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Tafseer Ibn-E-Kaseer (Urdu) - 25

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Bwiunng gabe) ot ee Ae aSietig Bere fib PE eur: Andieudisceui VPELL AGSUPL LUM Lt ce SOeaie 2 bani Put fs? genie, fut ABLE NL IRL ee OSE Gur air Web ye OWN eA Wey re We She bre isle Whee wh tei ite UPbstetodne shuns Sil Sie hae OO See wpbrge Fi WS eR yale Sve bees lf ref le AL inflata ie Ce rfepobttendgit onl Praina (rect BLA Gol Ben ee uie-Cueas ie Le pte LBL NIM NP gi Oe Pe oe Fordating BL eS Seas VL ee PrL ihe Sake pain bn FS, ash Sg 8 got pean GAS Tg ced IT OO REG ASAIO bfe thr LuL Sb necy Oe Pr sAS Bie Ft 50 Asie te Finle erie bia! Wb Nec Ard Nig Oe LA ctlrg FT £4 Sob 57 (Police are; Pb oF Metiioe PS Lg TIMI LUO ele PPLE tue Pte Gobnd AyaoA Bou ide ye TAK id urd Se Sain GU be ALY Hee SAL Mek Ur Luho SAL Tr Beatiivyiruie Stile ly yotle 2 See Aunt hl tye re? 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ES gh tists ORB LISP Gof tg Pe Wb ch Le SAS Ganda er ur BLA big Mh Seis Oe the el peste A Erle AM Gina SSI EUS UI IeT Ocths Pi Scuci WP esi tok hss pot iAS eG Asi jousy Art MGs UNL VE erible pare Course Fhe Ut He LA ag OME Iie ISL MN lire Pe Wile CIAL Che te-Z eter i Stele eA P wih Eb ut afew FM Mr RLM UY IL TBA esol JAY ToS Pr ter OFFA Art - Mek Ltre pL PLE NE IE Urb AEM Ee bt PRL arte th Jobe GIRL AA SiN dee Tito SLY ADL Un RIL Bisl bo ie Se tak ste 2 IFG Spl LLL ut AS Pet BAe Saliva pn dN tbe tiie gpa eS 20S SA Mg IPL Selo VL SALLIE bl Ee SAME S323 N35 cb BEING Se obo IBIS aI, (ele cI ce Cen fo, 2 pratt jAed til yt! Pte HOOF hk wuiltaok In nt/ bare Seino PSST ge RL UND het Re she Ie ML Pooler Xewigen rites MEK pid ES Pe olga inde site igure Ags Kus 6 UI sine tet AL [Ward] OT sates stetg Sal ty Gye eg GU) GSES 6 A558 RS TS SN GG 9 AEG ATT So AT OO) gt 5S “ Oe UA Me PEEP GL CL res 2G UI INE LAL PA PAR AL BOM, SPADA BS Wie ALN IED SSAS WOES Bu AA LLCO?

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