GDP Fy14 Adv Est - 7 Feb 2014
GDP Fy14 Adv Est - 7 Feb 2014
GDP Fy14 Adv Est - 7 Feb 2014
Eco Update
Key risks to call: The general elections will throw up a new government but it remains to be seen whether it can break the political knot that has constrained Indias economic potential . A stable and effective govt holds the key to sustained revival of business confidence and investment. Progress in reducing supply-side constraints (esp. electricity, infrastructure and agriculture) will be the key to not just investments but also in preventing entrenchment of inflation expectations. However, domestic demand may run ahead of prospects of real growth recovery, exacerbating pressure on inflation and CAD, if there is a positive change at the Centre post May 2014. In this context, we will watch out for the role of RBI given its inflation targeting mode.
Sachchidanand Shukla Sr VP & Economist 91 22 4325 1108 01
07 FEB 2013
Eco Update
Data takeaways
GDP by expenditure:
Net Exports were the main drivers contributing ~3.5% to overall growth. Export pick up contributed ~75 bps while shrinking imports imparted a 270 bps push to GDP, clearly showcasing the impact of currency depreciation. Private consumption growth more than halved at 4.1% since FY11 and the share of PFCE is seen rising to 59.8% of GDP (60.1% in FY13).PFCE contributed a negative 51 bps to growth. Gross fixed capital expenditure growth has come to a grinding halt at 0 from nearly 15 % in just 4 years flat! However, its contribution to growth remained largely unchanged at ~60 bps. Valuables (accounting for gold) are seen degrowing by 4% vs a growth of 36% last fiscal. Inventory accumulation has also risen to 1.8%YoY and bodes ill for early resumption in output.
GDP by activity:
Agriculture growth is likely to spurt to 4.6% vs 1.4% in FY13 helped by bountiful rainfall and record food grain output. Industry is barely likely to grow at 0.7% vs 1% YoY% in the previous year, as manufacturing and mining are estimated to degrow by -0.2% and -1.9% respectively. Electricity and Construction (aided by higher steel output) segments are expected to grow at 6% (vs 2.3% in FY13) and 1.7% (vs downwardly revised 1.1%) respectively. Services sector is likely to grow 6.9% vs 7% last fiscal helped by Financing, insurance, real estate (growth of 11.2% YoY vs 10.9%), and Community social and personal services (growth of 7.4% vs 5.3%) with slightly higher YoY spending by the government, which is expected to slow down sharply in the last quarter. Importantly, Trade, hotels, transport and communication, the largest sub segment of GDP, grew at 3.5% (vs 5.1%) indicating the persisting broader slowdown in services segment. Government spending or government final expenditure is also seen slowing to 5.5% vs 6.2% despite slightly higher YoY spending seen thus far. However, Community social and personal services (growth of 7.4% vs 5.3%) shows that government spending, is still playing a fairly big part in supporting the growth momentum.
07 Feb 2013
07 FEB 2013
Eco Update
Note, GDP data for a fiscal undergoes three rounds of revisions; and the process takes three years. The Second Revised Estimate uses the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) findings in place of the Quick Estimates of IIP. ASI data is considered more comprehensive and accurate than IIP data but comes with a lag of ~20 months. However, the IIP has been consistently underestimating Indias industrial output and the variation between the IIP and the ASI has increased since 2005-06 making comparisons difficult.
10 8
(YoY %)
19 16 13
4 2
Mar-06 Mar-07 Mar-08 Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14E
Source: CSO
Source: CSO
07 Feb 2013
07 FEB 2013
Eco Update
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07 Feb 2013