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Ulangkaji Soalan OUMH2203

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Ulangkaji OUMH2203-English for Workplace Com 1. efine !small "alk!

an# s"a"e $ha" %o& can "alk a'o&" $hen making small "alk. (Ma% 2011) * When ne"$orking $i"h '&siness par"ners an# professionals a" "he $orkplace+ some"imes $e nee# "o engage in small "alk. Wha" "opics can $e "alk a'o&" $hen making small "alk, -n# $ha" "opics are no" s&ppose# "o 'e "o&che# &pon, (.an&ar% 2012) /mall "alk ma% 'e #efine# as cha""ing a'o&" "hings no" #irec"l% rela"e# "o "he '&siness a" han#. Holi#a%s+ "ra0el "raffic+ p&'lic "ranspor"a"ion an# en"er"ainmen" are among "he #ail% cha" iss&es. 1n"eres"s "ha" ma% ha0e in common can also 'e a "opic of con0ersa"ion. * 2opics are no" s&ppose# "o 'e "o&che# &pon or 3no-no3 areas45oli"ics an# religion. e"ails of "he famil% ma% also 'e consi#ere# "oo personal+ especiall% in "he $orkplace. 2. 2he aim of a shor" repor" is "o place informa"ion on a page "ha" is easil% seen an# &n#ers"oo#. /"a"e 6OU7 charac"eris"ics of a shor" repor". (Ma% 2011) - goo# shor" repor" sho&l# con"ain "he follo$ing charac"eris"ics8 a. - clear in#ica"ion of %o&r p&rpose4 '. -cc&ra"e an# o'jec"i0e informa"ion4 c. - s&i"a'le or#ering of informa"ion4 #. -ppropria"e forma""ing. 3. When $ri"ing an email+ $h% is e"i9&e""e impor"an" "o 'o"h "he sen#er an# "he recipien", (Ma% 2011) 1" main"ains an# promo"es goo#$ill 'e"$een "he $ri"er an# "he recipien". :. 6or an effec"i0e presen"a"ions+ $e nee# "o consi#er a n&m'er of #ifferen" aspec"s. /"a"e 6OU7 of "he mos" common aspec"s of in"erpersonal comm&nica"ion "o 'e "aken in"o consi#era"ion $hen preparing for a presen"a"ion. (Ma% 2011) a. -&#ience -$areness '. Effec"i0e Opening ;ines c. -ppropria"e <is&al -i#s #. =on-0er'al comm&nica"ion >. Using appropria"e a#0er's+ $ri"e 6OU7 sen"ences "ha" sho$ changes in 9&an"i"% of jo&rnal ar"icles #o$nloa#e# from "he OUM igi"al ;i'rar% from .an&ar% "o -pril. (Ma% 2011)

1n 6e'r&ar%+ jo&rnal ar"icles #o$nloa#e# from "he OUM igi"al ;i'rar% s"ea#il% increase# &p "o 100? compare# "o less "han 20? in .an&ar%. @&" i" sligh"l% #ecrease# "o A0? in March an# con"in&e# sharpl% fall "o 20? in -pril. B. - memo is a form of $ri""en '&siness comm&nica"ion+ $hich is passe# aro&n# $i"hin a compan%. /"a"e 6OU7 p&rposes of a memo. (/ep"em'er 2011) Comm&nica"es informa"ion ECplains proce#&res -nno&nces changes Makes re9&es"s Confirms res&l"s Offers a#0ice D. @elo$ is an eC"rac" from a le""er of complain" from a #issa"isfie# c&s"omer "o "he s"ore manager. Choose "he correc" $or# from "he lis" of $or#s gi0en "o fill in "he gaps. (/ep"em'er 2011) $orking+ "ro&'le+ #efec"i0e+ p&rchase+ repaire#+ regre"+ $arran"%+ hones" 1 $as pers&a#e# '% %o&r salesman+ .ohn "o (a) p&rchase "he Eochi 5aper /hre##er. 1 (') regre" "o inform %o& "ha" 1 ha0e ha# no"hing '&" (c) "ro&'le $i"h i" e0er since. -s i" $as s"ill &n#er (#) $arran"%+ 1 re"&rne# i" "o %o&r s"ore on "$o occasions for a#j&s"men"s. Unfor"&na"el%+ i" is s"ill no" (e) repaire# 0er% $ell. 1 am afrai# "he shre##er is (f) #efec"i0e. 2o 'e (g) hones"+ 1 am no" prepare# "o ha0e i" (h) $orking for "he "hir# "ime. 1 $o&l# 0er% m&ch apprecia"e i" if %o& co&l# sen# me a replacemen" $i"ho&" #ela%. F. 2hese sen"ences are of"en &se# $hen re9&es"ing for informa"ion or an ac"ion "o 'e #one. Each sen"ence con"ains a mis"ake or a missing $or#. 1#en"if% "he mis"akes or "he missing $or#s an# re$ri"e "he sen"ences. (/ep"em'er 2011) (a) Co&l# %o& please repea" "ha" again, Co&l# %o& please repea" "ha", (') /orr%+ he no" in righ" no$. 5lease come 'ack la"er. /orr%+ he is no" in righ" no$. 5lease come 'ack la"er. (c) Wo&l# %o& "elling me $ha" eCac"l% is "he pro'lem, Wo&l# %o& min# "elling me $ha" eCac"l% is "he pro'lem, (#) Co&l# %o& please "ell me "he co&rses "ha" a0aila'le, Co&l# %o& please "elling me "he co&rses "ha" a0aila'le, (e) 1 afrai# 1 #i#n!" ge" "ha". Can %o& sa% i" again+ please, 1!m afrai# 1 #i#n!" ge" "ha". Can %o& sa% i" again+ please,

(f) 1 $on#er if %o& min# checking "here!s a class on /&n#a%. 1 $on#er if %o& min# checking if "here!s a class on /&n#a%. (h) /orr%+ 1 #i#n!" hear# $ha" %o& sai#. /orr%+ 1 #i#n!" hear $ha" %o& sai#. A. Elec"ronic comm&nica"ion is one of "he fas"es" gro$ing comm&nica"ion "ren#s in "he $orl# "o#a%. Wi"h reference "o ne"i9&e""e+ i#en"if% 6OU7 #o!s an# #on!"s $hen i" comes "o $ri"ing emails. (/ep"em'er 2011) (a) o!s @e poli"e an# ci0il Eeep email shor" an# 'rief 7espec" pri0ac% /"a% on "opic 7epl% promp"l% (') on!" Use capi"al le""ers (sho&"ing) 5os" flame 'ai" Use emo"ional lang&age /en# o&" &nsolici"e# mass e-mails Claim e-mail as &rgen" $hen $e are no" 10. When sen#ing a res&me %o& also nee# "o a""ach a co0er le""er. /"a"e 6OU7 f&nc"ions of a co0er le""er. (/ep"em'er 2011) ra$ a""en"ion "o rele0an" 9&alifica"ions an# $ork eCperiences lis"e# in "he res&me. Make a ma"ch 'e"$een $ha" %o& ha0e "o offer an# "he po"en"ial emplo%er!s nee#s 5ers&a#e %o&r po"en"ial emplo%er "o consi#er %o&r applica"ion caref&ll%. /&ppor" %o&r re9&es" for an in"er0ie$. 11. Wha" is "he #ifference 'e"$een j&s"ifica"ions repor" an# progress repor", ECplain. (.an&ar% 2012) (a) .&s"ifica"ions 7epor" 2his repor" highligh"s a co&rse of ac"ion or i#eas+ an# "hen presen"s e0i#ence "o s&ppor" $h% some"hing sho&l#+ or has 'een #one. @asicall%+ "he forma" is as follo$s8 1n"ro#&c"ion - 5resen"s p&rpose of repor" an# #escri'es proposal G co&rse of ac"ion. @o#% - escri'es "he presen" si"&a"ion+ nee# for change+ cos"s an# 'enefi"s. Concl&sion - E0al&a"es changes an# pro0i#es recommen#a"ions. (') 5rogress 7epor" 2his repor" pro0i#es informa"ion on "he progress of a projec" an# forecas"s f&"&re #e0elopmen". 1n"ro#&c"ion - 1#en"ifies "he repor"!s p&rpose $i"h a s&'jec" line an# #escri'es "he c&rren" s"a"&s of "he projec".

@o#% - 5resen"s posi"i0e fea"&res of opera"ion+ #escri'es pro'lems "ha" arose an# ho$ "he% $ere sol0e#+ an# incl&#es sche#&le an# cos"s. Concl&sion - 5oin"s "o "he f&"&re. 12. 1n formal le""ers+ $or#s "ha" are &se# m&s" 'e simple an# concise. 2he aim sho&l# 'e "o comm&nica"e clearl% $i"h "he rea#er. Change "he lines 'elo$ in"o simple (plain) English. (.an&ar% 2012) (a) 5lease 'e a#0ise# "ha" "he goo#s $ill 'e #eli0ere# in "$o 'a"ches. 2he goo#s $ill 'e #eli0ere# in "$o 'a"ches. (') Ho&r kin# remi""ance of "he pa%men"... 5lease pos" %o&r pa%men" ... (c) Enclose# here$i"h are "he #oc&men"s. Enclose# are "he #oc&men"s. (#) We $o&l# like "o refer "he ma""er "o %o&r goo# self. 5lease refer "he ma""er. 13. Ho& are aske# "o ring a local floris" "o or#er a 'o&9&e" of roses for manager!s office. When %o& call+ %o& hear a recor#e# message $hich sa%s+ 3Ilam 6loris". 2hank %o& for %o&r call. 2he shop is close# for l&nch. 1f %o& $ish "o lea0e a message+ i" $ill 'e #eal" $i"h af"er 2.00p.m. 5lease lea0e %o&r name+ a##ress an# "elephone n&m'er "o 'e con"ac"e#. 5lease 'egin %o&r message af"er "he 'eep...3 Wri"e #o$n %o&r message clearl% an# concisel%. (.an&ar% 2012) Ioo# af"ernoon. 2his is =&r&l ;iana from 6lamingo En"erprise. M% con"ac" n&m'er is 0123:>BDFA. 1 $o&l# like "o or#er a 'o&9&e" of roses for "he manager!s officer "oge"her $i"h a gree"ing car# "ha" #ispla% 3Welcome @ack3. 5lease sen# "he or#er "o 6lamingo En"erprise+ 1:FB-@+ 5an"ai 1rama+ @achok. 2hank %o&. 1:. 2here are man% "%pes of graphic ai#s. ;is" 6o&r "%pes of graphic ai#s. (.an&ar% 2012) 2he mos" common "%pes of graphic ai#s are 'ar graphs+ pic"ographs+ line graphs+ pie graphs+ organisa"ion char"s+ flo$char"s+ line #ra$ings+ c&"a$a% #ra$ings an# pho"ographs. 1>. 2he eCpressions 'elo$ are &se# "o #escri'e "ren#s of a graph. Wri"e O=E sen"ence for each of "he eCpressions 'elo$8 (a) sharp fall (') increase# (/ep"em'er 2012) (a) 31n March+ "he price of gol# ha# a sharp fall.3 (') 3Ho$e0er+ i" increase# s"ea#il% in -pril.3

1B. escri'e 2WO f&nc"ions of a Ian"" char". (/ep"em'er 2012) - Ian"" char" is &se# for sche#&ling an# "racking ke% e0en"s "ha" are necessar% "o comple"e a projec". - Ian"" char" sho$s "he s"eps in0ol0e# in a projec" an# "heir rela"ionships o0er "ime. 1D. Choosing "he righ" $or#s is cr&cial "o le""er $ri"ing. Wh% is i" so, (/ep"em'er 2012) /elec"ing "he righ" $or#s $ill con"ri'&"e "o a co&r"eo&s "one an# offer grea"er clarif%. 1" is 'e""er "o &se $or#s "ha" are familiar "o "he rea#er+ concise+ precise an# ge" "o "he poin" 9&ickl%. 1F. - !'a# ne$s! le""er comm&nica"es &n$elcome ne$s "o "he rea#er. 1#en"if% 6OU7 s"eps "o 'e consi#ere# $hen organiJing informa"ion in 'a# ne$s le""ers. (a) Open $i"h a co&r"eo&s opening+ (') ECplain "he si"&a"ion f&ll%+ (c) /"a"e "he 'a# ne$s+ (#) Close $i"h a posi"i0e paragraph. 1A. @elo$ are phrases commonl% &se# $hen "aking or lea0ing "elephone messages. Can %o& "hink of o"her phrases, (a) Offering "o "ake a message e.g Wo&l# %o& like "o lea0e a message, Co&l# 1 "ake a message+ please, Co&l# 1 ha0e %o&r name an# con"ac" n&m'er+ please, (') ;ea0ing a message e.g Can 1 lea0e a message for Mr K, Co&l# %o& ask K "o call me 'ack please, Co&l# %o& ask him "o call me a" ...,

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