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Potential of Bioethanol As A Household Fuel For Middle-Income Urban Kenya: A Case Study of Nairobi City

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Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

Potential of Bioethanol as a Household Fuel for Middle-Income
Urban Kenya: A Case Study of Nairobi City.

1. Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering
Technical University of Mombasa, Box 90420- 80100, Mombasa- Kenya,
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Box 62000-00200, Nairobi - Kenya
3. Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Box 62000-00200, Nairobi - Kenya
* E-mail of the corresponding author: josmboth@yahoo.com

Access to clean sources of energy constitutes a necessary condition for poverty alleviation. Provision of
modern energy services is essential to improving the livelihood of households in the developing world. This
study addresses both the demand and supply of bioethanol as a household fuel in urban Kenya. On the
demand side, the study establishes that there is demand for clean fuels. The study establishes that
households prefer the clean and convenient fuels. Even though LPG and electricity are indicated as
expensive, they are the preferred fuels for cooking and lighting respectively. On the supply side, the study
reviews the production of bioethanol from sugarcane and sweet sorghum. It is established that Kenya has
suitable climate and land is available to grow sugarcane and sweet sorghum to supply bioethanol.
Bioethanol is a modern clean fuel similar in characteristics to LPG and therefore can replace it as a
household fuel. Bioethanol production and use will stimulate rural development.
Keywords: bioethanol, household fuel, Kenya
1. Introduction
Energy is essential to and a hallmark of societal development. Countries with access to abundant and
affordable modern energy have significantly larger GDP, higher capital income levels, longer life
expectancies, increased literacy rates and greater educational attainment (UNF, 2008). Without modern
energy services, it will be impossible to alleviate poverty and achieve the UN millennium
development goals (UNF, 2008).
Traditional fuels (firewood & charcoal) and petroleum fuels (kerosene & LPG) are the popular cooking
fuels for rural and urban households in developing countries. These fuels have a number of problems
associated with them. On combustion, these fuels emit gases and particles which are contributors to global
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

warming, acid rain, smog and cause health problems to humans. Kenya imports oil from Middle East and
whenever there is a crisis in this region the price of petroleum products go up. This has the effect of
threatening our economic stability. Historically, inflation in Kenya has been mainly caused by increases in
oil prices (Wanambwa, 2005).
Efforts to substitute fossil fuels for alternative fuels are gaining attention in a world threatened by climate
change, rural economic decline and instability in major oil producing countries (EPI, 2005). Replacing
fossil fuels with biofuels can reduce the problems associated with the former. Biofuel production can also
improve rural economies by creating employment and raising farm incomes. Also, domestically produced
biofuels have the potential to diversify energy portfolios, lower dependence on foreign oil and improves
trade balances in oil-importing nations (EPI, 2005). The European Union, by setting targets of carbon
emissions reduction and increase in the use of renewable energy before 2020, made an extraordinary
attempt to achieve more sustainable energy production (Gnansounou & Dauriat, 2004; Watanabe, 2009).
Bioethanol is a form of renewable energy source. World bioethanol production tripled between 2000 and
2007 from 17 billion to more than 52 billion litres (UNEP, 2009). In 2009, worldwide bioethanol fuel
production reached 73.9 billion litres (RFA, 2010). Several reasons such as energy security, environmental
concerns, foreign exchange savings and socio-economic issues related to the rural sector justifies
bioethanol to be considered a relevant technology by both developing and industrialized countries
(Demirbas , 2008; Gnansounou, & Dauriat , 2004).
2. Methodology and Data
2.1. Methodology
To attain the objective of this study, descriptive statistics is used on primary data from households to
investigate the demand for fuels. The study then uses secondary data to establish the bioethanol feedstock
resource potential as well as the socio-economic value of bioethanol production.
2.2. Population and Sample
The population from which the sample was drawn from was the middle-income households within Nairobi
city. Convenient sampling was done within these households. The data was collected from 313 households
in six estates in Nairobi i.e. Githurai, Kahawa, Umoja, Buru Buru, Satellite and Ngumo. These areas
comprise mainly of the middle income households where majority of city residents live. The study avoided
households in the extremes i.e. slums and high income households.

3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Modern Technology
For this study, 313 households were sampled of which 99.7% of the households had mobile phones, 94.6%
had TV sets, 94.2% had radios, 59.4% had computers and 31% had smokeless jikos (a jiko is a popular
Kenyan stove that works by combusting wood charcoal using convection to provide oxidation air) (see
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

figure 1). Thus, a high proportion of urban households have modern technology gadgets and/or equipment.
Mobile phones are fast and convenient means of communication. Radios and television sets make
households informed of recent news and developments. Computers can be used for communication as well
as sources of information. The use of smokeless jikos makes households to save on energy, thus lowering
energy costs. Mobile phones, radios, TV sets, computers and smokeless jikos improve the livelihood of
households. This is an inference that urban households are likely to accept introduction of new technologies
that will improve their livelihoods.
3.2. Ranking of Fuels
The sample size was 313 households and six types of fuels were considered. These are firewood, charcoal,
biogas, kerosene, LPG and electricity. The fuels were ranked by: (a) ignoring fuel cost and (b) in order of
fuel cost. The fuels were ranked 1 to 6 with the most preferred fuel ranked 6 and the least preferred fuel
ranked 1. The rest were ranked in between. The mean is used to rank the fuels for each category. For each
category, the fuel with the highest mean is the most preferred and the one with the lowest mean is the least
3.2.1. Ignoring Fuel Cost
Ignoring the cost of fuels, the most preferred fuel is electricity followed by LPG, biogas, charcoal, kerosene
and firewood in that order (see figure 2). Thus ignoring costs, majority of the households will prefer to use
LPG and electricity than kerosene, charcoal or firewood.
3.2.2. In Order of Cost
In order of fuel cost, charcoal is the most preferred fuel, followed by LPG, biogas, kerosene, firewood and
then electricity in that order (see figure 3). In urban areas there are no woodlots and this probably makes
firewood a costly fuel. The use of diesel power plants for power generation increases the tariffs imposed on
electricity making it a costly fuel.
3.3. Characteristics of Fuels
The characteristics of a fuel were sampled from households that use that particular fuel. It was assumed that
households that do not use a particular fuel could not give the characteristics associated with the fuel. For
the households sampled in this study, very few households use firewood and thus for this part of the study it
can be ignored. For each fuel characteristic, mean was used to determine the proportion (see Table 1) of
households that indicated that a fuel has that characteristic. This proportion was based on households that
use the fuel. 84% indicated charcoal as an inexpensive fuel and less than 20% indicated kerosene, LPG and
electricity to be inexpensive fuels. Over 90% indicated charcoal, kerosene and electricity as fuels with good
availability and 52% indicated LPG as a fuel with good availability. 99% indicated LPG and electricity as
clean fuels to work with and less than 50% indicated kerosene and charcoal as clean fuels to work with.
Over 98% indicated LPG and electricity as fuels that produce no smoke with 45% and 3% indicating
kerosene and charcoal respectively as fuels that produce no smoke. 99% indicated LPG and electricity as
fuels that are fast with 40% indicating charcoal and kerosene in this respect. None of the fuels was
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

indicated by more than 70% as safe.
3.4. Household Fuel Consumption
For each use, the proportion (see Table 2) of households using a particular fuel for a given purpose is
determined from the mean. LPG is the fuel used for cooking by most households with charcoal, electricity
and kerosene following in that order. For water heating, most households use electricity, with charcoal,
kerosene and LPG following in that order. The fuel for lighting for most households is electricity, with very
few households using kerosene and LPG. Substantial proportion of households (67%) use electricity for
space heating.
Although most households indicated LPG and electricity as expensive, majority of households use LPG for
cooking and electricity for lighting. This is because LPG and electricity are clean, fast, efficient and
convenient to use. Bioethanol is a clean and convenient fuel and having similar characteristics as LPG. Thus
bioethanol has potential to replace LPG as a household fuel. Bioethanol will be expected to have an
additional advantage of being available and affordable as it will be produced domestically. LPG is imported
and its supply is unreliable due to lack of storage facilities.
4. Bioethanol supply
4.1. Bioethanol Feedstocks
Kenya has suitable climatic conditions for growing bioethanol crops and is thus capable of developing its
own supply of domestically produced bioethanol fuel. Bioethanol crops that can be grown in Kenya include
potatoes, cassava, wheat, maize, sugarcane and sweet sorghum. Feedstocks such as potatoes, cassava,
maize and wheat present a threat to food security. Therefore bioethanol crops selected for this study are
sugarcane and sweet sorghum. The two are selected due to the history of production, climatic suitability,
crop cycles per year and also they are not expected to compete with the food supply chain.
Sugarcane has a high potential for bioethanol production. Bioethanol is made from molasses at two plants
i.e Spectre International and Agrochemical Food and Allied Company. Mumias Sugar Company is also
producing bioethanol by utilizing its own molasses. Sweet sorghum, which is similar to grain sorghum with
sugar rich stalks, is a water-use efficient crop with a very good potential for bioethanol production. Sweet
sorghum is a crop similar to sugarcane but with a lower sugar-product yield and higher tolerance to warmer
and drier conditions. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) considers
sweet sorghum a smart crop as it produces food, feed, fodder and fuel, without significant tradeoffs in any
of these uses in the production cycle. Sweet sorghums growing period (about 4-5 months) and water
requirement (8 000m
over two crops) are 4 times lower than those of sugarcane (12-16 months duration
and 36 000m
of water per crop) (see Table 3).
4.2. The Availability of Bioethanol Feedstocks
Land availability, agricultural practices and demand from competing uses are the main factors that
determine the supply and price of bioethanol feedstocks. This study reviewed a study conducted by GTZ
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

and GoK in 2008 to establish that land availability and agricultural practices determine the supply of
bioethanol feedstocks. The study considered three scenarios to determine potential availability of
bioethanol feedstocks. The first scenario considered the status quo production of feedstocks and found that
enough sugarcane was being produced for 49 million litres of bioethanol if only molasses was being used
and 345 million litres if all sugarcane went to bioethanol instead of sugar (see Table 4).
The second scenario (see Table 5), considered potential production of feedstocks and calculated the amount
of each crop that could be grown at current yields if half of all the suitable areas were planted. The
production of each feedstock was based on suitability mapping done by Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) experts at International Centre for Research in Agro forestry (ICRAF). Excluding land that was being
used to grow other crops, enough sugarcane could be grown to produce 30 million litres of bioethanol
depending on whether molasses or cane juice was used and over 8 billion litres of bioethanol could be
produced from sweet sorghum. The third scenario (see Table 6), considered optimized production of
feedstocks and calculated production if half of suitable lands were used at optimal yields for each crop.
This scenario considered production using high yielding varieties under irrigation. Higher values were
obtained than those in the second scenario. The optimized scenario show what difference higher yields
would make in terms of bioethanol feedstocks.
From the above review, it can be established that both available land and increased yields are important
factors in producing adequate supplies of bioethanol feedstock to support a domestic industry. High
yielding varieties of both sugarcane and sweet sorghum have been developed through the efforts of Kenya
Sugar Board and ICRISAT. Land is available in Kenya to grow enough sugarcane and sweet sorghum to
produce enough bioethanol to be used as a fuel in urban households. The calculation in the two potential
scenarios was based on 50% of the available suitable land and therefore it is possible to supply more of the
feedstocks for bioethanol production. If Kenya embarks on an expansion plan to supply bioethanol
feedstocks, enough bioethanol fuel for urban households will be available. The technical potential of
bioethanol is therefore enormous.
There are other inputs such as electricity, labour, transport and chemicals (yeast and enzymes) required for
bioethanol production. Electricity and transport are the most critical as these can drive up the cost of
production. The cost of electricity can be brought down by the processing plants utilizing bagasse from
both sugarcane and sweet sorghum to generate electricity. This is a lesson learned from Brazil which is a
success story in bioethanol production. The transport cost can be lowered by ensuring that bioethanol plants
are located where the feedstock is produced. The available lower labour costs and the potential to
co-generate electricity from the bagasse can help to offset the added costs of the non-feedstock inputs.
4.3. Energy Balance
The energy balance for the production of bioethanol is the ratio of the energy output (bioethanol, electricity
and by-products value) to the input (fuel, water, fertilizers, chemicals, machinery and labour). Energy
balances need to consider the entire fuel cycle from feedstock production to final consumption.
Assessments should also include energy paybacks associated with co-products. Energy balances vary
depending on the type of the feedstock, method of cultivation and the conversion technology. The energy
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

balance also depends on the methodology used in assessment studies.
Brazilian sugarcane-based bioethanol is one of the most energy efficient forms of bioethanol. From an
assessment study ( Macedo et al, 2008) in the south region of Brazil, for each fossil energy unit used to
produce sugarcane bioethanol, more than nine renewable energy units are produced in the form of
bioethanol and surpluses of electric power and bagasse (see Table 7). Different studies in different countries
give different energy balances for each crop (see Table 8). This indicates there are a variety of methods
used to obtain the energy balance of bioethanol. Each of the approaches however indicates a positive
energy balance of bioethanol and therefore more energy is produced than consumed.
4.5. Employment and Income
To produce adequate supplies of bioethanol feedstocks to meet domestic requirements will require
expanded agricultural production of these feedstocks. This will provide farm jobs and opportunities for
rural farmers to expand production into new cash crops. Sweet sorghum can grow in semi-arid areas, thus
its introduction as a cash crop in such areas is an economic activity that will improve the livelihood of the
rural population in these regions. An additional production of bioethanol will yield revenue to the national
economy. The additional revenue could be used to invest in irrigation and better agriculture practices which
will go a long way in increasing yields of all crops, even those grown for food. New jobs will also be
created in the manufacturing and transport sectors by the planned bioethanol production.
Domestically produced bioethanol will reduce importation of petroleum products such as kerosene, LPG
and fuel oil leading to saving in foreign currency. This can be reinvested in the economy and will go a long
in creating new jobs and new opportunities especially for the underdeveloped rural areas. The potential
reduction in GHGs emissions from bioethanol will provide a revenue stream through carbon credits. These
are the mandatory markets created through the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the market for voluntary credits. The former is more
stringent and restrictive but yields higher price per tonne of carbon. The latter is more flexible and easier to
gain compliance with, but fetches lower price. There will be carbon funding through the Clean
Development Mechanisms (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. This enables countries to meet their emission
obligations by funding projects that reduce emissions in other parts of the world, especially developing
countries that are not bound to reduce emissions under the Climate Convention.
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1. Conclusion
From the study it was established that most households had the modern gadgets or equipments for
communication and also for making them informed of new developments. Some households were also
aware of a way to make savings in energy by using a smokeless jiko. Thus, this is an indication that urban
households are likely to accept new technologies that impact positively on their way of livelihood.
Introducing bioethanol as a household fuel is a completely new venture and from this study, it appears that
there is a high likelihood of it being accepted. The cost of bioethanol as well as the bioethanol stove will be
critical to its acceptance as a household fuel.
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

From the study it was observed that households were for modern, clean and convenient fuels i.e. LPG for
cooking and electricity for lighting. Cooking and lighting are the two important uses of fuels for households
in rural and urban areas. LPG and electricity were indicated as the most expensive fuels but they are clean,
fast and produce no smoke. Bioethanol and LPG have almost similar characteristics and thus the former can
replace the latter. The study also reviewed the potential of Kenya being a bioethanol producing country.
Sugarcane and sweet sorghum were identified as the feedstocks for bioethanol production. Kenya has a
suitable climate and available land for growing the two crops. The introduction of bioethanol production
and use will be expected to have significant economic, social and environmental benefits.
5.2. Recommendations
Bioethanol feedstock production and hence its use as a household fuel requires various interventions to
overcome the barriers and negative implications in order to stimulate progress while also addressing
sustainability. The Kenya government through the Ministries of Energy, Agriculture and Finance need to
make a number of interventions to back the bioethanol development. These interventions should control the
initial stages of bioethanol development but later the prices of bioethanol should be determined by market
prices. There is need of strong government commitment and bioethanol production should be given a
priority development agenda so as to expand its production and use. The government should establish
institutional frameworks with targets and defined tasks. These tasks will assist the creation of appropriate
The government should provide supportive policies such as tax incentives, low interest borrowing options
and investment in research and development. These policies should focus on creating a predictable market
through provision of economic incentives for bioethanol industry by offering loans with low interest rate
and high productivity, hence making the bioethanol attractive by bringing its cost down. The government
should determine the energy and fuel usage and expenditure at the household level. This will assist in
evaluating energy subsidies and taxes. The subsidies and taxes are forms of government interventions in
household markets to improve the availability of modern fuels at affordable prices (Alam M et al, 1998;
Goldemberg, 2007).
An environment impact assessment (EIA) should be done so as to identify the social and environmental
impacts associated with bioethanol development in the new areas where the bioethanol crops will be grown.
This is a requirement whenever a major project is being undertaken and is enforced by the National
Environment Management Authority (NEMA). Future research should be carried out to determine the
Kenyan bioethanol energy balances, the net GHG emissions for sugarcane and sweet sorghum and on
bioethanol equipment and machinery. These will ensure the bioethanol development is done in a sustainable
Alam, M., Sathaye, J & Barnes, D. (1998). Urban Household energy use in India: Efficiency and Policy
Implications. Energy Policy. Vol. 26. Issue 11, pp 885-891
BNDES. CGEE. (2008). Sugar-Based Bioethanol: Energy for Sustainable Development. Rio de Janeiro:
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

BNDES 2008.
Demirbas, A. (2008). The Importance of Bioethanol and Biodiesel Energy Sources. Part B: Economics,
Planning and Policy, 3:2, pp 177-185
EPI. (2005). Ethanols potential: Looking Beyond Corn. Available at D:\ethanol plan B. html as assessed
on 11/11/2010
Gnansounou, E & Dauriat, A. (2007). Energy balance of Bioethanol: A Synthesis, Lasen, Ecole
Polytechnique, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Goldemberg, J. (2007). Ethanol for Sustainable Energy Future. Science 315,808(2007). DO1: 10.
1126/Science.1137013. Available at www.sciencemag.org
GTZ. GoK. (2008). A Roadmap for Biofuels in Kenya: Opportunities and Obstacles.
Kyritsis, S. (2010). The Emerging Importance of the New Feedstocks for bioethanol production.
Macedo, I., Seabra, E & Silva, E. (2008). Green House Gases Emissions in the Production and Use of
Ethanol from Sugarcane in Brazil: 2005/2006 Averages and a Prediction for 2020. Biomass and Bioenergy,
32, 582-595.
RFA. (2010). Ethanol Industry Outlook. Climate of Opportunity.
Robinson, J. (2006). Bioethanol as a Household Cooking Fuel: A Mini Pilot study of the SuperBlu Stove in
Peri-Urban Malawi.
UNEP. (2009). Towards Sustainable Production and Use of Resources: Assessing Biofuels.
UNF. (2008). Sustainable Bioenergy Development in UEMOA Member Countries.
Watanabe, M. (2009). Ethanol Production in Brazil: Bridging its Economic and Environmental Aspects.
Energy Forum Articles. International Association For Energy Economics, pp45-48.
Wanambwa, L. (2005). Ethanol fuel production and use in Kenya for sustainable development. MSc.Thesis,
Lund University, Sweden.
Zuzarte, F. (2007). Ethanol for Cooking. Feasibility of Small-scale Ethanol Supply and its Demand as a
cooking fuel: Tanzania Case Study. MSc Thesis, KTH School of energy and Environment Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

Note 1- Acronyms and Abbreviations
BNDES - National Bank of Economic & Social Development
CGEE - Centre for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation
EPI - Earth Policy Institute
GoK - Government of Kenya
GTZ - German Technical Cooperation
RFA - Renewable Fuels Association
UNDP - United Nations Development Program
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

UNEP - United Nations Environment Program
UNF - United Nations Foundation

Figure 1: Barchart showing proportion of households possessing modern gadgets/equipments

Figure 2: Bar chart for the means of household fuels ignoring fuel cost
Source: From this study.
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013


Figure 3: Bar chart for the means of household fuels in order of cost.
Source: From this study.

Table 1: Percentages of households indicating that a fuel has that characteristic
(Based on households that use the fuel)

*Number of households using a fuel.
Source: From this study.
Firewood Charcoal Kerosene LPG Electricity
Fuel is inexpensive 74% 84% 19% 6% 4%
Good fuel availability 56% 96% 94% 52% 94%
Clean to work with 0% 23% 46% 99% 99%
No smoke 4% 3% 45% 98% 99%
Fast 36% 40% 41% 100% 99%
Safe 81% 53% 65% 50% 47%
Valid N (listwise) 23* 188* 135* 254* 294*
Sample % of households
using the fuel





Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013


Table 2: Percentages of households using a particular fuel for a given purpose
Firewood Charcoal Kerosene LPG Electricity
Cooking 8% 59% 41% 81% 45%
Water heating 5% 36% 23% 17% 71%
Lighting 2% 2% 8% 3% 94%
Space heating 2% 5% 1% 1% 67%
Source: From this study.

Table 3: Characteristics of sweet sorghum and sugarcane
Parameter Sweet sorghum Sugarcane
Crop duration 4 months 12-16 months
Water requirement per crop 4 000 m
36 000 m

Grain yield (tonnes/Ha) 2.0 -
Bioethanol from grain (litres/Ha) 760 -
Green stalk cane yield (tonnes/Ha) 35 75
Bioethanol from stalk cane juice (litres/Ha) 1 400 5 600
Bioethanol from residue (litres/Ha) 1 000 3 325
Total bioethanol (litres/Ha) 3 160 8 925
Bioethanol cost per kilolitre (US$) 75.3 111.5

Source: ICRISAT (2006) cited from Kyritsis S. (2010).

Table 4: Status Quo Feedstock Production Scenario

Source: Adopted and modified from GTZ & GoK (2008).

Table 5: Potential Feedstock Production Scenario

*MHa refers to 10
Ha, Mtons refers to 10
tons and Mlitres refers to 10
Source: Adopted and modified from GTZ & GoK (2008).

Non-food Competing Food Competing
(000 tons)
(000 litres)
(000 tons)
(000 litres)
Sugarcane 147.7 33.4 4 933 49 330 4 933 345 310
New Farm Lands Existing Farm Lands

( Mlitres*)
Sorghum 35 5.90 206.50 8 260 11.06 387.10 15 484
Sugarcane 33.4 0.09 3.01 30 0.83 27.72 277
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.3, No.2, 2013

Table 6: Optimised Potential Feedstock Production Scenario
*MHa refers to 10
Ha, Mtons refers to 10
tons and Mlitres refers to 10
Source: Adopted and modified from GTZ and GoK (2008).

Table 7: Energy Balance of Sugarcane Bioethanol Production in Brazil

*Units are Megajoules per ton of cane (MJ/tc)
**Energy balance = Energy Production/Energy Consumption
Source: Macedo et al (2008) cited from BNDES, CGEE (2008).

Table 8: Energy Balance for Bioethanol Production for different countries
Sugarcane Sweet sorghum Country (source)
21.3** 6.9** Brazil (Da Silva, 1978)
1.9** Zimbabwe (Rosenchein et al)
9.2-11.2** Brazil (Macedo, 1996)
3.4-6.1** Spain (Fernandez, 1998)
0.9-1.1** USA/Europe (Santos, 1997)
3.5-7.9** USA (Worley et al, 1991)
** Energy balance = Energy Production/Energy Consumption

Source: Cited from Zuzarte F. (2007).

New Farm Lands Existing Farm Lands
Sorghum 70.00 5.90 413 16 520 11.06 774 30 968
Sugarcane 68.84 0.09 6.15 61.5 0.83 56.72 567
Energy balance component 2005/2006 2020 scenario
Sugarcane production and transport 210.2* 238.0*
Bioethanol production 23.6* 24.0*
Fossil input (total) 233.8* 262.0*
Bioethanol 1 926.0* 2 060.0*
Bagasse surplus 176.0* 0.0*
Electricity surplus 82.8* 972.0*
Renewable output (total) 2 148.8* 3 032.0*
Energy production/consumption
Bioethanol + bagasse 9.0** 7.9**
Bioethanol + bagasse +electricity 9.3** 11.6**

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