SS 11 - Unit 1-0 - Reading Guides - Keys
SS 11 - Unit 1-0 - Reading Guides - Keys
SS 11 - Unit 1-0 - Reading Guides - Keys
Unit 1-1
A Different Canada
Resource: Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues, Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Describe five changes in Canadas borders between 1905 and 2005. The North West Territories included much of northern Ontario, The North West Territories included much of northern Quebec, The North West Territories included much of northern Manitoba, Nuna ut did not exist, !abrador "as much smaller# What was Canadas pop !ation in" 1911 $ %,&'',''' 2000 $ approximatel( )',''','''
Society and Manners #. &. Where did $ost Canadians !ive in 1900% On farms or in small illages# 'dentif( severa! )ictoria era va! es in Canada. *amilies "ere expected to attend church# +upport for ,ritain and the monarch(# -alued honour, irtue, and dut(# *amilies "ere expected to ta.e care of their members# /ard "or. "as re"arded# 0o ert( "as the result of la1iness# Describe how wo$en were treated in the ear!( 1900s. /ad fe" rights o er propert( or their children after marriage# +alar( belonged to their husband# Were not considered persons b( the la"# Mainl( found "or. as ser ants or in factories# Define the ter$ suffragist. Women "ho campaigned for the right to ote#
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'dentif( severa! goa!s of the s ffragists. 2ight to ote# To address the social problems of their da(# To ban alcohol# Who was Nellie McClung% 3 Canadian suffragist# Describe how each of the fo!!owing inf! enced Canadian c !t re" 2 c( 3a d 3ontgo$er(" author of the no el 43nne of 5reen 5ables6# 4tephen 2eacoc." humourist7 author of the +unshine +.etches 86 5rnest 6ho$pson 4eton" author of animal stories# /a !ine 7ohnson" Moha". poetess "ho "rote about her heritage# 8o$er 7ohnson" painter of farm scenes of Ontario# 9:ias 2ed c" Quebec painter of landscapes and religious themes#
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Still a British ation 10. Who was responsib!e for sett!ing Canadas disp tes with other nations in 1900% The ,ritish go ernment# 11. What was at sta.e in the 3las.a ,oundar( 9ispute% Control of access to the :u.on gold fields# 12. Wh( $ight ,ritain not have s pported Canadas desire to contro! the 2(nn Cana! in ;!as.a% ,ritain did not "ant a conflict "ith the ;+ during or after the ,oer War# 1#. Define the ter$ imperialist. 0eople "ho "ant to ta.e o er other lands# 1&. Wh( did $an( 5ng!ish Canadians s pport ,ritain in the ,oer War% The( shared ,ritain<s desire to expand the Empire# 15. Wh( were <rench Canadians not enth siastic s pporters of the ,ritish 5$pire% The( sa" themsel es as Canadian and separate from the ,ritish and their Empire# 1*. Define the ter$ nationalist. 3 person "ho feels strongl( about the interests of their countr(# 10. Wh( did 8enri ,o rassa resign fro$ Wi!fred 2a riers govern$ent% /e opposed !aurier<s decision to send olunteers to +outh 3frica to assist the ,ritish# 11. What 3anitoba iss e ca sed disagree$ents between <rench and 5ng!ish gro ps in Canada% The Manitoba pro incial go ernment too. a"a( the right to *rench language instruction in Catholic schools# Canada!s Changing "o#ulation 19. What did Wi!fred 2a rier do to he!p Canada prosper after he beca$e /ri$e 3inister in 119*% 2ecruited settlers for the prairies#
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20. What did the federa! govern$ent offer i$$igrants who sett!ed on Canadas prairies% =>' acres for ?='#''# 21. What did the( have to do in ret rn% ,uild a house and start culti ation "ithin three (ears# 22. Define the ter$ ethnocentric. ,elief that one<s o"n group or race is superior to others# 2#. Wh( did so$e <rench Canadians fear the arriva! of i$$igrants% The( "ould reduce the percentage of Canadian "ho spo.e *rench# 2&. Wh( were so$e eastern 5 ropean i$$igrants ridic !ed% The( dressed differentl( and had different customs# 25. =nder what circ $stances were ;sian i$$igrants to!erated% 3s long as the( did "or. that others did not "ant# 2*. Wh( did $an( >white? Canadians oppose ;sian i$$igration% *eared the( "ould compete for @obs b( " for less# 20. Wh( did the federa! govern$ent p!ace a head tax on Chinese i$$igrants% To limit immigration# 21. What was the Aomagata Maru incident of 191&% +i.hs from India Bciti1ens of the ,ritish EmpireC tried to enter Canada and "ere sent bac.# 29. 5@p!ain wh( toda(s govern$ent sho !d or sho !d not apo!ogi:e to the descendents of ;sian i$$igrants for Canadas past treat$ent of these peop!e. -aried D opinion# #0. What are reser es% !and set aside for 3boriginal people# #1. Wh( were ;borigina! peop!es on the prairies forced to !ive on reserves% To ma.e land a ailable for settlers7 to a oid conflicts similar to those in the 3merican "est7 to help assimilate 3boriginal peoples# #2. 8ow were ;borigina! peop!e e@pected to s pport the$se!ves on the reserves% ,( farming# ##. Wh( was the ;borigina! pop !ation dec!ining in the ear!( 1900s% 9isease7 poor diet7 inadeEuate housing# #&. What were residential schools% ,oarding schools for 3boriginal children# #5. What prob!e$s did ;borigina! chi!dren face in these schoo!s% O ercro"ding and unsanitar( conditions# #*. ,ased on what (o $a( have read in the $edia or seen on 6), what other i$pacts did residentia! schoo!s have on ;borigina! chi!dren and their c !t re% +eparation from their famil( and culture7 abuse in man( forms# #0. Define assimilation. To dra" a group Be#g# 3boriginal peopleC into mainstream Canadian life and extinguish their o"n cultural traditions#
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#1. 4 ggest wh( ;borigina! peop!e often resisted assi$i!ation. -alued their o"n "a( of life and traditions# Ur$ani%ation #9. Describe Winnipegs growth between 1901 and 1911. *rom F&,)F' to =)>,')G# &0. 2ist the ! @ ries that wea!th( cit( dwe!!ers often enAo(ed in this era. +er ant# /ouses lit b( electricit(# Central hot "ater heat# 2unning "ater# 2ist characteristics of the !iving conditions of c!ass peop!e in cities aro nd 1910. !i ed in shac.s or cro"ded tenements# No running "ater or se"er# 0ollution from nearb( factories# 9isease "as common#
An &cono'y (ransfor'ed &2. 'dentif( three i$portant Canadian e@ports in the ear!( 1900s. !umber, "heat, minerals# &#. What was discovered in the B .on in 119*% 5old# &&. What i$pact did the se of e!ectricit( have on Canadas ind str(% 0ermitted bigger and better machines "hich increased production# &5. 'dentif( severa! cons $er goods that beca$e pop !ar in this era. Canada 9r(7 +hredded Wheat7 0almoli e +oap7 /ein1 .etchup7 the GC chocolate bar7 telephones# &*. What is a trade union% 5roups of "or.ers "ho tr( to get better pa( and " conditions from their emplo(er# &0. Wh( did wor.ers go on stri.e% ,etter pa(7 reduced hours of "or.7 safer " conditions# &1. Describe the coa! $iners stri.e in Danai$o. -aried# &9. What is a recession% 3 decline in the econom( resulting in less emplo(ment and production# 50. Wh( do (o thin. Canadas econo$( was in a recession in 191&% 2esult of retrenching after t"o decades of rapid gro"th# 51. Describe the i$pact of rai!wa( constr ction a!ong the <raser can(on on sa!$on. ,lasted roc. bloc.ed the ri er it impossible for salmon to pass# 52. 8ow did this affect co$$ercia! fisher$en% 5i en a fishing monopol( to compensate for reductions in a ailable salmon#
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5#. 8ow did this affect the 4to"!o peop!e% !ost their share of the a ailable salmon and suffered economic hardships# 5&. 'dentif( severa! par.s created in this era. Mt# 2e elsto.e7 Aootena(7 5lacier7 +trathcona7 Mt# 2obson# )ar and Change 55. Wi!fred 2a rier predicted the 6wentieth Cent r( wo !d be one of deve!op$ent for Canada. 4 ggest severa! areas in which this prediction ca$e tr e. -aried#
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Social Studies 11
Unit 1-*
&. 5. *. 0.
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Canada!s Res#onse to the )ar 9. 2oo. at the two posters on p. 25. What do the( te!! (o abo t the attit de of peop!e in Canada toward participation in the war% -aried#
10. What attit des in Canada in 191& !ed to the e@c! sion of wo$en and other gro ps fro$ participation in the war% Too frail and emotional7 needed at home to care for children and to support the men# 11. Eead the F otation in the second co! $n on p. 2*. 8ow does it show a growing Canadian identit( a$ong the troops. -aried# 12. 8ow did 4a$ 8 ghes fai! as head of the 3inistr( of 3i!itia% 0oor administrator "hich led to higher costs7 helped his friends profit from contracts7 promoted the defecti e 2oss 2ifle for use in the "ar# 1#. Wh( did the govern$ent need the power of the War Measure 3ct to fight Wor!d War '% -aried D granted extraordinar( po"ers for the go ernment to fight the "ar# 1&. Da$e the civi! 2iberties that were threatened b( the War 3eas res ;ct. Mail could be censored# 3llo"ed arrest "ithout trail D suspended habeas corpus# +et up interment camps#
15. Define habeas corpus% The right to appear before a @udge "hen arrested# 1*. What were internment camps% 9etention centers for an(one the go ernment sa" as a threat# (he )ar on +and 10. What was the 4ch!ieffen /!an% 5erman plan to conEuer *rance b( through ,elgium prior to 2ussia# 11. Wh( did the 4ch!ieffen /!ans fai! re res !t in a sta!e$ate on the Western <ront% -aried# 19. Describe three new inventions sed in Wor!d War '. -aried descriptions of things such as: dirigibles7 airplanes7 machine guns7 submarines7 tan.s7 poison gas# 20. Describe !ife in the trenches. -aried# (he Canadian &,#editionary -orce in Battle 21. What was >new? abo t the ,attle of :pres% 5as "as used b( the 5ermans#
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22. What strateg( did the ,ritish -enera! Do g!as 8aig se at the ,attle of the +omme% 2epeated "a es of frontal assaults# 2#. What was niF e abo t -im( 2idge co$pared to $an( ear!ier batt!es% ,etter training and planning7 underground tunnels to transport troops7 the Canadians too. the ob@ecti e "here others had failed# 2&. Wh( was the ;!!ied victor( at 0asschendaale so e@pensive for Canada% 3 Euagmire in "hich man( dro"ned plus high casualties# 25. What ro!e did wo$en have in Canadas war in <rance% Nurses and ambulance dri ers# (he )ar in the Air 2*. What was the average !ife e@pectanc( of a pi!ot in the Eo(a! <!(ing Corps d ring the <irst Wor!d War% Three "ee.s "hen dog$fighting pea.ed in =H=%# 20. 8ow $an( pi!ots and aircrew died in WW'% 21. Wh( is ,i!!( ,ishop re$e$bered% /e shot do"n %& 5erman aircraft# (he )ar at Sea 29. What was the ro!e of the s b$arine d ring WW'% To destro( 3llied shipping# #0. 8ow did the ;!!ies co nter the effectiveness of -er$an =Gboats% ;sed con o(s escorted b( "arships and under"ater listening de ices# #1. What ro!e did Canadas nav( and $erchant $arine have d ring WW'% Escorted con o(s7 /alifax "as a ma@or refitting base and departure point# (he )ar at .o'e #2. Describe the i$pact of WW' on Canadas econo$(. Increased manufacturing and resource production# ,uilt up a demand for higher pa( after the "ar# 2ist three wa(s Canadas govern$ent paid for the war. ,onds# Taxes D introduced an income tax of )$FI# ,orro"ed from other countries D especiall( the ;+# 2ist three wa(s Canadian wo$en contrib ted to war. -olunteers in organi1ations such as the 2ed Cross# Wor.ed in factories etc# "hen men "ere una ailable# Wor.ed as nurses and ambulance dri ers in *rance# G','''
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#5. What is propaganda% Information presented such a "a( as to promote an organi1ation<s cause# #*. What were the p rposes of the poster on p. #1% -aried# #0. 8ow was propaganda sed to portra( -er$ans% -aried D generall( portra(ed as e il barbarians# #1. 8ow did this affect the -er$an residents of ,er!in, 9ntario% 2esidents changed its name to Aitchener# #9. Describe the 8a!ifa@ disaster. T"o ships collided and &G''T of d(namite aboard one exploded7 &'''$)''' people .illed7 =',''' in@ured7 much of harbour and cit( destro(ed# (he Conscri#tion Crisis &0. What was conscription% Mandator( ser ice in the armed forces# &1. Wh( did /ri$e 3inister ,orden be!ieve conscription was necessar(% 0M !lo(d 5eorge of ,ritain con inced him that more troops "ere needed in *rance# &2. Wh( were $an( Canadians opposed to conscription% The *rench feared the( "ould be spread throughout English$ units# *rench$Canadians had no particular lo(alties to *rance or ,ritain# *armers needed "or.ers# Industr( needed "or.ers#
&#. Wh( $ight 8enri ,o rassa have c!ai$ed that conscription was not good for Canada% *elt it "ould di ide the nation7 "ar "as alread( expensi e and the cost of conscription "ould ban.rupt the nation# &&. Wh( do (o thin. Eobert ,orden did not a!!ow conscientio s obAectors to vote in the 1910 e!ection% Wanted support for the "ar and feared conscientious ob@ectors "ould oppose the go ernment# &5. Wh( do (o thin. ,orden gave on!( wo$en with h sbands or chi!dren in the war the right to vote in the 1910 e!ection% /e thought the( "ere more li.el( to support his go ernment than "omen "hose men might be sub@ect to conscription in the future# &*. 8ow did peop!e in H ebec react to conscription and ,ordens victor( in the 1910 e!ection% Continued protests and riots# (he Central "o/ers Colla#se &0. What two events occ rred in 1910 I and what effect did the( have on the co rse of the War% C1ar abdicates, communist re olution and 2ussia Euits the "ar freeing 5erman troops for use on the Western *ront# The ;+ enters the "ar bringing its material and manpo"er resources#
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&1. What was the effect of -er$an(s s ccessf ! 1911 offensive on its abi!it( to wage the war% It used up scarce resources and the 5ermans "ere not able to resist 3llied counter$ offensi es# &9. Where did Canadian troops win batt!es in the !ast 100 da(s of the war% 3rras, Cambrai, -alenciennes# 50. What was the significance of Canada having a for$a! p!ace at the /aris /eace Conference and in signing the 6reat( of )ersai!!es% It asserted Canada<s independence and recogni1ed its material contributions and the successes of its troops# 51. 2ist fo r ter$s of the 6reat( of )ersai!!es. 5erman had to accept responsibilit( for the "ar# 5erman had to pa( reparations of ?)',''',''',''' to the ictors# 5erman( "as partitioned# The si1e of 5erman(<s armed forces "as limited#
52. What is $eant b( the ter$ collecti e securit(% Members of a group pledge militar( support and cooperation to resist aggression# 5#. What was the p rpose of the 2eag e of Dations% To ensure the securit( of its members# 5&. Which co ntries s pported the 2eag e and which didnt% +mall po"ers tended to support it, large po"ers didn<t# 55. 5@p!ain wh( the 2eag e was viewed different!( b( co ntries% +mall po"ers sa" the !eague as protection from stronger imperialist po"ers7 the 5reat 0o"ers sa" it as a limit on their imperial ambitions in 3sia and 3frica# 5*. Describe how the 4panish <! spread and what its i$pact was in Canada and the wor!d. +oldiers brought it home7 &&,''',''' died "orld"ide7 G',''' died in Canada7 some communities reEuired people to "ear protecti e mas.s#
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Social Studies 11
Unit 1-0
An Uneasy Ad1ust'ent 2. #. &. 5. *. What did so!diers ret rning to Canada after Wor!d War ' face% No pensions7 no special medical ser ices7 fe" @obs# What rewards did wor.ers who had ta.en wage red ctions d ring the war face afterwards% Cost of goods soared and "ages did not co er li ing expenses# Wh( were there so $an( in (ears after WW'% Wor.ers "anted higher "ages, better " conditions and the right to @oin unions# What po!itica! ideas $a( have inf! enced nion !eaders in western Canada in this period% +ocialism or communism# What was the O,;% The Western !abour Conference BMarch =H=HC founded the One ,ig ;nion to get more control of industr( and go ernment through peaceful means# Define collecti e bargaining. Negotiations bet"een a union and an emplo(er about conditions of emplo(ment# What did Winnipegs $eta! and b i!ding wor.ers de$and when the( went on stri.e in 1919% +horter "or. "ee.# /igher "ages# 2ight to collecti e bargaining# Describe the effects of this stri.e on Winnipeg. -aried D )',''' on stri.e7 cit( paral(1ed#
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10. 8ow did the Citi1ens Committee of One Thousand see the stri.e% 3 communist conspirac( to o erthro" the go ernment#
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11. What was the federa! govern$ents response% 9eported stri.e leaders7 2NWM0 and Winnipeg<s special constables attac.ed a stri.ers< parade7 "ould charge some leaders "ith treason# 12. Describe the events of ,lood( +unda(. 0olice on horsebac. charged a stri.ers< parade "ith pistols and clubs .illing =, in@uring &', and arresting scores# 1#. Describe what happened to the stri.ers after it was a!! over. +e en leaders con icted of conspirac( to o erthro" the go ernment recei ing sentences from & months to & (ears# Man( stri.ers "ere not rehired or hired onl( on promise not to @oin a union# 9istrust bet"een "or.ers and business leaders gre" deeper#
1&. Which side do (o thin. was right% 5@p!ain. Opinion# 15. Who was 7.4. Woodsworth% Minister7 arrested during the stri.e7 helped stri.ers and their families7 "ould e entuall( help found the CC* part(# e/ Challenges to -ederalis' 1*. Define the ter$ regiona!is$. To be more concerned "ith the affairs of one<s region than the affairs of the larger countr(# 10. What iss es faced the 3ariti$es in the 6wenties% 0opulation "as D representation in 0arliament "as declining# ,usinesses and ban.s "ere mo ing to Ontario and Quebec# 0roducts such as coal "ere declining in importance# What two iss es concerned far$ers% Tariffs protecting eastern manufacturers made the cost of eEuipment expensi e# *reight rates and "heat storage costs "ere high#
19. Wh( were po!itica! parties s ch as the ;nited *armers 0arties and The 0rogressi e 0art( for$ed in this period% To support farmers< demands for free trade and public o"nership of the rail"a(s# 20. What s ccesses did the( e@perience% ;nited *armers "ere successful in some pro inces7 0rogressi es had some success at the federal le el and had a bit of influence on the !iberal go ernment# 21. Who was ;rth r 3eighen% 2eplaced ,orden as leader of the Conser ati es and "as a 0rime Minister# 22. What approach to po!itics did he ta.e% ,elie ed in adhering to his principles rather than compromising to sta( in po"er# 2#. Who was Wi!!ia$ 2(on 3ac.en:ie Jing% !eader of the !iberals after =H=H7 "ould go on to be a long$ser ing 0rime Minister# 2&. What approach to po!itics did he ta.e% Conciliator(7 sought the middle path to offend the fe"est people#
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2ist the res !ts of the 1921 e!ection. Conservatives" G' seats 'ndependent 2abo r /art(" & seats 'ndependent 2ibera!s" = seat 2abo rG2ibera!s" = seat 2ibera!s" ==% seats /rogressives" >F seats
2*. Who for$ed the govern$ent% !iberals lead b( W!M Aing# 20. What is a minorit( go ernment% Where the part( forming the go ernment has less than G'I of the seats in 0arliament# 21. Which part(s s pport did the 2ibera!s need in order to contin e to for$ the govern$ent% 0rogressi es# 29. What inf! ences on govern$ent po!ic( did this part( have% 0ersuaded the !iberals to introduce an old age pension# Canada!s Gro/ing Inde#endence #0. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister Jing assert Canadas independence fro$ ,ritain in internationa! affairs% 1922" refused to support ,ritain<s plan to in ade Tur.e(# 192#" insisted Canada sign international treaties "ithout ,ritain<s 4co$signature6# 192*" challenged ,ritain<s role in Canadian politics in the 4Aing$,(ng6 affair#
#1. Jings 2ibera!s for$ed another $inorit( govern$ent in 1925. When the Conservatives ca!!ed for a motion of censure Jing as.ed -overnor -enera! 2ord ,(ng to ca!! an e!ection. ,(ng ref sed beca se he fe!t the motion of censure sho !d be voted on first. What e!ection iss e did Jing create o t of this ref sa!% That it "as undemocratic for a 5o ernor 5eneral appointed b( ,ritain to refuse an elected 0rime Minister reEuest for an election# #2. Who do (o agree with% Jing or ,(ng% 5@p!ain. -aried# ##. Who were the fo r dominions% Ne" Jealand, 3ustralia, +outh 3frica, and Canada# #&. Define autonom(. The po"er to ma.e one<s o"n decisions# #5. What did the( de$and of ,ritain at the 192* '$peria! Conference% *ormal recognition of their autonom( and freedom to go ern themsel es# #*. What was the +tatute of Westminster% 3n act of the ,ritish 0arliament "hich changed the Empire to a Common"ealth "here the 9ominions "ere eEual to ,ritain# #0. 8ow was the ,ritish Common"ealth different fro$ the ,ritish Empire% -aried#
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#1. Define the ter$ amending for$ !a. The procedure for changing the ,N3 3ct or Canada<s constitution# #9. What two restrictions re$ained on Canadas independence% Canada<s constitution Bthe ,N3 3ctC had to be changed b( ,ritain at Canada<s reEuest# Canada<s highest @udicial court "as in ,ritain#
&0. Wh( did this !i$itation e@ist for Canada and not the other do$inions% The pro incial and the federal go ernments could not agree on a "a( to change the constitution# (he &cono'y I'#ro2es &1. What co ntr( beca$e Canadas $ain econo$ic partner after WW'% Wh(% ;+7 ,ritain, Canada<s former main trading partner "as in debt due to WWI and the ;+ had more surplus mone( to in est and bu( Canadian goods# &2. 8ow was ;$erican invest$ent in Canada different fro$ ,ritains had been% ,ritain had lent mone( to Canadian companies "hile the ;+ bought them# &#. What is $eant b( the ter$ branch plant% *actories in Canada o"ned and operated b( larger companies often based in the ;+# &&. What is $eant b( the ter$ primar( industr(% Industries that extract BminesC or collect Bforestr(C ra" materials# &5. What is $eant b( the ter$ secondar( industr(% Manufacturing and construction industries# &*. 5@p!ain how the ;$erican econo$( benefited $ore than Canadas fro$ a!! the =4 invest$ent. Canada gained @obs in the primar( sector but the ;+ gained more in the processing and manufacturing sectors using resources from Canada# &0. Wh( was Canada ab!e to e@port great F antities of a!coho! to the =4 p to 19##% ;+ had prohibition# &1. Co$pare this export trade to one that e@ists in o r da(. -aried# &9. 8ow did Canadians go abo t deciding to once again a!!ow the sa!e of a!coho!% Each pro ince made the decision for themsel es D through plebiscites# 50. Wh( did $ore and $ore peop!e $ove to Canadas cities d ring the 6wenties% Increased emplo(ment in the manufacturing sector Bcombined "ith increased mechani1ation on farmsC attracted them# 51. What is $eant b( urbani1ation% The changing from an area from rural to urban# 52. Wh( did the cit( centre beco$e an ndesirab!e p!ace to !ive% Industr( concentrated there increased pollution causing the area to become one of cheap and often undesirable housing#
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5#. What $ade it possib!e for aff! ent fa$i!ies to $ove o t of the cit( centre% 3utomobiles# (he Role of )o'en 5&. What prospects did wo$en have in the societ( of the 6wenties% Wi es and mothers7 teaching, nursing, secretarial and clerical @obs7 fe" "omen in la" or engineering# 55. What iss e was at the centre of The 0ersons Case% Emil( Murph(<s appointment as a magistrate "as Euestioned as she "as not a 4person6 under the ,N3 3ct# A e/ "ros#erity 5*. 'dentif( severa! feat res of the prosperit( of the 2oaring T"enties. 0eople could afford radios, cars, 8 Mo ies "ere popular# *ads spread from ;+ to Canada7 ;+ fashions "ere popular ;+ tourists disco ered Canada# Kobs increased#
50. Describe the changes bro ght abo t b( the introd ction of ine@pensive a to$obi!es s ch as 8enr( <ords 3ode! 6. Increase miles of pa ed roads7 ,C changed to dri ing on the right7 dri e$in restaurants7 eas( commute to the cit( from the suburbs# 51. Describe the i$pact of the airp!ane on Canadas re$ote frontiers. Mineral exploration made easier7 used to deli er supplies7 helped in police searches Be#g# the hunt for the 2at 2i er trapperC# 59. Wh( did the invention of the radio have s ch a powerf ! i$pact on Canadians, especia!!( those in r ra! areas% ,ro.e do"n the isolation of rural communities7 allo"ed ;+ cultural in asion through programs and po"erful ;+ transmitters# *0. 8ow did $ovies, especia!!( those fro$ the =4, i$pact Canadian c !t re% /ighl( polished ;+ productions o er"helmed homegro"n productions7 sho"s ;+ culture as a model for Canadians# *1. 8ow did the 5roup of +e en i$pact how Canadians saw the$se!ves and their co ntr(% Their st(le portra(ed Canada in a ne" and distinct manner Euite different from traditional European influence forms# *2. What was the foc s of 5$i!( Carrs art% West coast forests and 3boriginal life#
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2ist severa! pro$inent Canadian ath!etes of the 6wenties and give their acco$p!ish$ents. 0erc( Williams: "on & Ol(mpic gold medals in sprinting# Ethel Cather"ood: "on an Ol(mpic gold medal in high$@umping# Charles 5orman: set % "orld speed s.ating records# Kohn M(les: set a record for the ,oston Marathon in =H&># !ionel Conacher: star in "restling, baseball, lacrosse, football and the N/!# ,obb( 2osenfell: "on gold and sil er medals in the =H&L Ol(mpics# -arious Canadian hoc.e( teams "ere er( successful#
Missing the Roar *&. What discri$inations did ;borigina! peop!es contin e to e@perience after WW'% Were not persons7 could not ote7 reser es "ere poor7 discriminated against "ith respect to emplo(ment7 residential schools tried to undermine their culture# *5. What are potlatches% West coast ceremonies to celebrate special e ents and to establish status b( distributing "ealth# **. Wh( did the federa! govern$ent ban the$% The( "ere seen as obstacles to assimilation# *0. Do (o agree with this% 5@p!ain. Opinion# *1. Define the ter$ 3boriginal Title. Claims b( 3boriginal peoples to land occupied b( their ancestors# *9. What were the cut$off lands% !ands ta.en a"a( from reser es "ithout the permission of the people of the reser e# 00. ,Cs native !eaders obAected to the !oss of their ancestra! !ands d ring this period. Describe their actions to assert their c!ai$s. -aried D court challenges# 01. What were the views of the federa! and provincia! govern$ents on this $atter% The go ernment claimed that the expense of running the 9epartment of Indian 3ffairs @ustified the cut$offs7 re"rote the la"s to permit# 02. 8ow were blac.s treated b( Canadian societ( in the 6wenties% +eparate schools in No a +cotia7 open discrimination else"here# 0#. 4 ggest reasons wh( the govern$ent favored i$$igrants fro$ ,ritain and the =4% -aried# 0&. 4 ggest reasons wh( the govern$ent restricted i$$igrants fro$ E ssia and 5astern 5 rope in this period. The go ernment feared the( "ere socialist re olutionaries# 05. 4 ggest reasons wh( far$ers, rai!wa( owners and other b siness$en we!co$ed i$$igrants. Could pa( them lo" "ages to do "or. others did not "ant# 0*. Wh( do (o thin. !abo r gro ps opposed i$$igration in this period% *eared the( "ere "illing to "or. longer hours for lo"er "ages and "ould ta.e "or. from those alread( in Canada#
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00. Wh( do (o thin. there were $ost severe restrictions p!aced on i$$igration fro$ ;sia% Opinion# 01. What conditions were faced b( i$$igrants when the( did get to Canada% Often ended up in compan( to"ns or in urban slums " for lo" "ages in poor conditions# (he Stoc3 Mar3et Crash 09. What is the significance of Tuesda(, October &H, =H&H% ;+ stoc. crashed# 10. Wh( do (o thin. this happened% -aried D o er production7 inflated stoc. prices7 loss of confidence# 11. Define the ter$ depression. When economic acti it( slo"s and unemplo(ment rises# 12. 8ow co !d s ch an event affect ordinar( peop!e% -aried#
/age 0
Social Studies 11
Unit 1-4
Introduction 1. What was !ife on the prairies in 19#5 and 19#* !i.e according to 7a$es -ra(% Cold "inter7 not much food7 heat D li.e a furnace, "ind and dust in the summer#
-alling 5ff the &cono'ic &dge 2. #. What are stoc.s% +hares in a compan(# What is b (ing on margin% ,u(ing shares "ith onl( a small do"n pa(ment7 "hen the loan comes due one hopes to sell the shares at a higher price, pa( off the loan and ma.e a profit# Wh( did peop!e b ( stoc.s on the margin in the 1920s% !oans "ere eas( to get7 people "anted to get rich Euic.l(# Wh( did the va! es of stoc.s start to fa!! in 1929% +hares "ere o er$ alued7 companies had o er$produced7 some in estors sold stoc.s to get out of the stoc. and to ta.e their profits7 other in estors panic.ed "hen share prices started to fall# What were so$e of the effects of the stoc. crash% In estors "ent ban.rupt7 ban.s "ho had loaned too much mone( using stoc.s as securit( "ent bro.e7 social hardship and unemplo(ment# Define the ter$ depression. 3 se ere do"nturn in the le el of economic acti it(#
&. 5.
+eading U# to the De#ression 1. What was the i$pact of fa!!ing wheat prices in 1920 and 1921% *arm income dropped7 farmers unable to meet their loan and mortgage pa(ment D man( lost farms#
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'dentif( three effects of over prod ction in $an fact ring ind stries. Manufactures stoc.piled their products, cut bac. on production, laid$off staff7 unemplo(ed "or.ers could not purchase goods#
10. Wh( did co ntries !i.e the =nited 4tates i$pose tariffs% To protect domestic mar.ets for their o"n manufacturers# 11. What was the effect of s ch protectionism on wor!d trade% It slo"ed# 12. 8ow did Wor!d War ' contrib te to the depression% 5erman(<s econom( "as de astated b( its huge reparation pa(ments7 ,ritain and *rance had borro"ed hea il( from the ;+ to finance the "ar found it difficult to repa( the ;+## 1#. 8ow did Canadas dependenc( on the e@port of wheat and newsprint $a.e it partic !ar!( v !nerab!e to the changes in wor!d $ar.ets as the depression str c.% When foreign mar.ets "ere closed to Canadian exports, Canadians "ere laid off and unable to purchase manufactured goods D "hich caused e en more la( offs# 1&. 8ow did Canadas c!ose econo$ic ties to the =4 affect its econo$(% When the ;+ econom( crashed, Canada lost the main for its goods# Des#erate 6ears 15. 8ow $an( Canadians were ne$p!o(ed in 1929% K4ee p. 05L F#&I 1*. What was poge(% 5o ernment relief pa(ments gi en to those "ho had no alternati e source of income# 10. 8ow did (o F a!if( for it% Wait in line for hours7 declare financial failure7 s"ear (ou had nothing of alue7 pro e (ou "ere about to be e icted from (our home# 11. 8ow did the h ngr( and ho$e!ess e@ist in these (ears% 2elief, food ouchers, soup .itchens, pri ate charit(# 19. ;re toda(s street people the sa$e as the ho$e!ess in the 19#0s% 5@p!ain. Opinion# 20. 8ow $an( Canadians were ne$p!o(ed in 19##% &GI 21. What did $an( ne$p!o(ed $en do to find wor.% /op freight trains to see. "or. 4else"here6 sta(ing in shant( to"ns b( the rail"a(s# 22. Describe the dro ght that hit the prairies between 1921 and 19#*. +o dr( the top soil ble" a"a( and drifted li.e sno", bur(ing building, stalling trains and clogging car radiators# 2#. 8ow did the depression affect" do$estic wor.ers Kwo$enL" fe" @obs for onl( a fe" dollars a "ee.7 blamed for the depression b( some because the( "or.# aborigina! peop!es" relief paid them onl( ?G#'' per month# Chinese peop!e in )anco ver" man( "ere star ing# i$$igrants" ie"ed "ith hostilit( "hen for @obs7 =',''' deported7 immigration halted in =H)=#
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 2
2&. 8ow were 7ewish peop!e treated b( $an( Canadians at this ti$e% Man( professions "ere closed to them7 some emplo(ers posted signs forbidding them to appl(7 man( clubs and organi1ations banned them# Res#onding to the De#ression 25. Who did /ri$e 3inister Jing be!ieve sho !d provide aid to peop!e s ffering fro$ the Depression% Municipal and pro incial go ernments# 2*. Wh( were $an( $ nicipa!ities nab!e to provide relief% The( "ere ban.rupt# 20. What was the res !t of Jings co$$ent that he wo !dnt provide financia! s pport to Conservative provincia! govern$ents% It became an election issue D he lost# 21. What approach did the new Conservative /ri$e 3inister E.,. ,ennett ta.e to fight the Depression% 5a e the pro inces ?&',''',''' for "or. creation7 raised tariffs b( G'I7 banned the Communist 0art( fearing the unemplo(ed "ould @oin it Band rebelC7 created "or. camps for unemplo(ed males# 29. What were "or. camps% Camps in remote areas to isolate unemplo(ed males7 pro ided a base for "or.ers on roads, land clearing and other pro@ects# #0. What were conditions !i.e in the$% 0aid &'C per da( plus room and board7 li ed in bug$infested bun. houses "ith tar paper "alls and blan.ets but no sheets7 bad food7 no recreation facilities# #1. Wh( was the On$to$Otta"a Tre. organi:ed% To protest camp conditions# #2. What did it hope to acco$p!ish% To ta.e complaints about the camps to Otta"a D plus 8 ##. 8ow did the tre..ers tr( to get to 9ttawa% 2oad the freight trains up more supporters along the "a(# #&. What happened when their !eaders $et with /ri$e 3inister ,ennett% ,ennett called the leaders radicals and troublema.ers and e en criminals and thie es7 leaders of the Tre. called him unfit to go ern Canada# #5. What happened to the tre..ers in Eegina% 3 riot started "hen the 2CM0 tried to dri e the tre..ers out of a local stadium7 one .illed, man( in@ured and =)' arrested# #*. Describe the reasons for and the events of the 19#0 )anco ver sit$in. Man( men "ere left destitute "hen the camps "ere closed and relief pa(ments reduced7 riots started "hen the police tried to e ict protesters from the 0ost Office#
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"olitics of "rotest #0. Wh( was the CC< part( for$ed in 19#2% Man( "ere dissatisfied "ith ho" the go ernment dealt "ith the depression# It endorsed go ernment o"nership of .e( industries7 social programs to assist people in need, the elderl(, the unemplo(ed7 homeless, sic., 8 The CC* also endorsed public "or.s to emplo( people# #1. What did ,ib!e ,i!! ;berharts 4ocia! Credit /art( propose to do to end the Depression% To pro ide a social di idend of ?&G#'' per month to each citi1en to get mone( into circulation instead of it sitting in ban.s# #9. 3itch 8epb rn of the 9ntario 2ibera!s ca$e to power cha$pioning the man in the street. What did he rea!!( do with respect to 9ntarios econo$(% /e did little to help the unemplo(ed7 he helped suppress &0. Who did H ebecs =nion Dationa!e !eader 3a rice D p!essis b!a$e for the Depression% The English minorit( that controlled Quebec<s econom(# &1. What steps did ,Cs /re$ier D fferin /att !!o do to co nter the Depression% +horten the "or. da(# Increase the minimum "age# Increase relief pa(ments b( &'I# ,uilt a bridge across the *raser 2i er# ,uilt a ne" Cit( /all for -ancou er# &2. What was the federa! govern$ents response to so$e of his initiatives% Opposed his programs if the( infringed on the federal domain# A Change in Go2ern'ent &#. 6he 2o"ell$+irois Commission e@a$ined the prob!e$s of federa!Gprovincia! re!ations in 19#0. 't fo nd that disp tes over which govern$ent had the right to ta@ was a $aAor iss e. What did it reco$$end% That the federal go ernment get more control of taxation# 5i e poorer pro inces eEuali1ation pa(ments# &&. What were eEuali1ation pa(ments% 3 means of transferring "ealth from the richer pro inces to the poorer so that all citi1ens "ould share the same standard of li ing# &5. 8ow did the richer provinces fee! abo t these reco$$endations% The( ob@ected to gi ing up their re enue and the loss of pro incial po"ers# &*. Wh( were the Co$$issions reco$$endations not acted pon% The econom( "as starting to impro e and people "ere becoming more optimistic7 World War II put such issues on the bac. burner# Distractions fro' Des#air &0. Wh( were $ovies, $aga:ines and radio pop !ar d ring the depression% The( pro ided escape from harsh conditions#
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age &
&1. Co$$ent on how the 9ionne Quintuplets were treated. -aried D put on displa( b( the pro incial go ernment in a special hospital# &9. What acco$p!ish$ents did 5re( O"l $a.e% Writer, public, conser ationist7 hob$nobbed "ith ro(alt(, prime ministers and public figures# 50. Who was he rea!!(% 3rchie ,elane( D an Englishman# (he Rise of Dictatorshi#s 51. 'dentif( three tota!itarian dictators who ca$e to power in the 1920s and #0s. Kosef +talin ,enito Mussolini 3dolph /itler Ger'any After the )ar 52. Wh( did the -er$an peop!e e!ect ;do!ph 8it!er Chance!!or in 19##% /e "as critical of the Treat( of -ersailles treatment of 5erman(7 he claimed he had solutions to the depression# 5#. 2ist fo r things 8it!er did to co nter the effects of the Depression. +topped all reparation pa(ments# +tarted a massi e expansion of the armed forces# 2ebuilt agriculture though subsidies to farmers# !ots of public "or.s pro@ects Be#g# the autobahnC# 5&. 8ow did 8it!er and the Da:is dea! with po!itica! opponents% 9idn<t allo" it D persecuted them# 55. 8ow did 8it!er see the -er$an peop!e% 3s a 4master race6 of 3r(ans# 5*. 8ow did 8it!er and the Da:is treat non$3r(an people% 0ersecuted b( prohibiting them from teaching, attending schools, holding go ernment office, " in professions, "riting boo.s7 mobs "ere encouraged to assault them, destro( their homes and businesses7 e entuall( sent to concentration camps# 50. 8ow did 8it!er and the Da:is treat peop!e with handicaps% 9espised them as the( undermined the idea of the 4master race67 e entuall( 4liEuidated6 them# 51. 8ow did 8it!er and the Da:is treat peop!e s ch as co$$ nists or ho$ose@ a!s% 3rrested and @ailed7 sent to concentration camps# 59. What was Aristallnacht% No ember H, =H)L D Ke"ish businesses "ere attac.ed# *0. What was the holocaust% 2efers to the destruction of o er > million Ke"ish people and others b( the N3JIs#
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5n the Road to )ar *1. What was the !eague of Nations% 3n international organi1ation established to maintain peace after World War I# *2. 8ow did it fai! China% It condemned Kapan<s in asion D but did nothing# *#. 8ow did the 2eag e fai! 5thiopia% It imposed economic sanctions on Ital(# Ineffecti e because oil "as not co ered b( the sanctions# *&. Wh( was 8it!er ab!e to ta.e bac. the Ehine!and in 19#* despite the fact that the 6reat( of )ersai!!es dec!ared it to be de$i!itari:ed% /e gambled that neither the !eague of Nations nor *rance "ould do an(thing# *5. What stand did 8it!er and 3 sso!ini ta.e in the 4panish Civi! War% The( supported the rebel forces of *ranco# **. What was the Mac.en1ie$0apineau ,attalion% =&'' olunteers from Canada "ho fought on the side of the socialist +panish go ernment in the +panish Ci il War# *0. -ive three e@a$p!es of how co ntries !i.e <rance and ,ritain appeased 8it!er% The( did nothing "hen /itler too. the 2hineland# The( let /itler ta.e 3ustria in =H)L# The( allo"ed /itler to occup( the 5erman +udetenland parts of C1echoslo a.ia in +eptember =H)L and "hen he too. the rest of C1echoslo a.ia in March =H)H# *1. 8ow did 8it!er ens re that E ssia wo !d not fee! threatened b( a -er$an invasion of /o!and% /e signed a non$aggression pact "hich also agreed to partition 0oland# *9. What happened when 8it!er invaded /o!and on 4epte$ber #, 19#9% ,ritain and *rance declared "ar# Canada!s Res#onse to Gro/ing (ensions 00. What were iso!ationists in the 19#0s% 0eople "ho felt their countr( should not get in ol ed in the affairs of others# 01. Wh( did Canadians not want to get invo!ved in affairs o tside of Canada d ring the 1920s and 19#0s% +ome thought the Treat( of -ersailles "as too harsh7 some "ere pacifists "ho did not "ant to see thousands of Canadians .illed in another "ar7 some felt Canada "as not threatened# 02. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister Jing see 8it!er when the( $et in 19#0% /e sa" him as a .indl( and affectionate person "ho lo es his fello" man7 that he had no "arli.e intentions# 0#. Wh( did Jing not want to get invo!ved with 7ewish ref gees in 19#1% /e seemed to see them as a potential cause of internal discord#
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0&. Do (o be!ieve this% 5@p!ain. Opinion# 05. What was Canadas 4ecretar( of 4tates opinion abo t 7ewish ref gees being a!!owed to enter Canada% That as long as Canada has unemplo(ed, no Ke"ish or political refugees "ould be allo"ed# 0*. What was the position of '$$igration Director <red ,!air on 7ewish i$$igration% 4None "as too man(#6 00. What happened to the 900 7ewish ref gees aboard the ocean !iner +t# !ouis who were forced to ret rn to 5 rope% The( "ere forced to return to Europe and man( "ould die in concentration camps during World War II# 01. What do (o thin. Canadas govern$ent sho !d have done for 7ewish ref gees in this period% Opinion# You might want to watch the movies: The Pianist or Schindlers List .
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Social Studies 11
Unit 1-7
2. #. &.
5. *. 0.
1. 9.
10. What was the condition of Canadas ar$ed forces in 4epte$ber 19#9% 3rm( had FG'' soldiers, => tan.s, a fe" do1en anti$tan. guns and no artiller(# 11. 8ow $an( vo! nteered for service in 4epte$ber a!one% 12. Who was 6o$$( /rince% GL,))'
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3n 3boriginal Canadian7 "as allo"ed to enlist at the start of the "ar7 "ould become Canada<s most decorated soldier b( "ar<s end#
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1#. What was the govern$ents response to b!ac. vo! nteers% Initiall( re@ected7 later accepted as manpo"er needs rose# 1&. What pa( co !d a private Kthe !owest ran.ed so!dierL e@pect% ?=#)' per da( plus ?>'#'' per month for a dependent spouse and ?)'#'' per month for each child# 15. What was the ,ritish Co$$onwea!th ;ir 6raining /!an% Canada agreed to train air and ground cre"7 trained =)',''' b( "ar<s end7 cost ?&#& billion "ith Canada pa(ing %'I# 1*. Wh( was /3 Jing g!ad to have Canada fi!! this need% ,ecause it .ept Canada<s contributions "ithin Canada# 10. Who was C.D. 8owe% Minister for the 9epartment of Munitions and +upplies# 11. What powers did he have% /ad total control o er "hat companies could produce and responsibilit( planning and controlling the econom(# 19. What was total "ar% Total management of the econom( and "or. force and capital dedicated to "inning the "ar# 20. Wh( was it necessar(% Opinion# (he )ar in &uro#e 21. What co ntries were .nown as the 3llies% ,ritain and the Common"ealth, *rance and e entuall( 2ussia, China and the ;+3# 22. What co ntries were .nown as the 3xis% 5erman(, Ital( and e entuall( Kapan# 2#. What was the phon( "ar% The se en months bet"een +eptember =H)H and 3pril =HF' "hen both sides "ere gearing up to fight# 2&. What was the blit1.rieg% The 5erman tactic of attac. "ith mechani1ed troops Btan.s, mobile artiller(, and troops in truc.sC supported b( aircraft and characteri1ed b( rapid ad ances# 25. Where did the -er$ans !a nch their first attac.s in ;pri! 19&0% 9enmar. and Nor"a(# 2*. Where was their ne@t attac. Kin 3a( 19&0L% Netherlands follo"ed b( ,elgium and *rance# 20. 8ow was this attac. si$i!ar to -er$an strategies in WW'% 2esembled the +chlieffen 0lan# 21. Describe the evac ation of ;!!ied troops at D -aried#
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29. What happened on 7 ne 22nd% *rance surrendered# #0. What was Operation +ea !ion% The 5erman plan to in ade ,ritain# #1. What targets did the -er$ans attac. in preparation for invading 5ng!and% /arbours and shipping facilities in southern England# #2. What defenses did the ,ritish have% 2adar, +pitfire and /urricane fight plans, the 2o(al Na (# ##. Describe the ,attle of ,ritain. -aried D fighter battles, the bombing of English cities# (he )ar S#reads #&. What was Operation ,arbarossa% The 5erman plan to in ade 2ussia# #5. What he!ped the E ssians stop this 19&1 -er$an invasion of E ssia% The 5ermans got off to a late start and "ere ill$prepared for "inter conditions# #*. What is the significance of the batt!e of +talingradM The 2ussians and 5ermans fought o er the cit( in "inter7 the 5ermans "ere e entuall( surrounded and cut off from supplies7 )'','''N 5ermans surrendered7 represented a ma@or turning point in the "ar# #0. Wh( did 7apan p!an to invade =4 and 5 ropean co!onies in 45 ;sia% To control resources such as oil rubber and tin in those areas# #1. 8ow did 7apan start their attac.s% 3ttac.ed 0earl /arbor# #9. Wh( do (o thin. the( attac.ed a $i!itar( base of s ch a powerf ! co ntr(% Opinion D if the( could destro( the ;+ Na (<s battleships and carriers the( "ould be able to dominate the 0acific# &0. What beca$e of the 1905 Canadian so!diers sent to defend 8ong Jong% Ailled in battle of ta.en prisoner# /alf of the GGG dead died as prisoners of the Kapanese# Canada!s Role in &uro#e &1. What was 9ieppe% 3n 3llied raid on the *rench port# &2. What was Dieppes p rpose% To test techniEues, eEuipment and 5erman defenses in preparation for future in asions# &#. Wh( were Canadian troops chosen for this raid% Opinion D Canadians "anted to get in ol ed in the "ar# &&. What was the si:e of Canadas nav( at the start of the war% =) ships and =L=H sailors#
/age &
&5. 8ow did -er$an( tr( to stop s pp!ies fro$ reaching ,ritain fro$ Dorth ;$erica% ;$boats "ould attac. 3llied shipping# &*. 8ow did the ;!!ies tr( to protect its ships% 5rouping ships in con o(s defended b( Canadian "arships, land$based bombers and e entuall( small aircraft carriers# &0. Describe the cor ettes Canada b i!t to defend the convo(s. +mall Euic. and maneu erable but not especiall( sea"orth( ships# &1. What he!ped the ;!!ies trac. the $ove$ents of -er$an =Gboats% The ,ritish obtained a 5erman Enigma machine "hich enabled the 3llies to read their instructions to the ;$boats# &9. Wh( were the ;!!ies ab!e to get $ateria!s to 5 rope despite heav( !osses to their ships% ,ecause North 3merica "as able to produce far more ships and material than "as lost# 50. 8ow big was the Canadian nav( b( wars end% F'' essels, HH,>LL men and >G'' "omen7 large enough to pro ide half of all the escorts across the 3tlantic# 51. 8ow big did Canadas air force get d ring WW''% &G',''' men and FL sEuadrons# 52. What sort of attac.s was it $ on -er$an( in $idG19&#% Night raids such as the fire bombing of /amburg# 5#. Describe the effects of the raids on cities s ch as /amburg as detai!ed b( 7ohnnie <a F ier. -aried D incendiaries caused hundreds of fires turning the "hole cit( in to a sea of fire7 strong "inds, little ox(gen7 thousands of 5erman casualties# 5&. What is (o r opinion of s ch activities% Opinion# 55. 8ow $an( Canadian bo$ber crews died in this war% =','''N Bone Euarter of Canada<s casualties in the "ar# 5*. What ro!es did wo$en have in the EC;<s wo$ens division% Cler.s, coo.s, hospital assistants, dri ers, telephone operators, "elders, instrument and engine mechanics, some "ere non$combatant pilots Bin the ferr( commandC# (he (ide (urns 50. Canadians did not participate in the fighting in Dorth ;frica b t the( did he!p invade 4ici!( and 'ta!(. Describe the fighting the( faced in towns s ch as Ortona. -aried D house$to$house street fighting# 51. Which beach did Canadians attac. on DGDa( d ring the invasion of Dor$and( on 7 ne *, 19&&% Kuno 59. 8ow $an( Canadian so!diers participated in this attac.% *0. What cas a!ties did the( s ffer% )GH dead, %=G "ounded# )'#'''
/age 5
*1. What tas. were Canadian so!diers given in 3arch of 19&5% To reta.e /olland# *2. What conditions were faced b( the D tch in the winter of 19&&G19&5% *ood and fuel "ere cut off7 people "ere star ing7 the "inter "eather "as er( cold# *#. Wh( do (o thin. the fighting was so diffic !t in 8o!!and% The Canadians "ere undermanned Bthe( had a =:= ratio "ith the 5ermans instead of the customar( F:= ad antage sought b( forcesC7 fighting "as o er breached and house$to$house# *&. What were the E ssians doing whi!e the fighting in <rance etc. too. p!ace% all along the eastern front into 0oland and 5erman(# (he .olocaust Disco2ered *5. Describe the Da:is final solution for e!i$inating a!! those the( considered > ndesirab!e?. -aried# If you havent already seen them you should watch The Pianist or Schindlers List. 8a#an Surrenders **. What happened on ; g st * and 9, 19&5% /iroshima and Nagasa.i attac.ed "ith atomic bombs# *0. What reasons did =4 ;d$ira! Wi!!ia$ 2eah( give for not sing the ato$ic bo$b against 7apan% /e "as opposed to deliberate attac.s on ci ilians7 he felt Kapan "as read( to surrender# *1. What arg $ents did Co!one! /a ! 6ibbets give to s pport the se of the ato$ic bo$b against 7apan% The ob@ecti e "as to "in the "ar D atomic bombs enabled that and pre ented further loss of li es# *9. What did Eobert 9ppenhei$er $ean when he said, >We .new the wor!d wo !d not be the sa$e?% Opinion $ the genie "as out of the bottle and he feared for the future of the "orld# 00. 4 ggest reasons wh( /resident 8arr( 6r $an of the =nited 4tates decided to a!!ow the se of the ato$ic bo$bs instead of so$e other $eans to end the war with 7apan. -aried opinions# (he )ar at .o'e 01. 8ow did wo$en he!p the war effort% *actor( "or.ers and filled in for men a"a( at "ar7 released men for combat duties# 02. Wh( were sing!e wo$en desirab!e wor.ers in war factories% The( had no famil( obligations and could "or. long hours#
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0#. What wo !d contrib te to inf!ation d ring the war if nothing was done% 0eople had lots of mone( but there "as little a ailable to bu(# Competition for goods "ould cause inflation# 0&. 8ow did the govern$ent initia!!( hope to stop inf!ation% Tried to encourage people to bu( "ar bonds "ith their extra dollars# 05. What steps were ta.en in 19&1% Wages and prices "ere fro1en# 0*. What f rther antiGinf!ation po!ic( was introd ced in 19&2% 2ationing# 00. -ive e@a$p!es of a wee.!( ration for a sing!e ad !t. = .g of meat, &&'g of sugar, &G'g of butter, ==Gg of coffee# 01. Wh( were nions ab!e to $a.e gains for wor.ers even tho gh the govern$ent tried to restrict their activities% Manpo"er shortages ga e unions an edge in spite of anti$union regulations and la"s# 09. What inf! ence did the CC< have on govern$ent socia! po!ic( d ring the war% Its social programs "ere increasingl( popular and go ernment direction of the econom( sho"ed it could be done# 0M Aing brought in unemplo(ment insurance and famil( allo"ances# 10. Wh( did /3 Jing ho!d a p!ebiscite or referend $ on conscription in ;pri! 19&2% Canada needed more troops and he "anted to be released from his =H)H promise of no conscription# 11. Wh( did /3 Jing contin e to avoid sending conscripted so!diers overseas nti! 19&&% /e didn<t "ant the hassle# 12. Wh( was it necessar( to send even conscripted so!diers to 5 rope in 19&&% /ea ( losses after the in asion of Normand(# 1#. What was their reaction% riots &F>) 1&. 8ow $an( of the 12000 so!diers sent act a!!( reached the front% )hat the )ar Meant to Canada 15. Describe the effect the War had on Canadas econo$(. The alue of goods produced increased from ?G#> billion in =H)H to ?==#L billion in =HFG7 increased exploration for oil# 1*. What changes in the re!ative i$portance of agric !t re and other ind stries occ rred as a res !t of the War% The manufacturing sector became a larger portion of the econom(7 cities became more important as large numbers of people mo ed to them to "or. in ne" factories# 10. What attit des do (o thin. contrib ted to s pport for the re$ova! of 7apaneseGCanadians fro$ coasta! ,C d ring WW''% Opinion# 11. Wh( do (o thin. the propert( of 7apaneseGCanadians was confiscated% Opinion#
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 0
19. What choices were 7apaneseGCanadians given after the war ended% Mo e east of the 2oc.ies or return to Kapan# 90. What co$pensation do (o thin. sho !d have been given the 7apaneseGCanadian b( Canada% Opinion# 91. What >ran.? did Canadas air force and nav( have at the end of the War% )rd largest na (, Fth largest air force# 92. 8ow do (o thin. this $ight affect Canadas i$age of itse!f on the wor!d stage% Opinion#
/age 1
Social Studies 11
Unit 1-9
(he Cold )ar Begins #. &. 5. Wh( were the =44E and the =4 re! ctant to engage direct!( in ar$ed conf!icts after WW''% The( feared the effects of nuclear "ar# 8ow did the( co$pete% Through proxies in "hat "as .no"n as a cold "ar# Co$p!ete the fo!!owing chart o t!ining the differences between the =4 and =44E. USSR
-overn$ent for$ 5cono$( /o!itica! freedo$s Totalitarian Controlled b( go ernment# No opposition permitted 9emocratic ,ased on pri ate in estment and o"nership *reedom of speech, press, 8
*. 0. 1.
Wh( were western co ntries s spicio s of the 4oviet =nion% *eared the +o iets "ould tr( to o erthro" their go ernments# Wh( were the 4oviets s spicio s of the west% *eared in asion# 8ow did the 4oviets tr( to protect the$se!ves fro$ invasion%
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 1
Created a buffer b( o er their neighbours# 9. 8ow did the =4 tr( to co$bat the spread of co$$ nis$ within its own bo ndaries% The Committee on ;n$3merican 3cti ities in estigated those reported to be communists Be#g# led b( +enator McCarth(C and blac.listed them# 2ist how so$e Canadian govern$ents responded to fears of co$$ nist sp(ing in Canada% ;nion leaders "ere suspect# The defense industr( had the 2CM0 do secret chec.s on emplo(ees# Wor.ers "ere fired if suspected of communist s(mpathies# Q00 raided offices and homes in search of 4re olutionar( material6# Quebec<s 0adloc. !a" "as used to shut do"n suspect organi1ations and ne"spapers# The collapse of the 9uplessis ,ridge "as blamed on communists#
A(5 and the )arsa/ "act 11. 12. 1#. 1&. 15. What was the p rpose of D;69% 3 mutual defense treat( D to attac. one "as to attac. all# 8ow did the 4oviets react when West -er$an( was ad$itted to D;69% +et up the Warsa" 0act# What was the 4oviet response to a revo! tion in 8 ngar(% Crushed it brutall( D sent tan.s against protestors# Wh( did the 4oviets b i!d a wa!! aro nd West ,er!in% To .eep East 5ermans from lea ing and "esterners from entering East 5erman( What was Canadas co$$it$ent to D;69% 3n arm( brigade7 se eral fighter sEuadrons7 maintained bases in Europe7 trac.ed +o iet submarines
(he Issue of orth A'erican Defense 1*. 10. 11. 19. What did the =nited 4tates b i!d to protect itse!f fro$ attac. b( 4oviet $anned bo$bers% Three radar lines across Canada D 0ine Tree, Mid$Canada and 9e" !ines What techno!ogica! change co ntered these defenses% Inter continental ballistic missiles BIC,MsC# What organi:ation did the =4 and Canada for$ to $anage the air defense of Dorth ;$erica% North 3merican 3ir 9efense Command BNO239C What steps did the federa! govern$ent ta.e to protect Canadian citi:ens fro$ the effects of a n c!ear war% Conducted air raid drills and built shelters# B9uc. and head for co erOC
"lanning for "eace: (he United ations 20. Wh( was the =nited Dations created% To pre ent another global conflict#
/age 2
What powers did it have to oppose aggression% Condemnation through speeches and resolutions# Economic sanctions# Militar( inter ention# What is the +ecurit( Council of the =nited Dations% The part of the ;N that is responsible for maintaining peace and securit(# What specia! power do the five per$anent $e$bers of the 4ec rit( Co nci! possess% 3 eto# Wh( did the( have this power% 3llo"s them to re@ect actions the( disagree "ith# What nonGsec rit( goa!s does the =D have% 3bolish disease7 protect human rights# Wh( was the International Monetar( *und created% To stabili1e the "orld econom( b( helping countries that face great debt and the collapse of their economies# 8ow has Canada s pported the =D% +upports arious agencies7 participated in e er( peace .eeping operation from =HG>$=HHL# What was the Aorean ConflictM The communist North in aded the +outh# The ;+ led a ;N response to support +outh Aorea# What is the +ue1 Canal% Water lin. bet"een the Mediterranean and 2ed +eas# Wh( did 'srae!, <rance and -reat ,ritain attac. 5g(pt in 195*% Eg(pt nationali1ed the +ue1 Canal that "as o"ned b( ,ritish and *rench companies and threatened to bloc. its use b( Israel# 8ow did the 4oviets respond% Offered Eg(pt financial aid and "eapons# 8ow did the =4; respond to both sides% 3ngr( "ith ,ritain, *rance and Israel7 threatened ;++2 "ith retaliation if the( got in ol ed# What was 2ester /earsons so! tion to this disp te% +uggested the ;N send a peace.eeping force to separate and mediate bet"een the ri al armies#
(o/ards a More Inde#endent Defense "olicy #&. #5. #*. What did <ide! Castro acco$p!ish in 1959% O erthre" the pro$3merican dictator of Cuba in =HGH# Wh( did Castro as. the =44E for s pport% ;+ had imposed trade sanctions7 bac.ed an anti$Castro in asion of Cuba in =H>=# What for$ did the 4oviet s pport ta.e% Established trade ties "ith Cuba7 sent con entional "eapons7 deplo(ed nuclear$capable missiles#
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#0. #1.
8ow did the =nited 4tates respond to this% Imposed an air and na al bloc.ade7 prepared for "ar# What was /ri$e 3inister Diefenba.ers response to =4 /resident Jenned(s e@pectation or nconditiona! s pport% Wanted to send a fact$finding mission to Cuba7 didn<t belie e ;+ photos of the missile sites7 refused to put Canada<s NO239 forces on alert or to allo" ;+ nuclear armed aircraft landing rights in Canada# 8ow did $ost Canadians see Diefenba.ers actions% L'I thought he "as "rong# Describe the two points of view of Canadas conservative govern$ents on the iss e of n c!ear weapons in Canada. 3inister of 5@terna! ;ffairs" Canada should be non$nuclear# 3inister of Defense" nuclear "eapons "ere ital to protecting Canada from communist aggression# What was the position of the 2ibera!s and 2ester /earson on n c!ear weapons in Canada in the 19*# e!ection% Canada<s armed forces should accept nuclear "arheads for ,omarc anti$aircraft missiles under certain conditions#
#9. &0.
(he :ietna' )ar &2. &#. What did the =nited 4tates fear if 4o th )ietna$ was ta.en over b( co$$ nists% That the rest of +E 3sia "ould fall li.e dominos to the communists# 8ow did the )ietna$ War esca!ate in 19*5 and 19**% The ;+ increased its troops to =H','''7 started bombing North -ietnam7 ;++2 and China supplied "eapons and ad isors to North -ietnam# What was the i$pact of te!evision on how peop!e viewed this war% Opinion# 8ow did the war end% 2ichard Nixon promised to pull out as he assumed the 0residenc( in Kanuar( =H>H and did so b( =H%)# Describe two co$peting views of the war he!d b( Canadians% Canadian companies supplied material to ;+ forces and most Canadians sa" communism as a threat# Man( did not see .illing -ietnamese peasants as @ustified# 8ow did =4 /resident 7ohnson react to 2ester /earsons criticis$s of =4 actions in )ietna$% Kohnson sub@ected 0earson to erbal and ph(sical intimidation at a luncheon meeting#
(rudeau!s -oreign "olicy &1. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister 6r dea signif( that Canadas foreign po!ic( wo !d be !ess dependent of =4 approva! than in the past% /e extended official recognition of the 0eoples< 2epublic of China#
/age &
What actions did 6r dea ta.e with respect to n c!ear weapons% 2emo ed nuclear missiles from Canada<s N3TO forces in Europe7 remo ed the ,omarc sites in Canada# What actions did 6r dea ta.e with respect to $i!itar( e@penses% Cut the defense budget7 reduced Canada<s N3TO contingent b( G'I# What differences e@isted between the co ntries of the northern he$isphere and the so thern% +outhern hemisphere is less industriali1ed7 man( countries in the southern hemisphere are former colonies# 8ow did 6r dea hope to bridge the gap between Dorth and 4o th% ,( gi ing more aid to southern hemisphere countries to impro e their li ing conditions# What restrictions did C'D; p t on co ntries receiving Canadian foreign aid% 3id dollars had to be used to bu( goods in Canada# 8ow $ ch tied aid did Canadas govern$ent give to poor co ntries b( 191&% 3bout half of the ?& billion in aid gi en in =HLF# What was the Columbo 0lan% 3 Common"ealth plan to pro ide mone( and aid to less de eloped countries Be#g# in iting students to Canadian uni ersities, sending Canadian technical expertsC# Most aid "ent to 0a.istan and India# What was +3!T% +trategic 3rms !imitation Treat( B=H%&C bet"een the ;++2 and ;+3 intended to reduce the number of nuclear arms# What happened in ;fghanistan and 5astern 5 rope in 1909% ;++2 in aded 3fghanistan7 ;++2 deplo(ed ne" medium range missiles in Eastern Europe# What was the response of the west to this in" 1909" ;+ deplo(ed more ad anced missiles in Europe# 1910" a second round of +3!T tal.s "as cancelled# 1911" ;+ increased its defense spending moderni1ing its nuclear arsenal# 8ow did tensions contin e to esca!ate d ring the $idG1910s% =HL): +o iets shot do"n a Aorean airliner7 ;+ in aded 5renada: ;+ carried out co ert attac.s on the +andinistas in Nicaragua# What was 6r dea s "al. in the sno"% /e "ent for a "al. in a sno"storm and decided to retire#
50. 51.
50. 51.
(he Mulroney &ra: closer (ies /ith the United States *1. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister 3 !rone(s po!icies toward the =4 differ fro$ ear!ier /ri$e 3inisters% /e tried to forge closer ties to the ;+ through personal relationship "ith ;+ 0resident 2eagan and encouraging ;+ in estment in Canada# What was the =nited 4tates +trategic 9efense Initiati e% 3n anti$missile defense using land and space based "eapons#
/age 5
What was Canadas officia! response to it% There "as no official in ol ement but Canadian companies "ere allo"ed to bid on the pro@ect<s contracts# 8ow was 3 !rone(s po!ic( on foreign in estment different fro$ that of the 6r dea era% Mulrone( encouraged it7 Trudeau opposed it# What were benefits of free trade with the =4 according to those who s pported 3 !rone(s ideas on free trade with the =4% ;+ in estment "ould create ne" @obs in Canada and increase producti it( b( gi ing Canadians access to ;+ mar.ets# What were the ris.s of free trade according to those who opposed it% ;+ branch plants "ould mo e to the ;+ and cheaper ;+ goods "ould o er"helm Canadian factories# The( also felt Canadian political independence "ould be affected# What is D;<6;% North 3merican *ree Trade 3greement bet"een the ;+, Canada and Mexico# Do (o thin. free trade of N3*T3 was good or bad for Canada% 5@p!ain. Opinion#
*&. *5.
*0. *1.
(he &nd of the Cold )ar *9. What changes did 3i.hai! -orbachev introd ce in E ssia% 0roposed cuts in the si1e of the ;+ and 2ussian militar(7 introduced economic and social reforms in ;++27 loosened censorship and allo"ed greater freedom of speech# Wh( did he do this% Tr(ing to .eep up "ith the ;+<s spending on arms "as ban.rupting the ;++2# What is perestroi.a% 2econstruction# What effect did his changes in E ssia have in p!aces !i.e 5ast -er$an(% East 5ermans demanded similar changes and asserted their independence of 2ussia7 "ould e entuall( reunite "ith the rest of 5erman(# Disc ss the significance of Tiananmen +Euare. +oldiers and tan.s attac.ed protesters demanding democratic reforms in Tiananmen +Euare#
(he e/ )orld 5rder 0&. 05. Wh( did 'raF invade J wait in 1990% Wanted control of Au"aiti oil# What was the wor!d response to this invasion% 9emanded IraE "ithdra"7 threatened economic sanctions7 ;+ formed a coalition under the umbrella of the ;N to force IraEi "ithdra"al# What did Canada do% +ent a sEuadron of C*$==Ls, arm( units, and ships#
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What change did /resident -eorge , sh 4enior see for the =nited Dations after the - !f War% The ;N "ould ta.e a more acti e role as a global policemen D instead of being a policeman, it "ould attac. aggressors# Wh( did the =D intervene in 4o$a!ia% +omalia "as ra aged b( ci il "ar and man( "ere star ing7 troops "ere sent to distribute aid and protect aid "or.ers# What crisis did Canadian peace.eepers in the region face% Canadian paratroopers captured, tortured and .illed a +omalian teen found on their base# What affect did this crisis have on the Canadian ;r$ed <orces% /igh officers tried to co er it up7 the 3irbourne "as disbanded7 the Canadian 3rmed *orces reputation "as tarnished# 8ow did the =D fai! the peop!e of Ewanda% ;N and ;+ "ere reluctant to act fast and send troops D and the .illing continued# Wh( do (o thin. the =D and the =4 chose not to act in Ewanda% The ;+ feared another +omalia and didn<t "ant to get in ol ed#
09. 10.
11. 12.
A e/ &ra of Glo$ali%ation 1#. 1&. What was /ri$e 3inister ChrMtiens Team Canada% 5o ernment sponsored trade missions to 3sia and !atin 3merica# 8ow wi!! globali1ation i$prove the !ot of peop!e in !ess ind stria!i:ed co ntries% +ome sa( it "ill raise li ing standards e er("here because of large in estments b( international companies# Do (o agree% 5@p!ain. Opinion# 4o$e peop!e sa( g!oba!i:ation wi!! have a negative i$pact on Canada. 5@p!ain how the( thin. this is possib!e. Companies ma( mo e to areas "here safet( standards and "ages are lo"er causing unemplo(ment in Canada# Do (o thin. Canada wi!! be ab!e to inf! ence the human rights of citi:ens in other co ntries b( restricting or enco raging trade with Canada% 5@p!ain. Opinion#
15. 1*.
/age 0
Social Studies 11
Unit 1-;
A Changing Society
Resource: Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues, Chapter 0 Introduction 1. 2. 8ow $an( Canadian service$en $arried whi!e the( were overseas d ring Wor!d War ''% One in fi e# What adA st$ents did these "ar brides have to $a.e when the( arrived in Canada after WW''% To the si1e of the countr(, the "inters, loneliness, the fact that the conditions "ere not al"a(s as their husbands had described#
Co'ing .o'e #. What benefits did WW'' veterans receive to he!p the$ adA st to !ife after the war% Their old @ob if the( "anted it "ith credit for militar( ser ice as seniorit(, tuition and li ing allo"ances to go to school, -eterans !and 3ct subsidi1ed mortgages, "ar "ido"s "ere gi en preference for go ernment @obs# Who were the displaced persons% 2efugees uprooted b( the "ar# 8ow $an( disp!aced persons ca$e to Canada% =>G,''' What cha!!enges did these newco$ers face in Canada% 9idn<t spea. English, often could not practice former professions# 8ow was the post WW'' wave of i$$igration different fro$ after WW'% The( settled in the cit( instead of in rural areas7 the( "ere usuall( "elcomed# What press re !ed to the deve!op$ent of suburbs after WW''% !ots of housing "as needed for the rapidl( expanding population7 used land on the outs.irts of cities because it "as usuall( cheaper# 4 ggest reasons wh( it beca$e pop !ar to disco rage wo$en fro$ after WW''% Kobs "ere needed for returning eterans and an emphasis on the traditional famil( "ith a sta($at$home mom#
&. 5. *. 0. 1.
10. 4 ggest reasons wh( Canada birth rate was so high after WW''. Opinion#
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 1
11. What was the i$$ediate i$pact of the bab( boom% /ousing and schools "ere reEuired and moms to sta( at home to ta.e care of the .ids# 12. Describe the i$pact of a to$obi!es on societ( in the (ears after WW''. Corner stores "ere replaced b( supermar.ets and malls7 autos enabled the commute from the suburbs7 reEuired oil for fuel and caused air pollution# 1#. Describe the i$pact of te!evision on Canadian societ( in the 1950s. T- magnified e er( cultural trend7 ad ertising encouraged a consumer societ(# 1&. 8ow was the !ife of a Canadian teenager different in the 1950s co$pared to the 19#0s% +ta(ed in school longer and had more leisure time in the =HG's7 in the =H)'s the( often had to "or. to support themsel es# In the G's more had part$time @obs and mone( to spend on goods7 in the =H)'s @obs "ere scarce and no one had much mone(# 15. Describe how 4 nda(s in the 1950s differed fro$ toda(s. No ne"spapers, stores "ere closed# 1*. Who were 3a rice Eichard, ,arbara ;nn 4cott, and 3ari!(n ,e!!% M2 D hoc.e( pla(er for the Canadiens7 M, D long distance s"immer7 ,3+ D figure s.ater# 10. What worries did the 3asse( Co$$ission have abo t te!evision% *eared it promoted ;+ culture7 "anted Canadian T- to be used for national communication and cultural education instead of commercial entertainment and profit as in the ;+# 11. 5@p!ain wh( (o thin. these worries were or were not A stified. Opinion# "ost-)ar "ros#erity 19. Wh( did /ri$e 3inister Jing want the federa! govern$ent to retain the power to $anage the econo$( that the provinces had transferred to it d ring Wor!d War ''% Opinion D ma( include D didn<t "ant to repeat the dislocations that occurred after WWI7 to ensure continued economic securit( and stabilit( as "as experienced in WWII# 20. What was Jings approach when the provinces ref sed% To let pri ate industr( handle the transition to peacetime "ith federal incenti es to follo" go ernment policies Be#g# tax brea.s, assisted purchase of cro"n corporationsC# 21. 8ow did the provinces and the federa! govern$ent decide to contin e the socia! progra$s which were deve!oped d ring WW''% The pro inces transferred tax po"ers to the federal go ernment in return for federal grants to pa( for social ser ices7 eEuali1ation pa(ment# 22. What ind stries deve!oped on Canadas frontier after WW''% Mining and oil# 2#. What t(pe of growth was e@perienced in 9ntario% Manufacturing# 2&. Describe each of these $egaGproAects" 6ransGCanada 8ighwa(" aried# 4t. 2awrence 4eawa(" aried# 6ransGCanada /ipe!ine" aried#
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 2
25. What were so$e of the advantages of =4 invest$ent in Canada after WW''% ;+ surplus had capital to in est in oil, uranium and iron ore disco eries and to build ne" factories# 2*. What were so$e of the disadvantages of foreign ownership of Canadian reso rces and ind stries% 0rofits from these in estments left Canada7 decisions about the management of these in estments "ere not made "ith Canada<s best interests in mind# 20. What sorts of b siness enterprises did these Canadians create" 8. E. 3ac3i!!an" a forestr( compan(# J. C. 'rving" gas stations, forestr( compan(, ne"spapers# 5. /. 6a(!or" controlled the production of consumer goods and the stores that distributed them# the ,ronf$an fa$i!(" controlled the production of consumer goods and the stores that distributed them# 21. What victories did !abor nions $a.e on beha!f of their $e$bers in the (ears after WW''% wages" in =HFG the a erage "age "as >HP per hour# It rose to H=P per hour in =HFL# wor. wee." G da( F' hour "or. "ee.# benefits" paid acations etc# 29. Who did not share the prosperit(% ;norgani1ed "or.ers and immigrants# #0. 8ow were wo$en treated b( societ( and e$p!o(ers% Condemned b( societ( as bad mothers7 paid less than men D e en for the same "or.# #1. -ive e@a$p!es of how <irst Dations peop!es were affected b( Canadas growth. En ironmental damage caused b( mines and mills affected their food and "ater suppl(7 construction pro@ects disrupted their traditional hunting and fishing areas# "ost-)ar "olitics #2. What options did Dewfo nd!anders face in 19&1 when the( voted on their f t re% To continued to be ruled b( ,ritain7 to return to 9ominion status7 to @oin Canada# ##. #&. Who !ed the ca$paign for Dewfo nd!and to Aoin Canada% Koe( +mall"ood# Who beca$e /ri$e 3inister after Jing% !ouis +t# !aurent#
#5. Co$pare his $edia i$age to the rea!it( of his nat re. Was promoted as 4.indl( ;ncle !ouis6 based on the perception that he li.ed children# In realit( he "as an aloof "ealth( man# #*. 8ow did te!evision he!p defeat the 4t. 2a rent govern$ent and beco$e /ri$e 3inister% T- sho"ed +t# !aurent as tired and old "hile seemed (outhful and ibrant# #0. 8ow did see hi$se!f% 3s a prairie populist "ho spo.e for and listened to ordinar( people#
/age #
2ist three things endorsed. The eEualit( of all Canadians D no h(phenated Canadians# 0reser ing the ,ritish connection# /uman rights#
#9. Wh( did <rench Canadians not s pport The( did not see themsel es the same as other Canadians# &0. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister 2ester /earson see Canada% There "ere t"o founding peoples D the *rench and the English7 fa ored se ering the ,ritish connection in time7 "anted a uniEue Canadian identit(# &1. 2ist fo r aspects of Canada that /earson inf! enced" Total abolition of capital punishment# Easier di orce la"s# 3 ne" Canadian flag# Impro ed social "elfare s(stem#
&2. Who do (o thin. was the better /ri$e 3inister, or /earson% 5@p!ain. Opinion# (he (rudeau &ra &#. What characteristics $ade /ierre 6r dea s ch a change in Canadian po!itics% 2elaxed and irre erent ersus formal and serious# &&. What did he $ean b( his p!an for a @ust societ(% That go ernment has a dut( to protect people<s rights and freedoms and to foster social and economic "ell$being# &5. What i$pacts did the (outh culture have on societ(% ,( =H>G half of North 3merica "as under age &G7 music, hair, clothing, drugs, sexual promiscuit(7 attracted to arious social and political change mo ements# &*. What po!itica! protests attracted (o ng peop!e% 3nti$-ietnam War7 Women<s Mo ement7 en ironment# &0. What changes to societ( were $ade b( govern$ent to recogni:e the increased n $bers of (o ng peop!e% -oting age lo"ered7 age lo"ered to counter appeal of drug use7 emplo(ment programs# &1. What was the me generation% The older 4boomers6 of the =HL's and their Euest for "ealth and self$satisfaction# &9. What conc! sions did the 4tat s of Wo$en Co$$ission reach% Women should ha e the right to choose to "or. outside of home# +ociet( Bas "ell as parentsC should ta.e some responsibilit( for children Bi#e# subsidi1ed da(careC# Women should get paid maternit( lea e# The federal go ernment should mo e to eliminate discrimination against "omen#
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50. What changes in the wor.p!ace have res !ted fro$ the wor. of fe$inists% Women started to ta.e roles such as engineers, doctors, politicians, and senior executi es in greater numbers7 man( more "or.ed outside of the home# 51. Who was Eache! Carson% 3uthor of 4+ilent +pring6 "ho "arned of damage man "as causing to the en ironment# 52. What sort of protests did -reenpeace cond ct in the 1900s% 0rotested nuclear testing on an island off the coast of 3las.a# &cono'ic Challenges 5#. What was the effect on Canada of the 190# 9/5C e$bargo on oi! ship$ents% 5as and oil prices @umped F''I7 inflation soared# 5&. What happened when prices rose in Canada% Wor.ers demanded "age increases7 businesses failed as demand for goods fell7 unemplo(ment "as the highest since the =H)'s7 interest rates rose to o er =LI# 55. What trends occ rred after the 1900s with respect to fa$i!( inco$e in Canada% Women needed to "or. to supplement famil( income7 b( =H%L the a erage famil( income started to decline# 5*. Which Canadian ind stries were hardest hit b( the recession of the 1900s% 2esource industries7 fishing in the Maritimes7 fishing, forestr(, and mining in ,C# Ontario didn<t suffer as much# 50. Wh( were westerners pset that the federa! govern$ent fro:e the price of western oi! and gas in the 1900s% The( felt that the "est "as being penali1ed to benefit the East# 51. What is a deficit% When a go ernment spends more than it brings in# 59. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister 3 !rone( p!an to red ce the federa! govern$ents deficit% To sa e mone( b( trimming 4social program6 spending7 stimulate the econom( b( cutting taxes# *0. Did his p!an wor.% No D the =HH' recession caused unemplo(ment and an increased expense in social programs# *1. 8ow did /ri$e 3inister ChrMtien first propose to dea! with Canadas h ge debt% To spend mone( to create @obs so "or.ers could spend mone( and boost the econom(# *2. What did ChrMtien and his <inance 3inister /a ! 3artin do when interest rates went p% Made massi e cuts in federal spending Bi#e# ?&G#) billion in three (earsC7 cut F',''' ci il ser ice @obs# *#. What was the i$pact of ChrMtiens and 3artins cost c tting on ordinar( Canadians% College tuition "hen up7 health care s(stem suffered7 people "ent homeless7 thousands of children and families li ed in po ert(# *&. 5@p!ain wh( (o agree or disagree that govern$ents sho !d red ce socia! services in order that the( can red ce debt and/or ta@es. -aried#
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Social Studies 11
Unit 1-<
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11. What changes did he and the 2ibera!s introd ce in H ebec% +tamped out corruption7 "ages and pensions "ere raised7 restrictions on unions re remo ed7 too. control of social ser ices7 focused on the t"entieth centur(# 12. Wh( were these changes ca!!ed a Euiet re olution% -aried# 1#. What inA stices did $an( H ebec.ers fee! the( received at the hands of 5ng!ish Canadians% Otta"a, the capital, "as English Ae( *ederal cabinet positions did not go to Quebec.ers# Questioned "h( there "ere no *rench language schools and hospitals in the rest of Canada# Wh( "as the *rench ma@orit( in Quebec expected to spea. English in stores and at "or.M
1&. What was the >so! tion? to this according to so$e (o ng H ebecois% Quebec should separate# 15. What was the *!Q% *ront de !iberation du Quebec7 dedicated to using force to separate Quebec from Canada# 1*. What action did Eene 2evesF e ta.e% !eft the !iberals in =H>% and formed the 0arti Quebecois in =H>L# 10. Wh( did 2ester /earson appoint the ,ilingualism and ,iculturalism Commission when he beca$e /ri$e 3inister% To loo. for "as to ma.e *rench people feel more comfortable in the rest of Canada# 11. Wh( was a new Canadian f!ag created in the 19*0s% Quebec thought the 42ed Ensign6 "as too English7 it "as felt "e needed one that s(mboli1ed Canada# (rudeau and ?ue$ec 19. What actions did /ierre 6r dea ta.e to red ce H ebecois separatist fee!ings when he beca$e /ri$e 3inister% 3cted on the ,i Q ,i 2eport7 passed the Official !anguages 3ct and promoted *rench in all federal go ernment offices across Canada# 20. 8ow did western Canadians perceive these actions% *rench "as being forced on the West "hile its concerns in Canada "ere being ignored# 21. What was the October Crisis% -aried# 22. What events occ rred d ring the 9ctober Crisis on the dates be!ow% 9ctober 5" Kames Cross Ba ,ritish diplomatC "as .idnapped# 9ctober 10" Quebec !abour Minister 0ierre !aporte "as .idnapped "hen the federal and Quebec go ernments refused to release prisoners# 9ctober 1*" troops "ere sent into Otta"a and Montreal after the War Measures 3ct "as passed# 9ctober 10" !aporte<s bod( "as found#
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Dece$ber" Cross and his captors "ere found7 .idnappers "ere gi en safe conduct to Cuba#
2#. 4 ggest two reasons wh( the /arti H ebecois was ab!e to go fro$ 0 to 110 seats in the 1900 e!ection to $aAorit( in 190*. !e esEue said that a ote for the 0Q "ould not automaticall( mean separation# 2&. What was ,ill ='=% It made *rench the onl( official language in go ernment offices7 commercial signs had to be in *rench7 immigrant children had to go to *rench schools Band not English onesC# 25. 8ow was ,ill ='= seen b( <rench H ebec.ers% Welcomed it# 2*. 8ow was it seen b( nonGfrancophone H ebec.ers% Ne" immigrants preferred English7 seen as oppressi e# 20. What did Eene 2evesF e and the separatists pro$ote in the 1910 Eeferend $% +o ereignt($association Bi#e# separate countries "ith close economic tiesC# 21. What did /ierre 6r dea propose to do if the >no? side won% Negotiate a ne" constitution# 29. What prob!e$s did 6r dea face when he tried to repatriate the constit tion% /o" "ould such a Canadian constitution be amendedM Most pro inces opposed the Charter of 2ights and *reedoms fearing it "ould ma.e the courts more po"erful than the legislature# #0. 8ow did the not"ithstanding clause dea! with the obAections of $ost provincia! !eaders% 3llo"ed a go ernment to o erride a clause in the Charter and that % out of the =' pro inces representing G'I of the population could change the Constitution "hich meant that Quebec<s support "as not needed# #1. What was the reaction to this proposa! in H ebec% The( did not li.e the fact that Quebec "as not seen as ha ing 4distinct status6# #2. What was the significance of repatriating the constit tion% Canada "as no" completel( independent of ,ritain# (he Constitution De$ate ##. What did 5ng!ish Canada thin. was the $ain iss e facing Canada in 191&% 3 "orsening econom(# #&. What did H ebec.ers thin. was the $ain iss e facing Canada in 191&% Their relationship "ith the rest of Canada and the constitution# #5. Wh( did /ri$e 3inister 3 !rone( reopen the constit tiona! F estion in 191&% To get Quebec support in the federal election# #*. Wh( did /ri$e 3inister 3 !rone( thin. he wo !d be s ccessf ! convincing H ebecs govern$ent to agree to the constit tion% 2ene !e esEue "as retired and pro$federalist 2obert ,ourassa "as premier# #0. What concerns did Dewfo nd!and and ;!berta have at this ti$e% Ne"foundland "anted more control o er its fisheries7 3lberta "anted more control of its resources Be#g# oilC#
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#1. Wh( did so$e westerners fee! alienated in the ear!( 1910s% The oil crisis had meant that "estern oil "as sold to the rest of Canada at less than "orld prices7 a multi$billion dollar contract had gone to the Quebec compan( ,ombardier instead of a Winnipeg compan( "ith a better bid# #9. 4 ggest reasons wh( the 2eform 0art( was created in this era. To be the oice of "estern Canada7 to reform the +enate# &0. 2ist two a$end$ents to the Constit tion which were accepted b( the /re$iers of the provinces at 3eech 2a.e. 2ecogni1ed Quebec as a 4distinct societ(6# 3ll pro inces could eto a change to the constitution# &1. 8ow did /ierre 6r dea view the distinct societ( c!a se of the 3eech 2a.e ;ccord% It "ould isolate Quebec it less part of Canada instead of more# &2. 8ow did H ebec.ers see it% 3s a "a( to protect *rench culture and language# &#. Wh( did 5!iAah 8arper oppose the 3eech 2a.e ;ccord% It did not recogni1e 3boriginal people as a distinct nation eEual to the *rench and English# &&. What was the response of H ebec.ers when 3anitoba and Dewfo nd!and fai!ed to accept the 3eech 2a.e ;ccord% +a" it as a re@ection and humiliation7 support for separation gre" to >FI# &5. What was the Charlotteto"n 3ccord% 3n attempt to replace the Meech !a.e 3ccord# &*. What did it pro$ise% 3n amending formula similar to that of Meech# 3n elected +enate# 3boriginal self$go ernment# &0. What obAections did ,C voters have% Too much po"er for Quebec# Wh( should Quebec ha e &GI of the seats "hen it doesn<t ha e &GI of the populationM What obAections did H ebec voters have% Not enough po"er because most of the +enate seats "ere gi en to the "est# 3boriginal self$go ernment "ould ha e a huge impact in northern Quebec#
&9. What was the res !t of the 1995 referend $ on separation in H ebec% G'#>I said 4No67 the federal go ernment passed legislation about the language of a future referendum reEuiring a clear Euestion and a substantial ma@orit( to pass# 50. What has happened since 1995 to enco rage H ebec.ers to change their $inds abo t separating fro$ Canada% +upport has been declining# A Multicultural ation 51. What sort of i$$igrants did Canada enco rage fro$ 1911 to 19*0%
+ 2005 ,etter C!assroo$ - ideboo.s /age 5
,ritish and northern Europeans7 it "as thought the( "ould adapt better to Canadian societ(# 52. What changes occ rred to Canadas i$$igration po!icies in 19*2% 3 more open attitude to"ard immigrants from other cultures# 5#. What changes occ rred to Canadas i$$igration po!icies in the !ate 19*0s% It became officiall( 4colour blind6 and focused on education and emplo(ment prospects rather than race# 5&. What is multiculturalism% The celebration of the heritage and cultures of immigrants to Canada# 55. 8ow was it enco raged in Canada% Multicultural festi als and acti ities7 heritage language classes in schools# 5*. What change occ rred to Canadas i$$igration po!icies in 190*% Immigration of famil( members of earlier immigrants "as encouraged# 50. What changes occ rred to Canadas i$$igration po!icies in the 1910s% 3ttempted to attract immigrants "ith mone( and the s.ills to create @obs in Canada# 51. 5@p!ain wh( (o do or do not thin. $ !tic !t ra!is$ is a good thing for Canadian societ(. Opinion# 59. 8ow is Canadas cultural mosaic different fro$ the =nited 4tates melting pot. Opinion# *0. H ebec has often as.ed for a greater share of i$$igrants to Canada and a greater sa( on who can enter. Wh( do (o thin. this is so% -aried# A$original ations *1. When did aborigina! peop!es get the right to vote% =H>' *2. Did this have an( i$$ediate i$pact on their F a!it( of !ife% 5@p!ain. -aried D but essentiall( no# *#. Wh( was the National Indian ,rotherhood for$ed in 19*1% To lobb( on behalf of 3boriginal people li ing on reser es# *&. Define assi$i!ation. When a minorit( group is encouraged to @oin the mainstream of societ( gi ing up their culture and heritage and becoming the same as the ma@orit(# *5. -ive severa! e@a$p!es of how Canadas govern$ent has tried to assi$i!ate native peop!es. ,anned special celebrations such as potlatches# +end children a"a( to residential schools often hundreds of miles a"a( from famil(# End an( special pri ileges for 3boriginal peoples# **. What did /ierre 6r dea s govern$ents White 0aper s ggest abo t how Dative /eop!es sho !d be treated. End special rights on reser es Be#g# income tax exemptionC# Encourage 3boriginal people to lea e the reser es and mo e to the cities# End go ernment care6 of 3boriginal people#
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*0. What was the response of ;borigina! peop!es% *urious D /arold Cardinal suggested it "as genocide# *1. What were residential schools% ,oarding schools for 3boriginal children sponsored b( the go ernment and often run b( churches7 often hundreds of miles a"a( from a child<s home and famil(# *9. What rep!aced the$% ,and run schools# 00. What prob!e$s contin e to face re$ote ;borigina! peop!es when the( tr( to ed cate their chi!dren% !ac. of high schools and the need to send their teens a"a( for secondar( and higher education# 01. What concerns do (o thin. northern native peop!es had abo t the constr ction of a pipe!ine in the 3ac.en:ie Eiver va!!e( in the 1900s% The effect of 4foreign6 pipeline "or.ers on their communities7 the effect of the pipeline on the en ironment# 02. Wh( was the ,erger Commission for$ed% To listen to 3boriginal concerns# 0#. What did it reco$$end% +uspend pipeline construction for =' (ears7 conduct en ironmental studies7 negotiate financial compensation for the 3boriginal people affected b( pipeline construction# 0&. What is happening in this $atter in 2005% 3 pipeline is again being considered as oil prices rise# 05. What F estions need to be reso!ved in the $atter of native se!f govern$ent% What form should it ta.e7 "hat areas should be included7 ho" should land and resource claims be resol edM 0*. Wh( did the confrontation between the 3ohaw.s of the Janesat.e reserve and the H ebec govern$ent arise% 3 dispute o er land claimed as sacred b( the Moha". arose "hen the to"n of O.a decided to expand a golf course# 00. 8ow was the crisis reso!ved% !and "as purchased and gi en to the Moha".s b( the federal go ernment# 01. 9 t!ine the histor( of the Disgaa !and c!ai$s. -aried D ma( co er e ents from =LL% to =HHL# 09. 2ist seven ite$s agreed to b( the Disgaa and the govern$ent when the( sett!ed the Disgaa !and c!ai$ in 199*. gi en LI of the land originall( claimed# gi en ?=H',''',''' o er =G (ears as compensation for lost lands# gi en o"nership of the forest in their areas# gi en partial profits from h(dro pro@ects# gi en partial profits from forestr(# allo"ed their o"n municipal go ernment# allo"ed their o"n police force# ga e up tax exempt status#
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10. Wh( was the 1999 for$ation of the territor( of D nav t a significant event in the $atter of ;borigina! se!fGgovern$ent% 5a e Inuit control o er =#> million sEuare .ilometers of the eastern 3rctic7 suggested that 3boriginal land claims and self$go ernment "ould be a po"erful force for change and in shaping Canada in the t"ent($first centur(#
/age 1