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ELSEVIER European Journal of Operational Research 89 (1996) 457-461

Theory and Methodology

A note on the use of P R O M E T H E E

multicriteria m e t h o d s

Wim De Keyser, Peter Peeters

Vrije UniversiteitBrussel, BEIE Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Received October 1993; revised March 1994

The PROMETHEE methods are rather popular in the world of outranking methods. One of the reasons for this popularity is the existence of the very userfriendly software, called PROMCALC-PROMethee CALCulation. More and more practitioners are using PROMCALC to handle their multiple criteria problems. However, not all users are aware of the consequences of the model assumptions made in PROMETHEE methods. A short overview of some drawbacks of PROMETHEE methods that users must know and avoid are described in this paper.
Keywords: Multiple criteria; Outranking method

1. Introduction
P R O M E T H E E methods have taken an important place among the existing outranking multiple criteria methods. The number of practitioners which are applying these methods to practical multiple criteria decision problems, and researchers who are further developing a n d / o r are interested in sensitivity aspects of these methods, increases year by year as can be illustrated by the increasing n u m b e r of papers (see references) and conference presentations using one or more of the P R O M E T H E E methods. The more a method is used, the more credit and the less doubts it gets. Nevertheless every method has its restrictions, mostly due to model assumptions, which should always be considered when the method is used. The observation that most practitioners and students do not hesitate to apply P R O M E T H E E

methods on almost any multiple criteria problem, encouraged the authors to formulate some of the drawbacks of these methods, even though most academic researchers in the field of multiple criteria methods are well aware of these drawbacks. Several consequences of the model assumptions of the P R O M E T H E E methods are formulated in Section 2. In Section 3, the behaviour of the P R O M E T H E E methods is discussed when an action is added or deleted. The last section contains the conclusions of this paper.

2. Consequences of model PROMETHEE methods



2.1. P R O M E T H E E methods m a y only be applied if the decision m a k e r can express his preference between two actions on a given criterion on a ratio scale

* Corresponding author.

The preference function fj for a criterion j returns, for a difference d between two evalua-

0377-2217/96/$15.00 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0377-2217(94)00307-6


w. De Keyser, P. Peeters/ European Journal of OperationalResearch 89 (1996) 457-461

methods, except for the special case of a criterion with an ordinal scale where the preference of the decision m a k e r is such that he prefers the best of two different evaluations with a preference function value of 1. This must be done by a cardinalisation of the evaluations in combination with the use of the type I preference function. If one does not pay attention to this aspect of the P R O M E T H E E methods, one can fall into the trap of transforming values on an ordinal scale into values on a ratio scale.

tions on that criterion, a value f j ( d ) ~ [0,1]. This value is a real value on a ratio scale. As a consequence of this, the decision m a k e r must be able to express the magnitude of his preference between actions on a criterion accurately, by according real values - in the interval [0,1] - to the differences between evaluations on that criterion.

2.2. P R O M E T H E E methods may only be applied if the decision maker can express the importance he attaches to the criteria on a ratio scale
P R O M E T H E E methods need quantifiable criterion importances - weights - on a ratio scale. Therefore a decision m a k e r must be able to supply such quantitative criterion importances with the necessary accurateness. The decision m a k e r must furthermore be aware that a criterion with, e.g. weight 1.8 is twice as important as a criterion with weight 0.9, in order to calculate a value which expresses the outranking relation.

2.5. It is not possible to take discordance into account when constructing the outrank relations of P R O M E T H E E methods
Discordance is however considered as a realistic concept in multiple criteria decision aid and is considered as one of the reasons for developing outranking methods (see Vincke, 1992). The partial P R O M E T H E E I preorder (P~, I [, R) is transitive, which is a consequence of the absence of discordance. Since the partial preorder should m o d e l / r e f l e c t the preference of the decision maker towards the different actions, transitivity cannot always be taken for granted.

2.3. The weights of the criteria express trade-offs between the criteria
T h e weights, as defined and used in P R O M E T H E E methods, indicate trade-offs between the criteria. Let criterion i and criterion j have respectively a weight of /~i and of Aj. This means the decision m a k e r is p r e p a r e d to exchange a decrease of A i o n the value of the preference function of criterion i for an increase o f (di'l~i)//Aj on the value of the preference function of criterion j. The decision maker must agree with this model of his preference structure.

3. Adding or deleting an action The partial P R O M E T H E E I preorder and the complete P R O M E T H E E II preorder are based on an all-to-all comparison between the actions; adding or deleting an action can put these preorders upside down: The outrank relation between two actions can switch (see 3.1) a n d / o r the result of exploring the outranking relations between the actions can be affected (see 3.2).

2.4. P R O M E T H E E methods may only be used with criteria where the differences between evaluations ~re meaningful
A p r e f e r e n c e function, as d e f i n e d in P R O M E T H E E methods, is turning a difference between two evaluations on a criterion into a real value - between 0 and 1. This forms no problem for criteria with interval or ratio scale. For criteria with an ordinal (or nominal) scale, the difference has mathematically speaking no meaning. Such criteria cannot be used in P R O M E T H E E

3.1. The relative position in the preorder between two actions can change by adding or deleting an action
Action A i comes before action Aj in the preorder means that the decision maker prefers action A i above action Aj. The preference of a decision maker between two actions must in the authors' opinion only be based on those two

W. De Keyser, P. Peeters / European Journal of Operational Research 89 (1996) 457-461

Table 1 Data for example 1 Criterion CI: Criterion 1 C2: Criterion 2 C3: Criterion 3 Max 2 (q = 100) 1 800 905 855 Max 3 ( p = 50) 1 401 399 400



I P~rtialR~inq

Min/Max Max Type 2 (q = 10) Weight 1 AI: Action 1 90 A2: Action 2 88 A3: Action 3 99

actions and may not depend on the presence or absence of other actions. One can agree on the fact that the preference of a decision m a k e r between two actions can change when an other action is added or deleted but only if this addit i o n / d e l e t i o n implies a change in the data of the problem (such as additional criteria, chanced evaluations on one or more criteria, changed weights, etc.). The authors cannot agree on the fact that the decision maker's preference between two actions is changed, as will be shown in an example, when only an other action is deleted or added.

) r ~ s E~ER for I~xt I ~ .

ESC for ~nu.

Fig. 2. P R O M E T H E E I graph for actions A1 and A3.

deleted action is dominated by all other actions or when the action is equal to an other action.

3.3. Example
It is easy to construct an example to illustrate both remarks; see Table 1. The P R O M E T H E E I graph is shown in Fig. 1. After deleting action A2, the P R O M E T H E E I graph becomes as shown in Fig. 2. The example shows that if three actions are considered, the decision maker prefers A3 above A1, but if he only considers the actions A I and A3, his preference between these two actions changes completely. Consider the above example (three actions A1, A2 and A3; three criteria C1, C2 and C3). When an action A4, with the following values for the three criteria: (77, 800, 399), is added, the final P R O M E T H E E I decision, which was taking action A3, changes into the final P R O M E T H E E I decision of taking either action A3 or action A2! We also like to remark that when a multiple criteria problem contains only two actions, there can never be an incomparability between these two actions in the P R O M E T H E E I ranking. So incomparability between two actions depends also on the p r e s e n c e / a b s e n c e of other actions.

3.2. Adding or deleting an action which is, e.g. dominated by all other actions or which is, e.g. equal to another action does not only change the PROMETHEE preorders but can also influence the final decision
Adding or deleting an action can change the final preorder. This seems reasonable when 'the best action' is deleted or 'a better action' is added. But it is unreasonable when the added or


1Partial R~tinq

4. Conclusions
~rtss BITER for next t~ace, E$(~for ~nu,

Fig. 1. P R O M E T H E E I graph for actions A1, A2 and A3.

P R O M E T H E E methods may be applied when the following considerations are taken into account:


W. De Keyser, P. Peeters/ European Journal of Operational Research 89 (1996) 457-461

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The decision m a k e r can express his preferences between two actions on all the criteria on ratio scales. The decision m a k e r can express the importance he attaches to the criteria on a ratio scale. The decision m a k e r wants to take all criteria into account and is aware of the fact that the weights are representing trade-offs. For all criteria the difference between evaluations must be meaningful. None of the possible differences on any of the criteria can give rise to discordance. The decision m a k e r knows exactly what can happen if one or more actions are added or deleted and is fully aware of the influences on the final decision. We hope, by underlining the above remarks on P R O M E T H E E methods, to stimulate the users to applying P R O M E T H E E methods on problems of which data and preference structure of the involved decision maker comply with the requirements and model assumptions of P R O M E T H E E methods.

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