Setup Time Reduction Through SMED Technique in A Stamping Production Line
Setup Time Reduction Through SMED Technique in A Stamping Production Line
Setup Time Reduction Through SMED Technique in A Stamping Production Line
Arun Abraham1, Ganapathi K. N.2, Kailash Motwani3 1- M.Sc. [Engg.] Student, 2-Asst.Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, MSRSAS, Bangalore -560 058 3-General Manager Operations
The competition in the current business world is marked by intense agitation and severe contention. This agitated situation has made organisations to revitalize themselves by marching in different routes like Agile, Lean, TPM, TQM etc to keep them competitive in the market as well to accomplish their objectives positively. Now a days most of the organisations have taken the established route Lean to crush the competition. This condition has improved the lean management strategies like, improving the value stream, reduce the change over times, creating flow in manufacturing, levelling the production based on demand; reducing capital investment etc. This concept has provided the organizations a major source of competitive advantage. The utilization of the source is mainly due to the capability of the organisation to change and manage the change. In this study, a press shop which is used BMS press for the production of Hose clamps, which required set up time reduction and need to improve the productivity had been taken for project. The main objective is to reduce the set up time from 7 hours to 2 hours and improve the productivity. The objective needs to be achieved with no investment or with very minimum investment because investment plays a vital role at the growth stage of the product life cycle. The scope includes the BMS press the proposed implementation of new Toggle clamps, new ZF assembly, new camera mounting, SOP, etc. A seven step methodology used for set up time reduction to attain the objectives of the project. The main results attained from the study are Tool change time had been reduced from 7 hours to 2 hours. This leads to the productivity improvement of the BMS machine, which can make 105000 clamps / day were before it was 60000 clamps /day. We conclude that modifying the existing practices has resulted in significant NVA elimination. Key Words: Set Up Time Reduction, SMED, 5S, SOP, NVA Elimination. Ramp down time Run down period is the time between the end of a batch production till the lot quantity is completed. Setup Time Setup time is the non production time in which change over takes from one part to another. Ramp uptime The time between setup is completed and the full production is achieved. Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) emphasises on setup time reduction to single minute. The need of SMED is mandatory due to increased demand for variable products and reduced product life cycles. It helps the company to keep reduced inventory and effective utilisation of the equipment. SMED analysis has to be started up with detailed process map and time study. It needs analysing everything that happens during the changeover to understand the possibilities of activities that can be moved outside the changeover window. Non value added activities has to be eliminated or to be converted to external. If an internal activity is inevitable, it has to be simplified with the help of jigs, fixtures etc. Implementation of SMED starts from identifying the change over process and sorting it into internal and external activity. Internal activity Activities that are done after stopping the machine. External activity Operations that can be done without stopping the machine. Internal activities have to be converted to external wherever possible. Then focus should be on optimising external activities. Maintaining of 5S is important at
CAD MNC NVA OEE QC F SMED SOP Computer Aided Design Multi National Company Non Value Adding Activity Overall Equipment Efficiency Quick Change Fixture Single Minute Exchange of Dies Standard Operating Procedure.
The present manufacturing scenario demands low quantity and high variety parts. This can be achieved only through lean manufacturing. The present production system likeJust-in-Time manufacturing demands smaller production quantities which in turn mean more setup times (non-productive time). Companies should focus on reducing non-productive time in order to remain competitive. Thus quick change over is a critical element in lean manufacturing. Quick changeover is also known as setup reduction which focuses on eliminating or reducing non value added activities during the setup. This helps companies to efficiently change the tool/mould from one part to another. Changeover time is referred to as the total time required for change from one product to the second product. As shown in figure 1, total change over time is considered as lost production which includes rampdown time, setup time and ramp-up time.
each level of implementation. At each stage of advancement, the process has to be standardized and again scope of improvement has to be analysed and implemented focusing on continuous improvement. With the help of continuous improvement, the total changeover has to be brought down to single minute, ie aim of SMED.
the productivity of the company. Tools used for setup time reduction are SMED, Quick Clamping Fixture design, 5S, SOP, Poka-Yoke etc. Analysis is carried out by various stages such as Identification of the bottleneck machine. Detailed time study and attributes contributing for setup. Selection of major areas of focus. Analysing and developing the new model. Planning & Implementing. Results and validation.
Aim is to reduce changeover time from 7 Hours to 2 Hours through SMED Technique in a Stamping Production Line. To review the literature on SMED, lean concepts, Stamping Process. To study the existing procedure and manufacturing lead time and collect the data. To categorize the internal and external activities and to convert the internal to external where ever possible. To implement system for safety and serene work place. To develop a new change over system. To implement the new change over system and validate the same.
Reviewed Literature about SMED and lean principles by referring books, journals and manuals. A detailed study of the operations and existing changeover procedure done by video recording. Conversion of internal activity to external is carried out by ensuring availability of tools, fixture. Implemented 5 S systems for safety and serene workplace. Feasibility study done for the type of Quick Clamping Fixture to be used with respect to the machine clamping facility. Designed quick clamping fixtures for Stamping Tool with respect to the machines they are loaded. Standardized the stamping tool shut height with respect to the machines they are loaded. Implemented proposed solutions and validated new change over system. Fig. 8 Time study
Maximum time taken set up was Rounding Tool Setting which is 1.2hours.
Tool Transport from Maintenance room Removal of last tool from the machine L2 setting Ear tool setting Rounding setting tool
I I I I I I I I Total
28 35 35 76 32 26 23 29 399
Fig. 9 Pareto analysis to identify bottleneck setting 4.3.1 Inference from the Pareto chart. In the overall loss, 20% of loss is contributed by Rounding Tool setting. Tool Transportation from maintenance contributed 10% of the overall loss. On an average 76 minutes is lost only for Rounding tool setting. The scope for reducing the overall setting time is very high.
4.5 Observations The above data collections shows that maximum time taken in set up is because of not converting internal activities to externals. Also in internal set up maximum time is taken for rounding tool setting. 5. PROBLEM SOLVING 5.1 Right Strategy and Methodology for Right Solution The success of any study or a study lies on the proper selection of an appropriate strategy and right methodology. Also it is essential to have a systematic procedure to approach the problem. The right approach towards the problem will increase the confidence level of the organization. Without one, the solutions may be ineffective and may lead to some painful consequences. Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED) is one of the very important lean tools which require committed effort. For this activity a Cross Functional Team created, which includes Production, Design, Quality and Maintenance departments. This team helped to brainstorm the problems and helped to reduce the Setup time A Seven step methodology is adopted for successful implementation of SMED as shown in Figure 3.
Spool Change Unload the old spool Return the old spool
LongerRoundingtool settingTime.
SearchingForTools NoToolKits NoProperSOP &5S Diskspringisusing NoProperDocumentation
5.6.3 Benefits of new camera mounting versus old clamping To remove Bolts and adjust the Camera takes more than 15 mins with old clamps. The new clamping system can finish the camera setting within 10 mins of Internal Setting time. The Measure that marks on the ruler is Reflected in the set-up sheet and position the camera-2 in each set-up. The levers position the Camera in few seconds without hand tools.
5.8 Conclusion
The above implementations and improvements helped to improve the set up time of the BMS machine. The set up time of each setting drastically came down. The SOP and other newly implemented clamping systems helps to easier the working on machine. The newly implemented camera mounting helps the unskilled person also to set it. This also improves the morale of the employees.
5.6.2 Benefits of toggle clamps versus fixed clamps The old clamping system need 6 clamps for fixing the tool on the machine. The new toggle clamps reduces this by 3 numbers. The old clamps required 15 minutes of internal setting time to clamp the tool. The new toggle needs only 5 minutes to clamp the tool.
Fig. 10 Graph after implementation of SMED As a result of implementing SMED the tool change time has been reduced from 7 hours to 2 hours in overall. 75% of tool change time reduction is achieved as shown in table.
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Implementing Lean principles in any process will bring huge results to organizations. This study has proved that eliminating Non Value Adding in any process can bring huge results. The payback achieved in this study indicates that if the lean concepts area horizontally organized in all departments they would generate very significant organisational benefits. As a result of this project, the production capacity of BMS presses has been increased from 60,000 to 1,05,000 clamps/day. The Elimination waste in the entire operation improves productivity, reduces the cost which in turn delights customer and helps organizations in moving towards their vision and goals. We conclude that modifying the existing practices has resulted in significant NVA elimination.