Mariana - Planck - Preserving B
Mariana - Planck - Preserving B
Mariana - Planck - Preserving B
Manufacturer and/or Distributor
Dimensions or Sheet Size
Grammage or Weight
Paper Sample
Surface Texture
Fiber Composition
Product Specifications
Visual Analysis
Photographic Activity Test
Observations Other
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
RESULTS: Among the thirty-three papers analyzed, only eleven seemed to be suitable
for the manufacture of photographic enclosures. Only these papers fulfilled the standards
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
As mentioned before, what began as a study on the History And Evolution of the
Housing Materials Used in Conservation, evolved into A History Of Paper Enclosures
And Their Impact In The Preservation Of Negative Collections.
Although paper enclosures play an important role in the preservation of negative
collections, the project needed to be re-addressed. Instead of studying the history and
evolution of paper enclosures, the project now focuses on the preservation of B&W
negatives. The projects current title is Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical
Damage: Handling Methods And Enclosure Design.
Each stage of the project focused on different topics. Figure 3 shows the stages of
research and the topics they encompassed.
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Housing Materials Enclosure Design Handling Methods
Stage 1:
Continuation of
Degree Project
History and
Evolution of the
Housing Materials
Used in
Stage 1
Stage 2:
First Project
A History of Paper
Enclosures and their
Impact in the
Preservation of
Negative Collections
Stage 2
Stage 3:
Current Research
Preserving B&W
Negatives from
Physical Damage:
Handling Methods
and Enclosure
Stage 3
Stage 4:
Future Project
A Users Guide for
the Handler
Stage 4
Refining the Focus of Study
The focus of the study is on B&W glass plate and film negatives; the period
covered is 1851- present. The aspects studied are: the vulnerability of negatives to
physical deterioration, and its prevention through safe handling methods and adequate
enclosure designs.
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Initially, the research covered enclosure designs for almost all B&W negatives. In
order to narrow down its scope, it now focuses on the most common negative processes:
glass plate and film negatives. These processes were selected according to the number of
years they were used. As seen in the table below, paper negatives did not last a long
period of time, nor were they very commonly used. Therefore, paper negatives were
excluded from this study. Figure 4 shows the focus of study, according to the type of
negatives and period they were in use.
Type of B&W
in Use
1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
Paper Negatives (1841-1865) 24 years
Collodion Glass
(1851-1925) 32 years
Gelatin Glass
(1878-1925) 43 years
Cellulose Nitrate
(1889-1950) 59 years
Cellulose Acetate
(1925-today) 79+ years
Polyester Film 1955-today)
Source: Valverde, Ma. Fernanda. Photographic Negatives: Nature and Evolution of Processes ARP,
Rochester, NY, 2003
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
The Objectives of the Study
Consider physical damage and its effects after the negative has been processed,
specifically, during storage and access (3rd historicity of the artifact).
Analyze the connection between handling methods and enclosure designs (the
moment when the hand meets the object, per Grant B. Romer, ARP Director
and Project Supervisor, 2005).
As shown in Figure 5, the projects aim is to understand the vulnerability of B&W
negatives to physical deterioration and the use of safe handling methods and
adequate enclosure design as preventive measures.
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Users Guide for the Handler
(Future Project)
Collodion &
Gelatin Glass Plate
Cellulose Nitrate
& Acetate
1851-1925 &
1889-1950 &
Most Common B&W Negatives
Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Vulnerability to Physical Deterioration
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Focus on individual enclosures (envelopes, sleeves, folders and mats), rather than
on housings or containers. (See Figure 6: Limiting Project to Individual
Enclosures). Although negative storage systems cover three levels, this research
will only focus on individual enclosures, as opposed to containers and housings
which are designed for multiple plate/film storage. As shown in Figure 6,
individual enclosures include envelopes, sleeves, folders and mats. Drawers,
racks, shelves, cabinets, boxes, cans, or albums will not be included in this
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
(Levels of Storage)
(Main Enclosure Designs)
Source: ISO 18918 , 2000 Imaging materialsProcessed photographic platesStorage practices
Housing (Drawer, Rack, Shelf, Cabinet)
Container (Box, Can, Album)
(Envelope, Sleeve,
Folder, Mat)
*Personal Collection
*Collection Nick Graver
*Collection Gary E.
* Collection Nick Graver
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Include a Timeline that will not only illustrate the evolution of negative
enclosures, but also serve as a guideline or precedent for future re-housing. This
timeline will serve as a didactic tool to explain how negatives have been stored
throughout time. (See Figure 7: Timeline: Enclosure Designs For B&W
Negatives.) Briefly mention which materials have been used. Understand their
fundamentals, purpose, functionality, and efficiency. Be able to discuss their
permanence and explain why negative enclosures were not meant to last. Know
which options have been given for long-term storage.
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
(Arrows signify more examples will be added.)
Enclosure Design:
Paper Sleeve with
*Image Grant B. Romer
Enclosure Design:
Lined Paperboard
Four Flap Enclosure
*Image Hanako Murata
Enclosure Design:
Paper Sleeve with
*Collection Mark
Enclosure Design:
*No example available
B&W Negatives
Paper Negatives
& Gelatin Glass
Plate Negatives
1851-1925 &
Cellulose Nitrate
& Acetate Film
1889-1950 &
Film Negatives
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Create a Glossary to help establish a common terminology and to facilitate the
understanding of this text. (The Glossary should be revised and expanded.)
Create a Reference Catalog with examples of negative enclosures found in the
collections. Figure 8 is an example of the characterization form/layout developed
for this project. All forms/layouts are included in the projects Appendix and
show a selection of the most relevant negative enclosures found in the collections.
(The Reference Catalog may should be revised and expanded.)
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Source/Owner: Frank T. Storey,
Private Collector
Type of Negative: Film Negative
Period: (1889-today)
Enclosure Format: 4x5
Negative Enclosure (Front)
Type of Enclosure: Sewn Paper
Brand/Manufacturer: Kodak
Support: Paper
Adhesives: None
Printing Material: Ink
Negative Enclosure (Back)
Inscriptions: Ink and Graphite
1. Advantages: Adhesive-free enclosures are
2. Disadvantages: There is no interleaving between
the negatives.
Photofinishing Store: Maison
G.F. Stainier, Namur
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
As a future project, create a Users Guide for the Handler to provide
photographers and caretakers a list of recommendations for the safe handling and
proper care of their negative collections. Develop a critical review of the existent
literature and provide a synthesis of the different points of view.
General Aspects
According to the List of Topics from the Coordinated Research Possibilities
Meeting held at the Image Permanence Institute on August 2, 2000, Handling Methods
& Enclosure Design for Photographic Materials, is a topic of high priority and requires
further research. Topic advocators were Mogens S. Koch, Andrew Robb, Gary E.
Albright, Alexandra Botelho, and Franoise Ploye.
In order to generate new preservation strategies or to improve the existent ones, it
is necessary to review what has been done in the past; in that way, it will be possible to
avoid previous mistakes and to pick up efficient measures otherwise forgotten or ignored.
Such research has not been done before.
The research will help promote ideal storage systems and safe handling for
negative collections. The information gathered will be of great value for professionals
involved in the development and implementation of preservation strategies, for well-
informed professionals are able to make better decisions. The project is feasible, and can
be of great value not only for conservators, but also for photographers, curators,
archivists, researchers, and collectors (any caretaker of a negative collections.)
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Extensive literature is available at The George Eastman House and Image
Permanence Institute Libraries. Knowledgeable specialists in both institutions have
already made important contributions to the topic, for it will be very useful to bring
together all this information and further on, compare it, and make a synthesis of the
different points of view.
Determining the Negatives Value
It is the photographer, curator, archivist, researcher, or the collector who can and
should determine the value of a negative. After that, it is the conservators task to provide
the tools and methods and procedures to preserve them. (In some cases, the conservators
judgement can also contribute to re-valuing or increasing the value of a negative or
negative collection according to its condition).
On Handling Methods
Since most damage to photographs results from poor handling, the goal of this
research is to create a useful tool that will help promote the safe handling of negative
collections and to reduce the risks of physical deterioration. It is for the conservator to
share this information with the caretaker or the handler.
On Enclosure Design
Enclosures play a decisive role in the preservation of negative collections, yet
they have not been fully appreciated or recognized. Since many have been already
replaced or discarded, there might not be other opportunities to develop such study or
gather such examples. The research will provide useful information to know better when
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
and why should original enclosures be discarded. It should be considered that well-
designed enclosures promote safe handling and so, help reduce physical damage.
STEP 1: Review the existent literature and select the most relevant references. Gather
information from the following sources: patents, photographic journals, photographic
catalogs, archival supplies catalogs, conservation publications and ISO standards. Use the
following resources: GEH Libraries, IPI Library, VSW Research Center and internet
STEP 2: Create and include an annotated bibliography of such references.
STEP 3: Look into private and institutional study collections and relate these examples
with the information gathered from the existent literature.
STEP 4: List the international standards and requirements for enclosures and handling of
B&W negatives. Discuss the benefits of ideal enclosures. Provide elements to select, to
improve, and to create adequate negative enclosures.
STEP 5: Write a summary of the information gathered.
STEP 6: Point out DOs and DONTs (advantages and disadvantages). Understand how
enclosures and handling have (or have not) contributed to preserve negatives from
Preserving B&W Negatives From Physical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
physical damage. Address the vulnerability of B&W negatives to physical deterioration
according to their support. Identify most common effects of physical damage.
Although not included in this project, consider varnishes and coatings as a
primary protective measure (in collodion glass plate negatives, also applied to provide
enough tooth for retouching).
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Houghtons, Ltd., and Spratt, A.S. Plate and like boxes and receptacles; envelopes for
storing plates and the like. Great Britain Patent Number 20,114. September 19, 1904.
A box for storing negatives is described. It includes clearance pieces to prevent the
envelopes containing the negatives from being injured as the lid is closed. The tabs
provided stand erect and carry reference numbers. (Includes illustrations)
Source: Patents for Inventions, Abridgments of Specifications, Class 98, Photography. Period A.D. 1901-
1904. Patent Office, London, 1907, p. 231
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
ARTICLES ON GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES (arranged in chronological order)
Sutton, Thomas, ed. How To Pack A Glass Negative. Photographic Notes
(1856): xviii.
A method for sending glass negatives safely by post is described. Includes
a smooth paper on the varnished side, a thick flannel or smooth blotting
paper and a box at least 3/8 thick for the smallest negative.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. To Protect A Collodion Negative From Scratching. The
Photographic News I (1858): 192.
A plan for packing up glass plates is described. A sheet of fine smooth
paper is cut an inch larger than the glass. The negative is faced
downwards, and the edges of the paper are folded over the back and
pasted down.
Buxton, C. Preservation Of Dry Collodion Plates. The Photographic News II (1859):
It is suggested to use good tin boxes instead of wood boxes for storing
dry plates.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. A New Method Of Protecting Valuable Negatives. The
Photographic News II (1859): 212.
A simple plan is described to protect collodion negatives from injury. The
plate is first varnished, then covered with a very thin talc, or fine glass
made for covering microscopic objects. It is then secured using gummed
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Preserving Negatives With Talc Or Gelatin Paper. The
Photographic News II (1859): 260.
A method for transferring a collodion negative onto talc is described.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Improved Plate Box. The Photographic News II (1859): 22.
An improvement in the
form of plate-box is
described. (Illustration
shown left.)
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Shelves For Holding Negatives By A Beginner. The
Photographic News II (1859): 240.
A convenient and secure receptacle for glass negatives is described.
Sutton, Thomas, ed. A Hint On Plate Boxes. Photographic Notes (1862): 12.
An adaptation of a box for dry collodion glass plates is described, so that
an old style box of the size necessary to hold twenty-four plates, can then
contain forty-two. When introduced, the plate is no so apt to cut the
glazed cardboard partitions, as it invariably does when the sides are of
wood. (Extract from Humphreys Journal)
Sutton, Thomas, ed. J ohn Stocks Dry Plate Box. Photographic Notes VII (1862): 13.
A new dry plate box invented by Thomas and presented by Dr. S. P.
Leeds is mentioned. The box is not described.
Thomas, R.W. The Packing And Storing Away Of Negatives. The British Journal
Photographic Almanac and Photographers Daily Companion (1870): 146.
The best way to store away negatives is not in plate boxes, but wrapped in
paper. When placed in grooved boxes, any sudden change in the
temperature may cause a deposition of moisture on the surface. The
simplest and probably the best way is to keep the negatives packed in
batches, having one or two sheets of blotting paper interposed between
each of them.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Save The Negatives. The Photographic News XV (1870):
A plan to prevent scratches from fingernails or sharp corners of the
albumen paper is described.
England, W. M. Practical Hints On The Preservation Of Negatives. The Photographic
News XV (1871): 136.
Causes of splitting of the film in collodion negatives are discussed.
Hughes, J abez. Preserving And Storing Negatives. The British Journal Photographic
Almanac and Photographers Daily Companion (1871): 110.
Keeping negatives in plate-boxes or grooved shelves where the atmosphere varies
poses risks. There is no better plan than enveloping them with moderately thick,
soft paper. They can be stored in pigeon-holes and can safely be handled. The
cost of the paper is much less than grooves or plate-boxes.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Risks In The Transit Of Negatives. The Photographic News
XX (1873): 54.
Risks to which negatives are subject in transmission from one place to
another are considered.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Packing Negatives. The Photographic News XXVI (1878):
A plan for packing a large quantity of negatives which had to travel a long
distance and endure rough usage is described.
Laws, Thomas M. The Way To Preserve Negatives And Register Them. The
Photographic News XXVI (1881): 292.
It is said the best possible mode of storing plates is valueless, unless
precautions in the removing of destructive agencies in the film are
complied with. A plan of registration is described. Negatives are placed in
envelopes and flaps should be left loose.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Harmer, J ohn. The Way To Preserve Negatives And Register Them. The Photographic
News XXVI (1881): 307.
It is said, the principal enemies of negatives on glass are dirt, damp, and
any sudden changes of temperature, especially when the glass is of a soft
description or liable to sweat. The negatives should be sorted into
pairs, placed back-to-back, and be wrapped in a piece of close-textured
paper. These packages are then sorted and parcelled up in brown paper to
protect them against moisture and other sources of injury.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. The Preservation Of Negatives. The Photographic News
XXVI (1881): 182.
In order to diminish the chance of negative films becoming broken up into
small patches, it is recommended to store them in a dry place, which is not
subject to sudden changes of temperature. Dryness may generally be
ensured by packing the negatives in tin boxes.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Packing Dry Plates. The Photographic News XXVII (1883):
A mode for packing dry
plates for traveling is
described. All plates face
downwards, and a strip of
board is inserted between
each. (Illustration shown
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Packing Plates For Traveling. The Photographic News
XXVII (1883): 334.
A plan for carrying exposed plates when traveling is described. Negatives
are placed in zinc boxes and a Turkey-red twill is folded over.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Debenham, S.J . Accidental Destruction Of Negative. The Photographic News XXXII
(1888): 273.
A case of accidental damage is discussed. It is said, the damage might
certainly have been avoided by proper care, the negative having been
returned unpacked. The low commercial value of negatives is approached.
The hardship renders it all the more necessary to exercise the greatest care
in preserving a negative from injury. Includes the following principle, A
workman for hire is not only bound to guard the thing bailed (i.e.
entrusted) to him against ordinary hazards, but likewise to exert himself to
preserve it from any unexpected damage to which it may be exposed.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Negatives. The Photographic News XXXII (1890): 461.
An explanation of the terms positive and negative is given. It is said the
negative is to a photographer the same as type and ink to a printer, or bears the
same relation an etched plate has to the finished engraving. The following
accidental defects of plates are mentioned: contamination by dust, finger-
markings or greasiness of film, pinholescuplike depressions, and scratches
(either by careless handling or small fragments of glass in cutting). The way in
which plates are taken out and re-packed is also a source of anxiety. It is alleged
that white paper, although pure, will affect a bromide film, by reason of inherent
luminous property. It is also mentioned that pressure on the film has given as a
cause of insensitiveness.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Some Hints About Negatives. The Photographic News
XXXII (1890): 985.
It is said the most neglected branch of amateur photography is the care and use of
the negatives after we have them.
Huston, T.E. Plate Boxes. Photographic Mosaics (1891): 174.
The use of plate boxes as
containers, vignetting
device, and filing negative
system is described. Not
claimed as an original
idea. (Illustration shown
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Burton ,W.K. The Causes Of The Destruction Of Gelatin Negatives Through Time.
Photographic Mosaics (1892): 234.
It is said that gelatine glass plate negatives are less permanent than collodion.
Once varnished, a collodion negative might be considered practically permanent.
By far the greater number of cases of want of permanency is due to insufficient
Bacheller, E. F. A Good Negative Envelope. The American Annual of Photography
and Photographic Times Almanac (1892): 137.
A negative envelope is described. It is made from heavy stock (120-
pound) that provides better protection against scratches and breakage.
Because it is not glued, there is no danger of scratching while inserting the
negative. On the back are printed lines for recording information.
(Includes illustrations)
Bain, Robert E.M. To Preserve Negatives, The American Annual of Photography and
Photographic Times Almanac (1892): 53.
A simple plan is described to preserve negatives from damp and scratches. The
boxes used open on the side edge so the negatives do not fall out or get injured.
The boxes stand on the shelves and have the appearance of a set of books. The
negatives are first placed in envelopes or bagged, properly numbered and
labeled. (Includes illustrations)
Estabrooke, E. M. The Preservation Of The Negative. Photographic Mosaics (1896):
The coating of gelatine glass plate negatives with plain collodion instead of
varnish is suggested. It is said that the collodion affords a smooth elastic surface,
totally impervious to dampness or any atmospheric influences, that it is a good
protection for the retouching and can be easily removed.
Wilson, Edward L, ed. The Preservation Of The Negative. Photographic Mosaics
(1897): 91.
It is said that negatives (varnished with gum dammar dissolved in benzole, and
tempered with suitable gums and a little castor-oil), best resisted the ravages of
time, handling, damp and dust.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Storing Negatives. The Photographic News XLI (1897):
The use of envelopes (commercial size) form excellent bags for keeping
negatives in, and notes can be written on the back.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Storing Negatives. The Photographic News XLI (1897):
An envelope made of tracing-cloth is described.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. A Negative Storing Box. The Photographic News XLI
(1897): 828.
A box of thin wood, lined with strips of corrugated cardboard and edged
with white paper, is described.
Simpson, G. Wharton, ed. Negative Envelopes. The Photographic News XLIII (1899):
One of the best ways of
storing negatives is in
envelopes. Easily made by
the amateur. A good,
heavy paper is used for a
quarter-plate. The
envelope is first cut, then
glued up. (Illustration
shown left.)
Ward, Mrs. Catharine Weed. Classifying And Indexing Negatives. Photographic
Mosaics (1901): 128.
A method of arranging and preserving negatives by placing them in envelopes,
plate boxes, and then pigeon holes is described. Transparencies can then be made
from the negatives and arranged in a similar way.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Defects In Negatives (Scratches). The Photo-Miniature III
(1901): 343.
It is said that scratches are generally due to carelessness, and fingernails
are often responsible, and that plates and negatives should always be
grasped by the edges (holding them between the thumb and finger). Also,
that since most makes of plates are wrapped in black paper (one half
dozen to the package), it is recommended to remove this covering with the
outmost care.
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Imperial Plates. The Photo-Miniature XI (1912).
The Imperial Plates are advertised. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Imperial Lantern-Plates. The Photo-Miniature XI (1914).
The Imperial Lantern-Plates are advertised. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. How To Develop The Negative: Handling The Plates.
The Photo-Miniature XIV (1918): 497.
A method for handling exposed glass plates is described. Plates are taken with the
right hand and inserted in the grooves of a rack. Also, the surface of each plate is
carefully dusted with a camels hair brush.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
ARTICLES ON FILM NEGATIVES (arranged in chronological order)
Beck, R. & J . Becks Film-Storing Negative Album. The British Journal of
Photography XLIV (1897): 250.
A handy little album is described. It includes a hundred numbered envelopes
for holding film negatives and a numerical index. The envelopes are made of very
thin transparent paper, so that it is not necessary to remove a negative in order to
identify it. (Includes illustrations)
Simpson, G. Wharton A New Film Negative Album. The Photographic News XLI
(1897): 109.
A storage album is described. Leaves are made of a special kind of
transparent paper, so that it is not necessary to take the negative out of its
case to identify it. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Storing Celluloid Films. The Photo-Miniature IV (1902): 32.
It is said that celluloid films should be kept in a dry place, away from gas
fumes, but, above all, not subjected to too much pressure. It has been
pointed out that pressure upon a gelatino-bromide film destroys the
sensitiveness of the parts pressed.
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Storing Films. The Photo-Miniature IV (1902): 50.
It is said that films can be neatly packed one or two in an envelope, between a
couple of pieces of cardboard. Assures this is as simple and efficient a way as
any, though others may prefer albums or holders specially supplied for the
convenient storage of flexible negatives.
Tennant, J ohn A. and Bedding, Thomas, eds. Photography with Films (Rettigs
The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 204.
A rack for holding the cut films during development, fixing, and washing
is described. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A. and Bedding, Thomas, eds. Photography with Films (Handling Film
Negatives). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 204.
It is said that film negatives should be kept in as cool as possible, and
never allowed to lie loosely about, as if such care be not taken, they may
become unmanageable celluloidal curls and contortions.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A. and Bedding, Thomas, eds. Photography with Films (Cut-Film
Envelopes). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 205.
Houghtons, Limited, of London light- tight envelopes are described. It is
a system whereby the use of plate-holders is dispensed.
Tennant, J ohn A. and Bedding, Thomas, eds. Photography with Films (Storing Film
Negatives). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 210.
It is explained that film negatives, whether rolled or flat, should be kept
flat under pressure (in empty plate boxes), under a piece of plate glass
larger than their dimensions, between the leaves of an album or in
negative envelopes or files specially made for the purpose. Two
adaptations of the book-storage idea are mentioned.
Tennant, J ohn A. and Bedding, Thomas, eds. Photography with Films (Defects and
Remedies: Scratches and Markings. The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 211.
It is explained that scratches and markings in the film may be due to rough
handling of the films in solution and developing too many at once.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Film Negatives. The Photo-Miniature VIII
(1908): 93.
A transparent enclosure is described. It is made out of two pieces of glass bound
together on one side. It is used for enlarging film negatives.
The American Paper Goods Co. Kensington Film Book. The American Annual of
Photography and Photographic Times Almanac XXIII (1909).
The Kensington Film Book for amateur photographers is advertised. It
consists of fifty pockets numbered and indexed. It is bound with a string
and button fastener. It keeps films in a compact and orderly fashion for
quick reference. (Includes illustrations)
The American Paper Goods Co. The APG Mailing Envelope. The American Annual of
Photography and Photographic Times Almanac XXIII (1909).
The APG Mailing Envelope is advertised. It is made in one piece and
includes a single corrugated reinforcement. (Includes illustrations)
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A. ed. Eastman Negative Film Album. The Photo-Miniature X
(1910- 1912)
The Eastman Negative Film Album is advertised. Each album consists
of one hundred pockets made of good strong paper. (Includes
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastmans Film Negative Albums. The Photo-Miniature,
Vol. X, Ed. J ohn A. Tennant, Tennant and Ward, NY, J une 1910-J uly
1912, p. N/A
The Eastmans Film Negative Albums are advertised. Each album
contains one hundred pockets made of strong paper and consecutively
numbered. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XI
The Eastman Negative Film Album is advertised. It is said to obviate
the danger of dust, scratches, and finger-marks. The strong, transparent
pockets which hold them permit of their being examined without
removing them from the pocket. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XI (1913)
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. (Includes
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XI
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. Once used, there is no
occasion for lost, scratched, or finger-marked negatives. The albums are
bound in strong cloth covers (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XII
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. It is said to keep
negatives in good condition. The album is particularly adapted for filing
autographic negatives. (Includes illustrations)
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. The Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XII
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. It is said to preserve
negatives against injury or loss and provide the handiest kind of a
reference book. Includes the following sentence: You want to keep your
negatives, of course, and you want to keep them where you can lay your
hands on them without delayparticularly those containing autographic
records. (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XII (1915).
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. It is said to insure
negatives against loss and protects them from becoming scratched, torn, or
soiled (Includes illustrations)
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Eastman Film Negative Album. The Photo-Miniature XIII
The Eastman Film Negative Album is advertised. (Includes
Eggen, C. An improved Print and Film Wallet. The British Journal of Photography
LXXXVIII (1941): 106.
The storing of many negatives together in one pocket of a film wallet is said to
pose a serious danger. A wallet that overcomes this risk and the danger of finger-
prints when handled by providing a separate pocket for each negative, is
described. The pockets fold in concertina fashion and are made of transparent
material, so that individual films can be viewed. The pockets may have flaps to
prevent negatives from falling out. It provides the possibility of storing negatives
in a clean, safe and properly arranged manner. (Patent No. 511,235, of September
8, 1937, by of 2, Sommerfelder Strasse, Sorau, Germany.) (Includes illustrations)
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
chronological order)
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies: Packing Stains. The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 141.
It is said that negatives kept in paper envelopes, sometimes show spots
and marks, due to action by the paste used in making the envelopes.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies: Dust. The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 158.
Dust is one of the most insidious enemies the photographer can have and
that it is, at all times, to be guarded against.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Pinholes). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 159.
It is mentioned that pinholes are caused by dust on the plates during
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Bacterial or Fungoid Growths). The Photo-Miniature VIII
It is said, the finished negative, if it be valued, should be stored in pure,
dry surroundings.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Thumb Marks). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 160.
It is said the contact of ones fingers with the thumbs in dark-room work
makes the film liable to be stained with any chemicals in contact with the
fingers. The importance of care and cleanliness in handling the chemicals
is very great.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Printed Matter on Negatives). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 161
It is mentioned that the wrapping of the finished negative in paper is
attended by many risks, especially if newspaper be used for the purpose.
The printed matter, if dampness is present, is liable to set off, and an
impression can be made on the gelatine.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Scratches in Negatives). The Photo-Miniature VIII, (1908): 162.
It is explained, the life of the negative is constantly menaced by breakage,
either of the film or its support. Since glass is a brittle substance and is
consequently liable to breakages (partial or complete), the breakage may
seem irremediable, but seldom is.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Cracked Negatives). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 163.
A plan is described to detach the film from the broken support.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Damaged). VIII (1908): 165.
It is explained how rolled film negatives, when ready for printing or
enlarging, may be so torn, doubled, or creased that the markings will show
through on to the paper.
Tennant, J ohn A. & Bedding, Thomas, eds. Defective Negatives with Practical
Remedies (Storage of Plates and Films). The Photo-Miniature VIII (1908): 165.
It is explained that if plates and films are not stored in a cool, dry, light-
tight place, then they are liable to deteriorate and so yield foggy results.
George Murphy, Inc. Star Negative File. The American Annual of Photography and
Photographic Times Almanac XXIII (1909): 38.
The Star Negative File, patented J uly 16, 1900, is advertised. It consists of a
heavy pasteboard box, fitted for fifty glass negatives or a larger number of films,
separated by pasteboard frames. (Includes illustrations)
George Murphy, Inc. Star Negative File The Photo-Miniature IX (1909-1910).
The Star Negative File (patented J uly 16, 1900) is advertised. The file is
a heavy pasteboard box, covered in imitation morocco. It is fitted for 50
glass negatives or a larger number of films, separated by pasteboard
frames, the centers of which are cut out for ventilation. A heavy card,
numbered for indexing is in front of each file. (Includes illustrations)
George Murphy, Inc. Star Negative File The Photo-Miniature IX (1912).
The Star Negative Files are advertised. (Includes illustrations)
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Tennant, J ohn A., ed. Failures and Why in Negative Making: Spots and Markings:
Physical Damage. The Photo-Miniature XIII (1916): 36.
It is said, the avoidance of scratches and pieces dislodged from film
negatives, is almost entirely a matter of care in manipulation. Other causes
of physical damage are mentioned.
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
(arranged in alphabetical order)
The following list includes some examples of negative enclosures and their
specifications. (Physical qualities are bolded.)
Archival Storage Pages, 2000
Versatile, archival quality polypropylene storage pages
Provide excellent strength, clarity and protection
Specifically designed for safe, long term preservation
Pages are crystal clear which allows contact printing without removing the film
Features matte data panel for writing down information
Print File Polyethylene Pages, 2000
Economical, archivally sound, polyethylene pages and sleeves
Strong yet thin
Clear enough for contact printing
Houghtons LTD Negative Bags, 1914
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
Eastmans Negative Storage Albums, N/A
For film negatives
Eastmans Film Negative Albums, 1899
For film negatives
Amateur Delivery Envelopes, 1911/12/13
For film negatives
Eastman Film Negative Albums, 1915
For film negatives
Kodak Negative Albums, 1930
For film negatives
Kodak Negative Envelopes, 1940s
For film negatives
Kodak Photofinishing Envelopes, 1940s
For film negatives
Kodapak Sleeves, 1940s
For film negatives
Kodak Negative Files, 1940s
For film negatives
Kodak Negative Envelopes, 1950s
For film negatives
Preserving B&W Negatives FromPhysical Damage: Handling Methods and Enclosure Design
(arranged in alphabetical order)
The following list includes some examples of negative enclosures and their
specifications. (Physical qualities are bolded.)
Glassine Paper, 2002-2003
Made from selected chemical pulp
Transparency obtained in a special manufacturing process with no salts,
additives or chemical surface treatment
At time of manufacture, pH value is 6.8-7.5
Since paper is unbuffered, pH value is expected to drop when exposed to normal
atmospheric conditions
For interleaving and wrapping
Passes PAT of ANSI standard IT9.16 (test performed by the IPI at RIT)
Wrapping Paper, 2002-2003
Excellent strength characteristics
Made from selected chemical pulp
Acid-free and buffered against acid deterioration
pH 7.5-8.5
For wrapping, archival storage and shipping
Also dust cover for framing