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Eric Dollard

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The document describes a system for transmitting and receiving telluric electric waves within the earth using various subsystems tuned to the propagation characteristics of these waves.

The main components described are the antenna subsystem, network subsystem, and amplifier subsystem. The antenna subsystem interacts with the earth, the network subsystem generates or receives waveforms, and the amplifier subsystem controls signal strength.

The antenna subsystem is configured through multiple contact points with the earth to be attuned to the propagation, directional characteristics, and power of the telluric waves. It utilizes both grounded and aerial elements isolated from the ground.




1 2, Q7 (41

C{ancteristics of the Aeriel4round Structure
Cbaracteristics of the Network Chanrcteristics of the Anplifier


(1) (2) (3) Rejection of Interference Directional chancterintics of thc Anta.. sub-systems

Telluric wave systemsfor spccitic Appricetions



(1) Q, (3) (4) Introduction The Oscillation Transformer The Multipte Loaded Aerial I)evebpment of tiheAlerandercon S5ntemfor the Prupegetion of Telluric Vlreves General Theory of Complex Electric Wavec Errmonic Stnctune of Tranwerse end Longitudind VYeve Folurs



(1) @ (3) (4) (o (6) (7, The B*sic System The Antenna Sub_System The Network Sub-System The Amplilier Sub-system Basic system for the Rejetion of Non Teiluric signek The Aerial Sub.system rlirectional Antenna and Aeriel sub.system configurations

(f) San Andrces X'aultline through San Francisco, Bolinas to Pacifica Segment


I (1)

Systemforthc Tnnsmissktn end Receptionof Telluric Ebctric Waves:


Basic System a) An electrical systemis proportiod in sucha rrpnner so as to be munecl to electric wanepropagationwithin the iderior of the *"lt Th" *otn" firnction may b" th receptbn of natura[y generated cignals, or the transmrssron and receptionof signalsfiom an artificial, mai;L orrgio residing within the eafth- These qignelsresult fiom telluric crrrents. In generaltbe may be calledtellrrb elechicwaves. This system is 'nlike previous systemsin rhrt the electrical apparatus involvd are configrned to match th generatilre process iia- th" propagationcharacteristics of the telhnic electric waves*ithh,te earth's interior. This systemis mn elestro-maqxeticin its basic configrrration-It is more an electro-stdic configuration This resuhsftom the telluric wavesh"ring a mn ebcho-magnetic cbaracter. The basic and compormd tefluric systemspnesented can be consideredan advancement uponprior work of Nftola Tesla (1900) and Ernst Alexanderson(t919): In additioo the systemspresentedcan be consideredimprovementsqpon any existing method<rlogies or apparatusinvolving tbe reception of oat*Lt tellgic impulses,commnicatlrns or bnoadcasting rrtilidng electric wave sjrsfrens propagation within tb interior ofth eartbc) The systempresemea btrein consiss of rarbus srb.systemsconfiguredto perfonn the reception and traosmissionprocesse$This may be-divided into three distinct categories: (l) TM llart which reprwetrs the ryaced6rnain,or is distributedwith respectto distance, so as to eqgader the actual electrb wave.This is calledthe antenna subwstem: That part rvhich re1@s the time domanr'or the time period and &rration, so as to respondto the specifictelhnic wave forms to be producedThis is called the networksrbsystem: Thd part rrfiich represeilts a scala domain, effecting the attenuation and intensificatbn of tbe electric waves in their passage through the other sub-systems. This is called tb amplifier sub-system.





The adenna subsystemofth basicsystemis in electuicalcommunication with the interior of th earth tbrough multiple points of contact with the



solid massof tbe earth This srb'system is so configuredas to be attuned to the corylex prop4gation,directional cUracterlst-lcs, arld pn"*r of tn" telluric wavesto be dilized in systemoperation In conjunction with the $rormd contactan aerial structure,the purposeof which is to be isolated fiom gro'rn4 is utilized- This aerial exists in the form of a -ftipfi"ity of loadedtransmission lines. The network subsystem of the basic system is such configgred as to produce or re-produce spcific telftnic wave form in tbf time base behavior- Telfrrric wave form of undesirableform are rcjected by the network however,this srbsystem responds,nurpty to ibse telluric wave forms of desirableform- tnes" wavJforms "*-* direted to det@tbn, rcording or tranducing devices,or they can be directedto the antenmfor transmissbn Tbe aryIifier subsystemcoreistsof elechicator electrronic arylification elementq nrch as tbse fouod in carrbr telephoneapplicatbns" These elementsmay exist in conjunctbn with variousfifters oi i.p"lu" limiters. Tk elements may be a conventbml unit form or nmy be of a distributedmture thougbut th basicsystem. Each individual telftrric wave system is adaptedto match the existing geological coditbns at tbe specific gophysical location to which il is applied. In addition each system must be spwificalty adaptedfor the purposesof broadcasting communicationg natural sigal recqrtion or detdbn of specific geologft:alevents-Eachunit will hve its oum special requiremts.




Characteristicsof the Antenna or Aerial-Greund Sub-System. a) Tellrnic signls rsrfr from vubus stmding waves and traveling waves which propagate within tb interior of tb eartb- These waves have characteristicvelocities, counter-velocitbsand directio$ of propagation. The antenna is proportionedto tbese specific telluric wave characteristicsThis antenna subsystem is developed on the basis of a comlex propagdion in two dimeosions.This corylex w:rve is a resuh of the superpositionof a pair of electric waves, one wave with a velocity and anotber wave with a counter-velocity. This is a depature fiom This antenm zubsystemis loadedin conventionalantennadevelopments. such a {tr}nrr so :rsi to poduce a orylex electric wave along the (aerial) structureof the antenna transimission This wave is attrmedto th wa\reproducedwithin tbe interior of the earth. Hereby the antenna sub-systemcommunicateswith the telluric wave



&roughdishibutedpoints ofcontast withtb solid massofthe earth Each point of contactexists in rehtion with eachindividual loading elementof the antenna transmission skucture.Eachpoitr ofcoffact canbe a resistive elemenr, a reactiveerement or a corylexir""ti'ry ofboth.

is an analog structure. rys The antenna subsystemserves "s * uo"togsory'to *itu tre firnction of establishingsi ennbgy of the conditionJtht'give ,lu" to the electric prcpagating within the interior ofthe earth-Tb aotenna -waves zubsystem breby t"pd,*"1tbat part ofth sta'ding or traraeling wave within the earthas coupledthorrgh the muhiple poimr of codact iim tm sohd mass of the etrth- This condirtbn repreents wave refiaction between the affennasrb.systemand the propagation within the interior oftb earthTbe aute,nna subsystem uailizcd for telftric wave propagaion is not an arial as comnro{yr understooqnor is the antenm*u,ryrt"- an electromagneticradiaor. Th er*eonazuLsystem consistsof-an aerial-ground in the applicationof telhrric wa'e transmissbnand recepfon rt I*d{ is configuredto reit_ ebctro-wrgnetic rvavetransnrission and receprtionThe arialportion oftbe telhric adeirna subsystemi*1"t" io aisfA"tlo" to the ground. Thls aerial structrne operatesin a mannersrch as a finite section of long distarce carriq telepbne line, carrying serrcraltoaded transmissionpairs. Thes pairs are loadedand comectedin sucha way as t9 nroducethe requfued complex wave propagatbn in an analog *rnr. No cottpling exisfiswith this traasmissionstructureand external electromagneticwaves,which propagatein the sFce extemalto tb solid mass of the earth. Hence tb antema zubsystem is a non elecho-magnetic structureircapabteof tbe trammission and rece,ption of extemal electromagneticwaves. The anfenna zubsyste,mis a wave structure ambgous to th wave strucnre of the interior of the earth This wave is a comptexquanttv in spaceone quadity in tb dinension of rrcbcity (the rcal part) and amtler quantity in the dimensionof ornter velocity (the imagepart). Hencethe cornplex wave propagation is not a simple vebcity, now it is a more coryIex dimensbnal amaogpmert (fhis is anabgonsto impedanceas a complex quantity consistingof resisam, the rcal part ad of reactance, the image part) Electo-magretic waves of a given velocity axe superimposd rpon rmgnetodielectrfo wavesof a girrcncormter velocity resultiag in a somFlexelectricwave. For th transmission and receptionof telluric electric waves th corylex electric waves on the adenna subsystem folbw the complex electric waves inside tk earth- Tkse two complexwavesunite throughthe refractive multiple points of contactwith the sotd massofthe earth-





Cherecteristics of the Network Subsystem a) As it was with the antenna subsystenn, the network subsystem servesa.s an analog** q the time domaiq the perbd and durdion-of tbe transient electric wavesoftelftnic origin- Like tb adenm nrbsysfiem,the retrrork subsystemserves as a frrm oftransmissionstnrcture.Corylea transient, electric !ilavesresuft fiom tbe superposition of tw,odisfinct nvavq leicl each have distinct dimensbry nowin time insteadof space.uoi*" tn" antenna'the network consistsof h@ elementswith no distribution in space-The netnrurt resemblesa special form of elctric wave fifter, it being for selectingtnansietrimpulsesrdher than steadystate waves.Th" coryIex electrigwave dwelo@ by tbe networksis tbe srperpositionof highpass'pon bwpass electric ,,uave propagdiom, t*se aiveluprng two distinct dimensions, tbat of rmit time and tbat-of oer unit time. t1" *rrr" developedby the netwo* subsystemsanalogous to tnr w.'- str,t tre of the transientwavesoftelluric formThe retrrork cm be A-.Hp"a as a pair of artificial transmissiol lines, a conjugaterelation exis*ing betweeneach lire. Tk artificial lines are configurd as time domain ambgs of the corylex crave frc0ors of the space domain antema srbsystem. The low pass characterisAic is the analog oftb electo-mgnetb pnopagarbnof a given velocity. The high passcharacteristic is tb analogofthe mngneto-dietectric propgation of a given cotffer rrcbcity. The low pass ftmtion is a condition of laggingl phase,or iueasing tirrre {slay with imeasing fteqrrcrcy. A coqiugate relatbnship exists for th high passfirrction It is a conditbn of leading phase, or a decreasingtime delay with ircreasing fiequercy. Tb sryerpositbn 6f rhis coqiugde pair of firnctions resufts in the timefrequencyrelatbn frr transientwavesof telhrric origin This electrical network so developed can be proportiod to an analogo{ and thus respondto, or produce, a specific transieff elstric wave of telhric form- This ehctri:al ffiwork cm herebybe madeto reryond to a specific telluric signal,suchas may b relatedto adrarce seismicwarning communicatbnspurposq etc- Or, the electricalnetwork can be madeup so as to respondb a general variety of signels in a broadbandnrenner. That nefircrk reryondingto specific signalsmay be called a discriminator, andthat responding to a generalvariety of signalsa bandpassfiher.





characteristicsof the Amptifier sub-structure in the scahr a)


In the receptionofterl,ric electric wavesit is a condition rhat the receird signalsare of orhemely small enrgy.Suchsignalsare fifitrer attenuated in their rsqge along and through tL ""t*dad network sut-,systems AIso, in the transmission of teluric electric u/aves,zubstantialqirJiti", of energy -Prt- be developd for tk n. Therefore, *_" methodmust be iffiroducd to intensifr tb telluric signalsft tl"it p**g" ftssrrgh the affennaad network sub,systemsThe imoductbn of zubsystems ry amplifiers at the transitionsbetureen sen/esas a basic netbod of signal intensification These unit annptifiers may b electonic tmits utilizing vacunm or solid sta6edevices. These electronic devices(vrcrnm tube or traasistor)mrrst be of a large gd"bandwidth product and possessa very small degreeof idermodglation production Utilizingrmit electronicam[rlifiers limie tb telhrric wave systmthrough tbir unidftectbnal mtrre. That is, a receive only or a-transmit only system-Hybrid transmissionstnrsturesmust be utilized for bidirwtional or trarepondiry qntms" The us sf rrnit ehtronfo amplifiers producesa gain instability or drift in amplitude in tb telhrric wane sysem- Unit electrronicsmplificatlm alm producs rndesirable modu}dion products from higher lsvsl sigrals upon bwer level sigmls. Hereby distortion rsufts and &e consequed llrodtdion of fatse signals- Tb principal advant4ge of unit electronic arylificatbn is its adapability to the inclusbnofpass bandand arytihrde limifing functbm ard its simplicity. An alternative metlod of arylification can be derivd along tb mme meth<ld asthe analoglayout ofthe mtenna ad network subsystem. The propag$ln thmqh these snrbENens is derived by the geometric configuratbn of reamnces and srrceptanm, rhrt is lnsitirrc and negative energy storage elerents. These elements my be of a lumped or a distnlbutedform, or both. Intensificationof tb telluric elechie reiaves can rnannf, be derivd in an to the propagatbn of th telluric electric waves-The imensificatbn though the srbsystems is derivd by the geometric configuration of resistancesad conductances, that is positive and negatirrc cnergf idensificdbn elements. Again, these elementsmay be of a lum@ or a distribrsql forq or both. Wkre the descrete aod suceptance elements rehte to th storageandrctum reactance of electric energf, the desrete resistance relate and conductarceelements to the attenuation and intensificationof electricenergy.






The sigml intensificationelerent of nEgativeresistance can be developed by a transferresistarceor trmsistor conversely,the elementof nega&ve conductance can be develo@ by a transfercoductance or vacuumfube. In the former the trmsfer resistam gainsover tbe conductarcelossand in the lattertbe trmsfercoductance gainsover t.heresistance loss.nothmaJ be utilized in an analog rehtion to tbc loss or gain of the electric wave gereratbn or popagatbn within tb interior ofthe eartbThe resistance and coductarce elements of energr attenuation and intensific*bn can be directty prodgcedfrom the *r"t"*, and suceptance "-I"rym* tbrough praretrt variation of the e,!rcqgr storagecoeffiiients, tbat is the variatbn oftb reactare or susqrtance with respectto time. In this mannef,the wrgy storage elemem ls partlattv converted into an energyintensificationelemenl Tk variation is in propo*ion m a second wave derived from a secod network such retbds are knorm as a q?rarytric amplific*bn- Sirnilar idensificatbn efrects my b achieved directly though the ryplicatbn of negdive rsistancedevices zuch as turnel diodes or negative conductare deviceg s:ch as multipactor vacuumtubc. Tbse as two tsminal devicescan be directly incorporuea and network geometry. into the antenna


Hereby three distinct mefhds may be applied to the intensification of receivedor trammitted electrfouravesin tbir Fssage fhough tb antenna andnetwork zubsys&ems: 1) 2) 3) unit electronic omplification utilizing vacuum or solid state devicesastransferelements. Distrihfed electronicemFlificatbn utili-ing vacuumor solid state devicesaseitler transfror aegativeelements. Parametric arylification utilizing electronb, static electrical or rotding electricaldevices.

These metbods sf amflification may be applid individually or in combinations de,pending upon tbe overall systemrequirments.


tr (f)

Telluric Trensmissiron and Reception System Configurations

Rejection of Interference (a) The anferrna-netwotk s5rstq along with a distribution of signal imensific*inelemefs rIrsmts an o*1og oftbe tellrnic electric waves, that is the corylete systm firnstioffi as an ambg coryrfiry strucfire. This system allows tk pmductbn or rErdrrction of tbc telhnic electric waves within tb efith as the rsuh ofthe rystem firnctbning ffi rn amlog eq!ft/aled totbe tellrrb wiaves. In additbn to this amlog attrmemcnf of thc gmal Er$tcm to tbe dsired electric wave form the sysrem must also rejd rmnatred ebc'trb waves prodtrced odsidc &c mlid ness ef &e fitlr. thdcsfted sigmls ars produd or 1ropqgd in tbe srmoryhere of the catb, srch as ligt*ning discharges, solar nois and nrnnmede interfercnccs. Bocausc of rcfracfion 1fupu# tbe sr&e ofthe eartb both ederlr ad iderlx sigmts combine to a certain exted, rsrhing in imerferere. vvayepr,opagation unwanted omponents of tb eMb Rejection of tk within the interior of the earth can be established tbrough tbe use of a sepffiate reftrere arial stnrctrxe, that is a rejectbn aerial. The inherent band pass characteristics of the adema and networt subsystems can be also applied to tbe rejection of rmwaded signals and iderference. Rejection filter stnrctues can be incorporated into the 'nit amplifier sub. systems for the elimination of manmade signals that give rise to interference effects inthe telluric utave systemThe rejction aerial constitutes a zuFsystem of a general system of telhnic wave transmissbn or rece,ptbn- The rejection aerial zub-'systemreprsents an electro.mgnetic structure operating in tbe dimension of velocity. The firnction of this rejwtbn aerial is to establish an electno-magneticfield of induction inthe fiee space surrouding th gaeral telluric system- Hereby the rejection arial engenderstbe interference ofnon telluric originThis rejectionaerial zubsy$em is compormded withthe arial stnrctrne of th antlnna zubsystem as a form of counterpoise. Physically the rejection aerial is located overthe arial structrre ofthe ade,nnainthe manner of an overhead ground plare. The rejection ariat serves as a reftrerce plane in tne compord aeriat-grord sfuucture. As with tb tellrnic arial structure the rejection aerial coosists of muhiple, loaded tammission pairs- This to propagde electric waves at exactly the loading is so proportiod veloctv of lieht in the same space as tbe coryormded aerial stnrcture.






Herg-tbe velocrty of light has a rmit value ad is considereda relative condition of rest with regard to tb telluric arial stnrcture. Ih fansmissbn pairs are confgured in such8.nrennef,. that the ,r1""tloo aerial establishes an externalelecbo-magnetic field of induction, tilr i" contradistinstion with the configurationof th telluric aerial, ";hi[ rejects an external electrro-magreticfield of iductbn Th rejection aerial is proportioned as en analog structure ambgous to td propagation of electro-magneticwaves in the dimembn o? vebcity, this numericallv equftnled to tbe velocity of tight(0 In conjunction with tb rejectionarial zub.system is a rejection iretwork zubsystem, together bnning a basic systenfor tb reje&on of electromagnetic interference.This basic rejection Elsem is ambgogs to the basie receptirm system a conjugateform- Both serve as analogsof a il given electric wave codition and serveas contraryanalogsof eachother. Tbe resultan condition is the subtraction of tb ilectro-magnetic interferencefrom the telhnic electric ways. The re!rctbn retwork sgb. system and the telluric networt zubsystem are coryormded.togetbr to produce a zubtractive process.This componnding is amtogous to tb compoundingof tbe rejation arial sub.system with tbe aaial-grognd or rmterunzub-system-


Directionel Cheracteristfos of the Antenna Sub-Sysfem (a) The telhric wave antenna zuh'systemand relrtion aerial subsystem rcspondto or emit electrfowavesin a directbnal rnnner. The rwptbn of or transmissiron of elctric waves can be directed to or fiom specific gographfoal airectlonq cthilc rei:cting ebctric waves fiom all other directions. In general, the telturic antenm zubsyste,m is directional brodslle to the axis ofthe rerial strucfirreurhile tbe rejectbn aerial suh. systemis dire*boal endfire to tbe ocis of tbe ffiial stnrcture.However, these axes of propagation can be altaed b'y adjusment of the aerial learling constan8-The two aerial stnrcfirs propagatein a perpedicular rnanner with rspect to each ofler since &eir propagationfrctors are conjugateanalogs. In telluric wave systemsset up for transmissinn or reception,to or fiom a specific directiorU a quadrafure pair of amial-ground srbsystems is utilired- Two system exis in a perpedicular crossingov,ra ceffial feed poid- This configuration allows for tbe direction of operation to be determined by the relative pbase difference between each system's retwork srbsysfems Hereby the coryound aerial-grouod shrrcture consistingofquadrature basicsystems can be directedby the retwork sub-, systems.The network zubsystemsof tbe pair of basic system can be with each other iffo a coryound or comrnonnetwork sub compounded system system-The directivify ofthis conrporrnd or oomplexaerial-ground




hereby is derived from an analog firnctbn residing in the corrrmon network zub.system(c)

For telhrric wave systms configuredfor the transmissionor recqrtion of electric waves to or from a specific geographicallocation tb quadrature coryound systems arectablished in quadranregroupsof fourr in a sp"c" quadrature onfiguration Hereby forn distinct quadratrre "oryouna sys*9rns exist in a geograpbiel squareof qrtent exceeding the waveiength of the telluric elechic wav{finvolved. The spcific geographical location is resohred within the rebtive phase ditrerence existing befireen tbe netw'ork sub.systemsof each individual quadratureompound system. Thesemftiple netqrork can be rmitd imo a masterretuork sub-systemTb geographicallacatbn of this mas*ersvstem is hereby derived frrom an amlog function rsiding in the masilernetwork sub E6tem- This mastersy$em can be adaFd to fu dsterminatbn of the location of specific geographicaleverts tbat prodrre telhric electric waves. The master network subsystem serves as a resolrrcr for the indicatbn or display of a qrocific wave originating at a spwific geographicallocdion Such applicatbn is Advanced Seisnic Vr/arning 4"F SystemsPIanpositbn idicating devices(P.PJ.) are inmrporatedido the masternetwork $nrctura Each subsystemoftbe genera[ mrylex systemfor the trammissionand receSionoftelluric electricwarrcsservesasan ambg firnction Eachsubsystemservesas a direct or oqiugate amlog of each other zubsystemEach systemservesas a dirwt or co4iugateam.logof eachother system, the masterqnstem senrcsas a specificor gereral analogoftellrric electric waves. The mster system thrls s2y serve as an archetSipe of telhrric



Telluric VYave Systems for Specific Applications (a)

and reception fte principal applicdlm of tbe systmfor the transrnission is tbe derrcbpmetrof Adtmce SeismicWaning, oftelluric ehctric vuaves of A.S.W. Telluric wave qctems also nsy be devebpodfortbe broadcast rnulfiple developed rcoetrion bc*ions or rmy be telluric ebctrb wavcsto to connmmicde or transpod, with corytiredary systemsat specific geographicallocatbm" Any wavebrm can be deveb1ledby a telhric wave systemconsistemwfth tbo arch*:rpe oftelftdc electrb rraves.This is limited only by the maximum degre of responsepossible with the tbt formtbe telftrric wavesystemsphysicalstnrcturs Mvance Seismic Warning is one special condition of the general archetlpe. [a this application of teltnic wave reception an array of reception points are positioned around the specific geographic area


t groupsof3 in Scottwrfiguration



producingelectricwavesrelafing to rcimic activities. Tb electric \raves producedin an advarcetime interval relatmgto a seismicevent are of a specific,distinct warrfrrm- This distinct tpalefrrmcan be oetecteo,apart from the generalvariety of telluric cignalproducedwithin the interioi of the earth-Thb discrimimim of seimic sigrqrs fiom tb generalactivity is effeaed by the retwort subsystem of tb ooryornd compkx systems described. In this application tbe netrrork serves as a disiminator isolating tbe putlxrhr warefrrm and dirwtiry these to the recording, indicdiry or tradrcing devices.

The above systemapplied to Adnansc seiffiic wening is describedin part by (2) (c). Muftiple systemsof rybn are odgrxod to piryoint the specific tocain of m imperding *imic eved. For the applications of broe$ing orrmrmicatln or gmal receptbn a configuration of zub-systems, basic systems,componnd systemsor compound complex systerns can bedeveloped.



m (1) Intruduction (a)

GeneralTheory of Telluric Ehctric Wave Transmissionend Reception

Tbe @im d transmissimoftelhrric electrb ruaves employsmethods rmlike those found in conveffbml electno-mgnctfo, principlss and wa1'e system. Electrb wave popagation wi&in the iderbr of the earth is of a cbarrcts r''nch diftsem rhnntbat propagdftrnin the ryace enteriorto th solid rna*s of tbe earth. Tbc ryace within tbe mss of tbe earth is complicated by varbus degrees of rrsgrrtic permeatillty, dbletric permittivity, mducfivity and resistivity, all tbse of rl3rbgs rugnrhrdes for vabus dircctitrc- Furthris the pilreseNre of significar* statfumagnetic ad staticdbhctb fietdsofiduction With convedioml electro-magneticsftrmres tbc finciphs of wave qtrion ac oquivulc,mto tbc 1rircblcs of waw tranmissbq this is known s tb law of rcipecity- In pct rhb law csn lE rylied to the rmriousnrbqmemthat brmtbc tclhrb waw s,ystsmll" Ilowver, tain antenm configuratbm deart f,om the recipocity law in thd the prCIpsgatbn frctor 6r rcqtlm mrs* lag in phasebehid the elec'triclvave to be reeivs4 wh$e e tb proeaslon &ctor fr trmisslm mrrst bad in ptns aH of the ebctrb wave to bc trminedThis situatbn is For a gfircn analogousto the aeerdiog cund indrctin mnina frequency in rdiaos per sec. of ektrb excittim to tbe ftld of the inductim machire tre fie$rscy in mdies pc secondof rotdion must falt behind tb excitatbn fiequemy for the infrrction rrschine to receirrc energyas a mtor- Cowersely the ftoqutry of rotdirn mt$fi push ahead ofthe excitationfrequercy for th inductionmachire to tranmit erFrgy as a gelrcmtor.In this situationthe angular fieqrrcncyof excitdbn is of rmit a relative condition of 1qBtThe angu\figguency of value or represeNrts positivb or regatfue rotdion bs a relative negdive or lnsitive, Sqfor tb sittde4 is tra sre. Th power flow respectively.For th anterm .alpdry for tm'rynit, this lagging velocity for receive and tb bading qbctric the of tramission in medfirm wave the th vebcity of relative to or recepion An importet condition for tbe hansmissbn and receptbn qf telhrb is a single wire or rnipolar conretion to the solid gss of electrirc.waves the earth. Elecho-magnotictransmissionand receptionrequires a iryhi' It is requfo,red polar or muftiple wire connection,two wip being Qplrnrrron' s#system be self refere,ncing, bt tdt*i" o,at'eoperationtht tre @a nrbsystem mt require grounding in the usual sense' that is the ante,lrna sincegfoud is now an active terminal There canbe no secod wire since





thereis nothing to connect it to. Hence, tbe needfor a singlewire or unipolarantenna characteristic.

In the transnission nnd reception oftelltrric electric $raves two departures exist with regard to tb transmissbn and receptbn of electro-magnetic waves: l) The law of reciprocity is not applicable to tlrc transfer of energy betweenthe telluric wave ad the antenm subsystemTho bomdary coditbn or circuit law is not applicable to the connectbnofthe antenna to tbe solid mss oftb earth-



Such electriel conditbnq orpe sonrmn in early wireless derrclopment, have become largely uaknown Two principl systems emerged fu6 ttis frr telhnic electric u/ave ryplicatircns: era having tbe proper c,hrderisbs l) 2) The oscillationtransformer as developd byNikolaTeslq 1900

The nqrltipl loded r-rial as derrcbped by Ernst Abxaderson, 1919


The Oscilhtion Transformer


The fu developred inthe wirelesstrammissionof electric waveswas a telhnic system based upon th application of an affenna srbsystem known asthe oscillationtansformer. This transforrer is a singlewinding coupled nagnetlcatty to an external resomnt sf,ructure-Trmsformer a constantcrrrerlt or ballast tramformer. The single op.tafioo resembles tht ofa simplereattancg *i"ai"g oftbe oscilhtbntransforrer resembles erergy in and aommunicating frr exists only a single lead coi! ho-wever, The conmtionorf of this coil stroctne. It is a singte wire, uni-polar secondlead of the coil is only conn*ted to a small free spaceelectrrostatic condenserIn tb olrr*iron of tbe osillation transformerthe widing is not a simple ,*t dr coil and magnetic field of indrrctbn- The dielestric field of the ioa,r"tioo now phys u" i-pottum role, as errcrgy now resides in In dielectric field in additbn io erergy rsiding b the rnagneticfield' Uetweel evenly divides oscillation tramforrer operationthe total energy s'perposition of G *rg*ric field "gl A6f"rttl" field of ind'ction The waves' The these two fields of iduction give rise to complex electric guide strucfure, oscillation transforrer winding, thus operatesas a wave tbe exchange of magnetic and ;t"h, rise to electric *u"o through dielectric energy.





C-orylex electrb st 'rling wavs exist on the oscillation trmsformer winding dlring its rwmnt excharye of eoerg5r betc,eenthe trc fields. Tk standingtmves producea @se diryhcement h tbe time cycle of energy exchaqge and in length abng fu winding structure. The displacementsexisf, as a hyste,resis cyclg diselefug -\e cause-effect relrtbmhip- This rcgrfrs in tb trarefrrms winding opeding as a uni-, polar systemThe resonantsfructrue@up'led to the ossilh*ion transforner winding is a simrrfu magneti, r#nce aoil in a resomnt relatbn with a simple electrostdic condenser.This cirsrrit is proportiored to hve minimal dissipatfircbsses, rhnf is it hs a hge rregnificatlla factor- This circuit proviksthetr*o wire mmestkmforthe srylyor akactim ofenergyto orfromtbeoscillatbntransformerwindingandits conretionto the earttl In ooairffibn withthc coqpbd resomd cftcuit tbe oscilldi<rntrmsforrer winding ser\res s a phse ffirm. This pha* trms&rm*lm povitles the basis convembn fiom a mrhi-phas to a rmiphase corrrectbn This proviles thc *ingb wire oonnoctfun for thc t{hrn: ebctriul rrarrcs, hansfoming this b tb m'hble wire conffiim to a ffinlo* srbsystemTb corybx elLtrb wa\rcpro&rcea bt fu rsnad cbctrb ficHs of the winding is anabgous to tbse elec'tric waves, o*illdion ffirm srtich xi$f within the iucrftx of tb trth. This corylex electric wave in tbe winding is tb resrhad of the sryerposltion of trasvcr$ eklric waves of a rycific wbcity qrxl of bryitudinal waves of a specific within tb electric counter-veloclty.This pair of electric vutrves 1nopagtre field oftb winding; This winding can be proportbnedto be attunedto the corylex electric wave propagBtionwithin th interior of th eartb. The widing becore an analogofth specifictelluric wavesto betransmitted or received. The transient inpulses prodrrcorlby tb oscillation transformer are of analogous form to tb trmsietr iryulss resrhing from telhric wave tb oscillation tramformer propagdion within the eartb- In this mpnnetr respondsas doesthe network srbsystem previously described-The high and low passfimctions are a direct resuft of transforrer actions.Hereby tfueoscillation trambrmer servesasth network zubsystemin addilion to serving as the adenm zubsysten Thus the oscillatbn transformer in itself $orvcnas a system for the trarsmission and reception of telluric electric wa\res. The principal drawbackin the appticationoftk oscillation transfornpr to telluric waves is tb imbility to reqpod to a wide range of signal its @uencies. Also is the lack of directivity in the sPatialdistribution of








rsponse. Thus in the applicationof tb oscilhtbn hansfrrmer to telluric wavesit cnn be pnoportbnedto respondonly to telhnic wavesof a single frequency and irs reldd hmnic stnrfinle, th b to oc ryecific trnsid ekctrfo wuve brm. Trmform rtsponn is to elhric waves ftom all Aructlrr, it hving m directirml chracter- 1tris limirs the use of tb orcilhirn trruform to spocift comrnrnicatbn or brroadcast, fiurtions and rhrrs Fohibits its usp for bnoadbandor genemlired transmission or rcptbn frmctions (3) Thc Mrltiplc Loodcd Aeriel (a) Folbwing tbe derebpment of '\e oscilhbn trdormer walr its to fu E/rsm of wircbss trailmissbn &rrcbped by rylicatbn Gr4lielm lv{smi (1910).Drdng its initial derelopmcmbyNfto}a Tesla tb wave guid d rmipohr propertiesoftbe osillatinn trmsfrrmer were not fully rderstood- Tesla rcpearcA$attem$ed to force tk winding to operate as a simple magnetic ractance coil. The importarce of the dielectric field of tk winding and its complex relation to the magnetic field were to be missedby Tesla and his conteryoraries This situation would be firtber coryounded by tbe efforts ofldarconi. The applicatircnof th oscillation transformer to tb transmissionand prrotection by Nftola Teslareceptlonof telluic waveswas rmder pateNrt For ldarconi to proced with his wirless developmetr, significant ofNftola Teslathe had to be made.In tb telhrric wave system aherations orcilldion tralrsfrrm abne snred sl tbe basic system for the transmission or recqtion of electric waves. lvtarconi wouH make in order to securea wirelessFteut to tb Teslasyste,m important changes of his own The basic modificdion was tbe er$lere enlargementof the trmsformer electro-$dic capacity of tbe fiee terminal of tb oscilldion "Flaf Top", of tb lv{arconi as structurebrvn winding. An aeriat-grcrmd oscillation to tlle extent,was comectedas a basiccondenser considerable aerial-ground tais sf capacity elech-stdic Tb uriding. transformer windingtransfurmer o*illation structqre gredly eicoa"a that of tb to oscillationtransfurmerwasreduced tlat of a Ilereby tre ft *tloooftb with tbe widing basic magretic reactarcecoil Now unableto resonate as a phase operde to ability dielectric- fiel4 tk winding lo$ tbe as a di-polr ortwo wire system. transformer.It mw operates Tbe aerial portion of the lvlarconi Flat Top was positiond over a similar structure in tlE ground- Th length of this aerial-groundV"t"T 1"" several times t*go than the width, this forming a lmge stripline trammission sEu;rc. Thus the aerial-growd stnrchre is a electrically transmissionline. Within the electroshort section of electro-magnetic magnetic field of this section of line, a vry large reactive power flow





exis8 thb in an oscillitory energr excbarye with the hansformer. Tb coil and aerial-grormd $nptrre reduce to a basic remmnt circgit. Tb power '\is flow in circrdt oontrihses tinb to tb ability of tte Flat Top to transmit or receive electric waves- Tb Flat Top derives its ability to transmit orreceive principally fr,om it eurternal dbbctrfo fieH of induction Tb hg ofphse abry the bryth ofthe Fht Top poduces a srrsil portion of exterml ebcfio.mgretb activity qnd resrhing uaves. Herce, the ldarconi Flat Top rerial-ground sysfem is an ineffectivc stnrchre for both electr,o-mgnetic and telluric ebctrb waves. (d) The hge rffivE porer fuw witbin the confned prtbn of 'te F}at Top represents a useless or parasitic power fuw. Its badiry r4nn the oscillationtransformer rders the winding a rcactange coil Thercbre, the confu ebcto-mgnefb fieH of inerctin inhibits the operdbn of this aerial-groud system in tbe tnansmission or rerytbn of telhric ehctric waves. While Itfrooni resorted to simple teminat inopedance metbods to rninirni-c the efrcfs of &is rdive powrr flo% the basic situatbn remained mchnged- Ernst Ab:randersoq urtib erybyed by thc Gemal Electric Coryany and tbe U.S. Narly (1919), &rdoped a sbnificnnt advancemed in fhe Fh Top qgem- This devebpd becare tbe Alexaodermn mrhbb badcd aerial Thb aerialgrormd syste,m finds important applicatiom to the transmissirm md rcoeption oftelhnic electric waves. of the tviarconi Fld Top. Thc Abxandermn systcn is a diret d4bn Thc basic ademal gpoffiy b rmhnge& However, tbe arial and the groud ehmeffs of the sfiipline onfigrnatlm are sedirmlired ido a sies of sb-ccctirn ekmerila Iradiry ebmeffs ae insertd in the trmsitbns bclnrm slrb,sectbn ehmeG The Alexaoderson principle utilized this sqrrdial bading to cand or nerilralize thc rcactirc electlomagntic pows fuw of tbe Ftat Top q$em- The rflrh is the aerisl$nlcfirre, with the gfound sys*em becores a non electre'mgpetb dirembns ofvebcity and rvaveleryth bemning undefu. The Alexaderson system is no longer the simple stripline of lv{arconi, tnrt has become a corylex system of aftermte, sequential sections of transmission and bading sfrucfurm. This configuratbn is anabgous to a loaded long disf,ance telepbne liqg. The Alexanderson system has rendered th stripline of lvlarconip wav+guide tlpe stnrctwe. The superposition of tb magnetic fieH ihd th dielectric field in this waveelectric waves as with the oscillation g"iat give rise to orylex ttunsfotrer of Tesh- Hereby the Alexaderson system embles telhuic wave transmission ad recePtion







The basic oscillation transforrer widing exists in muftipb with tbe Alqraodsson system, "ach being mnreted at @h of tbe quedial loading swtbns, Tk wfudings now operde unhamFercd by reacive pou/r flow. operdlrn of tk phasetramfrrmer wtdings in muhiple alhws br dirgboal operdbn, tmtike a siryle unit. rn additioq in coqiunctionwithtb bading elemntq the windingsia rnultiple allows for a band pass chracteristfo to be esfiablishodHseby tb Alexanderson muftipte badcd acrial-groud syste,m ovensom the principal limitations of t.}reoscillatbn tramftrmer systemof Tela tbe lack of directivity and baodwidth-


Dwebpment of the Akrender:son System br the noprgrtiot of Tellnric Tgrves


The basic Alep&son Er$m can be derebped fireer 6r a@ftm to tb propagatbn of telhnic wav,6" Afexandermn wouH folbw tb path that Itdroni 6lbu,Ed ftom the Tcsb Erscm. Thc Alundermn E/stcm was operatedas a di-'pok onfi$Edftm 6r tb pmrygdin of ebcfromagneticwaves"This H b the cminctim of tbc Ahxandenon qgcm as well asthe systems fi,omufibh it dercbpcd- Adveing the Alerranderson comcpt oE saq, rhea4 srbib retainiry thc origiml unipolar oonceg of to tb Tesla,resuhsin an aerial-groundsrbqn*em ofpcrftct *Ptlllty transmisslmmd rccesion oftelhnic runvesIn tbe lalou of tb Ahonderson $yscm rpon rlgt of ltdrconi, the er&ed pctiut of --:e sJrstm basicallyrcmrid unchnged This portion continrpd to operd as a singh grordcd condrrtor r'r*r thc aerial exist phs or potedial diffenences portbn of tb sJrstmNo signifu along tle continuous eartH portion of tb Alexandersn systen Therefure, no eletric waves can exist abng this lng$hof grorded codrrctor. This eartbed portbn of the aerial-gromd system acts as a smgle gfound electnodead can propagatetelluric uaves only in the manner of a single point source,as with the Tesla systen lluring the period of history during which tb Alexaderson systemexiste4 it was consideredas a qtstem for tbe propagdion of electro-mgretic waves. This related to tbe vertical coduc'tors rising fiom tbe gormded loading sectionsto the aerial structureabove.The ekctrb current related to this conductor gives rise to the propagdion of electro-magneticwaves. the energ;rof tbesewaves exists as a small portion of the total Howevetr, electric wave pfCIIlagationof the Alexandsson aerial-grord systemuderstood that tbe Flat Top Alexandersonas well as lvlarconi engineers aerial and its adaptationby Alexandersonoperatedas 8n antennafor the of electro-static. rdher than elecho-mgnetic u/aves' propgation -fn"trf"n", the Alexanderson aerial operates as a system for the transmission and reception of dielectric waves tbrough its external




dfutectrfo foH- Partof this dielstrb field of iduction is directedby the

earthed ground stnrcfine imo tbe interior oftb earth. This induction gives rise to the propagdim of telhrric tviayes is a rnanner similar to that of Tesla(c) The Alexanderson uial-ground system is an adnmcemem rryon the lvlarconi system. The Itdarooni syste.ln is an adagation of tbe Tesla

oscilldbn trarebrm E/stem- ftg nntnrn srtr,system of tbc basic systcm br t$e Fopagdbn of tcthric wrues rcgcscm m advarcut upon tbe sys0emof Tesla, this len.kingdirctiyity md bandrvidth ad reprscntsm dvanoemcd rryon thc sysfien of lvfsoni/Abrrandersoq u,hifi primeity propaged *ar^es extcrlx to thc rrrqss of tbc artb- The afinffi rym tbe Aboodcrson EFem is thc eliminatbn of the e*erml pr,opagdbn of elec*rb ryaves, Advamffi oeders rryon tb eathed portion of tb aerial-gmuud qdcm. Unlike th; Ale:randerson configur*in bdiry is divltpd in alalaqegd frSbn bctum both tbe aerialand wthed putbns of tb Erutcrn.Ilcrby corykx chctrb waves within tbe itrerbr of the sth can be &vcbped- Tbe ehments of tk eartH putbn sf thie systemopcnar cach in@enfu of the otler with no ider-mmccfino. Ed clemcd comists of a vertical sectbn projecting within tbe mss of the etrth. The ertbod portbn of tbc uial-ground along the $nrcfimeexists as a sequedbl row of vcrtbal carthedebM aerial aris. No longer is tbe eatH portbn of the layout in th Flat Top configuration(d)

as a loadedsection The arial portion of tbe aerial-groundstructrre serves to the individual bading of traosmissionline, providing energf e:rchange elements.This arial configurationremainsas sectionsand rehted earthed with Alexandersonsystems.Howevetr,the udivided gfound portion of dsign now exists as an arial cormterlnise above ffi the baded aerial portion of th anterm-grcrmd system-I{ence, the Flat Top hasbecomeinverte4 with the gxouwlportion abovethe arial portion of tbe systenl Th upper Flat Top configurdion servesto nersralire the electric wave propagationin the spafr exterml to the mss of tbe artb This ner*ralizing ao;:rrlconfines the electric wave prolngdion of the antennazubsystem to the interior of the earth-Tbe acttnl Alexanderson aerial is reducedto a loadedtrammission line, rmbalancd withrespect to enists. anelevatedgroud phne. No extemalelecirb wave propagation sy$em is an analog systen Loading in its gelrcral A loadedtransnnission form is a sequentialseriesof ahernatesectioosof real transmissionline and of artificial tranmission line. The a*ificial lines are analog equivatentsof real propgation Hereby tb propagationon the aerial can nwith artificial be chosenat will tnottgh-th" interactionof real (imaginary) propagatioi- Tbe entire aerial becore an analognetwork of




ft:al and the earth(D

to acorylex wavepropgdbn within Frt$ aoalogous

Developmentof th tellurb vuave antelrm ceders rpon tbe offiol of the phaserehbn or bad-lag time elemem,abry +herow of verti:al eartH ebrreffs. The rcfloctln d thc grrfrcc of rh earth of 1fu sa*rrting and traveling telhric wayies within producc rycift images of phase displacememrpon tbe sr6ce of the etrdr. TM is, tbe telhrb waves derebp ryecific proir*sd thc $r6oe bordtry. An ambg of thesewaves is rcpoed by tb aerial portbn of the adeom md oonnectedwith th eartbedportbn to frcilitate the orcbrye of energr with trr real wave through its pro!rcfbn rryon tbe $r&oe of tb earth. Thc pbase dlsplacemm.s of tb individnl cartH ebmeffi ane now in mfuat rclation with tbe disptacemc,us oftb telhnic wane- Tbe dmibod affnna srbErutem is afirrcd to tb wave poeag$im within ths futcrbr of tk earthEbctric Wevcc.


Gcncnl Tloory of f-olpler


Any electric vsalve b the pro&d of the gteeryositionof a magneticfield of in&rc{ion end a dhbctric feld of inftrctbn Ths pair of fields each reprcsed the mragp of ohcilrfo Dcrgf within |te stnrdwe of the fiel4 of ehctric magretic or dblectrb. Ebctrb waves rnrlt fiomthe xchaogp fields of inductioo- The ,nergy betm dbhctric and nagsb displacementsof tk inductbns with rryect of pbase aod distance determines the character of the resultant electric wave. Corylex gftrcrise to corylex electrfowaves. displacements In commonuse are tbse electrb \taves thd popagate along the axis of a systemof two or uror electric conductors.In this form of electrb wave the mgnetic and dielectric fields are bothperpendicularto the anis of the system of elrctric conductors. Tbe magretic and dielectric fields are perpendicularto each otkr. Ilence, the mgretic and dielectric fields of of tbe resultant to the propagation induction travel broadsideor transverse proportion sf rnagnetic electric wave along tk electric conductors.The induction with respect to tbe portion of dielectric inductbn within an 'his form is a numerical constant. This constant is electric wave of the numerically quivalent to the velocrty sf light in tbe spacebetnreen electric conductors Also, it is a tranwerse electric wave, which propagdesas a velocity, this velocity equivalentto the veloctry of light in in" rp-36"betweenthe etectric conductors.This gorrmn form of electric wave (T.E.M.). The magnsfig elecho-magnetic wave is called a transverse and dielectrb ftlds arctrarsverse to wanepropagatbn A corrylimentary electric wave exists in quadratruewith tle mnsverse along tbe Where tbe transversewave propagates etectrolmagnetie-wave.





axis of fh ehctrb @n&lctorxl tb qrdrature \nave propagates perpendicular to th axis of ehtrfo conductors" Tbis coqiugde ebctric wave is in ryace quadratrre with the T-E-I\d. warfiein any ry:stemoftwo or more electrb oonductors- As with tbe TJJI{. !v:ave,rhis quadrdure wave is the proerct ofthe sryerposition oftbc mgne*ig field rrrt dielectric field of iductbn with th qudratrre electrb wave tbe pair of fields of induction are co-liner or bryihdinal to the directbn of ehctric wave pnDpqgdlrn- Ilsce, the rrngneric fiel4 dielectric field and electric wave pr,opagdion are all in ryc quadrduxe with the a:ris of the system of electric conductors- This qu*atrre electrfo wave is catld the lonmgitudinal megnetbdiebctric wave (t-h,LD.). The proportion of rnagne*ic idrctin to thc prroputirn of dietrectric iductbn is not numerfuatly oquivalem to thc rthcify of ligl4 nor is tbc dimensbn of propag*bn a vebcity- Thd is, thc bgitudinal electrb wave is mt of the dimensions of rmit le4th pcr rmit tirc, as was tbe trmsvqse electric waye. Wilh tbc bryindinal ehcrric wayie X[6 dirrensbn ofpropagatbn is tfrat of pa rmit brge pcr rmit tirc (Irer usit lcngfbtire)This propagdbn rre,y be called a corder-rrcbcit5r, rc|r'estiry popagdbn of eleLtrb waves though @unter-qrffi ofpa rmit hgtr-


Itr th gffial cas of tclhrfo ebctrfo vavs, the trarcvrse wave propagats firom a point of origin to disd locatllm thoryh spaoeof unit length ortr a perbd sf rmit tie Th bryitudiml wave propagdes within th magnetic and dielectrfo fields tbmselves, within tb poid of origfuf througb a oormterslnce of per unit hngfh over a period of per unit time. waves xist in a ooqiugdc rcbtftm to These two distirct frrm of ekb ebctrb wart propagates on a qstem oftwo each dher. Ikeby a orybx or rxlre eloctric codtrctors, with a real part, the T-Elv{. wave ad an image (imaginary) part, tb LM.D. waye- Tbir producf is a complex quantity in tbe dirension of space. Thus tbe telkric electric wave is a complex electric wave consisting of a radidion component G.E.I\'I-) and a (L.M.D.) in quadrattrre relation fietd of induction coqored


Earmonic Structure of Tranwerse end Longitudirel WaYeforms (a) In tbe propagation of tansnerse electro-magneticwaves a progressive phaselug "t delay results as the wave propagdesor$wad fiom its ongtq utoogth-propag6ing stnrcfire. This rsufts in an increasingphaseshift or time lag for increasing@uercy of energyexchnge- For finite, resonalrt systemJofelectrb codu"tors this phaselag is in rmit integal muhiplesof q-,rurt".cycle delays.Thesedelay frctors T*! in harmonicsof the cycle For example, of electric conductors. of "ortgy o"h-,g" within the system barmonic each progresses Fo, 3Fo, 5Fo, etc. as tbis hrmonic series becomesprogrtssive diminished in amplihrde.For examplg Ao, l/3 Ao' 1/5Ao, etc.




The hrnonis sries is cotrary for the mndilbn of longihdinal rnagnetor dielectric waves- In this case a pnogressivephase lad is proarcea as tbe wave propagates inurard fiom its origin, within tb popagatiry structure. This results in an phse shi* or tirne lag br decr,easing frequency of enerry For finite, resnde Esilem of ebcdric conductors the phase slrift b in 'mil differe6ial divisbns of qgarter cycle advanoes.These dvanoe frc0ors rsuft in th poductbn of harmonics of the c5rcle of eneqgr exchanga Tbffi harmonics exist as a series of divisions upon tb fundarrentat ftequency of energr exchange. For example, Fo, l/3 Fo, ll5 Fo, etc As this hmmonic serft:s pogresses the arylitude of *h barnonic is progressively diminished as with the T-E.I\{. rsa\r.Fore:raryle, Ao, lR Ao,l/5 Ao, etc. The generaliz,ed, complex elecbic wave is tbe srperpositbn of th time periods of T-E.lvL propagatbn aod ib coqiugate! the rime periods of L-I\trD- pmpagdiln The resIftant ekic wave is a omplex quantity in the domin of time, as well as tbe domin of space. Ulhr in the E)ace domain it is unit lsaglh for T.E M. and per unit bngth for L-Itd-D., it is in the time dornain rrnit t'qre for the T-E-I\d. and per rmil time fortbe L.lv{.D. pnoducfbn The mrylex electric wave is the with rcspect to brmnic product of a progressive harmnic series enrl of a degressive harmonic to prodrce a variet5r series. Herby tbe wave structuecanbe proportbd of electrical transient impulses with respect to time as well as space.




Part Two

(1) The Basic System (a) A basicsystemfor the propagation of elwtric waveswithin the interior of the earthffelluric waves). A basic system specifically proportioned to *e propag*bn, growth d decayoftelhrric waves. character of the


A basic system specifically proportbd to o&ibit a mrylex electric growth anddecayoftelluric sraves. waverelating to the pnopagatbn, (c) A basic systemconsistingof specific *rbsystems, tb spacedomain sub zubsystemandthe scalarsub-systemsysfem'tb time dormein subsystem,relating to the A basicsystemconsistingin part of an auteona dimensionof space. A basic sysfemconsi$ing in part of a networt zubsystem,rctrrtiry to the dimensionoftime. A basicsustemconsistiry in part of an amplifier mbsysteq relating to a scahr qtndity in the dimensiomoftire ad space. (d) $ructure. an aerial-ground subs.vstemAn antenoa An atrenm zubsystem having a ryatial digrih*bn sf muhiple points of contactwiththe physicalmassofth earttt. Anantenna zubsystemso derivedasto matchthe propagation,directional nnd phase,cbr.""to of the telluric lvaveswithin the physical massof the eartlL (e) A network zubsystem, a lumped network of electric components-A network zubsysteln bavinga i[put port and orilprt' Port, eachof a multiple configuration multiple phase condtrctor, time A retwork zubsystem, so derived as to mtch the @uency and periodsofthe telhric waveswithin tbe physicalmassof the earth




srbg6fiem, a dis*ributed or hm{'ed configuration An arylifier coryorents. or electronfo electrical An amplifier zubqr*em within tb antam or retwork srrbsystem-


An amplifier subsystem to effect tb attenuatbn or intensification of electric ruaves in tbeir passqgealong ot i616rrgh the antenna or network sub-systems. An amplifier zubsystem so derived as to match the generative or dissipative chracter ofthe telhnic waves within tb physical mass of the eartb-


A basic system comprising an antenm, retwork and arylifier strbsystem derived for tk prcpagation of telluric waves relating to a specific geographical location or respoding to a spcific geological event. A basic system as described configurd to match the geo-physical cbracter oftt" qpecific gogrryhical location to which it is imFlemented.


The Antenna Sub-System (a)

An adenna zubsystemso configuredas to matchthe prcpagationfrctors ofthe telftric waveswithin the ifferior of tbe eartba complex An antennazub'systeme>rhibiting dimensions. in two distinct


An antenna subsy$em with two distirct propagations' one in the dimensionof velocity aod amtkr in tk dimensionof couder-velocity' and fur antennazubsystem in which two distinct propag*ions, velocity result in a complexelectric urzve' courtter-velocrty through a An autenna zubsystem developing corylex electric waves with distribution of sequential*otttt p"i"O in electrical communication the physicalmassoftbe earthA n a d e n n a zu b systemdevelopingacomplexelectr icwaveupona having conductive ,"q,r*o ofaistritJed points of-contact,tbesecontacts massof tb earth. o,-*".,pti.t," "' totu "rori"'r rehtion to tb physical

hansmissionstructure An adenna subsystem in tbe form of a distrihrted derivedasan analogmmputing system' the serving as an analog stru{ure in analogy to An antennasub.sys'tem *itni" the interior of the earth' ;;p"g*t"n oftelluric waves




An antenna subsystem, which rejects tk elecho-magnetic waves.

tansmissbn or reception of

An antenna sub-system comprid of a multiple ot, loaded transmission pairs, rejecting electro-mgnetic waves and acce$ing telhnic waves. An antenna zubsy*em with an eilthe4 dishibuted array of somplex mutual admittanco as a refractive bordary betrreen tbe corylex electric wave propagatbn of the antenna ad the complex eldic wave propagdbn within th interior of the earth


The Network Sub-System (a)

A nefipo* st-s:rstcm so configud as b match the @uencies, drrratbns ord t' e periods in general, retding to tb telhrh tralr.sientwa\reswithin the iderbr ofth eartbA ffiwor* zub-sy*m e*ibiting a corybr< transf,ernmctlm, this the productof propagatimin trro dis*irct dimeasim'$ A network srbs5deq tbe Foduct of two distinct trasfer firrctions, one in tb diremion of unit time ad another in the dimension of per unit a low lnss furctbn ad high passfirnction rcspctively. time, representing A retwork zubsystemproducinga reultant elechicalhansientwaveform eachwith a distinct of a pair of electrical waveform.s, by the strperposition dimensionA network subsystem producing an elwtrical tramient waveform fiom the srperpositionof a low passfirrction and a high passfimction-



by the zuperpositionof a pair of artificial A retwork subsystemford transmissbn lines, ach artificial line srving as an analogto the velocity subsystem. or counter-vebcity, propagatbnofthe antenna by the zuperpositionof l pair of artifrcial A network-subsystemford transmissionlines servingas analogsof the velocity and counter-veloctty propagdbn of electricwaveswithin the interior ofthe eartbconfigured as a transientelectricwave filter ratkr A network zub-system electric wave filter' than a conventionalsteady-state A network strbsystemacting as an anatogto a specifictelluric transient waveform with tbe exclusbnlf all other telhnic transbnt waveforms'




The Amplifier Suh.System

(a) An aryIifier srbsystem so onfgured as to mdch tb scalar mngnitudeg oftbc growth and decay ofthe telluric waves within the eartb" An amplifier subsystem fonnd by the superpsitbn of positive and negative resistance and coductance elerents representiry t.hegrowth and decay of ebctric energ:f abng or though th autenna and network subsystems. An amplifier subr-'systemgivinga spcific intemificatbn of the magnr.tude of ehctrfo rflaates thowh the srperpositbn of a pair of factors repre*nting tb grounhordecay ofelctric nsgf. (c) An ampffis1 zub-system consisting of lu@ eleclrirnl 6nstad$ a part ofwhich exhibit qrnchronous pffimeter varlatlons, thus converting a part oftbe cnrgt' $magp oonstads imo energ5ridensification constants. An amplifier in rvhich the gourth and dmy of clecf,ric waves is derived fiom parmetric gnin or bss prodrred by luryd electrical consfrants. (d) An amplifier subsystem existing tkough negative and positive resistance and conductance elemenB within the badiq sub'sections of the antenna zub-systemAn amfrlifier zubsystem existing tbrough negative and positive resistarce and conductare elements within the lumped stnrctur of the network zub' systemAn arnplifier subsystem existing as unil gain stnrctues or rqreaters and unit los stnrctrres or afientrators d the transitions between the various zubsystems tb* mke trp the basic telluric wave system(e) An amplifier zubsystem of a distributed loding, lumped constmts or of unit form srving as artificial hansmission lines analogous to the gain or loss in propagation for velocity and counter-velocrty waves along tbir travel through space and counter-spaceAn amplifrer subsystem, of any form describe{ consisting of the gain ad loss serving as an analog sup.rpoiitioo of artificial of th" p.opagation gain and loss of the telluric waves within the interior of the eartlr-





fortile Rejection of Non Telluric Signals Brsic System

(a) (b) A hsic systemfor tb rejectionof electro-rrngreticwavesexternalto the physicalms.s oftk eartbA hsic system, a rejection systeq specificalty proportbned to the propagdbn ofwaves ofa non telkrric formA rejection system proportioned to exhibit electro-magretic wave propagation (c) A basic system, a rertctbn system,comprising an aerial subsystem, a network zubsystem ad an amplifier subsystemrepresentingthe space, time ad scalardimembns respectivelyantenna An aerial subsystem,an electro-magnetic An aerial subsystem so derived as to mdch the propagation,directional iderference externalto of tle electrro-magnetic and phasecharacteristics the physicalmassofthe earth (d) A network subsystem,a hrmpednetwork with an input port and an o$put confignation porf eachofamuhiple conductorandphase A network zubsystem so derived as to match tb frequency and time periods of tbe electno-mgretic interGrencein the spaceexternal to the p\aical massoftk eartb" (e) An amptifier subsystem, a distributd or lumped configuration of ebtrfoal or ekonic coryonentszubsystems. within tle aerial or netrrysrk An arnplifier zub.system or intensificationof the An amplifier zubsystemto effect the attenuation iot".f.t"oo in its pasmgealong or tbrotgh the aerial or electro]magnetie network subsYstemsAnamnlifierzubsystemsoderivedastomdchthegenerativeor interferenceexternal to the a**ipuii"" characterof the electro-magnetic massofthe earth' PhYsical




The Aeriel Suh.System

(a) An aerial srbsystem exhibiting a corylex propagation in two distinct dimensionsAn arial srbsystem having a pair of pnropgations, ore in th dimension ofvebcity and amths in tbe dimensbn ofcounter-velocrty. An aerial sub-system in which two distirct propagations, velocity and cormter-vebcity, resilh in a simple elechfo vvave dimensionally and numerixlly quiyalem to the velocity sf light in fiee space. An aerial sub-system developing an electro-magnetic field in th external to the basic system for propagation oftelhrric \ilaves(b) space

An dial srb'system in tbe form of a distritnrted transmission structure derid as an analog coryrsing systen An aerial zub-system serving as an amlog structure in analory to the ofelctno-mgnetic waves erderior to tbe physical mass ofthe eartb-


An aerial zub'system which rejects tb telluric u/aves.

transmission ad

reception of

An aerial sbrystem ooryrisd ofa muft'pb of loaH trromission pairs, rejecting telluric \ila\Es ad accepting ekctro'magnefb wa'nes in tbe space exterml to the phjtslcal mm oftbe earth

Directional Antenna and Aerial Sub-System Confgurations (a)

An antennasrbsystem so derivedto reryondto or direct to telluric waves direction, urtile excludmgtellrric waves from of a specific geographical directions. all othr geographical A mrrylex antennasrbsystem consistiry of a ryace quadraturepair of sub-systems. basicantenna A corylex mtenna zubsystem of a coffiolled directional characterto direct or respondto a specific variety of directions' while excluding all other directionsintb propagationoftelluric waves' A complex antenna subsystem so derived as to determine the direction of telluric waves. geograpbical





A compoundantenna comprisedof a muftiple of directable complex antenna subsys&ems,spaced at distarc greater tlran t.he physicalwavelength ofthe telhnic waves. A coryound antennaxrb.qlstem coryrised of a muftiple of complex antenna subsystems arranged in a spaced quadratrfie geographical configuratbnA coqnund etcnna subsystemdri\,dto rcryond to or direct telluric wavesto or from a specific gographfr:al locatbq qrhik exchding telluric wavesfrom all otber gographi:al bcatbns A coryord adennfl zubg7:stem drircd so as b defermineth specific geographical ongin of telluric wav6.


A ooryormd dana srbsystem coryrised of a muftiple of analog antmasubsystems. , derivedas an analogsystem, A compoundantennasub-system of analog zubsystems, sendng as an analogy to tk telluric wave propagationcharacteristicof the geophysicalextent of the physical mass ofthe earth mtenna zubsystemderived as an analogsystem,analogous A compormd to the interior of the earth, as a propag*ion medirm for telhric electric waves.


A coryhx systems.

retqnrk srbsy$em coryrised of a pair of network sub

A cornplex network subsystem derived from the superpositionof a conjugate pair of retwork sub-systemq zuperposedto e$ablish a zubsystems. pair of antenna directioml charactertotb rehted


A complex network sub-systemanalogousto a mmplex antennazub' systemA complex network subsystem consisting of a quad of artificial transmissionlines, eachserrtingas an analogto the propagdion frctors of zub-sYsten the corylex antenna of a pair of A corylex network subsystemderivedfiom the zuperposition "o-pl& artificial transmissionstructrneqe#h stnrctgrethe zuperposition of a pair of analogsto plopgation of tbe dimensionsof velocity and countervelocitY,respectively.




A master networksub-system comprised of a quadof corylex network zubsystems.

A master network sub-system derived tom tk zuperpositbn of multiple network sub-systemsofa quad ofdirectable basic systems. A master retrvork zuFsystem derived fiom tbe directbnal cbaracter of a srrperposd gd of dirctbnal orylex systerns. A master retwork zubsystem serving as an analog of th directivity ofa quad ofcomplex sy$ems. master

A master retwork subsystem serving as all enabg of a spwific googrryhi:al bcatbn as detsmid by the master antelun zubsystem. (h) A master system, comprised of a master antenm subsystem, a master amplifier subsystemretrrork subsystem and a mas&er



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