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CBC Photography NC II

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East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila

Page A...COURSE ES!"#...................................................................................$%& '. MO U(ES O) !#STRUCT!O#.............................................................*%*& 'AS!C COMPETE#C!ES..............................................................* o Participating in wor+place co,,unication.......................-%$. o /or+ing in a tea, environ,ent................................... $$%$0 o Practicing career pro1essionalis,..................................$2%$o Practicing occupational health and sa1ety procedures. .$3%44 COMMO# COMPETE#C!ES.................................................................40 o eveloping and updating industry +nowledge..........................40%43 o Managing co,puter data..........................................................45%0$ o Providing e11ective custo,er service........................................04%0o eveloping sel1 as an artist......................................................03%2$ o Selecting and preparing wor+ 1or e6hi7ition.............................24%22 CORE COMPETE#C!ES........................................................................2& o Operating ca,era and co,posing a su78ect............................2*%&4 o Setting up studio lights, e9uip,ent and accessories...............&0%&o Per1or,ing post capture processing ........................................&3%*4 o Presenting 1inished products....................................................*0%*& C. AC:#O/(E "EME#T...........................................................................**


C'C Photography #C !!


COURSE ESCR!PT!O#; This course is designed to enhance the +nowledge, desira7le attitudes and s+ills in operating ca,era and co,posing a su78ect, setting up studio lights, e9uip,ent and accessories, per1or,ing post%production stages, and presenting 1inished products in accordance with industry standards. To o7tain this, all units prescri7ed 1or this 9uali1ication ,ust 7e achieved; E#TR< RE=U!REME#TS; Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should satis1y the 1ollowing re9uire,ents; At least $3 years old 'e a7le to read, co,prehend, and discuss printed in1or,ation in English 'e a7le to write si,ple state,ents, recogni>e nu,7ers, and per1or, 7asic nu,eric calculations Must 7ring a 1il, or digital S(R ca,era

C'C Photography #C !!



1 hours
U!"#s o$ Co%&'#'!() $. Participate in wor+place co,,unication Mo*u+' T"#+' $.$ Participating in wor+place co,,unication L',r!"!- Ou#(o%'s No%"!,+ Dur,#"o! 2 hours

$.$.$ O7tain and convey wor+place


$.$.4 Co,plete relevant wor+

related docu,ents $.$.0 Participate in wor+place 4.$.$ escri7e and identi1y tea, role and responsi7ility in a tea, 4.$.4 escri7e wor+ as a tea, ,e,7er 0.$.$ !ntegrate personal o78ectives with organi>ational goals 0.$.4 Set and ,eet wor+ priorities 0.$.0 Maintain pro1essional growth and develop,ent 2.$.$ Evaluate ha>ards and ris+s 2.$.4 Control ha>ards and ris+s 2.$.0 Maintain occupational health and sa1ety awareness 2 hours

4. /or+ in a tea, environ,ent

4.$ /or+ing in a tea, environ,ent 0.$ Practicing career pro1essionalis,

0. Practice career pro1essionalis,

* hours

2. Practice occupational health and sa1ety

2.$ Practicing occupational health and sa1ety

2 hours


C'C Photography #C !!

1 hours
U!"#s o$ Co%&'#'!() $. evelop and update industry +nowledge Mo*u+' T"#+' 4.$ eveloping and update industry +nowledge $.$.$ $.$.4 $.$.0 4. Per1or, co,puter operation 4.$ Per1or,ing co,puter operation 4.$.$ L',r!"!- Ou#(o%'s !denti1y and access +ey sources o1 in1or,ation on the industry Access, apply and share industry in1or,ation Update continuously relevant industry +nowledge !denti1y and e6plain the 1unctions, general 1eatures and capa7ilities o1 7oth hardware and so1tware Prepare and use appropriate hardware and so1tware according to tas+ re9uire,ents Use appropriate devices and procedures to trans1er 1iles? data Produce accurate and co,plete data according to the re9uire,ents Maintain co,puter syste, Apply e11ective ver7al and non% ver7al co,,unication s+ills to respond to custo,er needs Provide pro,pt and 9uality service to custo,er @andle 9ueries pro,ptly and correctly in line with enterprise procedures @andle custo,er co,plaints, evaluation and reco,,endations !denti1y and apply strategies to develop appropriate s+ills in art practice Use discussion and evaluation opportunities to develop technical and conceptual s+ills evelop own style through e6ploring and e6peri,enting with new ideas in ,a+ing and? or interpreting wor+ !denti1y the organi>er and its criteria 1or selection o1 wor+ 1or e6hi7ition Select and organi>e wor+ to su7,it 1or e6hi7ition No%"!,+ Dur,#"o! 4 hours

2 hours


4.$.0 4.$.2 4.$.& 0.$.$ 0.$.4 0.$.0 0.$.2 2. evelop sel1 as an artist 2.$ eveloping sel1 as an artist 2.$.$ 2.$.4

0. Provide e11ective custo,er service

0.$ Providing e11ective custo,er service

2 hours

2 hours


&. Select and prepare wor+ 1or e6hi7ition

&.$ Selecting and preparing wor+ 1or e6hi7ition

&.$.$ &.$.4

2 hours

C'C Photography #C !!


./ hours
U!"#s o$ Co%&'#'!() $. Operate ca,era and co,pose a su78ect Mo*u+' T"#+' $.$ Operating ca,era and co,pose a su78ect $.$.$ $.$.4 $.$.0 $.$.2 $.$.& $.$.* 4. Set up studio lights, e9uip,ent and accessories 4.$ Setting up studio lights, e9uip,ent and accessories 4.$.$ 4.$.4 4.$.0 4.$.2 0. Per1or, post capture processing 0.$ Per1or,ing post capture processing 0.$.$ 0.$.4 0.$.0 2. Present 1inished products 2.$ Presenting 1inished products 0.$.2 2.$.$ 2.$.4 L',r!"!- Ou#(o%'s Operate the ca,era Select and use lenses !denti1y and e6plain techni9ues in co,posing a su78ect ? i,age Apply lighting techni9ues Review i,ages Maintain and store e9uip,ent and ,aterials !denti1y and chec+ lighting e9uip,ent Prepare and set up studio lights and accessories Apply appropriate lighting techni9ues and ratios Maintain and store lighting e9uip,ent Prepare wor+ environ,ent 1or post capture processing !denti1y and use i,age editing so1tware 1or post production Apply retouching and enhance,ent techni9ues Print photos !denti1y and use appropriate ,aterials and e9uip,ent 1or pac+aging and delivery Per1or, 9uality chec+ o1 1inished product No%"!,+ Dur,#"o! 42 hours

04 hours

04 hours

3 hours


C'C Photography #C !!

E9uip,ent S(R ca,era /ide A Tele lenses Macro lens 0& ,, S(R )il, ca,era $4. ca,era Standard lens /ide angle lens Tele%photo lens B & Ciew ca,era $&. ,, lens Tripods (ight ,eter Ca7le release ? Re,ote control (ens hood )ilters A color correction 1ilters, contrast 1ilters, polari>ing 1ilters, special e11ects, neutral density Porta7le electronic 1lash Porta7le ,ono7loc electronic 1lash syste, Power pac+ electronic 1lash syste, (ight stands (ighting ,odi1ying devices, including scri,s, u,7rellas, honeyco,7s and grids, so1t 7o6es, re1lectors, light a7sor7ers Porta7le photo1lood D tungsten light syste, Co,puters ar+roo, e9uip,ent Scanner Printers )lat screen ,onitor (C Pro8ector Stand7y "enerator Tools ?accessories?supplies @and tools EScrew drivers, pliers, ha,,er, cutters, scissors, wrenchF G Optional % e9uip,ent 1or high%end photography Materials E0& ,, 1or,atF G'D/, color negative and transparency 1il,s E$4. 1or,atF G'D/, color negative and transparency 1il,s E2 B & 1or,atF G'D/, color negative and transparency 1il,s GChe,icals 1or o 'D/ 1il,s E evelopers, stop 7ath, 1i6er, hypo%clearing agents, photo1lo, tonersF G'D/ Photo papers Me,ory card 'atteries, chargers !n+8et photo paper !n+ Co,pact disc Porta7le )ire E6tinguishers /hite7oard, ,ar+ers, eraser, 1lip charts O@P screen Tapes Electrical, ucting tapes, Mas+ing tapes, Scotch tapes, Pac+ing Tapes, ou7le AdhesiveF E6tension cord, adaptors Training ,aterials Re1erence 7oo+s Manuals Catalogs 'rochures Modules?(Es C s?Cideo tapes

C'C Photography #C !!


ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten e6a,ination e,onstration o1 practical s+ills irect o7servation !nterview

COURSE E(!CER<; Sel1%paced instruction e,onstration (ecture iscussion ual training istance learning

TRA!#ERHS =UA(!)!CAT!O#; Must have undergone training on Training Methodology !! ET= !!F At least two E4F years in College Education Must 7e a holder o1 Photography #C !! GMust 7e co,puter literate GMust have at least 1ive E&F years 8o7?industry e6perience

G Optional; Only when re9uired 7y the hiring institution Re1erence; TES A 'oard Resolution #o. 4..2%.0


C'C Photography #C !!



COMMUNICATIONS PARTICIPATE IN 0OR1PLACE COMMUNICATION PARTICIPATING IN 0OR1PLACE COMMUNICATION This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to o7tain, interpret and convey in1or,ation in response to wor+place re9uire,ents. 2 hours #C !! Receive and Respond to /or+place Co,,unication. E#C !F





=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the students? trainees ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. O7tain and convey wor+place in1or,ation (O4. Co,plete relevant wor+ related docu,ents. (O0. Participate in wor+place ,eeting and discussion.


C'C Photography #C !!

LO12 OBTAIN AND CONVEY 0OR1PLACE INFORMATION2 ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Speci1ic relevant in1or,ation is accessed 1ro, appropriate sources. 4. E11ective 9uestioning, active listening and spea+ing s+ills are used to gather and convey in1or,ation. 0. Appropriate ,ediu, is used to trans1er in1or,ation and ideas. 2. Appropriate non%ver7al co,,unication is used. &. Appropriate lines o1 co,,unication with superiors and colleagues are identi1ied and 1ollowed. *. e1ined wor+place procedures 1or the location and storage o1 in1or,ation are used. -. Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely. CO#TE#TS; Parts o1 speech Sentence construction E11ective co,,unication

CO# !T!O#S; The students? trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; /riting ,aterials Epen D paperF Re1erences E7oo+sF Manuals

MET@O O(O"!ES; "roup discussion !nteraction (ecture Reportorial

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test Practical?per1or,ance test !nterview

C'C Photography #C !!




ASSESSME#T CRTER!A; $. Ranges o1 1or,s relating to conditions o1 e,ploy,ent are co,pleted accurately and legi7ly. 4. /or+place data is recorded on standard wor+place 1or,s and docu,ents. 0. 'asic ,athe,atical processes are used 1or routine calculations. 2. Errors in recording in1or,ation on 1or,s?docu,ents are identi1ied and recti1ied. &. Reporting re9uire,ents to superior are co,pleted according to enterprise guidelines. CO#TE#TS; 'asic ,athe,atics Technical writing Types o1 1or,s

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Paper Pencils?7all pen Re1erence 7oo+s Manuals

MET@O O(O"!ES; "roup discussion !nteraction (ecture

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test Practical?per1or,ance test !nterview

% $. %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO32 PARTICIPATE IN 0OR1PLACE MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Tea, ,eetings are attended on ti,e. 4. Own opinions are clearly e6pressed and those o1 others are listened to without interruption. 0. Meeting inputs are consistent with the ,eeting purpose and esta7lished protocols. 2. /or+place interactions are conducted in a courteous ,anner appropriate to cultural 7ac+ground and authority in the enterprise procedures. &. =uestions a7out si,ple routine wor+place procedures and ,atters concerning conditions o1 e,ploy,ent are as+ed and responded. *. Meeting outco,es are interpreted and i,ple,ented. CO#TE#TS; Sentence construction Technical writing Recording in1or,ation

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Paper Pencils?7all pen Re1erences E7oo+sF Manuals

MET@O O(O"!ES; "roup discussions !nteraction (ecture

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test Practical?per1or,ance test !nterview

C'C Photography #C !!

% $$ %


TEAM 0OR1 0OR1 IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT 0OR1ING IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills, and attitudes re9uired to relate in a wor+ 7ased environ,ent. 2 hours #C !! TEAM/OR: E#C !F




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the students? trainees ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. (O4. escri7e and identi1y tea, role and responsi7ility in a tea,. escri7e wor+ as a tea,.

% $4 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO12 DESCRIBE AND IDENTIFY TEAM ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY IN A TEAM2 ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. 4. 0. 2. &. Role and o78ective o1 the tea, is identi1ied. Tea, para,eters, relationships and responsi7ilities are identi1ied. !ndividual role and responsi7ilities within tea, environ,ent are identi1ied. Roles and responsi7ilities o1 other tea, ,e,7ers are identi1ied and recogni>ed. Reporting relationships within tea, and e6ternal to tea, are identi1ied.

CO#TE#TS; Tea, role Relationship and responsi7ilities Role and responsi7ilities with tea, environ,ent Relationship within a tea,

CO# !T!O#S; The students? trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Standard operating procedure ESOPF o1 wor+place Io7 procedures Client?supplier instructions =uality standards Organi>ational or e6ternal personnel

MET@O O(O"!ES; "roup discussion?interaction Case studies Si,ulation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test O7servation Si,ulation Role playing

C'C Photography #C !!

% $0 %

LO22 DESCRIBE 0OR1 AS A TEAM MEMBER ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Appropriate 1or,s o1 co,,unication and interactions are underta+en. 4. Appropriate contri7utions to co,ple,ent tea, activities and o78ectives are ,ade. 0. Reporting using standard operating procedures are 1ollowed. 2. evelop,ent o1 tea, wor+ plans 7ased 1ro, role tea, is contri7uted. CO#TE#TS; Co,,unication process Tea, structure?tea, roles "roup planning and decision ,a+ing

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; SOP o1 wor+place Io7 procedures Organi>ation or e6ternal personnel

MET@O O(O"!ES; "roup discussion?interaction Case studies Si,ulation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; O7servation o1 wor+ activities O7servation through si,ulation or role play Case studies and scenarios.

% $2 %

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; ; ;

PRACTICE CAREER PROFESSIONALISM PRACTICING CAREER PROFESSIONALISM This ,odule cover the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes in pro,oting career growth and advance,ent, speci1ically to integrate personal o78ectives with organi>ational goals set and ,eet wor+ priorities and ,aintain pro1essional growth and develop,ent. * hours #C !! none



; ; ;


SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !ntegrate personal o78ectives with organi>ational goals (O4. Set and ,eet wor+ priorities (O0. Maintain pro1essional growth and develop,ent

C'C Photography #C !!

% $& %

LO12 INTEGRATE PERSONAL OB4ECTIVES 0ITH ORGANI5ATIONAL GOALS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Personal growth and wor+ plans towards i,proving the 9uali1ications set 1or pro1essionalis, are evident. 4. !ntra and interpersonal relationship in the course o1 ,anaging onesel1 7ased on per1or,ance evaluation is ,aintained. 0. Co,,it,ent to the organi>ation and its goal is de,onstrated in the per1or,ance o1 duties. 2. Practice o1 appropriate personal hygiene is o7served. &. Io7 targets within +ey result areas are attained. CO#TE#TS; Personal develop,ent%social aspects; intra and interpersonal develop,ent Organi>ational goals Personal hygiene and practices Code o1 ethics

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; /or+place Code o1 ethics Organi>ational goals @and outs and Personal develop,ent%social aspects C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive %lecture Si,ulation e,onstration Sel1 paced instruction

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; Role play !nterview /ritten e6a,ination

% $* %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 SET AND MEET 0OR1 PRIORITIES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Co,peting de,ands to achieve personal, tea, and organi>ational goals and o78ectives are prioriti>ed. 4. Resources are utili>ed e11iciently and e11ectively to ,anage wor+ priorities and co,,it,ents. 0. Practices and econo,ic use and ,aintenance o1 e9uip,ent and 1acilities are 1ollowed as per esta7lished procedures. 2. Io7 targets within +ey result areas are attained. CO#TE#TS; Organi>ational :ey Result Areas E:RAF /or+ values and ethical standards Co,pany policies on the use and ,aintenance o1 e9uip,ent

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing @and outs on % Organi>ational :RA % /or+ values and ethics % Co,pany policies and standards % Sa,ple 8o7 targets (earning guides C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive lecture "roup discussion Structured activity e,onstration

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; Role play !nterview /ritten e6a,ination

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% $- %

LO32 MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL GRO0TH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Training and career opportunities relevant to the 8o7 re9uire,ents are identi1ied and availed. 4. (icenses and?or certi1ications according to the re9uire,ents o1 the 9uali1ications are ac9uired and ,aintained 0. )unda,ental rights at wor+ including gender sensitivity are ,ani1ested? o7served 2. Training and career opportunities 7ased on the re9uire,ents o1 industry are co,pleted and updated. CO#TE#TS; =uali1ication standards "ender and develop,ent E"A F sensitivity Pro1essionalis, in the wor+place (ist o1 pro1essional licenses

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing =uality standards "A handouts C Hs, C@S tapes on pro1essionalis, in the wor+place Pro1essional licenses sa,ples

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive lecture )il, viewing Role play?si,ulation "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; e,onstration !nterview /ritten e6a,ination Port1olio assess,ent

% $3 %

C'C Photography #C !!


PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES PRACTICING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to co,ply with the regulatory and organi>ational re9uire,ents 1or occupational health and sa1ety such as identi1ying, evaluating and ,aintaining occupational health and sa1ety EO@SF awareness. 2 hours #C !!




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !dentity ha>ards and ris+s (O4. Evaluate ha>ards and ris+s (O0. Control ha>ards and ris+s (O2. Maintain occupational health and sa1ety awareness

C'C Photography #C !!

% $5 %

LO12 IDENTIFY HA5ARDS AND RIS1S ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. /or+place ha>ards and ris+s are identi1ied and clearly e6plained. 4. @a>ards?ris+s and its corresponding indicators are identi1ied in line with the co,pany procedures. 0. Contingency ,easures are recogni>ed and esta7lished in accordance with organi>ational procedures. CO#TE#TS; @a>ards and ris+s identi1ication and control Organi>ational sa1ety and health protocol Threshold li,it value ET(CF O@S indicators

CO# !T!O#S; The students? trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; /or+place Personal protective e9uip,ent EPPEF (earning guides @and%outs % Organi>ational sa1ety and health protocol % O@S indicators % Threshold li,it value % @a>ards?ris+ identi1ication and control C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive %lecture Si,ulation Sy,posiu, "roup dyna,ics

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; Situation analysis !nterview Practical e6a,ination /ritten e6a,ination

% 4. %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 EVALUATE HA5ARDS AND RIS1S ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Ter,s o1 ,a6i,u, tolera7le li,its are identi1ied 7ased on threshold li,it values ET(CF 4. E11ects o1 ha>ards are deter,ined. 0. O@S issues and concerns are identi1ied in accordance with wor+place re9uire,ents and relevant wor+place O@S legislation. CO#TE#TS; T(C ta7le Philippine O@S standards E11ects o1 ha>ards in the wor+place Ergono,ics ECC Regulations

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing @and outs on % Philippine O@S standards % E11ects o1 ha>ards in the wor+place % Ergono,ics % ECC regulations T(C ta7le C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive lecture Situation analysis Sy,posiu, )il, viewing "roup dyna,ics

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; !nterview /ritten e6a,ination Si,ulation

C'C Photography #C !!

% 4$ %

LO32 CONTROL HA5ARDS AND RIS1S ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. O@S procedures 1or controlling ha>ards and ris+ are strictly 1ollowed. 4. Procedures in dealing with wor+place accidents, 1ire and e,ergencies are 1ollowed in accordance with the organi>ationHs O@S policies. 0. Personal protective e9uip,ent EPPEF is correctly used in accordance with organi>ationHs O@S procedures and practices. 2. Procedures in providing appropriate assistance in the event o1 wor+place e,ergencies are identi1ied in line with the esta7lished organi>ational protocol. CO#TE#TS; Sa1ety regulations % Clean air act % Electrical and 1ire sa1ety code % /aste ,anage,ent % isaster preparedness and ,anage,ent Contingency ,easures and procedures

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @and outs on % Sa1ety regulations % Clean air act % Electrical and 1ire sa1ety code % /aste ,anage,ent % isaster preparedness and ,anage,ent % Contingency ,easures and procedures O@S personal records PPE C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive lecture Sy,posiu, )il, viewing "roup dyna,ics Sel1%paced instruction

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten e6a,ination !nterview Case?situation analysis Si,ulation

% 44 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO62 MAINTAIN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY A0ARENESS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Procedures in e,ergency related drill are strictly 1ollowed in line with the esta7lished organi>ation guidelines and procedures. 4. O@S personal records are 1illed up in accordance with wor+place re9uire,ents. 0. PPE is ,aintained in line with organi>ation guidelines and procedures. CO#TE#TS; Operational health and sa1ety procedure, practices and regulations E,ergency%related drills and training

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing /or+place PPE O@S personal records C Hs, C@S tapes, transparencies @ealth record

MET@O O(O"!ES; !nteractive lecture Si,ulation Sy,posiu, )il, viewing "roup dyna,ics

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; e,onstration !nterview /ritten e6a,ination Port1olio assess,ent

C'C Photography #C !!

% 40 %



; ; ;

DEVELOP AND UPDATE INDUSTRY 1NO0LEDGE DEVELOPING AND UPDATING INDUSTRY 1NO0LEDGE This unit deals with the +nowledge, and s+ills re9uired to access, increase and update industry +nowledge. !t included see+ing in1or,ation on the industry and updating industry +nowledge. 4 hours #C !! 'asic co,petencies



; ; ;


SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. See+ in1or,ation on the industry. (O4. Update industry +nowledge.

C'C Photography #C !!

% 4& %

LO12 SEE1 INFORMATION ON THE INDUSTRY ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Sources o1 in1or,ation on the industry are correctly identi1ied and accessed. 4. !n1or,ation to assist e11ective wor+ per1or,ance is o7tained in line with 8o7 re9uire,ents. 0. Speci1ic in1or,ation on sector o1 wor+ is accessed and updated. 2. !ndustry in1or,ation is correctly applied to day%to%day wor+ activities. CO#TE#TS; !n1or,ation sources. !n1or,ation to assist e11ective wor+ per1or,ance

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Sources o1 in1or,ation on the industry !ndustry +nowledge

MET@O O(O"<; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O ; !nterview?9uestioning Practical de,onstration Port1olio o1 industry in1or,ation related to traineeHs wor+

% 4* %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 UPDATE INDUSTRY 1NO0LEDGE ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. !n1or,al and?or 1or,al research is used to update general +nowledge o1 the industry. 4. Updated +nowledge is shared with custo,ers and colleagues as appropriate and incorporated into day%to%day wor+ing activities. CO#TE#TS; !n1or,ation sources. !n1or,ation to assist e11ective wor+ per1or,ance

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Sources o1 in1or,ation on the industry !ndustry +nowledge

MET@O O(O"<; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O ; !nterview?9uestioning Practical de,onstration Port1olio o1 industry in1or,ation related to traineeHs wor+

C'C Photography #C !!

% 4- %


PERFORM COMPUTER OPERATIONS MANAGING COMPUTER DATA This unit covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes and values needed to ,anage co,puter data which includes inputting, accessing, producing and trans1erring data using the appropriate hardware and so1tware. 2 hours #C !! 'asic co,petencies




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. Plan and prepare tas+ to 7e underta+en (O4. !nput data into co,puter (O0. Access in1o using co,puter (O2. Produce?Output data using co,puter data

% 43 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO12 PLAN AND PREPARE TAS1 TO BE UNDERTA1EN ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. All tas+s re9uire,ents are deter,ined. 4. Appropriate hardware and so1tware is correctly selected according to the assigned and re9uired outco,e. 0. O@ and S guidelines and procedures are strictly 1ollowed. CO#TE#TS; Main types o1 co,puters and 7asic 1eatures o1 di11erent operating syste,s. Main parts o1 a co,puter. Storage devices and 7asic categories o1 ,e,ory. Relevant types o1 so1tware. "eneral security. Ciruses. O@ and S principles and responsi7ilities.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter hardware with peripherals Appropriate so1tware Storage ,edia

MET@O O(O"<; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O ; irect o7servation Practical de,onstration =uestioning

C'C Photography #C !!

% 45 %

LO22 INPUT DATA INTO COMPUTER ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. ata are entered into the co,puter using appropriate progra,?application in accordance with co,pany procedure. 4. Accuracy o1 in1or,ation is chec+ed and in1or,ation is saved in accordance with standard operating procedures. 0. !nputted data are stored in storage ,edia according to re9uire,ents. 2. /or+ is per1or,ed with ergono,ic guidelines. CO#TE#TS; 'asic ergono,ics o1 +ey7oard and co,puter use. "eneral security. Ciruses. Reading s+ills to interpret instructions.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter hardware with peripherals. Appropriate so1tware. Ergono,ic guidelines. Storage ,edia.

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion.

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; irect o7servation Practical de,onstration. =uestioning.

% 0. %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO32 ACCESS INFORMATION USING COMPUTER ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Correct progra, and application is selected 7ased on the 8o7 re9uire,ents. 4. Progra,?application containing the in1or,ation re9uired is accessed according to co,pany procedures. 0. es+top icons are correctly selected opened and closed 1or navigation purposes. 2. :ey7oard techni9ues are carried out in line with O @ and S re9uire,ents 1or sa1e use o1 co,puters. CO#TE#TS; Use o1 des+top icons. :ey7oard techni9ues O@ and S principles and responsi7ilities.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter hardware with peripherals. Appropriate so1tware. Storage ,edia. O@ and S guidelines. es+top icons.

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; irect o7servation Practical de,onstration =uestioning

C'C Photography #C !!

% 0$ %

LO6: PRODUCE7OUTPUT DATA USING COMPUTER SYSTEM ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Entered data are processed using appropriate so1tware co,,ands. 4. ata are printed out as re9uired using co,puter hardware peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures. 0. )iles and data are trans1erred 7etween co,pati7le syste,s using co,puter syste,s using co,puter so1tware, hardware? peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures. CO#TE#TS; Printing techni9ues. Types o1 printers. Peripherals. O@ and S principles and responsi7ilities.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter hardware with peripherals Appropriate so1tware Storage ,edia Paper ocu,ents 1or processing

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; irect o7servation Practical de,onstration =uestioning

% 04 %

C'C Photography #C !!


PROVIDE EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICES PROVIDING EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICES This unit deals with the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes in providing e11ective custo,er services. !t includes greeting custo,ers, identi1ying custo,er needs, delivering service to custo,ers, handling 9ueries through telephone, 1a6 ,achine, !nternet, e%,ail, SMS and handling co,plaints evaluation and reco,,endations. 2 hours #C !! 'asic Co,petencies




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. "reet custo,ers (O4. !denti1y custo,er needs (O0. eliver service to custo,er

(O2. @andle 9ueries through telephone, 1a6 ,achine, internet, e%,ail and SMS (O&. @andle co,plaints, evaluation and reco,,endations.

C'C Photography #C !!

% 00 %

LO12 GREET CUSTOMER ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Proper greeting o1 custo,er is speci1ied according to standard procedure o1 wor+place. 4. Cer7al and non%ver7al co,,unication are identi1ied and appropriated to the situation. 0. #on%ver7al co,,unication is o7served care1ully. 2. Cultural and social di11erences is understood and de,onstrated. CO#TE#TS; Co,ponents o1 co,,unication, co,,unication process and 7arriers o1 co,,unication. Cer7al and non%ver7al co,,unication. 'ody language, gestures, 1acial e6pressions, ,anneris,s. Custo,s and traditions o1 di11erent races. Modes o1 greeting and 1are welling according to cultural and social di11erences.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @ands%out )lowchart?diagra, )il,?video clips

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing? si,ulation

% 02 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 IDENTIFY CUSTOMER NEEDS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. 4. 0. 2. !nterpersonal s+ills are used to accurately identi1y the needs o1 the custo,er. Urgency o1 needs should 7e assessed and identi1ied. Proper in1or,ation and details provided to the custo,er. (i,itation in addressing needs is recogni>ed and identi1ied.

CO#TE#TS; Enhance,ent o1 interpersonal and listening s+ills. "ood wor+ing attitude and pleasant approach. Pu7lic relations s+ills.

CO# !T!O#S; Students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @ands%out )il,?video clips

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

C'C Photography #C !!

% 0& %

LO32 DELIVER SERVICE TO THE CUSTOMER ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Custo,er needs are pro,ptly attended in line with wor+place procedures and regulations. 4. Appropriate relation is ,aintained with custo,er to ,eet high 9uality service delivery. 0. Enhance,ent o1 9uality o1 service is ta+en whenever possi7le. CO#TE#TS; Modes o1 greeting and 1arewell. Proper addressing o1 needs o1 persons. E7y gender, age, status, physical conditionF Style ,anual re9uire,ent. Standard letters and pro1or,as.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @ands%out )il,?video clips

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing? si,ulation

% 0* %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO62 HANDLE 8UERIES THROUGH TELEPHONE, FA9 MACHINE, INTERNET, E: MAIL AND SMS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Telephone, co,puter and cellular phones are properly and e11iciently used. 4. =ueries?9uestions are recorded?noted in line with wor+place procedure. 0. =ueries are acted upon pro,ptly and e11iciently. CO#TE#TS; Telephone ,anners, proper use o1 1a6 ,achine. Proper way o1 ta+ing 9ueries. Responses to 9ueries. Ta+ing telephone ,essages.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Telephone Co,puter )a6 ,achine Sa,ple telephone ,essage sheet @ands%out )il,?video clips

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture? de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

C'C Photography #C !!

% 0- %

LO;2 HANDLE COMPLAINTS, EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS2 ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. 4. 0. 2. "uests are politely greeted. Co,plaint is resolved with responsi7ility. #ature and details o1 co,plaint are esta7lished. Action is ta+en appropriately to resolve the co,plaint to ,eet custo,er satis1action. &. Evaluation and reco,,endations are acted upon with sincerity to ensure high 9uality standards. CO#TE#TS; Proper way o1 answering co,plaints in line with wor+place procedures. #ature and details o1 co,plaints. !ndustry?wor+place procedures in giving evaluation and reco,,endations.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @ands%out )il,?video clips Sa,ple co,plaint?evaluation and reco,,endation sheet 1ro, industry.

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing? si,ulation

% 03 %

C'C Photography #C !!


DEVELOP SELF AS AN ARTIST DEVELOPING SELF AS AN ARTIST This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to e6hi7it pro1essional practice that descri7es develop,ent o1 technical and conceptual s+ills re9uired to wor+ as a practicing artist. !t also deals with co,,unicating e11ectively and wor+ing strategically to achieve planned outco,es as an artist 2 hours #C !!




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !denti1y and apply strategies to develop appropriate s+ills in art practice (O4. Use discussion and evaluation opportunities to develop technical and conceptual s+ills (O0. evelop own style through e6ploring and e6peri,enting with new ideas in ,a+ing and?or interpreting wor+

C'C Photography #C !!

% 05 %

LO12 IDENTIFY AND APPLY STRATEGIES TO DEVELOP APPROPRIATE S1ILLS IN ART PRACTICE ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Strategies 1or developing the capacity to conceptuali>e visual co,positions using availa7le tools and technology. 4. Relevant 8ournals, ,aga>ines, catalogues and other ,edia are used to sti,ulate technical and pro1essional develop,ent. 0. Capa7ilities o1 ,aterials, tools and e9uip,ent are tested to develop technical s+ills. 2. )eed7ac+, discussion and evaluation opportunities to continuously i,prove technical s+ills are identi1ied and used. CO#TE#TS; The study o1 the principles o1 design, ele,ents o1 design, and the creative process to develop appropriate s+ills in visual art practice. Organi>ation o1 ele,ents in a given 1ra,e. Aesthetics and co,positions

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; @and%out )il,?video clips (earning guide Photograph sa,ples

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion )il, showing

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation?pro7le,%solving

% 2. %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 USE DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOP TECHNICAL AND CONCEPTUAL S1ILLS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. /or+ e6periences and ideas are discussed with others to i,prove own practice. 4. /or+ o1 others is studied to sti,ulate conceptual and technical s+ills develop,ent. 0. Opportunities to develop visual s+ills are created. CO#TE#TS; Presentation techni9ues Appreciating photographs

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter (C Pro8ector @and%out (earning guide Photograph sa,ples

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation?pro7le,%solving

C'C Photography #C !!

% 2$ %

LO32 DEVELOP O0N STYLE THROUGH E9PLORING AND E9PERIMENTING 0ITH NE0 IDEAS IN MA1ING AND7 OR INTERPRETING 0OR1 ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. #ew ideas in ,a+ing and?or interpreting wor+ are e6plored and e6peri,ented within the 1ra,ewor+ o1 visual design principles. 4. Tools and technology, where appropriate to e6pand and innovate own practice is e6plored and used. CO#TE#TS; )ra,ewor+ o1 visual design principles. E6peri,entation 7ased on availa7le technology and ,aterials. eveloping e6ploratory attitude towards innovation.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter Ca,era (C pro8ector (earning guide?hand%out Photograph sa,ples

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation?pro7le,%solving

% 24 %

C'C Photography #C !!


SELECT AND PREPARE 0OR1 FOR E9HIBITION SELECTING AND PREPARING 0OR1 FOR E9HIBITION This ,odule descri7es the s+ills and +nowledge re9uired to select and prepare wor+ 1or display or e6hi7ition. The s+ills and +nowledge are not restricted to a particular speciali>ation 7ut apply across all speciali>ation depending on the wor+ conte6t. 2 hours #C !! 'asic Co,petencies




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !denti1y the organi>er and its criteria 1or selection o1 wor+ 1or e6hi7ition (O4. Select and organi>e wor+ to su7,it 1or e6hi7ition

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% 20 %

LO12 IDENTIFY THE ORGANI5ER AND ITS CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF 0OR1 FOR E9HIBITION ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Relevant in1or,ation on the criteria is accessed which in1or,s the selection o1 wor+ 1or e6hi7ition 4. !n1or,ation on criteria 1or display o1 wor+ is interpreted 0. !ssues surrounding criteria with relevant individuals?organi>ations is identi1ied and clari1ied 2. /or+ is selected in accordance with esta7lished criteria CO#TE#TS; "eneral +nowledge o1 ways in which space is planned 1or display or e6hi7ition purposes relevant to area o1 wor+. Curatorial concept o1 the e6hi7it )inal selections o1 i,ages

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Audio visual presentation (earning guide?handout (ist o1 galleries

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation Ocular inspection !nvite resource spea+er

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; irect o7servation !nterview

% 22 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 SELECT AND ORGANI5E 0OR1 TO SUBMIT FOR E9HIBITION ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Co,pleteness o1 wor+ to 7e displayed is chec+ed. 4. Any speci1ic re9uire,ents 1or display o1 selected wor+ are deter,ined and action ta+en in consultation with concerned individuals or organi>ations. 0. Relevant steps and processes re9uired to prepare selected wor+ 1or display is identi1ied. 2. /or+ is prepared using appropriate techni9ues or engages the services o1 others as re9uired. &. /or+ is su7,itted to gallery curator within the agreed ti,e1ra,e and in accordance with the re9uire,ents. *. Assistance 1or e6hi7ition is provided with installation or hanging as re9uired and in accordance with instructions. CO#TE#TS; "eneral +nowledge a7out techni9ues 1or display or e6hi7ition relevant to the area o1 wor+, e.g. hanging, dis,antling. "eneral +nowledge o1 the ele,ents and principles o1 design and their speci1ic application to the layout o1 an e6hi7ition or display. Awareness o1 copyright, ,oral rights and intellectual property issues relevant to e6hi7itions and display.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Audio visual presentation (earning guide?handout Chec+list

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation !nvite resource spea+er

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; irect o7servation !nterview Port1olio

C'C Photography #C !!

% 2& %



OPERATE CAMERA AND COMPOSE A SUB4ECT OPERATING CAMERA AND COMPOSING A SUB4ECT This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to operate ca,era, position the ca,era, select appropriate lens and co,pose the shots to achieve the re9uired i,age. 42 hours #C !!




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. Operate the ca,era (O4. Select and use lenses (O0. !denti1y and e6plain techni9ues in co,posing a su78ect ? i,age (O2. Apply lighting techni9ues (O&. Review i,ages (O*. Maintain and store e9uip,ent and ,aterials

C'C Photography #C !!

% 2- %

LO12 OPERATE THE CAMERA ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Parts and 1unctions o1 the ca,era are identi1ied and applied 4. Ca,era is identi1ied and selected appropriately 1or speci1ic purpose 0. Ca,era is operated sa1ely in accordance with ,anu1acturerHs instruction CO#TE#TS; @istory o1 ca,era. Ca,era parts and 1unctions. Types o1 ca,eras. Ca,era ,etering and e6posure.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F Tripod (ight ,eter Ca7le release Porta7le electronic 1lash u,,y su78ect E9uip,ent instruction ,anual (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

% 23 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 SELECT AND USE LENSES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. (enses are selected according to application and situation. $. Application o1 various 1ocusing techni9ues. 4. Relationship o1 lens setting and depth o1 1ield are esta7lished. CO#TE#TS; (enses and lens types. Aperture diaphrag, epth o1 1ield @yper1ocal 1ocusing !,age sta7ili>ation

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F Tripod (ight ,eter Ca7le release Porta7le electronic 1lash u,,y su78ect E9uip,ent instruction ,anual (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

C'C Photography #C !!

% 25 %

LO32 IDENTIFY AND E9PLAIN TECHNI8UES IN COMPOSING A SUB4ECT 7 IMAGE ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Su78ect is identi1ied and visuali>ed according to graphic ele,ents and rules o1 co,position 4. Su78ect is co,posed to ,eet aesthetic re9uire,ents and provided the correct visual interpretation o1 wor+ re9uire,ents CO#TE#TS; !denti1ication o1 graphic ele,ent in visual co,position. Rules on co,position. Classi1ication o1 su78ect. )ra,ing, perspective, and ca,era positions.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F Tripod (ight ,eter Ca7le release Porta7le electronic 1lash u,,y su78ect E9uip,ent instruction ,anual (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing? si,ulation

% &. %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO62 APPLY LIGHTING TECHNI8UES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. =uality and 9uantity o1 availa7le lights are assessed to deter,ine appropriate e6posure and lighting e11ect. 4. Corrective actions are ta+en to address changing or inade9uate lighting conditions. CO#TE#TS; @ighlight, ,idtones and shadows (ight sources (ight ,odi1iers Theory o1 light and color )ilters /hite 7alance

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F Tripod (ight ,eter Ca7le release Porta7le electronic 1lash u,,y su78ect E9uip,ent instruction ,anual (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

C'C Photography #C !!

% &$ %

LO;2 REVIE0 IMAGES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. =uality o1 1ocus and e6posure are assessed. 4. !,ages are viewed 1ro, the ca,era (C , co,puter or TC ,onitor. 0. !,ages are stored in the storage ,edia. CO#TE#TS; )ocus and e6posure Operating ca,era (C , co,puter or TC ,onitor !,age trans1er and C 7urning

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F TC ,onitor Co,puter C writer (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio%visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing?si,ulation

% &4 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO/2 MAINTAIN AND STORE E8UIPMENT AND MATERIALS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. E9uip,ent is cleaned a1ter use as per ,anu1acturersH instruction. 4. E9uip,ent and ,aterials are stored in accordance with wor+place procedures. CO#TE#TS; Cleaning ca,eras and lenses Storing e9uip,ent and ,aterials Occupational health and sa1ety Proper disposal o1 waste and cleaning ,aterials

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Ca,eras and lenses 1or de,onstration purposes Storage ,edia E,e,ory card, hard dis+, C F Tripod (ight ,eter Ca7le release Porta7le electronic 1lash E9uip,ent instruction ,anuals Cleaning ,aterials Storage ca7inets?rac+s (earning guide Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

% &0 %


SET UP STUDIO LIGHTS, E8UIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES SETTING UP STUDIO LIGHTS, E8UIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to e,ploy lighting techni9ues to a wide range o1 su78ects in di11erent situations. 04 hours #C !! Module$; Operate ca,era and co,pose a su78ect.




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !denti1y and chec+ lighting e9uip,ent (O4. Prepare and set up studio lights and accessories (O0. Apply appropriate lighting techni9ues and ratios (O2. Maintain and store lighting e9uip,ent

% &2 %

C'C Photography #C !!

LO12 IDENTIFY AND CHEC1 LIGHTING E8UIPMENT ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Re9uired lighting characteristics 1or the su78ect and purpose o1 i,age are correctly identi1ied. 4. (ighting e9uip,ent 1or the purpose is selected appropriately. CO#TE#TS; Theory o1 light Types o1 studio lights Mono7loc+ and power pac+s Carious arti1icial light sources E aylight, tungsten and 1luorescent lightingF (ight ,odi1iers Electrical re9uire,ents /arning signs E6posure ,eters E1lash and continuousF

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Studio with co,plete lighting e9uip,ent (earning guide Audio%visual presentation Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

% && %

LO22 PREPARE AND SET UP STUDIO LIGHTS AND ACCESSORIES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. (ighting syste, is correctly asse,7led in accordance with wor+ re9uire,ents. 4. Re9uired sa1ety aspects o1 the lighting set up and ca7ling are i,ple,ented. 0. Accessories are prepared in accordance with wor+ re9uire,ents. CO#TE#TS; (ighting syste, asse,7ly and set up Sa1ety precautions in setting up lighting accessories and ca7ling

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Studio with co,plete lighting e9uip,ent (earning guide Audio%visual presentation Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

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C'C Photography #C !!

LO32 APPLY APPROPRIATE LIGHTING TECHNI8UES AND RATIOS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. (ighting techni9ues are tested to suit the purpose o1 wor+. 4. =ualities o1 light are ad8usted, ,odi1ied and cali7rated to suit su78ect. 0. E6posure is calculated to deter,ine su78ect consistency with the purpose o1 photography. CO#TE#TS; Custo,i>ed white 7alance Studio light ad8ust,ent and cali7ration E6posure calculation

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Studio with co,plete lighting e9uip,ent igital ca,era )lash ,eter (earning guide Audio%visual presentation Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

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LO62 MAINTAIN AND STORE LIGHTING E8UIPMENT ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. /or+ environ,ent is restored a1ter use as per esta7lished practice 4. E9uip,ent is cleaned and ,aintained in accordance with ,anu1acturersH instructions 0. E9uip,ent and ,aterials are stored sa1ely as per wor+place procedures. CO#TE#TS; Cleaning and ,aintaining lighting e9uip,ent and accessories Storing e9uip,ent and ,aterials

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Studio with co,plete lighting e9uip,ent (earning guide Audio%visual presentation Online re1erences

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

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C'C Photography #C !!


PERFORM POST CAPTURE PROCESSING PERFORMING POST CAPTURE PROCESSING This ,odule covers the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to use techni9ues 1or i,age processing and 1ocuses on technical aspects including che,ical and electronic processes. This unit re1ers to the use o1 speci1ic e9uip,ent and techni9ues 1or ,a+ing photo i,ages. 04 hours #C !! Co,puter s+ills




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$; Prepare wor+ environ,ent 1or post capture processing (O4. !denti1y and use i,age editing so1tware 1or post production (O0. Apply retouching and enhance,ent techni9ues (O2. Print photos

C'C Photography #C !!

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LO12 PREPARE 0OR1 ENVIRONMENT FOR POST CAPTURE PROCESSING ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. /or+ environ,ent is selected in order to ,eet re9uire,ents 1or speci1ic processing tas+s 4. /or+ environ,ent is cleaned and ,aintained to re,ain sa1e during the production o1 wor+ 0. E9uip,ent and ,aterials ? so1tware 1or processing wor+ are correctly set up 2. Codes o1 practices are 1ollowed 7ased on sa1ety re9uire,ents o1 the wor+place CO#TE#TS; Uploading o1 1iles to co,puter 1or digital processing. Selection and editing o1 1iles. Printing proo1 sheets?wor+ prints?digital 1iles. Enhance,ent and retouching o1 1ile with appropriate i,age editing so1tware. Color ,anage,ent techni9ues

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with appropriate i,age editing so1tware Monitor cali7ration hardware !nter1ace hardware !nternet connection @andouts

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

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C'C Photography #C !!

LO22 IDENTIFY AND USE IMAGE EDITING SOFT0ARE FOR POST PRODUCTION ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. !,age editing so1tware is identi1ied. 4. Type o1 1ile is appropriately selected according to application. 0. Appropriate techni9ues are applied to produce digital proo1 sheets. CO#TE#TS; )eatures o1 i,age editing so1tware Characteristics o1 di11erent types o1 i,age 1iles !,age editing techni9ues

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with appropriate i,age editing so1tware Monitor cali7ration hardware !nter1ace hardware !nternet connection @andouts

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

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LO32 APPLY RETOUCHING AND ENHANCEMENT TECHNI8UES ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Evaluate and deter,ine i,age enhance,ent solution. 4. !,ages 1ro, the proo1 sheets are selected that ,atch the concept ? re9uired outco,e. 0. Enhance,ent and printing techni9ues are utili>ed to output wor+%printEsF. CO#TE#TS; !denti1ication o1 i,age de1iciencies and appropriate solution. Applying i,age editing techni9ues. Storing and printing i,ages.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with appropriate i,age editing so1tware Monitor cali7ration hardware !nter1ace hardware !nternet connection @andouts

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

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C'C Photography #C !!

LO62 PRINT PHOTOS ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Enhance,ent and printing techni9ues are utili>ed to output wor+%printEsF or display and save on screen. 4. Printer is set up according to printing re9uire,ents. 0. Printing ,aterials are selected according to re9uire,ent. 2. =uality o1 print con1or,s with industry standard. CO#TE#TS; Color ,anage,ent 1or printer hardware. Characteristics o1 printing ,aterials. Types o1 printing ,edia and e9uip,ent.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with photo printer and appropriate printer so1tware !nter1ace hardware Printing ,aterials !nternet connection Printer operation ,anual @andouts?Audio visual presentation

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

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PRESENT FINISHED PRODUCTS PRESENTING FINISHED PRODUCTS This ,odule cover the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re9uired to use techni9ues 1or i,age processing and 1ocuses on technical aspects including che,ical and electronic processes. This unit re1ers to the use o1 speci1ic e9uip,ent and techni9ues 1or ,a+ing photo i,ages. 3 hours #C !! Units $, 4 and 0.




=UA(!)!CAT!O# (ECE( ; PRERE=U!S!TE ;

SUMMAR< O) (EAR#!#" OUTCOMES; Upon co,pletion o1 this ,odule, the trainee?student ,ust 7e a7le to; (O$. !denti1y and use appropriate ,aterials and e9uip,ent 1or pac+aging and delivery (O4. Per1or, 9uality chec+ o1 1inished product

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C'C Photography #C !!

LO12 IDENTIFY AND USE APPROPRIATE MATERIALS AND E8UIPMENT FOR PAC1AGING AND DELIVERY ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. Photo i,ages and ,aterials are prepared according to custo,ersH re9uire,ents and speci1ications. 4. Editing so1tware is used to convert i,ages 1or print and other re9uire,ents. 0. Printing e9uip,ent is selected in accordance with wor+ re9uire,ents. 2. Printing e9uip,ent is ,aintained as per ,anu1acturerHs instruction. CO#TE#TS; !denti1ication o1 di11erent types o1 1iles used 1or print, graphic and we7 applications. !denti1ication and co,parison o1 di11erent che,ical%7ased, in+8et printers and ,edia. !denti1ication o1 various printing so1tware.

CO# !T!O#S; The students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with photo printer and appropriate printer so1tware !nter1ace hardware Printing ,aterials !nternet connection Printer operation ,anual @andouts?audio visual presentation

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration

C'C Photography #C !!

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LO22 PERFORM 8UALITY CHEC1 OF FINISHED PRODUCT ASSESSME#T CR!TER!A; $. )inished products are assessed as per esta7lished practice. 4. Retouching?enhance,ent ,ethods 1ro, appropriate editing so1tware. 0. )inished products are properly la7eled and pac+aged as per esta7lished practice. 2. )inished products are delivered to custo,ers pro,ptly. CO#TE#TS; e1inition o1 industry standards Ti,e ,anage,ent during production Stages o1 production and 9uality control Pac+aging and la7eling ,ethods

CO# !T!O#S; Students?trainees ,ust 7e provided with the 1ollowing; Co,puter with photo printer and appropriate printer so1tware !nter1ace hardware Printing ,aterials Printer operation ,anual Re1erence ,aterials 1or pac+aging @andouts?audio visual presentation

MET@O O(O"!ES; (ecture?de,onstration Sel1%paced instruction "roup discussion Audio visual presentation

ASSESSME#T MET@O S; /ritten?oral test @ands%on irect o7servation Practical de,onstration Role%playing

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C'C Photography #C !!

Technical Education and S+ills evelop,ent Authority wishes to e6tend appreciation with particular than+s to the 1ollowing industry e6perts, 1acilitator and ,anagers o1 Co,petency%'ased Curriculu, in Photography #C !!. !ndustry E6perts; Mr2 VICTOR I2 SISON !nstructor, Multi%Media epart,ent College o1 Saint 'enilde, (a Salle Manila Mr2 ALLAN RA5O Advertising Photographer Co,,ercial !,aging Specialist Ma+ati City Mr2 4OSEPH FERRER GALIAN Cruise Ship Photographer Shutter7ug, !nc. Iuan (una St., San (oren>o Cillage, Ma+ati Ms2 HARVEY V2 CHUA "eneral Manager Adphoto !nc. Palanan, Ma+ati City Mr2 ALFREDO A2 ARELLANO Owner ? Photographer AAA !,aging Studio Marcos @ighway, Antipolo, Ri>al Mr2 VIADORITO G2 PAMINTUAN )ree (ance Events Photographer (%&C '0- Soldiers @ills Cillage, Muntinlupa City )acilitator; ABEL B2 ELPEDES Sr. TES S CTA ?=SO?TES A The ,anage,ent and sta11 o1 the =uali1ications and Standards O11ice.

C'C Photography #C !!

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0h,# "s Co%&'#'!():B,s'* Curr"(u+u% <CBC= A co,petency%7ased curriculu, is a 1ra,ewor+ or guide 1or the su7se9uent detailed develop,ent o1 co,petencies, associated ,ethodologies, training and assess,ent resources. The C'C speci1ies the outco,es which are consistent with the re9uire,ents o1 the wor+place as agreed through the industry or co,,unity consultations. C'C can 7e developed i,,ediately when co,petency standards e6ist. /hen co,petency standards do not e6ist, curriculu, developers need to clearly de1ine the learning outco,es to 7e attained. The standard o1 per1or,ance re9uired ,ust 7e appropriate to industry and occupational needs through the industry?enterprise or speci1ied client group consultations.

These materials are available in both printed and electronic copies. For more information please contact: Technical Education and Skill De!elo"#ent Autho$it% &TESDA' Telephone Nos.: 893-8281, 817- !7" to 82 loc. "13 to "1 , "2# and "2" or visit o$r %ebsite: %%%.tesda.&ov.ph or the T'()* +e&ional or ,rovincial -ffice nearest .o$.

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