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Esol Child Workbook

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ESOL Key Stage 2 Road Safety Resource

Childs Workbook

Produced with the support of

the Department for Transport


RoSPA would like to acknowledge the contribution of Birmingham City

Council Road Safety Department in the production of this resource.

Where I live

I live at ..........................................................................................................................

w+ fJZE/ ofjzdk jK ..........................................................................................................................

% ] [ a E [

DOo ...


Mieszkam w ..........................................................................................................................
I live with ..........................................................................................................................

w+ fJ;d/ Bkb ofjzdk jK ..........................................................................................................................

% ] ^ V[ a U [ a E [
DOo NDv } ...


Mieszkam z ..........................................................................................................................
I live near ..........................................................................................................................

w+ fJ;d/ B/V/ ofjzdk jK ..........................................................................................................................

% ] ^ [ XE RO [ a E [

DOo H p } ...


Mieszkam w pobliu ..........................................................................................................................

Getting to school
I get to school

by car

on foot

on the bus

on my bike

eko okjhI


p; s/

nkgDh pkJhe s/


cg RO

[ a

% ] [ [ cO E

}v oD

l J

pJ xF



chodz pieszo



I come to school

on my own

with my friends

with my mum/dad/sister/brother

nkgD/ nkg

nkgD/ fwZsoK d/ Bkb

nkgDh wK$fgsk$G?D$Gok d/ Bkb


% ] [ [ V [ a

% ] [ ] /[ [ / [ X/\ cO-A [ a U


z kolegami/koleankami

z mam/tat/siostr/bratem

pJ o } JC

NDv } Ov k } JC


I get to school at
Draw the hands
on the clock

It takes about
10 minutes

20 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour

Fatima gets to school

Karel gets to school

Manjot gets to school

Abdul gets to school

by bike

on his bike


she catches the bus

Dad drives her

by car

on the bus

by walking

on foot

by bus

These four children get to school in different ways. Choose from the phrases at the side of the table and write at least 2 different
ways of talking about the way they travel to school.

Getting to school different ways of saying the same thing.

Getting to school

Getting to school

On the road
Do you know these words?
Use them to talk and write about the pictures.
ice cream van

Wears a special
uniform and is
able to control
traffic with
their big
lollipop sign.

School crossing patrol

If you see a zebra crossing, use it.

Zebra crossing

the road
away from
the traffic.


Pedestrian crossing

If you see a pedestrian

crossing, use it.


A central island
helps you to cross the
road in two stages.

Central island

The footbridge goes up and over

the road away from traffic.

Safe places to cross

The Green Cross Code

Find a safe place to cross
gko ikD bJh ;[oZfynk EK bZG'

Y [ [ [ LX AE RO X [ YV L ^G Fg L
p yN V e } } } p oDJ

Znajd bezpieczne miejsce do przejcia przez ulic

Stop near the kerb
eop d/ B/V/ WZe'

[ [ W [ U ]

o uDJ } p_J } Z l J
Zatrzymaj si przy krawniku
Look all around for traffic and listen
uko'I gk;/ :ksk:ks t/y' ns/ ;[D'

` X A[e J [V E T E ^ V F ^ X[ cX % K E X
v o C k p^ p oDZ

Dobrze rozejrzyj si w kad stron i nasuchuj uwanie

If traffic is coming, let it pass
i/eo :ksk:ks nk fojk j?, T[;~ ikD fdU

^V ^ X[ cX % a T U E , T c _ aRO E J _ ^ T V C
k } DV on }vC N } oA p^ pC

Jeli nadjedaj pojazdy, poczekaj a przejad

When it is safe, walk straight across the road
id'I T[j ;[oZfyns j't/, f;ZXk ;Ve gko eo ikU

^FX X [ YV c [, TFX a L cg RO [ Y [ c [

p oDJ {v } }OZ }l v N e HV
Gdy jest bezpiecznie, przechod prosto przez ulic
Keep looking and listening
t/yd/ ns/ ;[Dd/ oj'

VF T A[e X T U E
o }O v o C }O k

Cay czas uwanie obserwuj drog i nasuchuj

Keep safe when you cycle

Make sure the bike is the right size for you
:ehBh pDkU fe pkJhe dk nkeko s[jkv/ bJh ;jh j?

a cO E _RO %[` cO T ] [ ] Y [ cC ^ =JT

} r Dv HvD } } IA DF p Dk
Rower powinien by dobrze dopasowany do Twojego wzrostu

Wear a cycle helmet

;kJheb j?bw/N gkU

AE RO a cO E _ c_ ]RO Y [

J ` C Dv
No kask ochronny

Wear something bright

e[M uwedko gkU

=#_ E K Y [

J r Z o g z
No jasne elementy odziey

Check your bike is safe

iKu'I fe s[jkvh pkJhe ;[oZfyns j?

T ] [ a cO E _ X [ YV E X ^ J cO E [
} e DF IA b DV

Sprawd, czy Twj rower jest sprawny i bezpieczny

Use lights and reflectors

bkJhN ns/ focb/eNo tos'

% _ A[e YTZ _E [ [c [ E [

p DOvC D x D o C z o
Uywaj wiate i odblaskw

Keep safe when you cycle

Take a cyclist training course

;kJheb uZbkT[D tkbk f;ZybkJh e'o; bt'

AE RO a cO E _ J _ E [ Y`lS E a E [

p uo O FpN C O }v } Z Dv
Zapisz si na kurs jazdy rowerem

Complete the following sentences with the phrases below

Cycling is ..............................................................................................................................................
When you cycle ..............................................................................................................................................
Cycling helps to ..............................................................................................................................................
Cycling does not ..............................................................................................................................................

fun and quick

cost a lot of money
keep you fit
you do not pollute

Keep safe on the bus

Make sure it is safe before crossing the road

;Ve gko eoB s'I gfjbK :ehBh pDkU fe fJj ;oZfyns j?

[ Y [ [ [ % G XJT E [ aRO X [ YV

} e p Dk }J}v }p oDJ {v
Przed przejciem przez ulic upewnij si, czy jest to

Know your bus number

nkgDh p; dk Bzpo gsk eo'

Dont travel if you dont know where you are going

i/eo s[jk~ gsk Bk j't/ fe s[;h feZE/ ik oj/ j', :ksok Bk eo'.

T ] [ [ a [ X [ L X [ F

T ] E U ^ ^ K X L X _ ^ y E [ [ X

Musisz zna numer autobusu

Nie podruj, jeli nie wiesz gdzie dokadnie si


Know what time it comes

gsk eo' fe T[j fejV/ ;w/I nkT[Idh j?

Sit downstairs
EZb/ p?m'

[ a % a [ a] ^ L X [ F

X J [ T_ ^ [a

Musisz zna czas jego przyjazdu

Sied na dole

Dont sit upstairs unless you have to

id sZe io{oh Bk j't/ T[`s/ Bk p?m'

Carry your bus pass

nkgDk p; gk; Bkb b?e/ uZb'

[ W X c _ CY [ T_ ^ [a [ X

T ] [ [ a Y a a [ F



|{J Dp Dw C IA } uC } C v _ F pJ
r DF

p p v N }o DV D IA }ODV IA pC

_ F pJ r a

o NDv uDJ xF D JC
Miej przy sobie bilet

Nie sied u gry, chyba e musisz

Dont show off your mobile phone

nkgD/ w'pkJhb c'BK dk gqrNktk Bk eo'

Only get on and off when the bus has stopped

f;o\ p; o[ZeD d/ pkd jh uZVQ' ns/ T[so'.

_ E E T ] [ ] [ cO_ Z X VF [ X

[ a U ] [ Y [cO E [_ CP X ] E [ [

Nie pokazuj swojego telefonu komrkowego

Wsiadaj i wysiadaj tylko wtedy, gdy autobus stoi

p pD D DF } JC

pNC o C {Z GN } DV o xF HV

Keep safe in a car

Booster seat
p{;No ;hN

[ RO [ % aX
` v p_v F

Fotelik dziecicy

Booster cushion
p{;No e[FB

[ RO [ GV

( ) N p_v F
Podstawka dziecica

Seat belt
;hN p?bN

aRO [ RO

` F ` v
Pas bezpieczestwa

Keep safe after dark

Know where you are going

gsk eo' s[;h feZE/ ik oj/ j'

T ] E U ^ ^ K T L X [ F

Nie chod w nieznanych miejscach

Travel with someone else
fe;/ j'o d/ Bkb :ksok eo'

%X AEL X [ a U }]S E [

p p v NDv } o C w
Nie podruj samotnie
Wear bright colours
uewdko ozr gkU

=#_ [ I [ Y b E Y [
J |{K } o g z
No jasn odzie
Walk where there are lots of street lights
T[E` / uZb,' fiZE/ pj[s tZX ;NqhN bkJhNK j'D

^F X YJ [ [ [ % _ % K aF X cg RO
D z o v PF DV Z D
Chod w dobrze owietlonych miejscach
Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will be home
:ehBh pDkU fe e'Jh ikDdk j? fe s[;h feE/ ik oj/ j' ns/ s[;h ed'I xo nkUr/

T ] E U ^ ^ K A[e E FX [ Q Z [ [ T ^X %[` cO E = L X

} a J H pJ r IA o C }o DV D IA p Dk MDF uC

Poinformuj kogo dokd wychodzisz i kiedy bdziesz w domu

Safe or dangerous
Look at these pictures of children out and about on the roads. Talk about where they are and what
they are doing in each picture. Are they always being safe and sensible?

Finish the sentences.
Choose from the phrases below. Find 2 or 3 things you should do in each situation.

When you are out walking, you should

When you are on the bus, you should

At night you should

always cross in a safe place

know exactly how to get to your


sit downstairs
keep a safe distance from the kerb
wear bright colours
keep your mobile phone out of sight
walk on the pavement
try to go with someone else
know your bus number


When you cross the road, you shouldnt

When you take the bus, you shouldnt

When you go out at night, you shouldnt

run across the road

go on your own

make a lot of noise

use a mobile phone

wear dark clothing

bother the driver

cross when the red man is showing

walk where there are no street lights

sit upstairs

The best way to travel

What is good and not so good about different ways of travelling? Put ticks for good and crosses for
not so good in the boxes. Which has the most ticks? Is this the best way to travel for everyone or
only some people? Is this the best way to travel all the time or only some of the time?






Good for
the planet



The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Edgbaston Park, 353 Bristol Road, Birmingham B5 7ST
Telephone: +44 (0)121 248 2000
Fax: +44 (0)121 248 2001
Registered Charity No. 207823
VAT Registration No. 655 1316 49

RoSPA Scotland:
Livingston House,
43 Discovery Terrace,
Heriot-Watt University
Research Park,
Edinburgh EH14 4AP
Telephone: 0131 449 9378
Fax: 0131 449 9380

RoSPA Wales:
2nd Floor, 2 Cwrt-y-Parc,
Parc Ty Glas,
Cardiff Business Park,
Cardiff CF14 5GH
Telephone: 02920 250600
Fax: 02920 250601

RoSPA Northern Ireland:

Nella House, Dargan
Crescent, Belfast BT3 9JP
Telephone: 028 9050 1160
Fax: 028 9050 1164


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