Basic Electronics Syllabus
Basic Electronics Syllabus
Basic Electronics Syllabus
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GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT COURSE CURRICULUM Course Title: Basic Electronics (Code: ) Semester: 2 Degree Programs in which this course is offered Bio-Medical, Bio-technology, Instrumentation & Control, Computer, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engineering, Information & Communication Technology, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical, Power Electronics. 1. RATIONALE Pre-requisite Course None Type of Course Basic
Measurement, control and communication functions in all engineering activities and systems are performed by electronics. 2. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME Teaching Scheme (In Hours) L 4 T 0 P 2 Total Credits (L+T+P) C 6 Examination Scheme Theory Marks Practical Marks ESE 70 PA 30* ESE Practical 30 PA 150 20 C - Credit; Total Marks
Legends: L - Lecture; T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES
Determine the behaviour of simple passive electrical circuits with independent voltage and current sources.
Design simple analog signal processing functions using operational amplifiers. Design simple combinational and sequential functions using gates and flip-flops. Explain the functioning of digital system components including DACs, ADCs, memory and display devices,
Explain the organization of computer systems and computer networks. Determine the properties of simple signal processing systems. Determine the behavior of analog and digital communication systems.
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COURSE DETAILS Sr. No. Unit - 1 Topics Circuit Concepts Electrical Quantities Lumped Circuit Elements Kirchhoffs Laws Meters and Measurements Analogy between Electrical and other Non-Electrical Physical Systems A case study Circuit Analysis Techniques Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits Node-Voltage and Mesh-Current Analysis Superposition and Linearity Wye-Delta Transformation Computer Aided Circuit Analysis A Case Study Analog Building Blocks and Operational Amplifiers The Amplifier Block Ideal Operational Amplifier Practical Properties of Operational Amplifiers Applications of Operational Amplifiers A case study Digital Building Blocks Digital System Building Blocks Digital System Components Computer Systems Computer Networks A case study Teaching Hours 6 Text book Chap/Sec Chapter 1 Module Weightage 12
Unit - 2
Chapter 2
Unit - 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Unit -5 Topics and Subtopics Unit 6 Topics and Subtopics Unit - 7 Topics and Subtopics 5.
Signal Processing Signals and Spectral Analysis Modulation, Sampling and Multiplexing Interference and Noise A case Study Communication Systems Waves, Transmission Lines, waveguides and Antenna Fundamentals Analog Communication Systems Digital Communication Systems A Case Study Basic Control Systems Feedback Control Systems Digital Control Systems A Case Study
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
LIST OF TEXT BOOKS : Author M.S. Sarma Publication Oxford University Press
The practical/exercises should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt to develop different types of skills so that students are able to acquire the competency. Following is the list of experiments for guidance. A student should perform at least 10 experiments out of the given 14 with at least one experiment from each Unit S. No. Unit No. I Practical/Exercise Apprx. Hrs. Required 2
a. Observe the behaviour of RLC circuits with ideal and non-ideal voltage sources and current sources. b. Verify Thevenins and Nortons Theorems Simulate passive electrical circuits using Multisim simulator and compare the simulated response with that of the actual circuit Determine the parameters of three commercial Op Amps Perform simple analog signal processing functions using Op Amps Design simple combinational
3 4 5
2 2 2
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S. No.
Unit No.
specifications and verify the correctness of your design 6 7 8 9 10 11 IV IV V V V VI Design simple sequential functions as per specifications and verify the correctness of your design Measure the chatacteristics of given DACs and ADCs Simulate simple modulation, sampling, multiplexing, demodulation signal processing functions Multisim Simulate simple filtering signal processing function Multisim Measure the performance of a given signal processing system Determine the behavior of a given analog communication system through simulation using Multisim Determine the behavior of a given digital communication system through simulation using Multisim Determine the behavior of a second and third order control systems through simulation using Multisim Determine the behavior of a practical control system using ON-OFF and P controllers through simulation using SciLab Determine the behavior of a practical control system using PI and PID controllers through simulation using SciLab 7. LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ MATERIALS (1) CRO (At least 20MHz) (2) Function Generator (Frequency range up to 20 MHz) need to have sine, square wave output. (3) Dual Power Supply (0-12V/15V DC)/3A (4) Micrometers for measurement of voltage and current with suitable ranges. (5) Multimeter (6) Various Electronics Components including different types of Op Amps and digital ICs. (7) PCs
13 14
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List of Software/Learning Websites Software: Learning Material: Multisim and SciLab (
*PA (M): 10 marks for Active Learning Assignments, 20 marks for other methods of PA; The faculty may also allocate additional marks out of PA for Practical for Student Activities. ACTIVE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS: Students will prepare (i) A case study on a present day electronic system of choice. (ii) Power-point slides, which include videos, animations, pictures, graphics for better understanding theory and practical work The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of students so that the entire syllabus of Basic Electronics is covered. The power-point slides should be put up on the web-site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of the students of the group, the name of the faculty, Department and College on the first slide. The best three works should be sent to