Tutor Form
Tutor Form
Tutor Form
Batch No.
Name: (CAPITAL LETTERS) Fathers Name: Paste Here Passport Size Photograph
Permanent/Domicile District
Challan No. __________________________________ Dated: _______________________________________ Bank: ______________________________________ Amount: _____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________
Mailing Address
Phone Residence
7. Qualification: A. Graduation: Degree Obtained University Year % Marks Obtained Major Subjects
B. Masters Level degree. Degree Obtained Name University Year % Marks obtained Major Subjects
Degree Obtained University Year % Marks
Major Subjects
D. Ph.D.
Degree Obtained University Year % Marks Obtained Major Subjects
Major Subjects
Official Address:
Phone Office:
Present Status of Job (Tick the appropriate box) 1 2 In-Service Retired Re-employed Nature of Service (Tick the appropriate box). 1 2 3 Govt. Semi Govt. Private
4 Student
5 Other
Level of Teaching
Published Number
14. If you are a student of AIOU then please fill in the following columns :Roll No. Registration No. Semester 15. If you are already registered tutor please specify Registration No.
16. If you have worked for AIOU in any of the following capacities (Tick the appropriate Box). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 17. RESOURCE PERSON UNIT WRITER STUDY CENTRE CO ORDINATOR PAPER SETTER COURSE CO-ORDINATOR SENIOR TUTOR REGION NAME :_____________________________________________ Pease specify codes of the course(s) in which you are interested: 1 2
Signature of Applicant
Recommendations: 18. Recommended by the Employer/Head of Department/Institution) Mr. /Ms./Mrs./Dr.______________________ Designation_____________________ Institution/Organization: ________________________________________ is allowed / recommended to undertake tutorship or such other assignment of the Allama Iqbal Open University, without disturbing his/her normal duties/assignments with in this institution/organization. Signature & Stamp:______________________ Name: _________________________________
Date: ______________
19. For official use only ( Not to be filled by the candidate) Recommendation of the Dean /Head of the Department, Institute/DRS as prescribed in the policy. Recommended for:Course Codes
Not recommended being ineligible for appointment as tutor as prescribed criteria laid down in the TRF.
Please issue Tutor Registration Card as above. DRS DPM. TUTOR REGISTRATION NO
Note: 1. Attested copies of the testimonials/degree (Graduate and above only), experience certificates etc must be attached. 2. Attach one recent photographs (passport size with blue background). 3. The advertisement and applications for registration dont confer any right for appointment as AIOU Tutor. 4. Additional sheets may be added where needed.
Program Level Matric/SSC Minimum Qualification BA/BSc and B. Ed 2 Class Masters Degree
Minimum Teaching/ Professional Research Experience in the Relevant Field 05 Years Experience No Experience Required No Experience Required
FA/F. Sc.
2 Class Masters Degree in relevant subject 2nd Class BA/BSc & B. Ed 2nd Class Masters Degree in relevant subject B. Ed and MEd (2nd Class) PhD Degree MPhil/Masters in the relevant field PhD in the relevant field
B. Ed Masters / M. Ed
05 Years Teaching Experience No Experience Required 05 Years Teaching Experience No Experience Required
M. Phil/PhD
The Tutor Registration forms will be received by the concerned Region as per guidelines issues by the Directorate of Regional Services.
After preliminary scrutiny in the Regions, these forms will be forwarded to the Directorate of Regional Services for further processing. The Directorate of Regional Services has been authorized to verify the attached documents with the tutor registration form for determining the eligibility. The recommendations of the Directorate of Regional Services are forwarded to the Data Processing Manager for issuance of a Tutor Registration Card. The processing fee for Tutor Registration Form will be Rs.500/-. The applicant will pay fee alongwith TRF in the shape of Challan (available on our website) in favor of Treasurer, AIOU. The Ph. D degree holders applying for registration as tutor will be exempted from the Tutor Registration fee. The processing fee once deposited will not be refunded in any case. The applicant will submit its TRF along-with attested copies of testimonials and the prescribed fee in the Regional Office concerned. The registration will not confer any right of appointment as a tutor under any circumstances. The official receiving the TRF in the Region will ensure that the applicant is eligible for tutor registration, form is complete in all respects and requisite documents duly attested by an authorized officer are enclosed. The official in the Region will also issue applicant I.D to the applicant on the spot as per guideline issued to the Regions. Check list is the integral part of the TRF, please fill it carefully and attach it at the front of the Tutor Registration Form while submitting in the Region.
3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
Category: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discipline: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ See the list carefully and ensure that all the documents mentioned below are attested and enclosed with the form. Please tick the relevant box given below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Applicant Graduation Degree Master Degree M. Phil Degree Ph.D. Degree Experience Certificate National Identity Card Photograph (with blue background) Official of the Region