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1. St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon Higher Education Department S.Y: 20112012 Lesson Plan in English First YearI.

OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. Use the correct preposition in a sentence. 2. Construct sentences using the prepositions.II. SUBJECT MATTER Prepositions MATERIALS: PowerPoint presentation Video clip REFERENCE: - Good English (blue book) by Ney, Harsh, Lapp, Meerson, and Armstead Jr. - New ways in English by Lodge and Trett www.youtube.com - www.google.comIII. PROCEDURE A) MOTIVATION Video clip about prepositions B) PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON What are the words used in the video clip? Introduce to them the prepositions. Give an example. The cat is under the table. Show to the class the common list of prepositions. Then, the teacher will give an example in each of the prepositions. Later on, the teacher will asked the students to make a sentence using the prepositions. C) GENERALIZATION What do you mean by prepositions? D) EVALUATION Make a list of the prepositions as they appear in the following sentences. 1. In Roman mythology, Vulcan was the god of fire. 2. According to legend he once had E) ASSIGNMENT Choose the correct preposition from the word list below to ll in the blanks for each sentence. ============================================================= over into at behind beside under by from between up on onto near in opposite around during outside of through without toward until 2. among before across after along for with as============================================================1. I ride my bicycle to work, all the way _____ the mountain.2. The sign says, "Please dont sit _____ the grass."3. He ran as fast as he could _____ catch the bus.4. Be careful you dont fall _____ the stairs. They are very steep!5. It began to rain, so we all ran _____ the house.6. He gave us directions and suggested we drive about 5 miles _____ thesunset, then turn left _____ we reach the town _____ Highlands.7. We cant get _____ the concert hall _____ our tickets. Someone _____our group will need to go back _____ the hotel to get them.8. The United States of America is located _____ Canada and Mexico.9. Lets have a picnic _____ the lake. The water is so warm that we couldjump _____ and go _____ a swim. Lets wait _____ we eat though.10. If you go _____ the bridge, you will be _____ a different country! Prepared by: Alona Guardacasa Jushabeth Garcera BSEdIII to construct sentences using theprepositions. to use correct preposition in asentence.1. OBJECTIVES: 2. Objects 3. The cat is under the table. OBJECT NOUN PREPOSITIONS 4. About Before From On UnderAbove Behind In Out WithAfter Beneath Into OverAmong Beside Like ThroughAround Between Near ToAlong By Of UpAt Down Off Upon You can have a5. Notice that prepositional phrase. PREPOSITION AOBJECT prepositional phrase can function as: ADVERB ADJECTIVE NOUN 6. 7. ADVERBThe girl was running under the rain. 8. Choose the correct preposition from the word list below to ll in the blanks for each sentence.========================================================= ====over into at behind beside under by frombetween up on onto near in opposite

aroundduring outside of through without toward untilamong before across after along for with as============================================================1. I ride my bicycle to work, all the way _____ the mountain.2. The sign says, "Please dont sit _____ the grass."3. He ran as fast as he could _____ catch the bus.4. Be careful you dont fall _____ the stairs. They are ver y steep!5. It began to rain, so we all ran _____ the house. 9. 6. He gave us directions and suggested we drive about 5 miles _____ the sunset, then tur n left _____ we reach the town _____ Highlands.7. We cant get _____ the concer t hall _____ our tickets. Someone _____ our group will need to go back _____ the hotel to get them.8. The United States of America is located _____ Canada and Mexico.9. Lets have a picnic _____ the lake. The water is so war m that we could jump _____ and go _____ a swim. Lets wait _____ we eat though.10. If you go _____ the bridge, you will be _____ a different countr y!

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Reading)

I. At a. b. c.

Objectives the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to: State the sequence of the story Identify the different seasons describe Appreciate the story read

II. Subject Matter Topic: The Tiny Seed Reference: Reading Network, pages 103- 108 Author: Delia Hamoy Soroy Materials: Charts, pictures III. Procedure A. Preparation Teachers Activities Pupils Activities

1. Energizer I have here a song entitled Minicar . Ill sing it first then afterwards we will sing it together. The song goes like this. Minicar(2x) Beep(3x) the minicar Stop and go(3x), the minicar Camera (2x) Click (3x) the camera Smile and pose (3x) to the camera B. Motivation

Form 3 groups. Each group should have 2 members to arrange the puzzle in front. The first group who can arrange the puzzle will get additional points in your quiz later. What picture is formed? formed is a seed. Have you seen a seed? Can you describe the seed that you have seen? have seen is rough. What can you say about their size? is tiny. The story that were going to read today has something to do with the picture that youve formed. The story is entitled The Tiny Seed . C. Presentation 1. Motive Ivestion Before we start, Ill leave one question for you to think of as you go on reading the story. How does being small affects you in achieving your goal? 2. Silent Reading Proper Read the story The Tiny Seed on pages 103- 108 in Your Reading Network book. Be sure to understand the story. D. Summarizing the story Did you understand the story? The size of the seed Ive seen The picture Yes Teacher! The seed that I

Yes Teacher!

Let me see if you really understood the story. What is the title of the story? The title of the story is The Tiny seed What comes into your mind when you hear the word tiny? Tiny means small. As we discuss the story we will know why

did the author entitle the story as The Tiny Seed . Who is the author of the story? Carle. Who are the characters in the story? The characters in the story are the tiny seed and the other seeds. Where did the story happen? The story happened in different places such as near the sun, on icy mountain, in the water, in the desert and on the ground. When did the story happen? The story happened in four different seasons: during autumn, summer, winter and spring. What happened first in the story? A strong wind blown the flower seeds high in the air and carried them across the land. In what particular season is there when there is a strong wind blowing? It is autumn when there is a strong wind blowing. How many seeds do you think are there in the story? There are ten seeds in the story. So lets find out whether your answer is correct. How was the main character described in the story? The main character described as tiny and smaller than the others. As the wind continued to blow one of the seeds flew higher than the others, what happened to this seed? The suns hot ray burned it up! One seed was already burned. How many seeds remained? There were nine seeds remained. How about the tiny seed? What happened to it during this time? The tiny seed sailed on with the others. Thats correct! The tiny seed together with the other flower seeds Continued to sail with the wind until they have reached a certain place. What is this place? The place is a mountain The author of the story is Eric

How would you describe the mountain? The mountain has ice that never melts and seeds cannot grow on it. What happened to one of the seeds that landed on this place? One of the seeds that landed on this place died because of the ice. Two seeds were lost. The rest of the seeds flew on but the tiny seed did not go as fast as the others. What happened next as the rest of the seeds flew over the ocean? One of the seeds fell into the water. There were seven seeds remained. What happened next after one of the seeds fell into the water? One of the seeds drifted down onto the desert. How would you describe the desert? The desert is hot and dry and seed cannot grow there. What happened to one the seeds that drifted down in this place? One of the seeds that drifted down in this place died because of the hot temperature. Six seeds were remained. How would you describe the tiny seed as it flew? The tiny seed flew very low but the wind pushed it on with the others. But after a long trip, the wind finally stopped and the seeds including the tiny seed gently fell down on the ground. But what happened to one of the seeds? One of the seeds was eaten by a bird. Was it the tiny seed that was eaten? No Teacher! Very Good! Thats correct It was not the tiny seed because the tiny seed was too small for the bird to see. There were five seeds remained. Then winter came. After a long period of sailing on the wind, the seeds have finally settled down and they were covered by snow. What happened to one of the seeds? One of the seeds was eaten by a mouse for his lunch who also lived on that place. So, four seeds were remained. Spring came and snow has melted. The sun shone and rain fell. Therefore seeds started

to develop into plants but the tiny seed hasnt begun to grow yet. However there was a big fat weed that took all the sunlight and the rain. What happened to one of the little plants? One of the little plants died because the plant cannot catch rain and get sunlight because it was covered by a big fat weed. There were three seeds remained. After sometime, the tiny seed started to grow into a plant. Because it was summer, children were out to play. What happened as they played? A boy accidentally broke one of the growing plants. There were two seeds remained. The tiny seed grew fast but its neighboring plant grew even faster and already had flower. What happened to the flower of the neighboring plant? The flower of the neighboring plant was picked by a boy and gave it to his friend. One seed was left. So, the only plant left was the tiny plant from the tiny seed. What happened to the tiny seed? The tiny plant from the tiny seed has grown very tall and a flower has grown on it. Many people came to look at its giant flower. Who else visited the flower? The birds, the bees, and the butterflies also visited the giant flower. Autumn came again. What happened to the giant flower? The giant flower bent as the wind blew harder and lost almost all of its petals until the flower seed pod opened and came the tiny little seed that quickly sailed far away on the wind. So that is how the story ended. E. DISCUSSION Answer the following questions based on the story that you have read. How can you describe the journey of the tiny seed? The journey of the tiny seed is adventurous one. The tiny seed had gone several challenges brought by different seasons before it got settled and grown as a plant. If you were a seed, would you prefer to be tiny or to be big? I would choose to be tiny because there is an advantage of being small like in the story

the seed was saved from the bird and mouse because the two animals havent seen the tiny seed.

I choose to be big like mango seed so that I would not be carried by the wind. I choose to be tiny so that I can experience to sail on the wind. If you were given a chance to change the title of the story, what would it be and why? If I were given a chance to change the title of the story I will change it into The journey of the seeds because the story is about how the seeds travel in different places. F. Answering the motive Invention Lets answer now the question that I have given. How does being small affects you in achieving your goal? Being small doesnt affect me in achieving my goal because the size or height is not the basis if someone can achieve something. Even if one is small but he/ she has the will nothing could stop him/ her from achieving his/ her goal. G. Generalization Graphic organizer is provided for you. All you need to do is to arrange the sequence of the story from seed one to seed ten. Pick the right details for each seed and paste to the appropriate seed number.



H. EVALUATION DIRECTION: match column A with column B. Column A 1. The seed SEED 4 2. The seed SEED 3 3. The seed SEED 5 4. The seed SEED 2 5. The seed SEED 6 Answers: 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D IV. ASSIGNMENT Study the sample story grid on page 109 on your Reading Network book. 1. www.e-asia.org 2. Prepositions for Grade-VI 3. Presented- By www.e-asia.org 4. Mr. Mickey is _________the car. behind Mr. Mickey is _______ the car. on 5. 6. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will have practiced writing and speaking skill. learnt about prepositions and their uses. talked about the location of different things using the correct prepositions. 7. There is a cow in the field . The cat jumped off it . A cat is on a chair. 8. The old man is fond of tea . 9. So, preposition is a word that is placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with other words in the sentence. Before a noun or pronoun Pre means before and position means place Preposition means 'that which is placed before'. Before what..? 10. Now lets be familiar with some common prepositions. Students will write the prepositions shown in the video clips. 11. The cat jumped _____ the chair. over The sun is ______ the car. above 12. The boy is jumping _______ the pond. into The dog is sitting _________ the car. in/inside 13. The dog is walking __________ the car. by/beside A bird is sitting ______ the car. on Column B that was eaten by a mouse on the ground. that was eaten by a bird on the ground. that was drowned in the water. that was drifted down onto the desert. that landed on a tall and icy mountain. a. b. c. d. e.

14. sun The earth moves ________ the sun. round The car is going _______ the tunnel. through sun 15. Mina is sitting ______________ her mother and grandmother . between Mother Teresa is standing _______ the children. among Between two/more individual persons/things Among- more than two persons/things. 16. under in front of 17. The boy is walking ________ the stairs. The child is walking __________ the stairs. down up 18. The car is going ______ the road. along www.e-asia.org 19. The lion is swimming ____________ the river. across 20. Fill in the blanks with preposition from the box. The students are sitting _______ their class room. The teacher entered __________ the classroom hurriedly. Distribute the chocolates ________ the students. The boy jumped ___________ the wall. The roof ________ our head is white washed. on in over by between among above into Group Work: 21. 22. Homework: Write ten sentences using the following prepositions. 23. Recapitulation: 24. Acknowledgement www.google.com www.youtube.com www.infokosh.gov.bd www.url.com BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. 25. www.e-asia.org

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

I. At a. b. c. d.

Objectives the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to: Define mixture Differentiate homogeneous from heterogeneous mixture Appreciate their own identity Participate actively in class discussion Subject matter


Topic: Mixtures Reference: Science for active learning 4 by Lilia G. Vengco, pages 128-143 Science Link 4 by Fides P. Balatbat, pages 198-201 Materials: charts, concrete materials III. Procedure A. Preliminary activity Teachers Activity

Student Activity

1. Energizer I have here a song entitled Old Mac Donald Ill sing it first then afterwards we will sing it all together. It goes like this Old Mac Donald Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee i ee i oh! And on that farm he had some chickens, Ee i ee i oh! With a cluck-cluck here, And a cluck-cluck there Here a cluck, there a cluck, Everywhere a cluck-cluck Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i oh! 2. Review Last time you have discussed about seed germination, now lets move on to our new lesson but before that lets have first the activity that I have prepared. I have here papers with numbers at the top and letters at the bottom. I need volunteers to arrange the numbers from highest to lowest to from the word from the letters. 2 s

4 r

5 u

3 e

6 t

8 i

7 x

9 m Pupils Activity

B. Presentation Teachers Activity What word was formed? What do you think is our lesson for the day? I have here one empty

container and some ingredients of halo-halo (sliced banana, black mungo beans and sago) Lets put the ingredients together in an empty container. What do you observe? Can you give other term for combine? What do you call if substance that are put or mix together? Can you give the definition of mixtures based from your observation on what Ive presented you a while ago? Mixtures are combination of two or more than one substances. The substances in a mixture retain their characteristics and properties Try to look on the example that Ive presented a while ago. Are there any changes happened to any of the ingredients? The banana is still banana, same goes with other ingredients. They are only physically combined but not chemically. Physical combination implies that the substances do not undergo changes Mixtures maybe classified into two, what are they? I have here two containers that contain water. Ill put a marble to one of the container and powdered juice to the other container. Then lets mix it. What have you noticed on the first container? Can you still see the marble separately from the water? Are the materials uniform in

appearance with each other? So the materials are still distinguishable. What makes once material different from the other? How many phases are there in the first container? If you mixed one material with the other and the original material can still be distinguishable and has a phases this kind of mixture as called heterogeneous What have you observed on the second container? Can you still see the powdered juice separately from the water? So the materials cant be identified anymore. What phase is the powdered juice before we have mixed it with the water? How many phases are there on the second container? What is this phase? When we are talking about mixture we are not only pertaining to liquid or solid materials we can also use gas for example air To which classification of mixture does air belong? Thats correct because we cant identify the elements in the air Air has oxygen right? Can you identify the oxygen in the air? So air belongs to homogeneous

C. Discussion Teachers Activity What are mixtures? What are the two classifications of mixtures?

Student activity

When can we say that a mixture is a heterogeneous? What else? How many phases are there If the mixture is heterogeneous? Can you give examples of heterogeneous? Are materials or substances in a fruit salad still distinguishable after you mix it? When can we say that a mixture is homogeneous? What else? How many phases are there if the mixture is homogeneous? Can you give examples of homogeneous mixtures?

D. Generalization Lets sum up what we have discussed; I have here a graphic organizer. All you need to do is to provide the details for each box.

E. Application Teacher activity

Pupils activity

Mixtures cant only be applied to substances it can also be applied to us human, for example is the classroom we are the materials that are mix together in a container which is the classroom and after we have mixed, can you still identify your friends? What do you call that kind of mixture? How about if twins are put together, can you still identify who is your friend? You cant identify because they have the same characteristics unless you have the sign like one has a mole. What kind of mixture is that? How will you value your identity?

F. Evaluation Identify the following whether they are homogeneous or they are heterogeneous mixtures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. orange alcohol fruit salad air chicken noodle soup

Answers: 1. homogeneous 2. homogeneous 3. heterogeneous 4. homogeneous 5. heterogeneous G. Assignment

Study about types of mixtures on pages 132-133

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