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Organizati On Name Industry Market Share

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Comparison of Sample Attributes of Ten Core Countries or Regions Analyzed in the Special Issue. Number of Approximate % Male % with Bachelor Response Rate Industry Composition Number of Size and wnership r!anizations


r!anizati Industry on name

Date Data

Mar"et Share


Collection #as Conducted '(()

$ar!e% pri&ate

Medium * lar!e% mainly pri&ate ,-% public% ..% pri&ate or mixed Mix of size% '.% public% rest pri&ate

'((+ '(()/'((0



sh &ersion% formattin! ad1usted from ori!inal2

n ! l i

3 4R C M5AN3

5lease place a chec" 6 beside the most appropriate answer to each of the followin! 7uestions8 '9 Approximately how many employees are there in your company: A9 $ess than +0; B9 +0; to ';;; C9 &er ';;; +9 <o you ha&e employees belon!in! to union=s2 in your company: 3es No

If yes% do you "now approximately what proportion of employees are members of unions: $ess than half About half More than half

.9 5lease identify the description below which most accurately describes how your company deri&es most of its re&enue =chec" only one below on A/>2 A9 B9 Manufacturin! products =e9!9 durable consumer products or manufacturin! of components into finished products2 Ser&ices =doin! thin!s for customers rather than manufacturin! thin!s?e9!9 airlines% financial ser&ices% retail stores% food preparation2 @o&ernment A!riculture ther =please identify2

C9 <9 >9

)9 5lease place a chec" beside one of the followin! three descriptions =A% B% C2 which most accurately reflects how many productsAser&ices your company has: 3our company obtains nearly all =e9!9 -;% or more2 of its re&enue from 3our company obtains less than -;% of its re&enue from one product and the rest from8 or =A2 one productAser&ice =B2 related productsAser&ices =C2 unrelated productsAser&ices =<2 donBt "now

09 5lease place a chec" beside the one description below which most accurately describes what sta!e your company and its productsAser&ices are in8 A9 Mature sta!e8 products or ser&ices familiar to &ast ma1ority of prospecti&e users9 Dechnolo!y and competiti&e en&ironment are reasonably stable9 @rowth sta!e8 sales !rowin! at '; percent or more annually9 Dechnolo!y and competiti&e en&ironment are still chan!in!9


,9 Eactors that are critical to your companyBs success8 Do what de!ree does your company currently use the followin! to be successful: 5lease use the followin! scale8 ' Not at all '9 New brand identifiC cation +9 peratin! efficiency .9 4ni7ue corporate culture )9 New product de&elopment 09 Ad&ertisin! ,9 >ffecti&e mana!eC ment of human resources as a source of competiC ti&e ad&anta!e -9 Competiti&e pricin! F9 Inno&ation in mar"etin! techni7ues and methods (9 Settin! stron! performance !oals for a2 Indi&idual performance b2 @roupA4nit c2 r!anization ';9 5rocurement of raw materials ''9 Customer ser&ice '+9 Dhe mana!ement philosophy hi!hly &alues employees '.9 Dechnolo!y ac7uisition ')9 Stron! emphasis on research and de&elopment =R*<2 '09 Superior mana!ers ',9 Continuous impro&ement '-9 Superior employees 'F9 Strate!ic alliances and other cooperati&e &entures + Do a small extent + + + + + + . Do a moderate de!ree . . . . . . ) Do a lar!e extent ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 Do a &ery !reat extent 0 0 0 0 0 0 , <onBt "now

' ' ' ' ' '

, , , , , ,

' '

+ +

. .

) )

0 0

, ,


' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

+ + + + + + + +

. . . . . . . .

) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

, , , , , , , ,

' ' ' '

+ + + +

. . . .

) ) ) )

0 0 0 0

, , , ,

-9 Gow accurately do each of the followin! describe the business en&ironment that ' + Hery Ealse '9 Mar"etplace competition has increased dramatically9 ' + +9 Conditions in our business en&ironment are rapidly chan!in!9 ' + .9 @o&ernment re!ulations are rapidly chan!in!9 ' + )9 Dhe technolo!y in our productAser&ices is complex9 ' + 09 Abundant supply of s"illed people in the labor mar"et9 ' + A!A"E E!T ST#LE

your company faces: . ) 0 Hery Drue . ) 0 . ) 0 . ) 0 . ) 0 . ) 0

The descriptions belo$ apply to four different types of managers. %irst& please read through these descriptions. anager '( )sually ma*es decisions promptly and communicates them to subordinates clearly and firmly. E+pects them to carry out decisions loyally and $ithout raising difficulties. anager ,( )sually ma*es decisions promptly& but before going ahead& tries to e+plain them fully to subordinates& then gi-es them the reasons for the decisions and ans$ers $hate-er .uestions they may ha-e. anager /( )sually consults $ith subordinates before reaching a decision. Listens to their ad-ice& considers it& and then announces the decision. E+pects all to $or* loyally to implement it $hether or not it is in accordance $ith the ad-ice they ga-e. anager 0( )sually calls a meeting of subordinates $hen there is a decision to be made. 1uts the problem before the group and in-ites discussion. Accepts the ma2ority -ie$point as the decision. '. 1lease mar* one of the abo-e four types $hich you $ould most prefer to $or* under. '. ,. anager ' anager , /. 0. anager / anager 0

,. !o$ $hich one of the abo-e four types of managers $ould you say your o$n superior most closely resembles3 '. ,. anager ' anager , /. 0. anager / anager 0

/. 4o$ fre.uently& in your $or* en-ironment& are subordinates afraid to e+press disagreement $ith their superiors3 5Circle the correct response.6 ' 8ery fre.uently , %re.uently / Sometimes 0 Seldom 7 I ne-er feel this $ay

DG> 54R5 S>S


Gow accurately do the followin! statements describe the purposes of your companyBs Drainin! * <e&elopment practices: Eor each statement pro&ide two responses9 Eirst% use the left column to indicate the extent to which the statements below describe the way Drainin! * <e&elopment 5ractices currently are conducted =IS N #29 Second% use the ri!ht column to indicate to what extent the statements below describe the way Drainin! * <e&elopment 5ractices ou!ht to be conducted to promote or!anizational effecti&eness =SG 4$< B>29 5lease use the followin! scale for the 7uestions below8 ' + . Not at all Do a small Do a moderate extent extent IS N # '9 +9 .9 5ro&ide a reward to employees9 Impro&e their technical 1ob abilities9 Impro&e employees interpersonal abilities% i9e9 how well they relate to others9 Remedy employees past poor performance9 ' ' ' ' + + + + + + . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) Do a lar!e extent I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 Do a &ery !reat extent SG 4$< B> ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0

)9 09 ,9 -9 F9

5repare employees for future 1ob assi!nments9' Build teamwor" within the company9 '

5ro&ide substantial trainin! when employees first start wor"in! in the company9 ' Gelp employees understand the business% e9!9 "nowled!e of competitors% new technolo!ies% etc9 5ro&ide employees with the s"ills needed to do a number of different 1obs% not 1ust one particular 1ob9 Deach employees about the companyBs &alues and ways of doin! thin!s9





' '

+ +

. .

) )

0 0

' '

+ +

. .

) )

0 0


5lease use the same scale to indicate to what extent your companyBs trainin! * de&elopment practices are effecti&e9 '9 +9 .9 Dhe trainin! practices help our company to ha&e hi!hCperformin! employees9 Dhe trainin! practices help our company to ha&e employees who are satisfied with their 1obs9 Dhe trainin! practices ma"e a positi&e contribution to the o&erall effecti&eness of the or!anization9 ' ' ' + + + . . . ) ) ) 0 0 0

$>A<>RSGI5 Gow accurately do the followin! statements describe your companyBs leadership practices: Eor each statement pro&ide two responses9 Eirst% use the left column to indicate the extent to which the statements below describe the way $eadership 5ractices currently are conducted =IS N #29 Second% use the ri!ht column to indicate to what extent the statements below describe the way $eadership 5ractices ou!ht to be conducted to promote or!anizational effecti&eness =SG 4$< B>29 5lease use the followin! scale for the 7uestions below8 ' + . ) 0 Not at all Do a small Do a moderate Do a lar!e Do a &ery extent extent extent !reat extent M3 IMM><IAD> S45>RHIS R IS N # '9 +9 .9 )9 09 ,9 -9 F9 (9 ';9 Sets specific !oals for me to accomplish9 >mphasizes hi!h standards of performance9 Stresses the importance of wor" !oals9 Is friendly and easy to approach9 Is ea!er to reco!nize and reward !ood performance9 Stresses hi!h standards of performance for !roupAunit9 Is willin! to listen to my problems9 Dreats me with respect9 Chec"s e&erythin!J indi&idual 1ud!ment is not trusted9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SG 4$< B> ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

#hen su!!estions are made to top mana!ement% they recei&e fair e&aluation9 ' +

5lease use the same scale to indicate to what extent your companyBs leadership practices are effecti&e9 '9 +9 Dhe leadership practices help our company to ha&e hi!hCperformin! employees9 Dhe leadership practices help our company to ha&e employees who are satisfied with their 1obs9 Dhe leadership practices ma"e a positi&e contribution to the o&erall effecti&eness of the or!anization9 ' + . ) 0




C MM4NICADI N Gow accurately do the followin! statements describe your companyBs communication practices: statement pro&ide two responses9 Eor each

Eirst% use the left column to indicate the extent to which the statements below describe the way CommunicaC tion 5ractices currently are conducted =IS N #29 Second% use the ri!ht column to indicate to what extent the statements below describe the way Communication 5ractices ou!ht to be conducted to promote or!anizational effecti&eness =SG 4$< B>29

5lease use the followin! scale for the 7uestions below8 ' + . Not at all Do a small Do a moderate extent extent IS N # '9 +9 .9 )9 09 ,9 -9 F9 (9 ';9 Informal communication wor"s better than formal communication here9 My immediate super&isor shows appreciation for my wor"9 My immediate super&isor shows confidence in me9 Doo many people need to be consulted before you can do anythin! here9 My immediate super&isor often as"s for my opinions or su!!estions9 My immediate super&isor often !i&es informationAsu!!estions or feedbac"9 b1ecti&es here are clearly communicated and understood9 I am allowed to ma"e some decisions that are usually made at a hi!her le&el9 @ood crossCdepartmental communication exists here9 5articipati&e mana!ement9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

) Do a lar!e extent I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

0 Do a &ery !reat extent SG 4$< B> ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5lease use the same scale to indicate to what extent your companyBs communication practices are effecti&e9 '9 +9 .9 Dhe communication practices help our company to ha&e hi!hCperformin! employees9 Dhe communication practices help our company to ha&e employees who are satisfied with their 1obs9 Dhe communication practices ma"e a positi&e contribution to the o&erall effecti&eness of the or!anization9 ' ' ' + + + . . . ) ) ) 0 0 0

Best IHRM Pra ti es!Resear " #esign H>RA$$ ASS>SSM>ND Gow accurately do each of the followin! describe your company: ' Hery Ealse '9 +9 .9 )9 09 ,9 -9 F9 (9 ';9 It produces hi!h 7uality !oodsAser&ices9 It has a promisin! future9 It mana!es its people well9 It is flexible enou!h to chan!e when necessary9 It has hi!h 7uality people wor"in! here9 It has a stron! unified corporate culture9 It is &ery effecti&e o&erall9 It has a &ery satisfied wor" force9 It has a &ery producti&e wor" force9 It is seen as a leader in industry9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 Hery Drue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Is there anythin! else you would li"e to tell us about the human resource practices =GR2 in your or!anization: Eor example% you may wish to identify what% in your opinion% are remar"able GR practices or GR practices youBd wish to chan!e9 5lease feel free to comment in the remainin! space9

#e than" you9 =Dhis space was intended to contain the Best 5ractices 5ro1ect Deam contactBs name% title% or!anizational affiliation% mailin! address% and related contact numbers92



9. ichael "eringer is 5rofessor of International Strate!y and Chairperson of the @lobal Strate!y and $aw Area at California 5olytechnic 4ni&ersity in San $uis bispo9 Ge earned a B9S9 in Business at Indiana 4ni&ersity% and both MBA and 5h9<9 at 4niC &ersity of Seattle9 <r9 @erin!er has published o&er ';; papers and nine boo"s and mono!raphs on topics related to strate!ic mana!ement% entrepreneurship% international business% 1oint &entures and alliances% and strate!ic human resource mana!ement9 Ge has recei&ed o&er a dozen awards for his teachin! and he is acti&e worldwide in consultC in! and executi&e de&elopment acti&ities9 Colette A. %rayne is 5rofessor of International Mana!ement in the @lobal Strate!y and $aw Area at California 5olytechnic 4ni&ersity in San $uis bispo9 She earned a B9S9 in Business at 4ni&ersity of <elaware% an MBA from 4ni&ersity of San <ie!o% and a 5h9<9 from 4ni&ersity of #ashin!ton9 <r9 Erayne has published o&er 0; articles and boo"s on topics such as selfCmana!ement% international 1oint &entures and alliances% and international human resource mana!ement and ser&es on se&eral 1ournal editorial boards9 An awardCwinnin! teacher and trainer% she is acti&e worldwide in consultin! and executi&e de&elopment acti&ities for corporations and !o&ernment a!encies9 9ohn %. illiman is an Associate 5rofessor and Chairperson of the <epartment of Mana!ement at the 4ni&ersity of Colorado at Colorado Sprin!s9 <r9 Milliman obtained a B9A9 in Business >conomics at the 4ni&ersity of California at Santa Barbara% an M9S9 at 49C9$9A9% and a 5h9<9 at the 4ni&ersity of Southern California9 <r9 Milliman wor"ed in mana!ement in the health care industry for F years and has tau!ht at the 4ni&ersity of Colorado since '((+9 Ge has wor"ed with or!anizations and published articles in the area of performance mana!ement% international human resource mana!ement% en&iC ronmental mana!ement% and spirituality at wor"9

Adler% N9K9 ='(F)29 4nderstandin! the ways of underC standin!8 CrossCcultural mana!ement methodC olo!y re&iewed9 In R9N9 Earmer =>d92% Ad&ances in international comparati&e mana!ement% ' =pp9 .'/,-29 @reenwich% CD8 KAI 5ress9 Adler% N9K9% Campbell% N9% * $aurent% A9 ='(F(29 In search of appropriate methodolo!y8 utside the 5eopleBs Republic of China loo"in! in9 Kournal of International Business Studies% +;='2% ,'/-)9 Arndt% K9 ='(F029 n ma"in! mar"etin! science more scientific8 Roles of orientations% paradi!ms% metaC phors% and puzzle sol&in!9 Kournal of Mar"etin!% )(=.2% ''/+.9 Bartlett% C9A9% * @hoshal% S9 ='(F(29 Mana!in! across borders8 Dhe transnational solution9 Boston8 Gar&ard Business School 5ress9 Bec"er% B9% * @erhart% B9 ='((,29 Dhe impact of huC man resource mana!ement on or!anizational perC formance8 5ro!ress and prospects9 Academy of Mana!ement Kournal% .(% --(/F;'9 Berry% K9#9 ='(,(29 n crossCcultural comparability9 International Kournal of 5sycholo!y% )% '+F/'((9 Boyaci!iller% N9% * Adler% N9K9 ='(('29 Dhe parochial diC nosaur8 r!anizational science in a !lobal context9 Academy of Mana!ement Re&iew% ',% +,+/+(;9

Brewster% C9 * Ge!ewisch% A9 ='(()29 5olicy and pracC tice in >uropean human resource mana!ement8 Dhe 5rice #aterhouse Cranfield Sur&ey9 $ondon8 Routled!e9 Brislin% R9#9 ='(F.29 CrossCcultural research in psyC cholo!y9 Annual Re&iew of 5sycholo!y% .)% .,./ );;9 Brislin% R9#9% $onner% #9K9% * Dhorndi"e% R9M9 ='(-.29 CrossCcultural mana!ement research methods9 New 3or"8 #iley9 Cascio% #9% * Bailey% >9 ='((029 International human resource mana!ement8 Dhe state of research and practice9 In 9 Shen"ar =>d92% @lobal perspecC ti&es of human resource mana!ement =pp9 ',/ .,29 >n!lewood Cliffs% NK8 5rentice Gall9 Cox% D9G9% $obel% S9A9% * Mc$eod% 59$9 ='(('29 >fC fects of ethnic !roup cultural differences on coC operati&e and competiti&e beha&ior on a !roup tas"9 Academy of Mana!ement Kournal% .)% F+-/ F)-9 <renth% 59K9<9% * @roenendi1"% B9 ='(F)29 #or" and or!anizational psycholo!y in crossCcultural perC specti&e9 Gandboo" of wor" and or!anizational psycholo!y9 New 3or"8 #iley9 <rost% >9A9% * Hon @linow% M9A9 ='((F29 $eadership beha&ior in Mexico8 >tic philosophies/>mic pracC tices9 Research in International Business and

International Relations% -% ./+F9 >asterbyCSmith% M9% * Malina% <9 ='(((29 CrossCculC tural collaborati&e research8 Doward reflexi&ity9 Academy of Mana!ement Kournal% )+% -,/F,9 >isenhardt% L9M9 ='(F(29 Buildin! theories from case study research9 Academy of Mana!ement Re&iew% ')% 0.+/00;9 >isenhardt% L9M9 ='(('29 Better stories and better constructs8 Dhe case for ri!or and comparati&e lo!ic9 Academy of Mana!ement Re&iew% ',% ,+;/ ,+-9 >n!land% @9#9 ='(-029 Dhe mana!er and his &alues8 An international perspecti&e9 Cambrid!e% MA8 Ballin!er9 >n!land% @9#9% * Ne!andi% A9R9 ='(-(29 National contexts and technolo!y as determinants of emC ployeesB perceptions8 r!anizational functionin! in a crossCcultural perspecti&e9 Lent% G8 Lent 4ni&ersity 5ress9 Elor"ows"i% @9#9% * Schuler% R9S9 ='(()29 Auditin! human resources in the !lobal en&ironment9 InC ternational Kournal of Guman Resource Mana!eC ment% 0% F+-/F0'9 Erayne% C9A9% * @erin!er% K9M9 ='((.29 Koint &enture !eneral mana!ers8 Ley issues in research and trainin!9 In L9M9 Rowland% B9 Shaw% * 59 Lir"bride =>ds92% Research in personnel and huC man resources mana!ement% Supplement . =pp9 .;'/.+'29 @reenwich% CD8 KAI 5ress9 @erin!er% K9M9% * Erayne% C9A9 ='((;29 Guman reC source mana!ement and international 1oint &enC ture control8 A parent company perspecti&e9 Mana!ement International Re&iew% .; =Special Issue2% ';./'+;9 @laser% B9@9% * Strauss% A9$9 ='(,-29 Dhe disco&ery of !rounded theory8 Strate!ies for 7ualitati&e reC search9 Chica!o8 Aldine9 @oodman% 59S9 ='(F029 Critical issues in doin! reC search that contributes to theory and practice9 In >9>9 $awler% A9M9 Mohrman% S9A9 Mohrman% @9>9 $edford% D9@9 Cummin!s% * Associates =>ds92% <oin! research that is useful for theory and practice =pp9 .+)/.)+29 San Erancisco8 KosseyCBass9 @raham% K9$9% * @ronhau!% L9 ='(F(29 Ned Gall didnBt !et a haircut8 r why we ha&enBt learned much about international mar"etin! research in the last +0 years9 Kournal of Gi!her >ducation% ,;% '0+/ '0-9 @uttman% $9 ='(F)29 #hat is not what in statistics8 Statistical inference re&isited9 Bulletin de Methodolo!ie Sociolo!i7ue% )% ./.09 Gofstede% @9 ='(F;29 CultureBs conse7uences8 InterC national differences in wor"Crelated &alues9 Be&erly Gills% CA8 Sa!e9 $awler% >9>9% Mohrman% A9M9% Mohrman% S9A9% $edford% @9>9% Cummin!s% D9@9% * Associates9 ='(F02 <oin! research that is useful for theory and practice9 San Erancisco8 KosseyCBass9 $itwin% M9S9 ='((029 Gow to measure sur&ey reliabilC

ity and &alidity9 Dhousand a"s% CA8 Sa!e 5ubC lications9 Meindl% K9R9% Gunt% R9@9% * $ee% #9 ='(F(29 IndiC &idualismCcollecti&ism and wor" &alues8 <ata from the 4nited States% China% Daiwan% Lorea% and Gon! Lon!9 In A9 Nedd% @9R9 Eerris% * L9R9 Rowland =>ds92% Research in personnel and huC man resources mana!ement% Supplement ' =pp9 0(/--29 @reenwich% CD8 KAI 5ress9 Milliman% K9% Nason% S9% Hon @linow% M9A9% Guo% 59% $owe% L9% * Lim% N9 ='((029 In search of MbestN strate!ic pay practices8 An exploratory study of Kapan% Lorea% Daiwan and the 4nited States9 Ad&ances in International Comparati&e Mana!eC ment% ';% ++-/+0+9 Milliman% K9% Nason% S9% @alla!her% >9% Guo% 59% Hon @linow% M9A9% * $owe% L9 ='((F29 Dhe impact of national culture on human resource mana!eC ment practices8 Dhe case of performance apC praisal9 Ad&ances in International Comparati&e Mana!ement% '+% '0-/'F.9 Milliman% K9% * Daylor% S9 ='((F% ctober29 InternaC tionalizin! crossCcultural feedbac"8 pportunity for or!anizational learnin!9 5aper presented at the Institute of Beha&ioral and Applied Mana!eC ment% rlando% E$9 Milliman% K9% * Hon @linow% M9A9 ='((F29 Research and publishin! issues in lar!e scale crossCnational studies9 Kournal of Mana!erial 5sycholo!y% '. =.A )2% '.-/')+9 Mitchell% R9>9 ='(F.29 Sur&ey materials collected in the de&elopin! countries8 Samplin!% measureC ment% and inter&iewin! obstacles to international comparisons9 Social research in de&elopin! counC tries9 New 3or"8 #iley9 5aree"% 49% * Rao% D9H9 ='(F;29 CrossCcultural sur&ey and inter&iewin!9 Gandboo" of crossC cultural psycholo!y methodolo!y% Hol9 +9 Boston8 Allyn * Bacon9 5feffer% K9 ='(()29 Competiti&e ad&anta!e throu!h people9 Cambrid!e% MA8 Gar&ard Business School 5ress9 Shapiro% <9$9% * Hon @linow% M9A9 ='(((29 Ne!oC tiation in multicultural teams8 New world% old theories: In R9K9 Bies% R9K9 $ewic"i% * B9 Sheppard =>ds92% Research on ne!otiation in or!anizations% F9 @reenwich% CD8 KAI 5ress% forthcomin!9 Sutton% R9I9% * Callahan% A9$9 ='(F-29 Dhe sti!ma of ban"ruptcy8 Spoiled or!anizational ima!e and its mana!ement9 Academy of Mana!ement Kournal% .;% );0/).,9 Dea!arden% M9 ='((F29 4nbundlin! the intellectual 1oint &enture process8 Dhe case of multinational% multifunctional interdisciplinary research conC sortia9 Kournal of Mana!erial 5sycholo!y% '.% '-F/'F-9 Dea!arden% D9B9% Hon @linow% M9A9% Bowen% <9>9% Erayne% C9A9% Nason% S9% Guo% 3959% Milliman% K9% Arias% M9>9% Butler% M9C9% @erin!er% K9M9% Lim%

N9CG9% Scullion% G9% $owe% L9B9% * <rost% >9A9 ='((029 Doward a theory of comparati&e mana!eC ment research8 An idio!raphic case study of the best international human resources mana!ement pro1ect9 Academy of Mana!ement Kournal% .F% '+,'/'+F-9 Deune% G9 ='((;29 Comparin! countries8 $essons learned9 Comparati&e methodolo!y9 $ondon8 Sa!e9 &an Meter% L9M9 ='((;29 Samplin! and crossCclassifiC cation analysis in international social research9 In >9 yen =>d92% Comparati&e methodolo!y8 Dheory and practice in international social research =pp9

'-+/'F,29 $ondon8 Sa!e 5ublications9 Hon @linow% M9A9 ='((.2% <ia!nosin! Mbest practiceN in human resource mana!ement practices9 In L9M9 Rowland% B9 Shaw% * 59 Lir"bride =>ds92% Research in personnel and human resource manC a!ement% Supplement .% =pp9 (0/''+29 @reenC wich% CD8 KAI 5ress9 #ind% 39% * 5erlmutter% G9H9 ='(-.29 n the identifiC cation of frontier issues in multinational mar"etC in!9 Columbia Kournal of #orld Business% '+=)2% '.'/'.(9 3in% R9L9 ='(F)29 Case study research8 <esi!n and methods9 Be&erly Gills% CA8 Sa!e9

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