Truth and Provability
Truth and Provability
Truth and Provability
s is well known, in the rst quarter of the twentieth century, there were two mathematical systems, Principia Mathematica, and Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, which were so powerful that it was generally assumed that all mathematical questions could be decided that is, either proved or disprovedin each of the systems. del startled the However, in 1933, the logician Kurt Go mathematical world by proving that this was not the case that in each of these systems, as well as in a variety of related systems, there must be sentences that, though true, could not be proved within the systems. This celebrated result is dels Incompleteness Theorem (more speciknown as Go dels First Incompleteness Theorem). Closely cally as Go related to this result is a theorem of the logician Alfred Tarski, roughly to the effect that in these systems truth of sentences of the system is not denable in the system. Tarskis theorem dels theorem, which in many ways is provides a proof of Go dels original proof. simpler than Go The purpose of this article is to provide the general reader, even those readers with no familiarity with the symbolism of mathematical logic, with the essential ideas behind the proofs del and Tarski theorems. We do this by constructof the Go ing a very simple system (an abstraction of part of Reference [1]), which, despite its simplicity, has enough power for the del arguments to go through. First we address Tarski and Go dels. Finally I present some Tarskis theorem, and then Go related results of my own. All proofs are presented as problems to be solved by the reader. Solutions are provided at the end of the article.
that X belongs to the set named by H, and we accordingly dene the sentence to be true if X really does belong to the set named by H. We call two sentences equivalent if they are either both true or both false (not true). In what follows, it is to be understood that for any predicate H, there is no expression X such that HX is a predicate. Two symbols N and R play a special role, according to the following two rules: RULE RFor any predicate H, the expression RH is also a predicate, and for any predicate K, the sentence RHK is equivalent to HKK. (I use the letter R to suggest the word repeat, because the expression XX is known as the repeat of X.) RULE NFor any predicate H, the expression NH is also a predicate, and for any sentence X, the sentence NHX is true if and only if HX is not true. (I use the letter N to suggest the word not.) From just these two rules follows something surprising. (At least I hope you will be surprised!)
predicate. If H is a truth predicate, then for every sentence X, the sentence HX is true if and only if X is true, which means that every sentence X is a xed point of H! Thus, to show that H is not a truth predicate, it sufces to show that there is at least one sentence that is not a xed point of H. Such a sentence might aptly be called a witness that H is not a truth predicate. Such a witness can in fact be explicitly displayed using the symbols H, N, and R.
rst involved proving the following: For any predicate K with del number k, the sentence K(k) (sometimes called the Go del number, which I will diagonalization of K) has a Go del cleverly showed that for any predicate H, denote as k*. Go there was a predicate H0 (which I denoted RH) such that for del number k, the sentence H0 (k) is any predicate K, with Go equivalent to H(k*), which in the language of this article is that for any predicate H and any predicate K, the sentence RHK is equivalent to HKK, which is Rule R. dels clever diagonal argument is I might remark that Go closely related to, and may well have been inspired by, Cantors famous diagonal argument proving that for any set S, its power set has higher cardinality. Because Rules N and R hold for Peano Arithmetic, so does Tarskis theorem, which for Peano Arithmetic says that there is no predicate H such that for all natural numbers n, the del number of sentence H(n) is true if and only if n is the Go a true sentence.
D E L . We now consider a mathematical sysENTER GO
tem that proves various sentences of the previous section. The system is wholly accurate in the sense that all provable sentences are true, as previously denedthat is, If HX is provable, then X really does belong to the set named by the predicate H, and if NHX is provable, then X does not belong to the set named by H. Unlike the set of true sentences, which we have seen is not nameable, the set of provable sentences IS nameableits name is the symbol P. Therefore, the set of provable sentences and the set of true sentences do not coincide, and because every provable sentence is true, there must be a true sentence X that is not provable in the system. Since its negation NX is not true, then NX is also not provable in the system, and so we have: del). There is a sentence X that is TH E O R E M G (after Go undecidable in the system.
RAYMOND M. SMULLYAN has lived four different livesas a mathematician, musician, magician, and author
of essays and puzzle books. Born in 1919 in Far Rockaway, New York, he was equally interested in music and science as a child. In high school, he fell in love with mathematics, and he was torn between becoming a mathematician or a concert pianist. He began teaching piano at Roosevelt College in Chicago, but tendonitis in his right arm forced him off the concert stage. He then turned his attention to mathematics, learning mostly on his own, but also taking a few advanced courses at the University of Chicago while supporting himself as a professional magician. Strangely, before he had a college degree, or even a high school diploma, he received an appointment as a mathematics instructor at Dartmouth College on the basis of some papers he had written on mathematical logic. After his time at Dartmouth, the University of Chicago awarded him a Bachelor of Arts degree, based partly on courses he had never taken but had successfully taught. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University in 1959, and subsequently taught at Princeton, New York University, Graduate School, Lehman College, and Graduate Center, and, last, as a distinguished professor at Indiana University. He has published more than 40 research papers on mathematical logic and 26 books on various subjects, six of them on mathematical logic. Two more books will be published this year. Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 United States e-mail:
Moreover one can explicitly display such a true but not provable sentence, using the symbols P, N, and R.
P R O B L E M 4. We have seen that a xed point of NH is RNHRNH. There is another one, also, of length 6. Can you nd it?
The following is a useful variant of Theorem F:
T H E O R E M FF. For any predicates H and K, there are sentences X and Y such that X is equivalent to HY, and Y is equivalent to KX. P R O B L E M 6. Prove Theorem FF.
Now let us go back to our construction of a sentence that is true but is not provable in the system.
K, we see that RHRH is equivalent to HRHRH. Thus RHRH is a xed point of H. 2. In all that follows, it will be convenient to use the abbreviation iff for if and only if.1 Now, no xed point of NH can possibly be a xed point of H, because for any expression X, NHX is obviously not equivalent to HX. As seen in the solution of Problem 1, for any predicate H, the sentence RHRH is a xed point of H. Because NH is also a predicate, it follows that RNHRNH is a xed point of NH, and is thus not a xed point of H, hence is a witness that H is not a truth predicate. 3. Any xed point X of NP is such a sentence, because X is then true iff NPX is true, iff PX is not true, iff X is not provable. Thus X is true iff X is not provable, which means that either X is true and not provable, or is not true but provable. The latter alternative cannot hold, because it is given that all provable sentences are true. Thus X is true but not provable in the system. We know from Problem 2, taking P for H, that RNPRNP is a xed point of NP, hence it is true but not provable. (Incidentally, another solution is NRPNRP, as you can verify.) 4. A xed point of NH, other than RNHRNH, is NRHNRH, which can be seen as follows: To begin, it is obvious that if X and Y are equivalent sentences, then so are their negations NX and NY. Now, for any predicate H and any predicate Y, the sentence RHY is equivalent to HYY, and so we take NRH for Y, and we see that the sentences RHNRH and HNRHNRH are equivalent, hence so are their negations NRHNRH and NHNRHNRH. Thus NRHNRH is a xed point of NH. 5. RHKRH is equivalent to HKRHKRH, so X is equivalent to HKX, for X the sentence RHKRH. 6. One solution is to use Problem 5: RHKRH is equivalent to HKRHKRH. We take X to be RHKRH and Y to be KRHKRH, which is KX. Thus X is equivalent to KY, and Y is not only equivalent to HX, but IS KX! There is also another solution: We have seen that RHKRH is equivalent to HKRHKRH. Interchanging H with K, it is equally true that RKHRK is equivalent to KHRKHRK. We now take Y to be RKHRK and X to be HRKHRK, which is HY. Thus X is equivalent to HY, because X is HY, and Y is equivalent to KX. Let us record these two solutions: 1X = RHKRH, Y = KRHKRH. 2X = HRKHRK, Y = RKHRK. 7. Let us rst note the following: Suppose X and Y are sentences such that: (1) X is true iff Y is provable. (2) Y is true iff X is not provable. Then one of the two sentences, X, Y, must be true but not provable (but there is no way to tell which one it is). Here is why: The sentence Y must be true, because if it were false, then by (2), X would be provable, hence X is then true, and so by
1. We know that RHK is equivalent to HKK for any predicate K, and so it is true for the predicate RH, and so, taking RH for
(1), Y would be provable, thus Y would be false and provable, contrary to the given condition that only true sentences are provable. Thus Y must be true. Therefore by (2), X is not provable. Now, X is either true or not true. If X is true, then it is true but not provable. If X is not true, then by (1), Y is not provable, and so Y is then true but not provable. In summary, If X is true, then X is true but not provable. If X is not true, then it is Y that is true but not provable. There is no way to tell which case holds. We thus seek sentences X and Y such that X is equivalent to PY, and Y is equivalent to NPX. We use the double xed
point theoremin the two solutions (Problem 6) we take P for H and NP for K, and we have: 1X = RPNPRNP, Y = NPRPNPRNP (= NPX). 2X = PRNPPRNP (= PY), Y = RNPPRNP.
[1] Raymond Smullyan, The Lady or the Tiger, Chapter 15, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1982. del incompleteness [2] George Boolos, A new proof of the Go theorem, Notices of the A.M.S. 36 (1989), no. 4, 388390.