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First published in Preuische Jahrbcher, CLXXXIV (1921).

My book [1 h!s "et #ith #idespre!d "isunderst!ndin$s. In ! sense, th!t is !l"ost !n ine%it!ble &on&o"it!nt o' !ny no%el !ppro!&h #hi&h !rri%es !t ne# &on&lusions. (u&h ! re!&tion is !ll the "ore to be e)pe&ted #hen the &on&lusions re!&hed, or e%en the perspe&ti%es !nd "ethodolo$y th!t led to the", present ! serious &h!llen$e to the pre%!ilin$ "ood o' !n !$e. *hen su&h ! book &h!n&es to be&o"e '!shion!ble, the "isunderst!ndin$s #ill "ultiply. For then people !re &on'ronted suddenly by ! &o"ple) o' ide!s #hi&h they should !&tu!lly not h!%e !tte"pted to di$est until !'ter ye!rs o' prep!r!tory re!din$. *ith "y o#n book there is the !dded di''i&ulty th!t only the ne$!ti%e side o' the pi&ture h!s hitherto re!&hed the publi&. Most &riti&s h!%e ne$le&ted to obser%e th!t this 'irst %olu"e represents only ! 'r!$"ent 'ro" #hi&h, !s I #!s soon to re!li+e, it is not e!sy to 'or" &on&lusions !bout #h!t is to 'ollo#. ,he 'orth&o"in$ se&ond %olu"e #ill round out the -Morpholo$y o' *orld .istory,- thus brin$in$ to ! &lose "y e)!"in!tion o' !t le!st one !spe&t o' the proble". /ttenti%e re!ders #ill h!%e noti&ed th!t I tou&hed brie'ly on ! se&ond !spe&t, the ethi&!l 0uestion, in "y ess!y Prussianism and Socialism. (1. The Decline of the West, Vol. I.) 1ne 'urther obst!&le to !n underst!ndin$ o' "y book is the r!ther dis&on&ertin$ title it be!rs. I #!s &!re'ul to e"ph!si+e th!t this title #!s &hosen ye!rs be'ore publi&!tion, !nd th!t it ob2e&ti%ely des&ribes ! si"ple '!&t 'or #hi&h e%iden&e &!n be 'ound in the "ost '!"ili!r e%ents o' #orld history. (till, there !re people #ho

&!nnot he!r the #ord -de&line- #ithout thinkin$ o' ! sudden !nd dre!d'ul &!l!"ity. My title does not i"ply &!t!strophe. 3erh!ps #e &ould eli"in!te the -pessi"is"- #ithout !lterin$ the re!l sense o' the title i' #e #ere to substitute 'or -de&line- the #ord -'ul'ill"ent,- be!rin$ in "ind the spe&i!l 'un&tions th!t 4oethe !ssi$ned to this &on&ept in his o#n #orld %ie#. .o#e%er, e%en the 'irst inst!ll"ent o' "y book #!s not !ddressed to spe&ul!ti%e persons, but to !&ti%e ones. My !i" #!s to present !n i"!$e o' the #orld to be li%ed #ith, r!ther th!n to de%ise ! syste" 'or pro'ession!l philosophers to brood o%er. I #!s not !#!re o' this distin&tion !t the ti"e, but it #ill ob%iously pre%ent ! l!r$e nu"ber o' re!ders 'ro" !rri%in$ !t ! true underst!ndin$ o' #h!t the book is !bout. ,he !&ti%e person li%es in the #orld o' pheno"en! !nd #ith it. .e does not re0uire lo$i&!l proo's, indeed he o'ten &!nnot underst!nd the". -3hysio$no"i& rhyth"- 55 one o' the ter"s th!t pr!&ti&!lly no one h!s been !ble to &o"prehend 'ully 55 $i%es hi" deeper insi$hts th!n !ny "ethod b!sed on lo$i&!l proo' e%er &ould. I "!de !ssertions in "y book #hi&h s&hol!rly re!ders h!%e re$!rded !s &o"pletely &ontr!di&tory. 6et !ll these !re thin$s th!t h!%e lon$ been 'elt !nd &herished pri%!tely, thou$h not ne&ess!rily &ons&iously, by indi%idu!ls #ho !re in&lined to ! li'e o' !&tion. *hen su&h indi%idu!ls re!d books, th!t is to s!y, #hen they enter the re!l" o' theory, they re2e&t the s!"e -histori&!l rel!ti%is"- th!t is se&ond n!ture to the" #hen they !re en$!$ed in pr!&ti&!l !&ti%ity, or !re obser%in$ people !nd situ!tions 'or the purposes o' !&tion. ,he &onte"pl!ti%e person, on the other h!nd, is by n!ture re"ote 'ro" li'e. .e %ie#s it 'ro" ! dist!n&e, 'or it is str!n$e !nd $oes !$!inst the $r!in. /s soon !s it thre!tens to be&o"e so"ethin$ other th!n !n obser%ed ob2e&t, he is !nnoyed. Conte"pl!ti%e persons &olle&t, disse&t, !nd !rr!n$e thin$s, not 'or !ny pr!&ti&!l

purpose but si"ply be&!use it "!kes the" h!ppy. ,hey de"!nd lo$i&!l proo's !nd kno# ho# to $o !bout $ettin$ the". ,o the", ! book su&h !s "ine "ust 'ore%er re"!in !n !berr!tion. For I &on'ess th!t I h!%e ne%er h!d !nythin$ but &onte"pt 'or -philosophy 'or its o#n s!ke.- ,o "y #!y o' thinkin$ there is nothin$ "ore tedious th!n pure lo$i&, s&ienti'i& psy&holo$y, $ener!l ethi&s !nd estheti&s. Li'e is not "!de up o' s&ien&e !nd $ener!lities. 7%ery line th!t is not #ritten in the ser%i&e o' !&ti%e li%in$ see"s to "e super'luous. /t the risk o' bein$ t!ken too liter!lly, I #ould s!y th!t "y #!y o' lookin$ !t the #orld is rel!ted to the -syste"!ti&- #!y !s the "e"oirs o' ! st!tes"!n !re rel!ted to the ide!l st!te o' ! utopi!n. ,he 'or"er #rites do#n #h!t he h!s li%ed throu$h8 the l!tter re&ords #h!t he h!s dre!"ed up. 9o# there does e)ist, p!rti&ul!rly in the 4er"!n tr!dition, #h!t "i$ht be &!lled ! st!tes"!nlike #!y o' e)perien&in$ the #orld, !n un'or&ed !nd unsyste"!ti& !ttitude to#!rd li'e #hi&h &!n be re&orded only by "e!ns o' ! kind o' "et!physi&!l "e"oir5#ritin$. It is i"port!nt to re!li+e th!t "y book belon$s in this tr!dition. I' in the 'ollo#in$ I "ention so"e illustrious n!"es, it is not "e!nt to i"ply !nythin$ !bout the 0u!lity o' the book but "erely to indi&!te the type o' %ision th!t #ent into its "!kin$. / po#er'ul stre!" o' 4er"!n thou$ht runs 'ro" Leibni+ to 4oethe !nd .e$el, !nd on into the 'uture. Like !ll thin$s 4er"!n, this stre!" #!s 'or&ed to run under$round !nd to 'lo# on unnoti&ed throu$h the &enturies. For o%er the s!"e period e%en the &re!tors o' this tr!dition 'ound th!t they h!d to !d!pt the"sel%es to 'orei$n !nd super'i&i!l p!tterns o' thou$ht. Leibni+ #!s 4oethe:s $re!t te!&her, !lthou$h the l!tter #!s ne%er re!lly &ons&ious o' it. 4oethe o'ten !dopted $enuinely Leibni+i!n ide!s, either out o' ! n!tur!l !''inity 'or his thou$ht or throu$h the in'luen&e o' his 'riend .erder. In su&h inst!n&es, ho#e%er, he !l#!ys re'erred to (pino+!, #hose "ode o' thinkin$ #!s in '!&t

0uite dissi"il!r. Leibni+:s outst!ndin$ &h!r!&teristi& #!s his &onst!nt in%ol%e"ent in the i"port!nt e%ents o' his ti"e. I' #e #ere to re"o%e 'ro" his #orks !ll the ite"s th!t !re &on&erned #ith politi&s, the reuni'i&!tion o' the &hur&hes, "inin$ pro2e&ts, !nd the or$!ni+!tion o' s&ien&e !nd "!the"!ti&s, not "u&h #ould be le't. 4oethe rese"bles hi" in th!t he !l#!ys thou$ht histori&!lly, i.e., #ith &onst!nt re'eren&e to the re!l '!&ts o' e)isten&e. Like Leibni+, he #ould ne%er h!%e been &!p!ble o' &onstru&tin$ !n !bstr!&t philosophi&!l syste". .e$el #!s the l!st $re!t thinker to t!ke politi&!l re!lities !s his point o' dep!rture #ithout lettin$ his thou$ht be entirely s"othered by !bstr!&tions. ,hen &!"e 9iet+s&he, ! dilett!nte in the best sense, #ho held 'ir"ly !loo' 'ro" !&!de"i& philosophy, #hi&h by his ti"e h!d be&o"e !lto$ether sterile. .e #!s t!ken in by ;!r#in:s theories, yet he tr!ns&ended the !$e o' 7n$lish ;!r#inis". .e $!%e us the %ision #ith #hi&h #e &!n no# brin$ !bout ! %i&tory 'or ! %it!l !nd pr!&ti&!l !ppro!&h to #orld history. ,hese !re, !s I no# see, the pre"ises th!t un&ons&iously in'luen&ed "y #ritin$. /"on$ the" there is not ! sin$le -syste"- o' $ener!lities. ,he histori&!l &o"pil!tions o' Leibni+, 4oethe:s obser%!tions on n!ture, !nd .e$el:s le&tures on #orld history #ere !ll #ritten in &le!r %ie# o' '!&tu!l re!lity 55 so"ethin$ th!t &!nnot be s!id o' <!nt:s !nd (&hopenh!uer:s #orks. I &onstrue the rel!tionships bet#een re!lity !nd spe&ul!ti%e thou$ht in ! "!nner #holly di''erent 'ro" the syste"!ti& philosophers. For the" re!lity is li'eless "!tter 'ro" #hi&h l!#s &!n be deri%ed. For "e, re!lity presents e)!"ples th!t illu"in!te !n e)perien&ed thou$ht, ! thou$ht #hi&h is &o""uni&!ble only in this 'or". =e&!use this !ppro!&h is uns&ienti'i&, it re0uires !n un&o""on '!&ility 'or thinkin$ in bro!d outlines !nd 'or synthesi+in$. It nor"!lly h!ppens, !s I h!%e h!d o&&!sion to noti&e, th!t !s the re!der &on&entr!tes on one point in "y book he 0ui&kly loses si$ht o' the others. In doin$ so he "is&onstrues e%erythin$, 'or the book is so

&ohesi%e th!t to isol!te ! sin$le det!il is t!nt!"ount to &o""ittin$ !n error. Moreo%er, one "ust be !ble to re!d bet#een the lines. M!ny thin$s !re "erely hinted !t, #hile others &!nnot be e)pressed !t !ll in s&ienti'i& '!shion. ,he &entr!l ide! is the &on&ept o' ;estiny. ,he re!son it is so di''i&ult to "!ke the re!der underst!nd it is th!t the pro&ess o' syste"!ti&, r!tion!l thou$ht le!ds hi" to its %ery opposite> the ide! o' &!us!lity. ;estiny !nd Ch!n&e !re "!tters 0uite re"ote 'ro" the !pprehension o' &!use !nd e''e&t, !nte&edent !nd &onse0uent. ,here is ! d!n$er th!t ;estiny "!y be "isunderstood !s si"ply !nother #!y o' re'errin$ to ! &!us!l se0uen&e th!t e)ists #ithout bein$ re!dily %isible. ,he s&ienti'i& "ind #ill ne%er be !ble to $r!sp this. ,he !bility to per&ei%e '!&ts o' !n e"otion!l !nd %it!l n!ture &e!ses !s soon !s one be$ins to think !n!lyti&!lly. ;estiny is ! #ord #hose "e!nin$ is felt. ,i"e, 6e!rnin$, !nd Li'e !re &losely rel!ted &on&epts. 9o one &!n presu"e to underst!nd the essen&e o' "y thou$ht unless he &!n sense the ulti"!te "e!nin$ o' these #ords !s I intended it. ,he ide! o' ;estiny le!ds to ! kind o' e)perien&e th!t is e)&eedin$ly di''i&ult to &o"prehend. I &!ll it -depth e)perien&e.- It is "ore &losely rel!ted to r!tion!l thou$ht, but only in its end e''e&t, not in its ori$ins. ,his &on&ept presents us #ith t#o o' the "ost di''i&ult proble"s o' !ll. *h!t is "e!nt by the #ord -,i"e-? ,here is no s&ienti'i& !ns#er to this 0uestion. *h!t is "e!nt by the #ord -(p!&e-? .ere, r!tion!l thou$ht "!y possibly pro%ide us #ith !n !ns#er. 6et ! &onne&tion e)ists bet#een ;estiny !nd ,i"e, !nd !lso bet#een (p!&e !nd C!us!lity. *h!t, then, is the rel!tionship bet#een ;estiny !nd C!use? ,he !ns#er to this is 'und!"ent!l to the &on&ept o' depth e)perien&e, but it lies beyond !ll "!nners o' s&ienti'i& e)perien&e !nd &o""uni&!tion. ,he '!&t o' depth e)perien&e is !s indisput!ble !s it is ine)pli&!ble.

/ third &on&ept, like#ise %ery di''i&ult to $r!sp, is th!t o' 3hysio$no"i& @hyth". ,his is !&tu!lly so"ethin$ #hi&h e%ery hu"!n bein$ possesses. .e li%es #ith it !nd &onst!ntly !pplies it to pr!&ti&!l ends. It is so"ethin$ one is born #ith !nd #hi&h &!nnot be !&0uired. ,he pro%erbi!l n!A%etB !nd ludi&rousness displ!yed in publi& !''!irs by the old5style !bstr!&t s&hol!r is ! result o' the ret!rded de%elop"ent o' this rhyth". 9e%ertheless, e%en this person!lity type possesses enou$h o' it to $o on li%in$. *h!t I h!%e in "ind, ho#e%er, is ! %ery e)!lted 'or" o' this @hyth", !n un&ons&ious te&hni0ue o' $r!spin$ not "erely the pheno"en! o' e%eryd!y li'e but the sense o' the uni%erse. Fe# persons &!n be s!id to "!ster it. It is the te&hni0ue th!t "!kes ! $enuine histori!n the e0u!l o' ! born st!tes"!n, despite the disp!rity bet#een theory !nd pr!&ti&e. 1' the t#o prin&ip!l te&hni0ues o' $!inin$ kno#led$e !nd underst!ndin$, it is #ithout doubt the "ore i"port!nt by '!r 'or history !nd re!l li'e. ,he other "ethod, syste"!ti& thou$ht, ser%es only to dis&o%er truths. =ut '!&ts !re "ore i"port!nt th!n truths. ,he entire &ourse o' politi&!l !nd e&ono"i& history, indeed o' !ll hu"!n ende!%ors, is dependent on the &onst!nt !ppli&!tion o' this te&hni0ue by indi%idu!ls, in&ludin$ the insi$ni'i&!nt indi%idu!ls #ho !re histori&!lly p!ssi%e !s #ell !s the $re!t ones #ho "!ke history. ,he physio$no"i& te&hni0ue is predo"in!nt durin$ "ost o' the #!kin$ li'e o' histori&!lly !&ti%e !nd p!ssi%e indi%idu!ls. =y &o"p!rison, the syste"!ti& te&hni0ue, #hi&h is the only one re&o$ni+ed by philosophy, is %irtu!lly redu&ed to histori&!l insi$ni'i&!n&e. *h!t "!kes "y !ppro!&h so unorthodo) is the '!&t th!t it is &ons&iously b!sed on the te&hni0ue o' re!l li'e. /s ! result it is in#!rdly &onsistent, thou$h it l!&ks ! syste". ,he &on&ept th!t h!s &!used the "ost serious "isunderst!ndin$s is the one to #hi&h I !ssi$ned, not 0uite 'ortun!tely perh!ps, the ter" -rel!ti%is".- ,his h!s not the sli$htest thin$ in &o""on #ith the

rel!ti%is" o' physi&!l s&ien&e, #hi&h is b!sed solely on the "!the"!ti&!l &ontr!st bet#een &onst!nt !nd 'un&tion. It #ill t!ke ye!rs 'or re!ders to be&o"e su''i&iently '!"ili!r #ith "y &on&ept 'or it to $!in re!l &urren&y. For it is ! &o"pletely ethical %ie# o' the #orld in #hi&h indi%idu!l li%es t!ke their &ourse. ,o those #ho h!%e not understood the &on&ept o' ;estiny, this ter" #ill be "e!nin$less. /s I see it, @el!ti%is" in history is !n !''ir"!tion o' the ide! o' ;estiny. ,he uni0ueness, irre%o&!bility, !nd nonre&urren&e o' !ll e%ents is the 'or" in #hi&h ;estiny "!ni'ests itsel' to the hu"!n eye. Like the 3hysio$no"i& ,e&hni0ue, this @el!ti%is" h!s e)isted, either in !&ti%e li'e or in p!ssi%e obser%!tion, !t !ll ti"es. It is su&h ! n!tur!l p!rt o' re!l li'e, !nd is in su&h &o"plete &ontrol o' e%eryd!y o&&urren&es, th!t it does not re!&h the &ons&iousness. In '!&t, #hen the "ind is en$!$ed in theori+in$, i.e., #hen it is 'or"in$ $ener!li+!tions, the e)isten&e o' this @el!ti%is" is usu!lly denied e"ph!ti&!lly. ,he ide! is not re!lly ne# !s su&h. In our l!te !$e there &!n be no ne# ide!s. ,hrou$hout the entire nineteenth &entury not one 0uestion #!s r!ised th!t h!d not !lre!dy been dis&o%ered, re'le&ted upon, !nd brilli!ntly 'or"ul!ted by the (&hol!sti&s. It is only be&!use @el!ti%is" is su&h !n intrinsi& ele"ent o' li'e, !nd thus so unphilosophi&!l !n ide!, th!t it h!s not been &onsidered suit!ble !s p!rt o' ! -syste".- ,he old !d!$e, -1ne "!n:s "e!t is !nother "!n:s poison,- is 2ust !bout the re%erse o' !ll !&!de"i& philosophy. ,he !&!de"i& is bent on pro%in$ th!t one "!n:s "e!t is every "!n:s "e!t, i.e., th!t the ethi&!l point he h!s 2ust pro%ed in his book is bindin$ on !ll. I h!%e 0uite &ons&iously t!ken the opposite st!ndpoint, n!"ely th!t o' li'e, not o' thou$ht. ,he t#o n!A%e positions "!int!in either th!t so"ethin$ e)ists th!t h!s nor"!ti%e %!lue 'or !ll eternity re$!rdless o' ,i"e !nd ;estiny, or th!t su&h ! thin$ does not e)ist. .o#e%er, #h!t is here &!lled @el!ti%is" is neither o' these t#o positions. It is here th!t I h!%e &re!ted so"ethin$ ne#. It is !n

e)perien&ed '!&t th!t -#orld history- is not ! uni'ied se0uen&e o' e%ents, but r!ther ! &olle&tion o' hi$h &ultures, o' #hi&h there h!%e been ei$ht in nu"ber up to no#. ,he li'e histories o' these &ultures !re 0uite independent o' e!&h other, yet e!&h sh!res ! si"il!r stru&tur!l p!ttern #ith !ll the others. ,his bein$ est!blished, I de"onstr!ted th!t e%ery obser%er, re$!rdless o' #hether he thinks in ter"s o' li'e or o' thou$ht only, thinks solely !s ! represent!ti%e o' his o#n p!rti&ul!r ti"e. *ith this #e &!n dis"iss one o' the "ost !bsurd &riti&is"s le%eled !$!inst "y %ie#s> the !r$u"ent th!t @el!ti%is" &!rries #ith it its o#n re'ut!tion. ,he &on&lusion to be dr!#n is th!t 'or e%ery &ulture, 'or e%ery epo&h #ithin ! &ulture, !nd 'or e%ery kind o' indi%idu!l #ithin !n epo&h there e)ists !n o%er!ll perspe&ti%e th!t is i"posed !nd e)!&ted by the ti"e in 0uestion. ,his perspe&ti%e "ust be &onsidered !bsolute 'or th!t p!rti&ul!r ti"e, but not #ith respe&t to other ti"es. ,here is ! perspe&ti%e i"posed by our o#n ti"e, yet it $oes #ithout s!yin$ th!t it is di''erent 'ro" th!t o' the /$e o' 4oethe. -,rue- !nd -'!lse- !re &on&epts th!t &!nnot be !pplied here. ,he only pertinent des&ripti%e ter"s !re -deep- !nd -sh!llo#.- *hoe%er thinks di''erently is, in !ny &!se, in&!p!ble o' thinkin$ histori&!lly. /ny %it!l !ppro!&h to the proble"s o' history, in&ludin$ the one I !" proposin$, belon$s to ! sin$le ti"e. It e%ol%ed out o' ! pre%ious !ppro!&h !nd #ill in turn e%ol%e into !nother. ,here !re in !ll o' history 2ust !s 'e# tot!lly &orre&t or tot!lly '!lse !ppro!&hes !s there !re ri$ht !nd #ron$ st!$es in the $ro#th o' ! pl!nt. /ll !re ne&ess!ry, !nd the only sensible thin$ to s!y is th!t ! &ert!in st!$e is su&&ess'ul or unsu&&ess'ul #ith respe&t to the de"!nds o' the "o"ent. ,he s!"e holds true 'or e%ery #orld %ie#, no "!tter #hen it !rises. 7%en the "ost h!rd5bitten syste"!ti& philosopher 'eels this. .e uses su&h ter"s !s -obsolete,- -typi&!l 'or the !$e,!nd -pre"!ture- to des&ribe the %ie#s o' others. =y so doin$ he is !d"ittin$ th!t the &on&epts o' truth !nd '!lsity h!%e "e!nin$ only 'or the outer shell o' s&ien&e, but not 'or its %it!l essen&e.

,hus #e !rri%e !t the distin&tion bet#een facts !nd truths. / '!&t is so"ethin$ uni0ue, so"ethin$ #hi&h h!s re!lly e)isted or #ill re!lly e)ist. / truth is so"ethin$ #hi&h &!n e)ist !s ! possibility #ithout e%er enterin$ re!lity. ;estiny h!s to do #ith '!&ts8 the rel!tion bet#een &!use !nd e''e&t is ! truth. /ll this h!s been kno#n sin&e ti"e i""e"ori!l. *h!t "en h!%e '!iled to re!li+e, ho#e%er, is th!t li'e, 'or th!t %ery re!son, h!s to do only #ith '!&ts, th!t it is "!de up o' '!&ts e)&lusi%ely, !nd th!t its only "ode o' response is '!&tu!l. ,ruths !re 0u!ntities o' thou$ht, !nd their i"port!n&e lies solely #ithin the re!l" o' thou$ht. ,ruths &!n be 'ound in ! do&tor!l dissert!tion in philosophy8 'lunkin$ ! do&tor!l e)!"in!tion is ! '!&t. @e!lity be$ins #here the re!l" o' thou$ht ends. 9o one, not e%en the "ost !s&eti& syste"!ti&i!n, &!n o%erlook this '!&t o' li'e. /nd, indeed, he does not o%erlook it. =ut he 'or$ets it !s soon !s he st!rts thinkin$ !bout li'e inste!d o' li%in$ it. I' I &!n l!y &l!i" to !ny !&&o"plish"ent !t !ll, it is th!t no one &!n e%er !$!in %ie# the 'uture !s !n un#ritten t!blet on #hi&h !nybody &!n ins&ribe #h!te%er ple!ses his '!n&y. ,he &!pri&ious !nd !rbitr!ry outlook th!t endorses the "otto -It sh!ll be thusC- "ust no# $i%e #!y to ! &ool !nd &le!r %ision th!t sees the possible, !nd there'ore ne&ess!ry, '!&ts o' the 'uture, !nd th!t "!kes its options !&&ordin$ly. ,he 'irst thin$ th!t &on'ronts "!n in the 'or" o' ;estiny is the ti"e !nd pl!&e o' his birth. ,his is !n ines&!p!ble '!&t8 no !"ount o' thou$ht &!n &o"prehend its ori$in, !nd no #ill &!n !%ert it. Moreo%er, it is the "ost de&isi%e '!&t o' !ll. 7%eryone is born into ! people, ! reli$ion, ! &l!ss, !n !$e, ! &ulture. It is ;estiny th!t deter"ines #hether ! "!n be born ! sl!%e in 3eri&le!n /thens, ! kni$ht !t the ti"e o' the Crus!des, or ! l!borer:s or ri&h "!n:s son in our o#n d!y. I' !nythin$ &!n be &!lled '!te, 'ortune, or destiny, it is this. .istory "e!ns th!t li'e is &onst!ntly &h!n$in$. For the indi%idu!l, ho#e%er, li'e is pre&isely thus !nd so, !nd not other#ise. *ith his birth the indi%idu!l re&ei%es his n!ture !nd ! p!rti&ul!r r!n$e o' possible t!sks, #ithin #hi&h he h!s the pri%ile$e

o' 'ree &hoi&e. *h!te%er his n!ture #ills or is &!p!ble o', #h!te%er his birth !llo#s or pre%ents, 'or e%ery indi%idu!l there is pres&ribed ! de'inite r!n$e o' h!ppiness or "isery, $re!tness or &o#!rdi&e, tr!$edy or !bsurdity, #hi&h #ill "!ke up his life only. *h!t is "ore, ;estiny deter"ines #hether his li'e is to h!%e si$ni'i&!n&e 'or the li%es o' those !round hi", th!t is to s!y, #hether it #ill be "e!nin$'ul 'or history. In the li$ht o' this, the "ost 'und!"ent!l o' '!&ts, !ll philosophi+in$ !bout -the- t!sk o' -hu"!nity- !nd -then!ture o' -"or!lity- is idle t!lk. ,h!t is #h!t is truly no%el in "y !ppro!&h, !n ide! th!t h!d to be e)pressed !nd "!de !&&essible to li'e !'ter the entire nineteenth &entury h!d stri%en to#!rd it> F!usti!n "!n:s conscious rel!tion to history. 3eople h!%e not understood #hy I &hose to substitute ! ne# i"!$e 'or the usu!l p!ttern (!nti0uity 55 Middle /$es 55 "odern ti"es). M!n li%es &onst!ntly -in !n i"!$e-8 it $o%erns his de&isions, !nd sh!pes his "ent!lity. .e &!n ne%er rid hi"sel' o' !n old i"!$e until he h!s !&0uired ! ne# one !nd h!s "!de it &o"pletely his o#n. -.istori&!l %ision- 55 this is possible only 'or *estern 7urope!n "!n, !nd e%en 'or hi" it is possible only 'ro" this "o"ent on. 9iet+s&he &ould still spe!k o' the histori&!l disease. .e used this ter" to des&ribe #h!t he s!# !round hi"> the '!int5he!rted ro"!nti&is" o' the poets !nd #riters, the philolo$i!ns: dre!"like nost!l$i! 'or the dist!nt p!st, the p!triots: h!bit o' ti"idly &onsultin$ pre%ious history be'ore !rri%in$ !t !ny de&isions, the ur$e to &o"p!re, sy"pto"!ti& o' insu''i&ient "ent!l independen&e. (in&e 1DEF #e 4er"!ns h!%e su''ered "ore 'ro" this dise!se th!n !ny other n!tion. Is it not true th!t #e h!%e &ontinu!lly looked to the !n&ient ,eutons, to the Crus!der kni$hts, !nd .Glderlin:s 4reeks #hene%er #e h!%e been !t ! loss 'or #h!t to do in the /$e o' 7le&tri&ity? ,he =ritish h!%e been "ore 'ortun!te. ,hey h!%e

preser%ed !ll the institutions th!t spr!n$ up in the #!ke o' the 9or"!n Con0uest> their l!#s, 'reedo"s, !nd &usto"s. /t !ll ti"es they h!%e been !ble to sust!in !n i"pressi%e tr!dition #ithout e%er seein$ it in 2eop!rdy. ,hey h!%e ne%er 'elt the need to &o"pens!te 'or ! thous!nd ye!rs o' sh!ttered ide!ls by $!+in$ nost!l$i&!lly into the re"ote p!st. ,he histori&!l dise!se lin$ers on in the ide!lis" !nd hu"!nis" o' tod!y:s 4er"!ny. It is &!usin$ us to &on&o&t pretentious pl!ns 'or i"pro%in$ the #orld8 e!&h d!y brin$s so"e r!di&!lly ne# !nd 'oolproo' s&he"e 'or $i%in$ !ll !spe&ts o' li'e their 'in!l, &orre&t 'or". ,he only pr!&ti&!l out&o"e o' !ll these desi$ns lies in the '!&t th!t they !re e)h!ustin$ &ru&i!l ener$ies throu$h senseless 0u!rrelin$, spoilin$ our &h!n&es to dis&o%er re!l opportunities, !nd '!ilin$ to $i%e London !nd 3!ris !ny re!l &o"petition. .istori&!l %ision is the dire&t opposite o' this. ,hose #ho h!%e it !re e)perts 55 &on'ident, &ool5he!ded e)perts. / thous!nd ye!rs o' histori&!l thou$ht !nd rese!r&h h!%e spre!d out be'ore us ! %!st tre!sure, not o' kno#led$e, 'or th!t is rel!ti%ely uni"port!nt, but o' e)perien&e. 1n&e these e)perien&es !re %ie#ed in the perspe&ti%e I h!%e 2ust des&ribed, they t!ke on !n entirely ne# "e!nin$. Hp to no# 55 this is truer 'or the 4er"!ns th!n 'or !ny other n!tion 55 #e h!%e looked to the p!st 'or "odels to li%e by. =ut there !re no "odels. ,here !re only e)!"ples o' ho# the li'e o' indi%idu!ls, peoples, !nd &ultures h!%e e%ol%ed, re!&hed "!turity, !nd be&o"e e)tin&t. ,hese e)!"ples sho# us the rel!tionships th!t e)ist bet#een inborn &h!r!&ter !nd e)tern!l &onditions, bet#een ,e"po !nd ;ur!tion. *e !re not $i%en p!tterns to i"it!te. @!ther, #e &!n obser%e ho# so"ethin$ h!ppened, !nd thus le!rn #h!t &onse0uen&es to e)pe&t 'ro" our o#n situ!tion. Hp to no# only ! 'e# persons h!%e h!d su&h insi$hts, !nd then only #ith re$!rd to their i""edi!te pupils, subordin!tes, or &o5 #orkers. (o"e superior st!tes"en h!%e h!d it !s #ell, but only in

&onne&tion #ith person!lities !nd n!tions o' their o#n ti"e. ,his #!s the re'ined !rt o' &ontrollin$ li'e:s 'or&es, !&0uired throu$h the !bility to sei+e its opportunities !nd predi&t its &h!n$es. *ith this !rt one &ould be "!ster o%er others or e%en be ;estiny itsel'. *e !re no# in ! position to do like#ise 'or our o#n &ulture, predi&tin$ its &ourse 'or &enturies !he!d !s i' it #ere !n or$!nis" #hose inner stru&ture #e h!d studied e)h!usti%ely. *e re!li+e th!t e%ery '!&t is ! &h!n&e o&&urren&e, un'oreseen !nd unpredi&t!ble. 6et #ith the pi&ture o' other &ultures be'ore us, #e &!n be 2ust !s sure th!t the n!ture !nd &ourse o' 'uture li'e, o' indi%idu!ls !s #ell !s o' &ultures, !re not !&&ident!l. Future de%elop"ents &!n, o' &ourse, be brou$ht to per'e&tion, thre!tened, &orrupted, !nd destroyed by the 'ree &hoi&e o' !&ti%e persons. =ut they &!n ne%er be di%erted 'ro" their re!l dire&tion !nd "e!nin$. ,his h!s "!de possible 'or the 'irst ti"e ! truly $re!t 'or" o' edu&!tion. It #ill re0uire the re&o$nition o' inner potenti!lities. It #ill "e!n i"posin$ obli$!tions, not on the b!sis o' -ide!l!bstr!&tions, but in !$ree"ent #ith the predi&tion o' 'uture '!&ts. It #ill ne&essit!te the tr!inin$ o' indi%idu!ls !nd #hole $ener!tions 'or the 'ul'ill"ent o' these obli$!tions. For the 'irst ti"e #e !re !ble to see th!t the entire liter!ture o' ide!l -truths,- !ll o' those noble, #ell5"e!nt, !nd 'oolh!rdy s&he"es, outlines, !nd br!instor"s, !ll o' those books, p!"phlets, !nd spee&hes !re !bsolutely useless. /ll other &ultures h!%e, !t ! &orrespondin$ st!$e in their de%elop"ent, l!beled these thin$s 'or #h!t they !re !nd &onsi$ned the" to obli%ion. ,heir only t!n$ible e''e&t #!s to h!%e puny s&hol!rs #rite books !bout the" l!ter. Let "e repe!t> For the "ere obser%er there "!y be su&h thin$s !s truths8 'or li'e there !re no truths, only '!&ts. ,his le!ds "e to the 0uestion o' pessi"is". *hen in 1911, under the i"pression o' the e%ents !t /$!dir, I suddenly dis&o%ered "y -philosophy,- the 7urope!n5/"eri&!n #orld #!s in'used #ith the tri%i!l opti"is" o' the ;!r#inist !$e. *ith the title o' "y book,

&hosen in instin&ti%e opposition to the pre%!ilin$ "ood, I un&ons&iously put "y 'in$er on the !spe&t o' e%olution th!t no one #!s #illin$ to see. I' I h!d to &hoose !$!in no#, I #ould try #ith !nother 'or"ul! to strike !t tod!y:s e0u!lly tri%i!l pessi"is". I #ould be the l!st person to "!int!in th!t history &!n be !ppr!ised by "e!ns o' ! &!t&h#ord. =e th!t !s it "!y, !s '!r !s the -$o!l o' hu"!nity- is &on&erned I !" ! &on%in&ed !nd thorou$h$oin$ pessi"ist. /s I see it, hu"!nity is ! +oolo$i&!l entity. I see no pro$ress, no $o!l or p!th 'or "!nkind, e)&ept perh!ps in the "inds o' *estern pro$ress5 "on$ers. In this "ere "!ss o' popul!tion I &!n distin$uish no su&h thin$ !s ! -spirit,- not to spe!k o' ! unity o' e''ort, 'eelin$, or underst!ndin$. ,he only pl!&e #here I &!n "!ke out ! "e!nin$'ul !d%!n&e o' li'e to#!rd ! p!rti&ul!r $o!l, ! unity o' soul, #ill, !nd e)perien&e, is in the history o' sin$le &ultures. *h!t #e dis&o%er there is, to be sure, li"ited !nd '!&tu!l. 6et it sho#s us ! pro$ression 'ro" desire to !&&o"plish"ent, &ul"in!tin$ in ne# t!sks th!t do not t!ke the 'or" o' ethi&!l &!t&h#ords !nd $ener!lities but, r!ther, o' t!n$ible histori&!l $o!ls. *hoe%er &hooses to &!ll this pessi"is" #ill re%e!l thereby his utterly pedestri!n ide!lis". ,his kind o' person sees history !s ! hi$h#!y, #ith "!nkind ploddin$ !lon$ ste!dily in one dire&tion, 'ore%er 'ollo#in$ so"e philosophi&!l &li&hB or other. ,he philosophers, e!&h in his o#n #!y but nonetheless -&orre&tly- in e%ery &!se, h!%e lon$ sin&e hit upon the subli"e !nd !bstr!&t ter"inolo$y to des&ribe the true $o!l !nd essen&e o' our e!rthly so2ourn. 6et opti"is" &onsists 'urther in 'ore%er stri%in$ !'ter these slo$!ns #ithout e%er re!&hin$ the". / &on&ei%!ble end to !ll this stri%in$ #ould spoil the ide!l. *hosoe%er ob2e&ts to !ll this is ! pessi"ist. I #ould be !sh!"ed to $o throu$h li'e #ith su&h t!#dry ide!ls. ,here is in !ll o' this the di''iden&e o' born dre!"ers !nd &o#!rds,

people #ho &!nnot st!nd to '!&e re!lity !nd 'or"ul!te ! re!l $o!l in ! 'e# sensible #ords. ,hey insist on bro!d $ener!lities th!t $litter in the dist!n&e. ,his &!l"s the 'e!rs o' those #ho !re i"potent #hen it &o"es to !nythin$ de"!ndin$ le!dership, enterprise, or initi!ti%e. I !" !#!re th!t ! book su&h !s "ine &!n h!%e de%!st!tin$ &onse0uen&es 'or these people. 4er"!ns h!%e #ritten to "e 'ro" /"eri&! th!t 'or persons #ho !re deter"ined to be so"ethin$ in li'e, the book h!s the e''e&t o' ! br!&in$ toni&. (till, those born only 'or dre!"in$, poetry, !nd or!tory &!n be &ont!"in!ted by !ny book. I kno# these -'!ir youths-8 the uni%ersities !nd liter!ry &oteries !re '!irly &r!#lin$ #ith the". First it #!s (&hopenh!uer, !nd then 9iet+s&he, #ho 'reed the" 'ro" the obli$!tion to e)pend ener$y. 9o# they h!%e 'ound ! ne# liber!tor. 9o, I !" not ! pessi"ist. 3essi"is" "e!ns not to see !ny "ore t!sks. I see so "!ny unsol%ed t!sks th!t I 'e!r #e sh!ll h!%e neither ti"e nor "en enou$h to $o !t the". ,he pr!&ti&!l !spe&ts o' physi&s !nd &he"istry h!%e &o"e no#here ne!r the li"its o' their possibilities. ,e&hnolo$y h!s yet to re!&h its pe!k in ne!rly !ll 'ields. 1ne o' the "!2or t!sks still '!&in$ "odern &l!ssi&!l philolo$y is to &re!te !n i"!$e o' !nti0uity th!t #ill re"o%e 'ro" the "inds o' our edu&!ted popul!&e the -&l!ssi&!l- pi&ture, #ith its in%it!tion to pedestri!n ide!lis". ,here is no better pl!&e th!n Cl!ssi&!l !nti0uity to le!rn ho# "!tters re!lly st!nd in the #orld, !nd ho# ro"!nti&is" !nd !bstr!&t ide!ls h!%e been sh!ttered ti"e !nd !$!in by '!&tu!l e%ents. ,hin$s #ould be 0uite di''erent 'or us i' #e h!d spent "ore ti"e in s&hool on ,hu&ydides !nd less on .o"er. Hp to no# no st!tes"!n h!s e%er thou$ht to #rite ! &o""ent!ry on ,hu&ydides, 3olybius, or ,!&itus 'or our youn$ people. *e h!%e neither !n e&ono"i& history o' !nti0uity nor ! history o' !n&ient politi&s. ;espite the !stonishin$ p!r!llels to *estern 7urope!n history no one h!s e%er #ritten ! politi&!l history o' Chin! to the rei$n o'

(hih .u!n$ ,i. ,he L!#, i"posed by the so&i!l !nd e&ono"i& stru&ture o' our &i%ili+!tion, is still in the initi!l st!$es o' bein$ in%esti$!ted. /&&ordin$ to those "ost '!"ili!r #ith the 'ield, the s&ien&e o' 2urispruden&e h!s yet to re!&h out beyond philolo$y !nd dry s&hol!sti&is". 3oliti&!l e&ono"i&s is !s yet not re!lly ! s&ien&e !t !ll. I sh!ll re'r!in 'ro" dis&ussin$ the politi&!l, e&ono"i&, !nd or$!ni+!tion!l t!sks #e '!&e in our o#n 'uture. *h!t our &onte"pl!ti%es !nd ide!lists !re seekin$ is ! &o"'ort!ble Weltanschauung, ! philosophi&!l syste" th!t re0uires only th!t one be &on%in&ed by it8 they #!nt ! "or!l e)&use 'or their ti"orousness. ,hese !re the born deb!ters #ho spend their d!ys in the re"ote &orners o' li'e dis&ussin$ thin$s. Let the" st!y there. *e &!nnot '!shion ! pro$r!" 'or the 'uture "illenni! o' hu"!nity #ithout runnin$ the risk o' its bein$ th#!rted i""edi!tely by re!lity. It is possible, ho#e%er, to do so"ethin$ o' the sort 'or the ne)t 'e# &enturies o' F!usti!n &ulture, the histori&!l outlines o' #hi&h !re %isible. *h!t !re the i"pli&!tions o' these '!&ts? ,he 3urit!n pride o' 7n$l!nd s!ys, -7%erythin$ is predestined. ,here'ore I "ust e"er$e %i&torious.- ,he others s!y, -7%erythin$ is predestined. ,h!t is pros!i& !nd not !t !ll ide!listi&. .en&e there is no use e%en tryin$.- =ut the truth is th!t the t!sks '!&in$ the '!&tu!l persons !"on$ us *esterners !re innu"er!ble. For the ro"!nti&s !nd ideolo$ists, ho#e%er, #ho &!nnot think o' the #orld #ithout #ritin$ poe"s, p!intin$ pi&tures, de%isin$ ethi&!l syste"s, or li%in$ sole"n Weltanschauungen, it is 0uite underst!nd!bly ! hopeless prospe&t. I sh!ll &o"e ri$ht out !nd s!y it 55 let those #ho #ish &ry out in protest> ,he histori&!l si$ni'i&!n&e o' !rt !nd !bstr!&t thou$ht is seriously o%err!ted. 9o "!tter ho# i"port!nt their role h!s been durin$ $re!t er!s, there h!%e !l#!ys been "ore essenti!l thin$s. In the history o' !rt the i"port!n&e o' 4rIne#!ld !nd Mo+!rt &!nnot

be o%eresti"!ted. In the real history o' the !$es o' Ch!rles V !nd Louis XV their e)isten&e is o' no &onse0uen&e !t !ll. It "!y h!ppen th!t ! $re!t histori&!l e%ent sti"ul!tes !n !rtist. ,he re%erse h!s ne%er o&&urred. *h!t is bein$ produ&ed by #!y o' !rt tod!y does not e%en be!r si$ni'i&!n&e 'or !rt history. /nd !s '!r !s tod!y:s !&!de"i& philosophy is &on&erned, none o' its %!rious -s&hools- h!s the sli$htest pertinen&e 'or li'e or the soul. 9either our edu&!ted &iti+enry nor s&hol!rs in the other dis&iplines !re re!lly p!yin$ !ttention to the". /ll they !re $ood 'or is to h!%e dissert!tions #ritten !bout the", #hi&h #ill be 0uoted in l!ter dissert!tions, none o' #hi&h #ill e%er be re!d e)&ept by 'uture philosophy pro'essors. It #!s 9iet+s&he #ho 0uestioned the %!lidity o' s&ien&e. It is hi$h ti"e th!t #e !sked the s!"e 0uestions !bout !rt. 7r!s #ithout $enuine !rt !nd philosophy &!n still be $re!t er!s8 the @o"!ns h!%e de"onstr!ted this 'or us. 6et 'or those #ho !re !l#!ys ! step behind the ti"es, the !rts !re synony"ous #ith Li'e itsel'. 9ot 'or us, ho#e%er. 3eople h!%e told "e th!t #ithout !rt li'e is not #orth li%in$. I !sk in return> For whom is it not #orth li%in$? I should not &!re to h!%e li%ed !s ! s&ulptor, ethi&!l philosopher, or dr!"!tist in the d!ys o' M!rius !nd C!es!r. 9or #ould I &!re to h!%e been ! "e"ber o' so"e (te'!n 4eor$e Cir&le, !tt!&kin$ @o"!n politi&s 'ro" behind the Foru" #ith the $r!nd pose o' the litt rateur. 9o one &!n h!%e ! &loser !''inity 'or the $re!t !rt o' our p!st 55 'or there is none tod!y 55 th!n I. I should not &!re to li%e #ithout 4oethe, (h!kespe!re, or the $re!t "onu"ents o' older !r&hite&ture. I !" thrilled by !ny subli"e @en!iss!n&e "!sterpie&e, pre&isely be&!use I !" !#!re o' its li"it!tions. I lo%e =!&h !nd Mo+!rt "ore th!n I &!n s!y8 but this &!nnot "!ke "e spe!k o' !ll the thous!nds o' #riters, p!inters, !nd philosophers th!t popul!te our &ities !s true !rtists !nd thinkers. ,here is "ore p!intin$, #ritin$, !nd -outlinin$- $oin$ on in 4er"!ny tod!y th!n in !ll the other &ountries put to$ether. Is this &ulture? 1r is it ! de'i&ien&y o'

our sense o' re!lity? /re #e so ri&h in &re!ti%e t!lent, or !re #e l!&kin$ in pr!&ti&!l ener$y? /nd do the results 2usti'y in !ny #!y !t !ll the noisy sel'5!d%ertise"ent? 7)pressionis", yesterd!y:s %o$ue, produ&ed not ! sin$le person!lity or !rtisti& #ork o' !ny note. /s soon !s I be$!n to 0uestion the sin&erity o' th!t "o%e"ent I #!s shouted do#n by ! thous!nd %oi&es. 3!inters, "usi&i!ns, !nd poets tried to pro%e "e #ron$, but #ith #ords, not #ith deeds. I sh!ll st!nd &orre&ted #hen they &o"e 'orth #ith the e0ui%!lent o' Tristan, the !ammer"lavier Sonata, #ing $ear, or the p!intin$s o' M!rBes. It is ! $re!t "ist!ke to &onsider these 'l!&&id, e''e"in!te, super'luous -"o%e"ents- !s the ne&ess!ry pheno"en! o' our !$e. I &!ll this the !rtsy5&r!'tsy !ppro!&h. /r&hite&ture, p!intin$, poetry, reli$ion, politi&s, e%en philosophy itsel' !re tre!ted !s h!ndi&r!'ts, te&hni0ues th!t &!n be t!u$ht !nd le!rned #ithin the 'our #!lls o' the studio. ,his is the !r$u"ent th!t e"!n!tes 'ro" !ll o' our -&ir&les- !nd brotherhoods, &!'Bs !nd le&ture h!lls, e)hibits, 2ourn!ls, !nd publishin$ houses 55 !nd it reeks to hi$h he!%en. It not only #!nts to be toler!ted, it #!nts 'ull s#!y. It &!lls itsel' 4er"!n. It purports to &l!i" the 'uture. 7%en in this !re! I see t!sks !he!d 'or us, yet I look in %!in 'or the "en (men%) to per'or" the". 1ne o' the t!sks 'or our &entury is the 4er"!n no%el. Hp to no# #e h!%e h!d only 4oethe. ,he !rt o' the no%el re0uires outst!ndin$ person!lities, superior in %i$or !nd bre!dth o' %ision, re!red in &ultur!l e)&ellen&e, hi$h5"inded but t!&t'ul in their %ie#s. /s yet there is no 4er"!n prose to "!t&h the 7n$lish !nd the Fren&h. *h!t #e h!%e is the indi%idu!l style o' sin$le #riters, isol!ted e)!"ples o' person!l "!stery !$!inst ! b!&k$round o' %ery poor !%er!$e per'or"!n&e. ,he no%el &ould brin$ !bout this i"pro%e"ent. 9o#!d!ys, ho#e%er, pr!&ti&!l "en su&h !s industri!lists !nd !r"y o''i&ers !re usin$ better, sounder,

&le!rer, "ore pro'ound l!n$u!$e th!n the tenth5r!te s&ribblers #ho think style is ! sport. .ere in the l!nd o' ,ill 7ulenspie$el #e h!%e yet to produ&e ! &o"edy in the $r!nd "!nner, subli"e !nd pro'ound, &le%er, tr!$i&, li$ht !nd re'ined. It is no# !l"ost the only re"!inin$ 'or" in #hi&h ! #riter &!n be poet !nd philosopher !t on&e, !nd #ithout pretense. Like 9iet+s&he ! #hile !$o, I still 'eel the need 'or ! 4er"!n &armen, 'ull o' spi&e !nd #it, sp!rklin$ #ith "elody !nd rhyth", ! #ork to st!nd in the proud tr!dition o' Mo+!rt, Joh!nn (tr!uss, =ru&kner, !nd the youn$ (&hu"!nn. =ut the or&hestr!l !&rob!ts o' tod!y !re in&o"petents. (in&e *!$ner:s de!th not one $re!t &re!tor o' "elody h!s !ppe!red on the s&ene. ,here #!s ! ti"e #hen !rt #!s ! %it!l enterprise, #hen li'e:s rhyth" took hold o' !rtists, their #orks, !nd their publi& to su&h !n e)tent th!t pro'undity o' thou$ht, r!ther th!n 'or"!l e)!&titude, #!s the true &riterion o' !rtisti& $re!tness. Inste!d o' this %it!l rhyth", #e h!%e tod!y #h!t is &!lled the -&re!ti%e outline- 55 the "ost despi&!ble thin$ i"!$in!ble. 7%erythin$ th!t l!&ks li'e is $ettin$ -outlined.- ,hey !re -outlinin$- ! pri%!te &ulture #ith theosophy !nd the le!der5&ult8 they !re -outlinin$- ! pri%!te reli$ion #ith editions o' =uddh! on h!nd5"!de p!per8 they !re -outlinin$- ! (t!te in the spirit o' 7ros. (in&e the @e%olution there h!%e been -outlines- 'or !$ri&ulture, &o""er&e, !nd industry. ,hese ide!ls should be d!shed to pie&es8 the louder the noise, the better. .!rdness, @o"!n h!rdness is t!kin$ o%er no#. (oon there #ill be no roo" 'or !nythin$ else. /rt, yes8 but in &on&rete !nd steel. Liter!ture, yes8 but by "en #ith iron ner%es !nd un&o"pro"isin$ depth o' %ision. @eli$ion, yes8 but t!ke up your hy"nbook, not your &l!ssy edition o' Con'u&ius, !nd $o to &hur&h. 3oliti&s, yes8 but in the h!nds o' st!tes"en !nd not ide!lists. 9othin$ else #ill be o' &onse0uen&e. /nd #e "ust ne%er lose si$ht

o' #h!t lies behind !nd !he!d o' us &iti+ens o' this &entury. *e 4er"!ns #ill ne%er !$!in produ&e ! 4oethe, but indeed ! C!es!r.

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