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Lab Answer Key For Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

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Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

Table of Contents Lab 1: Managing Recipient Objects Exercise 1: Modifying Existing User Mailboxes Exercise 2: Configuring New Mailboxes and Mail-Enabled Objects Exercise 3: Managing Resource Mailboxes Exercise 4: Managing Mailbox Removal

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Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

Lab 1: Managing Recipient Objects

To prepare for the lab
To prepare for the lab, complete the following steps. 1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell. 2. At the PS prompt, type New-StorageGroup SalesSG and press ENTER. 3. At the PS prompt, type New-MailboxDatabase SalesDB StorageGroup SalesSG and press ENTER. 4. At the PS prompt, type Mount-Database SalesDB and press ENTER. 5. Close the Exchange Management Shell.

Exercise 1: Modifying Existing User Mailboxes

Task 1: Filter the view to only Alpine Ski House recipients
1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console. 2. If necessary, in the console tree, expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox. 3. In the result pane, click Create Filter. 4. In the first drop-down list, select Company. 5. In the rightmost text box, type Alpine Ski House, and then click Apply Filter.

Task 2: Move the Alpine Ski House sales users to the A. Datum sales mailbox database
1. Click Axel Delgado, and then hold down the CTRL key while you click Cat Francis and Jo Berry. 2. In the Action pane, click Move Mailbox. 3. Click Browse, click SalesDB, click OK, and then click Next. 4. Click Next to accept skipping the mailbox if there are corrupted messages. 5. Click Next to accept moving the mailboxes immediately. 6. Read the Summary and click Move. 7. Read the Completion Summary and then click Finish.

Task 3: Add the generic Sales e-mail address to the Jo Berry account
1. Right-click Jo Berry, and then click Properties.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

2. Click the E-Mail Addresses tab, and then click Add. 3. In the E-mail Address box, type Sales@alpineskihouse.com, and then click OK. 4. Click OK to save the changes to Jo Berry.

Task 4: Disable Exchange ActiveSync for all Alpine Ski House users except users in Sales
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell. 2. Type Get-Mailbox OrganizationalUnit Alpine | Set-CASMailbox ActiveSyncEnabled $false and then press ENTER. 3. Type Get-Mailbox Database SalesDB | Set-CASMailbox ActiveSyncEnabled $true and then press ENTER. 4. Close the Exchange Management Shell.

Task 5: Remove storage quotas for the vice-president Marc Boyer

1. Right-click Marc Boyer, and then click Properties. 2. Click the Mailbox Settings tab, click Storage Quotas, and then click Properties. 3. Under Storage quotas, clear Use mailbox database defaults, and then click OK.

Task 6: Enable Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access for Marc Boyer
Click the Mailbox Features tab, click Outlook Web Access, and then click Enable.

Task 7: Configure Marc Boyers account so that Toby Nixon can send on his behalf and test the functionality
1. Click the Mail Flow Settings tab, click Delivery Options, and then click Properties. 2. Under Grant this permission to, click Add, click Toby Nixon, and then click OK. 3. Click OK to close the Delivery Options dialog box. 4. Click OK to close the Marc Boyer Properties dialog box. 5. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Toby with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 6. Click Start and then click E-mail. This starts Outlook. 7. Click New to create a new mail message. 8. Click the Options tab and then click Show From. 9. Click From, click Marc Boyer, and then click OK. 10. In the To box, type Administrator.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

11. In the Subject box, type Test Message, and then click Send. 12. Log off SYD-CL1. 13. Log on SYD-CL1 as Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 14. Click Start and click E-mail. 15. In the Inbox pane, click the message from Marc Boyer and then read the message in the reading pane. Notice that it indicates the message is from Toby Nixon on behalf of Marc Boyer. 16. Log off of SYD-CL1.

Task 8: Configure Axel Delgados account so that Toby Nixon can send on his behalf and test the functionality
1. On SYD-DC1, in the Exchange Management Console, in the result pane, right-click Axel Delgado, and then click Manage Send As Permission. This option is available only with Exchange Server 2007 SP1. 2. Click Add, type Toby, click Find Now, click OK, and then click Manage. Click Finish. 3. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Toby with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 4. Click Start and then click E-mail. This starts Outlook. 5. Click New to create a new e-mail message. 6. Click the Options tab and then click Show From. 7. Click From, click Axel Delgado, and then click OK. 8. In the To box, type Administrator. 9. In the Subject box, type Test Message, and then click Send. 10. Log off of SYD-CL1. 11. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 12. Click Start and click E-mail. 13. In the Inbox pane, click the message from Axel Delgado and then read the message in the reading pane. Notice that it indicates the message is from Axel Delgado even though it was sent by Toby Nixon. 14. Log off of SYD-CL1.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

Exercise 2: Configuring New Mailboxes and Mail-Enabled Objects

Task 1: Create mailboxes for all users in the Alpine/Marketing organizational unit (OU)
1. On SYD-DC1, in the Exchange Management Console, right-click Mailbox, and then click New Mailbox. 2. Click Next to accept the default user mailbox. 3. Click Existing users, and then click Add. 4. In the Select User Adatum.com dialog box, click Scope, and then click Modify Recipient Picker Scope. 5. In the Recipient Picker Scope dialog box, click Browse, expand Alpine, and then click Marketing. Click OK twice. 6. Press CTRL + A to select all of the users, click OK, and then click Next. This new Exchange Server 2007 SP1 feature enables you to create mailboxes for multiple users at one time. 7. On the Mailbox Settings page, click Browse. Click Mailbox Database on SYDDC1 and click OK. Click Next. 8. Click New to create the mailboxes, and then click Finish.

Task 2: Create the new marketing user David Jones

1. If necessary, in the console tree, expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox. 2. Right-click Mailbox, and then click New Mailbox. 3. Click Next to accept the default option of User Mailbox. 4. Click Next to accept the default option of New user. 5. Beside Organizational unit, click Browse. In the Select Organizational Unit dialog box, expand Alpine and click Marketing. Click OK. 6. Enter the following information for the new user and then click OK: First name: David Last name: Jones User logon name (User Principal Name): David Password: Pa$$w0rd

7. Click Next.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

8. On the Mailbox Settings page, click Browse. Click Mailbox Database on SYDDC1 and click OK. Click Next. 9. Read the Summary and then click New to create the Active Directory user and mailbox. 10. Click Finish.

Task 3: Create a new mail contact for the contractor Daniela Guaita
1. In the console tree, under Recipient Configuration, click Mail Contact. 2. Right-click Mail Contact, and then click New Mail Contact. 3. Click Existing contact, click Browse, click Daniela Guaita, and then click OK. 4. Click Next. 5. To set the e-mail address, click Edit. 6. In the E-mail address box, type Daniela@contoso.com and then click OK. 7. Click Next. 8. Read the Configuration Summary, and then click New. 9. Read the Completion Summary, and then click Finish.

Task 4: Mail-enable the AlpineMarketing security group

1. In the console tree, under Recipient Configuration, click Distribution Group. 2. Right-click Distribution Group, and then click New Distribution Group. 3. Click Existing group, click Browse, click AlpineMarketing, and then click OK. 4. Click Next. 5. Click Next to accept the default Group Information. 6. Read the Configuration Summary, and then click New. 7. Read the Completion Summary, and then click Finish.

Task 5: Configure the department for all Alpine marketing users

1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers. 2. In the console tree, expand Adatum.com, expand Alpine, and then click Marketing. 3. Click Tony Wang, and then hold down the SHIFT key while you click Jose Lugo. 4. Right-click the selection, and then click Properties.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

5. Click the Organization tab, select the Department option, and then type Marketing in the Department box. 6. Select the Company option, type Alpine Ski House in the Company box, and then click OK. 7. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

Task 6: Create a new dynamic distribution group for Alpine marketing users
1. In the Exchange Management Console, right-click Distribution Group, and then click New Dynamic Distribution Group. 2. Beside Organizational unit, click Browse. In the Select Organizational Unit dialog box, expand Alpine and click Marketing. Click OK. 3. In the Name field, type DynAlpineMarketing and then click Next. 4. Click The following specific types, click Users with Exchange mailboxes, and then click Next. 5. In the Step 1: Select condition(s) box, select the recipient is in a Department option. 6. In the Step 2: Edit the condition(s) box, click specified, type Marketing, click Add, and then click OK. 7. In the Step 1: Select conditions box, select the recipient is in a Company option. 8. In the Step 2: Edit the condition(s) box, click specified, type Alpine Ski House, click Add, and then click OK.

Task 7: Test the dynamic distribution group for Alpine marketing users
1. Click Preview. There should be two recipients listed. 2. Click OK, and then click Next. 3. Read the Configuration Summary, and then click New. 4. Read the Completion Summary, and then click Finish.

Task 8: Modify the DynAlpineMarketing group to allow only members to send messages to the group
1. On SYD-DC1, in the Exchange Management Console, right-click DynAlpineMarketing, and then click Properties. 2. Click the Mail Flow Settings tab, click Message Delivery Restrictions, and then click Properties. 3. Under Accept messages from, click Only Senders in the following list.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

4. Click Add, scroll down and click DynAlpineMarketing, and then click OK. 5. Click OK to close the Message Delivery Restrictions dialog box. 6. Click OK to close the DynAlpineMarketing Properties dialog box.

Task 9: Test the ability to send to the DynAlpineMarketing group

1. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Tony with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 2. Click Start, and then click E-mail. 3. Click Next in the Outlook 2007 Startup page. 4. Click Next to accept the default option configuring an e-mail account. 5. On the Auto Account Setup page, ensure that Tony@Adatum.com is displayed as the E-mail Address and then click Next. 6. After the account is configured, click Finish. 7. Click OK to accept the default configuration for user name. 8. On the Privacy Options page, remove all check marks and then click OK. 9. In the Sign up for Microsoft Update page, click I dont want to use Microsoft Update and click Finish. 10. In the Microsoft Office Outlook dialog box, select No. 11. Maximize the Outlook window. 12. Click New 13. In the To box, type DynAlpineMarketing. 14. In the Subject box, type Test Dynamic Group, and click Send. This message is received by Tony because he is included in the query that the dynamic distribution group performs. It may take a few moments for the message to arrive.

Exercise 3: Managing Resource Mailboxes

Task 1: Create a resource mailbox for AlpineMeetingRoom1
1. On SYD-DC1, in the Exchange Management Console, under Recipient Configuration, click Mailbox. Click Remove Filter. 2. Right-click Mailbox, and then click New Mailbox. 3. On the Introduction page, click Room Mailbox. Click Next. 4. On the User Type page, click New user and then click Next. 5. In the Organizational unit box, click Browse, click Adatum.com/Alpine and click OK.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

6. In the First name box, type AlpineMeetingRoom1. 7. In the User logon name box, type AlpineMeetingRoom1. Click Next. 8. On the Mailbox Setting page, click Browse, click OK, and then click Next. 9. Read the Configuration Summary and then click New. 10. On the Completion page, click Finish.

Task 2: Configure the room capacity for AlpineMeetingRoom1 as 20 people

1. Right-click AlpineMeetingRoom1 and then click Properties. 2. Click the Resource Information tab. 3. In the Resource capacity box, type 20 and then click OK.

Task 3: Configure AlpineMeetingRoom1 to AutoAccept meeting requests

1. Start the Exchange Management Shell. 2. Type Set-MailboxCalendarSettings AlpineMeetingRoom1 AutomateProcessing AutoAccept, and then press ENTER. 3. Type Get-MailboxCalendarSettings AlpineMeetingRoom1, and then press ENTER. 4. Close the Exchange Management Shell.

Task 4: Book a meeting in AlpineMeetingRoom1

1. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Toby with the password of Pa$$w0rd. 2. Click Start and then click E-mail to open Outlook. 3. In the left pane, click Calendar. 4. On the Actions menu, click New Meeting Request. 5. Click the To button. 6. Click Marc Boyer and then click the Required button. Click OK. 7. Click the Rooms button, click AlpineMeetingRoom1, click the Rooms button, and then click OK. 8. In the Subject box, type Test Meeting. 9. Configure the Start time for two hours ahead of the current time. Use the current date. 10. Configure the End time to be one-half of an hour, or 30 minutes, later. 11. Click Send.

Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

12. In the left pane, click Mailbox Toby Nixon in the Mail Folders list. Notice that the AlpineMeetingRoom1 has auto accepted the request. It may take a few moments for the new message to arrive. 13. Log off of SYD-CL1.

Exercise 4: Managing Mailbox Removal

Task 1: Configure deleted item and mailbox retention for all users
1. On SYD-DC1, in Exchange Management Console, expand Server Configuration, and then click Mailbox. 2. Right-click Mailbox Database, and then click Properties. 3. Click the Limits tab. 4. In the Keep deleted items for (days) box, type 30. 5. In the Keep deleted mailboxes for (days) box, type 60. 6. Click the check box next to Do not permanently delete items until the database has been backed up and then click OK.

Task 2: Delete and recover an item from Toby Nixons mailbox

1. Log on to SYD-CL1 as Toby with a password of Pa$$w0rd. 2. Click Start, and then click E-mail. 3. In the Inbox pane, right-click the first message, and then click Delete. 4. In the left pane, right-click Deleted items and then click Empty Deleted Items Folder. Click Yes. 5. Click the Tools menu, and then click Recover Deleted Items. 6. Click the Select All button, and then click Recover Selected Items button. The deleted items appear in Deleted Items folder. 7. Close Outlook.

Task 3: Delete and reconnect Toby Nixons mailbox

1. On SYD-DC1, in the Exchange Management Console, expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox. 2. In the result pane, right-click Toby Nixon, and then click Disable. 3. Click Yes to confirm removing the mailbox from the Toby Nixon account. 4. In the console tree, under Recipient Configuration, click Disconnected Mailbox. 5. In the result pane, right-click Toby Nixon and then click Connect.


Lab Answer Key for Module 4: Managing Recipient Objects

6. Click Next to accept the mailbox type of User Mailbox. 7. To the right of Matching user, click Browse. 8. Click Toby Nixon, and then click OK. 9. Click Next. 10. Read the Configuration Summary, and then click Connect. 11. Read the Completion Summary, and then click Finish. 12. Under Recipient Configuration, click Mailbox and then verify that the Toby Nixon mailbox is displayed.

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