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ISO 17799 2005

Se$!i%n& 4 Ris' Assess en! an( Trea! en!

Assessin* Se$uri!y Ris's
Identif%& '(antif%& and prioriti)e risks a!ainst criteria for risk acceptance relevant to the or!ani)ation " *+, Assess and " "

Plan an( Or*ani+e&
ana!e IT Risks

Sarbanes Oxley COSO

" Risk Assess/ent " +23ective Settin! " -vent Identification

HIPAA Require en!s

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&
a4 1. Risk Anal%sis 5R4

III.B. Assess Risk

-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&

-. -ns(re Re!(lator% Co/pliance -0 *rovide IT 1overnance ana!e IT Risks " Risk Response " -vent Identification


Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+, Assess and " " -1 -2

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&
a4 1. Risk


ana!e and Control Risk

Trea!in* Se$uri!y Ris's

Deter/ine risk treat/ent options6 Appl% appropriate controls& accept risks& avoid risks or transfer risk to other parties

ana!e/ent 5R4

-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&

onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance onitor and -val(ate Internal Control

Se$!i%n& 5 Se$uri!y P%li$y

Plan an( Or*ani+e& In,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y P%li$y
An infor/ation sec(rit% polic% doc(/ent sho(ld 2e approved 2% /ana!e/ent& and p(2lished and co//(nicated to all e/plo%ees and relevant e7ternal parties. The infor/ation sec(rit% polic% sho(ld 2e revie8ed at planned intervals " *+1 Define a Strate!ic IT *lan " *+0 Define the IT *rocesses& +r!ani)ation and Relationships " *+9 Co//(nicate ana!e/ent Ai/s and Direction " *+: ana!e IT ;(/an Reso(rces " Internal -nviron/ent " +23ective Settin! " Risk Assess/ent

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 1. Sanction *olic% 5R4 a4 2. Assi!ned Sec(rit% Responsi2ilit% 5R4

II.A. Infor/ation Sec(rit% *ro!ra/ II.B. +23ectives III.A. Invoice Board of Directors

Se$!i%n& ) Or*ani+a!i%n %, In,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& In!ernal Or*ani+a!i%n
" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% A /ana!e/ent fra/e8ork sho(ld 2e esta2lished to initiate and control the i/ple/entation of infor/ation sec(rit% 8ithin the or!ani)ation " Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 1. Infor/ation S%ste/ Activit% Revie8 5R4 a4 2. Assi!ned Sec(rit% Responsi2ilit% 5R4

II.A. Infor/ation Sec(rit% *ro!ra/ II.B. +23ectives III.A. Involve Board of Directors III.C. ana!e and Control Risk III.=. Report to the Board

0x!ernal Par!ies
To /aintain the sec(rit% of infor/ation and infor/ation processin! facilities that are accessed& processed& co//(nicated to& or /ana!ed 2% e7ternal parties

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+>

ana!e ?(alit%

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS1 Define and ana!e Service @evels " DS2 ana!e Third"*art% Services " DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Internal -nviron/ent " Risk Assess/ent " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

24 1. Aritten Contract or +ther Arran!e/ent 5R4

III.C. ana!e and Control Risk III.D.+versee Service *rovider Arran!e/ents

Se$!i%n& 7 Asse! -ana*e en!

Res3%nsibili!y ,%r Asse!s
All assets sho(ld 2e acco(nted for and have a no/inated o8ner

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+0 Define the IT *rocesses& +r!ani)ation and Relationships

" Control Activities

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&
d4 2. Device and


edia Controls " Acco(nta2ilit% 5A4

7.2 In,%r a!i%n Classi,i$a!i%n

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+2 Define the Infor/ation Architect(re " *+, Assess and ana!e IT Risks

" Risk Assess/ent " -vent Identification

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&
a4 1. Risk Anal%sis 5R4 a4 1. Risk ana!e/ent 5R4


Infor/ation sho(ld 2e classified to indicate the need& priorities and e7pected de!ree of protection

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

Se$!i%n& . Hu an Res%ur$es Se$uri!y

Pri%r !% 0 3l%y en!
To ens(re that e/plo%ees& contractors& and third part% (sers (nderstand responsi2ilities& and are s(ita2le for their roles

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+: " DS12 " *+: ana!e IT ;(/an Reso(rces ana!e the *h%sical -nviron/ent ana!e IT ;(/an Reso(rces

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& Plan an( Or*ani+e& 2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication

a4 1. Sanction *olic% 5R4 a4 .. A(thori)ation and$or S(pervision 5A4 a4 .. Aorkforce Clearance *roced(re 5A4 a4 <. Sec(rit% Re/inders 5A4 III.C. ana!e and Control Risk

..2 2urin* 0 3l%y en!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 <. Sec(rit% Re/inders 5A4

To ens(re that e/plo%ees& contractors and third part% (sers are a8are of infor/ation sec(rit% threats and concerns& and are e'(ipped to s(pport sec(rit% polic% in the co(rse of their nor/al 8ork

" DS: -d(cate and Train Bsers

..4 Ter ina!i%n %r C/an*e %, 0 3l%y en!

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+0 Define the IT *rocesses& +r!ani)ation and Relationships " *+: ana!e IT ;(/an Reso(rces


Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


a4 .. Ter/ination *roced(res 5A4

To ens(re that e/plo%ees& contractors and third part% (sers e7it an or!ani)ation or chan!e e/plo%/ent in an orderl% /anner

Se$!i%n& 9 P/ysi$al an( 0n1ir%n en!al Se$uri!y

Todos los Derechos Reservados Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V. 2011. Confidencial.


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

Se$ure Areas
To prevent (na(thori)ed ph%sical access& da/a!e& and interference to the or!ani)ationCs pre/ises and infor/ation

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% " DS11 ana!e Data " DS12 ana!e the *h%sical -nviron/ent

" Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 .. A(thori)ation and$or S(pervision 5A4 a4 .. Aorkforce Clearance *roced(re 5A4 a4 1. =acilit% Access Control a4 2. =acilit% Sec(rit% *lan a4 2. Access Control and Validation *roced(res 5A4

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&


" DS. ana!e *erfor/ance and Capacit% " DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service To prevent loss& da/a!e& theft or co/pro/ise of assets and interr(ption to the or!ani)ationCs activities

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

0qui3 en! Se$uri!y

" Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 1. =acilit% Access Control 24 Aorkstation Bse 5R4 c4 Aorkstation Sec(rit% d4 1. Device and edia Controls " Disposal 5R4 d4 2. edia Re"(se 5R4 d4 2. Device and edia Controls " Acco(nta2ilit% 5A4

Se$!i%n& 10 C%

uni$a!i%ns an( O3era!i%ns -ana*e en!

Plan an( Or*ani+e&
" *+0 Define the IT *rocesses& +r!ani)ation and Relationships " Internal -nviron/ent " Risk Response " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

O3era!i%nal Pr%$e(ures an( Res3%nsibili!ies

To ens(re the correct and sec(re operation of infor/ation processin! facilities incl(din! se!re!ation of d(ties and chan!e /ana!e/ent f(nctions

A$quire an( I 3le en!&

" AI9 ana!e Chan!es

a4 1. Infor/ation S%ste/ Activit% Revie8 5R4 a4 1. Sanction *olic% 5R4 a4 2. Assi!ned Sec(rit% Responsi2ilit% 5R4 24 1. Aritten Contract or +ther Arran!e/ent 5R4 a4 9. Response and Reportin! 5R4 a4 2. Contin!enc% +perations 5R4

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&

" DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service " DS1. ana!e +perations " Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities

T/ir( Par!y Ser1i$e 2eli1ery -ana*e en!
To i/ple/ent and /aintain the appropriate level of infor/ation sec(rit% and service deliver% in line 8ith third part% service deliver% a!ree/ents

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+0 Define the IT *rocesses& +r!ani)ation and Relationships " *+> ana!e ?(alit% " *+10 ana!e *ro3ects

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

24 1. Aitten Contract or +ther Arran!e/ent

III.D. +versee Service *rovider Arran!e/ents

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS1 Define and ana!e Service @evels " DS2 ana!e Third"*art% Services

To /ini/i)e the risk of s%ste/ fail(res

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& Plannin* an( A$$e3!an$e

" DS. ana!e *erfor/ance and Capacit% " DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service

" Control Activities " onitorin! " Control Activities " -vent Identification " Infor/ation and Co//(nication



ana!e and Control Risk

Pr%!e$!i%n A*ains! -ali$i%us an( -%bile C%(e
*reca(tions are re'(ired to prevent and detect the introd(ction of /alicio(s code and (na(thori)ed /o2ile code

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% " DS> ana!e Service Desk and Incidents " DS, ana!e the Confi!(ration " DS10 ana!e *ro2le/s

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 0. Access -sta2lish/ent and odification 5A4 a4 <. *rotection fro/ alicio(s Soft8are


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service " DS11 ana!e Data


Ro(tine proced(res for i/ple/entin! the 2ack"(p polic% and strate!%

" -vent Identification " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 :. Data Back(p *lan 5R4 a4 :. Disaster Recover% *lan 5R4 a4 :. -/er!enc% ode +peration *lan 5R4 a4 :. Testin! and Revision *roced(re 5A4 a4 2. Contin!enc% +perations 5R4 a4 2. Data Back(p and Stora!e 5A4

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

6e!7%r' Se$uri!y -ana*e en!

To ens(re the protection of infor/ation in net8orks and the protection of the s(pportin! infrastr(ct(re

" Risk Assess/ent " Control Activities " onitorin!

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&
a4 2. -ncr%ption and Decr%ption 5A4 e4 1. Trans/ission Sec(rit% e4 2. Inte!rit% Controls 5A4


ana!e and Control Risk

-e(ia Han(lin*
To prevent (na(thori)ed disclos(re& /odification& re/oval of destr(ction of assets& and interr(ption to 2(siness activities

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

d4 1. Device and edia Controls " Disposal 5R4 d4 2. edia Re"(se 5R4 d4 2. Device and edia Controls " Acco(nta2ilit% 5A4

Todos los Derechos Reservados Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V. 2011. Confidencial.


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

0x$/an*e %, In,%r a!i%n

To /aintain the sec(rit% of infor/ation and soft8are e7chan!ed 8ithin an or!ani)ation and 8ith an% e7ternal entit%

" Risk Assess/ent " Risk Response " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

24 1. Aritten Contract or +ther Arran!e/ent 5R4 a4 2. -ncr%ption and Decr%ption 5A4 d4 *erson or -ntit% A(thentication 5R4 e4 1. Trans/ission Sec(rit% e4 2. Inte!rit% Controls 5A4

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&

0le$!r%ni$ C%
To ens(re the sec(rit% of electronic co//erce services& and their sec(re (se

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& er$e Ser1i$es

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" -vent Identification " Control Activities



ana!e and Control Risk

To detect (na(thori)ed infor/ation processin! activities incl(din! revie8 of operator lo!s and fa(lt lo!!in!

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&
a4 <. @o!"In onitorin! 5A4 a4 1. Infor/ation S%ste/ Activit% Revie8 5R4 24 >. A(dit Controls 5R4


ana!e and Control Risk

-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&

" " -1 -2

onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance onitor and -val(ate Internal Control

Se$!i%n& 11 A$$ess C%n!r%l

Business Require en! ,%r A$$ess C%n!r%l
-sta2lish& doc(/ent and revie8 access control policies and r(les

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 0. Access A(thori)ation 5A4

9ser A$$ess -ana*e en! =or/al proced(res to control the allocation of access ri!hts to infor/ation s%ste/s and services

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 0. Access A(thori)ation 5A4 a4 0. Access -sta2lish/ent and odification 5A4 a4 <. *ass8ord ana!e/ent 5A4 a4 2. Bni'(e Bser Identification D III.C. ana!e and Control Risk

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(& 2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities

9ser Res3%nsibili!ies
Bser a8areness& partic(larl% 8ith the (se of pass8ords and the sec(rit% of e'(ip/ent

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&
a4 <. *ass8ord

ana!e/ent 5A4

P/ysi$al S!an(ar(&

24 Aorkstation Bse 5R4 d4 Aorkstation Sec(rit% III.C. ana!e and Control Risk a4 <. *ass8ord ana!e/ent 5A4

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& " DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% 6e!7%r' A$$ess C%n!r%l -ns(re that appropriate interfaces and a(thentication


" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

/echanis/s to net8orked services are in place

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&

c4 2. echanis/ to A(thenticate -lectronic *rotected ;ealth Infor/ation 5A4 d4 *erson or -ntit% A(thentication

O3era!in* Sys!e
To ens(re (na(thori)ed access to operatin! s%ste/s. So/e /ethods incl(de6 ens(re '(alit% pass8ords& (ser a(thentication& and the recordin! of s(ccessf(l and failed s%ste/ accesses

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& A$$ess C%n!r%l

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 0. Access -sta2lish/ent and odification 5A4 a4 <. *ass8ord ana!e/ent 5A4 a4 2. Bni'(e Bser Identification 5R4 a4 2. A(to/atic @o!off 5A4 d4 *erson or -ntit% A(thentication

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

A33li$a!i%n an( In,%r a!i%n A$$ess C%n!r%l

To prevent (na(thori)ed access to infor/ation held in application s%ste/s

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 0. Access -sta2lish/ent and odification 5A4 a4 <. *ass8ord ana!e/ent 5A4 a4 2. Bni'(e Bser Identification 5R4 d4 *erson or -ntit% A(thentication III.C. odification 5A4 ana!e and Control Risk

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&

-%bile C% 3u!in* an( Tele7%r'in*
To ens(re infor/ation sec(rit% 8hen (sin! /o2ile co/p(tin! and tele8orkin! facilities

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 0. Access -sta2lish/ent and

Se$!i%n& 12 In,%r a!i%n Sys!e s A$quisi!i%n8 2e1el%3 en!8 an( -ain!enan$e

Se$uri!y Require en!s %, In,%r a!i%n Sys!e s
To ens(re that sec(rit% is 2(ilt into infor/ation s%ste/s& incl(din! infrastr(ct(re& 2(siness applications and (ser"developed applications.

A$quire an( I 3le en!&

" A12 Ac'(ire and " A1. Ac'(ire and aintain Application Soft8are aintain Technolo!% Infrastr(ct(re

" Control Activities " onitorin!



Todos los Derechos Reservados Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V. 2011. Confidencial.


A$quire an( I 3le en!&

" A12 Ac'(ire and

" Control Activities

C%rre$! Pr%$essin* in A33li$a!i%ns

To prevent errors& loss& (na(thori)ed /odification or /is(se of infor/ation in applications

aintain Application Soft8are

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

e4 2. Trans/ission Sec(rit% " Inte!rit% Controls 5A4

Cry3!%*ra3/i$ C%n!r%ls
To protect the confidentialit%& a(thenticit% or inte!rit% of infor/ation 2% cr%pto!raphic /eans.

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

" Control Activities " onitorin!

Te$/ni$al S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 2. -ncr%ption and Decr%ption 5A4 e4 2. Trans/ission Sec(rit% " -ncr%ption 5A4 III.C. ana!e and Control Risk


A$quire an( I 3le en!& :iles

" AI19 ana!e Chan!es

Se$uri!y %, Sys!e

To ens(re sec(rit% of s%ste/ files

" Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin!


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

Se$uri!y in 2e1el%3 en! an( Su33%r! Pr%$esses
*ro3ect and s(pport environ/ents sho(ld 2e strictl% controlled

A$quire an( I 3le en!&

" AI19 ana!e Chan!es

" Control Activities " onitorin!



2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit%

Te$/ni$al ;ulnerabili!y -ana*e en!
To red(ce risks res(ltin! fro/ e7ploitation of p(2lished technical v(lnera2ilities

Plan an( Or*ani+e&

" *+, Assess and


ana!e IT Risks

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 9. Response and Reportin! 5R4

2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS2 ana!e Third"*art% Services " DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service " DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% " DS, ana!e the Confi!(ration

-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&

" -1

onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance

Se$!i%n& 14 In,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y In$i(en! -ana*e en!

Re3%r!in* in,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y 01en!s an( <ea'nesses 2eli1er an( Su33%r!&
" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% " DS> ana!e Service Desk and Incidents " DS10 ana!e *ro2le/s


Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

a4 9. Response and Reportin! 5R4

To ens(re infor/ation sec(rit% events and 8eaknesses associated 8ith infor/ation s%ste/s are co//(nicated in a /anner allo8in! ti/el% corrective -%ni!%r an( 01alua!e& action to 2e taken " -1 onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance " -2 onitor and -val(ate Internal Control


2eli1er an( Su33%r!&

" DS< -ns(re S%ste/s Sec(rit% " DS> ana!e Service Desk and Incidents " DS10 ana!e *ro2le/s




ana!e and Control Risk

-ana*e en! %, In,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y In$i(en!s an( I 3r%1e en!s

To ens(re a consistent and effective approach is applied to the /ana!e/ent of infor/ation sec(rit% incidents.

onitor and -val(ate6

" " -1 -2 onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance onitor and -val(ate Internal Control

Se$!i%n& 14 Business C%n!inui!y -ana*e en!

2eli1er an( Su33%r!& In,%r a!i%n Se$uri!y As3e$!s %, Business C%n!inui!y -ana*e en!
" DS0 -ns(re Contin(o(s Service " DS10 ana!e *ro2le/s " DS11 ana!e Data " -vent Identification " Risk Response " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&


ana!e and Control Risk

To co(nteract interr(ptions to 2(siness activities and to protect critical 2(siness processes fro/ the effects of /a3or fail(res or disasters and to ens(re their ti/el% res(/ption

a4 :. Disaster Recover% *lan 5R4 a4 :. Testin! and Revision *roced(res 5A4 a4 :. Applications and Data Criticalit% Anal%sis 5A4

Se$!i%n& 15 C% 3lian$e
-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&
-. -ns(re Re!(lator% Co/pliance -0 *rovide IT 1overnance " To avoid 2reaches of an% la8& stat(tor%& re!(lator% or " contract(al o2li!ations& and of an% sec(rit% re'(ire/ents

C% 3lian$e 7i!/ #e*al Require en!s

" Internal -nviron/ent " -vent Identification " Risk Assess/ent " Control Activities " Infor/ation and Co//(nication " onitorin! " Internal -nviron/ent " Control Activities " onitorin!

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 1. Sanction *olic% 5R4 a4 9. Response and Reportin! 5R4 24 1. Aritten Contract or +ther Arran!e/ent 5R4

III.C. ana!e and Control Risk III.=. Report to the Board

C% 3lian$e 7i!/ Se$uri!y P%li$ies an( S!an(ar(s8 an( Te$/ni$al C% 3lian$e

A$quire an( I 3le en!&

" AI: Install and Accredit Sol(tions and Chan!es

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

a4 >. Technical -val(ation that /eas(res co/pliance 8ith sec(rit% re'(ire/ents 5R4

III.C. ana!e and Control Risk III.-. Ad3(st the *ro!ra/ III.=. Report to the Board

To ens(re co/pliance of s%ste/s 8ith or!ani)ational -%ni!%r an( 01alua!e& sec(rit% policies and standards " -1 onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance " -2 onitor and -val(ate Internal Control " -0 *rovide IT 1overnance

Todos los Derechos Reservados Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V. 2011. Confidencial.


-%ni!%r an( 01alua!e&

" " "



In,%r a!i%n Sys!e s Au(i! C%nsi(era!i%ns

To /a7i/i)e the effectiveness of an to /ini/i)e interference to$fro/ the infor/ation s%ste/s a(dit process

-1 onitor and -val(ate IT *erfor/ance -2 onitor and -val(ate Internal Control -0 *rovide IT 1overnance

Se$uri!y S!an(ar(&

24 >. A(dit Controls 5R4

III.C. ana!e and Control Risk III.=. Report to the Board

Todos los Derechos Reservados Valores Corporativos Softtek S.A. de C.V. 2011. Confidencial.

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