y that )e have not one #inute or a ,rain o% $tren,th to do anythin, #ore? I$ it not our duty to do the dull; in$i,ni%icant; un$ati$%yin, ta$k thorou,hly? ho$e are ?ue$tion$ )hich only the individual can an$)er hone$tly %or hi#$el%; u$ually in the hour$ o% in$o#nia or convale$cence; )hen the #ind )hich i$ u$ually $o en,ro$$ed a4out trivial a%%air$ %ind$ ti#e to $top and con$ider. In the lon, run it #ake$ little di%%erence ho) cleverly other$ are deceived= i% )e are not doin, )hat )e are 4e$t e?uipped to do; or doin, )ell )hat )e have undertaken a$ our per$onal contri4ution to the )orld>$ )ork; at lea$t 4y )ay o% an earne$tly %ollo)ed avocation; 2'

Wake Up and Live!

there )ill 4e a core o% unhappine$$ in our live$ )hich )ill 4e #ore and #ore di%%icult to i,nore a$ the year$ pa$$. he %ritterer$ and player$ and the drud,in, )orker$ are 4ent #ainly on deceivin, the#$elve$; on %illin, every nook and cranny o% their )akin, hour$ $o that there i$ no $pot )here a $u$picion o% %utility can leak throu,h. 3nd at ni,ht; o% cour$e; they are either $till hard at play or too e<hau$ted to con$ider realitie$. 8et $uch victi#$ pre$ent a dread%ul $pectacle )hen once they are plainly $een---$een a$ in$ane #i$er$; $tu%%in, a $en$ele$$ accu#ulation o% tra$h; odd$ and end$ o% $en$ation$; e<perience$; %ad$ and enthu$ia$#$; $ynthetic e#otion$; into the pricele$$ co%%er o% their one irreplacea4le li%eti#e. Whatever the o$ten$i4le purpo$e #ay 4e; it i$ plain that one #otive i$ at )ork in all the$e ca$e$6 the intention; o%ten uncon$ciou$; to %ill li%e $o %ull o% $econdary activitie$ or $u4$titute activitie$ that there )ill 4e no ti#e in )hich to per%or# the 4e$t )ork; o% )hich one i$ capa4le. he intention; in $hort; i$ to %ail.


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!hapter 0 * %he

e1ards o# +ailure

31.U(D a$ it #ay $ee# at %ir$t con$ideration that anyone )ould $ole#nly enter into even an uncon$ciou$ con$piracy to %ail; it i$ a #atter o% o4$ervation that there i$ hardly one per$on in a hundred )ho doe$ not; in $o#e %a$hion; deli4erately cripple and th)art the#$elve$. o under$tand )hy thi$ $hould 4e $o it i$ nece$$ary to e<a#ine %or a chapter )hat #ay 4e called; )ithout parado<; the re)ard$ o% %ailure. he recent )ide$pread intere$t in all 4ranche$ o% p$ycholo,y ha$ accu$to#ed u$ to acceptin, an idea )hich; )hen %ir$t o%%ered; $ee#ed lau,ha4le6 that )e are all at $o#e level; en,a,ed #o$t o% the ti#e in reverie. We drea# either con$ciou$ly or uncon$ciou$ly; a)ake or a$leep; o% a $ituation in )hich )e %eel )e $hould 4e happier than )e are in real li%e. /cca$ionally $o#e childi$h idea o% happine$$ or $ucce$$ crop$ up to con%u$e or ha#per u$ in the 4u$ine$$ o% adult livin,. .o#eti#e$ the drea# i$ o% a li%e o% lu<uriou$ idlene$$; the childi$h Uncon$ciou$ deter#ined on re%u$in, to leave the $a%e $helter o% the nur$ery; )here all )ant$ )ere re#edied a$ $oon a$ %elt; )here )ar#th and %ood and love )ere ,iven %reely and unearned. 3$ 5#er$on )rote; lon, 4e%ore )e had any technical voca4ulary to e<pre$$ that 4ack)ard turnin, reverie; lon, 4e%ore )e kne) o% D%i<ation$D or o% Dnarci$$i$#D DWe do not 4elieve there i$ any %orce in today to rival or recreate that 4eauti%ul 8e$terday. We lin,er in the ruin$ o% the old tent )here once )e had 4read and $helter.D o $o#e e<tent thi$ i$ true o% all o% u$; 4ut le$$ true o% the happy and $ucce$$%ul adult than o% other$.


Wake Up and Live!

3t other ti#e$; ludicrou$ly enou,h; the li%e-)a$tin, reverie i$ a4out $ucce$$6 the #ild #an i$ a @apoleon o% )ar or %inance; the #ou$e-like )o#an a $iren. I% reality never 4roke in upon $uch reverie; the drea#er #i,ht 4e happier; $el%-a4$or4ed in their $ilent tale$pinnin,; than i% they )ere to %ind the#$elve$ in a po$ition to reali:e $o#e part o% it. .uch reverie i$ in it$el% co#pen$ation %or a li%e o% dull routine or unevent%ul #onotony. 1ut; the )orld 4ein, )hat it i$; the drea#er #u$t live; %or part o% their ti#e at lea$t; in the cold at#o$phere o% %act. hi$ i$ no Land o% Cockai,ne that )e inha4it6 roa$t pi,$ do not run a4out cryin, D5at #e!D Fruit doe$ not %all %ro# the tree$ into our #outh$. Bo)ever 4li$$%ul the daydrea# )e entertain; )e #u$t )ake %ro# it $o#eti#e$ and $tru,,le )ith the hard condition$ o% real livin,. he inveterate drea#er )ill $tru,,le only Au$t a$ #uch a$ he need; and no #ore. Be )ill do anythin, hal%heartedly to ,et hi$ 4read and 4utter. hen; )hen hi$ daily ta$k i$ over; he )ill 4e 4ack at hi$ drea#$ a,ain; )hether he reali:e$ it or not. Be $ucceed$ at only one thin,6 in clearin, a)ay a little $pace; ,ainin, each day a %e) hour$ o% %ree ti#e; %or Au$t one purpo$e---to ,o on )a$tin, hi$ li%e. 1ut hi$ drea# i$ happy. It i$; %or hi#; a true co#pen$ation %or hi$ %ailure in every other relation; and $o he continue$ in it. 8et; $ince a%ter all happine$$ i$ the true ,oal; he i$ deluded 4y not reali:in, that the $#alle$t $ucce$$ in reality 4rin,$ )ith it #ore happine$$ than year$ o% reverie. @everthele$$ it i$ i#portant to re#e#4er that the re)ard$ o% %ailure are real in their o)n $phere; %or other)i$e )e )ill not 4race our$elve$ to %i,ht the# ade?uately= and there are other re)ard$ o% %ailure 4e$ide$ drea#$. Con$ider; %or in$tance; that i% you try %or anythin, Au$t enou,h to ,ive your$el% $o#e Au$ti%ication %or $ayin, that you have tried; you can %old your hand$ %or the re$t o% your day$. 8ou can $ay hu#4ly that 2-

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you )ere tried and %ound )antin, in tho$e ?ualitie$ )hich #ake %or real $ucce$$. hi$ i$ rather a rare re#ark; 4ut one o% tho$e )hich can 4e heard no) and then %ro# older %ailure$; u$ually in a hu#orou$ly deprecatin, tone. It )ill $ound very hone$t and touchin,= and there i$ no earthly )ay in )hich it can 4e proved a,ain$t the co#plainant that hi$ $tate#ent i$ not %ully true. Be ha$ $aved hi#$el% a li%eti#e o% e%%ort 4y $o#e #ean$; neverthele$$. I% you Aoin thi$ ,roup you can )atch the $tru,,le$ o% other$ )ith an eye hal%-a#u$ed; hal%-enviou$; enAoyin, the re$ult$ o% their $ucce$$e$; 4ut perhap$ even #ore---hu#an nature 4ein, )hat it i$---the $pectacle o% tho$e )ho %ail; and )ho take up their onlooker$> po$ition$ 4e$ide you. hen; D7ankind i$ very $uper%icial and da$tardly;D a$ Franklin $aid. D hey 4e,in upon a thin,; 4ut #eetin, )ith a di%%iculty; they %ly %ro# it di$coura,edD= and )hy not; a$k$ the Uncon$ciou$; )hen you can try; $top; and %eel %or the re$t o% your li%e that i% you had tried Au$t once #ore you )ould have #ade the ,rade? 8ou can thereupon 4eco#e a dilettante or a#ateur; %ri,ht%ully hard to plea$e 4y tho$e )ho ,o on )orkin,; $evere$t o% all critic$ either pro%e$$ional or unpro%e$$ional; po$$e$$or o% $o#e inner kno)led,e; and a4le to hint at $tandard$ o% e<cellence untouched 4y tho$e )ho are $till out tryin, to run the du$ty race= $tandard$ $o #arvelou$; $o unattaina4le; that %ailure to reach the# i$ #ore honora4le; you #ay i#ply; than another #an>$ ea$y $ucce$$. With not one thin, co#pleted; the acclai# you #i,ht have received; the enor#ou$ %inancial coup you #i,ht have 4rou,ht o%%; the #a$terpiece you #i,ht have acco#pli$hed; can a$$u#e in your reverie; and in the eye$ o% tho$e )ho )ill accept your ver$ion o% thin,$; al#o$t #ore i#portance than the real $ucce$$ )ould. /r you can 4eco#e an a4ettor and $u$tainer o% #ore per$i$tent )orker$ and arti$t$; and perhap$ that i$ the %riendlie$t %ailure; the #o$t $ucce$$%ul %ailure; o% all. 28

Wake Up and Live!

1ut notice that in all the$e ca$e$ you )ill at the very lea$t have avoided the $tru,,le; the pain; the hu#iliation$ that attend out)ard activity. 8ou )ill never have to $ee the o4Aect you $laved to 4rin, into 4ein, de$pi$ed or #i$under$tood. 8ou )ill never have to %eel the rancor o% tho$e )ho# you nece$$arily $urpa$$ed in co#petition= you )ill never have to $tand the cut o% adver$e critici$#. 8ou )ill never have to 4eco#e a)are o% the #alice o% tho$e )ho envy any $ucce$$; ho)ever trivial. 8ou )ill never have to 4ack your opinion$ 4y ar,u#ent )hen you are tired and )ould rather re$t %or ne) e%%ort. /r; %ar deeper and #ore vital pain; you )ill never $ee the di$crepancy 4et)een the %ini$hed )ork you can do and the )ork a$ you had hoped to do it. here i$ al)ay$ that di$crepancy to keep the hone$t )orker really hu#4le. he$e #atter$ o% di$co#%ort and pain evaded are i#portant to notice; %or )hen )e co#e to e<a#ine the rea$on$ )hy )e $o o%ten choo$e to %ail rather than to $ucceed; they )ill prove very illu#inatin,. .o it i$ )orth under$tandin, that i% you %ail; you are re)arded 4y not runnin, the ri$k o% ,ettin, hot and tired and di$coura,ed; or $harpte#pered )hen your co-)orker$ or your #aterial$; )hatever they are; $ee# #ore re%ractory than u$ual. I% $o#eone el$e doe$ e<cellently in the line you had drea#ed o% %or your$el%; you can al)ay$ 4elieve that; i% you had really tried a,ain; you could have $urpa$$ed the#. 3nd then; i% you can re#ain incon$picuou$; you )ill not have the e<perience o% out$trippin, $o#eone you love. hi$ i$; perhap$; #o$t co##only the )o#an>$ (e)ard o% Failure; althou,h the children o% di$tin,ui$hed parent$ or the di$ciple$ o% out#oded #a$ter$ in any line al$o kno) it. .till; it i$ only ri,ht to $ay that #any )ho dread the e<perience o% cau$in, pain to another are never called upon to #eet it= they %ailed to take into account the ,enero$ity o% love. .o it i$ o%ten an e<cu$e %or not )orkin, that i$ at the root o% thi$ inaction; too; not a real #atter o% co#pro#i$in, )ith a#4ition in order to keep a vital relation$hip un$poiled. 2&

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1y %ailin, one e$cape$ #uch ,o$$ip and inco#prehen$ion; the $e#i-$candalou$ talk )hich #o$t o%ten $prin,$ up a4out tho$e )ho $ucceed. o dread thi$ i##oderately i$ neurotic; 4ut thi$ dread doe$ o%ten act a$ a deterrent to #any a $ucce$$. 3ll vital per$on$ are the tar,et o% the curio$ity o% tho$e )ho are not vital= 4ut the %e) )ho$e opinion$ concern you )ill kno) the truth; and the other$ are o% no i#portance. 8et #any )ithdra) %ro# active li%e; not to take up an inten$er inner li%e; 4ut #erely to avoid the vul,ar curio$ity o% the cro)d. 3nd then; i% you have %ailed not too a)k)ardly; you are u$ually #ore deli,ht%ul a$ a co#panion than a 4etter )orker. ho$e )ho reach real $ucce$$ are likely to 4e con$tant )orker$. 5ven in their hour$ o% recreation they %re?uently are preoccupied )ith $o#e ele#ent o% the thin, they are en,a,ed in doin,. he $ucce$$%ul #an ha$ le$$ %ree ti#e; and o4$erve$ #ore punctiliou$ly hi$ $el%-$et hour$ %or )ithdra)in, %ro# co#panion$hip; than the %ailure. Be can $eldo# 4e counted on %or i#pro#ptu ,aietie$; $ince he i$ not uncon$ciou$ly intent on %indin, any e$cape at all %ro# the un$ati$%actory condition$ o% hi$ li%e. 3nd; $ince he ha$ none o% the deep interior ,uilt )hich haunt$ the one )ho kno)$ he i$ %ailin,; he i$ under no co#pul$ion to 4e )innin,. Be re$erve$ hi$ hu#or and char#; hi$ e#otion and indul,ence; %or tho$e )ho$e live$ are clo$ely 4ound up )ith hi$ 4y hi$ o)n choice. .o; e<cept a#on, hi$ real inti#ate$; he #ay have the na#e o% 4ein, ,ru%% and unapproacha4le; or too coolly civil. 3$ lon, a$ you cannot 4ear the notion that there i$ a creature under heaven )ho can re,ard you )ith an indi%%erent; an a#u$ed or ho$tile eye; you )ill pro4a4ly $ee to it that you continue to %ail )ith the ut#o$t char#. Cerhap$ it )ill 4e help%ul to look %or a )hile at three live$ in )hich the Will to Fail )a$ at )ork. In every ca$e the onlooker )ould $ee a li%e o% con$idera4le activity; $uch o4viou$ activity that he )ould at %ir$t ,lance 4e likely to a,ree )ith the victi#$ that they )ere in the ,rip o% a perver$e %ate. /n clo$er e<a#ination; each %ailure )ill 4e !2

Wake Up and Live!

$een to 4e 4y no #ean$ deter#ined 4y any %actor out$ide the individual character. 5ach o% the$e per$on$ had )ithin hi#$el% or her$el% the a4ilitie$ nece$$ary to #ake a %ull; happy; productive li%e= each $pent )hat ener,y they had on de%eatin, their o$ten$i4le intention6 one $a) her #i$take and recti%ied it; one died )ithout %acin, the truth a4out hi$ )a$ted talent$. he third i$ $till $tru,,lin, )ith hi$ pro4le#; a$ %ar %ro# $ucce$$ a$ ever; thou,h hi$ na#e i$ )ell kno)n. Ca$e 1 i$ that o% a )o#an; le%t a )ido) )hile $he )a$ $till very youn,. .he ca#e o% a $cholarly %a#ily; and had 4een a 4rilliant $tudent at colle,e. With the little #oney le%t to care %or her$el% and her $#all dau,hter; $he returned to the ca#pu$ to take de,ree$ a$ 7a$ter o% 3rt$ and Doctor o% Chilo$ophy in preparation %or a career a$ an educator. 3ctually Ea$ $he %ound to her a$toni$h#ent )hen her di%%icultie$ 4eca#e $o ,reat a$ to %orce her to $eek adviceF $he deli,hted in 4ein, a $tudent a,ain; in continuin, to live in the condition o% a child in an adult )orld; and there%ore $trun, out her period o% preparation a$ lon, a$ $he dared. 3%ter her .D. )a$ earned; $he #ade )hat looked to her$el% and her %riend$ like a ,ood hone$t e%%ort to %ind a $uita4le niche %or her$el%. /nly $he invaria4ly en,a,ed in )ran,lin, acri#oniou$ly )ith tho$e )ho )ould have to 4e her $uperior$; and al)ay$ a4out $o#e rather re#arka4le and ori,inal econo#ic idea$ o% her o)n. he$e idea$ had nothin, )hatever to do )ith the $u4Aect $he )a$ to teach= their acceptance or reAection 4y the entire )orld )ould not have #ade one ,rain o% di%%erence in the cla$$-roo# )ork )hich $he )a$ called on to per%or#= 4ut 4y #akin, an i$$ue o% havin, her a4$urd and ?ui<otic idea$ taken $eriou$ly 4y her co-)orker$; $he 4rou,ht a4out---each ti#e $he %ound a po$ition---a $ituation in )hich $he )a$ di$tinctly di$liked 4y the very per$on$ on )ho$e ,ood)ill $he )a$ dependent. !1

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.he )ent %ro# one po$t to another; never holdin, one lon,er than the year %or )hich $he had contracted. .he )a$ a ,ood teacher; a )ell-in%or#ed $tudent; and $he had #uch to ,ive; 4ut $he care%ully $a) to it that $he )ould never 4e in a po$ition to )ork very hard %or very lon,. Ber hope$ o% a pro%e$$or$hip %aded. .he )ent %ro# ,ood colle,e$ $teadily do)n,rade to o4$cure little $chool$; and a$ $he $lipped $teadily do)n $he )orked out a philo$ophy )hich reconciled her to her $teady decline. .he held that )e all live #uch too lu<uriou$ly; and put too hi,h a value on 4eco#in, clothe$; ,ood %ood; and co#%ort. 3t la$t $he reached the place )here $he %elt Au$ti%ied in takin, an apart#ent in a tene#ent di$trict o% a lar,e city. Ber de%iant $el%-Au$ti%ication 4roke do)n; ho)ever; )hen it ca#e to invitin, %riend$ to vi$it her. .he ,re) #ore and #ore $olitary; #ore and #ore eccentric; her runnin, %ire o% 4ravado continuin, all the )hile. Fortunately %or her; her one child )a$ a ,irl; and a ,irl )ho ,re) up to 4e e<tre#ely 4ri,ht and attractive. .he )a$ ?uite uni#pre$$ed 4y her #other>$ p$eudo-philo$ophy= $he kne) that $he )a$ 4ein, handicapped at every turn 4y the oddne$$ o% their livin, and dre$$in,; and a$ $he e#er,ed into adole$cence $he 4e,an to %i,ht %or a #ore rea$ona4le li%e; a $uita4le 4ack,round. 7atter$ ca#e to $uch a pa$$ that either the #other had to take co,ni:ance o% the ,irl>$ o4Aection$ or lo$e her dau,hter. 3ll the e%%ort$ to correct her %al$e po$ition )hich $he #ade 4y her$el% )ere unavailin,. .he $till 4rou,ht a4out the old )ran,le$ )henever po$$i4le; $he $till held the un$ati$%actory po$ition to )hich $he had dropped only on tolerance and 4ecau$e $he had co#e to accept a very $#all $alary; in $pite o% her trainin, and a4ility. When at la$t $he $ou,ht help %ro# a p$ycholo,i$t $he di$covered to her du#4%ounded a$toni$h#ent that $he had actually thro)n all her ener,y into %ailin,. Uncon$ciou$ly $he had re$ented havin, to ,o out into the )orld to )ork. .he )anted to re#ain either a child or 4eco#e a,ain a cheri$hed and petted )i%e. Ber )ran,le$ had !2

Wake Up and Live!

4een; a$ the analy$t$ $ay; Dover-deter#inedD6 they )ere intended partly to #ake it certain that $he )ould 4e di$char,ed $o that )ork )ould 4eco#e i#po$$i4le; partly to en,a,e the attention o% #en. .ince $he could not ackno)led,e to her$el% that $he )a$ cold-4loodedly Dhu$4and-huntin,;D $he had %allen on the techni?ue---?uite a$ e%%ective in challen,in, attention a$ 4ein, char#in,---o% $tartin, ?uarrel$. .he had a lon,; hard pull to ri,ht the $ituation $he had 4rou,ht upon her$el%; 4ut $he )a$ eventually $ucce$$%ul. Ca$e 2 i$ $uch a one a$ can 4e %ound in al#o$t every to)n and villa,e in the country; a %ailure o% the $ort that i$ not only treated tenderly; 4ut o%ten looked upon a$ 4ein, in $o#e va,ue )ay #uch no4ler and %iner than any $ucce$$. It )a$ that o% a #an )ith a ,ood #ind; noted %or hi$ inte,rity and yet not )ithout a vein o% ,ood 8ankee in,enuity. Be lived and died in the $#all to)n o% hi$ 4irth= a rather u,ly little #anu%acturin, to)n. @ot 4ecau$e he loved it loyally and )anted nothin, 4etter= hi$ readin, )a$ al)ay$ o% travel and adventure; and he continually $poke )i$t%ully o% countrie$ and place$ he had never $een. @ot that he had no opportunity---opportunity ca#e and tried to hound hi# into activity. Be )a$ the #ana,er o% a 4ranch $tore o% a lar,e 4u$ine$$; and $o $ati$%actory at it that he )a$ o%%ered a $i#ilar po$ition in a lar,er city; at a corre$pondin,ly 4etter $alary. Be accepted )ith Aoy= then )ithin t)o day$ he )rote a letter $ayin, that he had recon$idered; that he did not 4elieve that he could %ill the 4etter po$ition. Bi$ ti#idity ,re) on hi#. 3 %e) year$ later he )a$ co#4atin, every i#proved #ethod that hi$ %ir# tried to introduce; a%raid to try the ne) )ay$. 3 little later he )a$ $uch an o4$tructioni$t that hi$ %ir# retired hi# on a #inute pen$ion; and he 4eca#e the to)n>$ lova4le ho#e$pun philo$opher. 3 $enator $poke #ovin,ly at hi$ %uneral= hi$ %ello) to)n$#en )ere incon$ola4le.... Cerhap$ it i$ deplora4ly callou$ to point out that hi$ )i%e had preceded hi# to the ,rave 4y ten year$; )orn out )ith over)ork= that one $on had no education 4eyond )hat he could ,et at the villa,e $chool; althou,h he had a$ ,ood a #ind a$ hi$ %ather= that !!

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the other $on had to )ork hi$ )ay throu,h colle,e; thu$ dividin, hi$ ener,y and $tren,th E%or it i$ only one #ore %allacy o% the 3#erican creed that to )ork one>$ )ay throu,h colle,e i$ the ideal )ay o% ,ettin, an educationF= that hi$ dau,hter had taken re%u,e in a lovele$$ #arria,e %ro# a ho#e that had never had enou,h o% the ordinary co#%ort$ or attraction$. Let u$ 4e per%ectly plain a4out one point6 to hold that hone$t $ucce$$ i$ in $o#e )ay i,no4le i$ one o% t)o thin,$---preten$e or cant. here i$ a tyrannical e%%ort to i#po$e thi$ %allacy on u$; ari$in, perhap$ %ro# a con%u$ion o% the #ere )ord D$ucce$$D )ith the idea o% a ,reat %ortune arrived at 4y %air #ean$ or %oul. 1ut that there i$ anythin, i,no4le in acco#pli$hin, )ell )hat one $et$ out to do; and in receivin, in return re)ard$ in the $hape; $o#eti#e$ o% the approval o% one>$ peer$; $o#eti#e$ the ?uiet kno)led,e that the )orld i$ richer %or one>$ contri4ution; or $o#eti#e$ in #oney paid out ,ladly %or an o4Aect or $ervice$ %ully )orth the price to the purcha$er---$uch an idea i$ non$en$e; and the very oppo$ite o% )hat it i$ u$ually clai#ed to 4e; Dphilo$ophical.D Willia# 5rne$t Bockin,; in hi$ e<cellent 4ook; Bu#an @ature and It$ (e#akin,; ha$ thi$ to $ay on that very point6 DI% co##and o% the %ruit$ o% the earth i$ the nor#al and de$tined po$ition %or #an; )hy $hould one )ho ha$ achieved $uch a po$ition; and in $o doin, ha$ $ho)n lar,e po)er$ o% one kind or another; not receive the reco,nition that he; in $o %ar; ha$ $ucceeded? It i$ a #an>$ )ork to #ake a %ortune; and under nor#al circu#$tance$ a #ea$ure o% a4ility.D 7any )ho kno) Ca$e ! 4y hi$ na#e )ould prote$t loudly at hi$ appearance here inco,nito a$ an illu$tration o% the Will to Fail at )ork. Be i$ a )riter; and the $on o% a )riter. Fro# the %ir$t he ha$ 4een under $uch a %ortunate $tar that he kno)$ al#o$t nothin, o% the lon, $tru,,le %or reco,nition )hich i$ $o o%ten the prelude to a literary career. @everthele$$; at one and the $a#e ti#e he live$ in terror o% %ailure and in the ,rip o% an in$tinct )hich $ee#$ to drive hi# in that direction. Be )ill not )ork until he i$ de$perate %or #oney= then he )ill )rite like #ad; tirin, hi#$el% till he i$ poi$oned )ith %ati,ue; and act$ a%ter)ard$ like a convale$cent.


Wake Up and Live!

ryin, to overco#e thi$ 4ad )orkin,-ha4it under the advice o% a p$ychiatri$t; he atte#pted to )ork; #ore than once; )hen there )a$ no ur,ent nece$$ity %or #oney. In tho$e circu#$tance$ he invaria4ly turned out $torie$ )hich )ere unaccepta4le until re)ritten. he )orld kno)$ nothin,; o% cour$e; o% tho$e )a$ted e%%ort$; that ti#e $pent on the di$heartenin, revi$ion$ )hich he i$ con$tantly called on to do. 5ach ti#e thi$ occur$ hi$ career $ee#$ drearier and le$$ ,la#orou$ to hi#; hi$ 4elie% that he can eventually )rite a 4ook he )ill not 4e a$ha#ed to $i,n )ith hi$ na#e ,ro)$ di##er. Bere a,ain analy$i$ 4rou,ht $o#e illu#ination a$ to the uncon$ciou$ rea$on %or thi$ action; and a,ain the tendency to do hapha:ard and un$ati$%actory )ork )a$ over deter#ined6 there )a$ on the one hand a dread o% $urpa$$in, hi$ illu$triou$ %ather at the $a#e pro%e$$ion; on the other the $ly uncon$ciou$ notion that i% the $torie$ he $ee#ed to $lave over )ere reAected he )ould not have to )ork at all; and )ould 4e %ree to drea# throu,h hi$ li%e in hi$ o)n )ay. For the Uncon$ciou$ al)ay$ re%u$e$ to under$tand that reality #u$t 4e taken into account; re%u$e$ to ad#it that D)ork or dieD i$ the rule the avera,e #ortal #u$t live 4y. 8et thi$ tor#ented #an recurrently ha$ an e<perience )hich #i,ht; i% he could co#prehend it; $ho) hi# the )ay out o% hi$ dile##a6 )hen he i$ at la$t de$perate %or #oney; )hen he cannot ,o any lon,er on credit or the indul,ence o% hi$ %riend$; or hi$ reputation; )hen; in $hort; he ha$ the coura,e o% de$peration; he )rite$ #aterial )hich i$ i##ediately accepted. In$tead o% dra)in, the )orka4le conclu$ion %ro# thi$ %act; he ha$ #ade it an ite# o% $uper$tition6 only )ork done; a$ he $ay$; Dat the thirteenth hour;D i$ ever lucky %or hi#! .o he continue$ on hi$ tread#ill. @o); in each o% the$e ca$e$; %ailure; or co#parative %ailure; 4rou,ht it$ re)ard )ith it6 e$cape %ro# adult e%%ort and ti#e to )a$te in day-drea#in,. /nly in tho$e ca$e$ )here %ru$tration )a$ #ore pain%ul than $ucce$$ )a$ there any atte#pt to re$hape the li%e-pattern.


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Do you %eel that o4viou$ly tho$e )ho )a$te li%e in thi$ )ay are at lea$t #ildly in$ane? We all #ake $i#ilar di%%icultie$ %or our$elve$; avoid )ork; #i$$ opportunitie$. Bave you ever looked 4ack and thou,ht; DI% I had done thi$ or that %ive year$ a,o I>d 4e 4etter o%% no)?D 1ut the opportunity )a$ there= )hy didn>t you $ee it? 3re you $ure that you are not clo$in, your eye$ at thi$ #o#ent to one )hich you )ill $ee later in retro$pect? I$ the Will to Fail not operatin, in your o)n li%e every day? 8et the re)ard$ o% $ucce$$ are $o i##ea$ura4ly #ore )orth havin,. /nce #ore; the $#alle$t ta$k )ell done; the $#alle$t o4Aect; out there in the )orld )here it )ould not have 4een i% you had not acted; 4rin,$ in a #o#ent #ore $ati$%action than the %ailure kno)$ in a li%eti#e. he kno)led,e that one i$ 4ein, tried 4y a real $cale and not 4y the $hi%tin, $tandard$ o% reverie i$ like havin, land under%oot a%ter )eek$ o% dri%tin, at $ea. /nly tho$e )ho are at )ork on the 4e$t they can do are %ree %ro# the dan,er o% panic-$tricken a)akenin, to reality--- a)akenin, $o#eti#e$ $o late that the very ha4it$ and attitude$ o% nor#ality are %or,otten. 3nd; 4e$ide the innu#era4le purely $u4Aective advanta,e$; there are the rich o4Aective re)ard$. 3 drea#-picture 4rin,$ no 4uyer; a drea#-plan no dividend$; a %anta$ied 4ook i$ %ollo)ed 4y no royalty $tate#ent$. Cra$$ a$ thi$ #ay $ound in a )orld )hich $pend$ a ,reat deal o% it$ 4reath in per$uadin, %utilitarian$ that they have cho$en the 4etter part; it i$ the literal truth and $tand$ %or a truth $till ,reater. Fanta$y #ay call the ,rape$ o% reality $our; 4ut tho$e )ho have ta$ted the# kno) at la$t a dependa4le deli,ht.


Wake Up and Live!

!hapter 2 *

ighting the Dire(tion

What thi$ hi,he$t idea i$ )ill vary %ro# individual to individual; and )ill e<pand )ith ,ro)th. @o out$ider can dictate another>$ private de%inition o% $ucce$$. It #ay; it o%ten doe$; include $o#e reco,nition %ro# one>$ %ello)$; and ,reater %inancial re)ard$= on the other hand; it #ay not. 7any a re$earcher in the $cience$ )ould con$ider hi#$el% %ully $ucce$$%ul Eand )ould 4e ri,htF; i% he added one #inute %act to the #a$$ o% accu#ulatin, detail$ on )hich $cience #u$t proceed; i% he took one ite# out o% the real# o% hypothe$i$ and $peculation and placed it in it$ proper relation to the #a$$ o% kno)n truth$. Bi$ na#e #i,ht never 4e kno)n 4y tho$e out$ide hi$ $cience= it #i,ht 4e ?uite o4$cure even )ithin hi$ o)n %ield. Be )ould neverthele$$ have attained the ,oal %or )hich he )a$ )orkin, i% he acco#pli$hed that )hich he hi#$el% $et out to do. he actre$$ )ho reache$ the top o% her art i$ a$ $ucce$$%ul a$ the #other )ho rai$e$ a lar,e and healthy %a#ily---4ut not #ore $o. 3 prie$t or #ini$ter i##er$ed in the care o% hi$ pari$h live$ a$ $ucce$$%ul a li%e a$ the ,eniu$ )ho$e na#e i$ kno)n 4y #o$t o% hi$ conte#porarie$. 3nother>$ ideal o% $ucce$$ #ay have $o little in co##on )ith our o)n that )e are ?uite 4lind a$ to )hat he can $ee in the career he ha$ cho$en; 4ut unle$$ )e are totally uni#a,inative )e kno); )hen )e $ee hi# livin, re$pon$i4ly; e%%ectively; u$e%ully; happily; #akin, the #o$t o% hi$ advanta,e$ and ,i%t$; that )e are dealin, )ith a $ucce$$%ul #an. o o%%er too circu#$cri4ed a de%inition o% $ucce$$ )ould de%eat the purpo$e o% thi$ 4ook. 7uch o% our di$tru$t o% the )ord; a$ it i$; co#e$ %ro# not reali:in, the in%initely e<ten$ive ran,e o% po$$i4le !-

Dorthea Brande

D$ucce$$e$.D 5ach o% u$; u$ually 4y late adole$cence; ha$ a #a$$ o% kno)led,e a4out hi#$el%; )hich--- i% )e took the coun$el DGno) thy$el%D $eriou$ly---could 4e e<a#ined and con$idered until the individual>$ ideal o% the ,ood li%e )ould e#er,e %ro# it plainly. It ou,ht to 4e part o% education to $ee that each child $hould under$tand the nece$$ity o% %indin, thi$ clue to hi$ %uture; and 4e $ho)n that it i$ $o#eti#e$ thro)n into con%u$ion 4y hero-)or$hip; or 4y the erroneou$ notion that )hat i$ an ite# in the $ucce$$ o% one #u$t 4e pre$ent in the $ucce$$ o% each o% u$. .till; in $pite o% con%u$ion; %al$e $tart$; the takin, over o% the a#4ition$ o% a parent or teacher %or our$elve$ in$tead o% %indin, our o)n; #o$t o% u$ do arrive in the early t)entie$ kno)in, )hat )e are 4e$t %itted to do; or could do 4e$t i% )e had the trainin, and opportunity. It i$ )orth notin, care%ully that unle$$ you have allo)ed your$el% to overe$ti#ate your character ,ro$$ly; your o)n $ucce$$-idea i$ )ithin the re,ion o% tho$e thin,$ )hich can 4e 4rou,ht a4out. U$ually; %ar %ro# overratin, our a4ilitie$; )e do not under$tand ho) ,reat they are. he rea$on %or thi$ under-e$ti#ation o% our$elve$ )ill 4e con$idered later; 4ut it i$ )ell to reali:e that %e) e<cept the truly in$ane 4elieve the#$elve$ $uited %or career$ %ar 4eyond their %ull po)er$. he ne<t point to under$tand i$ that in the$e pa,e$ )e are not talkin, a4out $ucce$$ o% any $econdary or #etaphorical $ort. 8our idea o% )hat i$ $ucce$$ %or you i$ not here to 4e replaced 4y another hi,h$oundin,; Dideali$ticD co#pro#i$e. 8ou are not 4ein, e<horted; once #ore; to lo)er your hope$ and then %ind that you can ea$ily reach the $i#pler $tandard. .uch pro,ra#$ are only te#pori:in, )ith %ailure. /n the contrary; the #ore vividly you can pre$ent to your$el% the ori,inal picture o% the ,oal you once hoped to 4e a4le to reach; the 4etter your chance$ are o% attainin, it.


Wake Up and Live!

@o); havin, e<a#ined the current$ in our nature )hich lead u$ to ac?uie$ce in %ailure; under$tandin, that; i% )e allo) it to happen; )e can 4e carried unprote$tin,ly do)n in the death)ard direction; let u$ $ee )hat i$ operatin, i##ediately to keep u$ %ro# the healthy e%%ort$ )e #u$t #ake to $ucceed. o do $o )e #u$t turn to a $u4Aect )hich i$ in $o#e di$repute today6 hypnoti$#. For #any rea$on$; $o#e e<cellent 4ut other$ $u$piciou$ly )eak; hypnoti$# i$ a $u4Aect )hich i$ $eldo# $tudied no)aday$. I% you have never had occa$ion to read a $ound 4ook on the $u4Aect; it #ay $ee# to you that $o#e o% the %eat$ clai#ed %or hypnoti:ed per$on$ cannot po$$i4ly have 4een done. here i$ $o#e likelihood; ho)ever; that you have read at lea$t one 4ook on auto$u,,e$tion; the #ethod o% healin, )hich )a$ $o popular a4out a decade a,o; and auto$u,,e$tion i$ one o% the 4y-product$ o% the nineteenth-century $tudy o% hypnoti$#. 1ut %e) reader$ today kno) o% the )ork; %or in$tance; o% 5$daile in India in the #iddle 1822>$6 o% the $ur,ical operation$ he per%or#ed painle$$ly on hundred$ o% patient$; o% hi$ co##ent$ on the rapid recovery o% tho$e )ho had %elt no pain durin, the operation---an early contri4ution to the theory o% the deleteriou$ e%%ect$ o% D$ur,ical $hock.D he )ork o% 1raid and 1ernhei# i$ al#o$t unkno)n; and 7e$#er; )ho co#4ined a %anta$tic theory )ith a #a$$ o% arre$tin,ly e%%ective e<peri#ent$; i$ no) looked on #ainly a$ a ?uack. here i$ no dou4t that hypnoti$# i$ in it$ pre$ent di$repute partly 4ecau$e it$ early practitioner$ could not re%rain %ro# pre#ature and %anta$tic theori:in,; and 4ecau$e it 4eca#e connected in the #ind$ o% the pu4lic )ith $uch $u4Aect$ a$ D$pirit-rappin,$D and D$late-)ritin,D #ediu#$; #any o% )ho# )ere later e<po$ed a$ trick$ter$. Co$$i4le e<peri#enter$ )ere alienated %ro# the $u4Aect 4ecau$e it )a$ o%%ered to the )orld )ith $uch unnece$$ary acco#pani#ent$ a$ !&

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the hypothe$e$ a4out Dodic %luidD and Dani#al #a,neti$#D--e<planation$ )hich e<plained nothin,. In addition to the$e preAudicial theorie$; e<peri#ent$ in ane$the$ia 4y the u$e o% chloro%or# and ether )ere proceedin, in the $a#e year$. In$en$itivene$$ to pain reached 4y hypno$i$ )a$ uncertain and pre$ented #any di%%icultie$6 not everyone )a$ hypnoti:a4le; and; even #ore i#portant; not every phy$ician )a$ a4le to hypnoti:e. Inevita4ly; the #ore certain %or# o% attainin, ane$theti:ation throu,h the u$e o% chloro%or# and ether )a$ the practice )hich 4eca#e accepted. he $tudy o% hypnoti$#; )hich #any acute o4$erver$ o% the #iddle and late nineteenth century 4elieved to 4e the %ir$t $tep to)ard$ the %reein, o% #ankind %ro# phy$ical $u%%erin,; a$ )ell a$ the overco#in, o% #any te#pera#ental di%%icultie$ and the cure o% #any vice$; %ell into a decline. With the e#er,ence o% the p$ychoanalytic theory; the de%eat o% hypnoti$#---at lea$t %or our day---)a$ ce#ented. @o); althou,h the %or#ula that )e are a4out to con$ider ha$ in it no trace o% auto hypnoti$#; it i$ $till po$$i4le to learn %ro# the de$pi$ed procedure )hat it i$ that de%eat$ u$ in our e%%ort$ to 4e e%%ective. Con$ider %or a #o#ent the $ucce$$e$ o% a ,ood hypnoti$t )ith a ,ood $u4Aect6 they $ound utterly 4eyond nature; and %or that very rea$on )e have not learned %ro# the# all )e #i,ht ,arner. /ne #an; ordinarily $u%%erin, %ro# verti,o at even a $li,ht e#inence; )hen hypnoti:ed can )alk a very narro) plank at a ,reat hei,ht. 3nother; lookin, li,ht and delicate; can li%t a dead )ei,ht. 3 $ta##erer can 4e co##anded to ,ive a %ervid oration; and )ill do $o )ithout $ho)in, a trace o% the $peech-de%ect )hich ha#per$ hi# in hi$ nor#al $tate. Cerhap$ one o% the #o$t re#arka4le ca$e$ i$ one cited 4y F. W. B. 7yer$ in hi$ chapter on hypnoti$# in Bu#an Cer$onality6 a youn, actre$$; an under$tudy; called upon $uddenly to replace the $tar o% her co#pany; )a$ $ick )ith apprehen$ion and $ta,e-%ri,ht. Under li,ht hypno$i$ $he per%or#ed )ith co#petence and 4rilliance; and )on ,reat '2

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applau$e= 4ut it )a$ lon, 4e%ore $he )a$ a4le to act her part$ )ithout the aid o% the hypnoti$t; )ho $tationed hi#$el% in her dre$$in, roo#. ELater in thi$ $a#e ca$e the pheno#enon o% Dpo$thypnotic $u,,e$tionD 4e,an to 4e o4$erved; and the %oundation$ o% the @ancy $chool o% auto$u,,e$tion; o% )hich CouH i$ the #o$t %a#ou$ conte#porary a$$ociate; )ere laid.F In the $a#e chapter in )hich he ?uote$ the re#arka4le ca$e o% the actre$$; 7yer$ #ade a theori:in, co##ent )hich i$ o% i##en$e value to everyone )ho hope$ to %ree hi#$el% o% hi$ 4onda,e to %ailure. Be point$ out that the ordinary $hyne$$ and tentativene$$ )ith )hich )e all approach novel action i$ entirely re#oved %ro# the hypnoti:ed $u4Aect; )ho con$e?uently act$ in$tead )ith preci$ion and $el%con%idence. @o) the re#oval o% $hyne$$; or #auvai$e honte Ehe )roteF; )hich hypnotic $u,,e$tion can e%%ect; i$ in %act a pur,ation o% #e#ory---inhi4itin, the recollection o% previou$ %ailure$; and $ettin, %ree )hatever ,roup o% aptitude$ i$ %or the #o#ent re?uired. here i$ the clue. @o $entence )a$ ever #ore packed )ith rich i#plication$ %or tho$e )ho are in earne$t a4out reorientin, their live$ to)ard$ $ucce$$. It ha$ 4eco#e a co##onplace to $ay that )e learn 4y Dtrial and error.D We learn 4y di$coverin, that one cour$e o% action doe$ not 4rin, a4out the end )e had in vie)= )e try a,ain; and perhap$ #any ti#e$; until )e %ind the procedure )hich acco#pli$he$ our intention. We then adopt the la$t ter# in thi$ $erie$ o% act$. hat i$ the #ental picture )e #ake o% the Dtrial-and-errorD #ethod o% learnin,.


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(ou,hly it i$ ri,ht; 4ut it o#it$ to e#pha$i:e one ele#ent o% the proce$$ )hich; althou,h )e #ay not d)ell upon it intentionally; i$ never %or,otten 4y the Uncon$ciou$6 the ele#ent o% pain. We 4elieve; or $peak and )rite a$ thou,h )e 4elieved; that the one $ucce$$ re#ain$ a$ the total re$idue o% the $erie$ o% atte#pt$; and that it cancel$ %ro# our #ind$ all the %ailure$ )hich )ent 4e%ore it. We do not take into account the tre#endou$ i#portance to our %uture conduct o% tho$e di$carded trial$ )hich ended in %ailure. We $ucceeded at la$t; it i$ true= 4ut #ean)hile )e e<perienced %ailure; $o#eti#e$ ridicule; $o#eti#e$ real pain; $o#eti#e$ ,rave hu#iliation. We 4y no #ean$ retain in our #e#orie$ only the ite# o% the %inal $ucce$$; nor doe$ the $ucce$$ operate to #ake the %ailure$ and pain uni#portant to our Uncon$ciou$. he Uncon$ciou$ dread$ pain; hu#iliation; %ati,ue= it 4end$ it$ e%%ort$ even #ore cea$ele$$ly to the end o% avoidin, pain than it doe$ to the procurin, o% po$itive plea$ure$. .o )e are %aced )ith a %act )hich at once account$ %or #uch o% the inactivity; the inertia; to )hich )e $uccu#4 at #o#ent$ )hen po$itive action )ould 4e to our advanta,e6 that rather than %ace the #ere po$$i4ility o% pain )e )ill not act at all. (ather than revive the #e#ory o% our early %ailure$; let alone run the ri$k o% hurtin, our$elve$ ane); )e )ill uncon$ciou$ly decide to re#ain inactive; or )e )ill choo$e to do $o#ethin, ea$ier than )e $hould atte#pt; or )e )ill $tart on a pro,ra# and carry it near the $pot )here )e )ere hurt 4e%ore; and there %ind any e<cu$e to 4eat a ha$ty retreat; leavin, the )ork undone; the re)ard un,athered. he childi$h Uncon$ciou$ )in$6 at lea$t )e )ere not 4rui$ed a,ain in an already tender $pot. It i$ utterly illo,ical; o% cour$e= in order to avoid a trivial di$co#%ort )e roll up a ,reat account o% %ailure to )ound u$ in the %uture; )e #i$$ opportunity a%ter opportunity )hich #ay never co#e '2

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a,ain; )e e<po$e our$elve$ to %ar ,reater pain than that )e #ana,e to avoid. 1ut at lea$t the #e#ory o% that early hu#iliation can $leep; or only turn re$tle$$ly; hal%-a)akened. @o); i% that i$ true---and only a little $el%-analy$i$ )ill prove that it i$ true---ho) convenient it )ould 4e i% each o% u$ could carry a hypnoti$t a4out; to ca$t hi$ $pell )henever )e had to ,et to )ork! Bo) #arvelou$ i% each o% u$ could have hi$ o)n private .ven,ali! I#po$$i4le; o% cour$e= and; #ore than that; unde$ira4le. Fortunately; it i$ not at all nece$$ary to 4e put under the $)ay o% another>$ )ill in order to do our o)n )ork. he $olution i$ %ar $i#pler. 3ll that i$ nece$$ary to 4reak the $pell o% inertia and %ru$tration i$ thi$6 3ct a$ i% it )ere i#po$$i4le to %ail. hat i$ the tali$#an; the %or#ula; the co##and o% ri,ht-a4out%ace )hich turn$ u$ %ro# %ailure to)ard$ $ucce$$. Clear out; 4y an ea$y i#a,inative %eat; all the di$tru$t$ and ti#iditie$; all the %ear$ o% lookin, ridiculou$ )hich you #ay hardly $u$pect o% 4ein, treacherou$ trou4le#aker$ in your li%e. 8ou )ill %ind that i% you can i#a,inatively capture the $tate o% #ind )hich )ould 4e your$ i% you kne) you )ere ,oin, to)ard$ a prearran,ed and inevita4le $ucce$$; the %ir$t re$ult )ill 4e a tre#endou$ $ur,e o% vitality; o% %re$hne$$. hen---)ell; the only )ay to put it i$ that it )ill $ee# a$ thou,h your #ind ,ave a ,reat $i,h o% relie%; o% ,ratitude %or the li4eration; and $tretched it$el% to it$ %ulle$t e<tent. hi$ i$ the #o#ent )here one #ay 4e %or,iven %or %eelin, that there i$ $o#ethin, truly #a,ical a4out the )hole a%%air. here )ill appear an e<ten$ion o% capacity )hich $ee#$ #ore than nor#al.


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hen the lon,-da##ed-up %lo) $et$ in6 directly; irre$i$ti4ly; turned at la$t in the ri,ht direction; the current ,ather$ $tren,th %ro# #inute to #inute. 3t %ir$t you #ay $till har4or $o#e %ear that the $pell )hich )orked $o in$tantaneou$ly #ay 4reak in the $a#e )ay. It )ill not; $i#ply 4ecau$e it i$ no $pell= it i$ a re#inder to your$el% o% the )ay in )hich )ork can al)ay$ 4e $ucce$$%ully undertaken. I% you re#e#4er that; %ar %ro# your $eein, the $ucce$$%ul action $top; you )ill %ind that each hour o% unha#pered activity open$ out into a pro#i$e o% other$ in the %uture. here #ay actually 4e $o#e e#4arra$$#ent %ro# $eein, too #any e<pandin, po$$i4ilitie$ until you have learned to or,ani:e your ne) li%e. ho$e %ear$; an<ietie$ and apprehen$ion$; you $ee; )ere %ar #ore than #ere ne,ative thin,$. 1y actin, a$ i% they )ere i#portant; you endo)ed the# )ith i#portance; you turned the# into realitie$. hey 4eca#e para$itic ,ro)th$; e<i$tin, at the e<pen$e o% everythin, that i$ healthy in you. While )e allo) the# to $ap u$; )e are allo)in, the nouri$h#ent )hich $hould ,o to)ard$ e<pandin, ,ro)th to 4e u$ed %or %eedin, #on$ter$; cheri$hin, the %reak$ and 4y-4lo)$ o% the #ind in$tead o% it$ e<traordinary and creative ele#ent$. .o that it i$ not that one i$ $uddenly ,iven )onder%ul ne) po)er$= 4y cea$in, to let %ear hold it$ %ru$tratin, $)ay )e co#e into the u$e o% already e<i$tin, aptitude$ )hich )e %or#erly had no ener,y to e<plore. We di$cover that )e already po$$e$$ capacitie$ )e had not $u$pected; and the e%%ect; o% cour$e; i$ a$ thou,h )e had Au$t received the#. 3nd the rapidity )ith )hich the$e capacitie$ #ake the#$elve$ kno)n )hen once the a$pect$ are %avora4le %or the# i$ truly $o#e)hat $tartlin,. It i$ even #ore enAoya4le. @e<t; there i$ the %urther e<perience o% $ee#in, to 4eco#e; in contra$t )ith one>$ old $el%; practically tirele$$. 3ctual record$ o% )orkin, period$ introduced 4y u$in, thi$ %or#ula )ould $train the credulity o% tho$e )ho have never yet had the e<perience. 3nd the$e period$ are not %ollo)ed 4y any depre$$ed reaction. here i$ al)ay$ $o #uch ahead; and it i$ $o clearly $een; that there i$ no chance %or ''

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depre$$ion to $et in )hen the #ind i$ turned 4ack %ro# it$ on)ard drive to con$ider all the tri4ulation$ o% the pa$t; all the po$$i4le #i$chance$ )hich #i,ht conceiva4ly happen; it cannot; o% cour$e; at the $a#e ti#e e<plore the road into the %uture. 1ut once a4$olve it o% the thankle$$ and unnece$$ary ta$k; and it re)ard$ you 4y $ee#in, to %ly )here 4e%ore it had $tu#4led and ,roped. It take$ $o#e $el%-education to learn ho) to ,o %ro# one ite# o% $ucce$$%ul )ork to the ne<t; not to lo$e ti#e and $pend $tren,th--#uch #ore happily; 4ut Au$t a$ $urely---in ,loatin, over either the ea$e )ith )hich the ta$k a$ done or in conte#platin, too %ondly the truly re#arka4le )ork one ha$ Au$t 4een $o %ortunate a$ to produce. 1ut a %e) day$> Barve$t Bo#e i$ ?uite e<cu$a4le= and $ince; $till re$ilient and une<hau$ted; one look$ %or)ard to %urther activity )ith enAoy#ent; there i$ no per#anent dan,er that the %ir$t $ucce$$ under the ne) re,i#e )ill 4e the la$t. I% you are te#pted to look a$kance at thi$ procedure; to %eel that you arc 4ein, invited to deceive your$el% into a %eelin, o% $ucce$$; you are ?uite )ron,. We are all pra,#ati$t$ and e#pirici$t$ in our daily li%e= )hat D)ork$D %or u$ i$ our practical truth; and 4eco#e$ the 4a$i$ o% our %urther activity. D/ur thou,ht$ 4eco#e true in proportion a$ they $ucce$$%ully e<ert their ,o-4et)een %unction;D a$ Willia# Ia#e$ $ay$. 3nd even #ore %ully and convincin,ly; the late Ban$ "aihin,er )orked out the$e conception$ in hi$ 4ook; he Chilo$ophy o% D3$ I%.D @ot everyone )ill ,o )ith hi# to the %urthe$t 4oundarie$ o% hi$ theory; 4ut it i$ certainly plain that in #o$t #atter$ o% li%e each o% u$ #u$t act a$ i% thi$ or that %act )ere a $el% evident truth. For one thin,; i% )e in$i$ted on provin, the reality or e%%icacy or even pro4a4ility o% #o$t o% the conception$ on )hich )e 4a$e our practical procedure$; )e $hould have no ti#e le%t in )hich to act. .o; in ,eneral; )e accept the pre#i$e$ %or action )hich are pre$ented to u$ on ,ood authority; and u$e the# a$ proved unle$$ or until our e<perience cau$e$ u$ to dou4t the )i$do# o% $o doin,. hen )e #ay ree<a#ine the# and perhap$ reach di%%erent conclu$ion$ %ro# our #entor$; 4ut %or the #o$t '+

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part )e all act a$ i% our nor#$ o% conduct; our $tandard$ o% value$; )ere eternally and every)here valid; $o lon, a$ they prove practica4le %or u$. In everyday li%e; then; i% you are ine%%ectual in your daily encounter$ and unproductive in your )ork; you are to that e<tent actin, a$ i% you )illed to %ail. urn that attitude in$ide out; con$ciou$ly decide that your D3$ I%D $hall 4e healthy and vital; $hall 4e ai#ed to)ard$ acco#pli$h#ent; and you have #ade $ucce$$ a truth %or your$el%. D he la) o% nature i$6 Do the thin, and you $hall have the po)er= 4ut they )ho do not do the thin, have not the po)er.D


Wake Up and Live!

!hapter 6 * %he 3yste/ in Operation

IF you are the po$$e$$or o% a very vivid i#a,ination; you )ill pro4a4ly 4e already )ell on the )ay to)ard$ practice )ith no #ore than the clue in that $entence6 3ct a$ i% it )ere i#po$$i4le to %ail. I% you are not; or i% you have 4een 4adly hurt 4y %ailure; there #ay 4e $o#e di%%iculty in 4e,innin, to act e%%ectively; 4ut there need not 4e very #uch. o ,et at it #ore $lo)ly; the idea i$ Au$t thi$6 in$tead o% $tartin, )herever you are---or; to 4e accurate; in$tead o% tryin, to $tart; or $)earin, that you )ill $tart; or deceivin, your$el% into thinkin, that you are ,oin, to $tart to#orro) or the day a%ter---4e$et 4y all the u$ual dou4t$ o% your o)n per%or#ance and #e#orie$ o% pa$t pain; take ti#e %ir$t to D#ake upD your $tate o% #ind; the #ental condition in )hich you are ,oin, to )ork. I% you have an i#portant appoint#ent you do not ru$h out to it unke#pt; un)a$hed; in any old clothe$. 8ou take $o#e trou4le to #ake your$el% look a$ )ell a$ you can. 7an or )o#an; you 4ru$h and clean your clothe$; you look %or your ,ood point$ and e#pha$i:e the#; you hide or i#prove your 4le#i$he$. hen; )hen you ,o to your appoint#ent; you try to act a$ #uch a$ po$$i4le a$ i% that hei,htened condition )ere your nor#al $tate. @o); you are #entally ,oin, to an appoint#ent; an appoint#ent )ith your $ucce$$%ul $el%. Bo) can you arran,e your %ra#e o% #ind to #ake that appoint#ent %ruit%ul? 8ou %ir$t ,ive your$el% a #odel. 5veryone ha$ had a ta$te o% $ucce$$ in $o#e line; perhap$ in a very #inor #atter. hink 4ack to it; ho)ever childi$h it '-

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)a$; even i% it )a$ a $ucce$$ o% your $choolday$. It needn>t 4e; even re#otely; $ucce$$ in the adult )ork you hope to do. What you )ant to recapture i$ the $tate o% #ind in )hich you once $ucceeded. 1e care%ul; no)= you do not )ant to over$hoot the #ark. Don>t Au#p ahead into the elation )hich %ollo)ed the $ucce$$ it$el%. Iu$t recapture the $teady; con%ident %eelin, that )a$ your$ )hen you kne) the %act that )a$ de#anded o% you; )hen you reali:ed that you could do the thin, that )a$ nece$$ary; that )hat you )ere a4out to do )a$ )ell )ithin your po)er$. ry to 4rin, 4ack a$ clearly a$ you can every $urroundin, circu#$tance o% that #o#ent. @o) tran$%er in i#a,ination that $ucce$$-$e?uence to the )ork in hand. I% you )ere a4$olutely certain that everythin, a4out the pre$ent )ork )ould ,o a$ $#oothly a$ everythin, )ent )hen you $ucceeded in the pa$t; i% you kne) that )hat you are 4e,innin, )ould certainly ,o )ell; %ro# the #o#ent you 4e,in till the #o#ent o% the )ork>$ ulti#ate reception; ho) )ould you %eel? Bo) )ould you act? What i$ the $tate o% #ind you )ould 4e in a$ you launch out into it? Fi< your attention on that; %or that i$ to 4e your )orkin, %ra#e o% #ind. Until you can reach it; re%u$e to 4e,in= 4ut in$i$t to your$el% on reachin, it a$ $oon a$ po$$i4le. When you have %ound the #ood hold it $teadily %or a )hile; a$ i% )aitin, %or a )ord o% co##and. 3ll at once you )ill %eel a relea$e o% ener,y. 8ou have received %ro# your$el% your )orkin, order$; and you can 4e,in. 8ou )ill $ee that you no lon,er have to pu$h your$el% to do the )ork= all your ener,y i$ %ree to pu$h the )ork alone. It )a$ that e<tra; unnece$$ary la4or o% pu$hin, your o)n inertia a$ide )hich #ade it $ee#; 4e%ore; that you )ere too ha#pered to ,et $tarted; )ere ,ropin, throu,h a %o, to ,et at your o4Aect; or )ere $toppin, continually to 4ru$h a)ay hal% reali:ed dou4t$; an<ietie$; #e#orie$ o% %ailure that 4u::ed a4out you like a cloud o% ,nat$. Clear


Wake Up and Live!

all that a)ay 4e%ore you 4e,in to )ork 4y the $i#ple e<pedient o% re%u$in, to conte#plate the #ere po$$i4ility o% %ailure. @e<t; )ork till you %eel the un#i$taka4le on$et o% true %ati,ue. rue %ati,ue. he early %la,,in, o% attention )ill 4e only the old $tate o% #ind tryin, to creep in once #ore )hen your attention i$ el$e)here. I% that happen$; $top a $econd and $ay to your$el%; D@o. hat i$ the )ay I )ill not think!D clear out the i#pul$e entirely; and ,o on )orkin,. When your #u$cle$ and your #ind hone$tly prote$t that they have done all they $hould do %or the ti#e; $top and %ind $o#e rela<ation. I% you are held 4y o%%ice hour$; ,o a)ay ?uietly alone %or a)hile )hen the old $tate o% #ind $ee#$ in dan,er o% returnin,; or )hen you %ind that you are ,oin, to have to $pend $o#e ti#e in alterin, the attitude o% a %ello) )orker 4e%ore you can #ove $#oothly in the ne) )ay. .tay alone until you have ree$ta4li$hed your con%ident attitude; then return to the ,roup. When the ti#e %or rela<ation co#e$ you )ill %ind that you ,et the %ull Aoy o% playin, at la$t. here are $o#e per$on$ )ho have 4een $o 4adly 4rui$ed that; althou,h any un)arranta4le indul,ence to)ard$ one$el% $hould 4e ,uarded a,ain$t; it #ay 4e nece$$ary to 4e,in thi$ $y$te# 4y practicin, it only %or a $hort ti#e each day; and on $o#e $econdary de$ire. 7o$t educator$ a,ree that the 4e$t )ay to teach a child to act con%idently and co#petently; and to %acilitate the proce$$ o% learnin,; i$ to a$k hi# %ir$t to per%or# $o#e $#all ta$k )hich i$ )ell )ithin hi$ untrained po)er$. 3$ Dorothy Can%ield Fi$her $ay$ in her e<cellent little 4ook %or parent$ and teacher$; .el%-reliance; D.ucce$$ or %ailure in adult li%e depend$ lar,ely on the ener,y; coura,e and $el%-reliance )ith )hich one attack$ the pro4le# o% #akin, hi$ drea#$ co#e true. .el%-con%idence in any enterpri$e co#e$ a$ a rule %ro# re#e#4rance o% pa$t $ucce$$.D 3nd; a,ain; Cro%e$$or Bockin, in '&

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Bu#an @ature and It$ (e#akin,6 D5ducation con$i$t$ in $upplyin, the halted #ind )ith a #ethod o% )ork and $o#e e<a#ple$ o% $ucce$$. here are %e) #ore 4eauti%ul #iracle$ than that )hich can 4e )rou,ht 4y leadin, a de$pairin, child into a tri%lin, $ucce$$= and there are %e) di%%icultie$ )ho$e principle cannot 4e e#4odied in $uch $i#ple %or# that $ucce$$ i$ at once ea$y and revealin,. 3nd 4y increa$in, the di%%iculty 4y $erial $ta,e$; the $#all )ill; under the cu#ulative e<cite#ent o% repeated and #ountin, $ucce$$; #ay %ind it$el% %ar 4eyond the o4$tacle that ori,inally checked it.D .o in our o)n ca$e$; )hen $el%-con%idence ha$ 4een lo$t; $hould )e %ind $o#e little de$ire )hich %or $o#e rea$on ha$ never 4een ,rati%ied. here are $core$ o% the$e opportunitie$ in every li%e. 3ll that i$ nece$$ary; in the$e e<peri#ent$ to)ard $ucce$$; i$ either that $o#e de$ire $hould 4e taken %ro# the real# o% drea#in, into that o% reali:ation; or that a procedure )hich )a$ not the per%ect one %or the e%%ect to 4e produced $hould 4e corrected. 8ou re#e#4er the i##ortal 1unker 1ean; and ho) hi$ li%e chan,ed )hen he )a$ per$uaded 4y the %raudulent #ediu# that he )a$ the reincarnation o% a Charaoh? Bi$ ri$e in the )orld )a$ rapid= one $ucce$$ %ollo)ed another and 4rou,ht a third in it$ train. When at la$t he kne) he had 4een cheated; that he )a$ no incarnation o% (a#e$e$; nor )a$ the #u##y ca$e that had 4een $old hi# #ade o% )ood that ever $a) ancient 5,ypt; he had $o learned the techni?ue o% $ucce$$ that he could not $lip 4ack into o4$curity. I% you o4$erve any %a#ily likene$$ to B. . We4$ter>$ 7r. 7il?uetoa$t in your$el%; it #i,ht 4e )orth your )hile to ,et 1unker 1ean and reread it= the ti#e )ill not 4e )a$ted; $ince it i$ only a little le$$ %unny than it i$ %unda#entally true. Bere are $o#e e<a#ple$ o% developin, $econdary talent$ $o that con%idence in i#portant #atter$ %ollo)$6


Wake Up and Live!

here i$ a nota4ly $ucce$$%ul phy$ician in @e) 8ork )ho recently learned to #odel in clay; and )ent on to learn the colorin, and ,la:in, o% pottery. Be did it )ith the direct intention o% ,ivin, hi#$el% the e<perience o% $ucce$$ in an avocation; $ince hi$ pro%e$$ion; )hich i$ p$ychiatry; call$ on hi# to deal con$tantly )ith re%ractory #aterial. he con%idence )hich he ,ain$ in one line i$ carried over into hi$ di%%icult daily )ork= and in addition he ha$ an en,ro$$in, ho44y )hich %re$hen$ hi$ #ind and ha$ 4eco#e one #ore $ource o% approval; $ince hi$ #odelin, ha$ co#e to 4e al)ay$ a#u$in, and %re?uently really di$tin,ui$hed. Be #u$t have had a ,reat deal o% talent; you #ay think. Well; )hat he did have )a$ the kno)led,e that he had al)ay$ 4een attracted 4y the idea o% #odelin,= he had never touched clay until he )a$ in hi$ thirtie$. Be $i#ply took a de$ire )hich al#o$t everyone ha$ %elt at $o#e ti#e or other and turned it into a $ource o% plea$ure and added $el%-con%idence. 3,ain; in the 3rt In$titute o% Chica,o there i$ a roo# called 4y the na#e o% a 4u$ine$$ #an )ho learned to paint a%ter he )a$ %i%ty. Bi$ )ork; entered in a co#petition in )hich hi$ na#e could not po$$i4ly 4e kno)n; took a %ir$t pri:e. here i$ no) a clu4 o% #iddle-a,ed 4u$ine$$ and pro%e$$ional #en in Chica,o )ho are $tudyin, art and producin, ,ood )ork. 3 thirty-year-old clerk in a 4u$ine$$ o%%ice )ho had had no early advanta,e$ had )anted all her li%e to play the piano. /ne day on her )alk ho#e; #oved 4y an i#pul$e )hich $he %ortunately did not re$i$t; $he turned into a hou$e )hich adverti$ed #u$ic le$$on$ 4y a little $i,n in the )indo). Ber $ucce$$; o% cour$e; i$ only co#parative. .he ha$ not the ti#e needed to #ake a really e<cellent #u$ician; nor did $he 4e,in early enou,h to train the $pecial #u$cle$ that a pro%e$$ional piani$t u$e$. 1ut $he $ucceeded in re%erence to her o)n ,oal. Ber )hole li%e ha$ 4een altered 4y that #o#ent o% coura,e. 1e$ide$ the plea$ure $he +1

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ha$ had %ro# under$tandin, #u$ic a$ only the per%or#er can ever under$tand it; $he ha$; and kno)$ $he ha$; acted in an adult %a$hion )hich re$ulted in ,ivin, her #ore con%idence in every relation o% her li%e. Fro# 4ein, the over)orked and oppre$$ed drud,e o% her ho#e; $he ca#e to live in her o)n $#all apart#ent; $he vi$it$ her %a#ily on ter#$ o% a#ica4le indi%%erence; and ha$ #ade a ,roup o% %riend$ )ho$e ta$te$ coincide )ith her$. he$e three ca$e$ $hould ,ive a hint; at lea$t; o% the proper procedure. ake a de%inite $tep to turn a drea# into a reality. .ay; %or in$tance; that you )ant to travel and have never 4een a4le to do $o. When thi$ drea# i$ to 4e re#oved %ro# the re,ion o% drea#$ to the re,ion o% reality there are $everal thin,$ )hich #u$t 4e done. I% you are not doin, the#; you are ,ivin, your$el% ,ood evidence that you are lettin, your in%antile uncon$ciou$ dictate the ter#$ o% your livin, rather than your rational #ind. I% you )ant to $ee Italy; %or in$tance; you )ill certainly enAoy Italy 4etter i% you can $peak a %e) )ord$ o% the lan,ua,e; read a current ne)$paper in Italian; or kno) o% Italy>$ pa$t. Do you? 8et there are #any e<cellent $#all ,ra##ar$; phra$e4ook and hi$torie$= and ho) 4etter can you ,et $tarted than ?uietly to 4uy one o% the$e? What el$e )ill you need? i#e and #oney. Well; rever$e the u$ual phra$e and $ay to your$el%; )hat i$ certainly true; that #oney i$ ti#e6 that i% you have a %und o% #oney on )hich to travel you have al$o a %und o% ti#e. .tart in to ,et it. Cut a$ide$ $#all coin each day; 4ut don>t $top there. hink )hat )ork you can do in your $pare ti#e that )ill 4rin, you a little #ore #oney %or your Aourney. I% it i$ nothin, #ore than to $it )ith children )hile their parent$ are at partie$; and i% you think o% the pay#ent a$ a4$olutely dedicated to your intention to travel; you )ill 4e actin, to)ard$ a $ucce$$%ul li%e. 3 youn, and hard-)orked a$$i$tant editor; )antin, to travel; %ound hi$ )ay to the o%%ice$ o% an Italian ne)$paper printed in @e) +2

Wake Up and Live!

8ork; there received help in tran$latin, an adverti$e#ent he had )ritten into Italian; in )hich he o%%ered to e<chan,e le$$on$ in 5n,li$h or in Aournali$# %or le$$on$ in Italian. )o year$ later he )ent to Italy a$ tutor co#panion to a youn, 4oy; and today he i$ $ecretary in a #inor capacity in the diplo#atic $ervice6 the ,oal he al)ay$ had in vie) %or hi#$el%; 4ut had %or year$ con$idered unattaina4le 4ecau$e he had to live up to the very ed,e o% hi$ %inancial #ar,in. 1e care%ul that you do not turn the$e %ir$t $tep$ into #erely a #ore ela4orate )ay o% playin, the old ,a#e o% daydrea#in, )ith your$el%. Do $o#ethin, every day to)ard$ your intention; ho)ever re#ote your ,oal #ay have to 4e. I% you like to #odel; $top at a tencent $tore and 4uy pla$ticine to#orro)= i% to travel; )rite %or %older$= at the very lea$t; i% you have no #oney to $pend at all; you can ,o to; or ,et into corre$pondence )ith; the neare$t pu4lic li4rary; and learn to u$e the e<pert $ervice$ o% li4rarian$. 3t %ir$t $ay a$ little a$ po$$i4le to other$ o% )hat you intend to do. 9et an e%%ect 4e%ore 4e,innin, to talk. I% you talk too $oon you #ay al#o$t co#e to %eel that there i$ a con$piracy a,ain$t your doin, anythin, out o% your u$ual routine= you )ill 4e at lea$t partly ri,ht. ho$e )ho are $till $lave$ to drea#$; to the Will to Fail; are #ade unco#%orta4le 4y the $i,ht o% anyone )ho i$ 4reakin, %ree. hey %eel that there i$ in the un)onted action $o#e critici$# directed at the#$elve$; and 4eco#e unea$y. 3t any #o#ent; the Uncon$ciou$ kno)$ it$ $upre#acy #ay 4e di$tur4ed; it$ opportunitie$ %or reverie taken a)ay %ro# it. .o it 4e,in$ to %i,ht. /ne o% the #o$t univer$al %or#$ thi$ co#4at taken i$ that o% ?uotation= #a<i#$ )hich $ound )i$e; 4ut )hich are u$ually only $el% con$olatory; $prin, to the lip$ o% tho$e )ho reAect reality. D he $kie$ chan,e;D they )ill $ay to you; $ententiou$ly= Dthe heart re#ain$ the $a#e;D 4ut they )ill not 4e ?uotin, in the $en$e o% the ori,inal. /r D he ,ra$$ i$ al)ay$ ,reener on the other $ide o% the +!

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%enceD you )ill hear; %ro# tho$e )ho cannot 4e 4othered to look 4eyond their o)n %ront yard$. 3nd $o the $u4tle proce$$ o% under#inin, your enthu$ia$#; and 4ol$terin, the#$elve$ in their o)n opinion; )ill ,o on. I% prover4$ %ail; they )ill %all 4ack on tea$in,. @o) you; i% you are at la$t tearin, your$el% %ree; are enterin, into a con$piracy )ith (eality; an a,ree#ent to $ee ho) #uch #ay 4e ,ot out o% li%e i% you act )ith a little #ore directne$$ and coura,e than you have u$ed 4e%ore. Don>t put your$el% into a po$ition to 4e di$coura,ed at the $tart; or 4ullied out o%; or tea$ed a4out; your ne) pro,ra#. Within a $hort ti#e the re$ult$ o% your action )ill $peak %or the#$elve$; providin, you )ith all the Au$ti%ication you need. 3l)ay$ your %ir$t ?ue$tion to your$el% $hould 4e; DWhat )ould I 4e doin, no) i% it )ere really i#po$$i4le %or #e to %ail at--- )hatever it i$6 travelin,; #odelin,; )ritin,; %ar#in,?D It #ay 4e any o% the$e thin,$; or any one o% a hundred #ore6 to dance; or dre$$-#ake; $tudy calculu$ or 9reek; 4eco#e 4etter lookin,; or hear #ore #u$ic. Whatever it i$; 4y thinkin,; you can di$cover ea$ily )hat the %ir$t $tep )ould 4e i% you )ere en,a,ed )ith reality; and not )ith a drea# o% a di%%erent li%e. @o) you are en,a,ed )ith reality= take that %ir$t $tep. hen a$k your$el% the ne<t; and $o on until you $ee the a#4ition it$el% takin, %or# in your li%e; 4e,innin, to ,ro) )ith )hat look$ like independent ,ro)th; 4e,innin, to carry you alon, in$tead o% havin, to 4e $earched a%ter. For that i$ )hat happen$6 at a certain $ta,e you )ill %ind that you are 4ein, 4orne alon, $)i%tly and ea$ily on the #o#entu# $tarted 4y your o)n initial action$. DLi%e i$ in%initely %le<i4le;D an old analy$t u$ed to $ay to hi$ patient$= and )hile that #ay 4e a little e<ce$$ive; it i$ true that li%e i$ %ar #ore #allea4le; #ore %le<i4le; than it $ee#$ to 4e $o lon, a$ )e are un)illin, to act. /r there i$ another )ay o% $tartin, to act $ucce$$%ully. We $eldo# reali:e ho) ,reat an a#ount o% the %riction )e all under,o in +'

Wake Up and Live!

our live$ co#e$ %ro# our e<pectin, to 4e re4u%%ed or i,nored. hink 4ack to $o#e encounter you had today in your o%%ice; in a $tore; )ith a $ervant or trade$#an in your ho#e. ry to re#e#4er Au$t the %or# your re?ue$t took. 7akin, all due allo)ance$ %or courte$y; or %or the re$pect%ulne$$ due to $uperior$ and elder$; )a$ there not in addition a tentativene$$ a4out your re?ue$t? Didn>t you a$k %or cooperation in $uch a )ay a$ to leave roo# %or re%u$al; or ,rud,in, action; or %or 4ein, i,nored? @o); think o% the ideal )ay in )hich that ?ue$tion could have 4een a$ked; or that order ,iven. It can 4e ca$t Au$t a$ courteou$ly a$ 4e%ore; 4ut in $uch a )ay that the per$on o% )ho# you a$ked help cannot re%u$e you )ithout 4ein, deli4erately $urly and ho$tile. hat i$ the tone o% $ucce$$. When you %ind it you 4ene%it not only your$el%; 4ut the per$on )ith )ho# you #u$t cooperate %or e%%ectivene$$. Do not )a$te another>$ ti#e and ener,y or your o)n patience 4y $u,,e$tin, even indirectly that there i$ #ore than one cour$e o% action; i% there i$ only one )hich )ill ,et the re$ult you re?uire. he )ork to 4e done take$ hal% the ti#e i% the attention i$ undivided and $o i$ %ree to ,o on to the ne<t de#and ?uickly. Bave you ever 4een in an o%%ice )here; let u$ $ay; a )orker )ho con$ider$ her$el% rather too )ell-4red %or the po$ition $he %ill$ i$ one o% your co)orker$? D/h; 7r. (o4in$on;D $he )ill $ay; ela4orately; Di% you have Au$t a #o#ent to $pare; )ill you ,o over tho$e report$ on your de$k $o#e ti#e $oon? I hate to trou4le $uch a 4u$y #an; 4ut 7r. .#ith )ant$ the#.D @o); deplora4le or not; it i$ Au$t plain ornery hu#an nature to )i$h you hadn>t Au$t a #o#ent to $pare; to ca$t around you al#o$t auto#atically %or $o#ethin, el$e you #i,ht 4e doin, )hich )ould #ake you %ar too 4u$y to ,et to that re?ue$t ri,ht a)ay. 8et pro4a4ly ,oin, over tho$e report$ i$ the ne<t thin, on your pro,ra#; any)ay= i% you $uccu#4 to the te#ptation to hold up the )ork and teach the e<++

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counte$$ a le$$on; you hold up the )hole )ork o% the o%%ice and ,et into trou4le )ith your $uperior o%%icer$. @o); )a$n>t your ti#e and ener,y )a$ted 4y the un%ortunate )ay that $i#ple re?ue$t )a$ #ade? 8et the chance$ are that you your$el% $ay; D7i$$ ho#a$; )ill you ,et #e the Dru##ond corre$pondence; i% you aren>t too 4u$y?D )hen it i$ 7i$$ ho#a$> %unction to ,et the corre$pondence at your re?ue$t )hether $he i$ other)i$e 4u$y or not= )hen $he )ill have to $ay DCertainly;D and pretend that $he i$ %ree to re%u$e i% $he like$. It )ould 4e Au$t a$ $i#ple to $ay; D7i$$ ho#a$; I need the Dru##ond corre$pondenceD---)hich )ould relea$e her to ,o $trai,ht to the ta$k; %eelin, that $he )a$ not receivin, a con$ideration #ore than hal%patroni:in,; and not even needin, to #ake a per%unctory reply. I% the tone o% the $i#pler $entence i$ courteou$ and con$iderate you have not only le%t her %eelin,$ un)ounded; you have treated her a$ your )illin, co)orker and ,iven her cau$e not to think o% her$el% a$ a touchy $u4ordinate )ho #u$t 4e #olli%ied. he$e $ee# $uch #inor #atter$; 4ut it i$ the $u# o% $#all thin,$ $ucce$$%ully done that li%t$ a li%e out o% 4onda,e to the hu#dru#. Wo#en are particularly $u4Aect to u$in, the )ron, tone to $u4ordinate$ or o%%ice a$$ociate$; and #any o% the char,e$ that )o#en are di$cri#inated a,ain$t in 4u$ine$$ co#e %ro# the %act that ?uite uncon$ciou$ly they i#port a #i$taken poli$h into their everyday a%%air$. Wo#en )ho co#plain ni,htly o% inco#petence or in$olence %ro# #aid$ or children; o%%ice ,irl$ )ho have $erial $torie$ to tell o% i#pertinence or Do%%ice politic$;D are; in al#o$t every ca$e; the one$ really at %ault. 1y approachin, their hu#an contact$ )ith the )ron, attitude; 4y u$in, the )ron, tone and the )ron, )ord$; they open the )ay %or di%%erence$ o% opinion )hich never need ari$e. 1y ,oin, over your day in i#a,ination 4e%ore you 4e,in it; thinkin, o% all the contact$ you are likely to have and ho) they can 4e$t 4e handled; li$tenin, to your o)n voice and correctin, it till you ,et the tone )hich i$ at once courteou$ and unan$)era4le; you can 4e,in actin, $ucce$$%ully at any #o#ent. 1y doin, $o you )ill %ind +*

Wake Up and Live!

that you ,et throu,h your 4u$ine$$ day )ith le$$ %ati,ue= )ith )hat you have le%t you can 4e,in to reali:e $o#e #inor )i$h o% )hich you have lon, drea#ed in $ecret. Fro# there it i$ only a $tep to %indin, the coura,e to 4e,in to do the #aAor thin,$ )hich you have )anted and hoped to do.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 4 * Warnings and 5uali#i(ations

15F/(5 ,oin, %urther; it #ay 4e )ell to i$$ue a %e) $tate#ent$ a$ to )hat thi$ $y$te# doe$ not include. he advice i$ not to hypnoti:e your$el% into $ucce$$. hi$ i$ i#portant to under$tand; %or #any people; and )ith $o#e rea$on; dread and %ear anythin, that i$ 4a$ed on hypnoti$#; even in the %or# o% $el%-$u,,e$tion. he )ork o% the @ancy $chool; )ith )hich CouH #ade u$ all %a#iliar; i$ %ull o% e<cellent hint$ %or $el%-#ana,e#ent; and Charle$ 1audouin>$ 4ook; .u,,e$tion and 3uto$u,,e$tion; can 4e read to ,reat advanta,e 4y #any )ho do not %ollo) hi# )ith %ull a,ree#ent= and there are $everal $#all hand4ook$ on CouH>$ $y$te# )hich are )orth $tudyin,. 1ut it i$ not %or nothin, that the %ad )hich )a$ once $o )ide$pread ha$ %aded a)ay. In $pite o% all )arnin,$; too #any o% tho$e )ho atte#pted $el% cure ended 4y rein%orcin, the trou4le$ they $et out to 4ani$h. @o; althou,h a $entence %ro# a chapter on hypnoti$# )a$ help%ul in di$coverin, our %or#ula; the connection o% thi$ procedure )ith hypnoti$# end$ there. 8ou are advi$ed to u$e; %ir$t; a #ini#u# o% )ill---Au$t enou,h to decide to try a ne) proce$$. hen; a$ in the @ancy $chool; the i#a,ination take$ over until your #ind i$ clear; cool; and Dplea$antD in tone= not con%u$ed; diverted; trou4led or %o,,y. he di%%erence lie$ Au$t here6 in inten$ive auto$u,,e$tion there i$ a $eriou$ dan,er that the #ind )ill ,et a$ out o% touch )ith reality in the other direction a$ it )a$ in it$ day drea#in, or depre$$ion= that it )ill 4eco#e; a$ the French $ay; e<altHe; a )ord %or )hich )e have no e<act and $ati$%actory e?uivalent. 1ut De<trava,antly elatedD i$ a4out +8

Wake Up and Live!

)hat e<altHe i#plie$; a $tate o% #ental into<ication a$ dan,erou$ a$ it i$ te#porarily deli,ht%ul. 8ou cannot live on tho$e peak$= and i% you could; you )ould; a,ain; %ind your$el% una4le to act e%%ectively in the )orld o% reality. Without $uch action you are a$ %ar %ro# $ucce$$; a$ deep in $el% delu$ion; a$ ever. Con%ident; $teady; %reely %lo)in, action i$ )hat )e need. hen $a%e deli,ht 4e,in$. he #ind; cleared o% it$ dou4t$; 4e,in$ to e<pand and enAoy it$ o)n activity= the re)ard$ o% $ati$%actory action 4e,in to $ho) the#$elve$. 3n elation )hich ha$ nothin, to do )ith delu$ion or hypnoti$# naturally %ollo)$; and ha$ no later reaction to nulli%y it. .econd; the advice i$ not to #ake Da%%ir#ation$D $uch a$ DI cannot %ail;D DI a# $ucce$$%ul in all I do;D and $o on. hi$ procedure; )hich i$ help%ul )ith #any; ha$ too #uch in co##on )ith autohypnoti$# %or tho$e )ho do not thorou,hly under$tand the principle on )hich they are )orkin, a$ they %ollo) it. here i$ #uch to ad#ire in the philo$ophy 4ehind tho$e reli,ion$ )hich u$e Da%%ir#ation$D= that there i$ an ulti#ate Unity 4ehind the duality or diver$ity o% the )orld $ee#$ an ine$capa4le conclu$ion. @everthele$$; )e are DconditionedD Ea$ 4oth 1ehaviori$t$ and philo$opher$ $ayF 4y the %le$h; 4y per$onality; 4y the concrete )orld= $o )e #u$t at lea$t act a$ i% the con$titution o% the )orld )ere dual; al#o$t evenly di$tri4uted 4et)een ,ood and evil. 7o$t o% u$ are 4rou,ht up $hort 4y pro$aic co##on$en$e )hen )e try to u$e the Da%%ir#ativeD #ethod; and %or one )ho can $ucce$$%ully #ake u$e o% it there are a hundred )ho %eel ludicrou$ )hen doin, $o. here are other$ )ho $ucceed %or a )hile and then %ind the#$elve$ )or$e o%% than 4e%ore. here i$ no di$approval )hatever %or the #ethod )hen u$ed 4y tho$e %or )ho# it i$; )e #i,ht $ay; te#pera#entally $uita4le. 1ut %or $keptic$ o% even a #ild order; it i$ likely to 4e #ore irritatin, than help%ul.


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hirdly; the advice i$ not to da$h out and i#pre$$ other$ 4y po$in,; pretendin, or do)nri,ht lyin, a4out one>$ $ucce$$%ulne$$. he only one to i#pre$$; at lea$t at %ir$t; i$ your$el%; and that only to the e<tent o% #akin, %or your$el% a con,enial )orkin, at#o$phere. he reco##endation; once #ore; i$ $i#ply thi$6 3ct a$ i% it )ere i#po$$i4le to %ail. hen; a4ove all; you are not advi$ed to en,a,e in $till one #ore %anta$y a4out $ucce$$; a $o#e)hat #ore detailed and circu#$tantial %anta$y than you have pu$hed your$el% to 4e%ore; 4ut $till 4earin, $i,n$ o% it$ kin$hip to your %or#er day drea#in,. In thi$ ca$e the u$e o% the i#a,ination i$ ?uite di%%erent; and )orth a little detailed $crutiny later. Lon, 4e%ore Freud #ade hi$ contri4ution to #odern thou,ht; Cico della 7irandola; in a treati$e called De I#a,inatione --Concernin, the I#a,ination --- )a$ di$cri#inatin, 4et)een t)o kind$ o% reverie6 the one retro,rade; 4ack)ard-turnin,; keepin, the #an %ro# hi$ #an>$ )ork; prolon,in, irre$pon$i4ility and #ental childhood= the other; the true i#a,ination; )a$ %ound in the $ucce$$%ul #an. 3n aphori$# o% Iou4ert; )hich denie$ the %ine na#e o% I#a,ination to the %or#er type o% reverie; i$ perhap$ the neate$t de%inition that can 4e %ound; )orth pa,e$ o% ordinary Ddi$tin,ui$hin,D6 DFancy;D he $ay$; Dan ani#al %aculty; i$ very di%%erent %ro# i#a,ination; )hich i$ intellectual. he %or#er i$ pa$$ive; 4ut the latter i$ active and creative.D It i$ the latter creative i#a,ination )hich i$ to 4e called on; and i% that %act i$ kept %ully in #ind there )ill 4e no dan,er o% $lippin, once #ore into the 4ad old ha4it o% drea#in, the )orld into a di%%erent $hape )hile li%e $lip$ a)ay. (e#e#4er a,ain that D.ucce$$ depend$ on *2

Wake Up and Live!

a plu$ condition o% #ind and 4ody; on po)er o% )ork; on coura,e.D It i$ that idea )hich #u$t 4e held %ir#ly in #ind6 that the te$t o% )hether or not one i$ drea#in, or i#a,inin, correctly i$ )hether or not action %ollo)$ the #ental )ork. 3ny #ental activity )hich turn$ 4ack)ard %or lon,er than it take$ to correct a #i$take and to replace an un$ati$%actory ha4it )ith a ,ood one; i$ #inu$; and cannot 4e continued i% you hope to lead a %uller li%e. 8ou $et %or your$el% in advance the hour$ in )hich you )ill )ork. Within tho$e hour$; and a$ part o% that )ork; you %ir$t clear and %ree your #ind. When thi$ ha$ 4rou,ht you to a plea$ant; con%ident; ?uiet $tate you are ready to ,et at the )ork proper. he %ir$t part o% the ti#e i$ $pent clearin, the deck$ %or action. 8ou clear the deck$= you act. @o); thi$ i$ an a,e o% ali4i$. We all kno) a little too #uch a4out the 9land$ (e,ulatin, Cer$onality; and the Bavoc rai$ed 4y (e$i$tance$; and $o on. @ever $ince the )orld 4e,an )ere there $uch ,ood opportunitie$ to 4e la:y )ith di$tinction. It i$ per%ectly true that #any ca$e$ o% $u4nor#al ener,y can 4e helped 4y the proper ,landular do$a,e; 4ut ho) #any o% tho$e )ho have $poken to you o% 4ein, pro4a4ly hypothyroid1 ever )ent throu,h the $i#ple proce$$ o% havin, a 4a$al #eta4oli$# te$t to $ee i% that )ere really the trou4le? /% cour$e they can clai# that the $ituation i$ $o ,rave that they cannot even ,et up ener,y to $tart 4ein, cured= there>$ no an$)er to that one. 1ut i% you are really $eriou$ly handicapped 4y lethar,y; you can take your %ir$t $ucce$$-)ard $tep 4y con$ultin, a ,ood dia,no$tician; i% nece$$ary. I% nece$$ary; #ind= %or there i$ a %act )hich #ake$ a ,ood deal o% the talk a4out ,landular in$u%%iciency look like the ali4i it too o%ten i$; and )hich )ill 4e con%ir#ed %or you 4y $peciali$t$ in ,landular therapy i% you a$k the#6 that i% tho$e )ho
1 It i$ hypo; or $u4-thyroid that I #ean. .y#pto#6 lethar,y. he hyperthyroid i$ u$ually over active. D.1.


Dorthea Brande

co#plain o% lethar,y increa$e their ha4itual activity little 4y little the ,land$ re$pond 4y increa$ed $ecretion. In $hort; very o%ten thi$ condition can 4e cured 4y $tartin, at the other end! 8ou #ay re$t a$$ured that you )ill have no con$e?uent 4reakdo)n in %ollo)in, thi$ advice unle$$ you deli4erately Eand )ith intent to cripple your$el%F leap %ro# a practically co#ato$e $tate to one o% #anic activity. 3$ %or (e$i$tance$! hey are al#o$t an ite# o% do,#a in the current $ecular reli,ion. Cer$on$ )ho )ould never drea# o% ,oin, to the ti#e; e<pen$e; or trou4le o% a %ull analy$i$ )ill tell you co#placently that they have Da re$i$tanceD to thi$ or that; and %eel that they have done all and #ore than can 4e a$ked o% the# 4y ad#ittin, their handicap. (e#arka4le cure$ o% re$i$tance$; ho)ever; have 4een o4$erved in tho$e )ho took $ole#nly the advice to replace that )ord )ith our ance$tor$> out#oded $ynony# %or the $a#e thin,6 D4one-la:ine$$.D It i$ not ?uite $o #uch %un; nor $o %latterin,; to 4e %ooli$hly la:y a$ it i$ to 4e the victi# o% a technical ter#; 4ut #any are crippled %or kno)in, an i#pre$$ive )ord )ho )ould have had no $uch trou4le i% they had lived in a $i#pler and le$$ $el%-indul,ent $ociety. ho$e )ho are ,enuinely; deeply; and unhappily in the ,rip o% a neuro$i$ $hould turn at once to one o% the )ell kno)n therapie$. Unle$$ one i$ )illin, to do $o; it $hould 4e #ade a #atter o% $ocial di$approval to re%er technically to $uch di%%icultie$. I% the ali4i$ o% the a,e )ere in any )ay ,enerally help%ul; i% they )ere not e<cu$e$ %or re#ainin, inactive; and i% inactivity )ere really a happier $tate than e%%ectivene$$; there )ould 4e little har# in indul,in, in the conte#porary patter; even )ithout the $peciali:ed #edical or p$ycholo,ical kno)led,e nece$$ary %or u$in, the ter#inolo,y correctly. 1ut 4e%ore you decide that you are the victi# o% uncooperative ,land$; or a villainou$ (e$i$tance; try a %e) o% the $u,,e$tion$ %or $el%-di$cipline in a later chapter.


Wake Up and Live!

8ou #ay %ind the# $o #uch %un; your e<pandin, po)er$ $o #uch #ore re)ardin, than---)ell; your 4one-la:ine$$---that you )ill not need the $ervice$ o% an e<pert; a%ter all.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 6 * On 3aving Breath

53(LI5( in the$e pa,e$ the advice not to talk ha$ 4een ,iven. In %act it #ay $ee# that I 4elieve one o% the prere?ui$ite$ %or $ucce$$ i$ to $ink one$el% into a $urly $ilence. @othin, can 4e %arther %ro# the truth. o talk enou,h; to talk per$ua$ively; to e$ta4li$h and #aintain %riendly relation$ )ith tho$e around u$; i$ o% $upre#e i#portance to e%%ective livin,. @everthele$$; it i$ ea$y to talk too #uch; at the )ron, ti#e$; or )ith the )ron, o4Aective. Innu#era4le prover4$ e<i$t to $ho) that %olk )i$do# ha$ al)ay$ reco,ni:ed a dan,er in e<ce$$ive )ordine$$. D.peech i$ $ilver; $ilence i$ ,oldenD= D7uch talk; little )orkD= D3 4arkin, do, never 4ite$;D )e $ay= )e call the ton,ue Dthe unruly #e#4er;D $ay that a ,o$$ip>$ ton,ue i$ Dhun, in the #iddle;D $peak o% a de#a,o,ue a$ Da )ind4a,;D prai$e Da #an o% %e) )ord$;D and are $o#eti#e$ unco#%orta4ly i#pre$$ed 4y the $tren,th o% laconic $peech. Without #akin, too #uch o% a point o% the #atter; a %e) o% the rea$on$ %or coun$elin, $ilence #ay 4e )orth e<a#inin,. 5very ,reat reli,iou$ di$cipline in$i$t$ on the )i$do# o% learnin, the control o% $peech. .everal Chri$tian $ect$ o4$erve $ilence$= $o#e are vo)ed to perpetual $ilence. /ne o% the ,reate$t and #o$t %a#ou$ philo$ophical reli,iou$ $y$te#$; that o% the Indian$; devote$ an entire pha$e o% it$ trainin, not only to controllin, $peech; 4ut to controllin, 4reath6 the Cranaya#a o% the Bindu$. In Latin the )ord %or 4reath and the )ord %or $oul are #a$culine and %e#inine %or#$ o% the $a#e root; in 9reek they are identical.


Wake Up and Live!

here i$ #ore in thi$ than #eet$ the eye o% the reader )ho i$ al)ay$ on the run. 1reathin, i$ one o% the %e) involuntary action$ o% the 4ody over )hich )e can e<erci$e voluntary control. hat i$ to $ay; it i$ on the 4orderline 4et)een the re,ion$ o% the con$ciou$ and the uncon$ciou$. he #an or )o#an )ho can $peak or 4e $ilent a$ he choo$e$ i$ the individual )ho ha$ $el% control. When the Uncon$ciou$ ha$ u$ %ully at it$ #ercy )e talk not a$ )e $hould voluntarily choo$e to talk i% )e could $ee all the con$e?uence$ o% our $peech; 4ut %ro# a need to relieve $o#e hal%perceived pre$$ure. .o )e ,ru#4le hu#orou$ly a4out our di%%icultie$; and #ake our$elve$ $el%-con$ciou$ 4y doin, $o. /r )e e<cu$e our$elve$ de%iantly. /r )e co#plain o% a tri%lin, inAu$tice; and are $o#eti#e$ $tartled to $ee ho) #uch #ore pity )e invoke than the occa$ion )arrant$. /nce )e have %ound a )ell$prin, o% pity and indul,ence in another; )e are $eldo# #ature enou,h not to take advanta,e o% it; thu$ rein%orcin, our in%antili$# and de%eatin, our ,ro)th. /ne o% the )or$t )ile$ o% the Will to Fail i$ that it %orce$ it$ victi# to a$k %or unnece$$ary advice. Bere a,ain the univer$al deep #otive %or a$kin, adviceEunnece$$arily; it $hould 4e e#pha$i:ed once #oreF i$ that 4y $o doin, )e can ,o on %eelin, protected and cheri$hed even thou,h )e are no lon,er children. 1ut that a,ain #ean$ that )e are 4ein, provided )ith advance e<cu$e$ %or %ailure. I% )e act on the advice o% another and are un$ucce$$%ul; o4viou$ly the %ailure i$ not our$ 4ut our coun$elor>$= i$n>t that plain? .o )e can continue to daydrea# o% $ucce$$%ul action; to 4elieve that i% only )e had %ollo)ed our %ir$t i#pul$e )e could not have %ailed. .ince $uch #otive$ can 4e pre$ent; it i$ )i$e to $crutini:e every i#pul$e to a$k %or advice. I% the ori,in o% the de$ire i$ a4ove $u$picion; *+

Dorthea Brande

then there i$ only one %urther ?ue$tion to a$k 4e%ore $eekin, help )ith a clear con$cience6 DI% I )orked thi$ out %or #y$el%; )ould I con$u#e only #y o)n ti#e?D I% the an$)er to that i$ D8e$;D then it i$ ,enerally 4etter to )ork out the pro4le# independently; unle$$ the a#ount o% ti#e $o e<pended )ould 4e ,ro$$ly di$proportionate to the i#portance o% the re$ult. I% you are a creative )orker; re#e#4er that ti#e $pent in %indin, an independent techni?ue i$ $eldo# )a$ted. We are accu$to#ed to think o% the $ucce$$ o% a #an like Io$eph Conrad; a Cole; in )ritin, the 5n,li$h lan,ua,e; or o% the )ork o% an electrical ,eniu$ like .tein#et:; a$ $avorin, o% the #iraculou$. o have had to )ork out their pro4le#$ alone---)hat a tre#endou$ o4$tacle to overco#e! /n the contrary= the nece$$ity %or independent action )a$ one o% the condition$ o% their $ucce$$; and to $ee and ad#it thi$ i$ in no )ay to detract %ro# the )orth o% their acco#pli$h#ent. 7o$t o% u$ $upport each other and are in turn $upported to $uch an e<tent that )e can #ake al#o$t no individual contri4ution= the %inal re$ult o% our la4or$ i$ a $ort o% olla podrida; a #edley o% ta$te$; talent$ and techni?ue$; )ith little to di%%erentiate it %ro# $i#ilar re$ult$. Look; %or a #o#ent; at any o% the run-o%-the-#ill novel$ o% the day= at the layout; )ordin, and illu$tration o% the adverti$e#ent$ in any ,iven #a,a:ine= at the co#ic $trip$ in a nu#4er o% paper$. Would it $ee# too %ar-%etched to $ay that althou,h one #an; one )o#an; or one %ir# i$ actually 4ehind each o% the$e 4id$ %or our attention; they all $ee# to have 4een i$$ued %ro# a $ort o% central 4ureau? 8et ho)ever unco#plainin,ly )e a4$or4 the$e i$$uance$ %ro# the 7ini$try %or @ovel Writin,; the Central 1ureau %or the Croduction o% Co#ic .trip$; the Co##ittee in Char,e o% @ational 3dverti$in,; )e $ave our real re)ard$ %or tho$e )ho 4rin, u$ %re$hne$$ or ,eniu$. .o the )orkin, out; ho)ever la4oriou$; o% an ori,inal techni?ue i$ )orth the ti#e e<pended; the loneline$$ entailed. With **

Wake Up and Live!

that )ell in #ind; let u$ con$ider tho$e ti#e$ )hen advice $hould 4e taken. 8ou have a ,enuine pro4le#. he %ir$t $tep; then; $hould 4e to )rite it out; or to %or#ulate it ver4ally )ith e<actne$$; $o that you can $ee Au$t )hat it i$ that i$ trou4lin, you. I% you $i#ply let the pro4le# )a$h around in your #ind; it )ill $ee# ,reater; and #uch va,uer; than it )ill appear on clo$e e<a#ination. hen %ind your-e<pert; )hether %riend or $tran,er; 4ut #ake every e%%ort to %ind one )ho$e vie)$ $ee# to 4e con,enial to you; $ince that u$ually i#plie$ $i#ilar or con,enial #ental proce$$e$. o do $o earlier )ill #ean that you are )a$tin, 4oth your ti#e and hi$ 4y #akin, hi# the audience o% part o% your $el%e<a#ination. I% you are $ucce$$%ul in ,ettin, an intervie); #ake that a$ $hort and conci$e a$ po$$i4le )hile $till coverin, all your point$. hen %ollo) the advice you are ,iven until you $ee de%inite re$ult$. I% you are te#pted to $ay D/h; that )on>t )ork %or #e;D then you $hould $u$pect your o)n #otive$. .uch a reAection i#plie$ that you already had a cour$e o% action in #ind; and )ere #ore than hal%-hopin, that you )ould 4e advi$ed to %ollo) it. Watchin, an e<a#ple o% the )ron, attitude to)ard$ advice and in$truction here #ay 4e #ore illu#inatin, than any po$itive e<a#ple. Bave you ever $een the teacher o% an art cla$$ at )ork? Fre?uently he )ill %ind in the dra)in, o% one pupil a %la) )hich i$ $o typical o% #o$t $tudent$> )ork at the $a#e $ta,e that he )ill call the other pupil$ o% the cla$$ around the ea$el. U$in, the i#per%ect canva$ a$ hi$ te<t; he )ill 4ranch into critici$#; advice; e<hortation; and )ill occa$ionally ,o on to ru4 out the #i$take and dra) the line or put in the color a$ it $hould have 4een done. I% you )ill o4$erve the ,roup at thi$ #o#ent you )ill di$cover that; tra,ically enou,h; everyone $ee#$ to 4e 4ene%itin, 4y the lecture e<cept the very pupil to )ho# it $hould 4e #o$t valua4le. In al#o$t every ca$e the one )ho$e )ork i$ providin, the e<a#ple )ill 4e ?uiverin,; nervou$; $o#eti#e$ tear%ul; o%ten an,ry---in $hort; ,ivin, every $i,n that he i$ %eelin, $o per$onally hu#iliated and in$ulted that he i$ reactin, at an in%antile level. I% you *-

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a$k %or help; or put your$el% into the relation o% a pupil to a teacher; learn to advance 4y your #i$take$ in$tead o% $u%%erin, throu,h the#. Geep your attitude i#per$onal )hile you are 4ein, $ho)n the road 4ack to the ri,ht procedure. I% you are in $chool; or takin, cla$$ or private in$truction; it i$ )i$e to take every opportunity to a$k )ell con$idered ?ue$tion$; then to act on the in%or#ation; and %inally---and very i#portant---to report to your in$tructor a$ to your $ucce$$ or %ailure throu,h %ollo)in, hi$ advice. hi$ i$ o% advanta,e not only to you; 4ut to hi# and hi$ $u4$e?uent pupil$; $ince he cannot kno) )hat practice$ are e%%ective and )hat are only u$e%ul to hi#$el% and a %e) like hi# unle$$ hi$ pupil$ report in thi$ %a$hion. I% you #u$t con$i$tently report no pro,re$$; then one o% t)o thin,$ #u$t 4e true6 that you are not %ully under$tandin, hi#; or that you are not )orkin, under the ri,ht #a$ter. 3%ter your period o% apprentice$hip i$ over; try not to )eaken your$el% or 4rin, a4out $el%-dou4t to $uch an e<tent that you #u$t have help on #inor point$ o% procedure. 5very phy$ician and p$ychiatri$t kno)$ that there i$ a ,reat cla$$ o% D$u%%erer$D )ho return a,ain and a,ain; a$kin, $o #any and $uch trivial ?ue$tion$ that it $ee#$ unlikely they could ever have ,ro)n to #aturity i% they )ere a$ helple$$ in all relation$ a$ they $ho) the#$elve$ to their phy$ician$. @o one e<cept a charlatan truly )elco#e$ the appearance o% $uch patient$ a$ the$e. he per$on )ho i$ lookin, %or an e<cu$e to 4la#e hi$ %ailure on another or )ho )ill not; i% he can help it; ,ro) up and $ettle hi$ o)n di%%icultie$; )ill ,o on a$kin, advice until he dra)$ hi$ la$t 4reath; and even the a$tute$t con$ultant #ay 4e %or,iven i% he $o#eti#e$ #i$take$ an in%re?uent ?ue$tioner %or one o% the )eaker type. 3 ,ood touch$tone to $ho) )hether you #ay 4e only %ollo)in, a nervou$ ha4it o% dependence i$ to a$k your$el% in every ca$e6 DWould *8

Wake Up and Live!

I a$k thi$ i% I had to pay a $peciali$t>$ %ee %or the an$)er?D 3ll 4u$y per$on$ )ho$e )ork 4rin,$ the# into the li#eli,ht have %re?uent re?ue$t$ %or per$onal intervie)$. U$ually they an$)er a$ )ell a$ they are a4le; takin, #uch trou4le rather than run the ri$k o% re4u%%in, any talented or $en$itive 4e,inner= 4ut they are ruthle$$ly e<ploited. When; a$ $o#eti#e$ happen$; an e#inent #an co#e$ to the place )here he an$)er$ no ?ue$tion$ o% thi$ $ort; it i$ not that he i$ $)ollen )ith conceit; not that he )ould not ,ladly help anyone in ,enuine perple<ity; 4ut that he ha$ no certain )ay o% )inno)in, the $incere in?uirer$ %ro# the neurotic$; and; $ince he $till ha$ hi$ o)n valua4le )ork to do; he reluctantly decide$ %or $ilence. o con$ole hi#$el% he kno)$ that #any )ho are ready to do their o)n )ork only %ru$trate the#$elve$ 4y actin, )ith too #uch hu#ility; and that i% their ?ue$tion$ ,o unan$)ered they )ill %ind their o)n $ati$%actory $olution$. .o talkin,; co#plainin,; a$kin, advice; invitin, $u,,e$tion$--all are 4etter a4andoned durin, the period o% reeducation. Ulti#ately and ideally; o% cour$e; you )ant to 4e a4le to )ork under any and all circu#$tance$. 8ou cannot ever 4e certain that your %avorite con%idante or your #o$t $ti#ulatin, %riend )ill al)ay$ 4e in a po$ition to lend a $y#pathetic ear at the #o#ent that you %eel you need it. I% you e$ta4li$h the ha4it o% ,oin, to $o#eone at a certain point in your )ork; and lead your$el% to %eel; even uncon$ciou$ly; that thi$ i$ nece$$ary to a $ati$%actory per%or#ance; you are layin, the %oundation o% %uture %ailure. 7oreover; )hatever your %ield #ay 4e; i% you $pend every po$$i4le #o#ent at creative activity; you )ill co#e to the place )here you have a 4ody o% your o)n )ork; a total o% e<perience; to con$ider= you )ill ,et the D%eelin, o% your #aterial.D hen you )ill $ee ho) #any o% your pro4le#$ aro$e 4ecau$e you had previou$ly 4een in the po$ition o% an a#ateur or novice; 4ecau$e you had $o little e<perience in your o)n line that %or a )hile every pro4le# $ee#ed uni?ue.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 9 * %he %ask O# %he )/agination

3L(53D8 i#a,ination>$ contri4ution to a productive li%e ha$ 4een con$idered $o#e)hat; and it$ help ha$ 4een called on in the #atter o% #akin, that %avora4le #ental cli#ate )hich i$ nece$$ary i% )e are to produce our 4e$t )ork. 1ut i#a,ination ha$ innu#era4le other u$e$; it can 4e help%ul in )ay$ $o diver$e that the $a#e %aculty hardly $ee#$ to 4e in operation in all o% the#. In everyday li%e; )e tend to think o% the i#a,ination a$ $o#ethin, )hich #ay; perhap$; 4e $poken o% a$ Du$e%ulD to arti$t$ o% all $ort$; 4ut a$ 4ein, al#o$t the oppo$ite o% u$e%ul in the live$ o% practical #en and )o#en. o u$e one>$ i#a,ination; ,enerally; i$ thou,ht o% a$ takin, a holiday; a$ allo)in, the )it$ to ,o )ool,atherin,; the #ind to rela< and $un it$el%. 3%ter indul,in, it---%or )e co##only think o% the e<erci$e o% the i#a,ination a$ 4ein, in $o#e )ay an indul,ence---)e #ay return re%re$hed to the co##onplace; or )e #ay %ind )e have lo$t ti#e; #i$$ed contact$; ,ot out o% $tep )ith our co#panion$ and helper$6 in $hort; $u%%ered %or allo)in, one part o% the #ind %ree play. 3$ a con$e?uence )e look )arily at the i#a,ination; o%ten $eekin, to check it; or; in $o#e e<tre#e ca$e$; even eradicate it. hat it can 4e o% i##en$e 4ene%it in the #o$t pro$aic a%%air$ i$ an idea at )hich #any reader$ )ill 4alk. 1ut that i$ 4ecau$e they do think o% the i#a,ination a$ a %aculty )hich al)ay$ )ander$ unchecked; )hich #u$t 4e per#itted to #ake it$ o)n rule$ and occa$ion$; )hich i$ incapa4le o% 4ein, directed; and; to a ,reat e<tent; controlled---put at the $ervice o% the rea$on and the )ill. hu$ controlled and directed; it


Wake Up and Live!

4eco#e$ the #ature creative i#a,ination; the $piritual %aculty o% )hich Iou4ert $peak$. 1ut con$ider a %e) o% the #any thin,$ )hich it can u$e%ully do %or u$6 it can help u$ to $tand a)ay %ro# our$elve$ $o#e)hat; holdin, the e#otion$ and preAudice$ )hich o%ten keep u$ %ro# $eein, clearly )ell in hand. 1y $o doin, )e #ay %ind that )e are th)artin, our o)n 4e$t intere$t$ con$tantly; and can replace the di$advanta,eou$ activitie$---$till in the i#a,ination---4y other$ )hich )ill 4rin, a4out happier re$ult$. It can 4e turned on the character o% an opponent or an uncooperative DhelperD )hile )e $tudy hi# a$ an author #i,ht $tudy a character )ho# he hope$ to place in a 4ook. We can ,et clue$ to hi$ #otive$; and therea%ter )atch to $ee )hether )e have 4een ri,ht a4out the#; thu$ $avin, our$elve$ %ro# $uch #i$take$ a$ 4ein, too 4ru$?ue )ith a $en$itive per$on; or too la<ly indul,ent )ith another )ho )ill e<ploit u$ i% )e ,ive hi# or her the opportunity. @or doe$ thi$ 4e,in to e<hau$t the )ay$ in )hich i#a,ination; in$tead o% 4etrayin, u$ into reverie and re$i,nation to un$ati$%actory condition$---in$tead; even; o% 4ein, e#ployed #erely a$ a #ean$ o% recreation---can contri4ute to the #akin, o% a ,ood li%e. Workin, a$ %ar a$ po$$i4le under order$ %ro# the )ill; and hand-in-hand )ith rea$on; it can e<plore ne) %ield$ %or our e%%ort$; can 4rin, 4ack to u$ $o#e o% our ori,inal %re$hne$$ to)ard$ our )ork )hich )e have lo$t 4y %ati,ue and routine= it can even per%or# $uch a $everely practical %unction %or u$ a$ to di$cover ne) #arket$ %or our )are$; or ne) )ay$ in )hich to u$e old talent$.


Dorthea Brande

he$e idea$ are )orth a little clo$er e<a#ination here; and later the in$ertion o% $o#e e<erci$e$ in u$in, the i#a,ination. We need not 4elon, to that ,roup )hich; a$ )e $ay; Dcan only learn 4y e<perience.D Bavin, di$covered that #uch o% our dread o% en,a,in, in ne) activity co#e$ %ro# uncon?uered %ear o% the pain )hich )e %or#erly #et )hen )e 4e,an to ,o %or)ard; )e can decide that $o#e o% our Dtrial-and-errorD atte#pt$ at #ana,in, li%e $hall ,o on in the #ind; in the i#a,ination; )here it i$; to all intent$; painle$$. We can learn to look ahead i#a,inatively; and $o $ave our$elve$ %ro# 4lunder$; ine%%ectuality; lo$$ o% ener,y and ti#e. Fir$t o% all; )e can u$e i#a,ination to $ee our$elve$ and our )ork in $o#e per$pective. 5veryone kno)$ ho) a child identi%ie$ hi#$el% utterly )ith all he o)n$ and doe$; )ith all tho$e )ho care %or hi#. Be i$ outra,ed i% a$ked to $hare hi$ po$$e$$ion$; the 4reakin, o% a 4eloved toy i$ a tra,edy; i% it rain$ on the day )hen a picnic )a$ planned one )ould think the $un could never $hine %or hi# a,ain. I% a #other or nur$e leave$ hi# )hile he i$ a)ake; he ha$ 4een #o$t treacherou$ly 4etrayed. In %act; #uch early education ha$ a$ it$ one ,oal the teachin, o% the little e,oti$t to $ee hi#$el% in $o#e)hat truer relation to hi$ )orld. 7ore or le$$ $ucce$$%ully; each o% u$ ha$ had to learn thi$ le$$on= 4ut it i$ al#o$t never %ully under$tood. o our la$t day$ there i$ $till a trace o% that childi$h e,oti$# in u$---$o#eti#e$ $o very #uch #ore than a trace that an adult $u%%er$; re$ent$; $ulk$; and co#plain$ in a )ay only too re#ini$cent o% the nur$ery. here i$ no $ucce$$ )hich doe$ not entail a relation$hip 4et)een the individual and other$. E hat arti$t )ho D)ork$ only to plea$e hi#$el%D i$ a chi#era; a$ #ythical a 4ea$t a$ the hippo,ri%%.F .ince that i$ $o; there )ill 4e occa$ion$ on )hich it i$ i##en$ely i#portant %or u$ to $ee our$elve$ clearly; and in $cale )ith tho$e -2

Wake Up and Live!

around u$. 5ach o% u$ at $o#e ti#e i$ in a po$ition to have to $ay to hi#$el% DBere a# I= here i$ the )ork I do= here are tho$e I hope to help and plea$e 4y thi$ )ork.D I#a,ination can help u$ to $tand 4ack and $ee that relation$hip in per$pective; can analy:e it$ part$ and $u,,e$t to u$ the %ull $cope o% )hat )e have undertaken. he in%antile adult can never $ee hi#$el% at one re#ove= even le$$ can he $ee hi$ )ork or the o4Aect he ha$ #ade ?uite a$ it i$; undi$torted 4y the overe$ti#ation o% per$onal pride; or the undere$ti#ation o% hu#ility and %ear. Con$e?uently he i$ never in a po$ition to kno) Au$t )here hi$ contri4ution doe$ ,o in the $che#e o% hi$ )orld; and i$ at the #ercy o% the report$ o% %riend$ or $tran,er$. 5ven here he i$ 4e)ildered= ho)ever plain the )ord$ #ay 4e; ho)ever Au$t the e$ti#ate )hich i$ ,iven hi#; he )ill not hear e<actly )hat i$ $aid 4ecau$e he cannot 4rin, to the #o#ent hi$ undivided and une#otional attention. Bi$ inten$e preoccupation )ith hi$ o)n hope$ and de$ire$ $poil$ hi# a$ a recordin, in$tru#ent. Be cannot 4ene%it 4y ,ood advice or $ound critici$#= nor; on the other hand; can he kno) )hen $uch advice i$ #i$taken; and the critici$# not e<pert. 1y lookin,; in i#a,ination; %ir$t at hi#$el%; then at the )ork he )ant$ to do; then at the audience to )ho# he hope$ to appeal= and; %inally; 4y 4rin,in, all the$e ele#ent$ into relation )ith each other; he could keep hi$ coura,e %ro# 4ein, under#ined; hi$ #ind uncon%u$ed 4y con%lictin, advice; hi$ e$ti#ate o% hi$ per%or#ance Au$t. @o); to identi%y our$elve$ too lon, )ith )ork )e do i$ a 4ad #i$take; and a #i$take throu,h )hich )e can 4e hurt and ha#pered. he pa$t %e) year$ have tau,ht u$ #uch a4out the %olly o% $o identi%yin, our$elve$ )ith our children that they are rendered incapa4le o% leadin, independent live$. he #other )ho clin,$ to her adult Eor even adole$centF child; $u%%erin, )ith hi#; #akin, hi$ deci$ion$; under,oin, hu#iliation on hi$ account; una4le to live her o)n li%e %ully i% he i$ not leadin, the $ort o% li%e $he covet$ %or hi#; #eddlin, )ith hi$ a%%air$; dictatin, hi$ pro%e$$ional and $ocial


Dorthea Brande

intere$t$; i$ no lon,er looked upon a$ the $u# o% #aternal love and )i$do#. While )e #ay not al)ay$ practice a$ )i$ely a$ )e $hould; %e) #en and )o#en today con$ider the co#plete identi%ication o% the#$elve$ )ith their children a$ either prai$e)orthy or de$ira4le. We have to that e<tent learned per$pective a4out one o% the #o$t %unda#ental relation$ o% li%e. We kno) that our )ork a$ parent$ i$ to do all in our po)er to e?uip the child to live a happy; healthy adult li%e; to put up no unnece$$ary 4arrier$ 4e%ore hi$ independent activitie$; to leave hi# %ree to $elect hi$ %riend$ and to %or# hi$ o)n Aud,#ent$ a$ $oon a$ po$$i4le. What i$ #ore; )e kno) that it i$ de$ira4le that every adult; )hether parent or child; $hould have hi$ o)n intere$t$; and that only the po$$e$$ion o% $uch intere$t$ )ill ,uarantee that no un)hole$o#e inter%erence )ith the li%e o% another )ill take place. Further; no one 4elieve$ %or a #o#ent that 4ecau$e a $aner under$tandin, o% a parent>$ %unction$ i$ replacin, the old dictator$hip; )hich )a$ tyrannical even )hen it )a$ #otivated 4y deep a%%ection; the love 4et)een #other or %ather and child i$ in any )ay decrea$in,. he analo,y o% any %ini$hed piece o% )ork )ith a child i$ very clo$e6 each ha$ to 4e carried; cheri$hed; nouri$hed a$ part o% one>$ very $el% durin, the early $ta,e$. 1ut )ith %ull ,ro)th there co#e$ a ti#e )hen each $hould have it$ independent identity. I% )e intend to ,et all )e can %ro# livin,; )e #u$t learn )hen to ,o on %ro# one ta$k to the ne<t. 5ven the #o$t productive o% u$ could contri4ute #ore than 4e doe$= our output i$ a4out halved 4ecau$e )e do not learn to $eparate our$elve$ %ro# the thin,$ that are done and put our ener,y into the )ork )hich i$ ahead. In$tead )e turn and )atch the %ortune$ o% )hat )e have lately 4een en,ro$$ed in. o $o#e e<tent thi$ i$ inevita4le= )e need to kno) the hi$tory and %ortune$ o% our %ini$hed )ork in $o %ar a$ )e can learn anythin, valua4le %ro# -'

Wake Up and Live!

the#. 1ut here i$ a place )here the avera,e #an can learn %ro# the ,eniu$. 34undance; a$ 5dith Wharton ha$ $aid; i$ the $i,n o% the true vocation= and that i$ $o in any 4ranch o% li%e. 8our true ,eniu$--)hether a Leonardo; a Dicken$; a @apoleon; an 5di$on---i$ al)ay$ ,oin, on. "er$atility and a4undance are not; a$ )e are $o#eti#e$ told; the $i,n$ o% the #ediocre )ork#an. When they are pre$ent in a #ediocre #an; they are; on the contrary; the very thin,$ he ha$ in co##on )ith the ,reat #en o% hi$ pro%e$$ion. .o accu$to#ed are )e to doin, a piece o% )ork; and then $tandin, $till to conte#plate )hat happen$ to it; that )e con$tantly )onder at tho$e )ho do not #ake the $a#e error. We even; erroneou$ly; 4elieve that they #u$t Ddrive the#$elve$D relentle$$ly in order to acco#pli$h )hat they #ana,e to do. @o); nothin, o% the $ort i$ true---or it i$ not nece$$arily true. What ha$ happened i$ that the ti#e; the ener,y; the attention )hich in le$$er #en ,oe$ into )aitin, %or approval; li$tenin, to co##ent$; )onderin, )hether $o#e ite# or other #i,ht have 4een 4etter done; i$ ,oin, %or)ard and openin, up ne) path$. It i$ not at all that the health%ully proli%ic #en and )o#en are co#placent; or o4liviou$ to real critici$#= they kno) that i% anythin, pertinent i$ $aid they )ill hear it. 5<perience ha$ tau,ht the# that )e are never dea% to )hat truly concern$ u$. What they have learned i$ not to )ait to hear co##ent= and $o their live$ are t)ice a$ %ull and $ati$%actory a$ tho$e o% u$ )ho cannot learn )hen to let the re$ult$ o% our thou,ht and la4or; our #ental o%%$prin,; ,o out to lead their o)n live$. I#a,ination can 4rin, u$ to under$tand ho) $uch $ane )orker$ operate; and $u,,e$t )ay$ in )hich )e can i#itate the#.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 17 * On !odes and 3tandards

1U )hat i% you #u$t have approval and ac?uie$cence in one pha$e o% your )ork 4e%ore you ,o on to the ne<t? What i% your )ork i$ contri4utory to a ,roup e%%ort? hat i$; o% cour$e; #ore co#plicated; 4ut i#a,ination can $till co#e to your aid. It can $ho) you )here you $tand in the chain o% cau$e$ )hich ,o to 4rin, a4out a certain re$ult; and thu$ teach you to 4e patient durin, the ti#e )hen your )ork i$ 4ein, con$idered; to hold your$el% in a $tate o% 4alance until the verdict i$ pa$$ed. hen; i% it i$ adver$e---a$ it occa$ionally #u$t 4e---you can do one o% t)o thin,$6 tackle the $a#e pro4le# %ro# a ne) an,le; hopin, thi$ ti#e to reach a ,ood )orkin, 4a$i$ )ith your co)orker$; or you #u$t put your rea$on$ %or 4elievin, that your ori,inal idea i$ ,ood in $uch a )ay a$ to $ho) that you are not de%endin, it $i#ply out o% a $en$e o% outra,ed proprietor$hip. he only )ay to do thi$ $ucce$$%ully i$ to have a )ell-thou,htout $et o% $tandard$ dra)n up %or each type o% )ork that you do; and in advance. I% you )ait till any one ite# i$ %ini$hed you #ay %ind your$el% rea$onin, a%ter the %act; de%endin, the %act acco#pli$hed; and perhap$ 4lindin, your$el% to real in$u%%iciencie$ in it. Bere a,ain )e call on i#a,ination. I% you )ere to envi$a,e the 4e$t po$$i4le e<a#ple o% the )ork you are a4out to undertake; )hat )ould it 4e? Find the 4e$t e<a#ple o% $i#ilar )ork that you can. What ?uali%ication$ doe$ it have? Which one$ are vitally nece$$ary? Which )ere added 4y the ori,inator o% that e<a#ple? With thi$ analy$i$ in hand; dra) up a $et o% $tandard$ %or your o)n u$e; puttin, do)n %ir$t -*

Wake Up and Live!

tho$e thin,$ )hich are a4$olutely nece$$ary i% you are to $ucceed at all= ne<t tho$e )hich are de$ira4le i% it i$ po$$i4le to include the#= la$t; 4ut #o$t i#portant to your per$onal $ucce$$; tho$e thin,$ )hich are your o)n contri4ution. @o); 4e%ore ,ettin, to )ork; drop your o)n point o% vie) and $ee your pro$pective ta$k %ro# the po$ition o% your audience; o% the Dulti#ate con$u#er.D Who i$ to 4ene%it 4y the activity? Who; i% you are a creative )orker; i$ your audience? Who; i% you are $ellin, an article; i$ your prede$tined cu$to#er? I% you )ere in hi$ $hoe$; )hat )ould you like to $ee included in the o%%erin,? I% you can i#a,inatively enter into the $tate o% #ind o% tho$e throu,h )ho# you hope to attain your $ucce$$; you can %re?uently add Au$t tho$e ele#ent$ )hich )ill #ake your )ork irre$i$ti4le. E ake a very pro$aic in$tance )ith )hich )e are all %a#iliar; the $i#ple #atter o% kitchen e?uip#ent. Why do you $uppo$e that %or year$ #o$t $tove$; $ink$; laundry tu4$; continued to 4e #ade $o lo) that the )o#en )ho )orked at the# tired ?uickly %ro# the a4nor#al po$ition$ they )ere %orced to take? here )a$ no ,ood rea$on= 4ut the #o#ent $o#e in$pired per$on thou,ht not #erely ho) all $uch thin,$ )ere already 4ein, #ade; not #erely o% $ellin, an ade?uate o4Aect; 4ut o% the co#%ort o% tho$e )ho )ere to u$e hi$ product )hen $old; a revolution in kitchen e?uip#ent ca#e a4out. /%ten $uch an i#prove#ent i$ $tarin, u$ in the %ace= an o4viou$ $#all chan,e can 4e #ade )hich )ill 4rin, an article; )hich )e all 4uy in it$ un$ati$%actory %or# $i#ply 4ecau$e no 4etter one i$ o%%ered; out o% it$ traditional $hape into a %or# )hich )ill have; 4e$ide$ the ele#ent o% novelty; that o% ,reater convenience or u$e%ulne$$. hat chan,e )ill only 4e #ade 4y the per$on )ho i$ i#a,inative a4out hi$ )ork; )ho can not only analy:e the pre$ent %or# o% an o4Aect into it$ e$$ential part$; 4ut )ho can i#a,inatively enter the li%e o% the per$on )ho i$ to u$e it later.F /ddly enou,h; it i$ #ore o%ten --

Dorthea Brande

the creative )orker )ho %ail$ to e<pand the $tandard$ %or hi$ )ork 4y con$iderin, the hal%-%or#ulated de$ire$ o% hi$ audience. Cart o% hi$ intention; at lea$t; #u$t 4e to convey an idea or an ae$thetic e#otion to other$; and he %ail$ i% he doe$ not do $o. It i$ true that to have a con$tant ,na)in, %ear that you are not plea$in, other$ ha$ a 4ad e%%ect on )ork. It i$ true that i% you look e<clu$ively to plea$e other$ )hat you do )ill $eldo# 4e )orth doin,= 4ut i% your idea o% $ucce$$ include$ reco,nition; then the #ore you can learn i#a,inatively o% your audience the 4etter. I%; kno)in, their ta$te$; you can ,ive the# not only )hat they )ant 4ut $o#ethin, #uch 4etter than they; 4ein, nonpro%e$$ional$; could i#a,ine; you are $ure o% your $ucce$$. Bavin, taken all the$e thin,$ into con$ideration; havin, %or#ulated a$ clearly a$ po$$i4le the ideal to)ard$ )hich your o)n )ork $hould tend; 4e%ore launchin, it into the )orld you $hould check it a,ain$t a $et o% ?ue$tion$ )hich ari$e lo,ically %ro# the po$$e$$ion o% )ell-de%ined $tandard$. 5ach line o% activity )ill have a di%%erent $et; each individual )orker )ill alter the e#pha$i$; or have hi$ o)n idea o% the proper order %or the$e critical ?ue$tion$; 4ut rou,hly the %ini$hed )ork $hould 4e #ea$ured in $o#e)hat thi$ )ay6 I$ )hat I have done a$ ,ood a$ the 4e$t in it$ %ield? Ba$ it everythin, nece$$ary %or all ordinary purpo$e$? Bave I added any $pecial value$ 4y )ay o% an ori,inal contri4ution? Bave I #ade it a$ attractive and convenient a$ po$$i4le %or tho$e )ho are it$ lo,ical u$er$? E/r audience; or client$.F Bave I con$idered )hether there i$ another ,roup to )hich it #i,ht al$o 4e #ade to appeal?


Wake Up and Live!

What #ore can I do 4e%ore I relea$e it %ro# #y$el% and $end it out to #ake it$ o)n )ay? E ry readin, the$e ?ue$tion$ in t)o )ay$6 a$ re%errin, to an ite# o% co##erce= a$ an attitude to)ard$ a daily ta$k.F he arti$t )ill nece$$arily have a di%%erent $et o% ?ue$tion$; althou,h they )ill 4e co,nate )ith tho$e a4ove. 3$ an e<a#ple; one o% our 4e$t poet$ a$k$ her$el% the$e ?ue$tion$6 Bave I conveyed )hat I thou,ht? Bave I conveyed )hat I %elt? I$ it a$ clear a$ I can #ake it? I$ it a$ di$tin,ui$hed or 4eauti%ul a$ it$ #atter per#it$? 3,ain; i% you are one o% a ,roup o% )orker$; i#a,ination can help you in $till another )ay; 4y $ho)in, you )here you $tand in relation to tho$e around you. When you have $een thi$ you can )ork out a code %or your$el% )hich )ill re#ove #any o% the irritation$ and di$$ati$%action$ o% your daily )ork. Bave you ever 4een a#u$ed and enli,htened 4y $eein, a %a#iliar roo# %ro# the top o% a $tepladder= or; in #irror$ $et at an,le$ to each other; $een your$el% a$ o4Aectively %or a $econd or t)o a$ anyone el$e in the roo#? It i$ that e%%ect you $hould try %or in i#a,ination. I% you can $ee your$el% and your %ello) )orker$ a$ i#per$onally a$ #en on a che$$4oard; you can o%ten %ind )hat it i$ that you are not doin,; or )hat you are doin, i#per%ectly; and #ove to correct the 4ad practice. 7any o% tho$e )ho 4elieve the#$elve$ over)orked are doin, le$$ than they $hould ideally do; and could do ea$ily i% they $a) )hat i$ e<pected o% the# )ith i#a,ination in$tead o% an<iety. /%ten the -&

Dorthea Brande

e<ce$$ )ork i$ $o#ethin, )hich they have al#o$t o%%iciou$ly undertaken; #any ti#e$ %ro# a real $en$e o% duty and o4li,ation. @o lar,e o%%ice i$ )ithout one e<a#ple o% thi$ type )ho i$ it$ reductio ad a4$urdu#; the panicky Ao4-,ra44er6 %ro# %ear le$t he; or; u$ually; $he #i,ht po$$i4ly 4e con$idered a$ not doin, all that i$ e<pected; or #i,ht 4e con$idered unnece$$ary to the or,ani:ation; he ,et$ a hundred $#all detail$ in hi$ hand$; )ith the re$ult that he i$ over)orked; per%or#ance i$ not per%ect; ti#e i$ lo$t; and other$ )ho #i,ht 4e )ell occupied have ti#e to idle and lo$e intere$t. I% $uch a )orker could $ee hi$ po$ition in per$pective he could do #ore o% the )ork he )a$ really en,a,ed %or; do it 4etter; and do it )ith le$$ $en$e o% $train and %ati,ue. ho$e e<ecutive$ and ad#ini$trator$ )ho continually do %ar #ore than they can )ithout incurrin, %ati,ue and irrita4ility are %re?uently panderin, to their o)n $el% i#portance and conceit; althou,h u$ually they )ould reAect the char,e )ith )rath. hey are certainly allo)in, the Will to Fail to operate in their live$. It i$ ,ood to e<tend one>$ nor#al activity till it$ capacity i$ reached---and that i$ %ar o%tener #uch #ore than )e ha4itually do rather than le$$---4ut the ta$k$ taken on therea%ter are the %ir$t $tep$ to)ard$ %ailure---to)ard$ that trou4le; 4eloved o% 3#erican$; the Dnervou$ 4reakdo)n.D When you have %ound your %unction; per%or# it very %ully; 4ut do not over$tep it e<cept in e#er,encie$. In #o$t lar,e enterpri$e$; or Aoint enterpri$e$; there i$---or $hould 4e---$o#e one per$on )ho$e deci$ion$ are %inal. .o#eti#e$ each #e#4er o% a partner$hip ha$ the po)er o% co##and or veto %or one a$pect o% the )ork. /%ten the$e deci$ion$ are ,iven a%ter the opinion$ o% all have 4een canva$$ed; or $u,,e$tion$ invited. (i,ht here co#e$ the nece$$ity %or a code6 i% the deci$ion ,oe$ a,ain$t you or your $u,,e$tion; a4andon your o)n idea and cooperate in the deci$ion )hole heartedly. I% you %eel that a truly ,rave #i$take i$ 4ein, #ade; take a %e) hour$ to dra) up the $ituation 82

Wake Up and Live!

a$ you $ee it; $ho) ho) you think the ne) deci$ion )ill alter #atter$; )hy you think it i$ a #i$take; or )hy an alternative plan $hould 4e adopted. ry to 4e a$ %air a4out thi$ a$ you can. /%ten )e think an alternative plan preciou$ 4ecau$e; and only 4ecau$e; it i$ our o)n. DCride o% author$hipD co#e$ in. 7any o% tho$e )ho 4elieve they have ,iven up their o)n idea$ and are )orkin, alon, other line$ )ill uncon$ciou$ly ,o on o4$tructin, and o4Aectin,; holdin, up the )ork; tryin, to de%eat it$ end$. he trou4le here i$ that thi$ o4$tructioni$# i$ o%ten uncon$ciou$= 4ut the )ay to e$cape the dan,er i$ to reali:e it a$ a po$$i4ility; and to look at your$el% and your attitude $crupulou$ly to 4e $ure you are not puttin, up unnece$$ary ha:ard$; doin, your $hare o% the ne) pro,ra# $lo)ly or indi%%erently---tryin, to 4rin, a4out a %ailure; $ince your plan )a$ i,nored or #odi%ied. I%; on the other hand; you are the one )ho$e deci$ion$ #u$t 4e accepted; you )ill $ave your$el% trou4le later 4y )atchin, the initial $ta,e$ o% the )ork to 4e $ure that $o#e $uch uncon$ciou$ $a4ota,e i$ not ,oin, on. 3 ?uick challen,e to the trou4le$o#e per$on )ho$e %eelin,$ have 4een hurt )ill $o#eti#e$ )hip a )hole pro,ra# into $hape )hich #i,ht other)i$e %ail. 3nd 4y $uch )atchin, you can $ee that each i$ doin, the )ork a$$i,ned to hi#. 3 little i#a,inative over$eein, o% a $ta%% or partner$hip in the early $ta,e$ o% any activity )ill o%ten re$ult in clearin, up a di$order o% lon, $tandin,. Cerhap$; ho)ever; you are really #i$ca$t; and your u$e%ulne$$ )ould 4e on; $ay; the plannin, end o% an enterpri$e rather than the e<ecutive; )here you are placed. In that ca$e; your pro4le# i$ to 4rin, 81

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your talent$ to the attention o% your $uperior o%%icer$ )ith a$ little cro)din, and 4u$tlin, a$ po$$i4le. Learn to )rite clear; $hort; de%inite #e#oranda and pre$ent the# to your i##ediate $uperior until you are per%ectly certain that he )ill never act upon the#; in no other circu#$tance$ are you Au$ti%ied in ,oin, over hi$ head. ry al$o to 4e )illin, to $ee your )ork and $u,,e$tion$ acted upon )ithout receivin, i##ediate ackno)led,#ent that the idea$ ori,inated )ith you. hi$ %re?uently happen$ in a lar,e or,ani:ation; and to $ulk or $tand out %or havin, your ri,ht$ reco,ni:ed in every ca$e )ill only cancel the advance you #i,ht have 4een a4le to #ake. I% your ,ood idea i$ one o% a $erie$ and not a %la$h in the pan; you can 4e $ure your cali4er )ill eventually #ake it$el% %elt. I% not; the or,ani:ation i$ a 4ad one %or you; and you $hould $et a4out %indin, a 4etter connection a$ $oon a$ po$$i4le. Cartner$hip$; and particularly the univer$al partner$hip o% hu$4and and )i%e; are al#o$t al)ay$ individual ca$e$. In ,eneral the rule $hould 4e; try never to a$$u#e )hat i$ the nor#al %unction o% the other partner until you have al#o$t indi$puta4le evidence that i% you do not do $o $o#e vital 4alance )ill 4e de$troyed. /%ten to do one>$ o)n part %ully and )ell i$ enou,h to call out the co#ple#entary activitie$ o% the other. In any partner$hip; once you are $ure that you are doin, your o)n part; i% there i$ $till $o#e o4viou$ )eakne$$ to correct it can u$ually 4e talked over; the rea$on %or it %ound; and it$ correction arran,ed. /cca$ionally thi$ cannot 4e done. /nly tho$e )ho are in $uch a relation kno) )hen it i$ i#po$$i4le to talk over any #atter 4ecau$e o% an over$en$itivene$$ or 4lindne$$ in the other partner. In $uch ca$e$; a$$u#e a$ #uch o% the overlooked re$pon$i4ility a$ you can di$char,e )ell; 4ut no #ore. here i$ al)ay$ the po$$i4ility o% $udden illu#ination; o% 4elated ,ro)th; )hich )ill 4e endan,ered i% you take upon your$el% #ore than you $hould. 1ut notice that )here you #u$t do )ork not your o)n; a$$u#e the$e re$pon$i4ilitie$= $ee that you do not allo) the# to 4e thru$t upon you. What you undertake open-eyed )ill $eldo# 4e #ade later a cau$e o% #artyrdo# and $ullenne$$.


Wake Up and Live!

When once you have $een i#a,inatively )hat your $cope $hould 4e; 4oth a$ an individual and a$ a #e#4er o% a ,roup; a $ociety; or a partner$hip you are ready to teach; di$cipline and e<erci$e your$el% till you reach your $tate o% #a<i#u# e%%ectivene$$.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 11 * %1elve Dis(iplines


B5(5 are do:en$ o% $#all )ay$ 4y )hich )e can #ake our #ind$ 4oth keener and #ore %le<i4le---t)o ?ualitie$ peculiarly nece$$ary %or tho$e )ho intend to live $ucce$$%ully. We all $uccu#4 too ea$ily to the te#ptation to %ind a routine )hich )ork$ out $o that )e ,et our day>$ ta$k$ done )ith a #ini#u# o% e%%ort and con$ciou$ attention= a %act )hich #i,ht have no un%ortunate e%%ect$ on u$ at all i% )e u$ed the ti#e )e $ave 4y our routine$ to ,ood purpo$e. 1ut the cold truth i$ that )e do nothin, o% the $ort. We apply the routineo4$ervin, tendency to our )hole live$; ,ro)in, #entally and $piritually #ore %laccid; #ore ti#orou$; le$$ e<peri#ental )ith every day )e $pend $upported 4y the ri,idity o% ha4it. Ba4it take$ care o% #o$t o% our ordinary activitie$= )e ,et throu,h our )ork 4y u$in, only that part o% our intellect )hich ha$ 4een trained to con$ider the )ork>$ $peci%ic pro4le#$ Eo%ten trained pain%ully and prote$tin,F= )hen )e #eet a novel thou,ht or $ituation; )e %all 4ack on an analo,y and act accordin, to the preAudice or e#otion )hich that arou$e$ in u$. 5ven tho$e o% u$ )ho rather $ole#nly undertake pro,ra#$ o% $el%-i#prove#ent $eldo# u$e #ore than one $et o% #ental #u$cle$; ,atherin, a nu#4er o% %act$ a4out thi$ $u4Aect or that; and con$iderin, our$elve$ Di#provedD i% )e learn $o#ethin, a4out the reli,ion$ o% India; or the )ork o% Charle$ Dicken$; or the 4ird$ o% .outhern Cali%ornia. hi$ )ould 4e har#le$$ enou,h i% it )ere not %or the co#placency )hich attend$ it. 8'

Wake Up and Live!

Fact ,atherin, i$ one activity o% the intellect= and )here a little trainin, in independent Aud,#ent ha$ acco#panied or preceded it; $o that correct conclu$ion$ concernin, the %act$ are independently reached; it i$ a valua4le one. 1ut $uch pro,ra#$ alone do not e<erci$e the #ind to it$ %ulle$t e<tent; to #ake an in$tantaneou$ly u$e%ul tool o% it; or ,ive one the po)er to call on all it$ re$ource$ at )ill. 5ven tho$e )ho think o% the#$elve$ a$ e<traordinarily hard )orker$ are not in the $tate o% #ental trainin,; u$ually; )hich allo)$ the# to ,et the #o$t %ro# their live$. /ne ,reat rea$on i$ pointed out over and over 4y Dr. 3le<i$ Carrel in hi$ 4ook 7an; the Unkno)n6 the 4ene%it$ o% civili:ation are not un#i<ed 4le$$in,$. We are no lon,er called on to #eet the e<tre#e$ o% heat and cold; %or in$tance; to ,o throu,h alternate period$ o% plenty and $carcity o% %ood= univer$al li,htin, turn$ ni,ht into day every)here; and the ne)$paper$ and radio entertain u$ $o that )e $eldo# look to our$elve$ %or our o)n re$ource$. Bealthy #an ha$ a ,reat capacity %or adaption; and; $ay$ Dr. Carrel; Dthe e<erci$e o% the adaptive %unction$ appear$ to 4e indi$pen$a4le to the opti#u# develop#ent o% #an.D We have allo)ed our$elve$ to $o%ten; to a4andon our in,enuity; to e$cape re$pon$i4ility )henever po$$i4le; till )e ,ro) to %ear and a4hor the very )ord Ddi$cipline.D 8et di$cipline i$ under,oin, re$traint in order to develop the ?ualitie$ nece$$ary %or a %ull li%e. 7ental di$cipline $hould connote the e?uivalent in the $phere o% the #ind )hich the athlete undertake$ %or per%ectin, hi$ 4ody. We $hould %ir$t take $tock o% our #ind$= and then $et to )ork on the# to $tren,then the# here; #ake the# #ore %le<i4le there; $tretch the# $o#e)hat; teach the# to 4e #ore e<act---in $hort; put the# throu,h their pace$ $o that )e ,et the #a<i#u# u$e and advanta,e %ro# the#.


Dorthea Brande

In order to do $o; )e #u$t learn to 4e ar4itrary )ith our$elve$---4y no #ean$ an ea$y #atter %or a ,eneration )hich ha$ not only 4een $o%tened 4y #aterial convenience$; 4ut ha$ 4een ,iven the du4iou$ 4ene%it o% 4ein, allo)ed to Dp$ycholo,i:eD a4out it$el% day in and day out. .o#e o% u$ dread and di$like re$traint; even )hen $el% i#po$ed %or a $ound purpo$e; to $uch an e<tent that )e live our live$ 4et)een ha4it and i#pul$e under the i#pre$$ion that only $o can )e 4e )holly %ree. 1ut DFreedo#;D $ay$ 3ri$totle; Di$ o4edience to $el%%or#ulated rule$;D and the de%inition hold$ a$ ,ood today a$ t)o thou$and year$ a,o. We #u$t )ork to ,et 4ack tone and #u$cle into our live$ until it i$ po$$i4le to $top one activity and turn to another; varyin, the approach; $troke; $tren,th 4ehind the e%%ort; and $o on; )ith a$ #uch a,ility and de%tne$$ a$ a $kill%ul tenni$ player u$e$ to #eet the $hi%tin, play o% a ,ood opponent. I% )e could kno) each day Au$t the nece$$itie$ )e $hould 4e called on to #eet; )e could prepare our$elve$ in advance; and %le<i4ility and in,enuity )ould 4e uncalled %or. .ince that doe$ not happen; )e #u$t ,et our$elve$ into trainin, to #eet the in%inite call$ on u$; in$tead o%; a$ )e u$ually do; di$char,in, ea$ily only one or t)o #atter$ )hich are natively con,enial to u$; and ,ettin, throu,h the other$ a)k)ardly; 4lindly. he di$cipline$ $u,,e$ted here are dra)n %ro# all over the )orld. (eader$ o% philo$ophy and reli,ion )ill %ind procedure$ they have #et 4e%ore; reco##ended 4y the )i$e #en o% #any countrie$6 there are di$cipline$ %ro# India and .pain; %ro# 9reece and China--and %ro# any ,irl>$ %ini$hin, $chool! .o#e o% the# are co##on to every country )hich teache$ any kind o% #ental or $piritual di$cipline; $uch a$ that o% o4$ervin, $et period$ o% $ilence. @one o% the# i$ Dar4itraryD in the $en$e o% Dpointle$$D= each develop$ or $tren,then$ a %aculty o% the #ind )hich $hould 4e kept in ,ood condition i% a li%e i$ to 4e led purpo$e%ully and under one>$ o)n control.


Wake Up and Live!

@ot all o% the# )ill 4e e?ually valua4le to all ca$e$= 4ut 4e%ore reAectin, any one o% the# e<a#ine your$el% to di$cover i% you are not po$$i4ly thro)in, it a$ide $i#ply 4ecau$e it doe$ a$k you to put a little #ore re$traint on your$el% than you %ind plea$ura4le. 7o$t o% the# )ill 4e di%%icult at $o#e $ta,e; attended 4y $o#ethin, in the #ental real# like the $ti%%ne$$ and $orene$$ )hich %ollo) u$in, a ne) #u$cle in athletic trainin,. 1ut you can e<erci$e #u$cle only 4y $u4#ittin, it to $o#e $ort o% re$i$tance= you #u$t %eel at lea$t $li,htly unco#%orta4le to have the a$$urance that your e<erci$e i$ doin, the )ork you are a$kin, o% it. .o; in %ollo)in, the$e #ental e<erci$e$; unle$$ there i$ $o#e di$co#%ort %ro# o4$ervin, each one %ully; unle$$ there i$ $o#e prote$t ari$in, %ro# interrupted ha4it$ and novel )ay$ o% action; it #ay 4e that the di$cipline in ?ue$tion i$ not one that you really need. (eplace it; in that ca$e; )ith another )hich call$ on you %or $o#e endurance and e%%ort.

he )elve Di$cipline$ 1. he %ir$t e<erci$e i$ to $pend an hour every day )ithout $ayin, anythin, e<cept in an$)er to direct ?ue$tion$. hi$ $hould 4e done in the #id$t o% your u$ual ,roup; and )ithout ,ivin, anyone the i#pre$$ion that you are $ulkin, or $u%%erin, %ro# a 4ad headache. Cre$ent a$ ordinary an appearance a$ po$$i4le= $i#ply do not $peak. 3n$)er ?ue$tion$ Au$t to their li#it; aid no %urther= ,ive a %ull and ade?uate an$)er; 4ut do not continue )ith volunteered re#ark$ )hich are $u,,e$ted 4y the an$)er or ?ue$tion; and do not atte#pt in any )ay to dra) another ?ue$tion %ro# your interlocutor. /ddly enou,h; thi$ i$ a di%%icult di$cipline %or even a nor#ally taciturn 8-

Dorthea Brande

per$on. We are all $o u$ed to 4reakin, into $peech )herever )e #eet one another; #erely in order to ,ive evidence o% our %riendline$$ and acce$$i4ility; that )e talk al#o$t con$tantly )henever there i$ an opportunity. hi$ di$cipline i$ %ound in al#o$t every country )hich i$ the ho#e o% a ,enuinely old reli,ion. It i$ o% i##en$e value; and productive o% #any di%%erent re$ult$. Cro4a4ly no t)o e<peri#enter$ ever have identical reaction$ to thi$ practice= they )ill vary accordin, to te#pera#ent$. /ne thin, )hich $oon 4eco#e$ apparent to #any; %or in$tance; i$ that )e $eldo# $ay e<actly )hat )e #ean at our %ir$t atte#pt. We ru$h into $peech; $ee 4y the e<pre$$ion on another>$ %ace that )e have not #ade our$elve$ entirely clear; or have #i$$poken in $o#e )ay; and try a,ain. hi$ like)i$e #ay not #ake our intention under$tood= )e try a,ain. We pau$e a #o#ent; think the #atter over; i$$ue a clearer $tate#ent. 1ut in the #ean)hile there are tho$e three earlier atte#pt$ to e<pre$$ our$elve$ $till re#ainin, in our hearer$> #ind$; 4ecloudin, the i$$ue. /ne #an; reportin, on thi$ e<peri#ent; $aid that he $ee#ed at %ir$t not to 4e there at all. hen there )a$ a period )hen he %elt that he; in hi$ $ilence; %illed the )hole roo# and had the e<perience o% $eein, it all i#per$onally. 3$ lon, a$ he talked; )herever he $tood )a$; naturally; the center o% hi$ $cene= $ilent; the ,roup Dco#po$edD )ith a di%%erent e#pha$i$. When hi$ hour )a$ over he $a) hi#$el% $o#eti#e$ in the center; $o#eti#e$ on the circu#%erence; occa$ionally entirely out$ide the intere$t$ around hi#. 3nother #an recorded that )hen hi$ $ilence 4e,an to #ake it$el% %elt the %riend$ he )a$ )ith acted #o$t illu#inatin,ly. @ot ?uite a)are )hat #ade the occa$ion unu$ual; t)o o% the# )ere de%initely ill at ea$e. /ne thereupon 4eca#e e<tre#ely in,ratiatin,; a $econd truculent and then do)nri,ht ho$tile; arrivin, at the point o% char,in, hi$ $ilent %riend )ith %eelin, D$uperiorD Au$t a$ the hour )a$ up and 88

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$peech could 4e re$u#ed. 3 third #an; hereto%ore the ?uiete$t o% the ,roup o% %riend$; turned e<tre#ely talkative; a$ thou,h to retrieve a 4alance he %elt endan,ered; relap$in, into $ilence )hen the o4$erver 4e,an to talk naturally a,ain. 3 )o#an reported; )ith #uch a#u$e#ent; that $he had never had $uch a per$onal $ucce$$ in her li%e a$ durin, the hour $he $at $ilent and $#ilin, at a party. Ber $ilence $ee#ed to act a$ a #a,net and a challen,e in a )ay her ,aiety had never done. 3ll e<peri#enter$; ho)ever; a,reed on one #atter6 )hile the $ilence la$ted a $en$e o% #a$tery ,re) in the#. When they re$u#ed $peech it )a$ )ith the $en$e o% u$in, $peech de%initely and purpo$e%ully; and al)ay$ )ith the kno)led,e that the re$ort o% $ilence could 4e %ound at 7eredith )hich $he $aid $he had never %ully under$tood. /ne concluded her report )ith a $entence %ro# 4e%ore6 DIt i$ the $ilence o% the ,od )e %ear; not hi$ )rath= .ilence i$ the un4eara4le repartee.D 2. Learn to think %or hal%-an-hour a day e<clu$ively on one $u4Aect. .i#ple a$ thi$ $ound$; it i$ at %ir$t ludicrou$ly hard to do. he novice $hould 4e,in 4y thinkin, on hi$ $olitary $u4Aect %or %ive #inute$ a day at %ir$t; increa$in, the period daily till the hal% hour ha$ 4een attained. o 4e,in )ith; a concrete o4Aect $hould 4e cho$en6 a %lo)er; a 4ottle o% ink; a $car%. Do not have it 4e%ore you= 4uild it up in your #ind. With a %lo)er; %or in$tance; de$cri4e it to your$el% a$ each o% the $en$e$ )ould report it.


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When that i$ done; ,o on to ho) it ,ro)$ and )here= )hat it $y#4oli:e$; i% anythin,= )hat u$e$ are #ade o% it. Fro# thi$ $i#ple 4e,innin,; )ork up to con$iderin, a concrete pro4le#; and; %inally; to an a4$traction. .tart )ith $u4Aect$ )hich really intere$t you; 4ut )hen you have tau,ht your #ind not to )ander even %or a #o#ent; 4e,in choo$in, a $u4Aect 4y pointin, your %in,er at rando# on a ne)$paper or the pa,e o% a 4ook; and think on the %ir$t idea $u,,e$ted 4y the line$ you have touched. 8ou )ill %ind it very revealin, to $tart thi$ e<erci$e )ith a pencil and pad; and to #ake a $li,ht check on the paper )henever you %ind your attention $lippin,. I% you are really ?uick to reali:e )hen your #ind ha$ 4e,un to )ander; you )ill %ind your paper very %ull %or the %ir$t %e) day$. Fortunately; i#prove#ent in thi$ i$ %airly rapid. 3t the end o% a )eek in $o#e ca$e$; at the end o% a #onth even in re%ractory one$; the pad )ill 4e %ound nearly 4lank at the end o% your hal%-hour. he value o% thi$ e<erci$e #u$t 4e o4viou$ to anyone )ho hope$ to en,a,e in ori,inal )ork; or to introduce ne) procedure$ o% any $ort. 3t %ir$t it i$ )i$e to practice thi$ )hen alone= 4ut eventually you $hould 4e a4le to do it even in the #id$t o% di$traction$; $uch a$ )hen travelin, to and %ro# )ork. E@ote care%ully that the reco##endation i$ not to hold one>$ #ind i##o4ile on one o4Aect; a$ in $o#e Indian di$cipline$ or in the Chri$tian proce$$ called Drecollection.D 8ou are to think a4out one $u4Aect only= no #ore than that. he other practice induce$ a $li,htly hypnoidal $tate; and i$ not $uita4le to our purpo$e$ here.F hi$; o% cour$e; i$ $i#ply the DapplicationD and DconcentrationD )hich )a$ preached to every one o% u$ in our $chool day$; it i$ very revealin,; none the le$$; to $ee ho) i#per%ectly )e learned that le$$on then or at any $u4$e?uent ti#e! /nce it i$ learned; it i$ o% i##en$e 4ene%it. 3nyone )ho i$ capa4le o% it; %or in$tance; can pick up a %orei,n lan,ua,e in very $hort order. he accent #ay 4e 4ar4arou$; unle$$ one &2

Wake Up and Live!

ha$ learned phonetic$ early; 4ut 4ook$ and ne)$paper$ can 4e ea$ily read; and enou,h o% a voca4ulary to ,et around in the $tran,e land can 4e ac?uired in le$$ than a #onth. 7oreover; in any co#petitive per%or#ance; the one )ho ha$ trained hi#$el% to think $teadily; )ithout de%lection; )ill arrive at hi$ conclu$ion %ir$t. 1ut the advanta,e$ o% thi$ are too o4viou$ to need e#pha$i:in, %urther. 3. Write a letter )ithout once u$in, the %ollo)in, )ord$6 I; #e; #y; #ine.2 7ake it $#ooth and keep it intere$tin,. I% the recipient o% the letter notice$ that there i$ $o#ethin, odd a4out it; the e<erci$e ha$ %ailed. hi$ practice; and other$ like it; a,ain allo)$ u$ to $ee our$elve$ in per$pective. In order to )rite a ,ood letter o% the $ort; it i$ nece$$ary to turn the #ind out)ard; to ,ive up %or a )hile the preoccupation$ and o4$e$$ion$ )ith our o)n a%%air$. We co#e 4ack to our o)n live$ re%re$hed. 4. alk %or %i%teen #inute$ a day )ithout u$in, I; #e; #y; #ine. 5.

2 In #y innocence; I 4elieved thi$ e<erci$e )a$ )holly #ine. I recently ca#e acro$$ it; and $i#ilar e<erci$e$; in 3ly$ 1entley>$ he Dance on the 7ind.


Dorthea Brande

Write a letter in a D$ucce$$%ulD or placid tone. @o actual #i$$tate#ent$ are allo)ed. @o po$in, a$ $ucce$$%ul; no lyin,. .i#ply look %or a$pect$ or activitie$ )hich can 4e hone$tly reported in thi$ )ay and con%ine you letter to the#. Indicate 4y the letter>$ tone that you are; at the #o#ent o% )ritin,; not di$coura,ed in any )ay. here i$ a dou4le purpo$e here. Fir$t; it i$ a $i#ple )ay o% turnin, %ro# a ne,ative and di$coura,in, attitude to)ard$ a po$itive and healthy one. Bo)ever unpro#i$in, the pro$pect %or %indin, enou,h ,ood ite#$ %or a letter #ay appear at %ir$t; one $oon di$cover$ that a nu#4er o% #atter$ are ,oin, $#oothly and )ell; 4ut that they have 4een i,nored )hile one center$ on di$appoint#ent and %ru$tration. .econd; and #ore i#portant; $uch a letter a$ thi$; $ent to al#o$t every corre$pondent you have; )ill re#ove one ,reat $tu#4lin,-4lock to the $ucce$$%ul conduct o% your a%%air$. Letter )ritin, i$ a ta$k )e u$ually tuck into an odd corner o% our day. When )e have nothin, to do and %eel li$tle$$; 4ored; tired or depre$$ed; )e take pen in hand and )rite to our dear one$! We $end lo)-$pirited; unhappy note$ a4out; and reap the natural con$e?uence$6 con$olatory or $y#pathetic letter$ co#e in an$)er. .o#eti#e$ they co#e )hen )e are %eelin, %airly )ell; or in really hi,h $pirit$= 4ut it i$ a heroic character )ho can re$i$t the chance to %eel $orry %or hi#$el%. We have the choice; readin, the$e an$)er$ )hich )e have invited; o% $lippin, 4ack into the #ood o% #artyrdo# and $el%-pity; or o% %eelin, di$tinctly $illy. It i$ %ar #ore dra#atic to %eel $ad a,ain than to %eel $illy= $o )e ,o on in our viciou$ circle; and $end the late$t 4ad ne)$ )hen )e )rite a,ain. 3 co#plete holiday %ro# $el%-pity and depre$$ion$ i$ nece$$ary to $ucce$$. 6.


Wake Up and Live!

3nd thi$ e<erci$e co#e$ directly %ro# all the %ini$hin, $chool$ %or youn, ladie$ that ever e<i$ted6 pau$e on the thre$hold o% any cro)ded roo# you are to enter; and con$ider %or a #o#ent your relation to tho$e )ho are in it 7any a retirin, and ?uiet )o#an can thank thi$ $#all ite# o% her $chool trainin, %or her a4ility to handle co#petently $ituation$ )hich $ee#; a$ thou,h they )ould 4e e#4arra$$in, and e<actin, %or anyone $o $heltered. It )a$ %or year$ Eand #ay 4e $till; %or all I kno)F the cu$to# to teach youn, ,irl$ to $top Au$t a #o#ent at the door o% the roo# they )ere enterin, until they had %ound their ho$te$$; and then the ,ue$t o% honor. EFailin, $uch ,ue$t; the olde$t per$on in the roo# )a$ to 4e $in,led out.F hen the roo# )a$ entered; the youn, ,ue$t ,oin,; a$ $oon a$ her ho$te$$ )a$ %ree; $trai,ht to her to 4e )elco#ed and to D#ake her #anner$.D .he then )atched %or the %ir$t opportunity to $peak %or a %e) #inute$ to the ,ue$t o% honor= and not until $he had di$char,ed the$e o4li,ation$ )a$ $he %ree to %ollo) any other plan$ or inclination$ o% her o)n. he ,irl )ho thorou,hly learned thi$ le$$on learned $o#ethin, )hich i$ invalua4le to everyone6 to $i:e up a roo#%ul o% people at a ,lance; di$cover )hat it hold$; %ir$t in the )ay o% o4li,ation and then in the )ay o% co#panion$hip or one>$ o)n intere$t$. here i$ a kind o% non$en$ical notion a4road today that to take $uch con$ciou$ %orethou,ht a4out any occa$ion i$ to 4e a hypocrite or a $no4; that there i$ $o#e virtue in ru$hin, pell-#ell into any $ituation; $natchin, )hat o%%er$ it$el% )ithout di%%iculty; and %ore,oin, the re$t. here i$ no dan,er that you )ill really 4e actin, Darti%iciallyD i% you ,ive your$el% a #o#ent to %ore$ee the variou$ po$$i4ilitie$ and relation$hip$ in the occa$ion you are a4out to live throu,h. 8ou )ill $i#ply have taken care not to 4e $ta#peded into doin, $o#ethin, uncon,enial to you; o% ,ettin, cau,ht in a 4ack)ater o% conver$ation )hich touche$ none o% your real intere$t$; or o% runnin, the ri$k o% #i$$in, a chance to talk to a real %riend; or $o#eone )ho$e conver$ation )ill 4rin, you $o#ethin, o% value. Bo)ever con$ciou$ly )e plan our live$; there i$ $till enou,h #ar,in o% the un%ore$een and the une<pected to keep u$ %ro# any dan,er o% lo$in, $pontaneity; 4ut &!

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the ideal i$ to have a$ #uch o% our live$ )ithin our voluntary control a$ po$$i4le. .o#eti#e$; )ith the 4e$t o% intention$; )e are not a4le to 4rin, a4out )hat )e )ant in that #o#ent o% anticipation= i% )e have taken the trou4le to $ee all the po$$i4ilitie$ 4e%ore u$; )e can turn to a $econdary intere$t ea$ily; not #i$$in, every opportunity 4ecau$e )e )ere di$appointed in one. 7. When the a4ove e<erci$e i$ learned or recaptured; ,o on to an old piece o% advice %ro# $eventeenth century France6 keep a ne) ac?uaintance talkin, a4out hi#$el% or her$el% )ithout allo)in, hi# to 4eco#e con$ciou$ o% )hat you are doin,. urn 4ack; at %ir$t; any courteou$ reciprocal ?ue$tion$ in $uch a )ay that your auditor doe$ not %eel re4u%%ed. 8ou )ill %ind a ,enuine intere$t ri$in, in you %or your co#panion= $oon; i% you are at all kindly or i#a,inative; you )ill %ind your$el% en,ro$$ed. he la$t; lin,erin, trace o% $el%-con$ciou$ne$$ )ill drop %ro# you. It #ay 4e that you )ill not 4e a$ked a4out your$el%. hat #ake$ no di%%erence= at the very lea$t you have learned a little #ore a4out ho) the )orld look$ to another; and have e<tended your hori:on. I%; on the other hand; you do talk o% your$el% in re$pon$e to later ?ue$tion$; you )ill kno) Au$t ho) #uch to $ay; )hat intere$t$ you have in co##on; )hether you could ever %ind the %riend$hip o% that per$on de$ira4le. ECerhap$ it need$ to 4e $aid plainly that actin, con$ciou$ly need not #ean actin, coldly. @ot a ,rain o% real hu#anity i$ $acri%iced 4y havin, the rein$ o% action in one>$ o)n hand$= rather the contrary. 3n out,oin, e%%ort i$ voluntarily undertaken and carried on= in$tead o% 4ein, $o totally en,ro$$ed in our$elve$ that )e kno) nothin, o% the #ood$ or intere$t$ o% other$ e<cept a$ they a%%ect u$; )e e$cape 4y the plea$ante$t road %ro# our re$trictin, e,oti$#. he other party to the &'

Wake Up and Live!

e<peri#ent; %ar %ro# 4ein, a victi# o% cold4looded plannin,; i$ %or once a$$ured o% not 4ein, victi#i:ed 4y our 4lind $el%i$hne$$.F 8. he e<act oppo$ite o% the a4ove e<erci$e$; and in%initely harder to do )ith intention6 alk e<clu$ively a4out your$el% and your intere$t$ )ithout co#plainin,; 4oa$tin, or Ei% po$$i4leF 4orin, your co#panion. 7ake your$el% and your activitie$ a$ intere$tin, a$ you can to the per$on to )ho# you are talkin,. hi$ i$ an e<cellent di$cipline %or tho$e )ho ordinarily talk too #uch a4out the#$elve$. hi$ reductio ad a4$urdu# o% their )eakne$$ 4rin,$ the# %ace to %ace )ith the ordeal )hich they are puttin, their %riend$ throu,h at every opportunity. When concentrated talkin, a4out one>$ o)n intere$t$ i$ undertaken con$ciou$ly; every $i,n o% indi%%erence; o% 4oredo#; o% re$tivene$$ or i#patience; o% de$ire to introduce another topic o% conver$ation )hich #ay e$cape u$ )hile )e are neurotically $el% a4$or4ed; i$ only too plainly $een. 1oth the e<erci$e and the )eakne$$ )ill 4e a4andoned ,rate%ully a%ter one or t)o occa$ion$. Bo)ever; there are other thin,$ to 4e ,ained %ro# thi$. It $oon 4eco#e$ apparent that talkin, a4out the trivial; the co##onplace; the recurrin, incident$ o% one>$ li%e lead$ to certain ennui in our hearer$. I%; on the other hand; )e have had ,enuinely intere$tin, e<perience$; have 4een #ore i#a,inative in a $ituation than u$ual; are undertakin, $o#ethin, ne); )e are likely to hold our audience. he conclu$ion that in that ca$e perhap$ )e #i,ht pro%it 4y e<tendin, our intere$t$; undertakin, ne) adventure$; or 4rin,in, #ore i#a,ination to our everyday live$ can hardly 4e e$caped. We $oon learn to di$card a report o% our late$t attack o% illne$$; the #o$t recent e<ploit o% our &+

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o%%$prin,; the re#arka4le intelli,ence o% our pet$; today>$ e<a#ple o% our 4ad luck; a$ openin, ,a#4it$ in adult conver$ation. I% you are )ith $o#eone )ho i$ $till a $lave to that kind o% )ord-)a$tin,; con$ciou$ly introduce a $u4Aect o% #ore depth or )ider intere$t )hen it i$ your turn to $peak. I% you di$cover that he or $he $tu44ornly re$i$t$ all $uch invitation$ to 4etter talk; you have a deci$ion to #ake. here #ay 4e; in $pite o% all li#itation$; $uch )ar#th; $)eetne$$; ,enuine %eelin, in even a li#ited %riend that one can under no circu#$tance$ think o% a4andonin, the relation$hip. /n the other hand; )e $o#eti#e$ di$cover; to our $urpri$ed di$#ay; that )e have attached $o#eone to our$elve$ %or no 4etter rea$on than that in hi$ pre$ence )e can 4a44le on a4out the trivialitie$ o% our live$; thou,h there i$ no deep 4ond 4et)een u$. o )ithdra) %ro# that a$$ociation a$ $oon a$ i$ con$i$tent )ithout hurtin, the other party; to re%u$e to continue to )a$te your o)n ener,y and ti#e; or connive in the )a$tin, o% hi$; i$ a plain o4li,ation. I% you have 4een ,uilty Ea$ #o$t o% u$ haveF o% %or#in, $uch an a$$ociation-in-)eakne$$; the %ir$t e%%ort at correction $hould 4e to $ee )hether you can not tran$%or# it into a ,enuine %riend$hip; $ti#ulatin, and $tren,thenin,= only )hen you #u$t ,ive up all hope o% that $hould the relation$hip 4e dropped. 9. he correction o% the DI#ean;D the D3$a#attero%%actD ha4it; take$ cooperation. I% you reali:e that you have picked up a ver4al #anneri$#; call on the %riend to )ho# you talk #o$t %luently and e#otionally. It i$ %airly ea$y to control $uch a #anneri$# in the pre$ence o% $o#eone )e hardly kno); 4ut in the heat o% di$cour$e the o%%endin, phra$e )ill crop up in every other $entence. ell the %riend that you are $ayin, Dand $o on;D %or in$tance; to the point o% a4$urdity. 3$k hi# to )atch %or it; and to hold up hi$ hand )ithout interruptin, the conver$ation )henever he hear$ you u$e it. he talk )hich %ollo)$ )ill 4e choppy; and there i$ likely %or a )hile to 4e #ore lau,hter than &*

Wake Up and Live!

conver$ation; 4ut you )ill 4e,in to ,et the ha4it in hand. )o or three $e$$ion$ )ill entirely eradicate the phra$e---e<cept )hen you actually )ant to u$e it. 10. Clan t)o hour$ o% a day and live accordin, to the plan. I% you are )orkin, 4y your$el% a$ a %ree lance; any day )ill do. I% not; choo$e a .unday or holiday to e<peri#ent on. 7ake the $chedule partly accordin, to your u$ual ha4it; partly unlike it. 3$ %or in$tance6 -6!2-8 1reak%a$t and ne)$paper 8-8622 7ail 8622-&62+ 3rran,e 4ook$ accordin, to $u4Aect #atter &62+-&6!2 elephone Ei% on )eekdayF %or $o#e appoint#ent you have 4een puttin, o%%. I% .unday or holiday; ,o out %or a )alk. he co#ple<ity or diver$ity o% the ite#$ ha$ very little to do )ith thi$ practice. he point i$ to turn %ro# one activity to the ne<t; not at the appro<i#ate #inute o% your $chedule; 4ut on the e<act #o#ent. I% you are only hal%)ay throu,h the ne)$paper; that>$ very $ad. 1ut do)n it #u$t ,o; and you open your #ail---hitherto di$re,arded. I% thi$ i$ a day )ithout an inco#in, #ail; the t)enty #inute$ ,o to letter )ritin,. I% you have ti#e to $pare; $end a card or t)o; or #ake note$ %or another letter on another day. Wherever you are at 8622 )ith your corre$pondence; you $top and turn to the arran,in, o% 4ook$. /ne o% &-

Dorthea Brande

your planned activitie$; at lea$t; $hould pro#i$e a %air a#ount o% intere$t to you. I% it i$ not arran,in, 4ook$; then clippin, article$ %ro# a #a,a:ine can replace it; or even $trai,htenin, a roo# thorou,hly. he t)in purpo$e$ o% thi$ di$cipline are; %ir$t; to ,ive our$elve$ the e<perience o% 4ein, under order$ a,ain; and; $econd; to de#on$trate ho) 4adly )e lo$e our $en$e o% the ti#e nece$$ary to acco#pli$h any $tipulated activity. 5very printer that ever lived; pro4a4ly; ha$ ,ru#4led at an editor or #ake up #an )ho )ant$ to cro)d too #any letter$ on a line; co#plainin, that Dhe #u$t think )e>ve ,ot ru44er type.D Well; #o$t o% u$ think our day$ have ru44er hour$. 5ven tho$e $u4ur4anite$ )ho have learned 4y lon, e<perience that it i$ Au$t $eventeen #inute$ to a $econd %ro# the $ho)er-4ath to the railroad $tation )ill nonchalantly plan to cra# the )ork o% hal% a day into a couple o% hour$ a%ter lunch. We e<pect ti#e to 4e in%initely acco##odatin,; )e re%u$e to ad#it that it cannot 4e. 1ut it i$ po$$i4le to learn---4y plannin,; %ir$t; t)o hour$ o% a day; then three; then %our; and $o on till )e have planned and lived an e%%ective; ei,ht hour day Eat the lea$tF --- to u$e ti#e to the 4e$t advanta,e. (i,id $chedulin, o% a )hole day i$ not al)ay$ po$$i4le or even de$ira4le; 4ut a %e) day$ lived 4y ti#eta4le no) and a,ain )ill re%re$h our $en$e o% the value o% ti#e and teach u$ )hat )e can e<pect o% our$elve$ )hen )e do not )a$te it. For tho$e )ho need really $tern )arnin, a4out thi$6 one p$ychiatri$t; Dr. Caul 1ou$%eld; hold$ that the $ure $i,n o% the incura4le e,oti$t i$ that he never allo)$ %or the actual a#ount o% ti#e any ,iven activity )ill take. Fir#ly; thou,h uncon$ciou$ly; 4elievin, that the )orld revolve$ around hi#; certain o% hi$ #a,ical po)er to arre$t the pro,re$$ o% the $un and the #oon; he ,oe$ throu,h li%e a$toni$hed at the re%ractorine$$ o% i#e in not #eetin, hi# hal%)ay. Be i$ al)ay$ late to appoint#ent$; 4ehind in hi$ o4li,ation$; con$tantly a$$u#in, #ore )ork or acceptin, #ore invitation$ than he could keep i% he )ere t)in$. Be either learn$ the error o% hi$ )ay$ or co#e$ to a 4ad end. &8

Wake Up and Live!

11. hi$ i$ the #o$t di%%icult o% all. It )ill $ee# $o ar4itrary to #any reader$ that they )ill not even try to apply it. It i$ ar4itrary= that i$ it$ very e$$ence. It i$ le$$ nece$$ary %or tho$e livin, in the #id$t o% lar,e %a#ilie$ than %or per$on$ livin, alone; or tho$e )ho are alone #o$t o% the ti#e. (e#e#4erin, the ?uotation ,iven 4e%ore %ro# Dr. Cairel; arran,e to put your$el% into $ituation$ )here you #u$t act nonha4itually; )here you #u$t adapt your$el%. 7e#4er$ o% the 3r#y; the @avy; the prie$thood; $o#e $ocietie$; are con$tantly in a $tate o% livin, under order$= and )e reco,ni:e in the# a re$iliency that i$ a4$ent %ro# the character$ o% #o$t #en and )o#en )ho live accordin, to their o)n convenience. It i$ not ea$y to ,et thi$ re$iliency 4ack into our live$; 4ut it i$ a ?uality too valua4le to 4e lo$t. I% the %ollo)in, reco##endation $ee#$ $o#e)hat too dra#atic; al#o$t too ridiculou$; 4e a$$ured that the re$ult$ )ill $ho) the )orth o% the di$cipline. /n a nu#4er o% $lip$ o% paper---t)elve )ill do to $tart )ith--)rite in$truction$ like the$e6 D9o t)enty #ile$ %ro# ho#e; u$in, ordinary conveyance.D EIn other )ord$; don>t Au$t ,et out a car or hire a ta<i; i% you can a%%ord it; and drive $o#e)here. ake $treetcar$; 4u$e$; %errie$; $u4)ay$.F D9o t)elve hour$ )ithout %ood.D D9o eat a #eal in the unlikelie$t place you can %ind.D 3 re$taurant in a totally %orei,n ?uarter o% a city i$ ,ood here. 3$kin, %or %ood at a %ar#hou$e i$ 4etter; i% you are hardy enou,h to 4e $o unconventional.


Dorthea Brande

D.ay nothin, all day e<cept in an$)er to ?ue$tion$.D D.tay up all ni,ht and )ork.D 3nd thi$; 4y the )ay; i$ the #o$t valua4le order o% the# all. 8ou #u$t plan to )ork $teadily and ?uietly; re$i$tin, every te#ptation to lie do)n %or a %e) #o#ent$; 4ut rela<in, very $li,htly a,ain$t the chair-4ack every hour or $o; 4racin, your$el% to your )ork a,ain the #o#ent la$$itude threaten$ to overco#e you. /nly tho$e )ho have actually done thi$ reali:e that there are depth$ to our #ind$ )hich )e $eldo# plu#4; accu$to#ed a$ )e are to $uccu#4 to the %ir$t attack o% %ati,ue; or $tayin, a)ake only $o lon, a$ )e have outer $ti#ulation. .eal the$e $lip$ o% paper in t)elve envelope$; $hu%%le the# thorou,hly and put the# in a dra)er. Whenever you think o% it; $hu%%le the# a,ain. 5very other )eek; or on a ,iven day o% each #onth; pick one o% the envelope$; open it; and per%or# your o)n co##and. It #ay 4e rainin, pitch%ork$ on the day you co##and your$el% to travel t)enty #ile$ 4y co##on carrier= neverthele$$; unle$$ your $tate o% health a4$olutely %or4id$ it; you ,o. I% you are doin, an inten$ive piece o% )ork; one #onthly e<erci$e o% thi$ $ort i$ enou,h. I% not; the o%tener you can 4e ar4itrary )ith your$el%---)ithout turnin, into a re$tle$$ Au#pin, Aack; it ,oe$ )ithout $ayin,---the 4etter %or your character eventually. here need not 4e t)elve di%%erent order$ on your $lip$. I% you can think o% activitie$ )hich are ,enuinely di%%icult %or you to do; )hich ,o a,ain$t the ,rain 4ut )hich you yet kno) )ould 4e valua4le trainin, %or you; include the#. /ne youn, #an o% #y ac?uaintance )ho )a$ a4nor#ally $hy in$i$ted to hi#$el% that he $hould ,et into conver$ation )ith at lea$t three $tran,er$ daily. 3ny activity you choo$e $hould 4e 4oth corrective and unu$ual; cuttin, a4ruptly acro$$ your u$ual routine.


Wake Up and Live!

12. 3n alternative #ethod i$ thi$6 %ro# ti#e to ti#e ,ive your$el% a day on )hich you $ay D8e$D to every re?ue$t #ade o% you )hich i$ at all rea$ona4le. he #ore you tend to retire %ro# $ociety in your lei$ure; the #ore valua4le thi$ )ill 4e. 8ou #ay %ind your$el% invited to ,o $lei,h ridin, in your t)enty-%our hour$= you #ay 4e invited to chan,e your Ao4. he $lei,h-ride $hould certainly 4e accepted; ho)ever #uch you #ay hate $tra); thick 4lanket$ and cold )eather. he Ao4-chan,in,; %ortunately; can 4e $u4#itted to e<a#ination; $ince it i$ only Drea$ona4leD activitie$ )hich you are to undertake )ithout $econd thou,ht. Don>t 4e a%raid nothin, )ill occur on that day= it i$ a$toni$hin, ho) #any $#all re?ue$t$ )e can turn a$ide daily rather than interrupt our even cour$e. he con$e?uence$ #ay 4e )idereachin,; o%ten educative; $o#eti#e$ e<tre#ely advanta,eou$.! @everthele$$ do not Au#p to the conclu$ion that 4ecau$e one day o% the $ort ha$ 4rou,ht $o #any intere$tin, po$$i4ilitie$ to li,ht; every day $hould 4e led in that #anner. /n the contrary= to deny one$el% an opportunity no) and a,ain i$ %ully a$ illu#inatin,; particularly %or tho$e )ho )a$te too #uch ti#e in party-,oin,; theater$; and $o on. .uch per$on$ $hould plan to re%u$e #any invitation$; and $pend the ti#e in inten$ive $el%-cultivation.

! he %ir$t ti#e I put thi$ di$cipline into practice; %or e<a#ple; I )a$ a$ked; %or the %ir$t ti#e in year$; to teach a cla$$ in %iction )ritin,. @o) I had al)ay$ $aid on every occa$ion that I a4horred teachin,; that I )ould never teach )hile I had the $en$e to #ake a livin, any other )ay; that #o$t o% the cour$e$ in %iction )ritin, I had $een did al#o$t nothin, %or the pupil$. Under #y o)n order$; I had to accept6 I )a$ ?uali%ied 4y havin, )ritten %iction #y$el%; 4y ten year$ o% editin,; 4y havin, a %e) idea$ %or $tartin, the %lo) o% )ritin,. I took the cla$$; li$tened to the ?ue$tion$ #y $tudent$ a$ked #e; di$covered that no 4ook I kne) o% an$)ered the# %ully---and )a$ led into )ritin, one o% #y o)n. 3nd thi$ pre$ent 4ook i$ the re$ult o% another $uch D8ea $ayin,D day. he lecture I )a$ a$ked to ,ive ca#e at a ti#e )hen #y $chedule )a$ #ore than %ull; )hen I )ould; i% I had not ,iven #y$el% 4lanket in$truction$ to accept; have 4e,,ed o%% on that occa$ion. @ot every day o% the $ort ha$ ?uite $uch %ar-reachin, con$e?uence$; 4ut in #y li%e they are al#o$t al)ay$ intere$tin,; i% nothin, #ore.


Dorthea Brande

/n thi$ $y$te#; )ork out other di$cipline$ )hich are ,ood %or your individual ca$e. here are t)o )ay$ o% #akin, the#. Fir$t; 4eco#e a)are o% $o#e )eakne$$ or inade?uate per%or#ance on your part= then decide; perhap$ a%ter e<peri#ent; )hether the )ay to correct it i$ to $et your$el% to doin, the e<act oppo$ite; or )hether---a$ in curin, the ha4it o% talkin, too #uch a4out one>$ o)n intere$t$---actin, a ludicrou$ and overe#pha$i:ed parody o% the %ailin, )ill 4e #ore e%%ective. /nce you ,et the idea; you )ill %ind the$e di$cipline$ not only help%ul 4ut ,enuinely a#u$in,. In #any ca$e$ they replace the rather hapha:ard pu::le-$olvin, activitie$ )hich call on $o#e)hat the $a#e capacitie$. In #atchin, your )it$ a,ain$t your$el% you take on the $hre)de$t and )ilie$t anta,oni$t you can have; and con$e?uently a victoriou$ outco#e in thi$ duel o% )it$ 4rin,$ a ,reat %eelin, o% triu#ph. 3t la$t; )hen one i$ in trainin,; one can call at )ill on any o% the #ental trait$ )hich have 4een $tren,thened or e<erci$ed in the$e )ay$ and %ind that it per%or#$ e<actly and ?uickly. 1ut; a$ yon 4e,in to take plea$ure in the$e e<erci$e$; re#ind your$el% that they are #ean$; not end$. In ,ettin, control o% your #ind you are not yet u$in, it o%%icially; $o to $peak. 8ou are $till in your pro4ationary period. Bave you ever #et one o% tho$e health-$eeker$ )ho eat Au$t $o #any ounce$ o% %ood per day; )alk Au$t $o #any #ile$ or play Au$t $o #any ,a#e$ o% hand4all; $it in the $un or under a $un la#p Au$t $o #any #inute$---and then lead the dulle$t o% per$onal live$? Be ha$ #ade hi#$el% into a #a,ni%icently healthy creature---%or no purpo$e )hat$oever. 8ou are trainin, your #ind in order to en,a,e it in de%inite activity; $o do not put o%% too lon, the #atter o% ,ettin, at your ori,inal plan$.


Wake Up and Live! %: 99

.till con$iderin, )hat aid$ )e can %ind to $ucce$$%ul livin,; 4ut no) in the )ay o% direct $upport %or our$elve$; there are variou$ )ay$ in )hich )e can #ake the proce$$ $#oother. /ne o% the 4e$t i$ to %ollo) the $u,,e$tion o% Franklin; in hi$ 3uto4io,raphy; and to check daily on our pro,re$$ 4y #ean$ o% a $#all; $pecially prepared note4ook. Franklin hi#$el% dre) up a li$t o% thirteen "irtue$; and under each )rote a #a<i# e#4odyin, the $en$e o% that virtue to hi$ #ind. For in$tance; under e#perance he )rote D5at not to dullne$$= drink not to elevationD= under .ilence6 D.peak not 4ut )hat #ay 4ene%it other$ or your$el%= avoid tri%lin, conver$ationD= and $o )ent on; throu,h /rder; (e$olution; Fru,ality and the re$t. It i$ hardly po$$i4le to dra) up a 4etter $et; 4ut---and perhap$ it i$ one #ore $i,n o% the $o%tenin, o% the race---%or #o$t purpo$e$ the $i< #atter$ )hich )e %ind #o$t trou4le$o#e )ill $ee# ?uite enou,h %or our pre$ent.' 5ach )ill have hi$ o)n $et o% %ault$ to 4e corrected. 1ut let u$ $ay; %or in$tance; that you decide you could do #ore )ork i% you )ould= that you are $hy; that you take too lon, to #ake up your #ind= that you talk too #uch Eand ti#idity and talkativene$$ are 4y no #ean$ #utually e<clu$ive vice$F= that you eat at odd hour$ or the )ron, thin,$= that you $leep too lon, Eor not enou,hF. 8our note4ook pa,e $hould look like thi$6 he check$ repre$ent your e$ti#ate o% the nu#4er o% ti#e$ you $ucce$$%ully re$i$ted the te#ptation to act in the un$ati$%actory )ay. 3$ you %ind your$el% a4le to %ill any o% the $?uare$ o% your note4ook each day---in other )ord$; )hen you have eradicated the trou4le#akin, %ault---you can retire that cla$$i%ication and replace it )ith another )hich you #ay have noticed. I% you $oon out,ro) the need o% the note4ook; $plendid.
' 3ny reader )ho can do $o $hould look into the 3uto4io,raphy= it i$ %ull o% e<cellent $u,,e$tion$.


Dorthea Brande

It can 4e kept in a convenient dra)er; thou,h; a$ a re#inder. . Work Coura,e Deci$ion .peech 7eal$ .leep

hen there i$ the #atter o% ,ettin, into the day. ho$e )ho )ake %ully each #ornin, )ould %ind it hard to 4elieve ho) #any o% their %ello)$ $u%%er %ro# not 4ein, %ully in co##and o% their %acultie$ in the #ornin,. I% you 4elon, to the latter cre); don>t he$itate to i#itate the Gatherine 7an$%ield hero )ho )oke; opened hi$ eye$; and $a) the $i,n he had put up %or hi#$el%6 D9et out o% 4ed at once.D What i$ #ore; i% you kno)---a$ $o #any o% u$ do---that at #idni,ht you have a ,enuine in$piration )hich your #ornin,>$ pro$aic #ood lead$ you to di$re,ard; )rite your$el% a note a4out it. 1e pretty %ir# a4out the #atter= put it $harply. .ay to your$el%; in )ritin,; D8ou>re an idiot i% you don>t at lea$t $ee )hether 7acy>$ )ould like that idea. 7ake an appoint#ent today!D /%ten nothin, #ore i$ needed to #ake the pro$y; uni#a,inative dayli,ht #ood 4reak up and allo) the inten$er one to return. /ne o% the #o$t %a#ou$ #en in 3#erica con$tantly $end$ hi#$el% po$t-card$; and occa$ionally note$. Be e<plained the card12'

Wake Up and Live!

$endin, a$ 4ein, hi$ )ay o% relievin, hi$ #e#ory o% unnece$$ary detail$. In hi$ pocket he carrie$ a %e) po$tal$ addre$$ed to hi$ o%%ice. I )a$ )ith hi# one threatenin, day )hen he looked out the re$taurant )indo); dre) a card %ro# hi$ pocket and )rote on it. hen he thre) it acro$$ the ta4le to #e )ith a ,rin. It )a$ addre$$ed to hi#$el% at hi$ o%%ice; and $aid DCut your raincoat )ith your hat.D 3t the o%%ice he had other card$ addre$$ed to hi#$el% at ho#e. (e)ardin, one$el% %or $ucce$$%ul )ork---even in addition to the $ucce$$---i$ another )ay o% pro#otin, proper action. I% you ,et your$el% $o#e $#all lu<ury )hen; and only )hen; your note4ook $ho)$ a )eek o% $ati$%actory #ark$; you #ay ,o to $li,htly #ore trou4le to turn a)ay %ro# your %ault$. 9et into the ha4it o% 4ein, 4oth $trict and %riendly to)ard your$el%6 de#and a certain $tandard o% per%or#ance= approve o% your$el%; even re)ard your$el%; i% you attain it. Far too o%ten )e pur$ue Au$t the )ron, tactic$. When )e $hould 4e actin, )e indul,e or e<cu$e our$elve$ %or inactivity )e then up4raid and puni$h our$elve$ ruthle$$ly and %utilely. he $coldin, i$ %utile 4ecau$e )e $o#eho) %eel that; i% )e have 4een $evere and cuttin, to our$elve$; )e have in $o#e )ay atoned %or the %ault o% non per%or#ance. We have not; o% cour$e. We have not done )hat )e planned; and )e have di$coura,ed and hurt our$elve$ into the 4ar,ain.


Dorthea Brande

!hapter 1- * ;nd %he Best o# Lu(k!

.U77I@9 up; then; )e have a$ the %ir$t tenet o% $ucce$$6 3ct a$ i% it )ere i#po$$i4le to %ail. 1e,innin, to put thi$ into practice; )e di$cover that the %ir$t de#and upon u$ i$ that )e $hould reclai# a$ #uch a$ po$$i4le o% the ener,y )hich no) ,oe$ into reverie or into ti#e-killin,; and devote it to purpo$e%ul activity; to action to)ard an end. We act 4y i,norin, all #e#orie$ or apprehen$ion$ o% %ailure; 4y re%u$in, to attach i#portance to te#porary di$co#%ort or pa$t pain. We learn not to court %ru$tration 4y u$in, an attitude or tone )hich leave$ any opportunity %or re4u%% or noncooperation. We e<erci$e our #ind$ in trial per%or#ance$ in order to have the# %ully under our control )hen the occa$ion to u$e the# in an e<pert )ay ari$e$. With the i#a,ination )e painle$$ly e<plore all the po$$i4le reache$ o% our live$ and con$tantly provide our$elve$ )ith proAect$ o% %uture intere$t$ to $uch an e<tent that )e $hall not %all 4ack into day drea#in,. We deli4erately #ake %or our$elve$ an invi,oratin, #ental cli#ate; and in thi$ at#o$phere; %reed o% dou4t$ and an<ietie$; )e act. In the la$t %e) chapter$ )e have 4een con$iderin, the$e %acet$ o% $ucce$$%ul action one 4y one. @o) it #u$t 4e re#e#4ered that; ho)ever correct and $u,,e$tive $uch detailed con$ideration$ #ay 4e; they $u%%er 4adly in one #anner6 their te#po; $o to $peak; ha$ had to 4e altered in order to $ho) the# #inutely.


Wake Up and Live!

3 $lo)-#otion picture o% 4allplayer$ in action; o% ,ol%er$; o% a tenni$ #atch; i$ $o#eti#e$ o% ine$ti#a4le value to the$e )ho are learnin, to play. he #u$cular e%%ort 4ehind a $udden de<terou$ turn o% the 4ody; in it$ nor#al te#po %ar too ?uick %or the eye to catch; i$ $ho)n in the retarded %il# in all it$ $u4tlety. 1ut )e ,ain our in$i,ht into the techni?ue o% di%%icult play$ 4y lo$in, $i,ht; %or the #o#ent; o% another a$pect. 8ou )ill re#e#4er ho); in $uch picture$; the player ,lide$ lan,uorou$ly throu,h the air; the 4all curve$ $lo)ly to)ard$ the rac?uet; touche$ it )ith a $o%t i#pact and $lide$ $lo)ly a)ay a,ain. Illu#inatin, a$ the$e picture$ are; they are al$o al)ay$ irre$i$ti4ly co#ic6 the leap; the crack; the rapidity o% the ,a#e a$ )e kno) it i$ ,one; replaced 4y a t)ilit; drea#in, ,entlene$$. @o); to con$ider the techni?ue o% $ucce$$ in the$e pa,e$; )e have had to $acri%ice pace to analy$i$ in Au$t thi$ )ay. he actual te#po o% $ucce$$; )hile it $hould not have the nervou$ne$$ or $train that i$ al#o$t inevita4le in a co#petitive conte$t; i$ ?uicker; $#oother; #ore 4ri$k than any 4ook analy:in, it can ever $ho). here i$ a deli,ht%ul conci$ene$$ in $ucce$$%ul action. DI kno) I># doin, a ,ood picture i% I># paintin, Au$t a$ %a$t a$ I can #ove;D a ,reat arti$t $aid to a ,roup o% %riend$ recently. D he #inute I da44le I kno) I># $tallin,; that there>$ $o#ethin, I># not $eein, ri,ht= )hen I># ri,ht it>$ al#o$t like play.D here i$ undou4tedly $o#ethin, ,a#e-like a4out pertinent activity6 tho$e di$tre$$%ul clichH$ o% a %e) year$ a,o; Dthe adverti$in, ,a#e;D Dthe en,ineerin, ,a#e;D Dthe re$taurant ,a#e;D had $o#e e<cu$e in reality. he voca4ulary o% #en )ho are $ucce$$%ul in the $en$e that they have a#a$$ed hu,e %ortune$ a4ound$ in ter#$ taken over %ro# the Aar,on o% $port$6 D3 %a$t one;D D/ut o% 4ound$;D and $o on. 3nd ho)ever unlike the 4i, 4u$ine$$ a#4ition o% $uch a #an one>$ 12-

Dorthea Brande

o)n per$onal idea o% $ucce$$ #ay 4e; there i$ $o#ethin, to 4e deduced %ro# the %re?uency o% recreation ter#$ )hen $torie$ o% $ucce$$ are in ?ue$tion. Curpo$e%ul action $ee#$ ?uicker; clearer #ore $trai,ht%or)ard and enAoya4le than any other. In reality; you #ay 4e )orkin, #ore $lo)ly and care%ully than ordinarily= $till; the %act that there i$ no con%u$ion o% i$$ue$; no part o% your #ind o%% )ool,atherin, a$ you #ove; ,ive$ an un#i$taka4le DtoneD to activitie$ )hich are 4ein, carried on in the proper )ay. It i$ Au$t thi$ tone that you are $ettin, your$el% to recapture 4y i#a,ination )hen you re#e#4er the #ood o% an earlier $ucce$$. /nce you have %ound it in the pa$t; #ade u$e o% it %or pre$ent action; and noted the $i#ilarity in pace )hich re$ult$; you )ill $oon 4e a4le to $trike the ri,ht rhyth# )ithout the ela4orate preli#inary i#a,inative activity. Further; thi$ rhyth# $o#eti#e$ crop$ out une<pectedly; in the #iddle o% uni#portant event$= it i$ a pro#i$e that; i% you can ,et a)ay and at )ork; you )ill %ind your$el% Din vein.D .o you )ill co#e to reco,ni:e it$ on$et and 4e a4le to turn it to your advanta,e. hi$ %eelin, o% pace; or tone; or rhyth#---it repre$ent$ it$el% di%%erently to di%%erin, te#pera#ent$---)ill 4e your evidence that you are headed the ri,ht )ay. hi$ i$ no reco##endation to ha$ten your phy$ical action in )orkin,. hat #ay or #ay not co#e to pa$$. "ery o%ten it doe$= in other ca$e$ undue ha$te ha$ 4een one o% the contri4ution$ o% the Will to Fail; )hich; apin, the deci$ivene$$ o% authoritative #otion; allo)ed $everal e$$ential$ to ,ood )ork to 4e overlooked or $ki#ped. It i$ not $o #uch any real 4ri$kne$$ that i$ 4ein, con$idered here a$ it i$ the %act that uni#peded #ove#ent in a %or)ard direction i$ plea$ant and rhyth#ical; #ove#ent )hich ,oe$ un)averin,ly to)ard$ $ucce$$.


Wake Up and Live!

Let u$; %or another reductio ad a4$urdu#; con$ider one ,reat cla$$ o% $ucce$$e$; o% )hich al#o$t everyone ha$ had $o#e per$onal e<perience; or at the very lea$t ha$ #et in the live$ o% tho$e a4out hi#6 the $tate called the coura,e o% de$peration. In the #o$t e<tre#e ca$e$; thi$ coura,e ari$e$ 4ecau$e $o#e cata$trophe or $erie$ o% #i$%ortune$ ha$ co#pletely )iped out every alternative to $ucce$$. DBe ha$ nothin, to lo$e;D )e $ay o% one in thi$ $ituation. "ery )ell; then= he act$ )ith a directne$$ and darin, )hich he could not ordinarily co##and. .o o%ten that it ha$ 4eco#e a #atter o% le,end %or u$; thi$ action i$ attended )ith over)hel#in, $ucce$$. I% you )ill re#e#4er the third victi# o% the Will to Fail in an earlier chapter; you )ill recall that he had #ade a $tate o% de$peration into a $uper$titiou$ prere?ui$ite to acco#pli$h#ent. 0uite #i$readin, the $ituation; he ca#e to 4elieve that the pro$pect o% utter van?ui$h#ent )ould; each ti#e; cau$e Fate to relent. What he entirely overlooked )a$ that )hen he had reached $uch $trait$ that he dared not %ail he invaria4ly acted a$ he $hould al)ay$ act6 a$ i% it )ere i#po$$i4le to %ail. Without e<ception in thi$ $tate he $ucceeded. Ine<trica4ly involved in the #e$he$ o% hi$ 4ad and e#otional thinkin,; he invited %ailure a$ the only )ay to $pur hi#$el% to e%%ort. o hi$ ac?uaintance$ he inevita4ly recalled the cra:y hero o% )orld)ide %a#e; the #an )ho hit hi#$el% on the head )ith a ha##er 4ecau$e it %elt $o ,ood )hen he $topped. It )a$ and i$ all very $eriou$ to hi#. 1ut re#ove the a4$urdity %ro# the$e e<a#ple$ o% the coura,e o% de$peration; and )e have the $en$e. De$peration doe$ cut o%% one alternative. 1ut de$peration i$ not needed; i$ not the only tool )hich )ill cut a)ay the po$$i4ility o% %ailure. I#a,ination )ill do the )ork even 4etter and #ore neatly. 3nd )e are le%t )ith Coura,e %acin, intheri,htdirection.


Dorthea Brande

Coura,e %acin, in the ri,ht direction i$ the $ine ?ua non o% $ucce$$. It i$ to reach that $ta,e that )e put our$elve$ throu,h e<erci$e$ in %le<i4ility and re$traint; learn to turn i#a,ination a)ay %ro# apprehen$ion and into u$e%ul channel$; deter#ine to act )i$ely in #inor #atter$ in order to $tore up coura,e %or the #aAor i$$ue$ o% our live$. We u$e our head$ to ,et the ,reate$t ,ood %ro# our ,i%t$ and a4ilitie$; re%u$in, our$elve$ the )eakenin, privile,e$ o% drea#in,; avoidin, re$pon$i4ilitie$; %ollo)in, the line o% lea$t re$i$tance; actin, childi$hly. .ucce$$; %or any $ane adult; i$ e<actly e?uivalent to doin, one>$ 4e$t. What that 4e$t #ay 4e; )hat it$ %arthe$t reache$ #ay include; )e can di$cover only 4y %reein, our$elve$ co#pletely %ro# the Will to Fail.


Wake Up and Live!

;bout the 9ditor

Dr. obert !. Worstell

(ev. Dr. (o4ert C. Wor$tell; 7.7$c; 713; ChD i$ an independent re$earcher and the author o% $everal $el%-help and $el%-i#prove#ent 4ook$; hinkin, at Internet .peed; Bo) .el%-Belp 3uthor$ Write 1e$t$eller$; 9o hunk 8our$el% 7; 9o hunk 8our$el%; 3,ain!; 9o hunk 8our$el%; .>#ore!; and 9o hunk 8our$el%; Co#pleat!. Be ha$ al$o edited $everal pu4lication$6 he ho#a$ ro)ard Collection; Baanel>$ 7a$ter Gey .y$te#; Conceive; 1elieve; 3chieve; and the 9o hunk 8our$el% Co#panion CD; a#on, other$. Wor$tell al$o #aintain$ $everal 4lo,$ )hich $upport the$e 4ook$. Be i$ perhap$ the %ir$t to invite audience participation in )ritin, $everal 4ook$; throu,h po$tin, the entire 4ook to hi$ 4lo, and $i#ultaneou$ly pu4li$hin, to the Crint-on-De#and Cu4li$her Lulu. hi$ arran,e#ent ena4le$ correction and update$ to hardcopy ver$ion$ )ithin #inute$. Be ha$ certi%icate$ in Co#puter @et)orkin, and Wirele$$ 1road4and; a$ )ell a$ de,ree$ in 7arketin,; Co#parative (eli,ion$ and Co#puter .cience; )ith $peciali$t $tudie$ in U$er Inter%ace$. Wor$tell live$ on a )orkin, %ar# in rural 7i$$ouri and i$ continually involved in re$earch to i#prove the ?uality o% li%e. Be ha$ $pent over !+ year$ re$earchin, the hu#an condition throu,h per$onal $tudie$ o% coun$elin,; education; and $el%-i#prove#ent.


Dorthea Brande

;dditional Books +ro/ the 9ditor< $o %hunk &oursel#!%' i(h" +a/ous" ; 3u((ess!
What do Napoleon Hill - author o% hink and 9ro) (ich; Norman Vincent Peale - author o% he Co)er o% Co$itive hinkin,; Dale Carnegie - author o% Bo) to Win Friend$ and In%luence Ceople; and Step en Co!e" - author o% he - Ba4it$ o% Bi,hly 5%%ective Ceople all have in co##on? hey all #H$N% the $a#e )ay. he$e and other author$ di$covered the $a#e 4a$ic &ecret& 4ehind )ealth; $ucce$$; and %a#e. 5ach o% the$e author$ 4eca#e )ealthy; $ucce$$%ul; and %a#ou$ 4y applyin, the$e $ecret$. 'o( can too. hi$ 4ook>$ $i#ple 14)*a" program allo)$ you to re-create your o)n li%e; Au$t the )ay you )ant it to 4e! 3ll you have to do i$ inve$t $o#e ti#e each day to read the$e $i#ple chapter$ and do the e<erci$e$. 'o( can learn t e&e &ecret& and $tart takin, control over your o)n li%e; to &tart ac ie!ing t e ric e&+ ,ame an* &(cce&& "o(-!e al.a"& *reame* o,. 'o(r Dream& C/N 01C231 4ealit"5


Wake Up and Live!


esour(es #or &our Use<

%he $o %hunk &oursel# 3tudent :andbook
he $tudent hand4ook )hich acco#panie$ and co#plete$ the 9o hunk 8our$el% $erie$. hi$ i$ u$ed in conAunction )ith the earlier 4ook$ in the 9o hunk 8our$el% $erie$; or can 4e u$ed alone.

hi$ hand4ook contain$ all the $tep$ needed in the e<act $e?uence )hich )ill place you %ir#ly on the road to achievin, your ,oal$. 3t %ull letter-$i:e; )ith $piral 4indin, and a#ple #ar,in$; thi$ i$ a per%ect $tudy 4ook J lot$ o% roo# %or hi,hli,htin, and note$. Contain$ te<t 4y Wallace Wattle$; @apoleon Bill; Charle$ F. Baanel; and .er,e Gahili Gin,.


Dorthea Brande

$o %hunk &oursel# !o/panion !D

9et the key re%erenced )ork$ %ro# the 9o hunk 8our$el% 4ook$ $erie$; each co#piled into CDF %or#at %or ea$y on-$creen vie)in,. hi$ CD contain$ all the 4eta ver$ion$ o% the three 9 8 4ook$; a$ )ell a$ the #a$ter)ork$ o% Baanel; Bill; ro)ard; 3llen; Wattle$; plu$ author$6 Franklin; 9ha::ali; 1arnu#; and #any #ore. Bave all the re%erence$ %or your $el%-help $tudie$ in one place %or ready re%erence.


Wake Up and Live!

Books in the $o %hunk &oursel# e#eren(e Library<

3e(rets Bet1een &our 9ars
While you #ay have heard that the only li#it$ in your li%e are )ithin you; t ere i& a .a" to re) program "o(r&el, to ac ie!e t e greatne&& "o( 6no. i& t ere. Contained in thi$ volu#e are three #a$ter)ork$6 DWake Up and Live!D 4y Dorothea 1rande; D he .ecret o% the 3,e$D 4y (o4ert Collier; and D.el%-7a$tery and the Cractice o% 3uto$u,,e$tionD 4y 5#ile CouH and C. Barry 1rook$. Within thi$ te<t are the $i#ple techni?ue$ that )ill #ake it po$$i4le to ac?uire any a#ount o% #oney; de,ree o% happine$$; and ?uality o% health you de$ire.

%hink" %hank" %hunk!

here are three author$ )ho have co#pletely chan,ed your )orld Charle$ F. Baanel - D he 7a$ter Gey .y$te#D Wallace D. Wattle$ J D he .cience o% 9ettin, (ichD @apoleon Bill - D hink and 9ro) (ichD Bo) they did it i$ point o% $tudy. 1ut every #aAor $el%-help author and every true $ucce$$ on thi$ planet all (&e t e &ame (n*erl"ing &"&tem. In thi$ $in,le volu#e are all the$e three author$> 4e$t$eller$. Fro# the#; you can )ork out the $olution to any pro4le# - i% you apply )hat they teach to your$el% and to your drea#$.

.ie1 /ore resour(es at http<==stores.lulu.(o/=robert1orstell


Dorthea Brande



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