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Maine Explosion

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Lesson: Explosion of the Maine; Central Historical Question: What sank the Maine?

Date: 2/24/14 Student Objectives: Students will be able toIdentify when and where the Maine exploded Understand the controversial debate on ori ins of this explosion Ma!e a decision based on historical evidence to what san! the Maine Content Standards: ""SS#$%&-%iteracy#'(#)-*#1 "ite specific textual evidence to support analysis of pri+ary and secondary sources# ""SS#$%&-%iteracy#'(#)-*#4 ,eter+ine the +eanin of words and phrases as they are used in a text- includin vocabulary specific to do+ains related to history/social studies# ""SS#$%&-%iteracy#'(#)-*#* ,istin uish a+on fact- opinion- and reasoned .ud +ent in a text# Materials: / Maine 0owerpoint / "opies of Journal ,ocu+ent / "opies of Times ,ocu+ent / Maine 1uidin 2uestions i!in": Start of class: 0ut the followin headlines on the board: / Search for Missin 5ride "ontinues / 5ride Missin 6 1roo+7s 8a+ily 5la+e (istory of Mental Illness (ave each student respond in writin : / (ow do these headlines differ9 / "onsider the wordin and how a reader +i ht respond to each article# #ntroduction of Lesson: ,iscussion: / :hat does each headline i+ply9 / If these were articles- which would you have wanted to read first9 / :hich do you thin! would have been the +ost reliable story9 :hy9 / :hy +i ht different newspapers choose to present the sa+e event so differently9 Lesson #nstruction: ;ransition and 0owerpoint: ;oday we are oin to be co+parin two newspaper accounts of an event that happened in 1*<*# Show slide of Maine explodin and explain the followin : / Cuba was colonized by Spain. / Cuban rebels had been fighting for independence. / Spain was thought to be brutal in repressing the rebellion.

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/ .S. had business interests in Cuba. / !resident Mc"inley had sent the Maine to Cuba #Why? To protect $merican interests? To prepare for war? To intimidate Spain? This is debated by historians. . .%. / Maine e&plodes on 'eb ()* (+,+. Introduce in>uiry >uestion: :ho sun! the Maine? Show slide of ?&wa!e6 United States#@ 'ead out loud# ,iscussion >uestions: / &ccordin to this son - who sun! the Maine? / ,oes this prove the Spanish blew it up9 4# (and out Journal docu+ent and Times docu+ent and have students read and fill out the raphic or aniAer# :hole class discussion: / ,o you !now what happened to the Maine9 / :hat evidence do you have for your answer9 1ive an exa+ple where the reporter uses solid evidence to support a clai+ +ade in the article# / ,o you thin! these articles would have been received differently by their readers in 1*<*9 (ow so9 / :hat effect +i ht the Journal article have had on its readers9 / :hat effect +i ht the Times article have had on its readers9 / (ow si nificant do you thin! the Maine explosion was to the &+erican people at this ti+e9 :hy9 $ssess!ent: :ritin pro+pt: :hich account is +ore believable9 :hy9

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8irst section: "o+pare the evidence used by both papers to support their clai+s that the Maine was blown up by attac! or by un!nown causes# :hich uses stron er evidence9 Use at least three specific exa+ples/phrases/words fro+ the articles to support your position# Second section: ,oes this difference in accounts +atter9 :hy or why not9 Students will write a response to these >uestionsB 1 pa e Closure%&rap up%'evie(: ,iscuss &ssess+ent >uestion for the+ to write their response for ho+ewor!#

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