Jenna Simard has over 5 years of experience in public relations, communications, and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Communication from Texas Christian University. She has worked in various communications roles for agencies, organizations, and companies in Fort Worth, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis. Her experience includes managing social media accounts, drafting press releases, curating content, and developing strategies.
Jenna Simard has over 5 years of experience in public relations, communications, and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Communication from Texas Christian University. She has worked in various communications roles for agencies, organizations, and companies in Fort Worth, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis. Her experience includes managing social media accounts, drafting press releases, curating content, and developing strategies.
Jenna Simard has over 5 years of experience in public relations, communications, and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Communication from Texas Christian University. She has worked in various communications roles for agencies, organizations, and companies in Fort Worth, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis. Her experience includes managing social media accounts, drafting press releases, curating content, and developing strategies.
Jenna Simard has over 5 years of experience in public relations, communications, and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Communication from Texas Christian University. She has worked in various communications roles for agencies, organizations, and companies in Fort Worth, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis. Her experience includes managing social media accounts, drafting press releases, curating content, and developing strategies.
) " : $ - " * " ; < " ) ' " # , " 8alcom Agency, lorL WorLh, 1exas $==>?76 &/485=/2 '76/47 (!anuary 2014 - resenL) AsslsL wlLh accounL servlce and publlc relaLlons pro[ecLs for varlous cllenLs, lncludlng drafLlng and prooflng press releases Work wlLh an lnLern Leam Lo organlze and lmplemenL a week-long lnLer-offlce campalgn for unlLed Way 1he vlnyl ulsLrlcL, WashlngLon, u.C. *1@@12 "A56>4 (!anuary 2014 - resenL) CuraLe conLenL for a new uallas secLlon of 1vu, an lnLernaLlonal naLlonal muslc webslLe feaLurlng lndependenL record sLores, vlnyl releases, news and llve evenLs CommunlcaLe wlLh muslclans, record labels and publlclsLs Lo coordlnaLe lnLervlews and llve revlews of lndle LalenL 1he vlnyl ulsLrlcL, WashlngLon, u.C. "A56>451@ '76/47 (SepLember 2013 - uecember 2013) roduced edlLorlal and promoLlonal conLenL on a varleLy of lndusLry-relaLed Loplcs for a naLlonal, u.C.-based muslc slLe Composed soclal medla posLs on lacebook and 1wlLLer, dlrecLlng followers Lo 1vu's dally posLs !Cueslgn, lorL WorLh, 1exas <?B@5= )/@165>72 17A &>=51@ (/A51 '76/47 (!une 2013 - uecember 2013) uevlsed a soclal medla sLraLegy for !.C. and concelved weekly 1wlLLer and lacebook posLs for Lhe agency and lLs cllenLs Crganlzed a monLhly edlLorlal calendar for Lhe !.C. blog and crafLed blog posLs on varlous lndusLry and career-relaLed Loplcs ConLrlbuLed Lo 8 pro[ecLs for varlous cllenLs, lncludlng bralnsLormlng 8 ldeas, organlzlng medla llsLs and edlLlng releases 1Cu College of Sclence & Lnglneerlng, lorL WorLh, 1exas ,>CC?75=165>72 '76/47 (!anuary 2013 - AugusL 2013) ConducLed lnLervlews wlLh faculLy, sLudenLs and alumnl and wroLe more Lhan 20 news arLlcles for Lhe college newsleLLer LsLabllshed a manual of procedures Lo be used for subsequenL lnLerns Schaefer AdverLlslng Co., lorL WorLh, 1exas $==>?76 '76/47 (!anuary 2013 - Aprll 2013) uevlsed a sLraLegy and LacLlcs for lmplemenLlng 1en on 1uesday, an lnlLlaLlve of Lhe 8everse LlLLer campalgn Crganlzed and manned a booLh promoLlng 8everse LlLLer aL Lhe lorL WorLh CowLown Cleanup evenL lncreased 8everse LlLLer lacebook followlng by more Lhan 200 percenL erlscope, Mlnneapolls, MlnnesoLa -14D/6 "7D1D/C/76 $CB1221A>4 (uecember 2012 - Aprll 2013) Managed Lhe 1argeL College lacebook page for 1Cu and effecLlvely communlcaLed 1argeL's manLra: lasL, lun, lrlendly" CreaLed and posLed messages relevanL Lo 1Cu sLudenLs Modern ArL Museum of lorL WorLh, lorL WorLh, 1exas <?B@5= )/@165>72 '76/47 (AugusL 2012 - uecember 2012) Managed and organlzed press cllpplngs and used hoLoshop Lo creaLe audlLorlum slldes promoLlng museum evenLs CrafLed a soclal medla plan Lo provlde guldellnes for use of lacebook, 1wlLLer and lnsLagram lACL Magazlne, LafayeLLe, Loulslana '76/47 (May 2012 - AugusL 2012) AsslsLed edlLor ln concelvlng conLenL ldeas for each monLh's lssue and offered asslsLance aL fashlon spread shooLs and evenLs WroLe arLlcles on varlous healLh, personal, and communlLy-based Loplcs Slgma kappa SororlLy, 1Cu, lorL WorLh, 1exas <?B@5= )/@165>72 ,3154 (!anuary 2011 - uecember 2011) lmplemenLed a 8 program Lo malnLaln poslLlve relaLlons wlLh alumnae, parenLs, organlzaLlons and members of Lhe communlLy lounded and execuLed Lwo annual evenLs Lo offer glveaways and brlng aLLenLlon Lo Lhe sororlLy's lnvolvemenL on campus Crganlzed an evenL Lo sell beaded [ewelry Lo supporL ugandan women and serve Lhe global communlLy
E . # . ) & $ # * ' # F . : F " ( " # - 1Cu Chancellor's Scholar, 2010-2014 ubllc 8elaLlons SocleLy of Amerlca Crder of Cmega Lmerglng Leader Award, 2010-2011 Amerlcan AdverLlslng lederaLlon Crder of Cmega Creek Ponors SocleLy 1Cu CrlenLaLlon SLudenL AsslsLanL, 2011 1Cu lrog Camp laclllLaLor, 2013 337.234.1793 ! [enna.slmard[ ![ennaslmard/ ! [ 3 &=?>@1 A5 :>4/7G> A/ (/A5=5H llorence, lLaly, Sprlng 2012 SLudled SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlon abroad whlle learnlng Lhe lLallan language and culLure