Software Development Plan Template
Software Development Plan Template
Software Development Plan Template
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License
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This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License
This document amplifies the !"# $oft%are de&elopment management' of the (ro)ect Management (lan. *f you instantiate this document+ lea&e empty the "# in the (ro)ect Management (lan and add a reference to this doc. 1.1 Document overview This document contains the soft%are de&elopment plan of soft%are ,,,. 1.2 Abbreviations and Glossary
1/2/1 A..reviations -dd here abbre&iations 1/2/2 0lossar1 -dd here %ords definitions 1.3 1/)/1 . 0112 References Pro2ect -eferences /ocument *dentifier */ /ocument Title -dd your documents references. 3ne line per document
1/)/2 . 0$T/1 2
Stan(ar( an( reg3lator1 -eferences /ocument *dentifier */ /ocument Title -dd your standards references. 3ne line per document
The section list and describes the soft%are de&elopment acti&ities of 444 soft%are de&elopment pro)ect. 2.1 Software development process The soft%are de&elopment process chosen for the pro)ect is the %aterfall/$C15M/64treme programming model 7choose yours8. The %aterfall/$C15M/64treme programming model %as chosen for the reasons belo%: add
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License
Software Development Plan of XXX software Doc # )ustification. 2/1/1 #verview of process p*ases 9ou may describe your phases in "2.2.4 of pro)ect management plan or here. This document is more technical than pro)ect management plan so you may describe your phases %ith more technical information. The lifecycle of the soft%are de&elopment pro)ect is composed of 7describe yours8: $oft%are specification+ $oft%are detailed design+ $oft%are coding and unit tests+ $oft%are integration $oft%are &erification tests 2/1/2 "n( of p*ases reviews 9ou may describe your phases in "2.2.4 of pro)ect management plan or here. This document is more technical than pro)ect management plan so you may describe your phases %ith more technical information. The phases of the lifecycle are ended by the follo%ing re&ie%s 7describe yours8: $oft%are specification: soft%are specification re&ie%+ $oft%are detailed design: soft%are detailed design re&ie%+ $oft%are coding and unit tests: automated tests re&ie%+ $oft%are integration: integration test re&ie%+ $oft%are &erification tests+ final &erification test re&ie%. The planning of phases and re&ie%s is gi&en belo% 31 is in the pro)ect management plan. 2/1/) Tec*nical (oc3mentation The follo%ing documentation is produced during the design phases: $oft%are specification: $1$+ *1$+ $T(+ $oft%are detailed conception: updated $1$+ $//+ *//+ updated $T(+ $T/ Coding and unit tests: $T1 of unit tests $oft%are tests phases : $T1+ ://. 2/1/, Delivera.les: The follo%ing items are deli&ered at the end of the process: Technical documentation+ 5ser documentation: user guide+ administration procedures and installation procedure+ $oft%are and its configuration files. 2.2 Software development tools Version: 01 Page , / 6
2/2/1 4or5station /escribe the typical ;or<station used for de&elopment 2/2/2 -e63irements management an( (oc3mentation /escribe tools used to %rite and manage re=uirements : /oors > 2/2/) Software Design /escribe tools used for soft%are design : 1ational 1ose+ Together ?+
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License
2/2/, %o(ing an( a3tomate( tests /escribe tools used for coding and automated tests. 6clipse @ list of plugins or :$2010 @ list of plugins (urify+ boundschec<er+ 2/2/+ %onfig3ration management /escribe tools used for configuration management and bugs managment : $&n+ git+ AugBilla+ trac<+ redmine > 2/2/6 #.solescence management /escribe ho% you manage the obsolescence of soft%are de&elopment tools : 6ither you update them %hen a ne% &ersion comes up 3r you stic< to a &ersion during the de&eloppement and maintenance. 64plain you choice. 2.3 Software development rules and standards /escribe here the standards and rules used for soft%are de&elopment+ li<e modelling 75ML8+ data modelling+ coding rules+ > Coding rules are sometimes %orth a separate document.
9ou may describe your phases in "2.2.4 of pro)ect management plan or here. This document is more technical than the pro)ect management plan+ so you may describe your phases %ith more technical information. -dd subsections %hich detail the phases listed in "2.1.1 3&er&ie% of process phases 3.1 Software Specifications sub section sample!
)/1/1 'np3t (ata List input data : clinical data+ ris< analysis+ design history > )/1/2 %ontent The goal of this phase is to %rite the soft%are re=uirements %ith the follo%ing 7but not e4clusi&e8 specifications: Cunctional re=uirements+ performances+ physical characteristics+ en&ironment conditions in %hich the soft%are %ill run+ $afety re=uirements including those about the e4ploitation and maintenance methods+ the influence on the en&ironment+ the ris<s analysis+ 6rgonomics re=uirements+ including manual operations+ man-machine interactions+ human factors+ 5ser documentation+ 64ploitation by end users. )/1/) #3tp3t (ata List output data : $1$+ *1$+ $T( > )/1/, -eview an( acceptation criteria This phase ends %ith a soft%are specifications re&ie%: (articipants: >
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License
Software Development Plan of XXX software Doc # /ata re&ie%ed: > Version: 01 Page 6 / 6
The results of this phase shall be &erified %ith the follo%ing criteria: 1e=uirements traceability+ Coherence %ith e4ternal systems+ *nternal coherence+ Testability+ Ceasibility of soft%are detailed conception+ Ceasibility of e4ploitation and maintenance.
:ery important+ donDt s<ip it E 4.1 Activities and responsibilities 6ach acti&ity has someone responsible+ mandatory. Cor small teams+ may be al%ays the same person. Activit1 -esponsi.ilit1 Service/Department %omment (ro)ect management Configuration tools management $etting up the /e&elopment tools $oft%are specifications (ro)ect Manager Configuration Manager Configuration Manager (roduct champion Coo Aar Aar Coo
4.2 Documentation of Activities and responsibilities The person responsible for %riting a document is not necessarily the person responsible for the acti&ity. Fenerally+ the last appro&es %hat the first did. Cor small teams+ tech control and appro&al may be the same person. Activities Doc3ment name "la.oration Tec*nical Approval %ontrol (ro)ect (ro)ect $ee management $ee management $ee management management Management (lan plan plan plan Configuration $oft%are Configuration (ro)ect manager (ro)ect manager tools management configuration Manager management plan $etting up the $oft%are Configuration (ro)ect manager (ro)ect manager /e&elopment de&elopment plan Manager tools $oft%are $1$ (roduct champion (ro)ect manager (ro)ect manager specifications
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud License terms : see /License