Key Account Planning - Benefits, Barriers and Best Practice
Key Account Planning - Benefits, Barriers and Best Practice
Key Account Planning - Benefits, Barriers and Best Practice
Although strategic planning has been part of the management function for as long as
anyone can remember, the emergence of key account plans as a critical subset of the
marketing plan in business-to-business markets has not attracted much analysis. This
gap needs to be addressed, as key account plans have their own unique complexities.
Moreover, the importance of key account plans is increasing. There is a need for a more
widespread understanding of the benefits of key account planning, encompassing both
processes and outputs. Based on a four-phase research project in 78 international
companies, this paper describes current best practice in key account planning. The
research demonstrates the benefits of key account planning and sets out a framework for
implementing key account planning as a business process. The paper goes on to describe
the contents of a key account plan and to note some common defects found in such plans.
issues are receiving insufficient attention in the boardroom (McGovern at al., 2004). One area
that is attracting senior management attention, however, is the emergence of bigger, more
powerful and more sophisticated customers whose demands on their suppliers may ‘negotiate
away’ benefits from such relationships if the suppliers do not take care (Kalwani and
Narayandas, 1995; Woodburn and McDonald, 2001). This paper describes a research project
investigating planning for key accounts. Key accounts are the most important few customers
managed by organisations. Because of their relative size and complexity, it is widely accepted
that special issues come into play with respect to how they are managed. Curiously, given this
context, the practice of key account planning has received almost no academic attention. Little
is known about the ways in which companies plan their relationships with their key accounts.
What is a key account? Many companies still conflate ‘key customer’ with ‘large customer’.
An alternative description has been provided by McDonald, Millman and Rogers: “Key
strategic importance.” (McDonald, Millman and Rogers, 1996). They argue that strategic
constructed from two perspectives: the attractiveness of the customer and the customer’s
perception of the supplier’s business strengths (Figure 1). The latter is important because the
degree to which a key account plan might succeed is dependent on the customer’s buy-in as
Attractiveness factors may include volume (which might be highly weighted in process
manufacturing because of scale economies), but will almost always also include customer
profitability, potential growth and their attitude to partnership. Woodburn and McDonald
(2001) found that in best practice companies there were three types of attractiveness factors:
those that involve reward to the supplier (e.g. profitability), those that involve opportunity for
differentiation (e.g. customer willingness to partner) and those that involve risk reduction (e.g.
The mechanics of using this “customer portfolio matrix”, first described by Fiocca in 1982, to
identify key accounts are included in most popular books on key account management (e.g.
Having identified the few accounts that justify dedicated resources, planning for them is an
obvious pre-requisite to the effective deployment of those resources. The position and role of
key account plans in the corporate planning hierarchy has been recognised for some time:
“Strategies for an account or territory can and should be identified” (Else, 1973), and popular
sales management books today emphasise it: “Without a plan, you are left with only a vague
concept of past tactics, a desire to do better, and an uneasiness about your ability to succeed.”
(Simpkins, 2004).
Research to date finds best practice companies developing long-term plans “for, and together
with, their individual key accounts” (Woodburn and McDonald, 2001). Only with customer
collaboration can effective planning be achieved. For example, in the early 1990s, Nabisco
operated top-down product distribution forecasts based on information from marketing (about
campaigns) and finance. When powerful retailers began demanding flexibility in Nabisco’s
promotional offering, and when the regular low pricing of some retail chains cut across
Nabisco offers, the system had to change. Account managers needed to start gathering
information from customers about their goals and programs, and what they wanted and when.
This information, fed back through distribution into production, ensured better effectiveness
Key account planning has its roots in strategic marketing planning and its proponents have
(McDonald, Rogers and Woodburn, 2000). Strategic marketing planning should in turn relate
to the corporate strategic plan; certainly, the failure to do so is one reason for implementation
failure (Simkin, 2002). The strategic planning process for an organisation has been described
in many textbooks (e.g. Bowman 1990) and consists of goal-setting, gap analysis, strategic
appraisal, strategy formulation and implementation. This linear model has been adapted for
marketing and is described in core textbooks such as Kotler (2003), and in detail in McDonald
(2003). Although this process involves an analysis of the market, practical application has all
too often been hampered by organisational behaviour issues (Piercy and Morgan, 1990;
McDonald, Smith, and Rogers, 2001). There is a general problem that relatively few
companies are adopting strategic marketing planning (Wilson, 2004), perhaps because the
evidence that it improves business performance is somewhat equivocal (Phillips, Davies and
Recently, academics have worked to refine marketing planning. For example, Knox and
Maklan (1998) describe “customer value planning” which requires focus on closing the gap
between the customers’ future needs and the current organisational competencies through
examining the core processes which deliver customer value. These processes involve
organisational partnerships (internal and external). Process planning has also been advocated
by Hamel and Prahalad (1994) and Hammer (1996). Process planning inevitably touches upon
supply chain and a case study of successful integrated supply chain planning is described in
Reeder and Rowell (2001). Customer value planning and process planning is certainly
important in key account planning, where the plan starts with the customer’s point of view and
success depends on the key account manager’s ability to map company capabilities to the
customer’s needs and thereby to improve performance with their customers. (McDonald and
Rogers, 1998).
Meanwhile in the 1990s, work on customer relationship management by, for example,
Christopher, Payne and Ballantyne (1991), argued that relationships outside the organisation
depend on the quality of relationships within it, making the important point that strategic
intent and shared internal values become part of the product/services offered. Indeed, internal
relationships play a vital role in the planning process (Dibb, 2002). Participation in planning is
a key indicator of its effectiveness (Phillips, Davies and Moutinho, 2001), although gaining
buy-in is difficult (Lane and Clewes, 2000). Gaining internal buy-in is critical in key account
planning, and it is common to hear key account managers say they do more selling internally
More recently, another stream of research has indicated that there are both financial and non-
financial benefits to strategic marketing planning (Conant and White, 1999). The non-
financial benefits include a better understanding of customer needs and the identification of
new opportunities (Conant and White, 1999). Although some researchers have suggested that
more formal planning is associated with better performance (Claycomb, Germain and Dröge,
2000), other researchers have emphasised the need to adopt a planning approach that is
adaptable to the organisation culture and the business environment (Smith, 2003). It seems
that it is the process of planning, rather than the production of a plan per se, that is linked to
performance (Conant and White, 1999; Lane and Clewes, 2000; Stratis and Powers, 2001).
O’Toole and Donaldson were noting that ‘there has been a dearth of academic literature on
relationship marketing planning’ (O’Toole and Donaldson, 2002). They identify that
managers have to decide whether to adopt a strategy of competing via collaboration, which
relationships to develop, how resources are to be allocated to relationships and how benefits
are to be delivered. They also identify that these decisions require a planning process,
The customer portfolio matrix (CPM) originally described by Fiocca (1982) was identified as
an important sales management tool for the selection of key accounts by McDonald, Millman
and Rogers (1996). Key account planning requires significant investment in time in behalf of
the key account team, and therefore the principle and process of discerning the few accounts
that justify it is an important first step. In practice, using the CPM has often made companies
Earlier, Millman and Wilson (1994) had proposed a six-stage Key Account Relational
Development model similar to that of Dwyer, Schurr and Oh (1987) that they used to analyse
relationships and which could provide a base for key account managers for planning the
development of closer co-operation. This model was adapted and mapped to Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs by McDonald and Woodburn (1999). This “hierarchy of key relationships”
The process of key account planning itself seems to have been first described in McDonald
marketing planning, the planning process advocated required extensive analysis from the
customer’s point of view, the only way to identify the added value that a supplier might
marketing planning suggests some important drivers and barriers to implementation. Drivers
include: the use of teams; cross-functional implementation teams; an open management style;
and a supportive environment (Lane and Clewes, 2000). As well as line manager hostility
(Simkin, 2002), barriers include cognitive, procedural, resource, organisational, cultural and
data availability difficulties (Wilson, 2004). Finally, goal-setting is important for tasks where
people have control over their own performance (Locke, 2004), as is the case for key account
For almost 10 years, the Cranfield Key Account Management Research Club has researched
the practice of key account planning. This paper reports on this research and, for the first time,
reports it in the public domain. The research programme to date has involved four separate
- Bring in Table 1 -
For phases 1 and 3, all interviews were conducted on the selling or buying companies'
premises and typically each lasted two hours. Each interview was designed to be issues based,
so that key account management experience and its development could be described, and to
enable distillation of best practice using key themes/ keyword analysis. Phase 2 consisted of a
self-completion questionnaire administered to a mixed industry sample of buyers (48%) and
sellers (52%).
sectors across manufacturing and services in order to establish common themes that spanned
the variable nature of industry business cycle, supply chains or product/service type. It should
be noted that some sectors do have specific challenges in key account planning, such as highly
(KAM) team of 25 managers who had previously submitted their KAM plans to the authors
for evaluation. The survey was distributed and endorsed by the key account managers’ line
managers but was returned in confidence to one of the authors for analysis. An anonymised
summary of the results from phase 4 was presented to this KAM team at their sales
Sample Limitations
Although the research programme on which we report in this paper is extensive, there are
several limitations that should be taken into account. Firstly, all the key account managers and
most of the key account relationships reported here are primarily UK-based. There may be
additional issues relating, for example, to language, culture and complexity that affect global
performance. We note that companies’ aspirations may differ from their actual practice; what
The results of this major study into KAM planning are reported under five main headings: the
structure of key account planning; the benefits of KAM planning; the planning process; the
Many key account plans were produced at a modest level, including just volume and financial
targets for one year. One research participant explained that this was because they operated in
a very dynamic industry, and long-term plans were soon obsolete (nevertheless, product plans
were drawn up for 3-5 years). Generally, the quality of plans owed a lot to the competence of
There was recognition that poor planning could entail a waste of resources:
“We wasted resources. We should have had more processes in place at the beginning,
more structure from the outset, and more standardisation in the future.” (Respondent,
Phase 3).
Most companies in the study were working hard to raise planning standards, so that the focus
shifted towards identifying how business with key accounts would be expanded. In other
words, they expected a strategic viewpoint. Where companies were highly reliant on business
from a few strategic customers, their focus was on strategic alignment with the customer,
Even among the developed strategic plans, considerable weaknesses were observed, and most
were internally oriented and not shared with the customer. Joint strategic plans, where
customers were involved in plan development (and therefore plan commitment), were rare.
Only a few companies had achieved this degree of sophistication. Most customers responded
very positively to supplier-initiated joint planning, and some suppliers had gained
“A supplier had worked with its customer to get closer to their strategic planning. The
facility and category management. The value of the business had grown by five times
Ironically, whilst customers were critical of suppliers who did not involve them in planning,
they tended to wait for the supplier to make the invitation. Best practice companies were clear
about which key accounts they were going to focus their resources on, had clear planning
processes, and proactively involved their customers in the planning process. As one key
(Respondent, Phase 4)
A majority of companies believed that strategic plans for individual key accounts were
beneficial. The earliest benefit was that the key account manager and the company overall
gained a better understanding of the customer, thus meeting the customer’s need for a pro-
active approach. Respondents commented that they thought they knew a lot about their key
accounts until they started the information-gathering necessary for a strategic plan. It was
The new insight into the customer led logically to new thinking about how to do business with
them. At the very least, the need for new contacts was identified. At best, new comprehensive
solutions to help customers meet their strategic objectives could be explored. This is
attractive to customers; purchasing decision-makers are impressed with suppliers who are easy
to do business with. Some of them applied great emphasis to this as a ‘feelgood’ factor.
Where suppliers had thought strategically about solving customer ‘hassle’ in using their
product, they were rewarded with a higher share of spend. This finding is consistent with the
the supplier plan, reducing risk and enabling follow-through planning to other functions to
ensure efficient application of resources. Although some customers were reluctant to
contribute to supplier strategic planning, most welcomed being involved at an early stage.
Most suppliers were nervous about that, although there is evidence of the cost-effectiveness of
Both suppliers and customers regarded having a strategy for a key account as preferable to no
strategy. Customers were critical of suppliers who were “loose cannons….charging off in
different directions”. Suppliers realised that good strategy based on good analysis led to “a
consistent rationale for activity” which fed into other plans within the organisation in an
effective way.
Intangible benefits within the supplier organisation included the value of organisational
learning about the customer and the value of the company’s capabilities. This was true
The individual learning acquired by the key account manager was also important. Typically,
the key account managers who participated in Phase 4 commented on the development of
“Can be very time-consuming, but can see the benefit it gives in understanding the
“It has changed the way I look at my key clients, giving me a focus of where I was,
“The process required me to investigate and understand the client to a much greater
(4 Respondents, Phase 4)
The benefits to KAM planning went beyond the financial, and included:
New thinking
Sharing of information
Formulation of strategy
KAM Plans provided the basis for much better management insight in decision-making, and
Most participants reported challenges in setting up key account planning. Firstly, whilst it
was possible to identify the resources needed to complete plans, it was less easy to get time
account managers noted that it always took more time than expected to get important
information from customers. It was also difficult to get appropriate training for key account
managers. Integrating the key account planning process with the overall corporate planning
“The Operations department has a huge impact on our relationship with a client, and
(Respondent, Phase 4)
The importance of frameworks for planning such as templates and consultations, including a
In relation to marketing planning, McDonald, Smith and Rogers (2001) note eight major
barriers to success, some of which are also evident at the key account planning level. If the
key account manager is insufficiently skilled, sales managers will be reviewing poor plans.
Poor plans are likely to be characterised by unspecific objectives, lack of in-depth analysis,
and confusion about strategy, tactics, actions and process. If the approach to planning is not
systematic, integration will be difficult. Moreover, if the corporate culture is not sympathetic
to planning and customer focus, the planning effort will be wasted (Piercy and Morgan, 1990).
Best practice companies anticipate and address these obstacles as key account management is
Based on our considerable body of research, we can generalize that there is an eight-stage
process used by good practice companies when they implement KAM planning:
5. Identify responsibility for production of plan document (usually key account manager)
Our research has found that good key account plans tend to follow a logical structure, as
shown in Table 2:
by McDonald (2003) and Piercy (2001), with the key difference that KAM plans are largely
KAM Plans should contain an introduction that sets out the supplier’s objectives folr the
relationship and summarises why the customer will respond in a way that makes the
objective/s credible. Then, the second major section is a review of the key account’s business
environment. Tools such as the PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis
and Porter’s (2004) Five Forces of Competition are used to determine the business
environment and competitive pressures on the customer. By discussing with key decision-
makers what the customer’s shareholders and customers are demanding, the key account
manager will learn a lot about their interests and attitudes, and about the customer’s culture.
Using information provided by the customer or deduced from their annual review and media
coverage, Porter’s internal value chain can be used to determine the customer’s strengths and
To summarise this review of the customer’s business situation, the KAM team has to produce
customer, and determine what strategies the customer needs to implement in the next 3-5
years. If the customer has not already been involved in the process, it is important to try to
The third section of the plan analyses the customer’s issues to identify priority opportunities
and threats for the supplier. This can be done using a matrix borrowed from information
systems (Ward and Peppard, 2002). The applications portfolio matrix is used to identify
opportunities for the supplier’s resources to be applied to the customers’ needs. For example,
a raw materials supplier offered to manage the stocks of their product in the customer’s
premises and to be responsible for ensuring a consistent quality was always available to the
manufacturing plant; the customer quickly agreed a single sourcing deal (McDonald, Millman
Surveying a team of 25 account managers after they had been through an extensive planning
training and feedback process revealed that they found the strategies, action plans, objective
setting, customer management strategies, and contact mapping to be the most useful parts of
the plan (sections 4 to 6). Interestingly, the most difficult task for the key account managers
was to evaluate the attractiveness of the customer to their firm and to place them on the
“My major concern is about ‘value of customer’… I have little or no idea as to the
(Respondent, Phase 4)
To try to identify best practice in KAM planning, phase 3 concentrated on companies who had
been practising key account management for some years. An interesting finding confirmed by
phase 3 was that, even if the planning process was well-established and rigorous, defects
could still found in key account plans. Some of the major defects identified in key account
plans included weak data, confusion between strategies and action plans, and no contingency
or risk planning.
Across the four phases, some common defects were identified. Where key account managers
had relied on only internal data, or numerical data, without checking with the customer, the
plan was on weak foundations. These characteristics were usually found alongside little or no
analysis. Even with good analysis, confusion between strategy and action was common.
Strategies were also confused with outcomes and the plan was confused with a budget.
Strategies might appear only as possibilities, or without inputs and outputs. They might not be
prioritised, or assessed for risk. Questions may be raised which were not answered, or options
presented with no preferred choice. Some plans seemed to consist of distilled optimism in
Risk management within account planning has traditionally been considered alongside
implementation, but arguably deserves much earlier focus. Given the over-optimism that
Our research suggests that key account managers often have to assume new and complex roles
such as phase management and / or people management, or to manage across borders. Corner
and Rogers (2005) described the behaviour issues common among employees and managers
when CRM is being implemented, and many of these issues are common to the
implementation of KAM. Some companies have invested heavily in consultation and training
in order to achieve the culture change necessary to support new strategic directions. Some of
that training should be dedicated to the key account manager’s role as leader of the key
account team. Rogers (1999) and Gregory and Rogers (2004) have identified the qualities
needed in leaders of sales teams, including coaching, thinking and analysis skills, thorough
Our survey of key account managers after training in KAM planning and after they had
received feedback on their KAM plans indicated that confidence in their ability to plan had
improved. Prior to training, several key account managers identified themselves as having no
planning skills and none said that they were highly skilled. After training and feedback, no
key account managers said they had no skills and several said they felt highly skilled. This
There were also issues around implementation. Because the key account manager may not
have authority across functional, business unit and geographical boundaries, automatic
required constant, consistent reinforcement, which was not easy in large organisations.
Moreover, the integration of key account plans with functional plans was vital, together with a
communications plan and frequent reviews to emphasise the validity of the process.
Customers expected the key account manager to deliver on promises made in a key account
plan, but it was also quite apparent to them when their key account manager had been given
accountability without responsibility. If the customer perceived that another part of the
organisation was failing to respond, they may blame senior managers for the difficulty.
Another general implication for managers was the importance of measurement and review.
One measure that should be constantly “top of mind” with key account managers is customer
lifetime value. The profit that a customer produces for the firm is simply the sum of the
margins of all the products purchased over time, less the costs of servicing the customer over
time (Kellen, 2002). Suppliers with a better understanding of the causes of customer revenues,
costs and profit over time are better equipped to manage a relationship profitably.
Finally, several key account managers commented on the tensions they experienced between
the need to think and plan strategically for key account relationships and the short-term
pressure for results that their companies placed on them. One key account manager expressed
“Senior management can send us on as many courses as they like but, until they make
it [the KAM plan] the cornerstone of our work and not a short-term numbers-driven
environment, it will remain a useful check list but not an everyday way of doing
(Respondent, Phase 4)
It is not that key account planning does not allow for the realisation of short-term benefits, but
the principle of planning is to ensure that short-term benefits are realised within a strategic
framework and are not detrimental to long-term gain. Empirical evidence suggests that a
company’s share price is based on long-term factors rather than last quarter’s results (Dobbs,
Leslie and Mendonca, 2005). Senior managers must manage the balance between short-term
and long-term constructively if they are to avoid cynicism from key account managers and
key accounts. Moreover, senior managers should give very clear messages about the
Although companies are likely to apply high-level skills and considerable time to product
development planning and phase planning, key account planning has not received much
strategic focus. It has its unique characteristics as a process, especially the need for a
customer view, preferably with customer involvement. The granularity of a strategic plan for
an individual key account is necessary if that customer is truly strategic to the supplier. It is
also necessary because the activity has to be integrated into other internal plans, customer
plans and sometimes into a complete supply chain plan. It also means that there can be
flexibility to avoid over-bureaucratic planning; for example, a regular predictable key account
may need less effort to plan for, than a key account that is growing rapidly.
Key account planning has been found to deliver benefits to suppliers. High quality key
account plans impress purchasing decision-makers, and the presence of defined strategies for
3. Objectives and strategy Identify and prioritise the key opportunities with
the key account
Its position on the customer portfolio matrix
Top-level strategy