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A New Type of Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces of Fuzzy Numbers Defined by Modulas Function

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I nternational J ournal of Mathematics and Statistics I nvention (I J MSI )

E-ISSN: 2321 4767 P-ISSN: 2321 - 4759

www.ijmsi.org Volume 1 Issue 2 December. 2013 PP-69-78
www.ijmsi.org 69 | P a g e
A New Type of Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces of Fuzzy
Numbers Defined By Modulas Function
Manmohan Das, Bipul Sarma
Deptt. of Mathematics, Bajali College, Pathsala, Assam, India
Deptt. of Mathematics, M.C College , Barpeta, Assam, India

ABSTRACT: In this article we introduce and study the sequence space , summable
sequence of fuzzy numbers, statistical convergent and also pre-Cauchy sequences of fuzzy numbers
by using modulas function . Further we show that is a complete metric space .

KEYWORDS: Sequence of fuzzy numbers; Difference sequence; modulas fuction , statistically convergent;
pre-Cauchy sequences of fuzzy numbers , modulas function.

The concept of fuzzy sets and fuzzy set operations was first introduced by Zadeh [25] and subsequently
several authors have studied various aspects of the theory and applications of fuzzy sets. Bounded and
convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers were introduced by Matloka [7] where it was shown that every
convergent sequence is bounded. Nanda [9] studied the spaces of bounded and convergent sequence of fuzzy
numbers and showed that they are complete metric spaces. In [13] Sava studied the space m(), which we call
the space of -bounded sequence of fuzzy numbers and showed that this is a complete metric space.

Let D denote the set of all closed and bounded intervals X = [
a ,
b ] on the real line R. For X =
a ,
b ]e D and Y = [
a ,
b ]e D, define d( X, Y ) by
d( X, Y ) = max ( |
a -
b |, |
a -
b | ).

It is known that (D, d ) is a complete metric space.
A fuzzy real number X is a fuzzy set on R i.e. a mapping X : R L(= [0,1] ) associating each real
number t with its grade of membership X(t).
The o- level set

[ ] X set of a fuzzy real number X for 0 < o s 1, defined as

X = { t e R : X(t) > o}.
A fuzzy real number X is called convex, if X(t) > X(s) . X(r) = min ( X(s), X(r) ), where s < t < r.
If there exists
t e R such that X(
t ) = 1, then the fuzzy real number X is called normal.
A fuzzy real number X is said to be upper semi- continuous if for each c > 0,
X ([0, a + c )), for all a
e L is open in the usual topology of R.

The set of all upper semi-continuous, normal, convex fuzzy number is denoted by L (R).
The absolute value |X| of X e L(R) is defined as (see for instance Kaleva and Seikkala [2] )
|X| (t) = max { X(t), X(-t) } , if t > 0
= 0 , if t < 0 .
Let d : L(R) L(R) R be defined by

d ( X, Y ) =
1 0
s so
d (
X ,
Y ).
Then d defines a metric on L(R).
For X, Ye L(R) define
X Y iff X

for any e [0, 1].

A subset E of L(R) is said to be bounded above if there exists a fuzzy number M, called an upper bound
of E, such that X M for every Xe E. M is called the least upper bound or supremum of E if M is an upper
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bound and M is the smallest of all upper bounds. A lower bound and the greatest lower bound or infimum are
defined similarly. E is said to be bounded if it is both bounded above and bounded below.

A sequence X = (X
) of fuzzy numbers is a function X from the set N of all positive integers into L(R).
The fuzzy number X
denotes the value of the function at ke N and is called the k-th term or general term of the

Definition2.1: A sequence X = (X
) of fuzzy numbers is said to be convergent to the fuzzy number X
, written
as lim
= X
, if for every > 0 there exists n
e N such that
d (X
, X
) < for k > n

Definition2.2: The set of convergent sequences is denoted by c
. X = (X
) of fuzzy numbers is said to be a
Cauchy sequence if for every > 0 there exists n
e N such that
d (X
, X
) < for k, l > n

Definition2.3: A sequence X = (X
) of fuzzy numbers is said to be bounded if the set {X
: ke N} of fuzzy
numbers is bounded and the set of bounded sequences is denoted by


The notion of difference sequence of complex terms was introduced by Kizmaz [6]. This notion war
further generalized by Et and Colak [2], Tripathy and Esi [16], Tripathy, Esi and Tripathy [17] and many others.

The idea of the statistical convergence of sequence was introduced by Fast [3] and Schoenberg [12]
independently in order to extend the notion of convergence of sequences. It is also found in Zygmund [26].
Later on it was linked with summability by Fridy and Orhan [4], Maddox [8], Rath and Tripathy [11] and many
others. In [10] Nuray and Sava extended the idea to sequences of fuzzy numbers and discussed the concept of
statistically Cauchy sequences of fuzzy numbers. In this article we extend these notions to difference sequences
of fuzzy numbers.

The natural density of a set K of positive integers is denoted by ( ) K o and defined by

( ) K o =
{ }
li m card :
k n k K
s e
Definition2.4: If a sequence satisfies a property P for almost all k except a set of natural density
zero , then we say that satisfies P for almost all k and we write a.a.k.
Definition2.5: A sequence X = (X
) of fuzzy numbers is said to be statistically convergent to a fuzzy number X

if for every > 0,
{ }
li m card : ( , )
k n d X X
c s > = 0. We write st-lim X
= X

Throughout the article we denote by 2
w the set of all sequences of fuzzy numbers.
Definition2.6: A sequence of fuzzy numbers is said to be double - convergent to a fuzzy number X
for each

c > 0 there exist such that,
We write , where and

and for all , which is equivalent to the following
binomial representation :

We recall that a modulas function f is a function from [0 ,) to [0,) such that :
(ii) for all
(iii) is increasing.
(iv) is continous from the right at 0 .

It follows that must be continous everywhere on [0,) and a modulas function may be bounded or
not bounded . Ruckle [24], Maddox[18] , Srivastava and Mohanta [15], used modulas function to construct
some sequence spaces. subsequently many authors.
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A metric on L(R) is said to be translation invariant if for all fuzzy
numbers X , Y ,Z .

Let be a sequence of fuzzy linear metric spaces under the translation invariant metrices
such that for ,each k . Define
. is a linear space of fuzzy numbers under coordinatewise
addition and scalar multiplication . ( see for instance[15])

Let be a modulas function and be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers .Also
be two non negative integers ; we present the following new sequence space

where and for all , which is equivalent to the following
binomial representation

Definition2.7: A sequence of fuzzy numbers is said to be staistically convergent to
a fuzzy number if for each > 0 such that

The set of all staistically convergent is denoted by .
Definition2.8: A sequence of fuzzy numbers is said to be staistically Cauchy
sequence , if for each , there exists a possitive integer such that

Definition2.9: A sequence of fuzzy numbers is said to be staistically pre-Cauchy
sequence , if for all

Lemma2.1: If is translation invariant then
(a) )

Lemma2.2: Let and be sequences of real or complex numbers and be a bounded sequence of
positive real numbers , then

where C = , is any real or complex number


Theorem3.1: If be a modulas function and , then

Proof : Let be given and . Then
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where . This follows that and hence completes the proof.

Theorem3.2: If is bounded modulas function and is staistically convergent , then

Proof: Since is bounded modulas function, therefore there exists an integer K such that let
be given .Consider

Thus . This completes the proof.

Theorem3.3: If a sequence is staistically convergent , then it is statistically
Cauchy sequence.

Proof: Since is staistically convergent, so we have for each ,


We can choose such that


This implies that is statistically Cauchy sequence.

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Theorem3.4: If a sequence is staistically convergent , then it is statistically
bounded sequence.

Proof: Since is staistically convergent, so we have for each ,


One can find, . Then we have

Hence is statistically bounded sequence.

Remark : The converse of the above theorem is not true . To justify it, we consider the following example .

Example 3.1 : Take
Define the sequence ( as follows :

When and is odd,

When and is even,



It follows that is staistically bounded but not is staistically convergent sequence .

Theorem3.5 : If is a sequence for which there exists a staistically convergent
sequence If such that Then is also staistically convergent.

Proof : Given that, and is staistically convergent sequence. Then
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for each and each n , we have ,

Y is staistically convergent sequence, therefore the set
contains a fixed number = . Then

This implies that is staistically convergent .

Theorem3.6: Let ( be a sequence of fuzzy number and bounded . Then X is staistically pre-
Cauchy sequence if and only if

where is bounded modulas function.

Proof: Let us first assume that,

Given and for , we have ,

and hence is statistically pre-Cauchy.
Conversely let, is statistically pre-Cauchy and be given. Choose > 0 such that .
Since is bounded modulas function , therefore there exists an integer M such that


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By our assumption,

i.e there exists a positive integer such that ,


Thus we have

This completes the proof.

Remark : A sequence is staistically pre Cauchy but not staistically convergent. To justify it, we
consider the following example .

Example 3.2 :Take Consider the sequence X =
( given as follows :
When is even ,

When is odd ,


This implies that is staistically pre Cauchy but not staistically convergent.

Theorem3.7: If be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers . Then the space . is a linear
space over the real field R .
Proof : The proof is easy , so omitted .

Theorem3.8: Let be a sequence of complete metric spaces and be a bounded sequence of
positive real numbers such that . Then the space is complete metric space under the
metric defined by-
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Proof : It is easy to see that is a metric on . We just prove completeness. Let be a Cauchy
sequence in , where Then we have ,

This implies

Since is modulas function we have
and for each
This follows that ,
and for each
i.e. ( is a Cauchy sequence in . Since is complete so is convergent in . For simplicity

Considering and we can easily conclude that

Taking limit as in (3.1) , we have ,


Now it remains to show . From (3.2) we get ,

Therefore for any there exists a positive integer such that,

Now one can find for each such that,


Take and . Then ,

Since is monotone function , we have

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i.e. ( is Cauchy sequence in which is complete. So let as

Thus we get,

Which implies that . This completes the proof.

Theorem3.9: Let ( ) and ( ) be two sequences of positive real numbers such that and the
sequence is bounded. Then .
.Proof : Let therefore ,

Take , .
Define ,
The , , this implies that


It follows that This completes the proof.

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