Art8-2 3
Art8-2 3
Art8-2 3
8 (2005) 95 - 108
Analysis of wind data and wind energy
potential along the northern coast of Senegal
I. Youm
, J. Sarr
, M. Sall
, A. Ndiaye
and M.M. Kane
Laboratoire des Semi-conducteurs et dEnergie Solaire, Facult des Sciences et Techniques,
Universit Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar-Fann, Sngal
Centre dEtudes et de Recherche sur les Energies Renouvelables (CERER),
B.P. 476, Dakar, Sngal
Abstract - Senegal is one of the developing countries and its dependence upon imported fossil
fuels can only be offset by the sustained exploitation of its indigenous resources. Wind energy is
renewable and environment friendly, which can be harnessed for various end-uses. A precise
knowledge of wind energy regime is a pre-requisite for the efficient planning and implementation
of any wind energy project. However, due to the absence of a reliable and accurate Senegalese
Wind Atlas, further studies on the assessment of wind energy in Senegal are necessary. The main
purpose of this paper is to present and to perform an investigation on the wind energy potential of
the northern coast of Senegal along the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, in this study, wind data
collected over a period of two years at five different locations in this region of Senegal were
evaluated in order to figure out the wind energy potential along the northern coast of Senegal.
The data from selected stations were analyzed using the two-parameter Weibull probability
distribution function. With an annual mean wind speed of 3.8 m/s, an annual energy of 158
could be extracted. It is found that the potential uses of wind energy in these locations are
for water pumping in rural areas. The study presented here is also an attempt to promote wind
energy in Senegal and to bridge the gap in order to create prospective Wind Atlas of Senegal.
Rsum - Le Sngal est un des pays en voie de dveloppement et sa dpendance en combustibles
fossiles imports peut tre facilement compense par une exploitation soutenue de ses ressources
nationales. Lnergie olienne est une nergie renouvelable et avec un environnement adquat,
peut tre facilement exploit pour divers usages finaux. Une connaissance prcise du rgime en
nergie olienne est un pralable efficace pour la planification et lexcution de nimporte quel
projet en nergie olienne. Cependant, en raison de labsence dun atlas fiable et prcis en
matire de vent au Sngal, des tudes portant sur lvaluation du potentiel en nergie olienne au
Sngal sont ncessaires. Le principal objectif de cet article est de prsenter et effectuer une
recherche sur le potentiel en nergie olienne sur la cte au nord du Sngal le long de lOcan
Atlantique. Par consquent, dans cette tude, des donnes de vent collectes sur deux annes sur
cinq sites diffrents dans cette rgion du Sngal ont t donc values pour y connatre le
potentiel en nergie olienne le long de la cte au nord du Sngal. Les donnes des stations
choisies ont t analyses en utilisant la fonction de distribution de probabilit de Weibull deux
paramtres. On constate que les utilisations potentielles de lnergie olienne dans ces endroits
sont pour le pompage de leau dans les rgions rurales. Ltude prsente ici est aussi une
tentative de favoriser lnergie olienne au Sngal et den tablir le lien pour llaboration
ventuelle dun atlas de vent du Sngal.
Keywords: Wind energy - Wind data - Weibull distribution - Wind energy potential - Senegal.
The role of energy as a basic element of any economic development is well establishes and
electric energy is an important index of a country's economical and technological progress.
With poor fossil fuel reserves, Senegal depends heavily on imported oil and natural gas for its
energy requirements. In the wake of the dwindling of fossil fuel reserves, rising coasts of this
type of fuel and the negative environmental impacts such as air pollution, acid rain and
I. Youm et al.
greenhouse effects associated with it, renewable energy have gained great importance.
Renewable energy resources have some advantages over fossil fuels; they are domestic, clean,
free and inexhaustible. In this regard more work and effort have been put in developing solar
and related energy resources [1]. However wind power has so far received only limited
attention even though there are some Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) in Senegal.
These are used for various purposes but were installed subjectively without proper knowledge
of the wind distribution in the respective areas in which they are operating. As a result, such
systems were ignored and most of them were destroyed. Detailed knowledge of the wind
characteristics is essential to allow optimizing the design and the usage of WECS.
This will be accomplished by using wind speed measurements. But this is a very difficult
task, due to transitions in directions and speed of wind in most sites. Many studies have been
completed to estimate the wind potential in different parts of the world. The work on wind
data collection in Senegal dates back to 1970. The first published work on wind data was
carried out on the basis of the monthly summaries of weather data recorded by the National
Service of Meteorology (1979-1983) [2].
Senegal has over 12 weather stations located near an airport that routinely measure
climatic parameters like solar radiation, sunshine hours, temperature, rainfall, atmospheric
pressure, vapour pressure, wind speed and its direction, humidity. Despite routine
meteorological data may overestimate wind speeds at a specific site, the tentative wind atlas
obtained from this study have recognized the apparent coastal wind potential and provided
valuable general information.
The aim of this paper is to further knowledge about the coastal wind resource by
correlating the results of qualitative studies with statistical analysis of available records. Data
gathered at five sites have been analyzed in order to support the evaluation and planning of
future wind energy projects in this coastal region.
2.1 Probability density function
Wind speed for a given location can be characterized by several probability density
functions. For wind data analysis, the Weibull and Rayleigh probability density functions are
commonly used and widely adopted [3-8]. Here, the Weibull density function is used to
describe the wind speed frequency distribution. The Rayleigh distribution is a special case of
the Weibull distribution. The general form of the two-parameter Weibull probability density
function is mathematically expressed by [9]:
( ) ( ) 1 c , 0 v , 0 k
v f
k 1 k
> > >
where f (v) is the probability of having a wind speed of v (m/s), k is a dimensionless shape
factor, and c is the Weibull scale factor with units of speed (m/s), which could be related to
the average wind speed through the shape factor, k, which describes the distribution of the
wind speeds. The relationship between the Weibull scale factor c, Weibull shape factor k and
average wind speed v
is given by the following formula:
+ =
1 c v
where is the usual gamma function.
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
The parameters k and c may be estimated by the linear regression of the cumulative
Weibull distribution given by:
( )
exp 1 v F (3)
2.2 Variation of wind speed with height
Wind speed generally changes with height, which requires an equation that predicts the
wind speed at one height in terms of the measured at another height. Under normal
conditions, a wind speed is greater at higher distance above ground. This is largely because
the effect of surface features and turbulence diminishes as the height increases. The variability
depends on distance from the ground and roughness of the terrain [9]. The most common
expression accepted to describe the vertical variation of wind speed is expressed by a power
law having the following form [9]:
0 0
where v is the wind speed at the required height h, v
is w3ind speed at the original height h
and is the surface roughness coefficient. The value of the exponent varies from less than
0.10 over the tops of steep hills to over 0.25 in sheltered locations [10]. The typical value for
flat coastal regions is 0.143, which is termed the one-seventh power law [11]. From
measurements at different heights the exponent can be determined.
2.3 Wind energy potential
At a wind speed v, the available energy per unit area perpendicular to the wind stream over
a given period of time t is expressed by the kinetic energy flux as [12]:
t v 5 . 0 E
= (5)
where is the air density (kg/m
) and E
is the theoretical total energy available for doing
work on the wind turbine. However, only a fraction of the total energy would be extracted.
The maximum extractable energy from a system working at its optimum efficiency is limited
by a coefficient of performance called the Betz limit (16/27 = 0.593). This capacity factor
makes the extractable energy approximately 59.3 % of the theoretical energy and is given by
t v 2965 . 0 E
= (6)
When compared globally with other regions of the world, the mean wind speeds in West
Africa have been considered to be far below those of other regions [13]. According to
previous work [2], the northern coastal area of Senegal may be considered the most promising
locations where wind machines may be installed. The northern coastal plain of Senegal is a
narrow strip of arable land, some 200 km long and 50 km in depth, representing 8,55 % if the
country's total area. In this area called Niayes there are very remote villages not hooked
on the national grid. On the other hand, most of gardening activities in the country are
concentrated in this area. The data from the coastal region in the North of the country were
I. Youm et al.
gathered at five sites, namely; Mboro, Ndandekhou, Pkesse, Ptou and Makhana; three sites
are near the coast where sea-breezes may influence the wind regime. The corresponding
location of the sites investigated is shown on the map (Fig. 1).
These sites were selected on the basis that these rural areas constitute major agricultural
belt. As water pumping for irrigation is identified as one of the viable application of wind
energy, selection of these sites for the study was logical. The wind data are made up as time
series and frequency statistics based on observations of wind speed and wind directions
recorded every 10 min time intervals. Approximately two years of data is available for each
selected site (1998-1999).
Long term measurements are needed for a good wind energy assessment. The longer the
period of collected data the more reliable are the estimated wind potentials. However, as one
year data is sufficient to predict the long-term trend of seasonal mean wind speed to within an
accuracy of 10 % and a confidence level of 90 % [14, 15]. Hence the data collected could be
used for a preliminary analysis to bring out useful conclusions on the wind regime
characteristics of this region. It will be followed by a long-term measurement campaign.
Wind speed and direction used in this study were measured and collected by relatively and
property maintained anemometer coupled to an electronic data-logger. Anemometers were
mounted on poles at a fixed height above the ground, usually 10, 15, or 30 m. The data were
used to evaluate frequencies of a certain wind speed as well as the monthly and annual mean
wind speeds.
Fig. 1: Map showing the location of the sites utilized for this study
4.1 Wind speed variations
The wind at a given site usually varies frequently in direction and its speed may change
rapidly under gusting conditions. Recorded wind speed data are generally available in time-
series format. Each data recording represents an instantaneous wind speed and typical
representative example of the results is provided by Fig. 2. An average of the hour-by-hour
pattern can be derived from these records.
Variations of wind speed average on a daily basis at Mboro during April 1999 are plotted
in Fig. 3. The pattern is predominantly random and during this month peaks of wind speed
occur at different days with an average value of 4.1 m/s which is over the cut-in value of a
typical wind machine.
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
Usually wind assessment is based on monthly mean wind speeds, because most of the wind
system design calculations are performed on a monthly basis and that the wind has a
relatively homogeneous behaviour within a month, even though monthly speed average may
not reflect a reasonable estimate of wind power available at a given site. Daily and even
hourly changes in speed must also be considered, although this is more difficult to analyze
because of the winds unpredictability [10].
Fig. 2: Instantaneous wind speed recorded at 15 m height
for the site of Mboro during April 1999
Fig. 3: Daily average wind speed variation at 15 m height
for the site of Mboro during April 1999 and the monthly mean wind speed
The monthly average wind speed distribution exhibits seasonal trends with similar
behaviour for all sites studied. The climate of Senegal has been defined as tropical and two
distinct seasons are noticed in this region: a dry season (October-June) and rainy season (July-
September). The seasonal movement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is an
important determinant of the duration and cessation of the rainy season in many tropical
areas. The dry season can be further classified as: cool season January to March, hot season
April to June and post-rainy season October to December.
Figure 4 illustrates the seasonal variation of the representative site of Mboro at height 15
and 30 m; slight difference in the monthly mean values have been noticed for these two
different heights.
I. Youm et al.
Fig. 4: Variation of the monthly average wind speed
at 15 m and 30 m height for the site of Mboro
The resulting seasonal pattern in wind availability is characterized by high mean speeds
during the dry but cold season and the maximum monthly mean wind speed of 5.3 m/s arises
in March. The northern hemisphere winter is the dry season and at this time of the year, the
country is largely under the influence of the strong northeast trade winds characterized by
their steadiness, locally know as me Harmattan . The least windy months are generally
July-October corresponding to the rainy and hot season.
During the rainy season, the ITCZ is at the most northerly position and the south-westerly
monsoon brings cool and humid air masses from the southern Atlantic [16]. September and
October have little wind as indicated by the lowest monthly mean wind speed value of around
3.0 m/s. Minimum wind speed limits for viable utilization for water pumping applications
have been put at between 2,2 and 3,1 m/s [17].
Therefore, wind powered water pumping appears to be a viable option in almost all the
study locations. Gardening activities along the coastal strip of Senegal depend mainly on
underground water and start in November and is continued till May. It is fortunate that the
winds in this region blow most strongly when they are wanted most. Hence wind powered
irrigation projects will have an immediate impact during this period.
4.2 Diurnal variation of wind speeds
The diurnal variation of wind speed is a predominant feature discernible at many sites
around the globe. Table 1 depicts the means of day and night wind speed for two selected
stations for the year. From the data presented we see a big variation in day and night wind
speeds. The diurnal bell-shaped trend is mainly attributed to localized variations induced by
land or sea breezes; a characteristic which may be considerable, although the main imposing
force is, always, the gradient wind of the day. The breeze and the gradient wind may
superimpose, counteract, or more usually modify each other according to their relative
strengths and directions.
4.3 Wind direction analysis
The month of March gives the maximum average value of wind speed in the North coast of
Senegal during any calendar year. A histogram of the wind direction measurements for the
site of Ndiandekhou during this windy month is shown in Fig. 5. From this figure we see that
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
the probability of wind direction lying between 330-30 is around 80 %. Analyses of the
overall wind direction frequency for all the sites are depicted in Fig. 6.
Table 1: Day and night average wind speed in m/s on selected stations
Mboro Makhana
January Day
February Day
March Day
April Day
May Day
June Day
July Day
August Day
September Day
October Day
November Day
December Day
Annual mean Day
Fig. 5: Histogram of the observed wind directions
at 10 m height for the site of Ndiandekhou during March 1999
I. Youm et al.
The prevailing direction of wind fall is from the North (north-north-west (NNW) to north-
north-east (NNE) i.e. 330-00 to 0-300) which is more than 50 % of all the time. The
frequencies of wind coming from the remaining sectors are insignificant. This wind
characteristic is conforming to the general climatic features of the country. The prevalent
wind patterns are defined by the moist-laden south-westerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean
and the dry continental north-easterly from the Sahara Desert. These results are important
when planning multi-wind turbine installation or in erecting single wind machine having
windbreaks or obstacles upwind in the predominant sectors. On the other hand, the use of
shrouded WECS can substantially increase the wind production [18].
Fig. 6: Overall observed wind directions frequency for 4 sites
4.4 Analysis of wind speed frequency distribution
The frequency distribution of wind speed is essential in evaluating the availability of wind
power at a site. It also permits the selection of appropriate wind machines for exploiting the
wind for such application as water pumping for irrigation, grain grinding, etc.
Histograms of recorded wind speeds, shown in Fig, 7, exhibit a similar behaviour in all the
station: the observed frequencies rise steadily, reaching a maximum value of the wind speed
between 2 and 4 m/s, and then drop more or less slowly. Comparison between the two sites
confirms that the site near the sea benefits more wind presence at higher speed. As there are
no calms (zero wind speed) in the wind data, the monthly observed frequencies are compared
with ones obtained by Weibull density distribution (Eq. l).
Example of the monthly observed and fitted wind speed distribution is depicted in Fig. 8.
The similarity of both trends illustrates the good representation offered by such a model when
compared to the actual measured data, However, the prediction of the overall or full term
mean wind speed frequency distribution at 30 m height for Makhana did not match as closely
that obtained directly from the data, as can be seen from Fig. 9.
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
Fig. 7: Histogram of the wind speed distributions during June 1999
for the sites of Ndiandekhou and Mboro
Fig. 8: Comparison of the monthly observed wind speed frequency
and wind frequency simulated by the Weibull function
Fig. 9: Overall wind speed frequency and
wind speed frequency simulated by Weibull function
I. Youm et al.
Fig. 10: Linear regression result of the wind data
Following the procedure of linear regression, an example of the obtained graph is given in
Fig. 10, the two parameters of the Weibull distribution can be easily estimate using the wind
speed data of the site. Table 2 summarizes the results for some sites as well the shear factor.
The value of the shape factor, k, has been found to be slightly dependent on the station and on
the height. The values of parameter scale, c, vary with the station and are near to the average
wind speed. This happens because the Weibull distribution is a reasonable fit to the recorded
data [19].
Table 2: Annual Weibull parameters and wind shear factor
30 m
15 m
30 m
15 m
10 m
10 m
k 2.027 1.926 2.838 2.662 2.249 1.697
c m/s) 3.987 3.817 5.811 5.031 2.974 2.342
0.159 0.556
By considering a typical wind machine with cut-in speed (3 m/s) and rated speed (8 m/s),
on the basis of the overall observed wind speed frequency (Fig. 11), it is possible to draw
some preliminary conclusions in terms of wind quantifies in space.
At Ptou, Ndiandekhou and Pekesse a wind turbine with the above specifications would be
at a standstill for about 40 % and operate for about 60 % of the time at partial load.
At Mboro, more than 20 % of the wind speed was less than 3 m/s and about 70 % of the
wind speeds recorded was between the cut-in and rated speed.
With such a high operating ratio, the overall wind speed in this region is strong enough to
energize a simple mechanical wind pump nearly all the time indicating the feasibility of wind
powered irrigation in this region, it can also be observed that the chances of wind speed high
enough for wind-electric generation occurring at these sites are very limited and an aero-
generator with 5 m/s cut-in would be standstill for a large period of the time.
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
Fig. 11: Overall observed wind speed frequency for different sites
4.5 Energy extractable in the wind stream
The maximum fraction of the energy in the wind stream that can be extracted by a turbine
rotor is given by Eq. 6. However wind machines are designed to operate within a certain wind
speed range and it is not practical to extract all the energy from the wind stream over a given
time interval.
Fig. 12 gives energy density produced from the wind during the month of July 1998 for
Mboro and Pekesse at 10 m height. The maximum expected energy output occurs at speed
between 5-6 m/s. The overall distribution of energy in the wind is shown in Fig. 13. Of note is
the fact that the maximum of energy density occurs at a speed of 3.1 m/s at 30 m height which
is close to the speed cut-in value of most of the typical wind machine. However this peak
shifts for 10 m and 15 m heights to lower value of speed around 2 m/s.
The use of wind energy in Senegal is too limited. The main goals of this study were to
identify and understand wind characteristics at northern coastal locations of the country and to
evaluate coastal potential for wind generation. An additional goal was an attempt to promote
wind energy in Senegal and to bridge the gap in order to create prospective Senegalese Wind
Atlas. These goals were accomplished. On completion of the study, the following
observations can be drawn:
Overall the annual average wind speeds in northern coast region are moderate, based on
data from the five locations. The average wind speed is 3.8 m/s and an annual energy of 158
could be extracted. The average wind speed is below the minimum speed, 6.0 m/s,
needed for wind-electric generation, but wind powered water pumping applications appears to
be a viable option. In addition, the demand of water for irrigation is seasonal and it is found
that the windy season coincides with the dry season.
There is a distinct diurnal variation of the wind speed at ail sites, which attains above
average conditions during the daylight hours, whilst dropping below average during the night.
I. Youm et al.
A marked wind direction distribution is exhibited at all sites. Winds tend to blow from
the sectors North-North-West to North-North-East with comparatively few days during which
the winds blow from the remaining sectors.
Fig. 12: Maximum energy density during July for the sites of Pekesse and Mboro
Fig. 13: Overall maximum energy density at different height for the different sites
The Weibull distribution is well suited for this particular area making it a handy tool for
the calculation of parameters relevant to wind power generating systems.
Additional measurements may be considered for the region. However, the present work
is only a preliminary study in order to estimate the wind energy potential at different
locations. For a comprehensive study prior to construction and installing wind energy
conversion systems, we should perform more detailed studies at each site separately.
Energy is essential to the economic and social development and will improve the quality
of life in Senegal. More effort is needed to erect windmills for water pumping in rural areas
with relative high wind potential. The result derived from this study encourages the utilization
of wind energy on the coastal area.
Analysis of Wind Data and Wind Energy Potential
Acknowledgements - The authors are indebted to the assistance of many technicians at the
CERER, for their valuable contribution in installing, maintaining and collecting data; in
particular, the contribution of Mr. Lamine Diop and Mrs. Fatou Coly Ndiaye. The authors
gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this work provided by Desarrollos Eolicos,
Sevilla, Spain and Alizs Sngal, Saint-Louis, Sngal. One of us (I. Youm) would like to
record his thanks to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) for
funding his visit as Senior Associate at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical
Physics (ICTP) at Trieste (Italy) during which this paper was written.
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