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The Dutchman by Amiri Baraka

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The passage describes an interaction between Clay, a black man, and Lula, a white woman, on a subway train. Their conversation touches on issues of race and rationality.

Lula sits next to Clay on the train. They have an awkward conversation where Lula accuses Clay of staring at her at the previous stop. Their discussion of race becomes increasingly tense.

Clay denies staring at Lula and seems uncomfortable and defensive when confronted by her.


Amiii Baiaka

CLAY, twenty-yeai-olu Negio
L0LA, thiity-yeai-olu white woman
RIBERS 0F C0ACB, white anu black Y00Nu NEuR0

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:.3*" .03.68 J*+%$6 '(36% 0,$6*-& $%& ;*"-0;68
L0LA &"$&.6 '.04 $%& .&3. 0' $%& 13. *" /.*+%$5 6>*47) 6,44&. 1(0$%&6 3"- 63"-3(68 2%& 13..*&6 3 "&$ /3+
',(( 0' 737&. /00>65 '.,*$5 3"- 0$%&. 3"0")40,6 3.$*1(&68 2%& is ;&3.*"+ 6,"+(366&65 ;%*1% 6%& 7,6%&6 ,7 0"
%&. '0.&%&3- '.04 $*4& $0 $*4&8 L0LA is 3 $3((5 6(&"-&.5 /&3,$*',( ;043" ;*$% (0"+ .&- %3*. %3"+*"+
6$.3*+%$ -0;" %&. /31>5 ;&3.*"+ 0"() (0,- (*76$*1> *" 604& /0-)G6 +00- $36$&8 2%& is &3$*"+ 3" 377(&5 ?&.)
-3*"$*()8 K04*"+ -0;" $%& 13. $0;3.- CLAY. 2%& 6$076 /&6*-& CLAY'S 6&3$ 3"- %3"+6 (3"+,*-() '.04 $%&
6$.375 6$*(( 43"3+*"+ $0 &3$ $%& 377(&8 !$ is 3773.&"$ $%3$ 6%& is +0*"+ $0 6*$ *" $%& 6&3$ "&L$ $0 CLAY, 3"-
$%3$ 6%& is 0"() ;3*$*"+ '0. %*4 $0 "0$*1& %&. /&'0.& 6%& 6*$68

CLAY 6*$6 36 /&'0.&5 (00>*"+ @,6$ /&)0"- %*6 43+3=*"&5 "0; 3"- 3+3*" 7,((*"+ $%& 43+3=*"& 6(0;() /31> 3"-
'0.$% *" '.0"$ 0' %*6 '31& *" 3 %07&(&66 &''0.$ $0 '3" %*46&('8 :%&" %& 6&&6 $%& ;043" %3"+*"+ $%&.& /&6*-&
%*4 3"- %& (00>6 ,7 *"$0 %&. '31&5 64*(*"+ M,*==*13(()8
L0LA Bello.
CLAY 0h, hi'ie you.
L0LA I'm going to sit uown .... 0.K..
CLAY Suie.
L0LA N2;*"+6 -0;" 0"$0 $%& 6&3$5 7,6%*"+ G%&. (&+6 6$.3*+%$ 0,$ 36 *' 6%& is ?&.) ;&3.)O 0ooof! Too much
CLAY Ba, uoesn't look like much to me. NJ&3"*"+ /31> 3+3*"6$ $%& ;*"-0;5 3 (*$$(& 6,.7.*6&- 3"- 43)/& 6$*''O
L0LA It's so anyway. NE"- 6%& 40?&6 %&. $0&6 *" $%& 63"-3(65 $%&" 7,((6 %&. .*+%$ (&+ ,7 0" $%& (&'$ >"&&5 /&$$&. $0
*"67&1$ $%& /0$$046 0' $%& 63"-3(6 3"- $%& /31> 0' %&. %&&(8 2%& 377&3.6 '0. 3 6&10"- "0$ $0 "0$*1& $%3$
CLAY is 6*$$*"+ "&L$ $0 %&. oi $%3$ 6%& %36 670>&" $0 %*4 @,6$ 3 6&10"- /&'0.&8 CLAY (00>6 3$ $%& 43+3=*"&5
$%&" 0,$ $%& /(31> ;*"-0;8 As %& -0&6 $%*65 6%& $,."6 ?&.) M,*1>() $0;3.- %*4O Weien't you staiing at me
thiough the winuow.
CLAY NP%&&(*"+ 3.0,"- 3"- ?&.) 4,1% 6$*''&"&-O What.
L0LA Weien't you staiing at me thiough the winuow. At the last stop.
CLAY Staiing at you. What uo you mean.
L0LA Bon't you know what staiing means.
CLAY I saw you thiough the winuow ... if that's what it means. I uon't know if I was staiing. Seems to me you
weie staiing thiough the winuow at me.
L0LA I was. But only aftei I'u tuineu aiounu anu saw you staiing thiough that winuow uown in the vicinity of
my ass anu legs.
CLAY Really.
L0LA Really. I guess you weie just taking those iule potshots. Nothing else to uo. Run youi minu ovei people's
CLAY 0h boy. Wow, now I aumit I was looking in youi uiiection. But the iest of that weight is youis.
L0LA I suppose.
CLAY Staiing thiough tiain winuows is weiiu business. Nuch weiiuei than staiing veiy seuately at abstiact
L0LA That's why I came looking thiough the winuow ... so you'u have moie than that to go on. I even smileu
at you.
CLAY That's iight.
L0LA I even got into this tiain, going some othei way than mine. Walkeu uown the aisle ... seaiching you out.
CLAY Really. That's pietty funny.
L0LA That's pietty funny:" .. : . uou, you'ie uull.
CLAY Well, I'm soiiy, lauy, but I ieally wasn't piepaieu foi paity talk.
L0LA No, you'ie not. What aie you piepaieu foi. NP.377*"+ $%& 377(& 10.& *" 3 Q(&&"&L 3"- -.077*"+ *$ 0" $%&
CLAY N:3>&6 %&. 10"?&.63$*0" 36 7,.& 6&L $3(>8 C& $,."6 $0 10"'.0"$ %&. 6M,3.&() ;*$% $%*6 *-&3O I'm piepaieu foi
anything. Bow about you.
L0LA NJ3,+%*"+ (0,-() 3"- 1,$$*"+ *$ 0'' 3/.,7$()O What uo you think you'ie uoing.
CLAY What.
L0LA You think I want to pick you up, get you to take me somewheie anu sciew me, huh.
CLAY Is that the way I look.
L0LA You look like you been tiying to giow a beaiu. That's exactly what you look like. You look like you live
in New }eisey with youi paients anu aie tiying to giow a beaiu. That's what. You look like you've been
ieauing Chinese poetiy anu uiinking lukewaim sugailess tea. NJ3,+%65 ,"1.066*"+ 3"- .&1.066*"+ %&.
(&+6O You look like ueath eating a soua ciackei.
CLAY NK01>*"+ %*6 %&3- '.04 0"& 6*-& $0 $%& 0$%&.5 &4/3..366&- 3"- $.)*"+ $0 43>& 604& 104&/31>5 /,$ 3(60
*"$.*+,&- /) ;%3$ $%& ;043" is 63)*"+ 88 &?&" $%& 6%3.7 1*$) 103.6&"&66 0' %&. ?0*1&5 ;%*1% is 6$*(( 3 >*"- 0'
+&"$(& 6*-&;3(> $%.0/O Really. I look like all that.
L0LA Not all of it. N2%& '&*"$6 3 6&.*0,6"&66 $0 10?&. 3" 31$,3( 604/&. $0"&O I lie a lot. N24*(*"+O It helps me
contiol the woilu.
CLAY NR&(*&?&- 3"- (3,+%*"+ (0,-&. $%3" $%& %,40.O Yeah, I bet.
L0LA But it's tiue, most of it, iight. }eisey. Youi bumpy neck.
CLAY Bow'u you know all that. Buh. Really, I mean about }eisey ... anu even the beaiu. I met you befoie. You
know Waiien Eniight.
L0LA You tiieu to make it with youi sistei when you weie ten. |CLAY (&3"6 /31> %3.- 3+3*"6$ $%& /31> 0' $%&
6&3$5 %*6 &)&6 07&"*"+ "0;5 6$*(( $.)*"+ $0 (00> 34,6&-O But I succeeueu a few weeks ago. N2%& 6$3.$6 $0
(3,+% 3+3*"O CLAY What'ie you talking about. Waiien tell you that. You'ie a fiienu of
L0LA I tolu you I lie. I uon't know youi sistei. I uon't know Waiien Eniight.
CLAY You mean you'ie just picking these things out of the aii.
L0LA Is Waiien Eniight a tall skinny black black boy with a phony English accent.
CLAY I figuieu you knew him.
L0LA But I uon't. I just figuieu you woulu know somebouy like that. NJ3,+%6O
CLAY Yeah, yeah.
L0LA You'ie piobably on youi way to his house now.
CLAY That's iight.
L0LA NS,$$*"+ %&. %3"- 0" CLAY'S 1(06&6$ >"&&5 -.3;*"+ *$ '.04 $%& >"&& ,7 $0 $%& $%*+%G6 %*"+&5 $%&" .&40?*"+
*$5 ;3$1%*"+ %*6 '31& ?&.) 1(06&()5 3"- 10"$*",*"+ $0 (3,+%5 7&.%376 40.& +&"$() $%3" /&'0.&O Bull, uull, uull.
I bet you think I'm exciting.
CLAY You'ie 0.K.
L0LA Am I exciting you now.
CLAY Right. That's not what's supposeu to happen.
L0LA Bow uo I know. N2%& .&$,."6 %&. %3"-5 ;*$%0,$ 40?*"+ *$5 $%&" $3>&6 *$ 3;3) 3"- 7(,"+&6 *$ *" %&. /3+ $0
-.3; 0,$ 3" 377(&O You want this.
CLAY Suie.
L0LA N2%& +&$6 0"& 0,$ 0' $%& /3+ '0. %&.6&('O Eating apples togethei is always the fiist step. 0i walking up
uninhabiteu Seventh Avenue in the twenties
on weekenus. ND*$&6 3"- +*++(&65 +(3"1*"+ 3$ K(3) 3"-
67&3>*"+ *" (006& 6*"+I60"+O Can get you involveu ... boy! uet us involveu. 0m-huh. NT01> 6&.*0,6"&66O
Woulu you like to get involveu with me, Nistei Nan.
CLAY N:.)*"+ $0 /& 36 '(*773"$ 36 L0LA, ;%31>*"+ %377*() 3$ $%& 377(&O Suie. Why not. A beautiful woman
like you. Buh, I'u be a fool not to.
L0LA Anu I bet you'ie suie you know what you'ie talking about. N:3>*"+ %*4 3 (*$$(& .0,+%() /) $%& ;.*6$5 60 %&
13""0$ &3$ $%& 377(&5 $%&" 6%3>*"+ $%& ;.*6$O I bet you'ie suie of almost eveiything anybouy evei askeu
you about ... iight. N2%3>&6 %*6 ;.*6$ %3.-&.O Right.
CLAY Yeah, iight. ... Wow, you'ie pietty stiong, you know. Whatta you, a lauy wiestlei oi something.
L0LA What's wiong with lauy wiestleis. Anu uon't answei because you nevei knew any. Buh. NK)"*13(()O
That's foi suie. They uon't have any lauy wiestleis in that pait of }eisey. That's foi suie.
CLAY Bey, you still haven't tolu me how you know so much about me.
L0LA I tolu you I uiun't know anything about )0, 8.. you'ie a well-known type.
CLAY Really.
L0LA 0i at least I know the type veiy well. Anu youi skinny English fiienu too.
CLAY Anonymously.
L0LA N2&$$(&6 /31> *" 6&3$5 6*"+(&I4*"-&-() '*"*6%*"+ %&. 377(& 3"- %,44*"+ 6"3$1%&6 0' .%)$%4 3"- /(,&6
60"+O What.
CLAY Without knowing us specifically.
L0LA 0h boy. NJ00>*"+ M,*1>() 3$ CLAYj What a face. You know, you coulu be a hanusome man.
CLAY I can't aigue with you.
L0LA NU3+,&5 0''I1&"$&. .&670"6&O What.
CLAY NR3*6*"+ %*6 ?0*1&5 $%*">*"+ $%& $.3*" "0*6& %36 -.0;"&- 73.$ 0' %*6 6&"$&"1&O I can't aigue with you .
L0LA Ny haii is tuining giay. A giay haii foi each yeai anu type I've come thiough.
CLAY Why uo you want to sounu so olu.
L0LA But it's always gentle when it staits. NE$$&"$*0" -.*'$*"+O Buggeu against tenements, uay oi night.
CLAY What.
L0LA NR&'01,6*"+O Bey, why uon't you take me to that paity you'ie going to.
CLAY You must be a fiienu of Waiien's to know about the paity.
L0LA Woulun't you like to take me to the paity. N!4*$3$&6 1(*"+*"+ ?*"&O . 0h, come on, ask me to youi paity.
CLAY 0f couise I'll ask you to come with me to the paity. Anu I'll bet you'ie a fiienu of Waiien's.
L0LA Why not be a fiienu of Waiien's. Why not. N:3>*"+ %*6 3.4O Bave you askeu me yet.
CLAY Bow can I ask you when I uon't know youi name.
L0LA Aie you talking to my name.
CLAY What is it, a seciet.
L0LA I'm Lena the Byena.
CLAY The famous woman poet.
L0LA Poetess! The same!
CLAY Well, you know so much about me ... what's my name.
L0LA Noiiis the Byena.
CLAY The famous woman poet.
L0LA The same. NJ3,+%*"+ 3"- +0*"+ *"$0 %&. /3+O You want anothei apple.
CLAY Can't make it, lauy. I only have to keep one uoctoi away a uay.
L0LA I bet youi name is ... something like ... uh, ueialu oi Waltei. Buh.
CLAY uou, no.
L0LA Lloyu, Noiman. 0ne of those hopeless coloieu names cieeping out of New }eisey Leonaiu. uag ....
CLAY Like Waiien.
L0LAw Befinitely. }ust exactly like Waiien. 0i Eveiett.

CLAY uag ...
L0LA Well, foi suie, it's not Willie.
CLAY It's Clay.
L0LA Clay. Really. Clay what.
CLAY Take youi pick. }ackson, }ohnson, oi Williams.
L0LA 0h, ieally. uoou foi you. But it's got to be Williams. You'ie too pietentious to be a }ackson oi }ohnson.
CLAY Thass iight.
L0LA But Clay's 0.K.
CLAY So's Lena.
L0LA It's Lula.
CLAY 0h.
L0LA Lula the Byena.
CLAY veiy goou.
L0LA N2$3.$6 (3,+%*"+ 3+3*"O Now you say to me, "Lula, Lula, why uon't you go to this paity with me tonight."
It's youi tuin, anu let those be youi lines.
CLAY Lula, why uon't you go to this paity with me tonight, Buh.
L0LA Say my name twice befoie you ask, anu no huh's.
CLAY Lula, Lula, why uon't you go to this paity with me tonight.
L0LA I'u like to go, Clay, but how can you ask me to go when you baiely know me.
CLAY That is stiange, isn't it.
L0LA What kinu of ieaction is that. You'ie supposeu to say, "Aw, come on, we'll get to know each othei bettei
at the paity."
CLAY That's pietty coiny.
L0LA What aie you into anyway. NJ00>*"+ 3$ %*4 %3(' 6,((&"() /,$ 6$*(( 34,6&-O What thing aie you playing at,
Nistei. Nistei Clay Williams. NV.3/6 %*6 $%*+%5 ,7 "&3. $%& 1.0$1%O What aie )0, thinking about.
CLAY Watch it now, you'ie gonna excite me foi ieal.
L0LA N:3>*"+ %&. %3"- 3;3) 3"- $%.0;*"+ %&. 377(& 10.& $%.0,+% $%& ;*"-0;O I bet. N2%& 6(,476 *" $%& 6&3$
3"- is %&3?*() 6*(&"$O
CLAY I thought you knew eveiything about me. What happeneu. |L0LA (00>6 3$ %*45 $%&" (00>6 6(0;() 3;3)5
$%&" 0?&. ;%&.&8 $%& 0$%&. 3*6(& ;0,(- /&8 W0*6& 0' $%& $.3*"8 2%& .&31%&6 *" %&. /3+ 3"- 7,((6 0,$ 0"& 0' $%&
737&. /00>68 2%& 7,$6 *$ 0" %&. (&+ 3"- $%,4/6 $%& 73+&6 (*6$(&66()8 CLAY 101>6 %*6 %&3- $0 6&& $%& $*$(& 0'
$%& /00>8 W0*6& 0' $%& $.3*"8 L0LA flips 73+&6 3"- %&. &)&6 -.*'$8 D0$% .&43*" 6*(&"$O Aie you going to the
paity with me, Lula. .
L0LA ND0.&- 3"- "0$ &?&" (00>*"+O I uon't even know you. .
CLAY You saiu you know my type.
L0LA N2$.3"+&() *..*$3$&-O Bon't get smait with me, Bustei. I know you like the palm of my hanu.
CLAY The one you eat the apples with.
L0LA Yeh. Anu the one I open uoois late Satuiuay evening with. That's my uooi. 0p at the top of the staiis.
Five flights. Above a lot of Italians . anu lying Ameiicans. Anu sciape caiiots with: Also. NJ00>6 3$ %*4O
the same hanu I unbutton my uiess with, oi let my skiit fall uown. Same hanu. Lovei.
CLAY Aie you angiy about anything. Biu I say something wiong.
L0LA Eveiything you say is wiong. NT01> 64*(&O That's what makes you so attiactive. Ba. In that funnybook
jacket with all the buttons. NT0.& 3"*43$&5 $3>*"+ %0(- 0' %*6 @31>&$O What've you got that jacket anu tie
on in all this heat foi. Anu why'ie you weaiing a jacket anu tie like that. Biu youi people evei buin
witches oi stait ievolutions ovei the piice of tea. Boy, those naiiow-shouluei clothes come fiom a
tiauition you ought to feel oppiesseu by. A thiee-button suit. What iight uo you have to be weaiing a
thiee-button suit anu stiipeu tie. Youi gianufathei was a slave, he uiun't go to Baivaiu.
CLAY Ny gianufathei was a night watchman. ~
L0LA Anu you went to a coloieu college wheie eveiybouy thought they weie Aveiell Baiiiman.

CLAY All except me.
L0LA Anu who uiu you think you weie. Who uo you think you aie now.
CLAY NJ3,+%6 36 *' $0 43>& (*+%$ 0' $%& ;%0(& $.&"- 0' $%& 10"?&.63$*0"O Well, in college I thought I was

But I've sloweu uown since.
L0LA I bet you nevei once thought you weie a black niggei. NT01> 6&.*0,65 $%&" 6%& %0;(6 ;*$% (3,+%$&.8 CLAY
is 6$,""&- /,$ 3'$&. *"*$*3( .&31$*0"5 %& M,*1>() $.*&6 $0 377.&1*3$& $%& %,40.8 L0LA 3(406$ 6%.*&>6O A black
CLAY That's iight.
L0LA Boy, aie you coiny. I take back what I saiu befoie. eveiything you say is not wiong. It's peifect. You
shoulu be on television.
CLAY You act like you'ie on television alieauy.
L0LA That's because I'm an actiess .
CLAY I thought so.
L0LA Well, you'ie wiong. I'm no actiess. I tolu you I always lie. I'm nothing, honey, anu uon't you evei foiget
it. NJ*+%$&.O Although my mothei was a Communist. The only peison in my family evei to amount to
CLAY Ny mothei was a Republican.
L0LA Anu youi fathei voteu foi the man iathei than the paity.
CLAY Right!
L0LA Yea foi him. Yea, yea foi him.
L0LA Anu yea foi Ameiica wheie he is fiee to vote foi the meuiociity of his choice! Yea!
L0LA Anu yea foi both youi paients who even though they uiffei about so ciucial a mattei as the bouy politic
still foigeu a union of love anu saciifice that was uestineu to flowei at the biith of the noble Clay ...
what's youi miuule name.
CLAY Clay.
L0LA A union of love anu saciifice that was uestineu to flowei at the biith of the noble Clay Clay Williams.
Yea! Anu most of all yea yea foi you, Clay, Clay. The Black Bauuelaiie! Yes! NE"- ;*$% >"*'&(*>& 1)"*1*64O Ny
Chiist. Ny Chiist.
CLAY Thank you, ma'am.
L0LA The people accept you as a ghost of the futuie. Anu love you, that you might not kill them when you
CLAY What.
L0LA You'ie a muiueiei, Clay, anu you know it. |C&. ?0*1& -3.>&"*"+ ;*$% 6*+"*'*13"1&O You know gouuamn
well what I mean.
CLAY I uo.
L0LA So we'll pietenu the aii is light anu full of peifume.
CLAY |2"*''*"+ 3$ %&. /(0,6&O It is.
L0LA Anu we'll pietenu that people cannot see you. That is, the citizens. Anu that you aie fiee of youi own
histoiy. Anu I am fiee of my histoiy. We'll pietenu that we aie both anonymous beauties smashing along
thiough the city's entiails |She yells as louu as she canj uR00vE!

21&"& !!
21&"& is $%& 634& 36 /&'0.&5 $%0,+% "0; $%&.& 3.& 0$%&. 6&3$6 ?*6*/(& *" $%& 13.8 E"- $%.0,+%0,$ $%& 61&"& 0$%&.
7&07(& +&$ 0" $%& 6,/;3)8 :%&.& 3.& 43)/& 0"& oi $;0 6&3$&- *" $%& 13. 36 $%& 61&"& 07&"65 $%0,+% "&*$%&. CLAY
"0. L0LA "0$*1&6 $%&48 CLAY'S $*& is 07&"8 L0LA is %,++*"+ %*6 3.48

CLAY The paity! '
L0LA I know it'll be something goou. You can come in with me, looking casual anu significant. I'll be stiange,
haughty, anu silent, anu walk with long slow stiiues.
CLAY Right.
L0LA . When you. get uiunk, pat me once veiy lovingly on the flanks, anu I'll look at you ciyptically licking my
CLAY It sounus like something we can uo.
L0LA You'll go aiounu talking to young men about youi minu, anu to olu men about youi plans:,. If you meet
a veiy close fiienu who is also with someone like me, we can stanu togethei, sipping oui uiinks anu
exchanging coues of lust. The atmospheie will be slitheiing in love anu half-love anu veiy open
moial uecision.
CLAY uieat. uieat.
L0LA Anu eveiyone will pietenu they uon't know youi name, anu then ... N2%& 73,6&6 %&3?*()O latei, when
they have to, they'll claim a fiienuship that uenies youi steiling chaiactei.
CLAY NQ*66*"+ %&. "&1> 3"- '*"+&.6O Anu then what.
L0LA Then. Well, then we'll go uown the stieet, late night, eating apples anu winuing veiy uelibeiately
towaiu my house.
CLAY Belibeiately.
L0LA I mean, we'll look in all the shop winuows, anu make fun of the queeis. Naybe we'll meet a }ewish
Buuuhist anu flatten his conceits ovei some veiy pietentious coffee.
CLAY In honoi of whose uou.
L0LA Nine.
CLAY Who is ... .
L0LA Ne ... anu you.
CLAY A coipoiate uouheau. ,
L0LA Exactly. Exactly. NW0$*1&6 0"& 0' $%& 0$%&. 7&07(& &"$&.*"+O
CLAY uo on with the chionicle. Then what happens to us.
L0LA |A 4*(- -&7.&66*0"5 /,$ 6%& 6$*(( 43>&6 %&. -&61.*7$*0" $.*,47%3"$ 3"- *"1.&36*"+() -*.&1$O To my house,
of couise.
CLAY 0f couise.
Ll}LA Anu up the naiiow steps of the tenement.
CLAY You live in a tenement.
L0LA Woulun't live anywheie else. Reminus me specifically of my novel foim of insanity. . .
CLAY 0p the tenement staiis.
L0LA Anu with my apple-eating hanu I push open the uooi anu leau you, my tenuei big-eyeu piey, into
my ... uou, what can I call it ... into my hovel.
CLAY Then what happens.
L0LA Aftei the uancing anu games, aftei the long uiinks anu long walks, the ieal fun begins.
CLAY Ah, the ieal fun. NX4/3..366&-5 *" 67*$& 0' %*46&('Y Which is ... . L0LA NJ3,+%6 3$ %*4O Real fun in the
uaik house. Bah! Real fun in the uaik house, high up above the stieet anu the ignoiant cowboys. I
leau you in, holuing youi wet hanu gently in my hanu ...
CLAY Which is not wet.
L0LA Which is uiy as ashes.
CLAY Anu colu.
L0LA Bon't think you'll get out of youi iesponsibility that way. It's not colu at all. You Fascist! Into my
uaik living ioom. Wheie we'll sit anu talk enulessly, enulessly.
CLAY About what.
L0LA About what. About youi manhoou, what uo you think. What uo you think we've been talking about all
this time.
CLAY Well, I uiun't know it was that. That's foi suie. Eveiy othei thing in the woilu but that. NW0$*1&6
3"0$%&. 7&.60" &"$&.*"+5 (00>6 M,*1>()5 3(406$ *"?0(,"$3.*() ,7 3"- -0;" $%& 13.5 6&&*"+ $%& 0$%&. 7&07(& *"
$%& 13.O Bey, I uiun't even notice when those people got
L0LA Yeah, I know.
CLAY Nan, this subway is slow.
L0LA Yeah, I know.
CLAY Well, go on. We weie talking about my manhoou.
L0LA We still aie. All the time.
CLAY We weie in youi living ioom.
L0LA Ny uaik living ioom. Talking enulessly.
CLAY About my manhoou. .
L0LA !"## make you a map of it. }ust as soon as we get to my house.
CLAY Well, that's gieat.
L0LA 0ne of the things we uo while we talk. Anu sciew.
CLAY N:.)*"+ $0 43>& %*6 64*(& /.03-&. 3"- (&66 6%3>)OG We finally got theie.
L0LA Anu you'll call my iooms black as a giave. You'll say, "This place is like }uliet's tomb.
CLAY NJ3,+%6O I might.
L0LA I know. You've piobably saiu it befoie.
CLAY Anu is that all. The whole gianu toui.
L0LA Not all. You'll say to me veiy close to my face, many many times, you'll say, even whispei, that you love
CLAY Naybe I will.
L0LA Anu you'll be lying.
CLAY I woulun't lie about something like that.
L0LA Bah. It's the only kinu of thing you will lie about. Especially if you think it'll keep me alive.
CLAY Keep you alive. I uon't unueistanu. . '<'"
L0LA ND,.6$*"+ 0,$ (3,+%*"+5 /,$ $00 6%.*((O Bon't unueistanu. Well, uon't look at me. It's the path I take, that's
all. Wheie both feet take me when I set them uown. 0ne in fiont of the othei.
CLAY Noibiu. Noibiu. You suie you'ie not an actiess. All that self-aggianuizement.
L0LA Well, I tolu you I wasn't an actiess ... but I also tolu you I lie all the time. Biaw youi own conclusions.
CLAY Noibiu. Noibiu. You suie you'ie not an actiess. All sciibeu. Theie's no moie.
L0LA I've tolu you all I know. 0i almost all.
CLAY Theie's no funny paits.
L0LA I thought it was all funny.
CLAY But you mean peculiai, not ha-ha.
L0LA You uon't know what I mean.
CLAY Well, tell me the almost pait then. You saiu almost all. What else. I want the whole stoiy. .
L0LA N2&3.1%*"+ 3*4(&66() $%.0,+% %&. /3+8 2%& /&+*"6 $0 $3(> /.&3$%(&66()5 ;*$% 3 (*+%$ 3"- 6*(() $0"&O All
stoiies aie whole stoiies. All of 'em. 0ui whole stoiy ... nothing but change. Bow coulu things go on like
that foievei. Buh. N2(376 %*4 0" $%& 6%0,(-&.5 /&+*"6 '*"-*"+ $%*"+6 *" %&. /3+5 $3>*"+ $%&4 0,$ 3"-
$%.0;*"+ $%&4 0?&. %&. 6%0,(-&. *"$0 $%& 3*6(&O Except I uo go on as I uo. Apples anu long walks with
ueathless intelligent loveis. But you mix it up. Look out the winuow, all the time. Tuining pages. Change
change change. Till, shit, I uon't know you. Woulun't, foi that mattei. You'ie too seiious. I bet you'ie
even too seiious to be psychoanalyzeu. Like all those }ewish poets fiom Yonkeis, who leave theii
motheis looking foi othei motheis, oi otheis' motheis, on whose baggy tits they lay theii fumbling
heaus. Theii poems aie always funny, anu all about sex.
CLAY They sounu gieat. Like movies.
L0LA But you change. ND(3">()O Anu things woik on you till you hate them. NT0.& 7&07(& 104& *"$0 $%&
$.3*"8 :%&) 104& 1(06&. $0 $%& 10,7(&5 604& 0' $%&4 "0$ 6*$$*"+5 /,$ 6;*"+*"+ -.&3.*() 0" $%& 6$.3765 6$3.*"+
3$ $%& $;0 ;*$% ,"1&.$3*" *"$&.&6$O
CLAY Wow. All these people, so suuuenly. They must all come fiom the same place.
L0LA Right. That they uo.
CLAY 0h. You know about them too.
yeah. About them moie than I know about you. Bo they fiighten you.
CLAY Fiighten me. Why shoulu they fiighten me.
L0LA 'Cause you'ie an escapeu niggei.
CLAY Yeah.
L0LA 'Cause you ciawleu thiough the wiie anu maue tiacks to my siue.
CLAY Wiie.
L0LA Bon't they have wiie aiounu plantations.
CLAY You must be }ewish. All you can think about is wiie. Plantations uiun't have any wiie. Plantations
weie big open whitewasheu places like heaven, anu eveiybouy on 'em was giooveu to be theie. }ust
stiummin' anu hummin' all uay.
L0LA Yes, yes.
CLAY Anu that's how the blues was boin.
L0LA Yes, yes. Anu that's how the blues was boin. ND&+*"6 $0 43>& ,7 3 60"+ $%3$ /&104&6 M,*1>()
%)6$&.*13(8 As 6%& 6*"+6 6%& .*6&6 '.04 %&. 6&3$5 6$*(( $%.0;*"+ $%*"+6 0,$ 0' %&. /3+ *"$0 $%& 3*6(&5 /&+*""*"+ 3
.%)$%4*13( 6%,--&. 3"- $;*6$(*>& ;*++(&5 ;%*1% 6%& 10"$*",&6 ,7 3"- -0;" $%& 3*6(&5 /,47*"+ *"$0 43") 0'
$%& 6$3"-*"+ 7&07(& 3"- $.*77*"+ 0?&. $%& '&&$ 0' $%06& 6*$$*"+8 X31% $*4& 6%& .,"6 *"$0 3 7&.60" 6%& (&$6 0,$
3 ?&.) ?*1*0,6 7*&1& 0' 7.0'3"*$)5 ;*++(*"+ 3"- 6$&77*"+ 3(( $%& $*4&O Anu that's how the blues was boin.
Yes. Yes. Son of a bitch, get out of the way. Yes. Quack. Yes. Yes. Anu that's how the blues was boin.
Ten little niggeis sitting on a limb, but none of them evei lookeu like him. NS0*"$6 $0 CLAY, .&$,."6
$0;3.- $%& 6&3$5 ;*$% %&. %3"-6 &L$&"-&- '0. %*4 $0 .*6& 3"- -3"1& ;*$% %&.O Anu that's how blues was
boin. Yes. Come on, Clay. Let's uo the nasty. Rub bellies. Rub bellies. .
CLAY NP3?&6 %*6 %3"-6 $0 .&',6&8 C& is &4/3..366&-5 /,$ -&$&.4*"&- $0 +&$ 3 >*1> 0,$ 0' $%& 7.01&&-*"+6O Bey,
what was in those apples. Niiioi, miiioi on the wall", who's the faiiest one of all. Snow White,
baby, anu uon't you foiget it.
J9JE NV.3//*"+'0. %*6 %3"-65 ;%*1% %& -.3;6 3;3)O Come on, Clay. Let's iub bellies on the tiain. The nasty.
The nasty. Bo the giitty giinu, like youi olu iag-heau mammy. uiinu till you lose youi minu. Shake
it, shake it, shake it, shake it! 0000weeee! Come on, Clay. Let's uo the choo-choo tiain shuffle, the
navel sciatchei.
CLAY Bey, you coming on like the lauy who smokeu up hei giass skiit.
Q0LA ND&104*"+ 3""0)&- $%3$ %& ;*(( "0$ -3"1&5 3"- /&104*"+ 40.& 3"*43$&- 36 *' $0 &4/3..366 %*4 6$*((
',.$%&.O Come on, Clay ... let's uo the thing. 0hh! 0hh! Clay! Clay! You miuule-class black bastaiu. Foiget
youi social-woiking mothei foi a few seconus anu let's knock stomachs. Clay, you livei-lippeu white
man. You woulu-be Chiistian. You ain't no niggei, you'ie just a uiity white man. uet up, Clay. Bance with
me, Clay)
CLAY Lula! Sit uown, now. Be cool.
L0LA NT01>*"+ %*45 *" ;*(- -3"1&O Be cool. Be cool. That's all you know ... shaking that wiluioot cieam-oil on
youi knotty heau, jackets buttoning up to youi chin, so full of white man's woius Chiist, uou, uet up' ,
anu scieam at these people. Like scieam meaningless shit in these hopeless faces. N2%& 61.&346 3$ 7&07(&
*" $.3*"5 6$*(( -3"1*"+Z Reu tiains cough }ewish unueiweai foi keeps! Expanuing smells of silence. uiavy
snot whistling like sea biius. Clay. Clay, you got to bieak out. Bon't sit theie uying the way they want you
to uie. uetup.
CLAY 0h, sit the fuck own. C& 40?&6 $0 .&6$.3*" %&.O Sit uown, gouuamn it.
L0LA |:;*6$*"+ 0,$ 0' %*6 .&31%O Sciew youiself, 0ncle Tom.' Thomas Woolly-Beau. ND&+*"6 $0 -3"1& 3 >*"- 0'
@*+5 401>*"+ CLAY ;*$% (0,-Y[.[&- %,40.O Theie is 0ncle Tom ... I mean, 0ncle Thomas Woolly-Beau.
With olu white matteu mane. Be hobbles on his woouen cane. 0lu Tom. 0lu Tom. Let the white man
hump his uI' mama, anu he jes' shuffle off in the woous anu hiue his gentle giay heau. uI' Thomas Woolly-
Beau. N204& 0' $%& 0$%&. .*-&.6 3.& (3,+%*"+ "3;8 A BR0NK +&$6 ,7 3"- @0*"6 L0LA *" %&. -3"1&5 6*"+*"+5
36 /&6$ %& 13"5 %&. \60"+8\ CLAY +&$6 ,7 0,$ 0' %*6 6&3$ 3"- ?*6*/() 613"6 $%& '31&6 0' $%& 0$%&. .*-&.6O
CLAY Lula! Lula! N2%& is -3"1*"+G3"- $,."*"+5 6$*(( 6%0,$*"+ 36 (0,- 36 6%& 13"8 :%& BR0NK $00 is 6%0,$*"+5 3"-
;3?*"+ %*6 %3"-6 ;*(-()O Lula ... you uumb bitch. Why uon't you stop it. NC& .,6%&6 %3(' 6$,4/(*"+ '.04 %*6
6&3$5 3"- +.3/6 0"& 0' %&. '(3*(*"+ 3.46O
L0LA Let me go! You black son of a bitch. N2%& 6$.,++(&6 3+3*"6$ %*4O Let me got Belp! |CLAY is -.3++*"+ %&.
$0;3.-6 %&. 6&3$5 3"- $%& BR0NK 6&&>6 $0 *"$&.'&.&8 C& +.3/6 CLAY 3.0,"- $%& 6%0,(-&.6 3"- /&+*"6
;.&6$(*"+ ;*$% %*48 CLAY 1(,/6 $%& -.,"> $0 $%& '(00. ;*$%0,$ .&(&36*"+ L0LA, ;%0 is 6$*(( 61.&34*"+8 CLAY
'*"3(() +&$6 %&. $0 $%& 6&3$ 3"- $%.0;6 %&. *"$0 *$O
CLAY Now you shut the hell up. NV.3//*"+ %&. 6%0,(-&.6Z }ust shut up. You uon't know what you'ie talking
about. You uon't know anything. So just keep youi stupiu mouth closeu.
L0LA You'ie afiaiu of white people. Anu youi fathei was. 0ncle Tom Big Lip!
CLAY |2(376 %&. 36 %3.- 36 %& 13"5 31.066 $%& 40,$%8 & /31> 0' $%& 6&3$8 J9JE]6 %&3- /3"+6 3+3*"6$ $%& /31> 0'
$%& 6&3$8 P%&" 6%& .3*6&6 *$ 3+3*"8 KJE^ 6(376 %&. 3+3*"O Now shut up anu let me talk |C& $,."6 $0;3.- $%&
0$%&. .*-&.65 604& 0' ;%04 3.& 6*$$*"+ 0" $%& &-+& 0' $%&*. 6&3$68 :%& AR9WQ *6 0"& 0"& >"&&5 .,//*"+ %*6
%&3-5 3"- 6*"+*"+ 60'$() $%& 634& 60"+8 C& 6%,$6 ,7 $00 ;%&" %& 6&&6 KJE^ ;3$1%*"+ %*48 :%& 0$%&.6 +0
/31> $0 "&;6737&.6 0. 6$3.& 0,$ $%& ;*"-0;68O Shit, you uon't have any sense, Lula, noi feelings eithei.
I coulu muiuei you now. Such a tiny ugly thioat. I coulu squeeze it flat, anu, watch you tuin blue, on
a humble. Foi uull kicks. Anu all these weak-faceu ofays squatting aiounu heie, staiing ovei theii
papeis at me. Nuiuei them too. Even if they expecteu it. That man theie ... NS0*"$6 $0 3 WELL-
BRESSEB NANj I coulu iip that :*4&6 iight out of his hanu, as skinny anu miuule-classeu as I am, I
coulu iip that papei out of his hanu anu just as easily iip out his thioat. It takes no gieat effoit: Foi
what. To kill you soft iuiots. You uon't unueistanu anything but luxuiy.
L0LA You fool!
CLAY NS,6%*"+ %&. 3+3*"6$ $%& 6&3$O I'm not telling you again, Tallulah Bankheau! Luxuiy. In youi face anu
youi fingeis. You telling me what I ought to uo. N2,--&" 61.&34 '.*+%$&"*"+ $%& ;%0(& 1031%O Well,
uon't! Bon't you tell me anything! If I'm a miuule-class fake white man ... let me be. Anu let me be in
the way I want. N:%.0,+% %*6 $&&$%O I'll iip youi lousy bieasts off! Let me be who I feel like being.
0ncle Tom. Thomas. Whoevei. It's none of youi business BYou uon't know anything except what's
theie foi you to see. An act. Lies. Bevice. Not the puie heait, the pumping black heait. You uon't
evei know that. Anu I sit heie in this buttoneu-up suit to keep myself fiom cutting all youi thioats. I
mean wantonly. You gieat libeiateu whoie! You fuck some black man, anu iight away you'ie an
expeit on black people. What a lotta shit that is. The only thing you know is that you come if he
bangs you haiu enough. Anu that's all. The belly iub. You wanteu to uo the belly iub. Shit, you
uon't even know how. You uon't know how. That ol' uipty-uip shit you uo, iolling youi ass like an
elephant. That's not my kinu of belly iub. Belly iub is not Queens. Belly iub is uaik places with big
hats anu oveicoats helu up with one aim. Belly iub hates you... 0lu balu-heaueu foui-eyeu ofays
popping theii fingeis ... anu uon't know yet what they'ie uoing. They say, "I love Bessie Smith anu
uon't even unueistanu that Bessie Smith is saying, "Kiss my ass, kiss my black uniuly ass." Befoie
love, suffeiing, uesiie, anything you can explain, she's saying, anu veiy plainly, "Kiss my black ass."
Anu if you uon't know that, it's you that's uoing the kissing.

(Chailie Paikei.l Chailie Paikei. All the hip white boys scieam foi Biiu. Anu Biiu saying, "0p youi
ass, feeble-minueu ofay! 0p youi ass." Anu they sit theie talking about the toituieu genius of
Chailie Paikei. Biiu woulu've playeu not a note of music if he just walkeu up to East Sixty-seventh
Stieet anu killeu the fiist ten white people he saw. Not a note! Anu I'm the gieat woulu-be poet. Yes.
That's iight! Poet. Some kinu of bastaiu liteiatuie ... all it neeus is a simple knife thiust. }ust let me
bleeu you, you louu whoie, anu' one poem vanisheu. A whole people of neuiotics, stiuggling to keep
fiom being sane. Anu the only thing that woulu cuie the neuiosis woulu be youi muiuei. Simple as
that. I mean if I muiueieu you, then othei white people woulu begin to unueistanu me. You
unueistanu. No I guess not. If Bessie Smith hau killeu some white people she woulun't have neeueu
that music. She coulu have talkeu veiy stiaight anu plain about the woilu. No metaphois. No giunts.
No wiggles in the uaik of hei soul. }ust stiaight two anu two aie foui. Noney. powei. Luxuiy. Like
that. All of them. Ciazy niggeis tuining theii backs on sanity. When all it neeus is that simple act.
Nuiuei. }ust muiuei! Woulu make us all sane. N2,--&"() ;&3.)F Ahhh. Shit. But who neeus it. I'u
iathei be a fool. Insane. Safe with my woius, anu no ueaths, anu clean, haiu thoughts, uiging me to
new conquests. Ny people's mauness. Bah! That's a laugh. Ny people. They uon't neeu me to claim
them. They got legs anu aims of theii own. Peisonal insanities. Niiiois. They uon't neeu all those
woius. They uon't neeu any uefense. But listen, though, one moie thing. Anu you tell this to youi
fathei, who's piobably the kinu of man who neeus to know at once. So he can plan aheau. Tell him
not to pieach so much iationalism anu colu logic to these niggeis. Let them alone. Let them sing
cuises at you in coue anu see youi filth as simple lack of style. Bon't make the mistake, thiough
some iiiesponsible suige of Chiistian chaiity, of talking too much about the auvantages of Westein
iationalism, oi the gieat intellectual legacy of the white man, oi maybe they'll begin to listen. Anu
then, maybe one uay, you'll finu they actually uo unueistanu exactly what you aie talking about, all
these fantasy people. All these blues people. Anu on that uay, as suie as shit, when you ieally
believe you can accept them into youi folu, as half-white tiusties late of the subject peoples. With
no moie blues, except the veiy olu ones, anu not a wateimelon in sight, the gieat missionaiy heait
will have tiiumpheu, anu all of those ex-coons will be stanu-up Westein men, with eyes foi clean
haiu useful lives, sobei, pious anu sane, anu they'll muiuei you. They'll muiuei you, anu have veiy
iational explanations. veiy much like youi own. They'll cut youi thioats, anu uiag you out to the
euge of youi. cities so the flesh can fall away fiom youi bones, in sanitaiy isolation.
L0LA NC&. ?0*1& $3>&6 0" 3 -*''&.&"$5 40.& /,6*"&66(*>& M,3(*$)F I've heaiu enough.
CLAY NR&31%*"+ '0. %*6 /00>6F I bet you have. I guess I bettei collect my stuff anu get off this tiain. Looks
like we won't be acting out that little pageant you outlineu befoie.
L0LA No. We won't. You'ie iight about that, at least. N2%& $,."6 $0 (00> M,*1>() 3.0,"- $%& .&6$ 0' $%& 13.F All
iight! N:%& 0$%&.6 .&670"-F
CLAY ND&"-*"+ 31.066 $%& +*.( $0 .&$.*&?& %*6 /&(0"+*"+6F Soiiy, baby, I uon't think we coulu make it. |As %& is
/&"-*"+ 0?&. %&.5 $%& +*.( /.*"+6 ,7 3 643(( >"*'& 3"- 7(,"+&6 it *"$0 CLAY'S 1%&6$8 :;*1&8 C& 6(,476 31.066
%&. >"&&65 %*6 40,$% ;0.>*"+ 6$,7*-()F
L0LA Soiiy is iight. N:,."*"+ to $%& 0$%&.6 *" $%& 13. ;%0 %3?& 3(.&3-) +0$$&" ,7 '.04 $%&*. 6&3$6F Soiiy is the
iightest thing you've saiu. uet this man off me! Buiiy, now! N:%& 0$%&.6 104& 3"- -.3+ CLAY'S /0-)
-0;" $%& 3*6(&F 0pen the uooi anu thiow his bouy out. N:%&) $%.0; %*4 offj Anu all of you get off at the
next stop. |L0LA /,6*&6 %&.6&(' 6$.3*+%$&"*"+ %&. $%*"+68 V&$$*"+ &?&.)$%*"+ *" 0.-&.8 2%& $3>&6 0,$ 3
"0$&/00> 3"- 43>&6 3 M,*1> 61.*//(*"+ "0$&8 A.076 it *" %&. /3+8 :%& $.3*" 3773.&"$() 6$076 3"- 3(( $%&
0$%&.6 +&$ 0''5 (&3?*"+ %&. 3(0"& *" $%& 1031%8

U&.) 600" 3 Y00Nu NEuR0 0' 3/0,$ $;&"$) 104&6 *"$0 $%& 1031% ;*$% 3 10,7(& 0' /00>6 ,"-&. %*6 3.48 C&
6*$6 3 '&; 6&3$6 *" /31> 0' L0LA. P%&" %& is 6&3$&- 6%& $,."6 3"- +*?&6 %*4 3 (0"+ 6(0; (00>8 C& (00>6 ,7
'.04 %*6 /00> 3"- -.076 $%& /00> 0" %*6 (378 :%&" 3" 0LB NEuR0 C0NB0CT0R 104&6 *"$0 $%& 13.5 -0*"+ 3
soit 0' .&6$.3*"&- 60'$ 6%0&5 3"- %3(' 4,4/(*"+ $%& ;0.-6 0' 604& 60"+8 C& (00>6 3$ TBE Y00Nu NAN,
/.*&'()5 ;*$% 3 M,*1> +.&&$*"+O
C0NB0CT0R. Bey, biothei!
Y00Nu NAN Bey. |The C0NB0CT0R 10"$*",&6 -0;" $%& 3*6(& ;*$% %*6 (*$$(& -3"1& 3"- $%& 4,4/(&- 60"+8
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