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OF A.H.M. Khurshid Alam: Curriculum Vitae

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CAREER OBJECTIVE To build up career in Teaching and Research sector in any reputed University of the World. PRESENT STATUS Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi !"#$, %angladesh. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS &. Pharm. '(() *ompleted one year &. Pharm. course from the Department of Pharmacy, +aculty of ,cience, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, %angladesh in '(() -e.amination held in "###, due to session jam/. ,ecured first class -,econd position/ 0ith !1.223 mar4s. 5dvanced Pharmaceutical 5nalysis, &edicinal *hemistry, Pharmacology and To.icology, 5dvanced Pharmaceutical Technology and *osmetology and Pharmaceutics. 5ntishigella activity of Hemigraphis hirta T. 5nders and Achyranthes ferruginea Ro.b. Dr. &d. 6olam ,adi4, 5ssociate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Rajshahi, %angladesh. 7 mail8 gsadi4"9yahoo.com. E !lis" *ompleted three years %. Pharm. -;ons./ course from the Department of Pharmacy, +aculty of ,cience, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, %angladesh in '((! -e.amination held in '((1, due to session jam/. ,ecured first class -fourth position/ 0ith !#.(23 mar4s. :norganic, <rganic Physical Pharmaceutical *hemistry, Pharmacognosy, Physiology and %iochemistry, Pharmaceutical &icrobiology, ,tatistics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical 5nalysis and =uality *ontrol, &edicinal *hemistry, :ndustrial and ;ospital Pharmacy, Pharmaco4inetics and %iopharmaceutics. E !lis" Passed t0o years ;igher ,econdary *ertificate -;.,.*./ e.amination from %agher Para Degree *ollege, >essore, %angladesh in '((". <btained 'st division 0ith !1.23 mar4s. %engali -Language and Literature/, 7nglish -Language and Literature/, Physics, *hemistry, &athematics and %iology -%otany and ?oology/. Passed ten years ,econdary ,chool *ertificate -,.,.*./ e.amination from %agher Para Pilot ;igh ,chool, >essore, %angladesh in '((#. <btained 'st division 0ith !1.$3 mar4s. %engali -Language and Literature/, 7nglish -Language and Literature/, 6eneral ,cience, &athematics -6eneral and ;igher/, 6eography and %oo4 4eeping.

,ubject studied Thesis Title Thesis ,upervisor &edium of :nstruction %. Pharm. '((!

,ubject studied

&edium of :nstruction ;.,.*. '((" ,ubject studied ,.,.*. '((# ,ubject studied

RESEARCH E#PERIENCE *ompleted t0o years research 0or4 on Phytochemistry entitle 5ntishigella activity of Hemigraphis hirta T. 5nders and Achyranthes ferruginea Ro.b. and submitted a dissertation in partial fulfillment of the re@uirements for the degree of &. Pharm. to the department of Pharmacy, University of Rajshahi. Ao0 : am doing my research on e.perimental animal models of human autoimmune disease, Rheumatoid 5rthritis -R5/.

$ORK DONE ON THE RESEARCH PERIOD '. 7.traction of 0hole plants of Hemigraphis hirta T. 5nders and Achyranthes ferruginea Ro.b. by rectified spirit 0ith the help of hot and cold e.traction methods respectively. ". +ractionation of the crude e.tract using petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol. 2. :solation and purification of compounds using column chromatography, TL*, PTL* B. ,tructure elucidation of the isolated compounds 0ith the help of UC, :R, A&R and &ass ,pectroscopy. $. <bservation of in vitro antishigella and other antimicrobial activity of crude e.tracts, fractions and pure compounds 0ith standard one using disc diffusion assay method. !. Determination of &inimum :nhibitory *oncentration -&:*/ of pure compounds and fractions. ). %rine shrimp lethality bioassay and determination of L* $# value of various fractions and pure compounds. 1. <bservation of subacute to.icity of pure compounds and crude e.tract in rat. ACHIEVEMENT OF RESEARCH +our compounds 0ere isolated, of 0hich one is A trans feruloyl B methyl dopamine isolated from Achyranthes ferruginea. 5lthough the compound A trans feruloyl B methyl dopamine is a 4no0n natural product but this is the first report of its occurrence from the 5maranthaceae family and second report from the plant source. The remaining three compounds 0ere 4no0n, designated as s@ualene, lupeol and sitosterol D glucoside. The compound, N-trans feruloyl B methyldopamine sho0ed good antibacterial activity. %iochemical parameters sho0ed normal on subacute studies on rats 0ith the compounds and fractions.

TRAININ% OBTAINED T0o 0ee4s in plant training in D,@uare Pharmaceutical LimitedE a leading chemical and pharmaceutical industry in %angladesh. During this period : observed manufacturing as 0ell as @uality control operation of tablets, capsules, li@uid and sterile preparations. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS &. Fama4i, G, Ala'( AHMK, ;ossain, &5, Taneda, ,, Fanagisa0a, R, Ta4ano, ; and Foshino, ,. 7ffect of Rolipram, a Phosphodiesterase :C :nhibitor, on 5llergic +ootpad ,0elling using Carious 5djuvants in &ice. Scand. J. Immunol. "##$, !"-B/8 2)1 1B. A)stract* We studied the effect of rolipram, a phosphodiesterase -PD7/ :C inhibitor, on allergic footpad s0elling in mice. +or this study, varying adjuvants including complete +reundHs adjuvant -*+5/, incomplete +reundHs adjuvant -:+5/ and :mject 5lum -5lum/ 0ere used because the e.tent of antigen specifically induced T helper type ' -Th'/ and Th" responses had been sho0n to depend on adjuvants used. To induce allergic footpad s0elling, 0e immuniIed mice 0ith ovalbumin -<C5/ emulsified in either *+5 or :+5, dissolved in 5lum or in phosphate buffered saline -P%,/ as a control -day #/, follo0ed by subcutaneous injection of the antigen into footpads on day "'. Rolipram 0as given orally to the animals daily from days # "#. Results sho0ed that treatment 0ith rolipram 0as follo0ed by an increase in early s0elling at #.$ h and a decrease in late s0elling at ! and "B h in the *+5 group. :n the :+5 group, rolipram significantly enhanced s0elling at, but not after, 2# min. :n the 5lum and the P%, groups, the PD7 inhibitor failed to affect the <C5 specific footpad reaction at all times e.amined. Treatment of the *+5 and :+5 groups 0ith rolipram significantly inhibited the production of the Th' antibody anti <C5 immunoglobulin 6"a -:g6"a/, and the drug enhanced Th" cell dependent anti <C5 :g7 production. :n both groups, rolipram also enhanced the secretion of Th" cyto4ines including interleu4in B -:L B/ and :L '#. These findings suggest that rolipram may facilitate early allergic footpad s0elling mediated by Th" immune responses, 0hile the late phase of s0elling associated 0ith Th' responses may be attenuated by the PD7:Cinhibitor.

+. Rahman, &.&., Lopa, ,.,., ,adi4,6., , Rashid, &.;., :slam, R., Ghond4ar, P., Ala'( A.H.M.K and Rashid, &. 5. 5ntimicrobial and cytoto.ic compounds from the bar4 of Cananga odorata. FitoterapiaJ "##$, )!8)$1 )!'. A)stract* O methylmoschatoline, liriodenine and 2,B dihydro.ybenIoic acid isolated from the bar4s of Cananga odorata sho0ed significant antibacterial activities against a number of 6ram -K/ and 6ram - / bacteria. ,. ,alam, G.5.( ;ossain, 5.G.&.&., Ala'( A.H.M.K., Pervin, +. and 5bsar, A.5. *omparative 5nalysis on Physico chemical *haracteristics of <il 7.tracted from ,i. Different Parts of ;ilsa fish - Hilsa ilisha/. a!istan Journal of "iological Sciences, "##$, 1-!/8 1'# 1'$. A)stract* The physico chemical characteristics of oils e.tracted from si. different parts of hilsa fish - Hilsa ilisha/ li4e dorsal, ventral, tail, egg, liver and brain 0ere analyIed. The physical characteristics such as the specific gravity, refractive inde., smo4e point, flash point, fire point, cloud point, solidification point and pour point of the hilsa fish oils from the different parts presently e.amined 0ere ranged from #.("# to #.(2", '.B)## to '.B)"" at "$, ""# to ""1#*, 2"" to 22##*, 2$# to 2!B#*, " to ".B#*, '# to $#* and ) to !#*, respectively. The chemical properties such as saponification value, iodine value, pero.ide value, acid value, 3 ++5 and unsaponifiable matters of the hilsa fish oils from different parts 0ere found to be varied from '1#."1 to '(B.##, 1#.)# to '"!.B#, ) to '#, B.'! to '".##, ".#1 to !.## and '.$13 to ).##3, respectively. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids present in the oil samples 0ere mainly myristic acid -$.BB to )."B3/, palmitic acid -"".## to ").#13/, stearic acid -B.## to !.2"3/, palmitolenic acid -'" to 'B3/, oleic acid -"!.#1 to "(.)13/, linoleic acid -#.(" to "."#3/ and linolenic acid -#.1" to '.#13/. The storage effect on the hilsa fish oils, 0hich 0ere obtained from different parts for the production of fatty acids by the action of lipase have been studied after storing the samples at lo0 temperature - '# #* ##*/ and at room temperature -"$ "1#*/. The contents of 3 ++5 0ere initially lo0 but increased rapidly on storage. :t has been sho0n that lipase enIyme in hilsa fish oil is active even at temperature '# #*. The hydrolytic deterioration of hilsa fish oils 0ere found to be more effective at # #* than that from '##*. +urther, the @ualities of hilsa fish oils 0ere deteriorated slightly further 0hen stored at "$ #*. -. %a4i, &.5., 54htar, A., Rahman, &.&., :slam, &.A., ;ossain, &., :slam, A., Ala'( A.H.M.K., :slam, R., Ghatun, A.5. and &ondal, G.5.&.,.;. ,ynergistic action of #edelia calendulaceae Less. plant e.tracts 0ith lamda cyhalothrin on adult red flour bettle $ri%olium castaneum herbst. Journal of AgronomyJ "##$, B -'/* '1 "$. A)stract* ,ynergistic action of #edelia calendulaceae Less. plant e.tracts combined 0ith &amda cyhalothrin 0ere demonstrated against red flour bettle $ castaneu in methanol e.tract W calendulaceae plant e.tracts offered ,ynergistic action 0hen used &amda cyhalothrin. :t 0as noted that plant e.tract indicates synergistic action from '8' to '8$ ratio and above. .. Fama4i, G., Li, L., Uchida, ;., Ala'( A.H.M.K., ;ossain, &.5., Fanagisa0a, R., Ta4ano, ;., ;ayashi, ;., &ori, F. and Foshino, ,. 7ffects of the phosphodiesterase :C inhibitor rolipram on Th' and Th" immune responses in mice. Journal of harmacy and harmacologyJ "##B, $!* 1)) 11". A)stract* The present study 0as designed to investigate the effect of the phosphodiesterase -PD7/ :C inhibitor rolipram on Th' and Th" immune responses in mice. &ice 0ere immuniIed subcutaneously at the base of the tail 0ith ovalbumin -<C5/ emulsified 0ith complete +reundHs adjuvant -day #/ and 0ere treated daily 0ith oral administration of various doses of rolipram from days # to "#. <n day "', production of anti <C5 :g6 and proliferative responses to the antigen 0ere determined. 5nti <C5 :g6"a and interferon -:+A / as indicators of Th' responses and anti <C5 :g6' and interleu4in '# -:L '#/, as indicators of Th" responses, 0ere also measured. The results sho0ed that treatment 0ith rolipram failed to affect the production of <C5 specific :g6 but decreased the proliferation of spleen cells to the antigen. :ts inhibitory effect on these immune responses 0as correlated 0ith a mar4ed decrease in :+A and but not :L '# production, although neither anti <C5 :g6"a nor :g6' production 0as affected by rolipram. These

results suggest that rolipram may preferentially inhibit Th' responses more effectively than Th" responses. 5dministration of rolipram resulted in suppression of antigen -<C5/ induced arthritis in mice. The suppression of joint inflammation by rolipram 0as associated 0ith the inhibition of <C5 specific proliferative responses of spleen cells and :+A secretion. These results indicate that rolipram may be effective in regulating Th' mediated diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. /. :slam, R., Ala', A.H.M.K., ;ossain, &.5., &osaddi4, &.5. and ,adi4, 6. %iological screening of %angladeshi mango mistletoe -&oranthus glo%osus Ro.b./ bar4 e.tracts. Fitoterapia 2004, 75: 405-408. Abstract: The ethyl acetate e.tract of the %angladeshi mango mistletoe - &oranthus glo%osus Ro.b./ bar4 0as found to be most effective against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria and it also sho0ed good cytoto.icity 0ith a L* $# '#.12 gMml. 0. ;ossain, &.,., ;ossain, 5., :slam, R., Ala'( A.H.M.K., ?ahan, G., ,ar4ar, ,. and +aroo@ue, &.5. 5ntimicrobial and cytoto.ic activities of " aminobenIoic acid and " aminophenol and their coordination comple.es 0ith &agnesium -&g ::/. a!istan Journal of "iological SciencesJ "##B, ) -'/* "$ "). A)stract* <0ing to the biological importance of metalloelements in many biological processes, especially metabolic processes, magnesium -&g ::/ comple.es 0ere synthesiIed and e.amined for their antimicrobial and cytoto.ic activities. 5mong the t0o synthesiIed organometalic comple.es N&g -" ap/ ", 5O and N&g -" ab/", *O, the ma.imum antibacterial and antifungal activities 0ere sho0n by the compound 5. 5mong the ligands, " aminophenol -%/ sho0ed more antibacterial activity than " aminobenIoic acid -D/. The minimum inhibitory concentration for the comple. 5 against five pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus-haemolyticus, "acillus su%tilis, Staphylococcus aureus, ,almonella typhi and 'scherichia coli 0ere found in the range of 2" !B g ml '. The comple.es 0ere also tested for their cytoto.icity using brine shrimp lethality bioassay method and the L* $# values of the comple.es 5 and * 0ere found to be $.) and "B.2 g ml ', respectively. 5ntibacterial, antifungal and cytoto.ic studies underta4en for the above compounds indicated structure activity relationships. These metalloderivatives 0ere more active than the parent compounds -ligands/. 1. Ala'( A.H.M.K., ,adi4, 6., Rashid, &.;., ;asan, *.&. and Rashid, &.5. N trans feruloyl B methyldopamine from Achyranthes ferruginea. "iochemical Systematics and 'cologyJ "##2, 2'-''/* '2B$ B!.
A)stract* N trans feruloyl B methyldopamine 0as isolated from Achyranthes ferruginea as a ne0 source. This compound has got chemota.onomic significance in the family 5maranthaceae.

2. Ala'( A.H.M.K., Rahman, &.5.5., %a4i, &.5., Rashid, &.;., and ,adi4, 6. *hemical constituents of Hemigraphis hirta T. 5nders -5canthaceae/. a!istan Journal of "iological SciencesJ "##", $-''/* '"!B '"!!. A)stract* Phytochemical e.amination of the petroleum ether e.tract of Hemigraphis hirta has led to the isolation of s@ualene -'/, lupeol -"/ and sitosterol -2/ by a combination of column and preparative thin layer chromatography. The structures of these compounds 0ere determined by spectroscopic analysis -UC, :R, '; A&R, '2* A&R/ as 0ell as by comparison of their spectral data 0ith previously reported values. &3. ,adi4, 6., 6afur, &.5., %huiyan, &.,.5., Ala'( A.H.M.K., %is0as, &.;.U., ;asan, P., &annan, 5.&, Ghan, &.<.+. and *ho0dhury, 5.G.5. 5ntifertility 5ctivity of ergularia daemia. $he sciencessJ "##', ' -'/* "" "B. A)stract* The ethanolic e.tract of ergularia daemia and its steroidal fraction 0ere studied for antifertility activity. %oth the ethanol e.tract and the steroidal fraction sho0ed significant antifertility activity in the pre implantation stage in female mice. The ethanol e.tract also sho0ed late abortifacient activity.

&&. Ala'( A.H.M.K., :slam, R, ,alam, G.5., %a4i, &.5., &anir, &., ;ossain 5, and ,adi4, 6. To.icological studies of N-trans-feruloyl B methyldopamine isolated from Achyranthes ferruginea. a!istan Journal of "iological Sciences -:n press/. A)stract* The subacute to.icity of a metabolite N-trans feruloyl B methyldopamine isolated from Achyranthes ferruginea -5maranthaceae/ 0as studied on long 7vanPs rats. The studies include the gross observation such as changes in body 0eight, haematological profiles Ntotal count of red blood cells -R%*/ and 0hite blood cell -W%*/, differential count of W%*, platelet count and haemoglobin -;b/ 3O, biochemical parameters of blood Nserum glutamate o.aloacetate transaminase -,6<T/, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase -,6PT/, serum al4aline phosphatase, urea and creatinineO and histopathology of the liver, 4idney, heart and lung of both control and e.perimental groups of rats. The changes of haematological and biochemical parameters 0ere statistically not significant after the administration of metabolite in a dose of 2## gMratMday for consecutive 'B days. Ao abnormalities 0ere also found in the histopathology of the liver, 4idney, heart and lung in the e.perimental group of rats follo0ing same dose 0hen compared 0ith the control group. This preliminary study suggests that the plant metabolite may be used safely for clinical trial. NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS &. Lopa, ,.,., ,adi4, 6., Rahman, &.&., Rashid, &.;., :slam, R., Ghond4ar, P., Ala'( A.H.M.K and Rashid, &.5. <.oaporphinoids and a benIoic acid derivative from Cananga odorata. (ha!a )niv. J. harm. Sci., "##B, 2 -'Q"/8 ' B. A)stract* O methylmoschatoline -'/, liriodenine -"/ and 2,B dihydro.ybenIoic acid -2/ 0ere isolated from the stem bar4 of Cananga odorata. The structures of compounds 0ere confirmed by a series of :D and "D A&R and &, analyses. The chemota.onomic significance of these compounds has also been discussed. +. Rashid, &.;., Rahman, &.5.5., 6afur &.5., ,adi4, 6., Ala'( A.H.M.K., ,ugimoto, &., *ho0dhury R. and Rashid, &.5. *hemical *onstituents of Ipomoea turpethum. (ha!a )niv. J. harm. Sci. "##2, "-"/* )2 )!. A)stract* *hromatographic separation and purification of the organic solvent e.tracts of Ipomoea turpethum stem bar4 afforded a total of three compounds, daucosterol -'/, salicylic acid -"/ and N-p-trans coumaroyltyramine -2/. The structures of these compounds 0ere determined by spectroscopic analyses, including '; and '2* A&R, '; '; *<,F, ;&=*, ;&%* and mass spectroscopy. These compounds are hitherto un4no0n from I. $urpethum. ,. Ala'( A.H.M.K., Rahman, &.5.5., %huiyan, &.,.5., 6afur, &.5. and ,adi4, 6. 5ntimicrobial and cytoto.ic activities of the e.tracts of Hemigraphis hirta T. 5nders. "angladesh harmaceutical JournalJ "##",'"-B/* '' 'B. A)stract* The in vivo antimicrobial activity of crude petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol e.tracts of a local antidiarrhoeal plant Hemigraphis hirta -family 5canthaceae/, 0as screened against fourteen -five gram positive and nine gram negative/ pathogenic bacteria and three pathogenic fungi using the dis4 diffusion method. The crude petroleum ether and methanol e.tracts sho0ed strong activity against all Shigella species and mild to moderate activity against other pathogenic bacteria and fungi, 0hereas the chloroform and ethyl acetate e.tracts sho0ed mild to moderate activity against bacteria and fungi. 5ll the e.tracts 0ere found to be inactive against Candida species. The cytoto.ic activity 0as measured by brine shrimp lethality bioassay. The L* $# values of the petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol e.tracts 0ere found to be (.)), (.)), (.)B and '# gMml respectively. -. Ala'( A.H.M.K., Rahman, &.5.5., %a4i, &.5., Rashid, &.;., %huiyan, &.,.5., and ,adi4, 6. 5ntidiarrhoeal principles of Achyranthes ferruginea Ro.b. and their cytoto.icity. "angladesh harmaceutical JournalJ "##",'"-B/* ' B.

A)stract* The plant Achyranthes ferruginea -family 5maranthaceae/ has fol4loric reputation in the treatment of diarrhoeal diseases. The present investigation 0as done to observe the effects of different e.tracts of the plant against si. diarrhoea producing bacteria as 0ell as some other pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The crude chloroform e.tract sho0ed satisfactory results against all Shigella species and other pathogenic bacteria 0hereas methanol and ethyl acetate e.tracts sho0ed mild to moderate activity. The chloroform e.tract also e.hibited potent antifungal activities. The L* $# values of the petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol e.tracts 0ere found to be '".$1, '!."', ).#) and ''.)B gMml, respectively by brine shrimp lethality bioassay.

&. Ala'( A.H.M.K., ,adi4, 6., :slam, R., Ghondh4er, P., ;ossain, &.5., Rashid, &.5. and Rahman, &.&. 5ntimicrobial and *ytoto.ic 5ctivities of Achyranthes ferruginea. Fitoterapia +. Fama4i, G., Li, L., Uchida, ;., Ala'( A.H.M.K., ;ossain, &.5., Fanagisa0a, R., Ta4ano, ;., ;ayashi, ;., &ori, F. and Foshino, ,. Differential effect of the phosphodiesterase :C inhibitor rolipram and varying types of anti arthritic drugs on collagen induced arthritis in mice. Journal of harmacy and harmacology ,. Fama4i, G., Li, L., Uchida, ;., Ala'( A.H.M.K., ;ossain, &.5., Fanagisa0a, R., Ta4ano, ;., ;ayashi, ;., &ori, F. and Foshino, ,. Differential effect of the phosphodiesterase :C inhibitor rolipram and varying types of anti arthritic drugs on antigen induced arthritis. Journal of harmacy and harmacology JOB E#PERIENCE +rom +ebruary 2',"##' to Aovember #2,"##" 5s product 7.ecutive in Aipa pharmaceutical Ltd., &ohammadpur, Dha4a, %angladesh. : 0as responsible for medical representative training, product 0ise sale planning and design, ne0 product entry, insert, cartoon and label preparation. 5s Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, University of Rajshahi, %angladesh.

+rom Aovember #$, "##" till to date


Well conversant 0ith popular pac4age li4e &, Word, &, 7.cel.

LAN%UA%ES PROFICIENC9 E !lis" -spea4ing, 0riting, reading/, B7 !ali -spea4ing, 0riting, reading/ MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Registered Pharmacist of Pharmacy *ouncil of %angladesh -%P*/ 5ctive member of Pharmacy 6raduates 5ssociation -P65/ %angladesh Pharmaceutical ,ociety -%P,/ Rajshahi University Teachers 5ssociation -RUT5/ 7.. active member, 5ssistant 6eneral ,ecretary -56,/ and 6eneral ,ecretary -6,/ of Rajshahi University Pharmacy 5ssociation -RUP5/ REFEREES '.Dr.&.6olam ,adi4 5ssociate Professor Department of Pharmacy University of Rajshahi Rajshahi !"#$.%angladesh. 7 mail8 gsadi4"9yahoo.com ".Dr.&.5slam ;ossain *hairman and 5ssociate Professor Department of Pharmacy University of5 Rajshahi Rajshahi !"#$.%angladesh. 7 mail8 aslamsaga9yahoo.com

PERSONAL DATA Fat"7r:s Na'7 Dat7 4f )irt" Nati4 alit; Plac7 4f )irt" Late 5bul ;ossain ,eptember 'B, '()$ %angladeshi -by birth/ >essore, %angladesh R7li!i4 Marital Stat6s S7< :slam &arried &ale

MAILIN% ADDRESS Lecturer Department of Pharmacy University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi !"#$.%angladesh Tel -<ffice/8 11 #)"' )$##B' B''# Tel -Residence/8 11 #)"' )$#B$! Telefa.8 11 #)"' )$##!B 7 mail8 4alamRrep9yahoo.co.in HOME ADDRESS *M< 8 Late 5bul ;ossain Cill. 8 Dhoha4hula P.<. 8 %agherpara P.,. 8 %agherpara Dist. 8 >essore *ountry8 %angladesh

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