Syed Mohammed Khader: Career Objective
Syed Mohammed Khader: Career Objective
Syed Mohammed Khader: Career Objective
&AREER O'(E&)*+E
To secure a position in the field of Information Technology where my Education Certification, experience and skills can be used to support and enhance the efficiency and productivity of the company, I will thrive in a position that not only challenges my current skill set, but also provides an opportunity to increase my value to the company through skill building and advancement within the corporation.
Possesses strong, intuitive problem solving skills. Extremely uick learner when presented with an unfamiliar product or scenario. !hares knowledge and experience with team members to advance the team. "eeps up with current technology via online forums, industry maga#ines, and news.
)E&H-*&A, SK*,,S
O.a%le ER/ $ %racle &pplications ''i ( )'* +'*.,.-, '*.'.'.. Mo"0le K1o21 $ I/0, &), 1)2! and !C2. RD'MS $ %racle ''g(',g(3i. 34* $ 4orms 5i, !67 loader, T%&8. ,a150a5e $ C, C99, :/I-, 7I/:-, P7(!67 O6e.a7i15 ! 7em $ :/I-(7I/:- &dmin, !un !olaris, ;indows /T S%.i67i15 $ !hell !cripting 47ili7! 7ool $ P:TT<, ;in!CP, T%&8. S7o.a5e )e%$1olo5!$ &!2, ',g )&C, !ymantec =ackup Exec, !&/.
ED4&A)*O- 84A,*9*&A)*O 'a%$elo. o: E15i1ee.i15 *.) O ma1ia 41i;e. i7! <2003=07> 8eccan College of Engineering and Technology, 1yderabad, &ndhra Pradesh, India.
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2C!C, CC/&, 2! Exchange *,,> ? *,',. %racle ''i ? )'* &pplications from ;ilshire !oftware Technologies. %racle 3i, ',g ? ''g 8=& from ;ilshire !oftware Technologies. :/I-(7I/:- &dministration from ;ilshire !oftware Technologies.
SYS)EM ADM*-*S)RA)*O4-*?@ ,*-4?@ A*-DOAS
Installed, configured and upgraded, )ed 1at 7inux and ;indows operating system on x@5 machines. 2anaging file systems and configuring devices. 2anaging disk and disk spaces. &dding network printers, limiting the user access to printers and managing the spool. Configuring and managing 8/!, /I!, 81CP, 4TP, !amba and &pache servers. Taking backups incremental, differential and full backups. Creating snap shots. Installed, configured and managed 1P A :- ''i, &I- 0 BC>, !use 7inux and 4edora. =ooting in different run levels and modifying D):= boot loader. &ssigning virtual and real IP address graphically and in command line and configuring network files, configuring hostnames. 2onitoring Eob automation and scheduling Eob for specific tasks. Configuration and administration of domain controller and additional domain controller. &pplying and configuring domain level policies and site level policies. Configuring and managing II!, I!&, Exchange !erver, )&!, and )emote 8esktop. Configuration of !2TP. P%P>, //TP and I2&PB protocols.
-e72o.B a1" &om607e. Sol07io1 : 9E'=2007 C (4-=2007
;orked as a /etwork and !ystem engineer. 1andled the administration of the network and server systems. )esolved issues with the client infrastructure. Installed, configured, supported 7&/ setups. 1elpdesk and desktop support for end users on dayCtoCday applications. Installing, configuring various %perating systems and databases. Customi#ing them according to the client re uirements. Troubleshooting and supporting the clientFs onsite and offsite. Ail $i.e )e%$1olo5!: A43=2007 C (A-=2008
Ao.Be" a (..O.a%le A66 D'A 2i7$ .e 6o1 ibili7ie Creation of :sers in &pplication as well as %! level. &ssigning responsibilities to the &pplication :sers. 2aintaining file system. Planning for backup and recovery of database information. Taking =ackups of ;hole &pplication and 8atabase. 8atabase backup and restoration activities Cloning using )apid clone, &utoconfig and adclone utility.
Proficient in 8=& tools A Toad, Putty and %E2 +%racle Enterprise 2anagement
&0..e17l! Ao.Bi15 a S.. O.a%le A66 D'A : MAR&H=2008 C )ill /.e e17 Role D Re 6o1 ibili7ie : !upporting more than G,, :sers in *BHI Environment. )esponsible for making decisions in key configuration changes, ranged from small db parameter change to &pache !tabili#ation, performance review for parameter changes. =uilding shell scripts and automation tools for client re uirements. !upporting !ervice re uests on severity * ? also ' when system is in critical state. )educing the downtimes of production instances and preparing new scripts whenever re uired. Provide ongoing production support for %racle E=! )elease ''i +''.G.',.*. on Platform J%racle Enterprise 7inuxK )elease G update G Environment. 2aintaining 7inux !ervers &dministration. 2aintaining %racle EC=usiness !uite technologies on :/I-(7I/:- and ;indows Environment. Installation, configuration, Patching and troubleshooting of %racle databases, &pplication, Concurrent manager(re uests. )esponsible for the management of transports from the 8E0E7%P2E/T Environment to TE!T and P)%8:CTI%/ Environment. &pplying 8ifferent types of Patches like )ollup Patch, Critical :pdate Patch, !ecurity Patches, Consolidated :pdate Patch and Patches as re uired. Cloning, troubleCshooting concurrent managers, and troubleCshooting forms(reports issues, configuring loadCbalancing in 2ultiCnode ? )&C environment. :pgrade 8atabase from 3.*.,.@ to ',.*.,.G 2onitoring ? Tuning database performance using !tatpack, s ltxplain and %E2(T%&8 for optimi#ation of resource utili#ation on server. 2anage Table spaces, )ollback !egments, )edo 7ogs and other database obEects. :se Import, Export, !67H7oader, 4/87%&8, T%&8 and other tools to load data. =ackups ? )ecovery data including )2&/ and !ymentic =ackup Exec*,',. 2aintain &pplication 2anager Console &dministration, like Creating :sers, adding )esponsibilities, custom &pplications, and &lerts etc. )'* on TE!T Environment which is under Evaluation process. Implement !ecurity administration by creating of roles, views and granting the necessary obEect(system privileges for users. Install %racle Client software and troubleshoot connectivity issues. Dood in :nix !hell script for application and database batch Eobs to schedule through cronEob.
;orked on Physical !tandby setup for ''i instances and rebuilding the standby database during maEor database and applications upgrades. Configured !tandby database using 8ata Duard ;orked with %racle !upport through P' !)+T&). to resolve issues Dood Communication skills and experience in handling clients around the globe. !upports the development team for functional enhancements, trouble shooting and resolution. Expert in resolving performance issues with %racle &pplications technology stack Perform upgrades as re uired and work closely with %racle !upport to resolve any issuesL opening, managing, and resolving %racle !)s. Configuring /otification 2ailers, Custom &pplications, 8=& &lerts etc. )esponsible for availability of different kinds of services +)eports 4orms &pache etc.. Proficient in 8=& tools A Toad, Putty and %E2 +%racle Enterprise 2anagement. Troubleshooting and supporting the clientFs onsite and offsite.
*m6leme17a7io1 D S066o.7 O: E'S = RE2 A7 F3AGGAGH IAo.l" 9a $io1J: Implemented )'* TE!T Instance at JD&MM&M Company A !audi &rabiaK as a Contract J&pps 8=& ConsultantK &nd also ;orked as Part Time !upport Consultant for 2aintenance with below )esponsibilities, &pplied Patches according to the 4unctional re uirement. Cloned Instance for :ser Training and Testing. Testing and Evaluation of the applied &pplications. Tuning %racle Instance for high availability and speed. 4ixing Concurrent 2anager and &pache web server. &dministering critical activities and alert log files. I also Implemented )'* in my current Company which is under Evaluation Process for Production.
!trong communications ( presentation skills both in English and &rabic I enEoy the challenge of cutting edge technology. 2ange technical contents of proEects. %rgani#e and coordinate activities of proEect leads to meet release goals. "nowledge transfer to end users and technical staff. !upporting the production team by assisting in the application of re uired patches, change control and coordination of system availability and associated communications. 2anage resource assignment, deployment and allocation &bility to work efficiently and independently. &bility to handle difficult situations with diplomacy and tact.