Biotechnology and Postharvest Quality
Biotechnology and Postharvest Quality
Biotechnology and Postharvest Quality
Diane M Beckles
Department of Plant Sciences
University of California-Davis
A set of tools (molecular) used to modify the
genetic makeup of an organism so that:
It produces a new product
The product perform new function(s)
Postharvest Quality
The factors that ensure maximum income for
producers as well as meeting the nutritional and
aesthetic needs of the consumer after horticultural
crops are harvested.
Producers and consumers often have opposing wants
contamination Browning
The genetic composition of an organism.
Contains all of the information that
determines final characteristics.
Postharvest traits are due to the interaction
of the environment and genotype
Identical genotype
Different environment
Different genotype
Same environment
rin: ripening
Ripened fruit
Chilling injury
Biotechnology can be used to change the gene
composition and create genetically engineered
organisms (GEOs) with enhanced traits -
including those with improved postharvest
Power of biotechnology
Desirable traits for improving Postharvest
Quality of produce
Improved flavour, texture, colour
Long storage
Delayed ripening
Enhanced nutrition and health benefits
Better food processing
MYTH: Genetic modification of crop plants
is new
False: All crop plants have been
genetically modified
Biotechnology is another (more sophisticated)
tool used to genetically modify crop plants
Science-based Selective breeding
Mutagenesis breeding
Embryo culture
Biotechnology and genetic
Sophistication of technology
Genetic modification of crop plants
1. Domestication.
2. Selective breeding.
3. Mutagenesis breeding.
4. Embryo culture.
5. Biotechnology.
Domestication: cultivated vs wild tomato
Wild Modern cultivated
tomato tomato
From Frary et al., 2000 Science
Wild banana vs modern cultivars
Wild banana with seeds Cultivated banana- sterile
Genetic modification of crop plants
1. Domestication
2. Selective breeding
3. Mutagenesis breeding
4. Embryo culture
5. Biotechnology
2. Selective breeding
Wild species has
resistance to
Percent of wild genes 50%
Using the wild tomato
species as a source of genes
for nematode resistance
Six or more generations of
backcrosses to the culti vated
parent, selecting for
resistance at each generation
Kent Bradford, Depart Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Selective breeding
Cauliflower and broccoli were derived from the same genetic ancestor
Brassica oleracea
California Agriculture vol 58 #2;
Genetic diversity
From : What is Biotechnology? by Dr. Peggy Lemeaux; University of California, Berkeley
Genetic modification of crop plants
1. Domestication
2. Selective breeding
3. Mutagenesis breeding
4. Embryo culture
5. Biotechnology
3. Mutational breeding
Radiation breeding: Texas red grapefruit variety Rio Red
Developed by mutation of Ruby Red. There are more than 2000
Crops which were produced by radiation
Chrispeels and Sadava, 2002 Plant, Genes and Crop Biotechnology; ASPB
Genetic modification of crop plants
1. Domestication
2. Selective breeding
3. Mutagenesis breeding
4. Embryo culture
5. Biotechnology
4. Embryo rescue-
laboratory culture of plant embryos
Inter-species crossing
Embryo cannot naturally develop into a mature plant
Embryo must be dissected and nurtured on media
Fruits cultivated by embryo rescue
Early-ripening stone fruit
All seedless grape varieties
Small immature embryos
that must be cultured
individually in test tubes to
grow a hybrid seedling.
Genetic modification of crop plants
1. Domestication
2. Selective breeding
3. Mutagenesis breeding
4. Embryo culture
5. Biotechnology
5. Biotechnology
Manipulations done at molecular level.
Specific genes may be changed.
Gene function usually understood.
Genes can be transferred between species.
All living organisms characteristics determined by
DNA code broken functions known for most DNA
DNA is fundamentally the same in all organisms
DNA should be interchangeable between species.
Gene identification
Genes encoding important traits
Extended shelf-life
Insect, disease resistance
Uniform ripening
Increased sugars
Enhanced Aroma
Gene manipulation
Gene expression in crop is altered in various ways
Suppression (a deleterious gene)
Over-expression (favourable gene)
Modification (enhancing a characteristic)
Transgene expression (introducing new function)
How genetic engineering of plants works
A gene of known function in plant is identified (e.g.
gene controlling fruit ripening) and isolated.
The gene must be stably incorporated into plant.
The gene must be heritable.
Genes are introduced into the plant using
bacterial plasmid as vectors
Gene to be suppressed or overexpressed
Plasmids are circular molecules of DNA found in bacterial cells. They confer survival to antibiotics
How to get the DNA into the plant
Agrobacteriumtumesfaciens (more precise).
Particle bombardment (random insertion of genes).
Regeneration from single cell to whole plant
drawing by CelesteRusconi, Regents of theUniv. California
Biotechnology & Postharvest biology
Can we use these tools to improve the postharvest
quality of horticultural crops?
Adel Kader, Dept Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Transgenic papaya resistant to papaya
ringspot virus
California Agriculture vol 58 #2;
Non-transgenic Transgenic
Transgenic plums resistant to plum pox virus
Non-transgenic fruit Transgenic fruit
California Agriculture vol 58 #2;
Novel ornamentals
Florigene Moonshadow
transgenic carnations;
produces intense blue-
violet colour.
Flavr Savr tomatoes extended shelf-life
Chrispeels & Sadava, 2002 Plant, Genes and Crop Biotechnology; ASPB
Uniform/delayed ripening
Transgenic tomatoes with
altered ethylene production.
Harvest can be done every 2
days instead of twice a day.
Fruit stays in field longer
without deteriorating.
Non-transgenic Transgenic fruit
4-colours 2-colours
From : What is Biotechnology? by Dr. Peggy Lemeaux; University of California, Berkeley
Delayed softening/ripening in transgenic
Dandekar et al (2004) Transgenic Research 13 373-384
Whats the problem with GE?
Polarizing and disparate views of
the technology
GE crops harmful to living creatures?
Drawing by Nicholas Eattock, Dept Plant Sciences UC Davis
GE crops will create monsters
Drawing by Nicholas Eattock, Dept Plant Sciences UC Davis
GE crops a cure-all
Drawing by Nicholas Eattock, Dept Plant Sciences UC Davis
GE crops - bountiful harvests
Drawing by Nicholas Eattock, Dept Plant Sciences UC Davis
Public perception of GE
Coerced vs. voluntary
Industrial vs. natural
Dreaded vs. not dreaded
Unknowable vs. knowable
Untrustworthy rather than
Unresponsive vs. responsive
Everyone must eat GE food if
Big multinational hybrid vs. landraces.
Unknown risks (cancer?)
Only experts know the risk, and they
Multinational vs. small farmer
Open vs. arrogant and remote
Chrispeels and Sadava, 2002 Plant, Genes and Crop Biotechnology; ASPB
Getting to the truth about GE crops
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
Myth GE plants will create superweeds.
FactGE plants will create weeds just like most
crop plants; cannot determine the impact
on the environment.
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH GE foods have genes and normal
food do not.
FACT All living organisms have genes.
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH Almost all crops are GE.
FACT The cost of meeting regulatory
requirements ($20-30 million per crop)
limits the number of GE crops
commercialized. This
is especially true of
horticultural crops (only 2-3 exist).
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH There will be animal genes in fruit
and vegetables.
FACT Technically possible to accomplish this
..but no company would commercialize
a product which would be reviled by
the consumer bad business!
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH GE food are unnatural.
FACT So are all of the foods (including
fruit and vegetables we eat
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH When you transform plants you do
not know what is happening.
FACT With transgenics you introduce a
single gene, with traditional
breeding you may introduce hundreds
of unknown genes.
Genetic re-arrangement in selective cross
breeding vs GE
1. Whats for dinner Genetic engineering from the lab to your
2. Gepts, P. (2002) Crop Science 42:1780-1790
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH Farmers in developing countries will
not benefit.
FACT Governments of many developing
countries have adopted technology
pioneered by multinationals.
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH GE food will contain allergens and
FACT (i) We consume 10,000 toxins daily.
Coffee contains 1000 toxins, of
27 tested 19 were carcinogens.
(ii) Peanuts, brazil nuts, wheat cause
serious allergic reactions
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH Transgenes will move from plants to
humans once ingested
FACT No-one has shown that genes
move from ingested food into
human cells
Facts vs fiction about GE crops
MYTH GE crops are not adequately tested
or regulated
FACT There are greater testing requirements for
GE crops compared to traditional crops
Substantial Equivalence
Numerous scientific reviews have concluded that food
created by genetic engineering presents no greater
dangers than genetic changes introduced by other
The product should be evaluated, not the method by
which it is produced.
Bradford et al., (2005) Nature Biotechnology 23: 439-444
Limits to application of biotechnology to
Horticultural crops
Economies of scale.
Expensive to apply to niche crops and cultivars
Technologies not sufficiently developed for
individual crops.
Long generation times - not tractable.
For tree crops use grafting!
Transgenic walnut shoot grafted onto
control rootstock in B while crowngall
develops in non-transgenic shoot graft
Escobar et al (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 98:42
Limits to application of biotechnology to
Horticultural crops
Several postharvest traits are complex
Multigenic; strongly affected by the environment
Public resistance to the idea.
More intimate association with fruit and
vegetables than maize or soybean products
Gene transfer to non-GE crops.
Disturbing evidence that native landraces in Mexico
pollinated by GE crops*
Positional Effects.
Disruption of native genes at the site where the construct
is inserted**
Monopolization/Concentration power by seed
They determine the traits worthy of investment.
Humanitarian interests may not be prioritized.
Unresolved Issues
**Gepts, P. (2002) Crop Science 42:1780-1790
Real risks of common activities from actuary
Number of deaths divided by number of people engaged in the activity from
Chrispeels & Sadava, 2002 Plant, Genes and Crop Biotechnology; ASPB
Biotechnology holds great potential for improving
postharvest biology of horticultural crops
No technology is risk-free or is absolutely safe
Genetic modification of crops is not new
Today we have better, more sophisticated tools to
achieve crop improvement
Scientists must adequately address food and
environmental risks as well as public concerns about
the technology
Chrispeels and Sadava, 2002 Plant, Genes and Crop Biotechnology; ASPB
Bradford KJ & Alston, J . (2004) California Agriculture vol 58(2):84-85
Bradford et al (2004) California Agriculture 58(2):68-71
Clark et al (2004) California Agriculture 58(2): 89-98
Lemaux, P. (1998) What is biotechnology? retrieved 5/20/03
Whats for dinner Genetic engineering from the lab to your plate. retrieved
Prakash C.S. : Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Security retrieved 5/20/03
Bibliography/Sources (contd)
Bradford et al., (2005) Nature Biotechnology 23: 439-444
Dandekar et al (2004) Transgenic Research 13: 373-384.
Frary et al. (2000) Science 289. no. 5476, pp. 85-88
Introduction to Genetic Analysis Anthony Griffiths 9th Ed (2008). W.H.Freeman
Gepts, P. (2002) Crop Science 42:1780-1790
US Regulatory Agencies Unified Biotechnology website
Cartoons by Nicholas J . Eattock, Dept Plant Sciences, UC Davis