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Statistical Mechanics Energy State and Energy Level

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5 lo^.+t,;ticztI ne<,l,Anics
Leettcr€ 1-
6^..8b atc1te.5 ",."'A L".".rAb Le-v.(b

clotss i.ol nrroho^i.s dtsc"-ubes the b ehav i,tur 6 f- r * q c r o . j ' c o p t c1 6 S l e m o

an d e u p "n t "+ y n t$ e ri tsn i -b d " S . nV es tL,e b eVutr .ur , tr l- vv,uier oScpor c a5tl a" ',r '
A'og ono t ap g\3
t\otr eln st i.-'. l'vt'er1tq^4cb'

( \e w"e"hsni-b' !- n- J to tl"e re+'Lft fl.ott 'the <nengg

p d* - ;]ea o 4 Qttct,\rt<aYYa
o 1 - a p u r f i d e , . n o t a o l e d U ? 0 n b A b o m s C o n b e r v q f i " v{es r e e k'"(d
co. n wv t bq tee o ^ an| o,ht*t v q(.ue.

Stre telteJ stn-o e. = I r^ -+J- A ,t- '\ -
, .l r
&ov"r bet d e-e,'t-.
'..,J-6 (or t
) r; ,"" *L 1l*rrkgrn
50 jg L ,.. /e^5tioLtl- ; , * . l , ^ A , t r 4t e ' u e ! - r * b e A o { t 4 r e p o s t i b l e
6l"rV. onerr/L w e4veb qy e_
, \ ,= 9 - L , ) > - - - l - - f t - , ) g - J - e L , e - t c -- - .
i^A€ne.,r4\ f;2_ t"L t h ; = l ) L - ) z e* Crl
i"'' t*to6-
?lr6tiet , lL e-M o r^.e,,'tp{-np q n I vr qve l-ratt-' |l1uvc-'
reh-f,uo n
( \ p\aoh C an 6tqat )
, - \ t^t t
by U-) \re u^ri(l f.rura
Pn = n i a L

Cc.ttaic lort
Con6iden acrbic*[ bo* o ? ai|e \eytl" L a.nl trhobe b.J.5 etr€_.
pa{t[ef tcz the- 9^-rlz Z qq,,e6 r.^rrtl. a pcrrr. .Le t\,Lr- ir
*-- <_t, wLav{
i " a''5 &ir-et-'*ittt rtg no men*qv^
o,re- p ^4bcd so hqve o n LU T!re-vqliex
P * = " * 5 , P b= " ah ' ? t =n ah
h* ,lnJ qre nl,''nbe't-
rhA 1n"x,e3er3 cql? J flu'v*w'n
fi"d wL k",.ve .L
-- '7 Z \

?n" ?n -.Pi* P; ( \.^ * nl *nta) "*

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i[ ,-. l-ef ^"1-ni - "t "nf

Pr'"vi "e l '

('''' ) "*:Y, eI Ce r r eb ?o" * ^- h

w €- iolte tl.e rno15soL pa"k.[c
i5 ei = wu,*r- Lq'
Lo t\^e- 'rcvne-vvbwwrPt #'

Notel h,,'rh3r\r, cr-.e- Et,tte o{ c.ponrnote a-J r\44 c 4 " r e (ovwa?t\_

tcr t!-<- v atr-.o

zs o 1- r.f 9o r ene.r6ie5
TLe *"'bA Le.--L.Ar1*d on j*t nj ,^^d not On t L,,e vqJo-tt K-.'\ 2b

I" otLer ut'o'J5' 4,-e- *tbb L"-pe^k ,rrfu6 un fl,e- Y^Yr''rtcLL

pi a*L not or. i'bo d.i"e"-p.on qti*.i[^ or \u c[ots;ro<( ^*l*nto )-
Ln ot Nr,r,n
\a uc. o+ A;,{g-rc'ft bQtc q. *,ny, h6J <,'yy'.nbr,*4;fl
t i) {^ +"r".a-^,t dr,re.-\]e 1^1g o4*6n4 t., , ff- hy,,,v.e- *\re-
vvn-c'vr-t-cunzr- f et n^,<-

€^"-A^&. T\e *.tb !-",",& ir il,er. 6-t,dto be- LJ*etyt-e'

arrL we ,,^ri{[
t1-ba tl.-e- ey^bo"[ fl; to. 4 ea i6na'te t\^.e- delen.r*f
o {-{e-.{ L,
I n cubje,"( boX
- L /
T \ c - u o . L n r , ^ a\ * C . . U i c + [ V o r i b V - Lts : - 1 L 2 = Y tz

Atn L e-j(,44tr'on. ck) tqhea th.e_ "p_..,^

1 2

rb) , .
G--ni' + V-4
wlere e^-Ab b d,e-1rnLs n. nx a.^I
o va!n*€- t+,e co<bic tLq1^ "?(ir
to p(),e-r ilraVe* .
For e-^cr*1\- cowbider ot | -Litr. vol,rtrre u{\re\r." ^
1z -L/
' E Z"lo -
8,,-, , b , t x lo ' i " , wl,e,re- \e.rg=\.b* | ;th
wc - b "o * thnot qt fbo rn fe-*r7refu"re t\"c- v,tt ,tn le,*e-ii c g^n^g1 ,.,1-

a ) u> ,nJe a.a;.[

e- i a crVo"rr l*gr f g-.5,.(C'"^l sttes'rc-e, *or a-
m"!.ecnfe c^tichthis Fi^e-tic .e-,rex9y

,. !-nn[tt" ! 5:K6t% o r^;,1"2r[oe
b.o ( lt2-t

r he \u ua6t e'"er9Jlryntr-tt,t) if tL..t *ot wl.'^el \ttzwr=n6zl

hi' =-3 c t . ^ A € ;L= " * v'/l

T\" e,re- i t only 0^e- bf+t<- tll,.e n d.Srn.n^s6(fi2-t 1 6a",-o(o-r<-

' 4,..L z
tt*t+ ie vttSn
del(-.lte-x4ff<- ?*-PA -?A L
Frt L-z t\z--e-- ib t\r'-"-.- .5+q-t_e_ft\ree to\d - ["Ae^r*e[ )

'Y\y h5-
0; ' e' otv.tr Fo r Riv5r 6\%e.
\^Noyne4\kc4fo'5 Otr €- -
,\ ^,.
L \ _ n [ .
P'e = , Pr3= z L
9_ (
Pr^r>a+) 2 L

\ \ v I n <-otc'h' o{ ut' 6t-i'A

^ r ) 2 -
*hA )=6 cr''
h L =1n,, *$

'to,&"i c.' b |.' r''afi c-

T \",a ^0 +tA f i v<-s
o{ e,'u'l;A lflvJb 6tntas '
s Cp nce-frs c24-<-r,.-33 , tl'"n'r L"r9"ne-'qoie6
aq & U^-ai r 0 u-a4latton (t-,*bera , Ni r\,c- s\exyJ Leor)s con be--
{ ^ o g t 1 9 t 'ot { q s 46e+o{
L i r Slle\"ea ort dr Pbrent eleyortLons
-q I u !t LJ 3t-5 rNr'z
-1"*!.e t\e€JrerS6t,bortc-3.
a3 _l I-t [-] -\a-Qt carre-apond bo ot r,e+ 04-
9" -- % t 4
vz kl t-:l- llrz- bote-b on <-qeh o['et9.
0{ - | nondge'r-trr Nr=5
fhe bq-vn o{-xt ove-y cttt,"l-e,velc elalb+-- to+q I rq*b.-r-

z- N L z ' f ' l

tr+,(( €^"yJ o4- partide5, ir e ; Nt_ ) otnJ tt a 1.rt{l e".Y) b

0+ tL- 65ste" i :

t €r-N,tzl
t + tr.a €.utterv..-c.tl (.:, p otentt.qfl ^*y: tf.e-n ,
{..e. ) i ) Z.to

t €;N;-r)

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