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Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Analysis

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Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is the process of developing a risk assessment. The assessment is a report showing assets, vulnerabilities, likelihood of damage, estimates of the costs of recovery, summaries of possible protection and costs, and estimated probable savings from better protection. There are two broad classes of methodology for risk analysis: quantitative modeling and qualitative estimating. Quantitative risk analysis developed first, in the 1 !"s. #t uses numerical estimates of cost and probability to generate models of e$pected loss and e$pected savings. There are many software packages available to aid users in developing such models, most have different assumptions and algorithms and produce risk assessments that differ in their details. Qualitative risk analysis developed because of criticism that the quantitative methods were based on illusory precision. Qualitative methods e$plicitly use sub%ective %udgement scales& e.g., severity ratings e$pressed as ranks from 1 to 1". The arguments over methodology obscure the fundamental uncertainty of all risk estimates. 's (harles )fleeger has pointed out in his university te$t on information systems security, *The precision of numbers is a red herring. Risk analysis is best used as a planning tool.+ ,e emphasi-es that all risk assessments should be used to point out areas of greatest concern& haggling over precise numbers is a waste of time. .ystematic risk analysis begins with a tabulation of enterprise assets. 'lthough you can restrict this tabulation to information systems only, many analysts e$tend the process to cover global assets. #n many organi-ations, this tabulation may be the first opportunity to develop a view of how much you depend on your information systems. #nformation systems assets include equipment, programs, data, documentation, supplies and staff. #nvestment in acquisition, development and maintenance of information systems have been studied by the staff of (omputerworld for many years& the annual )remier 1"" reports published in .eptember list information systems e$penditures as percentages of total revenue. /un 0 1radstreet (orporation, for e$ample, was estimated in 1 2 to have spent over 134 of its gross revenue on information technology. 5n average, the best users of computer systems spend 14 to 64 of their annual revenue on their information systems. 7or each asset, you must brainstorm to imagine as many risks as you can. 8ook at physical damage, errors, criminal behavior by employees and other insiders, and breaches of security by outsiders. 8ist the potential effects of compromising confidentiality, data integrity and system availability. #magine the effects of unavailability for an hour, a day, a week. 7or e$ample, a factory that uses computeri-ed bar9code readers to keep track of production may continue operating for an hour or two if the bar9code reader system fails. ,owever, it may shut down completely if the systems are unavailable for a day or more. Think of a university whose registration system depends on computer databases. :rrors or accidents that delay registration for more than a week may cause serious problems for students and staff. 7ailure of a clinical information system for longer than minutes could

put patients at risk of in%ury or death& it could also put doctors at risk of malpractice suits and the hospital administrators at risk of prosecution for negligence. The preliminary study may lead to better awareness of security issues among your staff. 5ne of the most important contributions of risk analysis to better security is that every employee can contribute insights. The people best positioned to evaluate risks and consequences are those who use the tools under evaluation. 'nother advantage of undertaking such a study is that it is the basis not only of improved security policies and procedures, but it also serves as the first step in disaster prevention, mitigation and recovery planning. The hardest part of quantitative risk analysis is estimating probabilities. 'ctuarial data compiled by insurance companies can help you estimate risks& however, all such general figures must be taken as guides, not eternal truths. The probability of loss is strongly influenced by your own situation. 7or e$ample, the risk of water damage may be ;say< 14 per year in general = but if your buildings are located near a badly9constructed dam, your probability is higher than average by an unknown amount. Recently, spreadsheet add9in packages have appeared to help model risk using appropriate probability distributions. These tools allow risk managers to apply >onte (arlo simulation techniques, in which the probability of comple$ events is estimated by repeated sampling of more elementary components linked in a causal chain. .ome risk analysis packages include e$tensive databases of actuarial data and e$pert knowledge about different industries. ?ou can install modules dealing with banking, manufacturing, insurance, federal and state governments, physical security, microcomputers, telecommunications, computer applications, and disaster recovery. (osts of such packages range from less than @1"" per copy into the @2",""" range. The more e$pensive packages use artificial intelligence techniques, including fu--y logic, to model your risks, costs of counter measures, and annuali-ed savings. The sophistication of reports is also correlated with cost& the more costly packages provide several levels of reporting ;e.g., e$ecutive summary and decision support with graphics and tabular details in the technical analyses<. 1ecause the field continues to evolve, you should consult reviews in /R5#. and in the technical press before choosing a specific package.

Qualitative risk analysis Risk analysis in the age of information warfare

Threat and risk assessment has traditionally dealt with the probability of 'cts of Aod. 7ire, flood, earthquake, even burglary can be looked at as involving random events. ,owever, in today+s competitive and unethical environment, the likelihood of being attacked is an unknown and unknowable function of an organi-ation+s attractiveness and preparedness. The most successful and least secure organi-ations will be victim. 7aced

with a choice between an unkempt hovel and a palatial residence, a thief will try to rob the more lucrative target. 1ut suppose a thief sees two palatial residences: one has /oberperson )inchpersons ;politically correct guard dogs< roaming the space inside a B meter fence, infrared motion detectors and a direct link to a security company& the other has locks on the doors. There+s not much doubt about the selected victim. #n my courses, # like to e$plain the principle of appropriate defense with a story. Two hikers are walking happily along a trail in 'lberta when they come upon a huge gri--ly bear. Turning tail, they being running down the trail. 5ne huffs to the other, CThis is ;pant, gasp< cra-y. De can+t outrun a gri--ly bearE They can run B" km an hour and climb treesEF The other gasps, C# don+t have to outrun the gri--ly bear ;pant, pant<. # %ust have to outrun you. To pursue the analogy, unprepared organi-ations may be in the position of hikers unaware that they are covered in honey when there are bears on the path. Risk assessment in the age of information warfare must include self9e$amination from the point of view of a competitor. 5rgani-ations must recogni-e when they are attractive to predators and must then make themselves unattractive targets for espionage and sabotage.

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