Torso Routine W Pict 2013 (Done)
Torso Routine W Pict 2013 (Done)
Torso Routine W Pict 2013 (Done)
TORSO ROUTINE #2: CROSSOVER CRUNCHES MOVEMENT: Assume a crunch position as described above. Cross the left over the right. Contract abs and raise right shoulder until the right elbow meets the left knee. Return to starting position. Repeat immediately. Contract abs and raise left shoulder until left elbow meets the right knee. Return to starting position. Repeat sequence immediately. TORSO ROUTINE #3: BICYCLE CRUNCHES MOVEMENT: Lie on back. Flex hips and knee to 90 degrees. Raise shoulder blades several inches off the floor. Place hands behind the head. Extend the left knee while simultaneously driving the right knee toward the left shoulder. Touch the right knee to the left shoulder. Immediately repeat to the other side.
TORSO ROUTINE #4: BRIDGE MOVEMENT: Lie on back. Flex knees to 90 degrees. Place feet flat on floor, shoulder width apart. Place arms on floor alongside hips. Contract abs, low back, and gluteal muscles and lift hips off the floor. Keep feet, shoulders, and upper back in contact with the floor. Knees, hips, and shoulders should be aligned in a straight line. Keep body weight off the neck. Hold for designated period of time.
TORSO ROUTINE #5: BRIDGE W/ LEG EXTENDED MOVEMENT: Assume the working position described in the Bridge. Extend one-leg 45 degrees (so both upper legs are parallel). Hold for designated amount of time. Repeat with alternate leg.
TORSO ROUTINE #6: HIP THRUST MOVEMENT: Lie on your back. Raise legs off the ground so they are pointing to the ceiling and are perpendicular to the floor. Place your hands by your side. Isolate your abs and thrust your legs toward the ceiling, hold at the top. Slowly lower your hips and repeat.
TORSO ROUTINE #7: LEG SCISSORS (LEFT/RIGHT) MOVEMENT: Lie flat on your back with legs extended and arms extended out to sides of body. Elevate right leg approximately 36 inches off the ground. Lower right leg and elevate left leg. Repeat for desired number of reps without either foot touching the ground. (UP/DOWN) up and down can be done as a variation to left and right. You can also use different heights as a variation 12, 24, 30 or 36 inches off the ground.
TORSO ROUTINE #8: SUITCASE CRUNCHES MOVEMENT: Lie on back with legs flexed at 90 degrees and feet flat on floor. Place hands behind head. Contract abs and simultaneously raise upper body and legs so that elbows meet knees in a crunch position. Simultaneously lower upper and lower body to the starting position. Repeat immediately.
TORSO ROUTINE #9: LEG RAISES MOVEMENT: Lie on back. Arms should be straight, extended alongside hips. Do not tuck hands under butt. Contract abs, keeping low back from arching, and slowly raise feet off of ground to a position of 24-36 inches. Hold for a one count. Slowly lower feet back to ground and repeat immediately.
TORSO ROUTINE #10: TOE TOUCH MOVEMENT: Lie on back. Raise legs off of the ground so they are pointing to the ceiling and are perpendicular to the floor. Focus eyes on feet and extend arms towards the feet. Contract abs and raise the upper body, reaching towards the feet. Tap the feet and return to the staring position. Repeat immediately.
TORSO ROUTINE #11: MED-BALL PULLOVER & TOE TOUCH MOVEMENT: Lying on your back with left knee flexed at 90 degrees, and right leg flat on the floor. Keep the left leg straight and right foot on the ground. Extend your arms over your head holding the me-ball. Simultaneously lift the upper body and straight leg touching the med-ball to your left foot by raising your shoulders off the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat with other side.
TORSO ROUTINE #12: MED-BALL BENT LEG V-UPS MOVEMENT: Lying on your back with your entire body straight. Extend your arms over your head holding the medball. Simultaneously bring your knees into your chest and lift your shoulders off the ground touching your feet with the medball, hold for 1 second. Slowly return to the staring position and repeat. TORSO ROUTINE # 13: MED-BALL SITUP AND TOSS MOVEMENT: This exercise needs a partner. In a sit-up position place your feet flat on the ground and your knees at 90 degrees. Extend your arms over your head holding the medball. Lifting your shoulders off the ground, toss the med ball to your partner. Your partner will quickly toss the med-ball back to you will slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
TORSO ROUTINE #14: MED-BALL SIDE TOSS MOVEMENT: This exercise needs a partner. In a sit-up position lay your feet flat on the ground and your knees at 90 degrees. Sitting perpendicular toss the med-ball to your partner. Your partner will quickly toss back the med-ball and you will quickly return to the starting position and repeat.
TORSO ROUTINE #15: MED-BALL LYING TRUNCK TWIST MOVEMENT: Lie facing up and place a med-ball between your feet. Extend your arms to your side and anchor them. Extend your legs into the air. Without lifting your shoulders off of the ground, slowly lower your legs to the floor on the left side, then reverse the movement to the right. TORSO ROUTINE #16: RUSSIAN TWIST MOVEMENT: Lie on your back. Flex your knees to 90 degrees. Place your feet on the floor. Raise whole body off of the floor 30 degrees. Extend arms (with weight in hand) so they are parallel with upper leg. Twist the upper body to the left until the weight is near the floor. Immediately twist the upper body to the right. Repeat the rotation until all repetitions have been completed.
TORSO ROUTINE #17: FRONT STABILITY (THINKER) MOVEMENT: Assume a pushup position with elbows on the floor. Hands elbows and shoulders should make a 90 degree angle and should be shoulder width apart. Elbows should be directly under the shoulder. Feet should be up on toes with feet together. Raise hips off of the ground so that shoulders, hips, and feet are aligned. Hold for designated time. Do not arch back or let torso rise to high of drop.
TORSO ROUTINE #18: SIDE STABILITY MOVEMENT: lie on side of body so that one leg is on top of the other. Raise hips off of the ground so that the weight is supported by the elbows and sides of the feet. Elbows should be directly under the shoulder. Top arm should rest on your side. Body should be in perfect alignment with top of shoulder, hip, and foot to form a straight line. Do not allow torso to drop or shoulders and hips to rotate out of either plane. Hold for designated time and repeat on the other side.
TORSO ROUTINE #19: BACK STABILITY MOVEMENT: Lie on your back with your elbow directly under your shoulder and weight resting on it. Contract abs, low back, butt, hamstrings, and raise hips off of the ground. Head should be up. Weight should be supported on the elbows and heels of the feet, do not let your butt touch the ground.
TORSO ROUTINE #20: SUPERMAN MOVEMENT: Lie on the floor in a prone position with arms extended overhead. Simultaneously raise your upper body and legs off of the floor. Hold for a two count. Return to the starting position and repeat immediately.