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C V DR Mohamed Hassan

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Curriculum Vitae

Mohamed Hassan Hassan Ahmed Elgendy

Home adress: 15 May city, Megawra 27, Buliding no 23, Flat no 201 Helwan , Egypt. Work adress : National Research Center (NRC) Solar Energy Dept. Behose St., Dokki, Cairo - Egypt Home tel : (00 202)25513497----------------. Mobile tel : (00 2010)05291830 ----------------. E-mail : mo555as@hotmail.com

Personal Information:
Marital status: Married Nationality: Egyptian. Date of Birth: 06//01/1968 Military status: Fully completed. Gender : Male Place of Birth: Cairo.

Executive Summary :
Im Dr. Mohamed Hassan Ahmed. I work as a Researcher in Solar Energy Department, thermal applications of solar energy field. I participated in different scientific projects such as development of solar air heater, solar ice maker and air conditioning assisted by solar energy. I work also as a group leader in the multinational project (MATS) to instal 1 MW Solar power plant in Burg El arab. I participated and contributed in numerous conferences and workshops. I supervised also on students graduated projects in the fields of Solar Power Plant, Three Fluids Heat Exchanger and solar cooling and I was deputed as teacher in different universities. I also held successfully training in renewable energy and thermal applications of solar energy in Germany, Italy and China. - My believe is always that the team work is the key of the success.

*PH.D.of Science in Mechanical Engineering ------------------1998- 2003. (Solar Energy field Heat Transfer ) Cairo university Faculty of Engineering. *Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering---------------- 1992 -1997. (Solar Energy field Heat transfer) Cairo university Faculty of Engineering

*Bachelor's of Science in Engineering-----------------------------1985-1990. (Very good) Project (Excellent) Cairo university Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Power Dept.

* Salah Salem School------------------------------------------------------May 1985.

Helwan, Egypt. High School Degree-Majored in Mathematics.

Professional Experience:
* Faculty of Engineering- Banha University -------------------2008- 2012. Deputed as a Teacher and Supervisor of the graduated project (heat transfer) * Faculty of Engineering - 6 october University.---------------Deputed as a Teacher for Computer Engineering Course 2008- 2009.

* Faculty of Industrial Education - Helwan University.------2003- 2008 . Deputed as a Teacher and Supervisor of the graduated project (heat transfer) * National Research Center----------------------------------------As associate professor in Thermal Applications of Solar Energy * National Research Center----------------------------------------As Researcher in Thermal Applications of Solar Energy *National Research Center-----------------------------------------As Assistant Research in the field of Solar Energy. *National Research Center-----------------------------------------As Research Assistant in the field of Solar Energy. 2013- till now.

2003- 2013.

1998- 2003.

1991- 1998.

Summary of Training
1- Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) ----------------------------------- 2010
Spend six months training in designing a simulation program for Concentrated Solar Collector (CSC) for electric generation in ENEA reseach center. (RomeItaly)

2- Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Successfully training for 10 days according to a cooperation project between Egypt and Chine in field of solar ice makers. (Shanghai- China)

3- Faculty of the Engineering- Kassel University --------------------


Deputation for three monthes to carry out a cooperation research in filed of solar air conditioning system using liquid desiccant solution according to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG ) program. (Kassel Germany)

4- Institute fr Solarenergieforschung (ISFH)


Successfully completed a training course for one year in Thermal Application in the Solar Energy field, specially in solar collector testing. (Hanover Germany)

5- Oldenburg & Deutsche windenergie Instiute



Successfully completed the ELDORADO summer school on photovoltaic and wind turbine technology provided by Carl Van Ossietzky, (Wilhelmshaven-Germany)

6- Successfully completed a course in German language at the DAAD. (208 hour) 7- Successfully completed a course in all computer skills and applications.

- Arabic: Mother tongue. - English: Fluent spoken, read, written - German: Good Command.

*Computer: Very proficient in using computers and programing languages - Fortran -Visual basic. -ANSYS Fluent - EES software - Microsoft office.

1. Member of the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate since 1990. 2. Member of Egyptian Society of Mechanical Engineers science 1990 until now 3. The Reporter of the Technical Committee for Fire in Buildings of Egyptian Organization for Standardization & Quality since 2008 until now. 4. Member of the Civil Defense National Research Center science 2011 until now.

Research Projects:
Member of the research team for the following projects:
1- "Implementation of Solar Cooling Systems in Farm Refrigerator." funded by the National Research Centre (2004-2007). 2- "Implementation of Novel High Performance, Low Cost Solar Adsorption Ice Makers in the Development of Nasser Lake Fisheries." Funded by Arab Fund for Development and Technology (2007-2010)". 3- "Development of Solar Adsorption Cooling Systems for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning " scientific agreement between Egypt and China (2007 2010) 4- "Implementation of Developed Pilot Solar Energy Technologies to Build a Model of Solar House." funded by the National Research Centre (20072010). 5- "Optimization Efficiency of a Photovoltaic System. funded by the National Research Centre (2008-2010). 6- "Implementation of Solar Adsorption Air Conditioning Systems for Energy Saving and Environment Protection" funded by RDI (2009-2010). 7- "Utilization of Solar Energy for Biological Herbs Drying" funded by the National Research Centre (2010-2013). 8- "Utilization of Solar Energy Technology in Development of Rural Communities Water Desalination, Water Disinfection, Water Heating and Cooling, Cooking, Drying." funded by the National Research Centre (20102013). 9- "Multipurpose Application by Thermodynamic collaborative project - funded byFP7 (2011-2015). Solar (MATS)"

10- STS-MED Small scale thermal district units for Mediterranean communities cooperation project funded by European Union.

1- Participate as a Speaker in ASHREA Region at Large Conference, Cairo, Egypt, September, 5-8, 2003. 2- Participate as a Speaker in 1st International Conference on Green & Advanced Engineering Technologies, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, January 3-6, 2004.

3- Participate as a Listener in 2nd International Conference on Green & Advanced Engineering Technologies, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, November 12-14, 2005. 4- Participate as a Speaker in 3rd International Conference on Green & Advanced Engineering Technologies, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, November 24-24, 2008. 5- Participation in the organization of the workshop Egyptian Chinese in the National Research Center entitled:"Development of solar adsorption cooling system for refrigeration and air conditioning", Cairo, Egypt, September 2009. 6- Participate as a Speaker in ISES Solar World Congress 2011, 28 Aug - 2 Sept. Kassel, Germany. 7- Participation as a Speaker of the workshop Egyptian-American at the National Research Center entitled:"Solar energy and its applications", March 12-14, 2012. 8- Participation in the Egyptian workshop in National Research Center under the auspices of the Electrical Division of Egyptian Engineering Syndicate entitled "The future of solar energy in Egypt as part of an integrated vision of energy" on April 30, 2012. 9- Participate as a Speaker in ISES Solar World Congress 2013, 3-7 Nov. Cancun, Mexico.

Published Papers:
1. Mohamed H. Ahmed "Two Dimension Numerical Modeling of Receiver Tube Performance for Concentrated Solar Power Plant" ISES Solar World Congress 2013, 3 - 7 Nov. Cancun, Mexico. 2. Mohamed H. Ahmed and M. Abd El_Latef "Experimental Study for The Performance of a Modified Solar Ice Maker" Journal of Applied Science Research 8(8):4645- 4655, 2012. 3. Mohamed H. Ahmed "Unsteady Numerical Simulation for Studying The Thermocline Phenomenon Inside a Storage Tank for Molten Salt" Journal of Applied Science Research 8(8): 4635- 4644, 2012. 4. Essam. T. El-Shenawy, Ibrhim E.El-Seesy, Mohamed H. Ahmed "Efficient Design of Hybrid PV/Hydrogen System" World Applied Sciences Journal 19 (9): 13151321, 2012.

5. Ibrhim E.El-Seesy, T. Khalil, Mohamed H. Ahmed "Experimental Investigation and Developing of Photovoltaic/Thermal System" World Applied Sciences Journal 19 (9): 1342-1347, 2012. 6. Mohamed H. Ahmed, Ibrahim E. El-Seesy and Nagwa M. Khattab "Experimental Performance Evaluation of a Modified Solar Ice Maker Powered by Solar Energy" ISES Solar World Congress 2011, 28 Aug - 2 Sept. Kassel 7. N. M. Khattab, H. Soliman, M. Metias, I. El-Seesy, E. Mettawee, E. El-Shenawy, M. H. Ahmed "Implementation of Solar Technologies in the Development of Rural, Remote and Sub urban Communities" Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, Volume 3, No. 2, 59-66, 2011. 8. M .H.Ahmed, Development of the Regeneration Unit of the Absorption Air Conditioning Systemthe 3 International Conference of Engineering Research Division on Engineering Sciences and technologies. March 24:26 2008 Cairo 9. M .H.Ahmed, N.M.Khattab and M.A.Fouad ''Evaluation and Optimization of Solar Desiccant Wheel performance '' Renewable Energy 30. 305-325, 2005. 10. M .H.Ahmed, N.M.Khattab and M.A.Fouad ''Theoretical and Experimental study of desiccant wheel for HVAC systems'' Ashrea Region at Larg conference, 5-8 sept 2003, Cairo

Papers in Press:

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