Aplique Oveja
Aplique Oveja
Aplique Oveja
Lamb brooch
Design by Vendula Maderska
March 2012 reviesd June 2013
This pattern includes: step by step instructions in American terminology step by step photo-tutorial If you have any problems with this pattern (Im not a native nglish speaker as Im sure youwere noticed it !-" "# please dont hesitate to e-mail me! vendula.maderska$seznam.cz
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 %
Material: %&&' cotton Camilla by Madame (ricote )aris Weight: *ingering + , ply (%, wpi" Colors: &&&& white# -.&/ beige I used small amounts Hook: 0#- mm by 1lover
"bbre#iations used: 1hain $CH% 3lip stitch $SlSt% 3ingle crochet $SC% 2alf double crochet $H&C% 5ouble crochet $&C%
Other material: beads# buttons# needle with blunt tip# thin embroidery cotton# felt# brooch pin. Size of finished brooch: height .#- cm+ width / cm Head: Beginning: / 12 Ro !: Insert hook in second stitch from the hook and make % 31 in ne4t . stitches# % 251 in ne4t stitch# / 51 in last stitch of the row# continue in circle direction# % 251 in ne4t stitch# %31 in ne4t . stitches.
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 0
Ro ': begin with crocheting of the ears! make - 12# continue the arrow direction 6 insert hook in second stitch from the hook and make % 51# % 31 in ne4t . stitches (right ear"# 0 31 above head# - 12 (left ear" 6 don7t turn the work# insert hook in second stitch from the hook and make % 51# % 31 in ne4t . stitches# 8oin with a head by % 3l3t# end the work. 9eaten free threads.
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 .
Bod( Beginning!%& 12 Ro !: insert a hook in second stitch from the hook and make : 31# turn the work
Ro ': . 12 as a %st51# % 51 in very first stitch# % 51 in ne4t ; stitches# 0 51 in last stitch# turn the work
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 ,
Ro *! . 12 as a %st51# % 51 in very first stitch# %51 in ne4t / stitches# % 251 in ne4t stitch# % 31 in ne4t stitch# % 3l3t# end the work. 9eaten free threads.
Make a edge< crochet from lower flower to upper flower by arrow direction! . 12# % 3l3t in ne4t stitch# repeat to the another flower# end the work.
3ew on the front side of the head small black beads as eyes and with thin embroidery cotton embroider the nose. 3ew the beads as a legs. mbroider the body with a white beads. I sew onto the head small heart button also 3ew the head and body together. 5on=t remember to shape a ears.
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 -
1opy the shape of the lamb on the felt and cut it out by scissors. 3ew these two parts together by using blanket stitch.
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 /
5on=t forget to sew the brooch pin on the backside. >ou have finished it
+amb of ,od ?amb of @od# you who take away the sins of the world# have mercy upon us. ?amb of @od# you who take away the sins of the world# have mercy upon us. ?amb of @od# you who take away the sins of the world# grant us peace.
Vendula Maderska, 2011. My patterns are for PERSONAL use only. Please don t s!are, reprodu"e, and sell t!#s pattern or "reat#ons "o$#n% out fro$ t!#s pattern. &eel free to $ake as $any you 'ould l#ke for yourself or to %#(e as a %#ft, )ut please respe"t $y r#%!ts as a des#%ner. *f you !a(e any +uest#ons , -ust ask $e )y e.$a#l/ (endula.$aderska0se1na$."1 ;