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Soft Skills

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The key takeaways are an orientation to the soft skills course modules and the importance of professional dressing and etiquette.

The topics covered in the soft skills course include personality enhancement, communication skills, resume writing, presentation skills, group discussion skills and interview skills.

Activities like role plays, discussions, extempore speaking and demonstrations are planned for developing verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as active listening skills.

Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code PES501 Course Category Course Title SOFT SKILLS Customized Course Course Planner 15026::Archana Malik Lectures 1.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 2.0 0.0 2.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Resource file Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 Title Soft skills for Everyone Personal development for life and work Author Jeff Butterfield Masters Wallace Edition 1st 1st Year 2011 2012 Publisher Name Cengage Learning Cengage Learning Author LPU PEP Department Edition 1st Year 2012 Publisher Name Lovely Professional University

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) www.speakingaboutpresenting.com www.indiabix.com www.gyancentral.com www.jobsearchabout.com www.selfgrowth.com Salient Features It gives information regarding presentation skills. The website provides an array of topics of group discussion with tips. Information source providing details on various courses. Job listings, job search tips, career advice, resume, cover letters, interview questions and answers. A complete guide to information about self improvement and personal growth.

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 7 1

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned

Week 1

Lecture 1

Personality Enhancement and Generic manners(Tips for professional dressing)

T-1:Chapter 1

Trainer conducts an icebreaking session and orients the students with the course modules Trainer elucidates the importance of professional dressing and informs them about formal and informal dress codes for men and women Trainer explains the meaning and importance of manners and etiquette and acquaints them with the general etiquette of interaction with seniors, colleagues and juniors Trainer explains the telephone etiquette, email and skype etiquette to the students

Students build rapport with the trainer and peers Students learn to dress appropriately

Interaction discussion and demonstration

Personality Enhancement and Generic manners(Business and social etiquette)

T-1:Chapter 2

Students learn to be Activity based polite and courteous in Role play social and business interactions

Personality Enhancement and Generic manners(Netiquette)

T-1:Chapter 2

Students learn the appropriate telephone etiquette, email and skype etiquette to participate effectively in social and business communications Students understand the various elements of verbal and non verbal communication including tone body language eye contact

Activity based Role play Discussion

Week 2

Lecture 2

Communication skills(Verbal and non verbal communication)

T-1:Chapter 3

Trainer explains the various aspects of verbal and non verbal communication to the students

Discussion Role play Extempore Activity based

Communication skills(Elements of effective communication)

T-1:Chapter 3

Trainer gives tips for Students learn the effective communication strategies of effective communication

Discussion Role play Extempore Activity based Discussion Role play Extempore Activity based

Communication skills(Barriers to effective communication)

T-1:Chapter 3

Trainer discusses the barriers to effective communication and suggests tips to overcome them

Students learn to overcome their internal and external barriers like shyness hesitation lack of confidence and improve their communication skills

Week 2

Lecture 2

Communication skills(Active Listening skills)

T-1:Chapter 3

Trainer emphasizes the importance as well as principles of good listening skills in order to have effective communication Trainer shares the importance of writing an impressive curriculum vitae

Students learn to follow Discussion the principles of Demonstration effective listening skills Role play Activity and become good listeners and effective communicators Students understand the Discussion role of writing an impressive curriculum vitae in the job selection process

Week 3

Lecture 3

Curriculum Vitae(Importance of writing a good curriculum vitae)

T-1:Chapter 4

Curriculum Vitae(Job profile / description)

T-1:Chapter 4

Trainer explains how to Students learn to align Brainstorming understand the job their qualities and skills Discussion profile and align their to the job profile skills and strengths to the profile requirement Trainer explains various elements that must be included in preparing a curriculum vitae Students learn to write an impressive curriculum vitae including all the essential elements Question based discussion

Curriculum Vitae(Elements of curriculum vitae and Model curriculum vitae)

T-1:Chapter 4

Curriculum Vitae(Common errors)

T-1:Chapter 4

Trainer points out the errors often found in curriculum vitae

Students become aware Question based of the common errors discussion and learn to avoid them while writing their personalized curriculum vitae Students learn to write Discussion Model an effective cover letter cover letter in an appropriate style and format Students learn to make Demonstration effective power point Observation presentations using the Discussion correct structural format background colour combinations and font Students learn the Demonstration strategy of effective and Observation impressive delivery Discussion that keeps the audience interested and responsive

Curriculum Vitae(Cover letter)

T-1:Chapter 4

Trainer explains the format and writing style of the cover letter Curriculum Vitae 1

Week 4 Week 5

Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Platform and Presentation Skills (Dos and Donts of power point presentations) T-1:Chapter 5

Trainer discusses the importance of making effective presentations and elucidates the dos and donts to be kept in mind while making power point presentations Trainer demonstrates platform skills stressing on the dos and donts for excellent and impressive delivery

Platform and Presentation Skills (Platform skills)

T-1:Chapter 5

Week 5

Lecture 5

Platform and Presentation Skills (Common mistakes)

T-1:Chapter 5

Trainer demonstrates the Students learn to avoid Demonstration common mistakes and the mistakes that can Observation their repercussions make a presentation Discussion dull and unimpressive Trainer shares the tips for planning preparing and delivering an ideal presentation Presentation Skills 1 Trainer discusses the different modes of communication and explains the conventions of individual and group Students learn the art of Demonstration planning preparing and Observation delivering ideal Discussion presentations Students learn to follow Discussion suitable conventions to Role Play express themselves individually as well as in groups

Platform and Presentation Skills (Ideal presentation)

T-1:Chapter 5

Week 6 Week 7

Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Forms of communication(Modes of communication- individual and group) T-1:Chapter 3

Forms of communication(Formal and informal conversation)

T-1:Chapter 3

Trainer shares the norms Students understand the Discussion of formal and informal norms to be followed Demonstration communication during formal and Role Play informal communication and learn to switch codes appropriately Trainer explains how to receive and answer telephonic calls, address public gatherings and make announcements Students gain confidence in talking over the phone, addressing public gatherings and making announcements Discussion Demonstration Role Play

Forms of communication (Telephone , Public address , announcement)

T-1:Chapter 3

Week 8 Lecture 8 Group Discussion(Skills required for effective group discussion) T-1:Chapter 6 Trainer acquaints the Students become aware Brainstorming students with the of group discussion Discussion techniques and skills techniques and skills required for an effective group discussion Trainer explains the parameters of evaluation in group discussion used by the prospective employers to screen students for job selection Group Discussion 1 Group Discussion(Ideal group discussion between trainer and students) T-1:Chapter 6 Trainer involves the students in group discussion and supports them through structured guidance Students learn to polish Brainstorming their knowledge content Group discussion expressions and Corrective feedback participation in group discussion in view of the parameters of evaluation Students learn to polish Group discussion their knowledge content Corrective feedback expressions and participation in group discussion keeping in mind the parameters of evaluation

Group Discussion(Parameters for evaluation)

T-1:Chapter 6

Week 9 Week 10

Lecture 9 Lecture 10

Week 10

Lecture 10

Group Discussion(Types of topics, General Knowledge, social issues, abstract and current affairs)

T-1:Chapter 6

Trainer familiarizes the students with the different types of topics for group discussion and guides them regarding how to handle each type of topic Trainer relates the importance of good interviewing skills and discusses the strategies to be followed to be successful during interviews Trainer discusses the strategies for preparation as well as conduct at the interviews

Students are able to Group discussion participate confidently Corrective feedback in group discussions on General Knowledge Current Affairs Social Issues Abstract topics Students are motivated Brainstorming to hone up their Discussion interview skills and learn the strategies for achieving success at interviews Students learn about the Brainstorming pre interview Discussion preparation to be done as well as the appropriate way of presenting and conducting themselves during the interview process Students become familiar with the commonly asked questions and learn to formulate their responses Students learn the art of successful answering and leading their own interview through their responses Brainstorming Question based discussion

Week 11

Lecture 11

Successful Interview techniques (Personal interviews importance)

T-1:Chapter 7

Successful Interview techniques (Strategies to be successful in an interview)

T-1:Chapter 7

Successful Interview techniques (Commonly asked questions)

T-1:Chapter 7

Trainer asks the commonly asked questions from the students and elicits responses from the students Trainer elucidates the successful answering techniques through examples Interview Skills 1

Successful Interview techniques (Successful answering Techniques)

T-1:Chapter 7

Brainstorming Question based discussion Reflection

Week 12 Week 13

Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Successful Interview techniques (Justification of points in Curriculum Vitae) T-1:Chapter 7

Trainer explains how to align answers with the information in curriculum vitae and how to handle questions based on the elements of curriculum vitae

Students learn to justify Brainstorming the points in curriculum Question based vitae and establish their discussion trustworthiness

Week 14

Lecture 14

Corporate Expectations from an employee(Expectation of employee)

T-1:Chapter 8

Trainer discusses the ideal traits an employer seeks in an employee Trainer guides them to conduct a SWOT analysis

Students become aware Interaction of the qualities an Discussion employer wants in every employee They explore their strengths and weaknesses and discover the need as well as strategies of enhancing their strengths and overcoming their weaknesses Students learn to Interaction explore their own Discussion expectations and develop a sensitivity to understand expectations from employers

Corporate Expectations from an employee(Expectation of employer)

T-1:Chapter 8

Trainer discusses a prospective employees expectations from a prospective employer

Week 15 Lecture 15 Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

Component Curriculum vitae Presentation skills Group discussion Interview skills Frequency 1 1 1 1 Total :Out Of Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 10 10 40 10 10 10 10 40

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Individual Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 3/4

Curriculum Vitae 1 To teach the students the art of preparing an impressive curriculum vitae.

Students prepare a customized curriculum vitae on the basis of a model curriculum vitae provided to them.

Objective - 6, Format - 6, Elements - 6, Spellings -6 , Grammar - 6

Presentation Skills To prepare and 1 deliver an effective powerpoint presentation. Group Discussion 1

Students prepare and deliver an effective powerpoint presentation Individual in groups. The trainer evaluates and provides constructive feedback.

Communication Skills - 6, Content 6, Body Language 6, Platform Skills 6, Confidence - 6 Communication Skills - 6, General Knowledge - 6, Body Language - 6, Interpersonal Skills - 6, Confidence - 6 Grooming -6, General Knowledge - 6, Body Language - 6, Interpersonal Skills - 6, Confidence - 6


To enhance the Students participate in a group discussion. Trainer evaluates and group discussion gives constructive feedback. skills of the students.



Interview Skills 1

To face interviews confidently.

Students face interviews with the trainer. Trainer evaluates and gives feedback.


11 / 12

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7 Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13 Tutorial 14

Orientation and Icebreaking Personality enhancement and generic manners Verbal communication Verbal communication Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae Presentation skills Presentation skills Presentation skills Presentation skills Verbal communication Verbal communication

Student interaction and pre-assessment Activities to encourage responses from students regarding professional dressing and etiquette Role play,activities like extempore Role play,activities like - just a minute Error identification activity Guided practice - cover letter written by students in an appropriate style and format Curriculum vitae prepared by students Curriculum vitae prepared by students Guided practice on powerpoint preparation and platform skills Guided practice on powerpoint preparation and platform skills Powerpoint presentations delivered by students in groups Powerpoint presentations delivered by students in groups Practice of formal and informal communication individually as well as in groups through presentations Role play,pratice session to gain confidence

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 15 Tutorial 16 Tutorial 17 Tutorial 18 Tutorial 19 Tutorial 20 Tutorial 21 Tutorial 22 Tutorial 23 Tutorial 24 Tutorial 25 Tutorial 26 Tutorial 27 Tutorial 28 Group discussion Group discussion Group discussion Group discussion Group discussion Group discussion Interview skills Interview skills Interview skills Interview skills Interview skills Interview skills Traits of an ideal employee Traits of an ideal employee Practice session - group discussion on current affairs and general knowledge based topics Practice session - group discussion on current affairs and general knowledge based topics Participation in group discussion by students Participation in group discussion by students, evaluation and feedback by the trainer Simulation and practice, mock GD on current affairs and general knowledge based topics Simulation and practice, mock GD on social issues and abstract topics Practice sessions- mock interviews question response on commonly asked question Practice session- mock interviews question response on successful answering techniques Evaluation of students on their interview skills Evaluation of students on their interview skills Mock interviews Mock interviews SWOT Analysis Preparation of action plan by students for enhancing their strengths and overcoming their weaknesses

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